Newspaper Page Text
THE OAHW EUIcIrlTlH THURSDAY MdRlfHTa iim IliiiBSfc 50 1805. E mm SP ET I ll mm mam m A Happy Home JAKES OWN Lift: OH II V J ff '- Jew To have a happy norne you must have children, as they are great happyhome makers. If a weak woman, you can be macte stroig enough to bear healthy children, with little pain or discomfort, to yourself, by taking Haus Herself Willi Iter NigM j Of Modern Time Scheduled He Dress (0 Bed-Pus! I ween CnicagH and Michigan TO 8E DOUBLE FUNERAL CONFIDENT OF WINNING WINE OF CARDUI FATALLY SHOT HER HUSBAND A SUDDEN ATTACK OF IN SANITY CAUSED BY ACUTE MELANCHOLIA. IN ARE BOTH UNIVERSITY COACHES. WOLVERINES ELEVEN WEIGH THE MOST ODDS 2 TO 1 IN THEIR FAVOR. Woman's Relief MAN HffiiHHOT BATTLE C" ID (1! C I 11 mmm Emm m GRIDIRON i i It will eas.j away all your pain, reduce inflam mation, cureteucorrhea whites ), falling womb, ovar ian trouble, disordered menses, backache, headache, etc., and make childbirth natural and eusy.Try it. At every drug store in 1.00 bottles, i Weatport, Conn., Nov. 9. wind Quatafson, who fatally husband In a sudden sanity at their bonis In WRITS US A LETTER frssly uS frankly, teliinn u." all your troubles. We send fife advice in plain sealed envelope,). Address: La-JW-. Advisory Dept., rheEhatt3nooga Median Co., Cliuttanuofca , Tenit, "DUE TO CARDUI and nothing else, Is my, baby girl, now two weeks JJ," writes Mrs. J. P. W est, of Webster City, Iowa. "She is a line. Healthy babe and wo are both doing nicely." KE MOTHER USED TO "MAWfc I ONE SUCH MINCE 1 ! IN 2-PIE lOc PACKAGES. Merrell-Souu C . . . n .- . A l . A f A f 1 . t ....... t , f......... tiu -.IN x rii lut rAvnui.o. i'iibklu-juuii A.u., ovHcu5t.n tj INACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC CAZE The Unselfish IContlnued troru first page t-ol( plari' Mrs Rogers was consider ubl agltatrtl and I bought they were 'nkina; heroin to he hanged. She was ii:id 10 ehnnsc lnr RlothlUK under ilr i.i Inipeftlon of the prison matron, Thin wn cou!i-'irel necessary from Hip fact Mint within a month Mrs iiiKrt had Writ en a letter which, through tho Srippstliies of ;i guard, i:nd been 'deli without the Mt,j 'He of ilf prison authorities, On fh discover of this the guard was it "iioo (llsrhiifffed- HJrte'fliT H. H Bee Is i i e, ndtiet t)te i xecutioh, and the deputies iiksIrih'iI to aHHisi bint arc ibe name as Insi " ititer. The nttmiier of citizens to wit. ik'hs (he execution will be limited to i wAlva When SB ll aj!i what wil fl:!ll-h wi tin of sin; rfaws of expe account! book .' he st i 'inn i Ixiiii satis be c hal nsrd tin- Wlll l v be adjr. onders it' p at it:.-.!' ted ponntic HINDI ir i Mrs, K ! shot lirr it tack of in Sottib Nor walk Sunday, committed suicide sarly today In ths Westpon ganltarluw. Alt-, (iustufsun was sulTerinK from acme melancholia and exhaustion. due o her all-niht wand'-rinK about fbja country before her capture by the South N'orwalk police. Thfl death of ier hit baiiii i uriy Monday morning in the Norwalk hospiial. had not been made known to her. About :: o'clock tlti? morning the nurse who attended Mrs. (iustalVon made a call at tiic pat ent's bedside. .in I found her to all appearances sleep lug soundlyy. Half ah hour later M:s. OuBtafaon was MI -covered banging by I Iter nlgptdre?S from one of the bed iosis and an examination showed thai j life was extinct. She bad watched for an Opportunity while the nurse was , absent . , There will he a double funeral to i morrow afternoon of Mr. ami .Mrs. Qustafaon, the service being held at the family hothe. The governing board ! and other member-, of the Norwitlk Ytjchl club, where Gufltafson was em ployed for many years as janitor, will I attend. CONCENTRATED Wjf things the siils should sew for them selves. Due iwn.dcrs if wiiett Utu-e!