Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST II, 105 TfiE CAIRO BULLETIN iOrjUARAHTiHEORDERED Against Kentucky or Tennessee Says Or. Egan M. & O. Train Held By Health Officers. tat 0U FostoOo tof tnwamiMloa t.romk Us BtftiU M Hmnd-dui WM . CHRONOLOGICAL Hg. H In BlStOfT jjOO Jm Thomson, author of The Sea sons." died. 1S07 Robert Fulton" boat, tbe Clermont, teamed P to Al bany. 151 : Octal FeulUet, French nerellat and dramatlat. born In La Manche: died 1990. iKiThaMui Stevens. tateaman. died in Waahlngton; bora 17M. JS Right Hon. Richard M one ton Mllnea iiimi HMichton. a Hterary celebrity. tha frtend of Heine. David Gray and others and the biographer oi Keais, At.A at Vlrhv: born 1809. 1&90 Cardinal John Henry Newman died at Birmingham, England; born In Lon don ia. 14 Frank Flxley. veteran American Journalist, died at San Francisco. 13C1 Signer Crispl. noted Italian states man, formerly one of the king's min isters, died at Naples; born 1819. J804 Battle between German troops and tha Hereros in German Southwest Af rica; Count von Ajnlm killed. Stevens. Dr. J. A. Egan, secretary of the state board of hf-alth wired here yesterday that the report circulated In Paducah, that Illinois had quarantined against Kentucky and Tennessee which was wired to the Bulletin, stating that the report was not true and asking that it be denied. The report probably grew out oX the fact that inspectors will be placed at Brookport, 111., op posite Kentucky. Dr. "VY. C. Clarke. In charge A the train inspection of the State Board of Health, held the north bound Mobile and Ohio train here yesterday morn ing for one hour and a half owing to the fact that his orders were disobeyed by the train's crew. Dr. Clarke learn ed that the "Rabbit's Foot Company,' a negro theatrical troupe was coming in here on that train from the south. Dr. Clarke decided that the State Board did not want them in Cairo and notified the railroad company to take them through. Instead of doing this the car was cut off in the yards. Dr. Clarke upon learning of this held the train until a switch engine went out CUT HE RETURNED TO CAIRO COMPANY "K" ONE OF BEST ENCAMPED AT SPRINGFIELD SWEETHEART tlttlMtt.ttltllMt a Z Because She Would Not Give Him Her Photograph NEGRO INFLICTED FRIGHTFUL WOUNDS ON WOMAN WHIPPED HIS GIRL "FOR FUN." Because she would not give him her picture, Sada Moire, colored, drew a large knife and seriously cut his sweet- heart, Ninnie Clifton, also colored, at the corner of Douglas and Walnut streets about 10 o'clock last night. The woman is believed to be fatal ly injured and is in a very weak con dition as a result of the loss of Mood The knife laid the woman's breast open and it required over 40 stitch?s to close the gapping wound. Her right arm was also cut. Moore made his escape. The wo- man was taken into the home of a colored family near by and Dr. Fields was summoned. According to the story, Moore ask ed his sweetheart for her picture. She consented but when he said that he NEWS OF THE RIVERS? ra?ai??l)le?irel 3 The river gnage last night was 19.98. showing a fall of 0.6 In the past 24 hours. The tow boat Sycamore arrived yesterday at 6 a. m., from Paducah. And Was Greatly Surprised to Read in the Bulletin That He Had Been Accused By Employer. The Peters Lee arrived at 11:30 p. m.. from ' Cincinnati and uepanea at SO p. m., for Memphis yesterday. C. H. Waggener. who was accused R few days ago by D. A. Maulden of the Cairo Discount Company, of having appropriated the sum of 15 and a gold watch from him, returned to the city last night and promises to make things interesting for the manager of the D-scouut Company. Mr. Waggener, says that he went to Wlckliffe on business and from there went to Paducah, Ky., and wrote Marked Improvement Shown in Theif Drilling-Governor's Day Yesterday Private Roche Better 9 UMLHttMiAtttA tlt Vlt i minriv ncDemiAi j ruaLLi ruiuunni. jnnmmnummimi Mr. and 'Mrs. E. L. Gilbert left last night for Chicago, Gilbert Casey has gone to Centralia for a brief visit with friends. to snrt It to hi mother. in the yards, and brought the it down I he refused A quarrel followed and then Moore is credited with having said: "You'll either give me that pic ture or I'll murder you.' well thats what you. will have to do." replied the woman and with that he drew the to the station and coupled It onto the train and was sent north. The inspection Is still being rigidly enforced all over southern Illinois. Yesterday trains from the north were The Dick Fowler arrived at 1:30 p. m., yesterday from Paducah an3 departed at 3 p. m. The Morning Star arrive,! yester day at 7:00 p. m from Memphis and departed at 9:30 p. m., for Louisville. In 850, the Buckeye State in com mand of Capt. Baltzhooven. ran from Cincinnati to Pittsburg. 