OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1???-1928, August 28, 1905, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93055779/1905-08-28/ed-1/seq-2/

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EaUbUiliad IBM.
rmbHehsd Dally and Sunday 7 BnUeUa
Uompuf, ai 788 Ohio Mrfcet. rhonea M.
Inwiftbt Cut iu Adraiio.
fOK. rnOlf atl ondy ...... ...
Vurw, Bandar (only) 1M
BCBScarPTioi sates bt vaabjeb
By Mrrtn In Cairo 0c mouth
By carrier oataid Cairo.. month
8ubwHbra will coafer a faror by raportlnf
f thii office anf lack 6! yrompt delivery ob U
pan of samara, , ,
Catarad at Ut Calm Poatoffio M Beooad-claaa
Average daily and Sunday circu
lation lor one year, ending Decern' :
ber si,,lo. 1345
Average daily and Sunday circu
lation for first six months of year
Average dily and Sunday circula
tion for July, l
July Circulation.
. 5..
.1 J1SJ
si .
, tai
IS. .
:i... 2173
12 .2130
13 2041
and the board of health la deadlocked
over the appointment of a char In
spector because Mr. Mickey "under
stand", from reliable persona" that
the Omaha doctor recommended for
the position both ilrinks and swears.
It is an exalted standard that Ne
braska sets and four generations of
American statesmen were lucky not
to be Judged by it. -Certainly it would
have excluded Washington from office.
He swore with dignified emphasis on
occasion. Moreover, he "drank port,
and sometluits spiced xuni, which is
worst, When ho flew Into a passion,
which he often did, Alexander Hamil
ton is said to have sworn el: fluently,
and Jefferson Imported French wines
by the cask for his personal use.
Andrew Jackson swore like a
stevedore, and he drank anything he
wanted to drink whenever he wanted
to drink it. As for Webster, the less
said about him th better,. With his
alternating' propensity for gin and
brantly there would have been no office-holding
for him under the Puri
tan dispensation of a twentieth cen
tury Nebraska. Henry Clay, we are
sorry to sy, was no better than he
"should have been, and poor Franklin
Pierce could not have been a clerk in
an insurance commissioner's offce uu
tier Governor Mickey. Even Tippe
canuo and hard cidt r would have been
frowned on.
As f- r some of the more recent fig
ures .on the scene, they would be
crufhe.l to death by the Mickey stamt
a:is. Giant drank asiiv and Lin-
.$10.00 REWARD
meeting of the town representative JUSTICE TO SMALL PACKERS.
and one of the very oldest made for
tin purpose in EnBlami. -Is the Tl The rep." a from mstm lay
house at Yarmouth. It is now used as i,are another j..nmv of corruption In
a public 1 Irary, but was a mote hall governmental circles and show the
until a very recent date, when prison- j i f (sut is given an overwhelming
erg were kept In its t!uneon like cell, .nar.tact ow r the s'ttull packer in
which M. Wtil'.'r Ky In .his am?r tl, -...ner of meat inspert'on. The
able historv of Norfolk, declare to uove -nment employs t Ue ni ' tt iu-
- . . , , . k.. .I.... : it i - , I .-....., It .,f Mvciii
have been stime c tnc viicm ui-.n ( specors ' i ' i
in which human InMngs were ever left aiv in the trust mm
to rot." Era Magazine.
4 444444444 44
Madison found on bis desk one morn
ing an nn3 Riietl letter in which the
writer confessed to ' defrauding the
government of $2. for which hbs con
science had made him suffer sorely.
This amount was inclosed with the re
nnost that it bo turned Into the na
tional treasury, the writer expressing nnS
Tlie smaller
I concern '! unable i t-ec'ttp uiM'"
1 1 ion and ihu- nr.' vrciuly IiHinpiicl
j in dispos nu cf tlx r
That the " fcv.iarapiiieal arcs of t!i
I t he Ro
!f:iid ti
fnited Slates h not fully coinpr.ncnu i lvv V! tl
idllCIV U.'-i'le.
yenatcnt meat inspectors ar?
