Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BUI LETIN SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1905 Don't Neglect Your Child v Worms oftrti vause lite-Ions; weakness and suffering and In some instances they have caused dentil by clogging the intestines. If vocr child pkU at the nose, Rrinds it teeth; is troubled with bwi-wettmf. at night, pee isluuess, fretfulness, sour stomach, diarrh.ra, dailc circles under eyes, foul breath, thin, pale cheel. fit and convulsions, it hou strong symptoms of worms-. 1 he best, easiest, surest, pkrunu-st remedy is -J IflGKAPOO WORM KILLER It has restored thousands of children to robust health. It is an px-rclitiiit tonic and inviirorator ot the v.hoU svstera. Kickuptf" Vorm Ki(rli:t ln.'! otir two hiMrm wondtTluih. M i Ixnd aatt I h;t uoiU-wl svuv Hi liil'tuutH of Mrnw tunes. It nh gr-ttiy IjpUkhI. if ti cut in -iv tmptl. linen itii or t-a vfi;ug. ife-Air we b -a rued of K" ktMu Vu-rm Kiiit-r w anxJ hrv or fuurtinr m ir:u ivmeit BilUutlierHii. I tK (Smi m wt'riuy 1 ti Jit hiii- ot h r motors h -an- wrornnl t.1 .jt client .ujtdrnttrv K': lnw Worm Kiir." Sin. Ttms. Nodt-iiN-tl Ave., Moime, HI. Kicuapoo W orn KiIut is inval uable for all tonuuh and intestinal troubles ol adults. 25 cents a pack age,:drugjt or by!. sum pies and advice free. KICK A POO MEDICINE CO., . CltntcfuHie. Conn. 1 LE J N SECOND GAME PHILADELPHI'NS BATTED THREE WHITE SOX PITCHERS FOR A PRONOUNCED VICTORY IN CRUCIAL SERIES BRITONS TELL OF CHRISTY'S MASTERPIECE.- i mm EVERY OCNCB Bl'RNS and gives out it? proportionate amount of heat, . it's because our coal in from the be?? coal mines. Everybody knows ' THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN COAL. . Some coal is so bad .you don't get naif the heat from it. you oieht to. Such coal is for dearer than what we tnntish. Get the best and get it d7f.' McCarthy, 209 Com! Ave. Phones jo' Puiiadtlphia. Sept. The lead i s scored the r second straight vie-to-y over Chicago in the crucial ser ;e? for championship. The locals iut ilayeJ she viitors in all departemnts of the !:sni. I'h ladelphtans batted ht.-J. Chicago ti-ir.g a third pitcher. -) boil the leaders: meantime Hen h'T. the iiiiiian pitcher, was twirling a suadi'y eTeetie game, except in the fifth, when Chicago scored its only r-in o:t t wo dciibles. Bender kept the hits mastered. The attendance was mr li'.eort. RUE I'hieaz- t 8 lT.)iaer:prta 11 i rat? Jit- All rock. Walsh. Smith, mi l McFar'and; Bender an 1 Schreck. SCENES OF MASSACRE AND SIEGE MORE HORRIBLE THAN RE PORTED EXODUS OF THE POPULACT CONTIUES. R Roston 1 Detroit 4 Batteries Gibson and Ciger; len and Warner. H E 9 4 9 I Mul RUE Wa.-hir.gtun .. .. 0 S S St. Loui .. .. tl I't S Batteries Adams, Manuel and Hey den; Buchanan and Spencer. Baku. Caucat-ia, Sept. 23. The feel ing among the workmen here la still rebellious. Auothir mass ot troops, numbering 11,'0 men, wi:h three bat teries of artillery, has been poured into the city. The Governor lias Issued an rrder forbMdins th" troops under and cir eum.tanees to fire on houses occu pied by foreign Consuls. Should, how ever, shots be ftercd from these build ings at the troops, the landlords will be heavily fined. Th? proprietcrs of the naphtha wells and refineries have ben ordered under pain of arrest to pay an tne arrears of wages due to their e.nployes. Since the departure of the Viceroy, Count von -Dash koff. the state of mind of the inhabitant;; has changed for the worse. On Sunday the police ra'ded an lilegal meetins and arrested a number of persons, in cluding some women. A fifth of the population has left the town or been sent away, and the exodus continues. r I ESI The Grand Leader will be closed on Saturday, Sep tember 30th, on account of hot iday. Will open for business on Monday, October 2. Patrons will oblige by reserving their orders until that date. Respectfully ROSENBURG & GOULD. R H E N-w York ) 1 Cleveland 1 9 0 Batteries Clarkson and Connor: Rhotides and Clark. NATIONAL LEAGUE I ff- Lt t 111 'MH- ' ' 1 ,v'::s x- "i.w 1 vklu: l-Htf CI 1 FREE THIS BEAUTIFUL ' 1 J ii Color j, POSTER BY HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY Madam R H E St. Louis , 5 12 3 New York .. 