500 miles, carried 200 passengers, made fifty three landings, in 1 day ami 19 hours, four miles per hou adverse current. Epeed 15.16 miles and 1.2:5 average landings per hour. The average depth of water In the channel was seven feet. Towboats in Trouble. Mr. G. U Faudree. of Cairo, Is In the city today. Mr. Faudree leaves to day on tne itopKins to see auuui uie ""1 " , fantiv entertained Combine's boats which are in tne ouice tu iau,ul v, , inspected as well as those from the knife am1 sasned her across the arm Mr. Fred Hallklay has gone to Dix on Springs to spend a vacation. Miss Minnie Li Rossman leaves this mroning for a stay at Dawson, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jackson and son Stafford are sojourning at Dixon Springs. south and in all coses where it was learned that the passengers had just come from ihe south or Infected dis tricts they were not allowed to stop here, An agreement has been reached in regard to the banana messengers. The railroads were given th choice of run olng messengers through to a point north of the B. & O. S. W. railroad or stopping them souih of the Ohio river. and body. Whipped Her "Just For Fun." George Gilerase, colored, was ar rested last night by Officers Lipe and Wade for beating his sweetheart. Irene Douglass. The fig'.it occurred at the corner of Eighteenth and Wat- nut streets. When asked by the offi cers to explain his actions in attack- messengers now leave the trains be- fore they reach Illinois ine- tho srl. Gilerase said that he "beat iney cnose the latter, ana toe banana her tlJ jusi for fun His fun win probably cost him a big fine this morn ing when he is taken before Judge 3 1 1 . 1 , I -( vrs oi uauauas are anoweu to come I into tne state provided mat tney will not be allowed to accumulate at Mounds, and provided that they be op- Sp.eial to The Bulletin. Springfield, 111., Aug. 10 Today wa Maulden that he would not be back I Governor's Day at Camp Lincoln and for a few days. I Governor and Mrs. Deneen and a par The story, which was printed In thehy of friends from the city were re- Bulletin a few days ago and which reived at the gate of the camp grounds was given to the reporter by Mr. at 5 o'clock by the first baiallion of Maulden. is said to be truthless ami the fourth Infantry under command Mr. Maulden last night wrote a state- of Major Elliott ment to the Bulletin, in which he vin- Lieutenant Colonel Claude E. Hy dicates Mr. Waggener and says that I man was present as the personal es he was mistaken in his accusations. cort of Governor Deneen. The party Mr Wascener was sent to Wlckliffe with the governor were escorted by bv the manager to pay to a woman the squad of the regiment and regi there $15. Mr. Waggoner says that he mental Dana to tne general ncauquar- found the woman was not in the town ters after they were received irom tne and he went from there to Paducah. regimental officers. Dress parade and Upon arriving at Paducah, Mr. Was review followed shortly and aceom- rener savs that he wrote Maulden panied Dy tne aujuiani Kenerai mm that the woman was not In Wlckliffe his staff the governor reviewed tha oti.i that he would return the money regiment. -h h rnme back to Cairo. In the evening alter uie parane uie I mI nht h returned and went regimental ontcers or me ".una 1 fanti v entertained a party at dinner, Coal ffinKU oKnA laM moniKD nf tha water, Say yesterday. Paducan bun. ' latr mch r- the guests. There were present at the I he Williams Is at tne feisiers oar, - dinner. Governor and Mrs. Deneen eyville, Ky., with a total of M empty """. . '',,- ' the regimental officers of the fourth coal boats. 