, t e.-titp!e '!y tiniscr the con-
i-ii-i, a 'id h'itio'-y and cor
ruption nr. nfo anions them. !.
. . t : ...l.. l
I D h ep"k'uiv e m'ii isif .c.t ''.n i"- (-
..'coin wished some of his other pener-
would use the saw? lran-1. if Sher
'..ijian drank moderately, he swore tm-
ed by the average fo-eiancr is illus
trated bv an aneclite toll by Jeftcrvou
Dp Anitelis. the coinmian. who is Hr- jonniiil has ottcn said, that what Is
in -Fantana." An EujtU.-.hman.j m.0,lcd mit in c'.mvr: lnsnr the xi:its
the ho, e ,hat t'hU full restitution and accompanied by his valet, had beca . i(. mote nut I ami impar.tai et.io,.,
Z!TZ tl,! .ratlin, due w,, from New York', of the Jaw rath.-r more
tor lour uays. at me m oi ia "" i :jri v "'. -
dav master and servant seated tnim-'p,,, t,(XcM th-cittet:;-. i no us yi.i-.n
selves in She smoker of the train. jv,, jo.d cuonah cover aiv
whence the man lroked steadily out of '..., .v,-v O.a hns it"l- 'i- ",0
the car wtudow. -At last his eotnpan- ! w . ;ls!iy an tn.Ie of public offlci il
ion ere curious. "John." he said. "of. .i, f-io.-ii t-t'i in hish phires and cor-
what are you thickins?"
I was just thinking, sir. about thM
discovery of Hanienca. repil-;i tttej
valet, "Columbus didn't do such a ;
wonderful thing when ho found th!
sir? llafier all :
and done, ow ctmld e cip u.
easy conscience.
X'p to dat the amount returned by
those who have defrauded the gov
ernment and become consc encs stric
ken is iiMi.OOO. -American Illustrated
There is no joy in life so great as
i-i io cni uweet !is thino countrj, uiu no,
And Tltercby Save Money.-
tf f 94t f9.f. ff.t MM?.M.
, . , . I,
ruiut.-n iu low piae.a. ate . j
foi ? :u I'll 'f lh" 1
.,.ions i.i (!' l"Cf t;u-.l and o h'-ri
T. nop,'SJi'" corrm: ai it lis
-iet'.-li t'lnitinui-jiia th"
and mine;
There is no dream so perfect
As is the one we sive to love
tnd fro
M 3 a
nuHuraieSy. Micrman no: oniy oranK
swoic but he it said to have
t;-(::iit UFie nccn a coionei on tue siau
j d the governor cf Nebraska.
1 Ttirt i.l.'rt) nilil:.-. Lnrvfivt from flnv
Tif sbe is correct statement of fT.uir Mk.key s 1uil!t of ew wwllU
the c:rri'J-i3 of the Ca:ro Bu..etia, ; . a C1)mtna,i. n lff David Uenneit
- S-THtoy. lor tt4 year 1904. jj,.., and ChamK.0,. MiSche!l Depew.
cd Jrirtielrt s?ven raocths of the- . . ., f
There is no faith so f.ur and ali imt-
As is the faith that time has truly
When fhroueh I he deepest, depths wo
have been wading-
kind voice wh'spcrs.
Business Manager.
Srtsrr.fctil asd Rworti to before me
Ui Slit day of July, 1903.
Notary Pnhl'c.
pow docs
not swear. -New York
The Eulletin la on cale at the fol
lowing place:
Coleman's, 21.4 Eishth atreet.
Haltiday House ntw stand.
Walker's, '10 Sixth street.
Union News Co., Unfon depot.
Blue Front Restaurant
The people of Paducah and all ths
newspaper o the city hut one are
stlil demandins; a quarantine while
the- Isoferd of health continues ttvre
fusts it. Says the Paducah Sun on
the subject :
"The pwple of Paducah are clearly
for whatever is necessary to protect
their health and their business inter
ests, IJotli of these are vita in the
pursu.t of life and happiness, nn.l if
public money is' not to be hjh nt
further them, what good does money
: do?.'.'.,.