6 9 0 Batteries McFarland. Thielman. and Grady; Mathewson Bresnahan. Second Game R H E St. Louis 1 5 2 New York . . 5 5 0 Batteries McDougal and L?hy; and Taylor, Bresnahan and Clark. It& n4WiS,-ti.i!'ii. Cincinnati ?h'lade!paia .. Batteries Ceeh and ger and M.mson. R H E 7 H 0 2 S I Schlei; Pittin j NEWS OF RAILROADS J 5 BLAMED By Gome Is Uncle Sam for the Blood- j shed in Cuba. j Havana, September, 28. Jose Miz- nle Gomez, governor or lite Province of Santa Clara, who was nominated by ihe Liberals for the pf-Mdency, has resigned his candidacy. In letters tn .- the executive committee of his party he isavo the reason tor his action, lay lrm part of the blame on the Ctiiti-i; Slates, owini; to the C amend iiH'nt. Governor Gomevc says: "It is Impossible to coniinne the campaign within the Ixmnds of the law. The (wvernment. bus won a complete awl eveTwhelminK victory. "With Liberals by the hundreds In the jails, and with the rifle of armed forces and even the dafcgcr.s of hired :.-iis.Mi)s nmun-t tituiimed youth, the problem confronting . me Is whether I -.diuuld continue to loul my followers to the pedis and permit them to be come the victims of this .sort of treat ment,. One other roaj is open, that followed by other nations in analo gous circumstances, namely, the right of revolution; bur. Cuba stands in a peculiar position, as an armed conflict would inevitably brini; foreign inier veniion. "I am a Cuban soldier. I love ord'T and peace, and preter to leav to Ttiy adversaries the somber glory of tbeir iriitsnph along the criminal path wb're they liave ' fiaiit Cuban liberties. For il)o:'- reasons I (;u treat niy party to accept this Irrevocable; resignation. CAPT. SELFRIDGE DEAD. Boston, September 29. Captain James Russell Selfridge, ordnance, offi cer at the OharleKiowti navy yard, died of apoplexy today. His father was tho lal? rear admiral. Thomas O. Sci- f ridge, ami his brother :s rear admiral Tiiomas O. Seifridge, retired. Hickman, r Sept. ''.'. It, js re ported that a branch line of the Iron Mountain railroad that will take the main line and ex'end to Hickman, thus going from the city in a direct. line to St. LouU and Chicago, is as sured. W. W. Hayden and a corps of e.isrlneershave been encamped w'th in five miles of the river and are rapidly completing the survey. Sound ing for an incline has been made op- post-e Hickman and a s-anstactory point !ocaie.l. Mr. Hayden has beet) in the employ of the Illinois Centra! railro.-.d for a number of year;-:, and tar; constructed a number of branches f :r that road in Mi.-s 'sxippi. From him it. w,v l .-atted that a branch of the illmoi.'". terit!';:.) would have been ex-1 tended. 1'rotn Cairo to Memphis vial iiiekt.ian had the lve lielow the city been f'Oiiipbed. ENGLISHMEN TELL OF BUTCHER London. Sept. 20. In:eresiing inei-' dents of the experiences of the Eng Ushmeo cotaiected with the oil indus try at Baku are reaching their rela tives in England in England. Wil liams, one : t four Etigli. hu:en rescued from a mob at Balakhan, writes that the stories of the horrors give but a feeble ieda of the actual occurrences. He adds: "I was shut up in my place at Za brat for live days without any water except naizan (local mineral water). AH the people here .were crying ami fainting. All around were fires and rifle shots. Ten Armenians were kill ed out of ihrse in our own yard. You could not v,-aik a yard without several shot.) being fired tit you. We tried io save the wounded, but the shooting was too good, and we had to give up the attempt. Edward MacCallnm, another rescued British subject, fully crnfirms the stor ies of massacre, burning, ami pillage. After describing the commencement of the outbreak Sept. 2, when the Ar menians massacred 3fH Tartars, he de . cribes fcow. during the night of Sept. G. Tartars entered the workmen's bar racks at Romani, and massacred