Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BUI LETIN MONDAY MORNING," AUGUST 28, 1905 ltt.ttt.t.tttMttttftMMt.MttfMttt.Mttfftt 5 The more the question of quality is taken into consid- g eration the more convinced you are mat REES & NORDMAN 317-319 Twentieth St., CAIRO, ILL., ? is the Steam Bakery from which to fc buy B R E AD "ZZ ,1.1 III II i i ' """" . ' i li ,11,11 . ..u.iwi i wn "' ""' '1JfTa!f- J : rTr' -i id i iii ' - - 1 - - Wtm ii iiinn--i J ' " T MllWl 11 ! If II ,1' IhlWll I'lffr W ' W-Mill llllll r I IHlIM" 5 . fl i . tm a Wholesale and . Retail. Write ua. t Wc ship fresh bread anywhere, any g ' day. " S ri,ii 14i ANNA. SHEWS OF THE RIVERS: "' 5 V V '4 ' " i i i i An- from a Carbon. The Stacker morning from trip on her wav to departed at noun. August 27, 1905. Mist. Hoiiih Soay visited her aunt, Mrs. If. L. Bell, at Makanda h few days list week. Mrs. C. C Munsaker and two chil dren are Kues'.s of Cairo relatives this wc-k. . Roy He:-s went to leha.non Tuesday and visited these a few days with friends, returining to Anna Saturday. ! L 15. Wheeler, who has been work ing at. East St. Louis, has returned to Carrie V. Anna and will be employe,! " L. J. M. Michael. Buck's store. . -Misses Katherine Mendenall and nio Pelley returned Saturday week's visit with friends at dale. Mrs. Dixie McKinncy is Visdiinj? Mrs. S. F. Walton at Chicago this week. Miss Clara K. Graves, a domestic t-cienee teacher ef Kwlug College, was in Anna Friday and gave demonstra tions a! ttip Mangold-Alden store for the benefit of the Lilac Club. John Fulienwider, of Indianapolis, arrived tulay for a visit with his raoth v: Mra. W. N Fulienwider. 1 Mth. Bert Gladden and Bon of Whit Int., Mo., was the guest of Mrs., J. JjV. llunsaker, the past week. Mrs. ,1. It. Teak, of Makanda. spent ''part of" last week with Mrs:- W. W. Thomas. . V Mrs. F .Norrid ,and sun, of Centralla, : arrived ' Friday for a with the family of H r. Norrls. Rev. and Mrs. William Raker of Mound City are f-pending a few days in Anna with the family of C. H. Kirkpa trick. 1 ... Mi. and Airs. Taylor IvuM aili;,l'4 the reunion at CiiiiwiinUU ftmi i.'S3!. ' Prof. W. 11. Taylor, who has been' In Anna for the past year, left today f ra tnontli'a visit af, Ridgeway, Mo. The tjllae Club gave a social at it lit; reidene. o., !I r. and Mrs. Geo, ?. W. Hess. tiuhe,'a laia'ir6wd wa s :! ln'iufiuii&ce? 5r;r " !f-T""l 'I ' Mrsl- MJS.L cCarty anil gfanddaugh ", ter, Miss Mary, of St. Louis, are the guests of Mrs. P. C. Wllloughhy.; ,, Miss Eva Roberts returned Saturday from an extender visit with friends at. Herrin and Murphyshoro. Iyew! Calhoun, of Buncombe, ar rived Sunday for a week's visit with Ira Brooks. Tuesday, Ausutit 2a. will be the op- eninn day of the Southern Illitu. Fair. Some very fine horses are al r ady here, attracted by tho increase in premiums. Friday the automobile v;vrc will be the chief feature. Offi cers of the association are endeavor inj? to make this the most successful fair ever held here. The Hyt Comedy Company will play nt Miller's Opera house each evening this week. : Few Arrivals and Departures Here Yesterday Capt, R. E. Lee Home r;om Aboard. Arrivals Yesterday. Starker I.w, Charlotte Hwckler. Departures Yesterday. Stacket., Herman l'eupcke. Boats Due. Gate City. Saliillo, Mary Jf Business on the b-vee yesterday waj quiet, only one packet boat, in port Owinc o 'he qnarantioe business will he quiet at the wharf boat for some time. --v Th .' guage ' at I u'clock yesterday I afternoon registered "-"'.7, yhowing a rise of 0.3 in 21 hours. Iee arrived yesterday Memphis with a fair St. Ixmis. SI I lie t liarloitt- noecKii r arrived ye- tenlay morning from Hickman, Ky., wi'h ij bnrces of paper wood, she Iv, in charge of Capt... Isaac lirooks. The Wash Hoiii-hil