Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SATURDAY HORNING, SEP f EMBER 30; 1905. 8 THE CAIRO BULLETIN III II TH LEVY llrllEII ... a I I r ACTUAL VALUt Kprd t Ik (Mm ftxtoffloe 'or trwalnlo CHRONOLOGICAL To Raise Punds to Redeem Alex ander County Lowlande ESTIMATED COST OF LEVEE FROM GALE TO M-CLURE, $30,000 PETITION TO COUNTY JUDGE. Sept. 30 In fiistory. t B. e.-EuripiJ. Greek tragic drama tist, born al auburn. UK B. C.-Pmiy tti GrHt rlvn 1 of Jlu Oawar. wu lK.rn: tried the mm day of tlie month a B. 17S4Joqu?s Necker. eminent fliiaruler ami father of M.. J- HtI. bom: ITW-Qforge Whltefleld. famous Prhr. d!d at Newburyport. Mas : born 1U4. UW-neral Samuel Fter Hintelnn. ipromliiMit I'nlon poUIt in JW2. born ?n Lancaster county.-P..: W7-Auin Cotnte, pliilosophical writer. dd In Pari HBJohn Jacob Herww. dnor of the noid Cyclopedia of Theology, died, IJOOorge' FrUWa Hoar. CnlteJ Buus wnator from Masaaehuaetts, died at W orcnter; born 1827. tlHMtltlt!tll2 1 PURELY PERSONAL imwwiMiiMrarrrtTOii B. M. Guirl, of Cache, was in the city yesterday, on business. C. L. Parr left last night for An uiston, Mo., on ft business trip. Mis. Frank Cassiday and daughter. Miss Marian have reiurncd from a visit to New Madrid, i Harney Coby. who bas been nub' ill at his home Twenty fifth and Sycs more at i wis, is si ghtly impioved. Frederick Johnson, who has been visiting at. the home of Mrs. Mary A. Pat'er left last nisht Chicago. Next Monday a petition will be pre sentcd tu Judite ivwey of the comity court askin 'hat iv tax bvy of 20.- imi.i be made to rover me com oi miim- ! i lfvH near the Mississippi rivet fr.uii dale to Met 'In re, a tlisfinoe of eleven miles, f ir the purpose of pro- luxiinir lotion ueres of line farming in, ,1 in (his eoiimv from overflow. fur imp work lias al- iin , , , -. ready W-u made and the co-r. s'i united This work has been done at the instance, of C. A. Marehildon ami r.,1 A. O. .lavnes who have spent considerable lime ami money in ae r..,i.intwliint ill. result. They have succeeded in secnrwiR the signature uf two-thirds of the land owners oon- i iuniiits to the lev e line to the pe'i lion niid there is linle doubt thai Jrlse Dewev wilt grant the petition and appoint, a Ixmnl of three eommi s '.oners to hae oharee or rue won- which will be let in small contrails allowing small cntracfers an equal chance with the larser ones. The twite fit to be derived from th !Mii'din of the levee as proposed may lie readily understood when it i known tt.a' thmisani's of acres an sometimes inundated by the Mississ ippi overllowinsr. destroying crops and flooding homes. A stase of "it feet at Cape (Jirardea.t starts thp overflow uril sonic farmers are Biifferinjr from too much water at the present time. The leve' will increase the value of the land loo per cent or more and the cost of building it will be about $:! an acre. Much of ihe land is now valued at $r.O an acre or more. A BLUNDER OR WORSE thn Amount That Bridge Com pany Will Pay Taxes On Bill BY ACID Was Daughter of Dr. Bondurant Through Mother's Mistake WENT TO APPLY LOTION BUT PICKED UP WRONG BOTTLE SUFFERER IS NOW OUT OF DANGER. . . . t n nr o IS THE WAY MlbbUUKI rnrtn REFERS TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE NEW THEBES BRIDGE Thi The condition of Ex-mayor M. c. Wright is shwinsj a l early improve ment, and he will soon be aide to be OUt. v. i ' , t Aihprtnn left, yesterday for Chicago, to resume his studies at the Northwestern university law depan-m-.ut. ity on marine ri'y last nisht publication. news, in th arrived in the interest of lib Jeff YVylie. of the HaTlblay, has re turned from a brif visit to frlfiids and relatives at Paducah and Prtneo ten, Ky. C. U Itishop, manaser uf the Pti-tal telegraph officp, will ro to I'nlon C'.tv Tenn . today for a l.-'of vihit with friends. Ua-ry Schulv.i? has fviurned from a bnsinesss trip to pi'iuls in Arkansas in the interest of iht .Weber lry Uxt Company. Mrs. Joseph Tanner and sister. Miss May Blossom Cherry have returned from Paducah. where they have been visiting frinds. Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Cro-s h.tve taken apart nn tits a! the residenc of Mrs. H. (. Farrow tm Six h niroet and will go to hou-ekeepinR. Jack Calvin, for manv vcars one of the well known Riotornieii on Hie Cairo Mreei cars, has re-nrned to Cab') af er a stay of numi'iis at Sprnfis. Ky.. and will re- -me his dutii with the Cairo Trac lion company. He-has fully regained his health. Mr. and Mrs. . B. R. Thi.-;!ewood have leased the first timx apanmenis at Seventh street and Washington av. nue owned by Mr. E. A. Btirnetf. of St, Units. E. A. Bander, president of the Al exander County National Hank. U ai home from the annual meetine of the Illinois Bankers' Aspoeiat:on meeiina; at Bloomington. 111. Miss Lot lie Sehaaf ha. returned frnm a brief vUi: lo friends in Twin cah, Ky., and will leave today Louis to visit during thv annn Prcphet Exposition. Maj ir E. V. Haltiday and daughters Misses Alee and Elixa, and brnther in-law. Charles T. Hinde, of Los An :ele.s. Calif., b-ft last nisht for Cor nado. Calif., where Mr. Hindi and the Misses llallidav will spend the win- er. Th y will ro by the way of Chi cago. St. Paul, Portland and San frran CiSCO. " ; Record, published at Benton, ,i. : ictlv in. ricott county. .u"m.. i licnani at the a-s..-sment of the Mis souri half of the Thebes bruise, ami xpre.-ses contempt f..r assessment Miards as follows: Tl.. irans-i;s i.-sinid river bridge ii the upper end of this county has ai S . i.-.iiMi just nity n.. .vwl .i.illnrs for in f or a niUKiuu- .t i,.-.,i.m- that could not be bouaht for live fi wnt camnaiens Kepublican speaker ..! Miu have condeiutied I)eiuo- .'ratio a.-e-Mue nt boards in mak n.i In- riilmnd n i-ses-merit S. Ultt ninei iv.r. ihev so ridiculously low a.- th Whv lull we been a member of that iioaVl. Inline wo would have consent ed to s.i ab.-urdly inadequate an as-e-ment. we sneuld have omi'Ud it .i.vt.ih.r It would have been much easier to exnluill. Here ill Scot! county farm lands are ii.j...,-..! nt alinni one- 'lurd tlietr vae iiiffher and w have it u- nav. T here ts no i'imjiuom m e-.p:me. But a rich r -i poratioti ciinp"ed of half a doen i cb railroads, by in. an unknown to us Ingratiate, themselves with liie asses.-menl board and pot pioperiy a--es;fd at eno-im ieih. of its cash value. The Illinois ..nd if tne same struc ture is redictllosly assessed at $823,- iihi. on which the tax levy is twenty ,er cent, or SH:.".ni.i nu re than th.-.-e times the asse-sm- nt on tilts side of the river. The states of Mi-ouri and lllium.s iri: out a lot t taves. in .mismkih the .-latisle- direct that this oli-s ct p-opertv 'hail be by an ats- ment board, ctmi;o-ei! cf the (Jov-t-rnor, attorney ceneral. secretary of .tj.u crate anditi.r and t-taie treas- ,,ret-.ail Kcpublicans except Gover nor Folk. , Did the ntiiroHds r -ally perstta ie the Mi--'';'i as'-.-.-nient imam tnbi mile-lona steel, double track railrcad titidses coitld be Imil: aero" tue Miss issippi for Sl'ioi.tto? it is almost an iiiMiU to Ititir ,ntellii!enee to suppose :i. but it miw hav. been that way. for ihe Missouri beard returned the asve--nieiit at $3 .'.') for thn Missouri half an.i tints Sr-otr ccutiiy and the -tate of Mbr-onri are dehrit.d of taxes alioti! ciptal to the pe-?onal s "--ir.ent !i-i in strott ci'titny. WarnsEs; to ConsnKiers f Beer ALWAYS CALL FOR. lona Boudurant. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bonduraut, is in a serious condition, stiff riiia; from burns caused by the accidental administration oj carbolic aoM. by her motber. The child had been troubled with net.le rash for several rays. ne was, wakeful and restful early yesterday morning. To r lieve her Mrs. Bon- ,l.,r-ont ln(Vie.l liie child s limbs witn what she supposed was a lotion pre scribe.) bv the father. Tn the (lark Mrs Bondurant got the carbolic acid in place of the lotion. J on a complained that the lotion was burning her art! upon Investigating Mrs. Butiditrant discovert d tie mis take. lbs. J. J. Ren.lleman and S. B. Cnry were hurriedly sunimoned ana ait po- ible was dime to reiiee me mn girl's BtifTerings. ll.nh btnbs me bai'Iv bulled from tb knees down. AT firr fears were i fin ..ininl fnf lur refOYOl'V. bllt sllC was resttnu easier !a.