Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, 1.05 THE CAIRO BULLETIN Kt&b!Uhd IKS. ' rabttahirf Dt1y nJ Boly by tk BattaUa Hum l 1m Okuo BmwU ftutu M. SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL. IsTkriftblT a Adrtao. Oo r. Sndr. ij.jj Om w, ituiulr mai) - XJB8(jRIPflOM &ATKH BT CAiaiK By -xrin In Onlre by enrt.t uUid Caliw aMab NOTICE, TO SUBSCRIBERS, flabaertban will confer fro by wporttnf to tail office ny Uk wl prompt dltTry m part oi otrrttr. . Intend t tk 01 ro Porto ffic u Soond-cl" CIRCULATION STATEMENT. Average dally and Sunday circu lation for one year, ending Jecm" ber 31, 1904 -1945 Average dally and Sunday circu lation for first six months of year. 1905 2054 Average dlly and Sunday circula tion (or July, 1905 ...2165 July Circulation. 1 ....2233 16.... 2175 17.... 3 .........2236 18... 4 23C0 19...- 6..'.. ......2260 20.... 6 2220 21.... 7 ...2232 22.... 8..... 2190 23.... 1 2041 24.... 10 .....2170 25.... 11 2120 26.... jj! ..2185 27.... 13 2135 28.... 14 . .......2142 29.... 15. ........ .2143 30.... Si... .2170 ...207J ...2113 ...2175 ...2128 ...2130 ...2170 ...2130 . . .2041 ...2125 ...2219 ...2225 ...2140 ...2115 ...2185 ...212J m.t in th breach long; enough to Is sue the annual proclamation of thanks giving that things ar "not worse man they are." -NOT ONE KOPECK." The above Is a correct statement pi the circulation of the Cairo Bulletin, dally and Sunday, for the year 1901. and for the first saven months of the year 1905. CLYDE SULUVAN. Business. Manager. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of July. 1905. . LEO J. KLEB. Notary Public. The Birlletln la on tale at the foh lowlnj places: Coleman's, 214 Elflhth street, Halliday House news stand. Walker's, 10 Sixth street. Union News Co, Union depot Blue Front Restaurant. "Not one kopeck- for indemntiy. re peats Mr. Wiltt over and over again, it Is absolutely final." ii.u!arei Minis ter LamaJorf at St. peusrs-burK. relo- forcing th Czar's H-aoe envoy, m3i Ru. hia will pay no contribution in any form, whether obtensibly a reim bursement if Japan s war expends, price for the redemption of tne isiauu of Sakhalin or any other pretense. It is not a question of amount. In vain Japan consents to offer s-till more moderate terms. In vain she agrees to abandon her demands lor the s.urrewler of interned warsuips and the limitation of Russia's sea power, and even to restore half i'f Sakhalin in return for a cash pay nieut. Czar refuses to consider an in demnlty. He prefers a final rl''ure at Portsmouth. If the war Is to be prolonged there remain still other ways for the Japan Asa ii fitlleot &n indemnity. Vladivos tok lies at their mercy if they choose !o lay s'.ege to it. Another victory like Mukden and Oyama will bo in vir tual possession of 400 miles ol the Trans-Siberian Railroad from Vladi vostok to Harbin. Then Russia will be left with one end of her great trans continental railroad hanjrlng in the air and without a port on the Pacific. The ncrthern branch line, more than 400 miles long, from Vladivostok to Mia barovsk. is ilefenseless. It is worth taking In order to control the water way of the lower Amur. So in Har bin, which is the key to the granary of Northern Manchuria. To conquer this additional territory would be a far easier task for Japan han that already accomplished, Th port of Vladivostok, and the railroad alone would be worth all the hundreds f millions that Japan demands as eomnensaikm. Without them Russia wnmi he barred forever from the Pa cific and the labors of half a century rendered fruitless. To recover tnem she would have to pay Japan's price. Japan has honestly striven to con clude a peace. But if the Czar decide3 that the war shall eo on Japan can accent his decision with