arrived Sa'U' day eveniiiK from the upper Ohio. Shi' will perhaps leave today. The Herman I'eapcke left this morn inj; f"- F.jreUidd, Ark. The T'acpcke was laid up ihree days on ai'i ounr of but tied b. iiu- Thtiate nty will arrive Mil' ai'Ur noon from Hickman. Ky. blie a in charge of Capt. Shepard. The S'tltillo is ih.'e SI . Louis on h"r way t river. tomorrow from i the Tei'iiest"' The Mary M. Michael is due from Ban-field, Ark., with a tow of logs. The Carrie V., is due from below. Ra4 th fatMt un Cairo Bulletin (or tfc Capt. Riley HarpoH of the Barrett. la an applicant, for membership in St. Louis Harbor No. 28. I ' . U t t William H. Connors, who was se verely injnre.ii several weens ar;o on the steamer Birmingham at St. Louis. is able to be around again. Capt. Robert E. Uf, of the li packet bout company, ban ri'ttirn from his trip abroad. Interesting Experiment. An experiment made u few 'days aw of raising a wreck from the bot tom of the sen through foriy-two feet of water by means of a new appnra- A Painiess Cure of Curable Pain . Never resign yourself to suffer pain. Women's pains are curable. They are the sign of dangerous conditions of the female organs, which should be promptly attended to or dangerous results will follow. TAKE m m mm ymw mm IT COMES TO WOMAN'S RELIEF whenever she suffers from any of woman's biting and weakening painc. It not only compels the pains to stop, but It follows up and drives cut the cause of the pains, which prevents them from coming back. , ; H makes you well. Try it. Sold everywhere In $1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, in strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope"),' how to cure them. Address: Ladles' Advisory Dept.,Tht Chattanooga Medicine Co., 'Chattanooga, Tenn. "WITHOUT A PAIN," writes M.iry Shelton, of Poplar Bluff. Mo., " I c.n do ttiv housework, although, before taking CAKDUI, two doctors had dnne me no Rood. I can truthfully say I was currd hy Cardul I want every sufterlnp, lady to know i this wi nderful medicine, ' FOR OUR FINAL CLEAN-UP WEEK imO WIHERE YOU WILL Look over the various stocks, ask about quality, inquire about credit, and after all, A! yon will wind, up here. Xno House sells as good goods or oners sucn liberal term You can get that something new for the home and pay us as you are able. j FOUR PASSENGER . .LAWN SVJIfJG of credit as we do. ft Rug and Matting Bargains Rugs, 9x12, that will wash. $4.50 Rugs, 9x9, that will wash. . S3. 50 Eureka Brussels, 9x12 S II 2 5 Extra heavy Brussels, 9x12 . SIS.00 Brussels Carpets, good quality 45fi Ingrain Carpets, fast colors. . 24C Heavy Ingrains, 65c grade. . . 4SC All-wool Ingrains, 85c grade. 65c Just aa illustrated. Made of bardwood, tntlt very strong. Will hold 1.000 pounds. The frame is bolted together with iron rods with cap. on the-ends which prevent the frama from getting loose. The frame la painted red. The scat and back are of a natural finish. Sold regularly for 4.50. , Our special1 closing price Extension Table iwr; Just ns tttiiBtrflt"l. U built of well Bnnneil oak. Has larK top," fitted with Ftffl-s. which work perfectly 4y, fl fxtP!nls out fiir enoiiph t, .'.-t ight or ton pem-.te c!mr-.rtatly Has Ftn'-h lee, which arc- tit ted with ey )iat!-ttiirin r tpr?. This Utile sold roRnlariy for our special Clean - lp Price . . - i i. i ..' -v f. i ii j I Ma . rill V: -7 n4t V-'- 'Vi If fl V, jfipwin it AND THE BALANCE 81. O A TVKKK Fop. THIS T J I H E K - V IPC' E BIRCH MAHCWMNY St'ITE. It Is vubMoiitiiiily ond .solidly built from choice ctoe (train tjirch, ttiiifht-d in roidi iii Fuite would be appreciated and beautify any parlor. Made to sou regularly fur s.m. we oner a StSSmSO 1 3200 Down fr;im REFRIGERATORS , There Mill rcrmilni a fair aaort-im-m, runsiMliii? f kiics tht nr most wauled, W and Ti-pound he c-i"k Tin- one we liow hern I.