-' tlsh wives trot patient! a.or,; pick in? up after careless brtttnte. ):ie wonders it when nnsertlsh sweethearts i tlrfi tolerate the neglect 1 or IndUTer nice of over-sure love s. wVen unsel llsh friends train their ajcquvtlntsnasfl into expecting lax .sferylco froai a!l ibe world. Unselfishness Is virtue, bl)t ii duuferous one to ' cult i I e anions persons to take favors as tlnlr ilm'H, and 10 regard kindnestjai no h- Mg mil of Qnitkiy reli refftilarly, vi ordinary. - Km honi II TO cvea. and it taken I perniaticntly cute ayen the mo-t obsti nats eifkei of ludige- -lion, Constipation. Kidney am) l.iver Diseases, and t Digestive )irder Oet it of your tlriifnri-it. ilrink it tti home. Chicago. Nov. 29. WHlj both .-ides (..iiii.ieni of v etory. the football teams nf the UnlversltliBS of Chicago and Michigan will ineel on Marshall Field tomorrow in what is believed will prove to be ibe greatest football game ever conte-ted in the niiddlewest. This yea:-, tor Ih Aral time In several BeasOflS, ibe winning team lontonow will have a clear t ile to the football championship of the "lug nine." At the ektse of i tie fool ball -enson for a number of years, either of the teams representing the University of Minnesota or that from Wisconsin hss put in a claim for lirsl honors, either one of these two teams having end' l the football schedule with as good a reco"d as that of Chicago and Michi gan. Th . yea" there It no iiue-iion as U) the 8perlorlty of th? two testa s that nvoet lotuoivow over both Wis- con-in and Minnesota, Wisconsin has been liefeaied by both Chicago and Michigan sad In burp Minnesota wan defeated by Wiscon.'in. Michigan is th favorite at !! to I and will go ttttO tomorrow's tiatl'e w'tb ibPlr full strength, Bchulte, b fi guunl. being in the game dt'.;,pite the report that lie would be protested. Thi Chicago team has tun been ;is fori i ue. a - pefray. one of their stronger players, will remain on th side line because of injuries received in tin game wiih the Northwestern TTni versity two weeks ago in udditii n, Bopne, another of Stagg's best play ers and the man depended upon !0 take pat ray's place, has been di--quallfffd. M'ehigan Is the heavier team. Itl tola! Weight being 2.90 pounds. Chi cago' total weight is LMUI pounds. Tonight Yost of Michigan, and Stagg of Chicago, each expressed con fidence of winning. i:..ttled lit .'X:!u-ively I)' FMENCII LICX SfRINGS HOTEL CO.. Thos. Taojart. Pres. French Lick. Inilun.: THANKSGIVING NECESSITIES Dennis Was the First One Up. I Mum' thirty years sgo Dennis ue Caith) was a well known cburaeiei lb 1 and ground Provincetown, Mass. Al j tiiriuu'li addicted to the juice of the grape, be was a favorite wiih every one. Some ot bis friends cane to I geiher one day and decided to try and i cure bint of his bad bablls. They not iilni Wnen he was lull seas, and a little more, over, and look hint to a c.-uie- tety vauli. where they locked htm la. thinking be would be Scared out of h!a drinking babii when he woke up. The next morning Dennis Woke up. looked aratfttd btm and saw all the deftd, crossed himaflf and said: "Be jabe.s. 