Newspaper Page Text
THH CAIPO RUM.P.TIM WtDNHSnAY MOPNiriO, r.npiTMnrp (, JW 4. Dn n c 8 Ice Cream Soda 5c 3DDC Pnra frntt (nicest crashed 1 1 trait and nut null of ail EI kinds. V Allen' Confectionery, f mi Washington Atcno. 11 npmiB swsbs MHmum" 1 uaamMamaf lil i " E- J. HODGES COMPANY. AL ESTATE AND LOAN iROKCR. rt j want U buy, H M axehanae farm er town ffttg at ana. W mak peclalty of thla cUa of buainee. Orrica at 117 Ohio St, Cairo), III. NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS J ..DISWOOD, ILL. I ft Hi. September 5.1905. September has opened up with some nice cod weaih -r and everybody seems in ;iiir iuif It. Kl abide breaking, hay .is and win k (if all kinds is now g dug n. Tlu"e was n interesting Kami of buse hall played at Diswood last Sun ilay by first uml second teams. TU3 (.oori. was 3 to fi in tavor if the first team. Thomas Nelscn and family vis 'toil relative near Dongola on last Sunday Mr. Jehu Elvin parsed through D;s w;od with a drove of fine rattle, he will ship them from Theirs, 111., to S,. Louis, Mo. Hczie Hargis and Cicero Hargis are clearing off a nice rove near Diswood. M s. H. L. Wr'ght made a business trip to Unity the first of Lie week. Tlit re are no: to many saw log pi'siug by now as common, but mine prjps go by in abundance. There rc t to rimhI prices for all kinds of timber. Smith benfit U improving afiet hav inn a i-pell of malarial fever. Health Is very good for this pea.-o.i of tin year take the vicinity over. Well, it will coon be opossum time and we will hear old Towner lurking, School will commence the "II, h of September with 4Mr. Twent? as teach er. As a general 'thing there is a large attendance at our school. enough tJ g'.ve a young teacher plenty to do. Sir. John Haas is doing some good work baling hay in and around Dis w od. - . The saw mill can be heard singing regular every day, 'There 'Is no use. for any jone to be idle now for ther ia plenty of wcrk to do for all and good price paid. pick ui) some ear. The flagman of i this train failed to so back j enough- to protect I; and extra No. ''7 j north erasned into it, demotwning die calxose and two box cars. Fire ma a on Xo. i'7 jumped and sprained lii iinkle 1ml no one elst was hurt. Wreck was cleared in about twi lioin's and irains running as usual. We understand the llagmnii who is s:iid to have caused the wreck resign ed this not nitig. Mi--. A .i.i Piaiti, A ".lii 3 t.ii. n sn,i iKs it' liwes spent la.-l week visi'iiiti. friends In Anna. Mr. tnd Mrs. J. F. Welsen of Mound City sp lit Sunday in our village. Mrs. McCtxd, lw s visiting iu Chicago is reported to be very sick. Most of the Chicago excursionists have returned and report a very pleas ant tint spent in the Windy City. Mr. (e org,- l!nck!e tits ;icce,ul a In,-,!!:,.!! ;is laiittuy el.rU wi'-ii the I'- loe 1 1 iin ia lailro'd i',.iiii.iuv ,oid I! i in t 'I: !-.:-. diUOo 1 i III! t I , Ti.i- I'ld.i -ki Ciuiiit Teacl.e.s' In -li.ut.'wil e unfile Monday. S, p. em b I'll ill Motiitd Citv, with i's.if. K! lis. of Carbondale, aaid Frof. M. N -McCartney, of Vienna, as instructors. Tne Villa Kidee sciieol will open Sep cinler 11th, with Mr. K. K. Up: ler, principal. Olive Huckle, primary teacher. The M.-ri i an School will ep n Sep tember 11th, with Miss It .so Duck! -, principal. Mi-j S'rah Con ant, primary teacher. Mr. Charlie Howr.di bler. wlio has been quiie sick with typhoid fwr (! rapidly convalescinj;. Th, M. W. A. are ranking extinsive prepatatioris for a tttand tinu- at the r picnic to be held a; t'ao t'.raue park on Tiinr.