"On the question of a quatantine
many people have labored under a
misapprehension. They do not clear
ly understand the. Urm "qua ran tine"
as applied in the discussion of yellow
fever. A quarantine doea not neces
'narily menu, although it may, a pre
vention of persons coming to, a place.
It is used ikw ia connection with any
kind of precaution to ketp out an
epidemic. The quarantine that has
been urged in Pailucah ever tdnce the
yellow fever scare started was merely
an induction at trains and boats to
wee thai persons pettiiiK tiff here had
health certificates. It, would have cost
money, but it would not have cost
by a large majority as much as the
failure to do it has already cost the
business men in loss of trade. The
question of danger from yellow fever
coming here, is entirely forclRU to the
Is. lie. The inspect ion wax urged sim
ply as a means of sJvitiK Paducah trav
eling men and others a passport to
the scores of HurroundiiiK cities where
they ha vo been making wcettiy trips
for years selling gools, and to enable
aii one from l-'aducali to enter Bitch
town:', and cities by producing a health
terUtleate. The wisdom of Bitch a
course, urged as far back as a month
ago, is apparent in the light of .sun
Kotpient events which have resulted
in Pudticah certificate being repu
d'alul In many Tennessee and lllin
oia towns.
Statistics on crim now be'.ng com
piled by :.he United States census bu
reau, and which will be made public
within a f:w- months, will supply Presi
dent Roosevelt a text upon which he
.nay base some important rec.imnaon
latlons to congress. It is accepted as
certain that the president will recoj;
nUe the force of Secretary Taft's re
cent address at Yale, in which he tie
dared that the ailmintstrat'.on of the
criminal law;-, of this country wa.i a
disgrace, and tbat the lax manner of
their enforcement encouraged thl com
mission of crime.
Eighty of the largest and most (ra
t-rant Am"ric;in Hcauiy roses procur
able in Chicago-one thwor for cadi
year of his life reached John . Kir-
well at his home in l.uke tore-.! i;)M
Saturdn, s;nt with the best wi-nes - l
ihe l.."1" cmpioyts ot trie freii "u:
ol her t'n
U4 j p..0,;,l ,u; Koo-ovelt tKc'.iied tbill til'
I iMcital and cuti'.uisg deices of 'he
f:-i!-tt, ami . st-'-eall -f I'lck'i-.-'
tr:it "had taxed tt the utmost
nirtchiiiciv of the government's i'"
, , .-o of bi't'.co." Hit! in
of inius'i-o t 1he sn-.,i'l pncktis
which has-been g"ing on fv a l'
time, it would -cem that the g vorn
ment's power.-, are nmnle. mi l th'
dy simp!.- and s ut e - K ins.i-.Tottrnal.
iu it o r
Br. Morrison
Cffise 707 Cemmfirclal Avcr.ue
I) M I M T tl ATO tt'3 NOT I C B.
The I
J.'lttin tif John P. Vocfcier, ticoa-e1
Brti'rrMttncd. Iiv:n i'm ai'jn'intf'1 wlmlnm
tra'.fr of the citato "f Jahn
of tiie comity
Then Love takes up the cross of thy
An-I bears thee on without a sigh or
(.if M thv past he makes no sign or
. mention,
Hut tarrv her", for Uve is kind and
You learn to walk, for Love will walk
be; Me you :
You learn by faith, as prophets have
You learn to live wheu love and faith
are by you
To give yi u treasures never bought or
Lanra Kelsey Clendening.
s fat'-!
way the
an ! yuftlcl. ncy are not r.'-c."5-ii-Mici'ited.
us t. shown bv the
... i .... 1
Japantso have outwuteu uim
'o-it lono tl- -ir Kii.-sian nennes
Irt.iiiurv no t in combat. Nevertl
lit mv a twd KiCT'to find a pe pie
! diminished m size, and the
' i pet pic 1"(,1
j ir it that ench i
iTiK'.r nnpropr:
no; ed to be the
A-r: a
'erly dis'.urbed a!, find-
t",.1 ci-e with them.
n.iuri--hm(tif is '!!'
b-a.lina cause, but Pr
vti-iu.- reminils cs ih-n. the A met
' Secretary Taft's declaration was
f-itnded upon figures obtained at the
census bureau and showing an emor-
nious dit?rease in the number of txecn-
t'ons as compared with the total num
i:t.r of murders and homicides during
the last !v.e:i'y years, finefly i tated,
iince in this country there have
been fllCii niunb'rK and homieldm
md only 2,2?; exectitions for the com
mission of the--p rritnes.
