Newspaper Page Text
TUP CA1PO RUf LPTIN TUESDAY MOP-MlMC, AUGUST lM f i ' m J 2 t 1 i 3 S-I lavisels Tonic Ogives rosy cheeks and active-her Yer health to pale, sickly children And it is rood for their ciders, too. Ask your druggist for it. ge p.iv-ini; only three b.i I t. rday morning irr.m the fiMiipi'i with one barge Moumt City. lower Mis ,f lugs for The Wash Honsheil departed yester day morning fur Joppa w it b an impty barge. in all, and i n bulla. Batteries DuQuoin: Ausberg. Flan nigan and Hill; Mound City: Eckstoue and Seseher, Cm pi re. Dud Mathis. Charles Livesay Is haini? a tedious wrestle with fever and ague. He lias been confined, to his home for nearly T. S. snd wife drove mil to Mounds ;ui. V'Hii C.r..e remeiery S.:ltil.I.iy. The Ml. Olii" I'..lHi..t a-so i ilinu mow .-it X.-w B-' h i nit Soim .-in ) r , -ill it ; . i,i nf i;.-!i as previously stated anhed on the Pacific yo-ciTday afie l hi j column Th Pacific No. 2 arrived ;ifii rnmm from Jojva in Capl. J. .1 Nichols. yeMetday hari-.e f C.uii. Tuin 1-'i:tudiee. manager of the I if .1 (.rein1 of the Combine company. j tH.iui from ;: iconda, wticie lie Arid All Kinds of Photographic pplioi Mrs. James Adair, w ho has been vis- j ' ' i n sup. : intending the ruiins: has f a If -ou haven't a cam era we would like to have you come in and let us lie'n you pick out a good one. If you have a camera we can furnish you with all kinds of photographic supplies. a I. ? I .IMI- 1 . .V 4 : n -Hi in ii iiiirnirtrnYnlWilti , 1i.o,iil r ( ! 1 i ii ir relatives in Iyoii'sviile. Ky., the .... i ' past tw; w.H'tis. Ms liail tne pleasures) :i.f In r tr'i) serioiniy mared. Her lit-. Uv sou Km:le was lately st'icKen with row from Memphis ! a malady that necessitate,! a surgical l-oius. ! peration and he-- dauchter. Mis llax- - ! i-l. lias an a'ia"k of typhoid fever. Moth 1 The KnJ Herold will arrive tomor oa h?r way to St. The Slacker Pa- We are Cairo Agents forthe Eastman Kodaks. the chil tro;i are wi'h her. " .lame- McN'i lie is employed 'n itucah. He is a hip carpenter. Ha: ry Armstrong and Wi'l McNeile hav ht'in playinii base ball with a u'ne in tiscar, Ky.. the past two weeks. The ci'y auiiioriiics have been ini pmvins; the suiface iliainaue in other wo-ils, cloaviiiig out ilu rank, weed infested d tciics alonsi the streets and alleys. It was well eu hil;1i, everything considered. K't. K 'tier spent las: week in Chi afu. jam,-:. Auair is sufferinir from per nio!::v.o raa'ar'a. ?, Rmvers, who ojierates a grocery store on Main street near Pennsylvania avenue, is preparing to i add a story to his on 1 story minding, tj j He will use Ibe upper story as a res denee. Si ' The Keeler brothers. Uwis and Wil f liam, have gone info the coal luisine m and are now soliciting orders from the i factories and householders row from .Memphis. St. !.ve will arrie tomor lxuis on her way to The ?al:ini will leave St. Louis nii rrow for here on her way In Ttiiiu-ssee river. I he H Tne sat, iJi.nsor Virginia her place above the hriiU:o. .till holds mi .if ) J We also do developing, printing and mounting in the hest possible style. Send us your films ard we will turn the pictures out in a way that cannot help but please you. We aim to keep in touch with all the latest "doings" in amateur photography and would be pleased to help you in anyway pos sible in your kodak work. 1,1 f Sand Bar Gone. 1 The I'niied States; boat Wright came into port at ahoii: 4 o'clock yes- terday afirnoon, says the Cape Cirar i i deau Demicrat. Com:nK down to a I point off R road way she slowly sieame t I up the harbor lakini; soundinss alon I Hie wesi side of the Irar. At. every .point she found plenty of water. Off I the Morrison ice plant she t.'ok up two' ! ... . T i snag-? and then dropped down i clow the city again. In order to ;.ee that, the liar wa com pletely prone she went up again on a line where the bur was the highest Thone 553. 