-dity. MOUND CITY. THE NATIONAL GAMES WICKLIFFE, KY, September 5, 1905 School will liesrin next Monday, Sept. 11, and the hoard and faculty desire that ail pupils of. ichool age enter on that date so that proper clas sification, may be made. . Attorney S. B. Penn., who lias been ill with typhoid fever for the past lew weeks, is on the streets again, though looking somewhat the worse for wear. The telephone excaange ha3 been moved into the Stecker building, cor ner Ci.urt and Fourth streets. C. B. Hill, manager for the Wick Kffi Fishing club, wat; drowned ir. Ptv.trie lake near , East ; Cairo a few days ago. It appears that,Hill and Tom Davenport were out in a small beat together and by some mean's overturned it, both falling In the wa ter. Mr. Davenport says that he man as;tl to get on top of the overturned boat and get to shore. There seems to be something of a mysicry about . the matter as Mr. Hiss It; said to have been a splendid swimmer. Elmer Enlow, little' son of Mr. and Mrs. 1). R. Enlow, fell from a box car a few days ago breaking one of his arms very badly. He is getting along very well at present. Bet wen five and stx octock yester- day (Monday afterncon M. &. 0. local lreiftnr tram to, li stoppeed at a blind crossing near Mottcow, Ky., to September 4, 1905 Labor day was recognized in this city today by the merchants. They closed their business places. Ed Beaver, who told his grocery on upper Main street last spring to Henry Crippen, has bought it back and will' operate it in the fu ture. W. T. Gafrou, late of Olmsted, has taken up his resilience in this city and assumed a position with the Me -ropolitan lu'e insurance company. H" has taken the plact. which Boh Shchuti luii. lately relinquished. Mr. Carrotf is a very wortUv citizen and Mound City will appreciate him. 11. I.. Shcehau will soon remove I Cairo (o work life insurance, lie has a Rood office position. Editor H. C. Ashbaugh, of the En terprise, made a business trip to Cairo today. Henry Crippen has sold his personal property in this city and is now mak ing his home in Cairo. He ia trying his hand at writing life insurance. The county commissioners will hold their regular quarterly session on Monday, th? 17th Inst. . Mrs. Sewall, of the southern part of the city, is quite sick. The I, C. baseball team of Padticah defeated (he Mound City Regulars in (his city on Sunday, hut they had the work of their live?. The remarkable score of 2 to 1 was made and the con test was so tightly drawn that it was in- v-r-ntii y 11 I'lttj i 11 1 w liming Pitcher Eckstone struck out 23 men Such skillful work of the sort is sel dom sern in this sectron. The addition to the Lovejoy school building is completed in all pood time for the opening of the 1005-1; term of school. A game of ball was played in this city this afternoon between the Vi enna squad and thf popular Mound City regulars. The latter won a vic tory, the score being 3 to 3. It was a high grade contest. Mound City got credit fi 12 hits, while the visitors got only 5. Joe Ooodloe, of Danville, II!., is the guei.t of his niece, Mrs. William W. Hough. Will Williams has been appointed janitor for Lowell high schools for the approaching term. Mrs. Hal Whitaker has been visit ing relatives in Chester. AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland St. Lou's . . Batteries- and Roth. Hers and R H E 0 3 4 . . (i 5 1 Clarke; Peity Boston Philadelphia Eateries Winfei dell am Schreck. R H E 3 3 1 2 10 2 and Criger: Wad- Washington New York Batteries Hughes. Heydon and Knoll; Che Gnire. " R H E ..... 