-t nisht. Dr. Bondurant has b en extremely 111 for several days. Whin awakuml by his datiRhter's cries, he left Ills bed to administer lo her injuries. He is miw in a serious conn It. on rrom ex citement and n tvous pros'ratiou ..Mrs. Botiduranl is almost prostrated from firief. DOC HEAVEN FILLED Witti H.-iir.tkES Canines Who Have Been Ssnt to Their Reward by Cairo's Pound Master a dogless city lew canine 'n- it size in the IF YOU WANT THE BEST. Don't let dealers palm off on you other Indiana bottle beer simply because THEY GAM BUY IT CHEAPER. If you want ihe Best Insist on Getting COOK'S BEER. C.iiro is now i.lno. anl probably ha as habitants a- any city country. This is the result er the uo.ul s vices norfotmoO. by '. M. David cltv DouaJmaster. Since Mr. Datr i.lac went into oiTice in May. less than -iv mi. it tli.- in, he , "C llltie.l" OVt T.'i'l de-s from th Cilv. Mr. David;;" is w'thout doubt the ruo-l -ni ce.-, fvl ofticitil canine exter- ni'iii.ti r wh'-i has ever -served the ci'y. Ilii.i uf the h oiieb-ss ati'l woithless i.r-.n.i rise .'Yirenn !v .scarce on- thi (JtTWlH, A few morrhs ttto street corners vvrr" oliee, o ocl.e; ny tue ioui-uuk iti,.. a rut riemile Wl'l"" forced to hu dle over to get. past hem. Doc davs. or the doers of the day A, SVOBODA, Wholesale Dealer, Cairo, III. I -i .,,.!,, it nf lireeinita Pnitcrt Slates. Miss Wallace noeds in' m - " ., " . . .. , ,i- IL 11,1 Ml 111 Mil. lvi,J ...... mailins orders as WORK ON HEW PLANT Of the Greer-Wilkinson Company Will Be Started Next Week Home For Foreman in Pailu v for St. I Tne work nn " lat Vieleo ,lm n"w ma1 ! IViu f.,.i..i.,..AllL WELLREPRESEHTED Will Cairo be at the Paducah Horse Show Next Month cuv. and in tnailintr timers iu nei liave the assurance that they will have the full benefit, of the taste and fnr u.-1'li-b dilP Is SO WC.l l.". ji i ii i.'i t-nnwn Satisfaction K'tar.inteed. a-i tress Miss .1. I Wallace, 21G-21S West H'bi Puf-et. New Yorlc nity How to send orders. State In let- or tvl.. and color of hat de-iri.,1 aw.l enclose nostoftiee order for the exact ,!., .nt vim wtuit the liat to coat (111! VI 111'. ...... - - Miss Wallace guarantees hats cheaper and of bolter styles than can be bought elsewhere :i.07 inches on Oc- secutive bonis was tober IS, ISS3. un-atest amount of snowfall re corded In any 21 consecutive bouts (I'.-eord exteiultiiK to winter oi. i.oov SI only) was none. lncne on i. Clouds and Weather Average numier of clear days 13; partly cloudy days B; cloudy daya . Wind The urevallins winds have been from the south. hourly velocity of tho wind is 7 miles. The hluhost velocity of the wind was Id miles from the north. October 23. 1K87. from the S W, October SO, ISSy anil Oct. VI, lSIit). P. H. SMYTH, liocal Fotocaaler. a'e ab)iit over in Cairo. m W ,WHEN TO EXPECT FROST . Judge A. Comings, who has been at St. Mary's Infirmary for a few days with an affliction or the fool, is able to he at his homp on Eighth street but Is still confined from his business. The friends of Justice Joseph frUea gala will he pleased to know that, there has been a marked Improvement in h's tondilion and that It is expected that he will be able to be out withiu a few days. Mrs, F. M. Thornton and daughter Miss MaUie Bell, left yesterday for Jackson, Tenn.. where they will re bide. Mrs, M. 0. Wood. Mr-. M. C. -Newsome and Miss Lutie Thornton Went to Jackson yesterday. William Arste. the widely known editor and proprietor of the Water way Journal, the rooosnlzod author one of the largest of aniifactitruiK plants the Cireer-Wllkin-on Lumber Company will probably start next week. The starting of the work ib-peii,!