every body in them within an hour. Five hundred Tartars surrounded the works where MacCalium was sta tioned, and forced hun to give up the Armenians hiding on the premises. "Fourteen cf these were butchered in our yard with fiendish brutality." he says. "One man had his entire stom ach cut out. The band sacked the neighborhood in the most systematic manner. They had carts ready to take away their plunder to the Tartar vil lages. Fifty Cossacks, with a police chiff. arrived on the scene, but did nothing except, look on at the work of massacre. The whole time we were besieged we lived on condensed salt water." For till regular trains (Krober 2 the M.d.ile & Oh o will sell round trip tickets to St. Louis for $:!.00 and on I he day following for one faro $4.(.;r, limited to return October (i, 1903. St. Louis and return $'.! October and $IC October 3. v'a Mobile Ohio. Limit to return October C. r 55233 Truths fliat Strike Home Your grocer ig honest and if he cares tdldo so can tell you that ho known very little about tlie bulk coffee he Bella von. llow can ho know, whore it originally came from, , 'i ,i i-i , a. aiow ii was uieuueu or wan wnai -or wlion roastoilt If you huy your coffee loose by the pound, how ran yon eipect purity ami uniform quality ! II V i 1 m vlrn. OjsAV II T I FIGHT OVER A DOLLAR Which It is Alleged the Packet Com pany Owes the I. C, Railroad Clerk' and Watchmen In Row. BOMB INJURES SEVEN St. Petersburg. Sept. 27. Chief of Po lic:; vanoff, three policemen, aril three women were severely wounded today by the explosion of a numb rarown near the town gardens at Kovno, northwest Russia. The thrower of the bomb escaped. V- HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY'S beautiful portrait of as ''Alice of Old Vincennes" This poster is considered by critical and popular taste to be the most striking draw ing the famous artist in pas tels has tver created. On account of the soft tones of the crayons, the poster, though catching, is in ex cellent taste. A fitting pic ture when enclosed in a narrow black frame for a li brary, parlor or boudoir. The drawing is printed iii four colors; green, yel low, ted, black, on the heav iest Pelc3ire enam;l paper. The size is 10x31 H inches. The poster will be mailed to any address on receipt of 1.00 in money or stamps for a 2 years' subscription to Madame. Madame may be sent one year to two different ad dresses. Just ask one of your friends to subscribe at our bargain rate of 50c or better still send Madame one year to one of your friends as a Christmas pres ent. We will start the sub scription with the Christmas number. A HIGH GRADE $i:oo MAGAZINE. For Women. It is bright, tasteful and up-to-date. It is the best $1.00 Woman's Magazine in the United States. Its covers are drawn in colors by the prominent artists of the land, notably,- - F. Y. Cory, Harrison Fisher, , Hugh Stewart Campbell, T. V. McFall and others. Trie illustrations within are the work of Harrison Fisher, E. M. Ashe. Howard Chandler ' Christy, and other famous artists. Many of our readers ' frame these cover designs. In fact the drawings alone are worth the price of one year's subset iption. The most popular authors and special writers con tribute to the contents of MADAME. OUR BARGAIN OFFER. While other high grade magazines are increasing their subscription price, the management of Madame have decided to take advantage of the opportunity and make a special bargain price of 50c a year think of it a $1.00 magazine for just half price. In addition to thus, to all those who will send us their own subscrip tion for 2 years for $1.00 we will send them Howard Chandler Christy's Masterpiece, the beautiful two color poitrait of Virginia Harned as "Alice of Old Vincennes." Every woman would be proud to own one of these drawings by the world's best artist. Send $1.00 for a 2 years subscription to MADAME and receive free of charge this beautiful portrait. If you are not satisfied we will refund your money or if after readme Madame for three months you canno