equanimity Russia's power will be broken the more completely and the ransom of hia Aaljirir nosessions made that mitcn avler. J10.00 REWARD THE BULLETIN COMPANY WILL PAY A REWARD OF TEN DOLLARS FOR THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF ANY PERSON FOR STEALING THE BULLETIN FROM THE PREMISES OF SUBSCRIBERS. CHICKENS AND EGGS. about five hundred persons present at one time during the day. The fall of rain about noon drove a portion of the crowd home. SOMETHING DOING COUNTRY. IN THE Why He Sold His Buggy. I .vr. il1-1 (M; I l i.r.ut: i nk- I:U mill's iww buggy is for sa!P. He got married la-:t ek. you know. The chicken and egg business is one of the largest industries carried on In the Tnited States. The September Is sue of Success devotes considerable attention to this apparently small bust ness which is carried on on such a large stale. There are forty three mil lion crates of eggs produced in the I'nitcd Statts each year with a valu ation of li'SO.OoO.oiHt, which Is more than the total value of all the golil. silver, wool anil sheep produced in America in the same length of time and over twelve times as much as the intire sugar production In the country. There is one farmer in the I'nited States who keeps a flock of 3t.00 chickens and ho makes an annual profit of about $Hm per thousand. This is not much of a profit when it brought down to one chicken, but t make.; a pretty good income when it comes up to SOOno chickens. It 13 .lonbtful If chickens and eggs have ever sold at as high prices in tne history of the world as they do at the present time. That is. the last sev eral months on the average. Evsgs are eggs now a days, aud chickens are al most worth their weight lu gold. Finish Is Postponed. York Snrinus li'a.l Comet: We always thought our town was finished. l)iit we see that K. V. Ureniier is pre paring to build a new barn. ten and Urg Bovee were out boat rkl me. Blanche Bovee and Ralp Steph- - . . . ... ens were out bicycle riumg. oiu- Chapman was out buggy riding last week. i IK J ... . mm r4 w-- m -v ' rf-v w ( A'l I LIVIII II U w ATTEND OUR Activity in Cereals. Cheyenne Smi: I. S. Corn, of Rlee, has announced his intention of moving to Wheatland. Oyster Bay Iteen the map" over In Rui-sla, put on CAIRO'S ADVANTAGES. The openwork shirt-waist g!rl shows a good deal of backbone. Non Po&8tmua is simply a illploinat- le wav of expressing 'nothing aoing. is snubbed. Big T.m Bui livan is going to leave tt, for the New York legislature. The Japanese peace envoys are play ing the game with all the assurance of men who are dealing with marked cards. " ,' .fci.L:ll Real Thing Back Again. Clifry Correspmdence to Se.tiachee (Tenn.) News: Having made his an nual round to lUm Air, Orme. Jupi ter. Mars, and th" nortii pole, uavui Mclntite is again preambulating our streets. Dave Is a jolly.' g.uil fel low, and we. and most especially tne ladies, are glad to have him back with us again. YeEARS AND PASIE.rl A Tip From the Bench. "When Judge MeCay was on the bench for the northern d sirlit of ilcmia, the aliwiu. .-liip of whieh tne president has offered Representative Carter Tate." said a (Je.agia Represen tative, "a young lawyer secured the al lention of the Judge and told him .Ut IMlIlt'lllt'Ilt Ctf H niab v t .-4 u (....., - cage in which ho wan to appear for .tftfii.-l.nt TThxi va OIU of 1 lilC UtTi UVIHHl, C - - 1 simple moonshtning, but thu lawyer contended that it would take several hours for the argument. " 'l can understand all you will have 10 ay In an hour's t me,' suid the judge. 