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Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1905. PEUST DEFEATS IS YACHT CLUnS AND HOUSES. THE ORPHEUM. OPENING WEEK Monday, Nov. 27. Every Act Is a Hcadliner, d1!-me rise Amount of Money Invested it! r it.i c uy v i,p r r - , . A. V. rVIdrldfe, in an article recant A First-CIiihs Refined Continuous EL If I only had an ESTATE OAK HEATER. Vaudeville Theatre 217-19 Eighth Street. Two Performances Daily, 2.20 P. M. and 7.80 P. M. Complete Change of Arts anil Performers Every Week. Admission - idults 25c Children I5c SAKTHU.A. Novelty Entertainer. MARNELL8, Song ami Dance Spec ialists. THE R10ORAS, Bqilttlbrlatt, MILLER, RBN8HAW and MILLER, Hight Class Musical Melange. ILLUSTRATED SONGS. SYLVAN an(' O'NEAL. Acrobatic Comedy Sketch. EDISON. OINEOM ATI M5RAPH, Moving Pictures TESTIMONY ALL COMPLETED AND ARGUMENTS FINISHED IN I COURT MARTIAL BOARD CON SIDERING CASE. I Conic! I Roys Put Up an Awful Hard Fight During Uatne ENDED IN A Wf ANCLE GET WEEN UNIVERSITY OF INDI ANA AND OHIO IN WHICH POLICE PROTECTION WAS INVOKED FOR PLAYER Ladies and Children Are Cordially Invited MERRIWETHER TUN m ING VERDICT Ml N Extensive and Handsome line of Fall and I Winter cloths awaits your selection at prices 9 aJ I TIIA If i O R and qualities you cannot duplicate elsewhere SUITS'$28.00 to $50.00. OVERCOATS-" $28 Up. 3 I I! MUTHIG, ! 231 Eiehth Street. Cairo, 111. I - j HAVE AN ACE LEFT. peakcr Cannon's Future C of Country' to5,tbc J J 15 weakened I vers that I fAS. , uiiiTrM 'muni' n t h.. Hold 1 : ! ' 1 5 HAVE MIR EYES TI;STO)BVAN EXPERf. A. B Ashley, doctor of opfchalm dozy, wh hasmnny year's experience In corre ti K" ma err-v or retra-u i ... - - in o oiit.rtrt Hioi'k. II-tests vtH with the most . pproved me.nqcM and ilt8KlHse-i in the most, difli tutt cum and (iuamnt es h wr. Ii- eonies highly reoomojenao i and wnwttuii) roiem iu i m well kno vn citizen or airo wii' Know ni'ii . ".. Kan-lav. Prank Hnnncar. W. K Gibson. W. D. Uppitt, II. J. Steuben, C. H. Tltomp-on, Rv. W. T. Morris, Pastor Methodist church, Rev. Charles II. Armstrong, Pi-tor Lutheran church He will ca'l it vou reddeuce when reacted t do s , if you are un able to conn to his ofli e. Oki in: UOIXR8 flrrmr s:a t rnnrnT ni ifV 8:30 to I2ara. and 1:30 urnu m. a uildlki dluwH to 5 and to 8 p It t MtfA M t ?. T UM f I . I NEYSOF THE RIVERS 1 r r NRW ThroughSleepingCarLine BETWEEN CHICAGO AND MOBILE, ALA., Via MOBILE & OHIO R. H. and CHICAGO k ALTON R.R. Announcement is made of a through sleeping car Hae hetween Chicago and Mobile via above lines, effective November 19th. North board sleeper will leave Cairo oil train No. 2 at 1:30 P. II.. and south bound on train No. 1 at 1:36 I'. M. HAD POLICE PROTECTION. to Contr; King Values P t!!ttttJtf.te.f .. D For half a Century WOOD'S f HVER PILLS 1 Have been recognized as a SURE CURE 8 m for all Bilious and Malarial Diseases, such as Malarial Fever. Bilious Fever, jj fLiii4llli Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Intermit- 'M BferEr,l ' ' ' Pa'n flKTuidl Sick Headache, Worms, Neuralgia, J vjjHBiW and General Dropsy, Ague Cake, J mg La Grippe. 1 Female RegoUtor, Blood Puriflr i in r.uin; torpid llTur they ha n. q Mlnl Ri)umti in lwy ln Hti. i una u llycarod. wnrii your Drain ri i J ior,re and oi.r whole noironn yt i. t ihr r-g a uti.-r urotrllnn roar rrr tlUlltv mtoj oniiiii wv, ibi WOOD'S C'IR P'LLS ndni a J 5 Kork. 50c Box HjOBtdi .. jor... Buctaoi. DR. WM. WOOD A SONS. Cairo, Illinois. I in Onl iiiiu il of I! 'iieh BiBghan KeeDhu tin W. L. BOREN LUMBER CO., S A I lITK4M.t R rv JC a v l i . t u ri u 1 i WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH YOU ALL KINDS OF LUMBER FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. GET OUR PRICES. BELL PHONE 232. CAIRO PHONE 504 R 1. 