'lis the resurrection, and I'm the fil'sl one up." 1 STSJjf A FINE ASSORTMENT. PRICES RANGING FROM $1.25 TO $12 PER SET. LISK'S Sanitary Self-Basting Roaster is Guaranteed for 10 Years. It this roaster does not do everything we claim you get your monev back. Woodward Hardware Company 1015 Ohio Street. Army Quibbles. A omewhut heaicd correspondents has taken place between the British WarOfllee and ttit goteitimett; ot Au- ttrsHs because one of the Ati Ttaua colonels; who went with Gen, Bli Will lain Nir'ini-oti io Japan wore b'. a!g-uilb-iie on lii ; rigin .'l ou'di r . is.ead of hi- left, ''in. uiiiti.ii - ,!i Miiures slon that lie wtc on ill ;i ral'S fici"- sonal staff, when he ans bet. Illinois Gentrai Corrected to Nov. Oth, 1903. TUB FAST MAIL UOUTB Shortcut nd Boat. Is St. Louis & Chicago VTr.mii lfTe O.lwt 1 ::t5 m n.U.v C'hii'aRO Vi -iilnli Ltaltod, ' ti- i ii i nt II:aO. in, connfcttnr witti ii.i ' i j .... j toiON for alt- pointN past and north. trSOa. m. Dailr at. Ixtal Nia-bt l.iBttw .rrivint in Hi. Lonta t ?:0S a. in., ooonoctlui at Union Matlon for ail point, trait. Sleepliu can open at 9:41) p. m. At Ml a. an,, (hicawo Hajllfhi Rrproaa Hunitay, makea all aUipd btwan aln and hlcaftu, anivlna tn Oblcaao at 8:S p. no fi I o b. in.. Ht, l.inni MornlnK Kii.rmi ascent Htinday. ariiTlnc tn St. tioalaat 11 ir maklns all atop. 1 I : i . a. m, Ht. I.oula Faat Mali, mrrt- -In. in Hi. Ixiuia at t:l(i p. m. I I : i a. an. ( blraaro Mld-dajr in-rial, arrlTtng In Cbtragx), 9 m. J:.;:,p. an. Ually hi. Ixiula I, I in I taxi, ar rltlnf In Bt. Loula at ?:S p. to, connecting UbIoh St alien for Sanaa, city , Omaha, D.n rrr, San Kraticiaao and all polnia wtat. J p. an. Kaat F.ipreiaa for (Mia, It Bughaui, atait.on, Tnlnna, Obam(al(n, Oh' SSavi 6 1 1 0 p. m. Thrbe. orommodaMt a. to p. am. blraxn aj1 Kaaivrn Bi preaa arrivtug In t hlcago at M a. iu .Indian ap-dle 7:K Inclnnatl, MiaW a. m Knffalo. 4 Haw vur. 7:m a. a. aiaeping car. p. m. Na PatlssgSi Plctannarc Knr w i.rk anil ratm raa5CliyCI9 rj.,.- abould Imr in wind that the lllmoie central i the nuirkot route Bvmaay aoura. ni inu airo at SrW. p. m. and, arrivinc in . I ork .i . ' ttia t-. oiel day. SOUTHERN DIVISION rai omlv manor limb to mims-bis BABHVILLB, CHATTANOOGA, AT LANTA, JAOKSON VILLB, SA VANNAH, VICKHBUIWI ad JAOKrKJNVII.UI. 8l0 a. ati. "Ibe IMxI. Flrw.' Maapkla Naabtlile and JackannTllla, .1:40 ..iu Mampbia and NnOrlaaji. Uaft' ad Tia atti.aiTrtlng La Meaapbl. at fl . a. at and N Or I ran SilS p. am. J:M) a. an.. Paducab and 'ouliTlll.. l:ll am, dally, kftaapk. ad ! Orlaaa r.. Mad arrlTtn in Manpbla at 7 c a. ea.aeaS New Orleawa at :i a. n. i 1:11 p. tn., dally, Naabetll.. ObaUktoocwMd Atlanta rSS p aa Mampble ard New Orlaaa. la arrfee in afbapkie at it 31 p. a., New Orbau It 4a a. li'JO p. a Padeak,n(.pkiian)lea4 lajeBt en!. SwFor ttrnrt ttekata, alaeplna oar aeeon odatMM mb fa taw Irf.iaHaa aswty at (Ultal. ('.Btrai Pi a. wager Stat lea, Oairet, fit. i b iowaa, Tet a s it. a axe a r. . A HANBO , rtwofo TraCsr Manager TO THE FIRST 50 HOUSEKEEPERS RE6ISTCRWG THEIR NAMES WITH US. JAMES HEEKIN & CO.. CINCINNATI, J)mO, ROASTERS AND PACKERS OF KIN H EE COFFEE. Will PRESENT A Full liickle-Plated Drip Coffee Pot Worth $2 FREE Recognizinij us as one of the largest retail dealers in Fine Coffees, they made us the offer, which we gladly extend to those who wish something in Coffees, which they can only obtain at this store. This Coffee and this Coffee Pot have a National Reputation, and the "On to Cairo Move ment" has placed Cairo among the favored cities to enjoy this treat, So Lovers of Fine Coffee Don't Miss This Opportunity. Agree to purchase, as your needs require. Twenty pounds of KIN-HEE COFFEE and you get this Coffee Pot FREE. W. R. O'SHEA.227 Eighth St. Both Phones. 