805 Commercial Ave. A SHARE OF YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. SCHUH, Washington Ave., and Eiahth Street. I NEWS OF THE RIVERS 5 Fair Amount of Business on the Wharf Yesterday Severe! Arrivals , and Departures. Arrivals Yesterday. Herman Peapcke. J. B. Finley. rie V., Dick Fowler, Pacific No. Z. Car- Departures Yesterday. Herman Peapcke, J. B. Finley, Dick Fowler. Wash Honshell. Caurlot Boeckler. (Continued on Fifth Page.) nnni iiTinii nituo ncvuLUiiuii nuno . r RIFF IN RUSSIA! t in b in iivvvin YOU ARE HIT HARD when it conies to coal, if you order on chance. COAL CHANCES DON'T PAY. You may pay high and get inferior quality and only half the required heat. Our yard deals only in coal that has proven safibfaoiory. Buy our toal and you'll get tho bent and won't be troubled to keep warm when winter comes. d. f. McCarthy, 209Com'I.Ave. Phonesl&'A Beats Due. Gate Cky. SaltiUo. Mary M. Michael. Stacker Lee, Fc-rd Herold. Business on the levee was fair yes terday, quite a number of boats in and out. The J. B. Finley arrived with a large tow of coal. A number of barges of lumber arrived in port yetsteruay. I NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS BIRDS POINT, MO. August 28, 1905. No school this week. The scholars have one week vacation. The teach ers. ProL Revelle and daughter, Misa Mirnie. are at Lut isville, Mo., spca.I- Inn- the week w llh relatives and fi i( nds. .. . F E. Cox having res'gned his posi tlun with the 'Cut ton Belt, will return io Cairo, 111,, Sept. 1. Birds Pointers rrT. very 'much to !o?e himself aad family. , Alhert-Blattati and family will ocen nv the carB now occupied hy Mr. Cox arier Sept. 1.. Rev, C. P. Rooney and family of WickUffe,.- Kr spent Saturday and Kiinday here. F. M. Prim Is (serrontdy ill wiCi pneumonia. Dr. Rawi of Wyat.t, Mo. is the attending phystcan. Miss Ma Shanks of Ouarl ston. Mo. was the guest of Mis. Ken yon the latter pare Of last week. Albert Jteld, colored, of near thir city died at Pulaski, 111., of consiuniJ tiort A'.- 2ft. , 'Mr. Reed was abov.': the average darkey. Warren Harris of Cairo, 111., was t pleasant, visitor August W. TViok: Murnhv anfl Miss I.nlu Os tiovn 'were iinilea" at Charleston, Mo Wednesday. 'Amkhm 2rt. Musi, UslKiin is the daughter of Asbefry Onborn formerly of Hutsonville, 111. Mr. Mur pity was roared in Birds Point, Mo, Thev hrtve many friends here who vi.h them much happiness. The scholars of .the Baptist Sun day school of Mrs. .1. J. n'atson's class consisting of Willie Dudd, Will Hatt ner, Rnho't Byrnes, I-oula Blattau Millie and Alfred Myres. Wnldman Hensley and Clyde and ICdward John son of Birds Mill met by special In vilatiou at her residence and were plven a 'receipt ton from 2 to 3 p. m Saturday. Refreshments wore served. ' In thri KUCBsitig contCHt a Hto the num ber of pieces of candy in a jar (he ; 'kuV of Willie IWdrt and Alfred Myron ' was a tie. MUsica Edna Dodd and Kmma Menley assisted In entertalniiig. Mrr. Priest Thomas nd Mrs. .lamen McAlleuter were Cairo v'sllorg Satur- Thursday morning, Aug. 24, without ask'ng the consent of any of the Birds Pcin'ers Joseph Askew and Miss Dol ly Reynolds visited Charleston. Mo., and were united in marriage, return ing on the noon train. Mrss Reynold: is the accomplished itanshter of Mary F. Reynolds, formerly of Desota, Mo., ail the most beaut if ful yuuug lady it) this section of Missouri. 'Joe", as he is fam liarly called, was reared in Birds Point, has been jn the employ of the Cut tun Belt railroad for the past six years and has by his indus try mounted the ladder from call boy to a full fledged engineer. The couple have: the best, wishes of a large num ber of friendrt. Mr. Her. ley of the Big Four Ry aire, in., was the guest of C. O Smith yesterday. Chas. ' Bonll'on of Cairo. 111., was a is lor here yesterday.. . C. M. Smith. Jr., of Sikeston, as oial spent Sunday here, ' Rev. C. P. Rooney and U. Eeckwith isited Wya't. Mo., today. Mrs. Mary Reynolds tieparted for l)e Sot a, Mo.. t'dav. J. M. Winslow, the popular Iron Mountain Ry. cor.ductor, was wi.h us Sunday. Mr. Winslow having been granted ft sixty days' lay off leives to day for Springfield, Ohio. Mrs. Lizzie Esque, of St. Louis; was the guest of Mrs. Llzie Tarr last of the week. . Adolphus Eevers and family spent Sunday at: Dr. Tarr';:. The ica cream social at the Catholic church Saturday night was well pa tronized ard a Diamond ring was awarded to -Miss Emma Ehrstine as i being the most popular young lady. Miss Minnie Roach of Olmstead, visited friends here Saturday. Dr. Hundley spent Sunday in our town. The