15th to 1Rth Street nd Bi'j I R. R. Forbids S Don't Forget The 42Piece Dinner Set When Groceries are boagtft for cash tlie best is expected ami for the taut money. You yet thisat WILLIAM AIRDS, Bell Phone 364 Ri. i7".1 Comme cial Ave- 18 lb. Granulated Snyar, 1.00 8 bars Lenox Soap, .25 Fiesh Country Butter and Kyys also Creamery Mutter C alwa I on hand. Hickory Stove Wood. W ror two wsrtna, irikk jrnrrj-t dl1viier, Cinrk-lUotor.n Hindle C The only place In to here yon can get Hlrkory Wood. rrc bom wap-on load 1 f BR'.L PHONR. tv W flt .. M. o. H. We Guarantee the ESTATE OAK HEATER to be the BEST on the market. Try one and be convinced. Woodward Hardware Co. Effect of Pest Bounty Some- y.-nrs hcd ih- "M in .lava offer' d a re ward for nl iflH kil'rd or caiiturod. For enormous nnmt)er( of brought to the ,-oiihor.t was discovered that tx'i I have an ESTATE OAK HEATER. You can get one from ' 4 VUl Pur.hinn the Old Folks Aside. Couldn't Be Both. "Bridget," said Mr. Hiram Often to the new servant, "the lady whose nsnic yon Rave R feVorence tell:-, me vou were not always truthful and obe- "J80, ma'am." replied Bridget. "I couldn't be wiii hei- a-te!ltn' me all the ihr.e to as sbo wasn't fit heme." rjood advice to women. If yon ant n beautiful complexion, clear iln hiiKliI eyes, red lips. Kx)d heulth ike Holltater'a Rocky llountata Tea. h re is nothing lllce it. "r ceoU, Tea r Tablets. V. Q, Sehiih & Sons. Notice For Patrol Wagon. tied proposals, with plana, win bo red for B one-horse, covcieil il Wagon, to he built of good, class material ami thoroughly bids should be received by Mot. December Huh, 1905, addressed B Police, Jail and Fire Committed e Cits of Cairo, ills., nil Con Te3 a Perfect Invloorant. a I a The committee reserves the right to i eject any and all bids. B, S. DHWBY, City Comptroller. November t9tb, l'Jf'5. Great Autl rar Output. Storm in Swimmmg Bntl In Munlcii. Oermany, !her I " iM't' 1 "' mm 1 OUR BEER I ninke inn sc the bright I ol lift.. It in entirely whelrnme heemi-'- U il SOIAJTBl,l I t BB NoesyesMla m,''-1 '" krwrlM "f lal. Id-fr f r ma pride MfMTSS n S'Oii(t yon ' lieer tirni OMOOl b. Maaltod for lit mellow t:ii,lr nnd khoruufcli p rity. CAIRO BREWING CO. Gospel Bis HS?" new iuir, ouoiuii them wort . Ttn i Germany s Popu'at Pin It is KOsprl trnth to way that no DISEASES mm h as rhcuma lism, nenralL'ia, biliousness, col ir, told, sore t h roat, liar kaihe, boils, bowel tronhles, skin erup tions, and all those caused by local imflaiuniafion, ran be so rjnickly, safely and surely cured, as by the use of 11AML1NS WIZABD OIL. It t?ets riirht down In, aronnd the nertes and blood vessels of ihe affected tissues, where the trouble is, and cjently soothes and coaxes them back to health. For all pain, chronic and acute. It is a remarkable rem edy, and has no equal in safety and effectiveness in the medical world. Trice 50c and $1.00. Fully Guaranteed. For sale and recommended by PAUL C.SCHUH & SONS AND ALL POINTS IN THE East and Northeast. Indianapolis, Muncie, Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Cleveland and points in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Through Sleepers from St. Louis to New York, Boston and Washington. Trains Leave Cairo as Follows: No. 85.1.") a. m. Eastern mail and express. Ml. (armel, V ncennes, Par Is. Danville, Indianapolis. Cincinnati. New York. Boston. Direct connection with the famous Knickerbocker Spec ial No. 2 2 50 p m. Mail and expro--Oarmi, Evsnsvllle, Vlnepnne. Indlan sbmI p. Inisville, Chicago. Torre Hau-e and Cincinnati, 6.10 s. tn from Vinccnnos to Indianapolis 1.30 p. fa, 1 on p. m. ff0 54 lcal accommodation Vassal City, Grand Chain, Vienna and HarrtsbunC Trains Arrive at Cairo as Follows: X 554.n p m.. Harrisburg, Vi enna and Csiro Accommodat on. No 312.50 p. m. Vincennes and Cairo mail and Express N,, v i tn lanville and Cairo mail snd express. All trains daily exeoplgnnday. For full Information and particulars as to rates tickots, llmi's. etc., call or wr to Elmer Smith, ticket as;eot H. H Hardv. T P. A , Cairo, 111 , C. M. Hilleary. A. G P A . St Louie. Mo. I I .13 LET US SHOW YOU OUR CHRISTMAS TOYS STEWART BROS. GILBERT BLOCK.