-. upon the ni rival of material, several car loads of which ate due today over Ihe Bi(; Four railroad. The oimipauv's mill will be located n the drainage district a hove MUiir1 City. The first build. ns to he erected will he a seven room residence for the tupany's fireman, and office, tem porary lumber sheds and stables. The work, on the main building will hepin as Mmn as the preliminary prep aratiuna are completed.- SOCIETY FOLKS AND BLOODED HORSES FROM HERE TO TAKE PART MANY PRIZE WIN NERS TO BE ENTERED For Best Grade and Low Price PHONE 324. FRED D. NELLIS c milinery for Fall 1905 On Saturday, Sept 30th, I wff ex hibit my collection of Pattern Hats, cMilltnery and cHpvelties, and cordi ally invite the ladies of Cairo to in sped the latest millinery I have secured. Miss F. K. Bristol 209 Eighth Street, Cairo, M. t iibo horses, as well as Cairo so ci.-ty people, will take 'a prominent part in the Paducah horse -now, whj-h will be held October 18-21. Matty pe iplo fioni thin city will attend and the followum ."Sponsors .will repre-cnt Cairn: Mis. . ('. Terrell, Mrs. L. R. Penison, M'ss Blanche Parsons and Mbs Emma Woodward. Tho I'adueiih News-Democrat of yes terday ays: Wallace C, Core, or Cairo, who litis manv fine horses probably will enter several in the different c .uilests Robert Tyler, of Hickman, proprietor of the Oakwood stock farm, probably will have (several entries in the har- n ?! hoi-e cla-s. and Iban Burton of l-'ulttii. may have an entry. Sev eral other at Fulton and I'tilon city have written that ihoy will enter li'irse.;. C. R. Davis, representing the Hart man stock form of Columbus, Ohio, is In th city and says he will have eer:i Ceruiati Coach horses in the show. OH mantis Bros., of Watr oeka, 111., will also have several cc.ach horse entries tlirouRh ihelr local agent Dr. B. ('..irhcr. It is probable (hat Adolph Hunch, prominent brewer and stock man of Louis will have a line string, of his standard bred roadsters and fan cy driving horses In Paducah during the hor.-e show. Ben Woille and other prominent iiietnlK'n of the horse show a.-soe'a-tioii. who are close -friends of Mr. KuM-h have written him and have a promise that he will he here, Mr, Bnwch ha one of (he linen! Hiring of horseis In America, but will nor compote for any of the and will only exhibit his hot'sen here. The association has decided to have plendld parade on ednenfbiy morn lug ai II o'clock October IS, Ihe flrsl day of thn show. Valuable Stamp Collection.. Thomas Tapllns of London begun collect in if postage i.tmnpn v hen only B) cava i -hi and now ha a t'i'1 ctl'-rt uf almitt ine.etiti, nibba is estimated is worth I300,i".:'. S IN SOCIETY a,................... Guests at Chicago Party strt.niii- sj'vmnnr Bavley. a for mic Cc.iro tirl. wa- the jntest of hmiot at a pretty reception, at the home o! Mr i v.iiM li:nb v at Woudlawn, a suburb of Chioaito, yest'Tiiay alter noon. The hi.nse was beautifully decorated with pink roses, asparagus, ferns am Hmii-.iY- tho table In the dining room lieins ornamented with pink satin rib lion, nink candles ami shades. Pink and white ices, cakes and bon bons were served by Misses Fanny Sims Helen Perry and Ruth Bacon In the receiving party were Mrs. Lv.iia M. Bavley, Mrs. Stanley Sey mour Bayley, Mrs. Isabella Candee, of Cairo: Mrs. T. V. Cornish and .Mrs. Victor T. KissitiKer, of Lincoln, Neb ami Miss Charlotte Bayley, of Hot Sprlncs. Ark. The invitation list num bered over a hundred. Mrs. Stanley Seymour Bayley was Miss Florence Strong, daughter of Dt and Mrs. J, K. Strong, of this city. She was married to Mr. Bayley Sep tember 20. The bride will entertain the receiiv ins party at luncheon this arternoon at. het pretty new suburban homo, 1M3 OrriiiKton aveiniie, Evanston. Reoords of Cairo Weather Bureau Show Earliest Was in September, 30, Usually on October 23. Millinery Exhibition Saturday, September 30tli, It cay he October 28, or -vi n later i, ....,-.. ruin.!