The figures show (hat tl"1 number of
csecuti. ns linn derr v: -'.-
ISli-J, while n;t..;.i. it .u ' . I
and homiiides li;;.: i.M-te.; , bt.. t.,
is nothing i:: thi: jia'iciics to explain
the dtcrcEse..
Eminent, lawyers ascribe the rle
creasf in executions to two cause. , one
being the growing .sentiment against
capital punishment and the other and
more important one being the lax
administration of the criminal laws
and the fact that attorneys take ad
vantage of every tecnnicality to save
the lives of murderers they are hired
to defend. Secretary Taft, in his Yale
address, referred to the prevalence of
al lawyers, and declared that the
this method of practice among crimhi
judges should be given the power to
compel the lawyers to try their cases
on their merits and not permit them
to exaggerate unimportant evtucne
and cover up the (salient points. Chi
cago Record-Hentlil.
Deaf mutes are alwavs ready to take
a hand In arguments.
Rtiecied stiii'.rs ar" the victims of
misapplied devotion.
U's a wife man who patches up the
quarrel instead of hi . f.tce.
He ware of the linaneial pointers: it
is:ai!y points the wrung way.
As a wia'h'-r forccaslcc then; is
nothing superior to a hmliby corn.
Charltv is the girm-nt that serves
to fovi r up much moral ser.-iwniues-!.
Tlirre'fi sonie'hing radically nr. ng
wiiii the man who enjoys visiting ;i
i Pti t. ' ' fL
ise t. it a pity that the average i-
f.iruier negb'Cts to begin ins worn :ju
Cigarettes If properly classified,
would come under the head of fouls
of the air.
Any smaM 1-oy cm make a hoin.;
run every time he knocks his bail
through a pane of glass.
Nothing ar uses a woman's wra'h
so much as a man who appears to be
well sat'siied with himself.
If the automobile is known by its
horse power, . the airship should be
known by its bird power.
It tlowsn't necessarily follow that a
man Is rich because ho happens to
have more money than brains.
One man may he able to break n
hcrse, but later the horse does the
stunt on a race track and breaks -a
dozen men. Chicago News.
.... l.l ... II ... I .. . n nlllJIKir CUAM
"One more pany. livery woiKer in ne in. 11 i WHITE. PtUfLt unuv "-. s.'""-
l-et s'reet t .!tabli:'hm?nt con'ritiuteil . ' . :
a dime or a mci-ei. tue piest-m '.'
ing tho form k iid so thnt eery
no in Mr. Farwcll's employment
might join in tht remembrance of
the birthday of the head of the firm.
For sixty years of Mr. harwetis lit'
he has been engag'd in the dry good-
busvness. He was born .T'lly 1S:,
at Campheiltown, Steuben county, N.
Y., his father being a farmer of mod
erate means. In 1S;!S his parents muv
ed to Ogle county. III., and young Far
well was si-nt to Mount Morris semin
ary from which he was graduated.
In istri Mr. Farwell came to Chtea-
l.-l.f r,v..if.ri.. in tti Mi.tO.Lvli
so. ami rt.i'-i ui ii-i . ... ... i
city clerk's offic? he entered the dry ,
....... t 4 rl r. ( U,t nmrilnvmont r f lh( ' I
KIM IN l.tii.i li lilt; .iuj,iiv-;iuv (
firm of Hamilton White, hatr Iv i
. j. ...l i , i.. i t i-rv
eecame connect-o w:n tne ' ' .,. nvfr3 0, other 1W
dry g'xxls firm of Hamilton Ac Day, and
in 18riii. onlv liveYears after coming ,
;o Chicago he was niadt
V.i firm i
The present hoeso of J. V. Farwell
& Co.. is thf descendant of this firm,
through successive changes. Marshall
Field and the late Levi Z. lydwr both
a ere partners of Mr. Farwell for. a
t'mp. In ISi'.t; the firm began to do
business under th name of J. V. Far
well & Co.