1 am satisfied I shall take fully eight hours in my argument,' con tended tiK lawyer. " "Very well; have your own ': but It will take the prisouer about three years to tell why he employed you.' "Philadelphia Public edger. I AUGUST CLEARING SALE I And Thereby Save Money. I SAM'L. WHITE. - 1m f 1 "And Other -Things." Lebannon (Tenn.l Banner: Messrs. Joe and Avtry GratinU have ben run ning a very successful bachelors' hall on Spring street. They have company most every night, and delightfully en tertain them with music, cards, and other things. What Happened to Bud. Ophir tCat.) Mail: The last that was sern of Bud Killian was that he w.Vi seen going toward the sticks and won in a collar up to his ears, and a ilerby hat on the back of his head. Why It Was a Holiday. A eertain well known actor was com plaining bkterlyln the aiubs" club be causae there were two'Xtra holiday in February. It was just after the Lin coln's b'rlhday matinee. "It's an outrage on us," said the actor. "We have eight performances a week, thirty-two in tills ho:t mouth, anyway. Aud now here are these two extras -that w.? must give without any l extra nay. "Well," said Joseph Herbert, 'it seems to me that , no actor should grumble about playing extra on Ijti-j coin's birthJay, Were it mt for a, crazy actor it would uot hive been aj holiday." St. Uul. R.nmblic. 1 Dr. Morrison DENJIST Office 707 Commercial Atenus BNNON PHONI 7W 1 THE NATIONAL GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago . Washington Batteries-Smith. YwiHh and Faiiand; llughos and Ho-ydon. R 11 t :? Mi 10 PER! CENT DISCOUNT We have some rocmI bar gains. I5uy at once aud get them. A new imolenient factory will soon be erected :n Cairo for the manutae tur of cultivators and other imple ments. Manufacturers are lust begin ninir to realize the great shipp ng ad vantages ibat Cairo offers over all oth er points . in. the Missisippl vattey. Cairo's advantages are now being pre sented to manufacturers in such a way that will soon place ner at the head cf the list as a manufactur ng center. There are more wood working factor ies in Cairo than in any other city of the same size and still m ire are com ing each year. Cairo holesale Jour nal. Wouldn't Leave Them. "Oi fought ez had a place as nursc gurrl wid thot stoitlish family yez was tell n' mo of!" "So Oi did." "Thin why ain't yez workin'?" "Sure. Oi hod no sooner got intil th' house than th' missus tould me Oi :noight go upsiha'rs an' lave me faee in' hands." "Lave yer face an" hands?" "She did." , . "jVn' phat did yez tell hcrf "Oi told her Oi'd wash me face an' hands if she wanted me to, but that Ol wouldn t lave them nowhere ier nobody." A Question of Beauty. Roope Correspondence to the Se quachee (Tenn.) News: A certain girl says Cleve Adkins is the prettiest hv on the mountain. A certain girl paid at singing Sun day evening that Joe Higdoii was sure pretty. STORIES ABOUT PEOPLE. Detroit I'h ladelphia viiiiif.rlps Kit son. I Plank, Waddell, I'owrrs and Schreck. R . 4 . 5 IV set) and H K 9 5 ! 2 Drill; Why Charles Was Sad. ' Bennington (Neb.) Times: Charlie Phillips went all the way to hop Springs after hia girl Sunday morn ing, but he came hack by himself look lug downhearted and sad. If the peace conference ends the war and frost kills off the yellow fever germs in the south, what wilt the poor nowrpapers do? "At what time should a man retire from active life?" asks the Boston Olobe. When hi3 rheumatism prevents him from dodging the honk cars. nc't:: f: Questions of Similitude. A learned clergyman was talking with an illiterate preachr, who pro fessed to despise education. "You hav- been to college, I sup poae?" asked the latter. "I have, sir." was the curt answer "I am thankful." said the ignorant one, "that the Lord has opened my -nouth tn nreaeh without learning." "A similar event occurM In Balaam's lime," was the retort. The private contractors are still of, the opinion that the Panama canal should be dug