truthfully say our magazine is the best $1.00 magazine published we will gladly return your 1.00. You are to be the judge. , . , THE FORD PUBLISHING CO., INDIANAPOLIS, U. S. A. BARGAIN COUPON. FORD PUBLISHING CO., Indianapolis, U.S.A. Enclosed find 1.00 (in money or stamps) for which send me MADAME two years beginning with number, and Howard . Chandler Christy's famous portrait of Vir ginia Harned as "Alice of Old Vincennes," It is understood that if the Poster is not satisfac" tory I will return the same and my money will be re'uned. Name , Street City. Democratic Mass Convention. A ma-s convention of democrats will be held at the Court, house In Cairo n Thursday, October 5th, 1905. at p. m., sharp, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for county commissioner of Alexander County. By otiler of County Centra! Com mittee. GEO. B. WALKE, Secretary. The Carrie V. is now running as a "daylight," boat with a single crew, Capt. Bud Smedley pilot, and Capt. Saddey Emeail engineer, left the boat yesterday and are now open for engagements. The W'arrenn a: cah at 1 p. m. md for the return trip rived from Padu left at. 3:30 p. m. yesterday. The Woolfolk-ir. due from Memphis with empties that, go to Caseyville, Ky. The Warren n is at 1 p. m. today. due from Paducah NEWS OF THE RIVERS i a i 1 1 1 i -The Stacker will bo due ton'ght from Memphis and goes to St. Ixmis, The Dick Fowler !; off the ways in gooil oondi'ilon. It. in reported siio will rcsumo her regular trade next week. HON COFFEE, the LEADER OF All PACKAGE COFFEES, la ol necessity , uniform In quality, Ktrcnoth and flavor, f or 0VFR A I QUARTER OF A (EU1Y, IJON COFFEE feas been fVr. standard ccllee fa millions of homes. LION COI1 EE r-d.t I our laclorlcK, nI unlll opmrA tn your home, no clmnce ol bclog odul- traled, or ol coining la contact vim duat, dirt, germs, or unclean bandit. each package of LION UUWKE you get one 1UII nountl of i'uie JUonee. lumut genuine. upou utfttuig the (Lion head on every ,atl:agj.) " (Bv th Uon-lid fcr Ttlttall preoitnmi.) COLO BV Ci'itOCEttS EVERYWHERE ' ' , Wool ,W IN BJ ICB CO., ToViio, Olio. The St. Louis and Tennessee River Packet Company is alleged to owe the Illinois CVntral railroad a dollar. As a re nit of the non payment of (hi alleged debt a clerk on the fleam i. r Saltillo was badly hurt In a lively flui on the I, C. wharfboat yentertlay afternoon. The Hteainct' which wan on its way from SJt. Inis lo tit.' Tennessee river landed at the wharf bout at. the foot of Fottrl een lb street, The (bird clerk of the Kteamer and Dan Hamleamp, watcttman on the wharfboKt began quarreling over the alleKnl debt. Handeamp then iiiKhcd , upon i ho clerk and ntnick him on the lead I wrt! with a lantern. A bad Rattli va i cut In the icalp, I he men rlitiile,! ,iit were wcpiiraloil bclerc nore tnow pHtifc u. t he. . .oinvii . ,o any more IiIowh pnKsed. The clerk then ran for his piHlol. nandcfiinp made hist get nway before ho returned. . The captain of the Saltillo went to police headtpiaftHM and asked thn llumlcainp be arrexKid, The reipieMl WtiM refiiKeil a. Hie rai'lniu v.oilhl no) oiisenl for Ibe cb-l k lo rem tin tit Cairo t.i lewilfy at (he trial. The Siillillo 1 ft for the TeniieHsoo river into In Ibe sifiri'iioim wiih the Wounded clerk aboard, The KattRc i.slered, four hours. at I p. a fall in. yesterday rei, of !.! In twenty- Tile Saltillo arrived from St. Louis ye,eiday afternoon and lefc for the Tennessee rive after faking on a bis lot of fivighi. Tiie Pacific No 2 arrived yeB'erday aft crown, wiih four barges of !ok for Cairo milla. The niRht. Wash Honnhell from below. arrived last The ,lrsic 11. came down the Ohio at noon yesterday ami left fur the upper MhK'Wfippl. Tin; Ittiileiiit'tj Ktilmcrlbcr tiioiK y bit- with. ItHV'J BEEGUfif.l'S PILLS The tfrt thing In tH Morning of a remedy ell'icacy. Try i l'ilb nji riiini and 1 1 ii 1 i t , the improvement in your The Warrenn will take ler'n place in tb Puduc trade. the .loo Four th ICvnn villi n: n will cunt'ne fallins dtirtnt; the next two or three days. At, Paducah and Cairo will continue falling rapidly tlur ins the next two or three days. The Tenncft: ee from Florence to the meuth, very little change during the next ;!ti hours, probably followed by a rise. The Mississippi from below St. Louis, to Cairo, will continue to fall rapidly during the next two or three days. p. H. SMYTH, The Lee lllio b iiiIm will resume their nuts In. the Citi'ditnal', Cairo ami Memphis: (ratio in the early fall or winter. The S prague hits been repaiated. STATIONS Danger BlatLia Cnange line ft Pittubttrt; Davis I. Dam . . . 