Since ISiil the responsibility of con-
t Ktnfklt'r.
of Atrtsoiilnr. ami siim i
tir nitnoix. fliwuscit, tu -vb.v itivw mwice ttiai
lo. wot appt-nr bctjre tin. comity cuurt, of
li.nit rumiitv, tue ei.ii rt hni""' in Cairn,
II at 'heOi-to fi t rni. on tha tm Monday ,
(i'!nr t. at which ti l l"-"-', "?
ma ( laltni an .li.-t s-Jid filiate arc nontieo
!....i w..,iii.,t t.i utlPiul (ir tl Miip'aa
luivme tlm -.uii ailH-t'-d. All if-'1'" ."
i ilt I ;c.t to aald td'ftlc arc rcipfrriT u 'i"k''
I nnHllatf. payutaut to the unitrrai t"'"'
I t)i tt-d itii iim ' Aliens'. A. e-1"'.
.lyitKMIAII Mt-'UKTV. ,-kllliililii"-' "' .
liuvicl 8. Lansiltm, Alio ny.
vlHtc of Illiiii.ii. Al a ami. ri i.imt . i. Cmiii
Iv Cucri i f A'l-xau h i ciouv. 'I" Hie Ui-lubcr
'icrm -. 1). I'"1--, noma - in tl. Ti-"''.'"" 11
inmistnlli.ri.r the f-iate ft Hil".u lh nip
i..i ,lt(('ii-fl, t. Ih'ciiai. Tlimiippon, IJcra
Il.vtr t lurh'S ,!..iin.si'ii. Wiliiiiin Juhn-n'ii.
(.-.. ... i...mit Kilwur.l Uracil. r nu (-uuuy
Furvriwu. t-'rtilion m -ell rl cnhtopv
it.l.t AffliUMt t-F tin- non-fh-ni i " "i
Tiic-in-1h''iiil" n.tr,-.a II. ir..'. I'harn a .John-
i-. 1 1 . . ... t.iinu,,. ks.ir t'arrott. I-.ttMartl
UrachcraiiitNaiic funtewondefetjdatitiMibove
i-.in.cd. ha.lni? .( tii'-.t " Hi' ""' fllllllt
.-knf theieoiiiy cmrtit Altx'ndrr cmuii
l.orMMV rn. n to the ".ml iliencw
I'- ! ThOiitp..'n, 0 ra ifoior. Churl ", .loliiij-'ii. W U-
ii f.,- , .,-rn Vrock'ou hhttc- man- Bn!nnn ft 1h(rnii.(.n. adminl-trat iv ff tlic j
the same .urn. A ljrotr.."" "' , . Kan,mil 1,.l;,u,,.-.ri, !( st-rl. ti!
jctnrer . already clams to n-ne a , ,j hl, ,., ltIl m u. -.-mt fount y ki n "t (
i , nt" ofT i( the tie- A'caanilt-r roui.tv. for fn or.tfr to ..! Hie 1
grt-.i'.ii.'ivv.i m a .al ii on .n int. to ( bl.loitin t(, ti. tauiOi
.ir.d for the. la r .-i.'s of men s i lMti ,? , muCi.'..f . a-- ; ;'';ti;;
it mt..in in i . ... wit . Al, , f K, ul,,-i ;t,.,-.eii
Kill be no . 7 ..iht ni;- .S tn '" !' wn -11' "
. .. .i..,. i ) , ii oi tr mii'ilv. "ii "f n'.
. . . . . .. . ........ . ,,1 "l.-l- I II. . . .