13 barges, and o loaaea model barges, loaded with rock and . ,i ,t,a ,anr th lis which during wnicn tne regimental oanu reu 3 ,m "'v' ... ., . Lto,. m,wl, fnr lh, pntortalnmont nf 'i CAPT. W. P. GREANEY. In Command of the Crack Cwnpany It was also stated by Maulden to the lumber for the lower Mississippi riv- Bulletin that Waggener had appro- er. The Clarke, which has had no printed l from tne collections ne nao trnhle so far. will nass here tonight made tor mm. in nis waiemeui v. i u- with the Rans-'r ten to the paper last nignt ne sam that this was a mistake ana mat an River Bulletin. the money belonging to mm nau oeen Hon. John M. Lansden has gone to Jacksonville, ill., where Mrs. Lansden is sojourning. Another Sweetheart Beaten. r.nrflpirt Mines was fined in tha ro- ened only in the shed and have their ,ice court vesterday for whipping noorg closed wnne passing through Bianche Brown, his sweetheart. Mines said that he grew jealous because he caught her walking down the street Mr. Bnd Mrs. Willard Mason have gone on a three weeks' visit with his aunt at Albany, N. Y. Mr. J. W. Parten of Parten fc Miller, of East Prairie, Mo., 1s In the city transacting business. Capt. Bob Smedley and wife have gone to Hot Springs, Ark., for the benefit of the latter's health. Mr,. Harry Helton, foreman of the Telegram, has gone to Chicago to spend a three weeks' vacation. Hon. Walter Warder and family lert yesterday for a visit to the Pact fic coast and Portland Exposition. Mounds, Danger Station Change properly turned over. Mr. waggener tnreatens suit for damages. formed a partnership and will open with another man an office in Du Quoin. Dr. Pace will make regular trips to several sur rounding towns, and Dr. Roe will have fcharge of the local office here. Two Negro Women Fight. Myrtle Small and Sarah Huston, both colored, were fined in the police court yesterday for fighting. The af- Mr. Joseph Edline, who has been fair happened at the corner of Fifth an emulove of the Sinner Manufactur- street ana commercial avenue wen- ing comnan? for the oast sixteen vear nesday night ana was nrougnt on oy has gone to Colorado Springs, Co!., for Jeaiouy over a gentteman oi coior. his health which is seriously impaired. Myrtle Small was slightly cut on the His family is visitine relatives In M, arm ana on tne neaa aunng tne meiee. Carrael, SMART RABBIT Is a Telegraph Operator and The Morse Alphabet. I THF WFATHFR i 1 . . .' ' it Knowi a1 ' m STATIONS line of In 24 feet water hours Pittsburg . 22 6.2 0.0 Davis I. Dam 25 4 1 ? Parkersburg . ...S6 5.8 0.5 fall Cincinnati .......30 10.n 1.1 fall : Ixmisville 28 4.9 '0.4 Tall Evansville 35 8.4 0.3 rise Mt. Vernon . ....35 8.3 1.4 rise Mt. Camel . ....15 4.7 0.5 fall Nashville 10 8.1 0.0 Chattanooga . ...33 3.5 ? Gimtersvtlle . ...31 3.1 0.0 Florence . 1fi . 1.4 0.0 Johnsonville '. ...21 2 9 0.1 fall Paducah . ......40 7.7 0.0 Cairo 45 20.2 0.7 fall St. Paul . 14 7.0 '0.0 Davenport 15 G.5 0.2 fall Kansas City 21 13.5 0.0 ! St. Louis ., 30 16.0 ? Chester ...30 14.8 0.6 fall Memphis 33 15.0 0.5 fall Fort Smith 22 8.1 0.5 rise Vicksburg 45 2.l 0.1 fall Shrevepcrt . ....29 18.5 1.3 fall New Orleans ....16 12.0 0.1 fall to bring Infantry and about 250 guests from this and neighboring citios. The fourth infantry have gained a high standing in the military record of the troops of Illinois by the work they have done this week. . Among the best of the drilling companies of the regiment Co. K is ranked. Co. K is the Cairo aggregation and Is under the command of Captain W. P. Greaney. There is much to be said to the credit of this company as th have been organized but, little ov one year and in that time have show marked" Improvement in their dr ing and at this encampment they a ranked with the best. There are now 03 men enrolled a 55 of the enlisted men are in cam Private Roche, who has been dang' ously ill at the hospital most of week threatened with pneumonia, not out of danger, yet shows remarl Me improvement and there are hot for his recovery. LIVE SNAKE. From Spring. HEALTH OFFICER ORR SHOULD BE NOTIFIED. Dr. George F. Taylor, of 1254 Nrth Health Officer Orr requests that per Broadway, had a rare medical case sons before dumping loads of rubbish yesterday. A girl, whose name he and offal In the gutters notify him would not divulge, but who is about ftt Ilolc(, headquarters, telephone No. 12 years old, called at his office abrmt wagon' will call to haul the n'olnr-tr and r-nmnlainerl nf leelins ' very ill. The physician gave her an refuse away. He states that many emetic, and, to his utter surprise, she dump such accumulations in the street ,t t.tttf f ttf.f tttf f tt ttf. ttM 2 Sick in S Summer Mr. and Mrs. George E. Ohara are here, Mr. Ohara having arrived from Lake Providence, La., and Mrs, Ohara! from Missouri. : jucK-ruouir teiegrapn operators are a possibility of the future as a result of twenty centruy dumb animal train ing methods, If the