25 Parkersburg , , , 3C Cincinnati 50 i.onlsvlllo ...... -28 Evansvllle 35 Ml. Vernon 35 Ml. Carmel ..... 15 Nashville . . CliHUanonKH f iiiu"rsllla Ploretice , . , .loliltHolivilln I'iobieah .... t'alro HI. Paul .. DENTIS T Dr. Edwin Day Morrow Does Everything In j Dentistry. 803 Com'l. Av., CAIRO, ILL Gem of Phillips Brooks. These are truths; we are all of m Owl's children; every soul is made for purity, and has no right to sin; tin Htm! can do it duty anywhere with out a thrill of richer life through all the wortd.-llrooks. running Phillips The haphazard will never iliseovcr tb lb ( eliam' and note health. fe0BEEfiiat.l'S PILLS ' 6M f.-( ryf. ii. t .' tn h w 1'ic. anl ft. in I i 15 II i GILM0RE BROS. 1 j (Successors to T. W. Gannon) J ; iooi Washington Ave. 2 Plumbers ' AND , . Steamfitters M Cairo Phones 21 and 645. Es- it S tlmates furnishod. Out of town j work Holleitod. Z X lata ol li 1 YYt sli 3 Preserving Pish Scales,', ' The discovery of the method of pre serving fish scales has lerl to a cdn siderable export trade from Russia. The scales are used for the making of artificial pearls and simitar articles. Illinois Central R. R. Vnaual Slockholdcrs' Mcclin st Chic , ' ! o tuber 18. Personal Attendance ol ' liidlvldual Holders Desired.' Free Ticket to the Meeting Public notice Is hereby given that the rciru lar annnul meeting of the Stockholders of the lllinoia Central Unllroad Cemtiaay will be held t the Company' ofnoe in Chicago, Illinol,on Wi!dneday, October 18, 190S, at H o'olock noon. To permit tieronal attendance at laid meet ing there will be innued To Each Holder of One or Mors ; !"-. Shares J . '; of the capital itoek of the IliiiioliCentralTtall ronrt i ompany an registered on the book! of me company at tne close oi Diiwnmson nien- dy, 3ectemh ir 26, l'JOS, who Is of full age. A TICKET ENABLING HIM . HER TO TRAVEL FREE OR 21 3d ::n e Davenport 15 KftiiHtiR Cily St, I.011I3 ., Chester MenipblH ,. Furl. H111I1I1 . . ,t. 22 7.2 ' 2.1 Vlcksbin-K ..... 15 2(1.1 1.2 Slirevepoit ..... 29 0.0 0,1 New Orleans ;.. 1l 1." Stage at Cairo. September 23. JD01 . River "'Forecast. I!n; Ohio at Lv;'!U tml M f t! f f f, f, f f 1 1 f f. If f 1 1 1! f. . 5 MARABLE PAIHTIHGAHO DECOnllHB Jj (OOWaibtnglon Ave. Both Phones, inmwmmunmwr Dn Morrison Offici 707 , Commercial AiinuO - - r.NNns rii la over the company's line from the station on the Illinois ('antral Huilroad ncarvst to bis or ber registered address t CHICAGO and RETURN such Meket to he good fur the Journey Ui Chica go only during the Four Days Immediately Preceding and Ih day of the meeting, and for the return Imii-nev from Ch.:ago only on the dy, of the meet tog and I no Four Days Immediately Following when properly countersigned and stamped dining business honrs on or btfnre Aaturilay, October at, igoji ttmt is tnsny, brtwernfla, ni. and ft p. in, In the olllee of the Assistant Hep ret-ary, Mr. W. . Uruen, In Ohlcngo, Htirh th'koi nmy be ohtnlned bf any holder or stock ri'iristered ss alxivc. on aiiDllcalinn. in wrltllm. to the President of the eunipony In Chicago, hut each stockholder limit, Individually apply tor his or her ticket. Kach appllculion must State the full name and address of the Stock holder as given In his or her CertfHrate of Mack, together with (ha number aed date of such certificate. No more than one person will he carried free In respect to any onti hold ing of stock as registered on the banks ot the company, , A.lUMCKMTAPK, :'ary