4 i: i ; 9 i Fnlkcnbers, slii'ii and Me SO Nit CUkcS FOR INSCM..IA. The Victim of Disagreeable Trouble Must Study H'mseif. Lyiiis awake is ofteu a habit. It is worth a'mo..t any eflott to brta'.. up such a habit, .-ns the Pliilaib ipiiia inquirer. Insoir.nia is nmially the result of one of thnu tilings - poor circulation, iu digestion in- im nlal -ilistii '-s. 'I'l.i' .el'-;,,!! who itudK-s liilli.-ill ia'el;l!i .Wll t.e lo locale I he ditto III! UlU 'I tut liitht :! ai c, r.tiio l . i- ,.i .o.! cii i i,, j, 1 1 w arm l;'U' ttaric w!-r t.t. )i i I: ret "-. staking the I'ecliu:; und deep hi- ath ing. For ifidi'ji ion take n warm dnnV before iciiring or when sitvpless . lirink warm wa'er, warm n.iik. weak " a or pocoa and breathe deej ly. ' For mental distress mere will powci is the best. Close the eyes and as fast as the thoughts come drive them out Carry on iu :"ie mind a f.ouse-cleaiiin? I rocess. Sweet sleep and plenty of it will r.r a great way toward keeping wovtcn yi nrig. When sleep depart v rinkies conn. It is by sleep (hat we gain strength for another day. Sleep is to the brain and nerves wbar iihmI is to ijie Imdy. Here are a' few stmi!e. tried rule? for drivitii: away insoimna; Co to bed warm. Never go to bed v it h cold feet. . If t! : e,'iS ,,f the day have beer 'rvlva. rea.l a si. on,, light story Le lore letiiins. 1-v.ive wie window down n' the , to; -1 r.ciici the bed from drafts. - As .on 2s the body touches the bet rclat the muscles, shut the cy s ai' make icady to sleep. Xniaius I'rivc at?ay sleep more i.uickly than tit! thought that one can't sleep. Deit roit t Chicago Batteries Donovan and rock and McFarland. Second Game. Detroit Chicago Batteries Cieotte Walsh and Sullivan. and R II E ,.. C 13 1 ...5 8 1 Drill; Alt- R H E .39 2 . 2 10 3 Warner; NATIONAL LEAGUE ":i R HE Pittsburg C 8 3 Batteries Lynch and Gibson; Reul bach, Lundgren nad O'Neill. Expressions Made to Order. "A remarkable fact in my profes sion," said a photographer, "is that we portrait artists can give to a sit ter any" expression that is desired. A bland.look, a noble look, a serene look it. is no trouble to its to put any one of these expressions on the most ooden face. The matter is achieved by the rep etition of certain words. If you, for taijie, came to me and said you ished to look distiiigui; hed f w ould ise you in a liislinguished attitude and then I would get yon to say brash just before I snapped the sltul- r. For some inexplicable reason e pronounciation of the simple word brush' gives to the mouth an air of the most striking nobility and distinction.. ft you want to in a photo graph a look of serenity yon must say bosom.' "If ypu want to make your mouth ok Eir.?.!! 