- Just iis piotorf shuwH It. Mflda et ti.e h'.Rh'-f-t Ri-ade f material throuKtiinil nrid (fiini-Hniwd to Kff-o totid pure, formuroef but vary little Ire. Was t'M. Our epecial t tin n-1 p Price 13 a number this week in cur Clean-Cp Sale for. Remember YOUR CREDIT IS ML T TMBS STORE You can mend and f;t It htrm Just tha mmm aa If you cams In 0ton LAfZGEST HOUSEFURHISHERS SH THE WORLD y Bifimiintrc. 1. ton im i im nm St a M U a . J Si II IIP ....iWI..... v.. -f . nf- f . -n-i..! 11 hA, 1 1 1 i .d 1 ti 1 1 a a u e jf- 1 t 1 f4ihtl!lMilC! u ,1 IF) W. L. BOREN LUMBEK CO., PI'TAII. I UMItPl?. X We ara prepared to furnish you all kinds of lumber for building pur poses. Get our prices, m . . Dell Pliotve 222. , 15th Jo 18th Street and Big 4 R. R. tus invented by Nicholas b l!) and ; patented by the Italian government, ; provfd a Kteat. tiiu-cess. ! The wreck consisted of n load ed with building material, wbicn linn ; ?oiif to the boMoni four year.-s at;o. All the authorities witnessed the .-uu'fe. si ill exnermieui. as soon art a liver h;id fusieii'd the wreckage l i the H)ar.vus and the air iiiiiiih be- s;iiii to work, the wreck row to the i surface of tin- water us if bv nt.iic. The appara'tis eonsisls of a. wries if clipticitl air chamliers made of thick rubber and waterproof canvats, each having a liftiiiR capacity of sixty ton.,. many of these air chambers can be i used an would no ri'uinrod iy the , weight of the sllltlkell vennel. Wlo-ll (lie air In coniproNKed by ordinary ma chinery Into Ihfise air chambers (heir jlil:itiK captteiiy increases in propor tiun with the air prosure. A repreKinlat Ive of the Japanese government witnessed the operai lou. land ncKol iatlons are now pending for the use of Hie lelpu invention In lb' raising of the many sunken warships at Port Arthur and Ihe Sea of Japan The next. e:,periinetit, which Kljiiioi lelpo Ik Id undertake very soon, will be the ralsim; id the sunken sleiimer I'iilro. near Alexander, nt the request (if the ICuypiliin Kovenment, There ace nleuil (i.nuu.lKiil bushels of coal at, l'iltsbiit'K awnllllig a coal boat HtUJiO. A Mother Song. t'ndor my heart nestle closer find tichtnr. tint, to the darknexa the world tushc.i on. The bonds of the world shall grow slight er and uliuhtfr While we hold communion here; I and my sou. Tcndfiod love brought thy body to bo- Ititt. Thai will 1 foster In fullent enntrol Hut the fni her Omnipotent, ull-wle, THE NATIONAL GAMES iii, nth'd BOUl. on that body and gave Mi lt a thou'rt the, child of Prido holds the I'leih "f my fleah. Ambition, In my luettm-rharlot rein, Ttioii. hy mv lovlnc. relentless tuition, hhalt fiiildon In stone all my casllcs of tjpulii. Yet, In liiv b'-nrt, hold I feur of that morrow Tn wh"" Irresistibln rnmlnn ! yhld. Alas! must my lonelineau, lahor and sor row ( Hurl Hue, etc the tteason for pain be isiveale'l? i f'hlld of the World, thy new Kingdom's lierorn meet l.fing ih i.i pathway that inillienH bay tiod, Wilt, thou reproach that In tiavail t bin i.t). -f. AihI Dien I,, men when I tonl; the'; fiolil tlod? MmiwuiuI lloilon l'otter 111 Harper' r.a.Hr. Chicago . lios'loii Alt ruck Htidt Me iiiry iiml i 'fitter. Ss:'tnl I'anie: Thirteen la Lucky. fpth Nation, father of James?, the bpi Istnnt slate Hiulitor of Kansas, Ins no fear for the number thirteen tie wtn bom on April l.'l, onllidod In the war on August 13, was nominated treasurer of Neosho county on Hoptoiri ber lfi and was Intiurtnraled on Octo ber 13, svl h:t h-td thirteen children. Getting Even With Austin, Iff Alfred Anut in" says there never was a preat woman poet. She Well, if the women poets wanted to be personal (hoy could tell Alfred Austin thai bis case was equal ly hotcless. AMERICAN LnAOUU