experiments being conducted by N. S. Davies, of this c:ty "The Jack Rabbit King," are as suc cessful In the future as they have been during the past few days ago. Several months ago Mr. Davies gain ed prominence throughout the country because of his wonderful pair of train ed racing jack rabbits with which he successfully contested trains and an Mr. W. L. Holt returned yesterday '"momies in mis section. At th be- frora a business trip to East Prairie Binnin of the present operator' in the Interest of the Three States strike upon the Creat Northern and Buggy &. Implement Co. ' , ; Mrs. John. Walsh and little daugh ter returned yesterday from a three months' visit at Baltimore, Md-, and Atlantic City, N. J. Temperature Yesterday. Maximum temperature 81 degrees. Minimum temperature 70 degrees. At 7 o'clock 78 degrees. Forecast For Today. Fair and continued warm tonight and Friday. Mrs. W. T. Vanderburg and daugh ter, Miss Magdalene and the Misses Emma and Margaret Lansden, left yes terday for Niagara Falls. Mr. W. C, Flnley left yesterday for Atchison, Kan., to spend a few days with his wife and children who are i he guests of relatives In that city. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Harp and Mrs. W.'H. Lawson left yesterday for Nia gara Falls and New York City. They wilt return by way of Detroit, Sagin aw and Kalamazoo. Benjamin ,, Jones of DuQtioln Is here acting temporarily ag. pharmacist at Grear's drug store during the ab b-mce of the regular pharmacist. Mr; Den Parker, manager of the Hotel 1st rauina, at Baton Rouge, La. arrived yesterday for a week's visit with his father, Mr. L. P. Tarker of the Halliday. vomited a ttarden snake about 11 va inches long and alive. The child became frightened at sight of the reptile, and It required all tne doctor's gentle art to restore her com ! after the wagons ha ve made their rounds which necessitates leaving the trash there until the next round Is made. If notified the wagon will call Witii the departure of the promptly. With the co-operalion of Stage at Cairo, Aug, 10, 1904, 12.3. Mr. and Mrs. R. King Kauffman of St. Louis arrived last night for ajvis It with thV latter's parents, Mr. . and Mrs. Andrew Lohr. They will remain .hero until Sunday. J. W. Carten of the firm of Car ten and Miller of East Prairie, Mo., was In the city yesterday contracting for supplies with the Three States IKiggy and Implement company. " Mrs. B. Michael, and tlaughter, Min nie, and son, Robert, have gone to raducah, where they will make their future home. Mr. Mlcheal will follow as soou as he can get his storo goods packed. Northprn Pacific Mr. Davies was struck with the possibility of training his rabbits to "handle the keys." He accordingly fitted up a "bunnie" sot of instruments and proceeded to teach the larger of his pets the More alpha bet. Remarkable progress has been made and the rabbit today accomplish ed the wonderful achievement of send Ing the word "Jack" a half dozen times In succession without any coach ing from its trainer. The companion of the "bunnie," however, does not take to the new branch of learning and, although a better runner than Its fellow, will not tolerate being med dled with upon the keyboard table. and Mr. Davies has given up the pro ject as far as his cne pet Is concerned In despair. With the other rabbit however, he Intends to continue hlu work, and it Is possible that, by the end of the season he may have the pet trained to rattle off the keys at a rate which will make the striking op erators green with envy. The feat of the rabbit at the keys has created considerable rivalry between its own er and Alderman Misner, the owner of Nonesuch, the wonderful mid-read Ing tlog, who has heretofore held the palm as a dumb anlmat trainer In these parts Mr. Davies received several offers from the Chicago and New York Auto Clubs last month to attend tourneys and race meets with his pets, but because of press of business was not able to accept them. The rabbits are Increasing their speed rapidly, how ever, and have been broke to race alone and return to their stnrtlnfc point and their owner without call. Weather Conditions, A disturbance of considerable inten shy centers this morning in North Dakota, with a trough of low barotne ter extending southwestwar,! to south ern Arizona, where a secondary de pression is located. High . pressure areas center on the middle" Atlantic coast and on the north Pacific coast. The temperature has