3 Delivery Wagons. CAIRO ASSETS MzARLY $500,000 Call on us for copy of our Statement. Increase In business In 12 month 100. SWADL V ORG H Vtt OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT WITH US. DEPOSITS $285,000 Cairo " ! "I -"-Ii- BW CHRISTY'S MASTERPIECE. FREE HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY'S 1 1 jutiful portrait of VtROlKllA HaRMID as 'Alice of Old Vinccnnes" Tliis poster is oort.siik red by critical and popular taste to tic the most striking draw ing the famous artist in pas tels has ever created. On account of the soft tones of the crayons, the poster, though catching, is in ex cellent taste. A fitting pic ture when enclosed in a narrow black frame for a li? brary, parlor or 1oitdoir. The drawing is printed in four colors; green, yel low, red, black, on the heav iest Pelcaire enam I paper. The size is WxSlh inches. The poster will be mailt d to anv address on receipt of 1 .HO iu money or stamps for a 2 years' subscriptioH to Mahamf. HAbAMI may 1 sent one year to two different ad dresses. Just ask one of your friends to subscribe at our bargain rate of 50c or lietter still send Maoawk one year to one of your friends as a Christmas pres ent. We v.t'11 statt the sub script ion with the Christina number. THIS BEAUTIFUL POSTER BY In Color j HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY Madame A It Kill hi.' MM f l too MAOAZINR. For Women. It is bright, tasteful and up-to-date. It is the best 1.00 Woman's Magaiue in the United States. Its covers are diawn in colors by the prominent artists of the hind, notably, F. Y. Cory, Harrisor Fither, Hugh Stewart Campbell, J. V. IVTcFjH and others. The 11)611 tlions within tire thr work of Harrison Fisher, E. M. Ashe. Howard Chandler Chriity, and ther famous artist . Many of our readers frame these cm ei designs. In fact the drawings alone are worth the price of one year's subscription. The most pdpalar authors and special writers con tribute to the contents of MADAMK. OUR BARGAIN OFFER. While other high i rade magazines are increasing their subscription price the management of Madamk have decided to take advantage of the opportunity and make a special bargain price of 50c a year think of it a $1.00 magazine for just half price. In addition to this, to all those who will send us their own subscrip tion for 2 years for 11.00 we will send them HOWAlUD C'mamm.kk Christy's M astkbimix k, the-beautiful two color poitrait of Virginia Hat tied as "Alice of Old Vincennes." Kvery woman would be proud to own one of these drawings by the world's best artist. .Sent! $1.00 for a 2 years subscription to MADAME and receive free of charge this beautiful jtortrait. If you are not satisfied we will refund your money or if after rcadiue Mapamk for three months you canno truthfully say our magazine is the best $1.01 magazine published we will gladly leturn your fl.OO. Von are to be the judge. THE rOKD PUBLISHING CO.. INDIAN AMOI IS. V. S. A. IUVMAIN COUPON. FORI) PUBLISHING CO.. Indianapolis. U. S. A. Enclosed find fl.Ou (in monev or stamps) for whit h send me MADAME two years beginning with number, ami . How arU Chandler Christy 's famous portrait of Vir ginia Harned u Alice of Old Vincennes," It is understood that if the Poster is not satiafae tory 1 will return the same and my money willba refunded. Name Street . City I