UgT on ii. i' f".'k' " i nuMlK-ml nfn -.i ti("i
. .. i , .. . .... l.-.swri. ; . i ii .. .1 tw-. l. l-
a-s i unn tn- pi ih .. .os ... , -y ... - - . - ,
...ii. N'iirask Slue Jouvnnl. ) tinV(.;t.,i i.i v,.c. toihc hus-.-m iii.:m j
10 per; CENT
Vt liave some good baf
ptiitis. Buy at once and gv.
$28.f'i0 Suits for - .25.20
30 (10 Suits for - ' 27.00
35.00 Suits for - .U 50
40.00 .Suits for - 06.CO
45.00 Suits for - 40.50
7.00 Trousers for 6,.0
8.00 Trousers for 7.?0
.00 Trou.sers for S.10
10.00 Trousers for 0.00
12.00 Trousers for 10. KO
JUXEiBhthJ itrcctrtCairo, TJliuqUi.'
and .pie.iitts thre-
terve-.iPS to prevent we
nirit. !9f ten ilOl
in block oumtif rml
partner, in - " ,v '.r ,v h c-o d t
!Wea.k Kidneys Cured Forever,
ut ri-.'i-rit-
M.? lj.h. IVtl. Hiirl r'(-(.rtiii if '' '
cr r, ( 1 wtH ) it anil hit A It-sauio-r n
. . I ... .f ,1 1 erf., IM. I 1 I. .Itft' I, 1
lot "nnmifft-ii ui-".- . l '1 It ininili'-"l
i A )so lots ni.iutwi-c.'I fiv iltl.l M
. . , k ',.v I i :ir .. .(1.1. t.if-Olilin.
If von barn, a n-iln or dull nrh In tlin ! , , .rt ,;,. , i,, ' uni- " urn:
fo scifn !vi cikI
ti.-irk'lt. la nnmtHtAkeatilo e1denco ot ki'lmy
I troutilc. It In a witmlng to &!.' you tniubln
is nhfsi'l unlcsa you xviiu-dy the causrt lm-
i rmi! hi. 1.1-1 -
I.tuiio back la only one symptom of ltMnoy i
I trouble OtliT ayniptoma nri, l-ini? nlillcrti '
i to p:mt w.in r olioa durliitf tho d.tv ami 10
u iinuiy tiiiMfts unnng niKtit, i j-v
t tiva hi
h nm 'jo U" ti'i, fiv
in l.liK-k nntfbetvtl five
nr it 1 Iwo W lhr i.8j
- ' T . fii--'..: H "mo
in. I f.ti-Ai- In '!'-"
, .1 II ;inn ' ...
i.M l.o .iinihi-rril
.,iir I live )!! sis "'
. ... I I (Ill J ,.lv.,li . 1 1
nnn.bf-ma'sn i n ut fa d ifH '
. ,u . . w..... .' -.-l; I. V of At-;
t,,, ( llhri.via. r,4 that "nmrttn baa tifun
I t.,m.t. lc;Olc-l vo ', rt-tlirnnora
Lenox Sotip, 8 bars for f25c
17 lbs. GramtUtetl Sugar ?
for . - - $1.00
2 lbs. Plantation Loltce
(good) - -Pure
Lard, per lb. . r
'I';!; it (lood Tiour, 24 lb. sack
We will give you a 42
piece Dinner Set FREE.
Call and let. us explain a
i ti k in the
t'uer anil
' A
t) yoxi.
mt '
v.ni, I hp
.ll'.(.l.:..u; t..e i(;..,.m i., H.- uct-a ! ft,,pu to llo',j vour nrinn, smarrlnif or trrt-I ,,.t. ih.i ii.-tob,, rr a. It. l'J .. of :.'.( t-oiirl.