risen in west ern Minnesota, North Dakota, . and eastern Montana; elsewhere the changes have been immaterial. Within the, last 21 hours, showers and theunderstorms have occurred in the Atlantic states, the cast Gulf states and in Tennessee, northwestern Louis- ana, extreme southern Illinois, north- eastern Minnesota, North Dakota. northern Montana, and southern Ari zona. Heavy 24 hour ralnfalU 3.20 inches; Washington bile, 1.86; Columbia, Tenn self again, but the question still asked is how did the little creature ever find its way into her system? The only solution thus far suggested Is that it was swallowed with water River Forecasts, dipped from a spring on the Harfard's The Ohio At Evansville, not muetl roan, near Herring; nun. change during the next 12 to 24 hours. Yesterday morning the child, with followed by falling. At Mt. Vernon, several chums and a chaperon, took will continue rising during the next a trolley car ride out the Harford 24 to 3C hours. At Paducah. will rise road to Herring Run, and, after a stroll tonight and Friday. At Cairo, will through the woods, stopped at a spring probablv continue falling during the which sets in a shady grove a few next 36 hours. paces from the road and which sup- The Tennessee From' Florence to plies all the residents of the neigh below Johnsonville, not much change borhood with drinking water. All the during the next TA hours. little girls leaned over the spring and The Mississippi From below St. drank from its ccwle depths, using an Louis to Cairo, will continue falling old gourd for a dipper. will be able to clean the city thorough ly.' . 'KSBBQKI HAND'PAINTED . .CHINA.. i rm I Memphis, 2.48; Mo 1.30, , during the next 30 hours. W. E. BARRON. Temporarily In charge, i " ; WARRANTS ISSUED FOR COLORADO BANK OFFICERS Washington Bulletin. Washington, Aug. 10. Following is the weather forecast for Soutnern Illinois for the next 24 hours; " Partly cloudy Friday, showers In af ternoon or night in north; Saturday panly cloudy; light to fresh south west winds, shifting to northwest. The girl in question said she recol lected feeling something wriggling down her throat as she drank, but paid no further attention to it. In a few minutes she began to feel ill, and in a short, time was so ill that her companions . were alarmed. She Denver, Aug. 10. Warrants were was hurried to her home on the next sworn out before the district attorney car aiuti as SCKin as It was ascertained this afternoon against four officials by n(r parents, by phone, that Dr. and one clerk of the Western bank, Taylor was at his office the father which closed its doors Tuesday. 1 hey ran thither with the girt In his arms, are charged with violating the Colo -jt is the first case of the kind that rado statute by receiving deposits ever heard of," commented the phy- when they knew the bank was Insol- dclan, "and it is a wonder that, the vent. The men arrested are Tresi- snake remained In the stomach so long dent W. D. Brown; Cashier D. P. should have thought, it would have Blaire; Assistant Cashier H. M. Beat- made the child vomit naturally in a ty and Clerk. Mark Postlewalte. Vice very short time. It was very fortun President W. T. Perkins, for whom a I ato that the snake was of a harmless warrant was Issued Is absent from the I variety. I was not quite certain about. Its species, so I sent for a neighbor who claims to be a snake expert, and he, after examining it carefully, as sured me that it was of the innocu ous garden variety. It seems to me I have heard of them dwelling for short periods In clear spring water. I have 1 ity and thought to be In Chicago. CONGRESSMAN BEDE WILL TAKE OVER RESERVOIRS. FOWLS KEEP BIRDS OUT. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hastings and son, Oris, leave Saturday morning for Manltou Springs, Col., where they will spend a month for the benefit of Mr. Hastings' health. Mr, Hastings la now very much Improved, , Dr. Charles H. Roe, Jr., formerly of I he firm of Drs. Jennelle 4k Roe, and Dr. Pace 'of Memphis. Teuu., have - Offered a Substitute. The following story is told of the distinction acquired by Bonney, tha Janitor of the College of the City of New York, a distinction to which his assistants bow down. Not long ago a slnuiRer entered the college and asked for President Flnley. Manly, the "as sistant professor of iLust and ashes," answered In all seriousness, "Mr. Fln ley ain't here, but you can see M Bonney," New York Times. A