by private conttact, wh'la the Pacific railroad owners do not see any use in digging it at all. In spite of the fact that the yellow fever mosquito has had the center of the stag. our old rf.end the ancpneies has been steadily working the malaria pumps all season. "I do hot like to deal with men whoe lives are devoted to getting money," says Thoa. A. Edison. There are lots of to nra Mr- Edison could vnd no objection on that score. With proper impartiality and a high sense of equity, the Equ table Life con trlbuiad to the canipalgn fuhda of both tmrtles Before blaming the company, think of what the pol.tlcians might have done to it. If not pacified. Commander Pearf is well on his way to the Tar north. He Is so far away by this time words of discouragement cannot, rtach him, and it is safe to ' talk about him.'' Me expects to nail the stars and stripes to the north pole. No one ventures the belief that he will uicceed. If his venture is a success Peary will not only astonish the world, but paralyze the world with wonder. Anthony Fiala f Brooklyn, has made the statement, as to his exper ienees in Arctic exploration. He holds out little encouragement to others try Inu the same adventures. HU vessel. tho America, was crushed in the Ice In November, 1903. Nineteen months later he was brought back to civill.a- tim hv the relief shin Terra Nova under the direction of William S. Champ, secretary of William Zeigler. The Fiala expedition had many try ing experiences, and though a atrtn uous one, was not successful In mak Ine new discoveries of importance Peary knew all these thing; before he started, and hia determination- to sUll seck the pole Jn spite of these threatening lmpoxmuihbes, is remai able,. ' Tho world . anticipates failure, and would therefore he the more, a;;- lonlshcd. at success. His Stand- in the Fight. ' They were K'vins a reception to the battle-scarred hero. '1 am delight 'd to meet you. Cap tain,"" exclaimed Miss Gushingly. "So yju were one of the men behind tne guns!" "Great Scott, no. ma'am!" respond the maimed veteran. "I was one o the men' in front of the guns. Don' I look like it?" Tom Pleases Two. Trarv OorresoonJence Chanute (Kas.) News: Thomas Sexton was all smiles Sunday. Two girls said Tom Sexton was sure pretty Sunday. Greeting a Smile. Dyersburg (Tenn.) Gazette: Candi dates are very numerous here nowa days; they buy soda pop and shake hands with a smile. Training for a Painter. Dunlan (Iowa) Tribune: Frank Seals is going to school to study the complexion of the. young ladies, not his books. Vegetable Millinery. At the recent unveiling in Ocean Grovt of (he bronze suuite of the late Dr. B. H. Sioke.; ft Methodist m nister said: "I knew Mr. Stokes well, and one .r the thini! I most admired in him was his simplicity, his modesty, his1 plainness. He hated affectation and vaci'y, even in women; and In a good httnitirt'd way he would often poke fun at, the freakish fashions that com.? up from t me to time in women's dress.- "I remember one summer, when the ladieV bats were vry lar"ge and a great many cherries and beans and graphs and ro on covtred them, or, Stokes went about Oc.-au Grve telling a hat s'ory . "Ha aid there, came a knocK at a man' door one morning, and the man aaswered '; and then called up stairs to his wife: " 'Ann, here is the , girl with the vegetables.' "But the wife, c im ng down stiirs hastily, calbid as she descended: " 'Don't be ullly. It's my new hat.' " Buffalo Enquirer. $28.00 Suits for - -25.20 30 00 Suits for - 27.00 35.00 Suits for - -3150 40.00 Suits for ; - 36.(10 45.00 Suits for - 40.50 7.00 Trousers for 6.30 8 00 Trousers for 7.20 ).00 Trousers for S.10 1 0.00 Trousers for 9.00 12.00 Trousers for 10.80 Cleveland New York . Batteries Hess and Chesbro and Kletnow. Clark; NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago . . .... 