I.. i.,.-..i ninKiini hv fither memliers ,....i." .......i.. V.-t,.i. .imin. a.,itmnt. In tlin t,, i.m Iihuiiiii oil.ie ttrst. Mtiiitla 'l e Unn r,
' "" " . " . . . ' I-'""". I"-"" " '".,' I ill ,, .Im-c. ,nt 1,-iM'ii-l'l '-'
of thv company, althougu tne ncad ot . urine, cntrrn ci i int. .i..t..u. r, . ...... , .. ril-v Nf)V( mll(
tbo house hri-i riot retired. Mr. Far-
well' son. John V. Farwell
of the corn. I of ambition and aallow complexion. . . . Bl , , nl c,!ii.i v. on 11
. F... ! rt-int hi-iuhirhf, dlsiln.i-.t, Hlifpt.-..n-t. nrrv- a ' (, -Vi,, ,i prtw 1 bv ami' a'M-ar
' , Ir.iwnwa.lrreitnllirhi'tirthfatliijcrht.nniatlim, I J.. Lli'l'.o.oltv rt of lci n...-
Jr., IS tdoiLtlne. trrttablllty. woruout Im'lng, lixclt j (i) ti,','(',r,. ,i.lV f ), u-rni th-r. of. torn? hold- j
com-1 of amtiiuon and aaiiow COIII1II.-JIKII. . ( ., ol , , nt cooi v. on mi n.
' i. ..... !.,,,!,.,. i.-!. im.i rutin i iro rtmrlna ' .. .... i,.. otic, .mi i.i oil. niiwt.-f or (.-.. iir
-inj'. j to bo tlin niont wotidi-rfui euro eir gotten , i ilif aiil'cni.lai.tAiifi ! V
Tiiroiighout his life Mr. Farewell - Jllt for wt-ak and diac.twd Kidm-yH. j In. U.- Mn.f. a.iil ti. . -.it .-'""VV.n a""cn.
,a, been deeplv religious a.-tl he has iJrit.ab Pharmacal Co., Milwaukee, Whs .
treasurer and manaeer
WM. A1RD, Grocer,
2703 Commercial Ave.
given liberally to the support of edu
cational and philanthropic enterprises.
Chicago Record-Herald.
. Dixtxitmtora.
f Price HO reuUI a box.
I i'or null) by
rrtittir to the iav7 ot utt'tl IU.
(Muti, 1'ilinni-., .icii'. '''""' , . .
Hunter Bir.l. coMpl'li ii(ili'"iir.
The fever situation is not, at. all en
cottraging nnd its spread through the
small towns of Mississippi will likely
have the effect, of alrmlng people liv
ing nearby and cause many of them to
move away for the time being. The
three cases at Gulfport reported In the
current dispatches show that no
amount tf vigorous work on the part
People ran still come hero of i tie authorities la sufficient to keep
Without being asked any questions,
but they can't get back home if they
live iu any of the numerouB towns that
do not. rec-gni.o our health certifi
cates Hence they don't come.
"The object of the meeting of cltl
Hen held last nlht was to do come
thing to straighten out the tangle
it out where conditions are Inviting.
Ass late as the latter part, of May It.
was known that cases of yellow fever
were on Ship Island, twelve miles
away, but these were under perfect
control and It Is not clear that, from
Ill's source the pestilence spread to
mainland. New Orleans Is the breed
Kducated phyuic'anx and surgeons
cling more closely to the natural sound
of our vowels than other professional
neoflo. Wherever nnd whenever pos
sible they give to 'l" ita long sottnil-
eve Menlriidtla is not meningeetis.
but meninglghtis. Append cit Is is no,
appendiceetis, but appendfelgliUs. The.
termination "His is never eetls in
le medical dictionary. Why .can't
the rest of the world live up o th s? I
tt is as easy as- it is natural. New-
York Press.
U won't! he a, hard mailer to undo I ing place of yellow fever and from that
what the obstinacy and atuptdlty of unfortunate city the disearo ban
the board of - health have already
caused, but It uiny not be too late.
"Some claim tlmt the Mate hoard
could Hud would raise, any Inspection
quarantine that ni'ghl o ewtnbllshed,
but lawypva suy thai Paducah -linn a
right to pas. and enforce, any kltid of
an ondttiani'o that Ih necessary for the
health, convenience, morula or gen
eral welfare of the community, under
the head of 'police regulations."