farmer named Leroy Holmes, liv ing In thetownshlp of Cleveland, near Lesueur, having been much troubled by sparrows and other birds that pick ed the cherries from his trees as fast as they ripened, adopted the follow ing ingenious metod of ridillng him self of the pest'- The trees stand in his poultry yard. which Is large and entirely Inclosed with wire netting, so that, (he fowls were constantly in hand to perform their part of the work. He made use of their services by fastening small bells on the ends of elastic branches In th? trees, and froiil the bells sus pending cords which hung down to within about a foot of the arnnnd, and hud at their ends pieces of tough gristly meat and pork rinds. The fowls worked Intermittently, all day long at the stubborn bl's of food at the end of the cords, and, ringing the little bPlls as they did so, effectually fright ened the predatory birds away. The cherries rlpenerl undisturbed find th owner harvested them all, Tesiinur (Minn.) correspondent to the Chicago Chronicle. . Washington.' Aug. 10. Congressman tede today submitted a tentative of fer to the war department to relieve ,he crf,atu).e n alcohol and intend to the government of the care ami main tenance of the reservoirs and dams at the headwaterR of the Mississippi riv er. His proposition was so well re ceived that he Is considering detail.-1 of a bill whereby the reservois sys tern of the upper Mississippi shall be turned over to the slate of Minnesota. 4,000 MEN ON STRIKE. keep It as a matter of record." Balti more Herald, PRESIDENT BROWN Not Rtady to Admit the Kitty Is Go ing Under. Plates, Cups and Sai cm, Salad Bowls, Chop Lithcs, Chocolate Sets, Tank ards, Etc. New Decorations and Wares. Extensive Lines W. F. SMITH, Jeweler, 805 Washington Ave., Cairo, Illinois. It's bad enough to be sick at any time; but to be sick in summer is DREADFUL. Bring your preset ip tions here. We fill ANY PRESCRIP TION accurately, no matter whose blank it is written on. Order Drugs by I Mail or Telephone It's the better way this weather. It saves time trouble and effort. Keep COOL AT HOME and LET US DO the WORK. f ( m f f f I TFfy US AND see: TELEPHONES 'BELL, 105. CAIRO, 42S. IWI'll PTORR HENCKELL'S 113 Commercial Ave. Vtvvrii ? .f.ftAAMJ!Tf..f..t. mi ml mt m) Cleveland. O.. Auk. 10. According Ui fiKure Klven out by Secretary Mc Naniara of th International Structur al Iron and Bridge Workers Union. 4,non men have struck BRalnst the American brldRe company. The men sny sub-contractors doing work for Un- American bridge company are employ in noti union men, and Insist that ths union be recounted throughout. AGREEMENT 18 REACHED. President . Charlie Brown, of the K. I, T. league, stated this afternoon that, as far a he knew the league was all right and oir a good financial stand ing;. It was his Information that Princeton would go through the sen son and the talk of Cairo becoming dlKCOuraRcd Is due to the fact that the quarantine Is boins maintained there. He expects a mootluK will be Hlmrtly called but will not dcclilo on It before tomorrow. raducah Sun. JOB PRINTERS STRIKE. YELLOW FEVER Is not dangerous to those people using P AUL'S GRE AT SPECIFIC It brings the blood into better circulation at once, arouses the liver and kidneys and eliminates ev ery particle of impurity from the body. Dose: Morning, noon and night to keep the bowels regulated. There is no danger of this dreaded disease if these directions are followed. ' 3 For sale by all Druggists . $ 1 .00 per bottle. 6 fpr Jf5 .00 Atlantic City. N. J., Aug. 10. The gloss bottle blowers 'association and the machine branch of the Glass Man ufacturers association finally agreed tonight and ended the long conference here. Thcv decided that wages and hours should be the same as last year and very slight changes' were made In s.hop rules. ' 1 . Detroit, Aug. 10. Union compositors went on nirlke .today in three Detroit book and job printing- shops. Th De troit typothotae declared for the r ) shop '.Inly 1. when the old coir" expired. Today the hiring of the firm union men resulted In a strike. P"ei Ident Lynch of th.i International Ty: graphical Union Is expected here to morrow. " IB KELLY BRO'S. LUMBER COMPANY MJMBKR Sash" fij DOORS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TAINTS RUpBKR OILS WliATHKR STRIPS GLASS RUDBEROID HARDWARE ROOFING MILL WORK Twentieth and Commercial Avenue, Cairo- wcioiiai3ii?i)iffaiisitsi3i Illinois IWI5I!I3SI!E!C