it 'arlatid; Gibson, Chicago , . . liivslon . , Mailer t s -Owen ter ind Arbiusler. It 11 K ti ;s ,...;i ti ;i and Ktillivun; Whi lst. 1-oiipi . , . . , , VWhiindt u . Uatteri.:. i'efy and ovMUiend and K.Ui'idjje. Seeouil :.aiue: I 7 I . :: r o Spi neer; St, Louis . . Wai-hil!,e,ton lt,lllllies- i'atien ntul If 7 1 llllehatiau 1 leydon. and Spencer; lions concurred in. The motion was adopted by I ho following vote: Aye Antrim, Fuller, June, Koehler, Uiw ler, N'eft, Nordman, Simon, Snyder, Werner and Wood II. Nay Nellts, 1. Judse W. S. Dewey, with permis ion, addressed the council in behalf of the pellrbll of Hoyd and Ctibler for platting of ground. Petitions. The following biiililiii petitions were read and return,! to Ihe. Huibl- eomniittee: K.eni C. Orettn, to erect, a one story dwelling to cost $l,tlll() on lot 2ii, block ii, second Keuchter & LanB den addition. Ityroii U and Marry It. Kills, to erect a I wo Hlory dwelling to cost about l,ntt(i on lot ;',;, block 71, cliy. James J. iyiiykeiidull, to creel a five- room cotlano to cost about, $xnii on lot 28, block o, second Keuchter H, IO lin den addition. Coliliilia C. Kiiyderdiill, to erect a flve-wiom cottage to cost, about $800 on lot 2, block TI, second &i Latisden addition. Res.fl Ut Cairo llullU U.r Uom It aurrfKineofs i' Smith Brothers " THE BIG STORE 1300-8 Washington Avenue Dealers in evorythlntr that la Rood to eafc, uw and weaf. Kxelualvflaftnnti for 1,AN avL'b (iBlebrated CofJeei. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS (Concluded from Third Pago.) Nellbi, iui,l HiiSder, .". Aldennau Ful ler ii.t. lied. The imildlrix conimltlee reported furl her recoiiiiueiidliiK (hat Cbas. lain ciiMter be not grunted a permit, to eit ct a waon shed 11x10 fi'ef on lota (1 and 7. block !!, city. , Ablei tiiiltl Kotdller tuoVeil Unit Ihe report be rucelved and recommend fol- Resolutions and Motions. Alderman Koehler ofl'Cred the lowing resolution: Itesolvcd, That a crossinK bo laid m east sbl" of Cedar at, Kiejith at reel riinnlnn north and south; of , cither brick or stone. Aldermen Snyder nn,i Fuller offer ed the following resolution: Kesolved, That Hie streid. coniniit- et. lie lnslruclod to bavtt tno piatiK walk on w-id side of llolbrook live lute, bet ween Twenl y-thinl and Twen ty-first si reels repaired.. ,A lileriiiuii Kuehler moved that Ihe I'oreuolni! rcsolnllonn' In; referred to the at root eomniittee. Tho motion watt adopted. The official lunula of J, M 11iivhh;e, as fctieet . bupervirior aim an pound- keeper and tho pawnbroker bond of Simon .I. Michelson were road and re ferred totthe finance committee. The mayor placed in nomination Robert. A. Hewitt as assistant chief of the fire department. Alderman Law ler moved that the nomination be confirmed. The motion was lost by tho following vote: Aye-Fuller, Koeh ler, Law ler,. Neff, .Vood6. Nay Antrim, June, Nellls, Nordman, Simon, Snyder and Werner 7. The mayor nominated P. W. Bar clay, George 13. Oliara and Keel Green to succeed them selves as direc.f.orn of tho Cairo Public Library. Alder man Snyder moved that, the nomin ations be confirmed. The motion was adopted by the following vole: Aye Antrim, Fuller, June, Koehler. Law ler, Hnydor, Werner and Wood 12. Nay None. ' Alderman 'Fuller-moved that a fire plug , bo nt Twenty-! lllrd and Sycn tnore si reels. Alderman Lawler moved to iiniend to include a fire plug at. Thirtieth and Sycamore atreetn. Fouehtor Alderman Neff moved to adjourn. I 'Vy-tr, t,i,,ll(,n ti ndtruirn uinfl inlnnted bv Ihe following vote: Aye Antrim, June, Koehler, Neff, Nordnian, Simon, Werner and Wood--S, Nay Fuller, Lawler, Nollis Snycler 1, Tho eounell then adjourned. R. A. HATCHLR. City Clerk. THE POPULAR DENTIST m, li. D. M0KK0W It atlll at IU3- CsmmsrcUl Avsnua, Cairo, III, tf