Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1905. t a fall styles are lined up. 1 Fall in and sa SlLOMClllfS f'HE CAW) BULLETIN lata.ed at U lrom If. ttAtt ....?....! m timtim 1 1 mu ut K.tJLfJltJlt I PURELY 10NAL ltTr Mrs. A VV.Bro tir Wednesdav visited friends in Mounds Thanks :i cailt d lions ilitn Miss Rosj (Jot armolv attendt Miss Net e last evi MK-i l..n;ra au;i mi i Mrs ,1 K Milm a spend ,ThaiiHsi;ivi n Frank. ar. If' If you will only try an : tstie 0k Heater! ' You will never regret it. j Woodward Hardware Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thursday in Mr. William Powers ha returned !o her ho!Ti In New Madrid. "Ninii city, is cv of Douglas m, Ivy., la vlf- V1ley. sliilimi 'nlon Station, ml Katie Twentieth Twenty first nt: was call" are illness of v GUhofer I'aducah nksgtving e Monda;. btead th sent iron veek, bu rii iimi 1 II SOCIETY ing Euchre. Qjai is entertained yesterday after- he home of P. C. I street. The fol- awarded: Wrst isols- I VAi Si LUfl and Chi a e sresent Mulroni v ih. annie Birthday Celebration. ge.) 4- i-,.:; holiday V. BjjlM. Mrs Mu rv DohkoIs. OBSERVED IDE DAY Union Thanksgiving Services at Presbyterian Church STORES CLOSED HALF DAY GIV ING EMPLOYES OPPORTUNITY TO ENJOY THEMSELVES PERFECT ORDER. Cairo Thanks ti riaii weir v TOO' hi Id union Presby which argely uu tlo.'pating oa ill I lie services Baptist, Metho n an1! tha Chris pastors of Hip iin active part UefO the t' ..i-i EpiHcoj clan congrt it V. S. Buch- vv the 1.11! anthems xceJlent he cb.-di olio liell FU seessil Coil of i byterian Kipling' urch, "The fathers, known of old-ui- far-flung bat Me line r se awful Hand we hoi rar-called our naviea melt away On dune and headland sinks the lire l.o all our p nip of yesterday (ineveh and Tyre! Judge spare Ul yet. t hout Law trust In reeking tube and iron hard- ll vaiiani dual that buildti oi dust, 7, . Viiii guarding calls not I hee to guard Ker frantic boast and fooluih wor l. edeemer. services tere was a High dy Commsnloa, J by 'he Vested iiiuksgiving Kr- i E lv. a r, I. an ndaiice lie:, ill ' .,i both. : Thank served h Half Holiday. ing was very generally oo alro merchants, ihe stores lie notm hour In order to - T ....... .. lull U. .!!.!.... ! -ini'iviv .-. ,i inn iiiiiiua pcrformanes at tha , , ,. , .-II (,'. l,'l' 'l, ,11111 W ll.l public Sunday apin " i The palJce ba insi "Uly thr il l e Ihe i .. -, 'wo drunks and one for allege.! in the sft ra oa Canto people at end d the mat nee performances M dba two theatres, crowded houses being ,),,. n i,. EICHT FOOT CHANNEL River During the ts St. Louis Ac- Engmeer. to ... . , . u i tie year wnnn i nnoi .nine , chanifel depth of eight feel i in aim -i botweeWi S' luls e. ; for v, ry limited !: the low stater seaaos, era! bars seven feet was hn to the reixirt of th I'ers for IW5, as compiled L. I a-t Major of t tie igln, rs, und r whose mi 1' work was done. r I iv. tcached a of lm 1 feet abose 1 , a w' . i:iot l., t,. ' I :; Ie leaner) I, IMI, With pliancea It is etpected . depth ot aluut S fee 11, ,i bete , ,11 si Lasts) nc all aae- hile the 0 navigation States thai tPin.AOO tided anuiiallv for the ntainitiir an S-foot chan 1 with such auxilartes likinp dank protection hurdle !ii!dinR ivil act. aipro. the expende. .,f i k h CITY NEWS IS BRIEF Writ of Mano'amus. Aiiorni'y .1. M. Lnnsilen loft yesw- ilsy afternoon for Bprluffleld, where he will lilf a petition fur a writ of mandamua in the Sangamon county fir cult court against the Mate hoard of equalization to compel it to assess for taxat'on the Illinois central approach in the big sicei bridge spannlns the Ohio river a Cairo. .lr. l.nnsdeii up pears In behalf of the luxiui; districts m! Alexander county County, City of Cairo, road and school district Shoild Carry License. In a re:ctit case brought before a jusiii ' by a deputy name worden the defense took ;tjhe gruund that their cUsnl "did nof shoo' therefore did not hunt or violate the law." The At torney General has luat given the Wl lowia pinion if tin Cam claims of the Commissioner defon-e t WlKeler. "There upon the meaning Kill with is ho ilecisi question ai i of the court to what the words hunt, pursue or I tc,' but the word hunt its oi dinary meaning, to th' beat dictionary j means to pu:si 'he chase, etc. for. It mean.