'fttpr . If yet wrnt t't make it look larger ray 'cabbage.' "To have an expression of rr.eian aoly it is necessary to s?.y 'ker- chnt.k.' . ' "To have ar. exprfsjica of pride or hauteur i, is necessary to say 'phoe nix. "Chicago Chronicle. St. iuis Cincinnati Batteries McFarland Chech ami Schlei. R H E 5 10 1 ....12 15 0 and Grady; Savincjs Banks vs. Saloons. In Nor wry on pay days saloons am closed and savins bank open until midnight. Ceond Game. R H E St. Lcuis fi 12 2 Cincinnati 2 8 1 Batteries Taylor and Grady; Vo witkel and Schlei. Brooklyn Philadelphia Batteries Stricklet t Nicholas and IXioin. R H E 3 12 7 4 2 Ritter; MUST HAVE CHARMED LIVES VILLA RIDGE. September 5, 1903. Villa Ridge is well represented at the Anna Fair this week, about h ven-ty-flve tickets being sold to Anna on Thuisday. , The Secret of Good CoUee Even the best housekeepers cannot make a good cup of coffee without good material. Dirty, adulterated and queerly blended coffeo bucU as unscrupulous dealers shovel over their counters won't do. But take the pure, clean, natural flavored LION COFFEE, the leader I all package coffees the coffee that for over a, quarter of c century has been daily welcomed in millions of homes and you will make & drink fit for a king in this way : HOW TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE. PwiMON C(FFEK,hfninjtOEctbiiitrulUiyonmiitniii!tliobfiitcoffc. Orlnil your LION COFKKK roUwjr Una. Vms " tublKwifiil to ruch cup, nn.1 m xtr lor tho pot." Flrit mix It with 8 little cold wMpt, eun-irh lo umko a thlrk paslr. and add wlilta of an g (It esu It to bo used a a settlor), then follow cue ot the follow um ruin s 1mt. WITH BOILING WATER. Add bolllnn watrr. end lt It boll THRIie MINUTI1S ONLY. Add a UlUa cold wilu and act aalda live tnlnulea to nettle. Serve promptly. Id. WITH Ol.I WATKR. Add yonr rold wator to the pante and bring It to a boll. Then act aside, and a little cold water, and In live ninutea li a rvauy io aerve. 3 dovts TWO WAYS TO SETTLE tOHlt lit WMh Tarn. TJu part of the whit ot au fire, miziDZ it with tba cronnd UOK sd. WMti Cole Walrr lntd of tgg. Aftor bolllri(! add daah of eold watar, and art aniua ror tmut or um mumics, uun aorvo throuu a alramor. (Don't boll It too long. Don't let It stand more than ten mlnuts bofora aervlng, I (.Don't use water that has boon boiled before. Insist on (retting a package of genuine LION COFFEE, prepare It according to UUs recipe and yon will only use LION COFFEE In fnture. (Hold only in 1 lb. sealed paukagco.) I taon-aeaa on erory packn;. ) (Save these Lioa-hcads for viUuuUo promiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE , WOOL-SON BPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio, A Brood of Larks Hatched Out in Nes on Racetrack. A pair of larks which built the! nest on the racecourse at Kecle park Staffordshire, and are raising a litth family, have been taken under the spe cial protection of the Grand Duke Mi chiel of Russia, who 'is now in real dence at Keele park, says the Lendoi Express. When the steeplechase races wen held at Keele park the larks' nest wa discovered on the racecourse near th winning post. Despite the races, the large number ! of carriages and t he crowds 'of pcopb I who had passed over "the course, thf I nest had escaped injury. . Marks of horses' hoofs and carriage wheels were found perilmndy close ti the larks' little home, and in one case a wheel had evidently just grazed the outer edge. The Grand Duke Michael was told of the strange discovery and went to inspect the nest. There was another day's racing, but it was thought use less to have the nest, removed, and so It was again left to the care of Provi dence. Again, on Thursday, great crowds thronged the racecourse. Race horses and carriages crossed and recrossc the Kpot selected by the birds, but agnin the nest escaped pcathless. When the nest was examined re cently It was found that three young larks were hatched out and the' par ent. birds were busy feeding the youngsters. The grand duke wan Informed of the birds' preservation and he at once Issued instructions to the men on the ei ( to carefully guard the larks and it fir home. (taJj I THAT 1 la Jem Phone 553. 