1 Boston Batteries Woimer Young and Moran. i! r,. 7 2; jj 4 5 1 Onh, It II K 1 4 9 5 1 2 5 5 1 II MUTHIG THE TAILOR 231 Eighth, Ptrett,' Cairo, IHit is. A and Kling; Pittcbuvg . ; Philadelphia Batteries rhillippe Pittinger and Munsou. and K 3 1 Gibsan; R H 4 11 2 8 Brooklyn Cincinnati Batteries Strlcklett, K-H ...... .U it ...... C 9 Melntyro and Hitter; Ewing, Chech and Schlei. Whose is It, SallieT Whit side Correspondence Seqttachee (Tenn ) News: Ask Miss Sallie Tittle whose gold rin? she is wearing and watch her smile. . Great Riders at Mallard. Mallard (Minn.) Call: Bessie Fresh New York extra select oysters at Uncle Joe's, Sixth and Commercial They are fine. Hear good music. Fall ;a lino and have a good time. 27-tit H 11 8 13 . 1 9 Pat- Do you sufier with indigestion, con Btipation, feel and cross, no strength or appet'te? Htdllslcr'.-? Ilocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well. ''.' cents. Tea or Tablets. P. O. Schtih & SAns. X"W York i,.ttiewson. Bowcrman ai i vi !.- - and Clarke. Thielmun and Leahy. Rlwalrv. ..i o ihnt the Hidifiicrs took the trip on the, new . slxteen-hour train to C1''oeoree, if yon don't arrange thin so that "we can uo cn a fittecn-ltoui train you'll break my heart." Astonishing Buying Chances Lenox Soap, 8 bars for 25c 17 lbs. Granulated MiRar i for 1 - - i-uu I lbs. Plantation 'Coffee ( roocU - ' - Pure 'Lard, per lb. Good Hour, 24 lb. sack We will give vouAa 42 piece Uinner ct rncc. Call and let its explain a beauty. WM. AiRpf Grocer, " 2703 Commercial Ave. FULL LINE OF NOIIOSrS. 25c 10c 60c L:Ut vear. President of the St. Louis M'nrt.t'a Pnir! this year President of In Rusia. "Be very careful that you do no speak hastily," the Itufsian priest ad monished a claws of little hoys: "yotl can seldom t -11 what will he th i en of a word." One Htuall member looked disgusted and doubtful. 'As if." he afterward exula'ned to his comrades, "you wouldn't know in nine cases out of ten the end of the word would be 'sky!' " 35 YEARS AGO TODAY. VVWVVWiSAAASVVVVVAA From the Bulletin of August 29, 1870. News of the war between Prussia and France received from the Minis ter of Interior at Paria, France, shows the Prussians are passlnp; through Nancy going toward Cholons. The seiee at. Toul has been abandoned ow ing to the vigorous resistance maJ A voiine ninn on a Btreet car In this y garrison. Tite Pruss an scouts STREET CAR ETIQUETTE. Wni-M'n Fnlr this year President or a young man on a street car in mis " " 1 - ,'he Trans-Mlsslssippl Commercial Con- city arose to tender hU seat to a lady cut the railway at he.ween U1 I,. L.i.. ,h, .ia who rlineimz in a. slran. Before Montmedy and Me.rlme. Th'a body who onn-nrea nt wnero mia sort of ihittg may yet land David It. Francis ;r , :' Thouah Witt has so far done his best to ?'blug" the Japanese l th. in wanted to the rFench press. there can be no doubt that he realizes , tha necessity of making peace In view of the spreading revolution in Ilus , fila. I!. ' Reciprocity under any other name will Btneel as sweet to the protected it nn sweeter. Therefore It Is doubtful If this policy to put a reciprocity policy through, under tho name of a sliding scale tariff will help much th triv hn.l tim in areent the nrof- was repulsed by the French sharp- hMiklnir shooters, nntl the railroad has been i. m .i v. i. rena lr?. The Prims ans who wen yoillll nuiJlieil tllt.u uie tw-ai nuu wutu j -- -- . - - not be budged by persuasion or threat, at mray are now jatitng nacn uxu A car Hiopnea on ore oi,ine cunuT ...... ! IICAL 1 The members of th local Board of Improvement ijhould get together be fore the next council met Ckr ar, com plete the plans for