gunge 'at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon registered, showing a f ..II of d.2 in 21 hours. The tovboat Herman Peapcke ar rived yesterday morning at; 4 a. m. from Barefieil Ark., with two barges of logs. She departed at 6 a. m. on her return trip, in charge of Capt. Mat. Fkchner. The Dick Fowler arrived at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Paducah. She departed at 3 o'clock for her re turn trip. MOUND CITY. The J. B Finley arrived yesterday morning from louisville, with thirteen barges of coal, two barges of lumber i-.nd three barges of nails. She left her entire tow at the Combine landing, returning in the afternoon for Iahus- ville with three empty model barges and three empty coal boats. GRAND August 28, 1905. J. R. Evers, of Belknap, was here Sunday. . Mrs. Frank Mat key went to Carbon dlae Friday to attend thi wedding of her sister, Minnie. Joe ('.mini was in Cairo Friday on business. Claude Poller, of Mounds, 111, is visiting here. , Mr. and Mrs. Tom Poulston return ed home Saturday afcr a short visit wdili relatives here. Mrs. Berillg and daughter, Marie who have been visit lug here for Home time relumed to Sumcfort Satu. inv Mrs. T. S Tarr, of Mound City, vis lted at Dr. Tarr s Friday. Miss Kielhi Yoakum entertained unite n number of young people last inurHimy evening, it beinit her 15th (lav; trail k . ute-Kmau aun wiie viauen . uirinuay. jtenesntnents were , .Cairo, III., yesderday, land all had an enjoyable time, August 28, 1905. Ray Palmer of the Sun force wa sick all of last, week and the paper m'ssed an issue. John Stoliz of Cairo has bought th? Ed. Nolen saloon, first door below Kreitner's drug store, and will per- otsaily operate It in future. Juhn was formerly a Mound City boy. As h 'Irove the old mute car to Mounds ev eryone knows him and he ought, to do well. The Polk canning factory is humm ing. It often operates till 12 o'clock at night, after putting in ten hours during the day. There w-as no "back talk" from the fellow who pitched ball hern yester day for the Di.i Quota Japs be is deaf and dumb. W. T. Hayden, just about the best and thriffext farmer in! coun ty, drove In from his pleasant home In Valley Recluse thin afternoon. Mrs. Rutland of the upper part of the city Is quite Hick Some on of very foul tastea and nocturnal proclivities visited Pat Flak ier' chicken roost on Saturday night, and lifted about, a dozen" of his cho c- est fry, I Before a big crowd on Sunday, I Mound City defeated DuQuoln by a score of 10 to 3, and only for three errors would have shut them our. The feature of the game was the work of Eckxione, who struck out five men 1y succession, when the bases were full. Not a man reached first base on the DuQuoln team, only on errors, they not getting a hit.' This makes the third game that Eck'itoiie has pitched for Mound City, and In the 11 innings allowed the v.s-1 iting clubs only one hit, a record that.' Rf'i'ved never has been equaled In base ball i... ....... .... j i.ii.i,. ..... it'. i Vf Bliy IlllIU, Ullll H1IMWU6 Utll till III' II , The Charlotte Boeckler departed yesteulay for Hickman with a tow of empties. She is in charge of Capt. Isaac Brooks. The Ranger is due rom below with tow of lumber. The tow boat Carrie V., arrived yes- (Concluded from Third Page.) which, if not met and charmed away by ttu one obvious cure, becomes the idea of revolt. This inner circle is the intelligence of the county, a f,.w choice thinkers. "That was drawn long ago, years ago, before the first Alexander. It is the germ. I draw you a second circle. It represents the students. Their dis-j affection dates far back, txi, but it. was j a phase of youth formerly; now it en- i dures. j 'i give ycu a .third circle, Whatj shall we call our tliird circle? It takes j in the substance of the country, trie: material and moral substance of Rtis-; s.'a; men of the professions, m m of commerce and industry: men 'of science and art. the great tatt led pro prietors, tbe nobles; in fact, the men by whom Russia lives and thinks and acts. Discontent Gaining Ground. "Th s circle is vast, and it is newly drawn only yesterday. It was drawn at one sweeping stroke. No one c.uild have anticipated it. But it is there today, .perfectly