"The thing to do now la not to quib
ble over sclent llle questions of infec
tion, danger, and such things, but to
try to have the doors that have been
elosid against Paducah, opened to us
The best insurance of all is that which assures the
glow of nealth on the cheeks of all soda drinkers. The
"20th Century" Sanitary Soda Fountain protects
your health, and your children's health. It is a delight to
know that you can obtain pure, healthful soda water in
"The Only Corn Cure"
Eighth Btreot, Cairo, ruinol
12 ennts. By mu u ceow in wi
County. National
Commercial Ave. and F.Ighlh Street,
Capital 100,000
Surplus and undivided profits, V 0,000
; ' ' '' Offlcera
A, Duder , ireamem
Chaa. Feuchter, Jr....,Vlcf-Pn!aldont .
J. JI. OaMgan.......... Cashier,
F. Spencer .....AaBlatant Caahier
spread In all directions.
Memphis has so tar escaped ani
there is no likelihood of the appear
anee here this season. A vi ry Ktrlcl
miiiriitiCne should be enrorced because
It. will be dltTlcult to keep out every
one who has ben exposed. Cleanliness
and good i-anllary conditions have ren
dered Memphis so far Immune and
work along ihese lines should ho con
tinued with unabated vigor. Memphis
Th. patriot who asplre to an an
polntivK office tinder (lovernor Mickey,
of Nchrnska, nitiHt not drink and he
lutist nt Hwer,
This l the Ktandittd "f uuulitlcKtlons
'" C;e 'noiM'Uiir tin? establlitaad,
. , , ,
"To account Conscience." This a
count was opened by the United
States Kovernment in 1811. It wotild
not he fair to Infer from this fact thnt
the American conscience had Its awak
enlng at so late a date in the coun
try'a htntory, but that year wltnesned
tho first ret ttrn to the government, an
the result of the "et ill small voice,"
of money of which It had been tl
Th. Idea of clubs for men tsla;vtl
in Knglnnd several hundred years ngo
In those days the clubhouses were
called mote halls, and they are to be
seen throughout F.nglitnd today.
Where public business hud to he
done' the old Friglish habit of making
speeches nlways demnndeil an aud
ience, either of outsiders or' of a good
ly number of colleagues. Consequent
ly a special meet'ng place, or "mote''
ball, was almost, n nece-lty for peo
ple not cotitent to ulr their oratory In
the'r own or their neighbor's parlors.
SotnetltnCB these "mote" halls were
halls of justice, such as that at Lynd-
hurst In the New Forest; or in the
pretty little so-called 'Hunting Lods;'
at Chlngford, where the uwalnmole
and other forest, courts were held, and
which Is now the museum of the Ri
ses Field Club. But most were gen
uine municipal buildings, of which,
perhaps, one of the smallest and most
Interesting is the mote hail at Aides-
burgh In Suffolk. : It used once to be
In tho middle of the (own, hut the
sea has washed all that win between
It, and the mole ball away, and the tat
ter now Manila netu Inel alone by the
sett. A far mow Important ami older
fiaudcd Home time before, fretddent mote) ball, buijt originally for the
Drink with perfect assurance of purity, the soda water
served at Calhoun's 3th Century" Sanitary Fountain.
"SYRUPS IN SIGHT" gladden the eye of all who be
lieve in purity, sanitation and healthful soda water.
You are
No Camel
You need a drink-RifthtNOW
Account corporations and Individ
uals especially solicited. Exchange
furnlohed to any part of the world.
Eighth St. and Washington Ave.,
Alexander County
Savings Bank
Capital. O-000
Surplus and undivided profits, $35,000
," 1
- Officer.
A. Iliider., President
O. ruder. Vlco-I'resldcnl,
II. Ctalllgnn Cashier
K. Bpmcer.
...Assistant Cashier
13. A. Buder
Thoa. Boyd
C. M. Osterloh
Wra. Kluge
J. H. Oalllgnn
W. K. Qholaon
a O. Vatler
C. V. Neff
Chas. Feuchter, Jr N. B. Thist.lewood
Pavld S, Lunbdon. '
" 1 1 ',' -'''''
Interest paid on time deposit tt the
rate ol three pyr cent, per annum. -
J : ; ,

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