805 Commercial Ave. A SHARE OF YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. MJM lMMM fc.MWWIWt IWWUWSOitWJ 1117 xix i m it n i l, i . ,i;m r ivn i . r. H AYt ri ATi;t 'a i jLxia Illinois Central Corrected to March 5th, 1805. THS FAST MAIL, RO0TK. Shortest and Qnlckaat Route to St. Louis & Chicago e-Tralna Irate ltrat a. u. I tally l.i.-.i... Veatlbnle l.liuitr!, arriving Iu CJijcuiit. at 16 fl . ul. -u,,fl ir. wilti HrluMiu tfiii (r all MWla attii iu,rlb. .':'JOtt. in. Daily Ht. Inli Night Limits arriviiiu in hi. Ixmia at 7 :0H a. di., couneclint at l-i.l-iu Htatioo (or all poluta wcat. Hltiliia cam open at :5 p. m. 5 : 1 a. m., t litcatro Dayllslit Kxproi eii'fiit bun, lay, makes all atupa urtweea (Jauo uid ChicK(ro, arriving In C'tii, no at i:bD p. iu 5:15 a. m.. M. I.oula Moruiux Kipreaa ct(,t BioHluy, arrif lug ia fct. Lou la at lt:a rtittkin ali stops. 1 1 :;lo a. m. St. r.onla Faat Mall, rrl Idk ill St. Lotus ai 6:i V. ui. I 1 is'.i) a. m. ('liK-tsd Mid-day Spwla I arriving In Chicago, p. m. 2:;lii. m. Iaily st. I.omo l.lniit I, ar riving in St, Ltmii at 7 'p. m, eouuaci iuc Union rttattou for Kimai City, Omaha, Den Ttr, San t ranciseo ami all point writ, p. ru Faat Fi ureas for Odin, KI nnghaui, Matu.oo, Toloua, Uhainpalia, Ohl cairo UllO p. in. Thftwa aocoinmodatltn. 8:4 0 p. in, hienso and K astern Ki. Dreas arrivine In Chicaro at 8:05 a. n, . inli O apoil.T: -ineittnati, 10:ia a. ni BntValo, : yj p. m.. Nw York 7:M a. m. Sleeping en FI j f'bkago, l'itesonrrara ror new run ana "w,tei .umij cMn ahonld bear In miIlu Ulttthe Illinois Central is tbe quietest rants by many hours, leaving Cairo at Id p. m. am4 arriring in New York at 7 : Ml the aetond morn. Ing. tvtaT iviHnt nftS ma r-rit v nrjil ours is the lowest tlisit good clean c,:ai can be hud for. We have it in every domestic si-'.e and there is only tine kind we d iut keepand that is I'OOit COAL. If you are looking for a ton of 2000 pounds of all coal, with no dirt or ilaie to pay for our goods are entitled to your c.rder. if you are willing. to tal e a' good sham of dust or stone wiia yonr coal we must admit that we don't carry that- kind in stock. d. f. McCarthy, i W. L. BOREN LUMBEK CO., t DRTAII I I1MRPD i riii uuiuuuiy. We are prepared to furnish you all kind! of lumber for building pur-4 poses. Get our' prices. " Bell Phone 232. 15th to 13th Street and Big 4 R. R. T Z cCvaa4a-ooea'ee34ere-- as Remarkable Merrories. ExtraCiOtnai v tat-nsorles. such seem to hJv been romn'"n in tie cid, ate siili io be eueountetea In Icdla,' where there are Hiadu, priests who car. repeat the .'itHi.Ono lines oi Mahabbarata acer.ratcly. Erglish Joke Vith a Point. An anti-tobacco lecturer si .take so uoweifuny rua:ut the use of loV.r.cCiJ that several of his audience went home and burned their cigar- hold ing one eud of them in their mouths -bv way of j,tinishr:t!.'iit. London Tit Bits. ..''