rounded, complete. ' "My - fourth circle is the industrial class. A few years ago there was no massed body of industrial labor; today it is strong, and it is a circle of revolt. "From this hour we can see the shaping of yet another circle. The idea flows out. to the army and navy, t0 the right hand of the present regime, to its final appeal and s'rengrX1 Arm.Vj and navy disaffected, in revolt it. is! near the end. "And y.t see! Another circle is shaping. I assure you, with unheard of speed. The idea flows out to the peasant. But. a very little white, and I can draw you that, circle, too, com plete. "The Czar depends on St. Peters burg to save him. And what will St. Petersburg do, think you?" Bogoras shrugs his shoulders; he does not believe in the intelligence of St. Petersburg. The foreigner In Russia can almost never be persuaded that anything trag ic is to happen soon. It Is disquieting to find that almost every Russian be- 1 0m i w m m m rate rrmt juicm; crasnea a Ira I raatti Snlfl Hr n tww vi wain juuu uv P Puts (rait lutoeii eraabed Iralt and out nieati of all i I kind. al Allen' Confectionery, (fi Kl WhlD(Wa Avanaa. & U Cm J. HODGES COMPANY, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. If yea want U buy, sell or axtibanf a farm ar town araparti; Qfflo at 17 Ohio t, Calra, 111. f 4H499949W9999t 9 0 W. L. BOREN LUMBEK CO. RETAIL LUMBER. We are prepared to furnish you poses. Cet our prices. Bell Phone 222. all kinds of lumber for building pur- 15th to 18th Street and Big 4 R. R. regard with equanimity." Germany or Austria in 1848. It is so strong that if the government has any conscience, any sense of its grave re sponsibility, it, will yield. Tf it does not yield and that soon Russia will revert for a whil-3 into barbarism. , "We will have a French revolution yes, one w-orse than the French. "I do not think the government will yield. A truly representative constit- lieves an unparalleled tragedy surely on its way. Radicals Still Cautions. Even in these outspoken days it is not easy to get in touch with the frankly avowed revolutionist. One inusr divine him from the general trend of his utterances, tat her than expect him to label himself for one's satisfaction. But one c.itiieH very , near the, mark when one secures an interview w, in union would tiring trie peopie in toucu , fiery advocate, Mandelitamni, the with the 'Intellectuals.' That is a con-defender-iiM'hief of all revolutionaries 1 (lit ion which the bureaucracy cannot caught in the act Soswwoff. Cue aasas-j sin of Von Plehve, and Garaief, the assassin of Grand Duke Sergius, are enly two of the mora shining lights of revolution for whom he has pleaded. Mandelstamm may or may not. ap prove' the policy of the men he de fends, but every one recognizes his eloquence as a force making cont'ti ually against the regime that breeds thete crimes. "Th-J spirit, of revolution," he says. is stronger in Russia today man in Smith Brothers THE BIG STORE 1300-8 Washington Avenue Dealers in everything that ii good to eat, use and wear. Exclusive agent (or BLANK E'S Celebrated Coffees. FOR FOUR DAYS we offer the Bargains enumerated below. Another opportunity for you" to. save, money.-- MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AUGUST 2 8, 2 9, 3.0 and 31. , s 2 bottles blueing worth Iflc 3 lbs lump starch worth 15c 3 loaves fresh bread worth 15c . 3 China eggs Strainers worth 5c . . 10 qt pieced dish pan worth 15c Graduated quart cups worth 10c Hunter's flour sifter worth Ire 2 qt tin covered bucket worth 10c 2 lbs rice . . Milk pans Pot covers . . . : . 5C . Vc 10c . . 5c 3c . . 9c ... 4c . 8c 5c 1 l-2c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c 3c, 4c, 5c 18 inch oval tea trays . . m . . 10c Tin stecj tea spoons (6 in set) worth 15c . . 9c 10c bottle household Ammonia . . . 4c 10c package bird seed . . . , 4c 6 dozen clothes pins worth 10c , . . 5c 10 lbs Granulated sugar . . . 57c Men's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 4c, 3 for ...... 10c 36 sheets Shelp Paper, worth 10c k . . 5c 100 white Paper Napkins, worth 10c . . 5c 3 cans Sardines, worth 15c . . 10c Lime, per peck . ! . . 15c OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE Petit's Cream Candy 10c a Pound. U U 0 RACKET STORE if