-. . wi i wane lil) some morning to linit a Ktttins int iii-i the ground and the fpiatan'.me nnvtn,j on. T'uey may be surprise-i 8w.ti) , howevf-r, to lhid a killing frost, when ihev open their eyes th's mornlu. Accordins; to the way the i.!(. i u. l-i-enriU keot at ihe Cairo wpaiher bureau for thirty-four years. .v, ,.i.,n flat.:, i.f the West. Visit Of 1 Mir .1.,-lHl.v, ' a ekillinc" frcht at Cairo and vieinHy ... ri,. s Tho earli 'st frost. OI the killing brand came in 1S!3 and ar rived Sentember 30. If a frost Is not Mrons enotign lo - rtin away yellow lover mosquito, ,,o,-.l,. anil ileientinll oat'S. i-iiii tf.e in.' feiiiMin ' - i . Calmltes must not lose hope, for a , .f.ff .t i i ,..,., Knmo ttefur.v October i. iiciMi iivT.i- ........... ' - i L'nno. The records at Observer P. 1 It Miss Minnie Comba, GILBERT BLOCK, EIGHTH STREET. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. on ,..Oc- i;t,;o;l" 'at de?rees J. HI. Pretty Home Wedding. Mr. Mcholis !. Vore, of Mound Cirv, mid Miss Lucy Scheel.-r of Cairo wore married Thursday night in a quiet, but beautiful home wedding at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. JesHe O. llunl, :i:i2 Eishth stred, Uv. A. ,1. Porter official ini? in the presence of relnHves and close friends of Mr. tind Mrs, Do Vore. After receiving the constat tilatlons of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Do Vore left for Mound Cltv where they will live. Mrs. Do Vore Js extremely popular and has a host of friends in Cairo and Mound Cilv. . Mr. De Vore is a mer chant of lhnt city, being In the gener al merchandise hus ness. The key to the aituaiion la atlvce Use tn The Bulletin. MISS J. L. WALLACE Who formerly conducted the millin ery mora at 2! Eighth Street. In this city Is now locativi at 21(1-218 West lirid Hi reel," Nrw York City .and In compliance with many reriuesta from former citHlotners in Cairo tind vi cinity has tirranRed to conduct a ninll order biminesH nnd will bo ploaseil In f.ivc her p ihoiihI ami prompt at Ictiiioti to onUrs, tor mllliueiy for ladii;,t dunlrluB tho ntaat correct styles Uiruct tiom the leading botibca of. tht? 1 4 i H. Smyth's office show tha toher 29, 1873 the mercury 24 decrees, which k eight. below tha freeIns point. The following data, covering a per iod of 34 years, have been complied! from the weather ..bureau records at, Cairo. They show the coridlt'ons that' have prevailed during October for Ihe above period of years, out, must, not be construed as a forecast, of the weather condit ions formic emi- ftiK month. ,; , ; Temperature Men'n or normal temperature 00 itel'i-.-eM i.' . - ... , The warmest month was that ot 18!)7 with an average of. degrees. The coldest month was that tif 1.873 .with an average of 34. The hiuhe-t temperature was 90 de gree on October 3, 1807. The lowest temperature was 24 ole Kfoes on October 20, 187'.!. The earliest date on which killing frost occurred in autumn Sept. 30, 3809. AveruKe tbvte on which killing trust occurred in spring, March 28. The lalest dale on wlitcti iuiiin frost occurred in spring; April 19, 1887. pMrinitation frain or mcltea mow) Average for the motitn i.w uicnoM. Avi.rairi n umber of day 8 with ,01 ,.f .... inch or more. 7, The irrea'ost monthly precipitation si. C.'.lT Inches In 188:1. The bas" monthly jtrecip'tatitm wa.i o.:lS inches In 3S87 I KELLY BRO'S. LUMBER COMPANY LUMIiKR SASH DOORS srrrxwoRK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TAINTS RUBBER OILS WKAT1IKR STRIPS ' OLASS RUBBKROID TTARDWARK ROOl'ING Twentieth and Commercial Avenue, III INf CAIRO, ILLINOIS. C O iV I. Lowest Prices. Beet GraU. Doth Phone 409. O. W. ROBINSON COAL CO.. 2500 commercial v. ut Fall ISO 5 'Fait 1905 cfMttnery display Ladies of Cairo are invited to inspect the Imported and Domestic original models and styles on our opening day, Saturday, September 30, Mrs. C H. Brackets 701 Commercial Avenue, Cairo, Hi Clever adaptations fresh from our own trimming rooms. I Fall 1905 j Fall 1905 i I. ' " 1111 - 1 z:..