.." ; ;. Tradition About Sneezing. According to tradition, sneezing was I Carry Mrils on Motor Cycles. thf flret etwn .-if Hf Sn mnn nnrt fn ttita t to I he nrref narl t)t KafinJatld m day people in cataleptic trances and South Africa ,i :c.s.a! .n'.fe of motor apparent ly drad usually indicate their I cycles liddec by ei'Ivts hin l.ein -s-return to cnascimisuess in the 'form HabliKbel!. '1 he mt!i.-id their ni-1.-of a sneize. i carrv tho ma:!.! seventy miles. SOUTHERN DIVISION rHR ONLY D1KKCT LINK TO MEMfqiS NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOUA, AT LANTA, JACKSON VILLK, HA VANNAH, VIOKHKt'BQ and-JACK8u:WILLK. S;Ob a. m.'The Dixio Flyer," linphlt daahvi lie anil Jackson ill, 41:4 1 a. m. Memphin and New Orlenaa Llmti. ed Tia Memphis, arriving in Memphis a S:H a, m. and New Orleans 7: 15 p. ni. !IM a. in., Fubuf.t and 'ouinTltle, 1 : ll . m., daily, Memplui and New Orlean Fat Mail arnviiiu iu Mi-.mptin at 7:10 p. a. and New Orleans at . A . m. 1 s IO p. tu., daily, .N aahTllle. Ohatanooaaaus1 Atlanta. :1 5 p.m. MemphU arj.l New Orloana Bpeeit rrive In Memphis at 10:50 p. m.. New Oneau 10:00 a.m. i:ll)p m.PadKCah, Hopktiisrtlleand Lonlt filie. -For throngfi tickets, sleeping car aewn" tuotlations and farther liWonoaiion app: at tlliuois Centra! Psengr ati ten, Cairo, til. J. It. JONKtj.Tkt. Agt. A. IT. HArffOM. O-n i.Obitias' v .vl.&O BULLETIN Jecondela One-way Colonist Tic ats to California. I31.M, Cairo to Ban Francisco, Ix?t ingele. Ban Diego anij all other points, taking the Calliorula common rttv - Tlcketa Kid March 1st to May lit, and Bept- ItHa to October Hit, 1181. Lauderdale Sprlnga, Mis. On line of Mobile and Ohio railroad Low round trip rate3 dally. Apply tu M. and O. railroad agents for particu lar!. ' '"'--'." ''". ny ranber infrocr.arloa regarr'' j the above rate will be furniibed nperi application to tbe undarslened. JNO. U. BSAIJU O. P. A- 3t. Louis. Ma. . J m Tleket AibbI raw ni OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOG o coooo a Bird Has Extended Repertory, A bird which can talk in two lan guages and whose repertory consists of seventeen phrases, la the latest ad dition to the Umdon Zoological gar dens. The bird belong to a species which flourishes. In ' northern India. Tb,ree ot the phrase are In an ir.dlun dialect and the rest In Knglish. The bird's name 1b Tommy and it aaks all vlil ,rti, "Who arc ytji?" G O G O Q o o o o o o o o o REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS d SCREEN DOORSl aaasaaaBBBBBsaiajsaaaisaasBBae M i' ! . 6 Only a few more left.' Must be closed out to make room for other goods. OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN. Do not miss this oppor tunity to get the best at less than manufacturers' cosJ. , , , . .. Mii IIJH.--i,T-Tl I " " "'T H iil - It ""i-. ' I II I I II ...I IU T- j h f'P' ' ','. i, I " ' : ' ,,i. ,' ;'."".. jf-. ry :fV " I t S ' i! - . M t i ; f i- - i -i f5 i; U , - i' r-nif :V h w,,: o , c , i'I ' ( ij v , - ,' ; p 7 1 ".1 z ' 1 O A 1 - '.J U-""- f Q v-. ;4 fl -- , i. - a ' O Do hot forget tlnai we are the only ' up-to-date Hardware House in the city and that our prices on all lines defy competition. 5 ' g ' ' 1. - , ........ ., .: l p. J Woodw ard Hardware Co. Salesroom WIS Ohio Street. PRI2U DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. DOTH PHONES 101. OOO OOOOOOO OO G o o ooooo ooo o o oo o o o o o fc''n. AsVmj. a .si s'(. l V. Nk----.-