the paving of Ohio utrept, m that, aomo acllon may ba taken. It will not b so many months before cold weather will aet In and put ton to all Improvements of this kind. ' '..'".''' Anyway, if President Roosevelt RoOHCVnlt should nhaiidun his Inten tion to call special sc-ss'on it will - ; Qot. iJtFolK'tta opoprtunlty to ro of this city. There were several men and several women in the crowd of neotile wiiltlne for this ear. Thev tntile a rush for 1 he car door, the nifn. cne or two of them, at least, elbowing tho women almost on tneir reel in the mad rush for seats. A car ttouneil at another corner. On the end of one of the seats sat a man of largo physical proportions. A young lady who honrth'd the car was com- veiled to climb oer him to eot to u scat. He sat like he was tied to the seat, and wan sphinx like In his Inat tention to the Inconvenience he wan causing the young lady. Here we have given a few Illustra tion;! of street car hogs. To mention these matters tinder the head of ell-, qttette Is putting it too mildly, and the only fair way to trefit Individuals who ari guilty or thf offenses mentlonttl. Is to can tnem street car hogs. Kvery city has them. They are to he sen most any day and on most tiny crowdod car. Watch for them, Devise means of taming them ami clvllltlng them. The Arab fire company will meet In their engine house this evening. Thri nemnprarv everywhere, are girding on their armor for the fall con test, and in southern Indiana as well as tn Efiypt. are confident of their ability to give Radicalism Its death i blow. i The ul. inner f!ottl luental dlschni'K- ed 2,00t bat's of railroad Iron, at this city, yesterday evt nlng, which will im mediately go forward to its uc-unii- tlon, imQuoin. While iinloadlnk the iron yesterday,' a rail fell upon a ne gro man's foot, crushing ihe bows and mnngliiiB the IIomIi in ft horrible man ner, The foot was amputated. - fliHness at the wharf was Rood to day, there being eighteen arlvals and sixteen departures. The camp meeting now in progress between Cairo and Mound City was well attended yesterday, there being The best insurance of all is that which assures the glow of health on the cheeks of all soda drinkers. The "20th Century" Sanitary Soda Fountain protects : , your health, and your children's health. It is a delight to : know that you can obtain pure healthful soda water in Cairo. v Drink with perfect assurance of purity, the soda water served at Calhoun's "20th Century ' Sanitary Fountain. "SYRUPS IN SIGHT" gladden the eye of all who be;.: lieve in purity, sanitation and healthful soda water. You are No Camel You need a drink-Right NOW. CALHOUN'S Eighth St. and Washington Ave., Cairo "The Only Corn Cure" D AVI l n 0 B-j 22 Eiffhth Btreet, Cairo, IHiitol i 12 cents. By nmil 12 cens l i rmi t Alexander County National Bank Commercial Ave and Eighth Street, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Capital ..1100,000 8urp)us and. undivided profits, $70,000 B. Ai' fendei .... U. . Presidett Chaa, Fenchter, Jr., ...Vice-President J. IL GaillKan, asmer r. Spencer... Assistant Cashier Accont corporations and Individ uals especially solicited. Bxcv-ange furnished to any part of the world. .. : ' V , Alexander County Savings Bank Capital .........150,000 Surplus and undivided profits, $35,000 STRICTLY A' SAVINGS BANK. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Officers E. A. Buder ..Prewident C. O. Patler.. Vice-President. J. H. Galllgan .....Cashier r. Spencer ....Assistant Cashier Dlrectort ' , " , ' A. Buder , J. H. Galllgan, Thos. Doyd W. B. Gholson C. M. Osterloh C. O. Patler Wm. Kluge v C. V. Nell Chns. Fenchter, Jr., N. B. ThisUewood David S. Lnnsden. Interest paid on tltn deposit St the rate of three tt cent per annum. ;