- : tame, and was the legislature meaning in vt panic-. eattiDD t, as game; i foiww in search diligently the aei of (mating ised In this statute by evid inly with this v. As io whether the d as you say they inntitiK garb and with rate engaged in hunt cly a question of fact ermined from the Bur- The snooting WOttld he wnl) another ! vldence of the purpo e for which they j wore out." Persons carrying a gun to the wools are advised to have their license with hem as they are subject to a fine if j 'ausht with hunt ng equipment in the : jel l without their papers. A com- dianee with the law may mean a saving of twenty-live dollars and over. Diary For Our Subscribers. ei-rived the Pocket UT, and Memorandum A. Snow & Co., Washington, D c. it to any tuba ni for two cents no- Pat Th ni Lawyers of I tirm will send of The Bulletin It IS a diary. ;i - !witn uaKes for memoranda and cash i tk.. n,,rt.MiK ,.f tVi.. statue iiiiil "u." . , . . . MVeii hv it enaaM 10. iyi-in, instances by miles and lime to cit es of the world and business laws and court decisions for inventors and patentees. Married 6.0O1 Couples. weddi if Oil Halter ami An Coleonda. III. "day afternoon rioN of I'ncle eaaals official- ing. Hunting Good. Dr K. K. Cordon. Capt C. U Sm th. Dr. HiiRsell and .los -p i Dosimoni re- "tnied Wednesday from a hunt a' O linens Landing, l ney Kiiieu in dnrks and me turkey, nr. bordea Killed Ihe Isri-r. Cairo K. of P. Cairo Loda 171. K. of p.. will have ..I ,. Mlil, j ... ,ri,.j,. ' . i 7, . - " , T meeiinu to be called ai , : .Ul o clock. Cigan Opening of New Class. mvone members of the local 'nunc I Knights of Columbus, left yes- 1 - M , 1 . ,,, ler.iay an.-rtu on mr .iiirpni)i. m. waere the; will attend the formal opening of a new K. of C. dub house and 'he opening of a new class The Following attended: Crand Kn'ght. P. H Bmytb; Deputy Crand Knight. Dr John T Walsh; Financial S.cre ar. I H Sullivan: Recorder. Kdwar.l J Stpart; Chancellor, K A Kuan : War I, .lames Meehsn: A'ivocste. F. p. O'Learv Lecturer, lames McNamars; Inside Cnard. Ccorse J. Fischer: Out- kldc C.uard lames McCormlck: Chan-' lain. Kather "allies Downey: I reasur ... i' A. Petit . Trustees. T W. Can i., ,M T Puller Casner Kusenoti .1 McCarthy. P. A Doud F1.7.ger4 lit i. . . l tl . bit.. am W B. l.vtU-n. Rotssrl Rapleton. and Martin Gaivln. the lecai council will held its In. taUaiion of officers in .Ian . Leg Cmilied by Whetl. U 1 Hud.-on a n.ill-Jahoror hail Bin rlffhl leg msnffled yesterdsy ii!nC ati ut t.3,i oVIoru. He wan (j Sidni H M ller'e mill h, I llindl- I'n 1 a! f so 1 dav morn - - r ' riH -Hilif near n neii ov r " "r "V"'..'.'Kt!,,f:.H"...i" -OHO- IllaBBei Hit. i-rtuirie mum ill. urn oid eC nianli I Mr Hudson was lirousht IS Cairo on the III noi- Cen-t-a! at 1.34I p m. and tsken to 8t vi a , Inflrmat Bus Iziy Hunting." i I Set ly ret ,imet and .Io. li imoni a ft uu the Musv p on Prairie lake ramn on I'raln. lft y-;erday mominc f,,r the camp Tliomaa end Sunday at the lake and Desimrmi will re Th- y say hnnt're Is from th1- uith of hr of trrek-! ihnats end naviea hie RENDERED OPIHIOH On Legality of Renting Grouud Floor of Armory for a Saloon UNFORTUNATE CONTROVERSY MUST HAVE HEARING UN LESS PARTIES TO ARGU MENT CAN SETTLE. Apropos the dispute regarding the reuTlng of ihe ground floor of the ar mory for saloon purposes. Capt. Creaney is in receipt of the following letter from Attorney General Stead in n spouse io his query regarding the legality of Mich transact on. The atorney general rendered his opinion on a hypothetical case laid down in the query but as fhere Is a dispute in regard io the tints In 'lie, a hearing will be necessary to determine justice of the cans, .but The Cain may basis Mttetln in common with gU clftSens hopes that the matter ie -eu led upon an agreeable ind fair to both sides in Ihe dls- SEreeaMe eon: roversy Novembei Adiniani General Thbs, 14, IMS, Scott, Springfield, Illinois. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of a letier from Capt. W. P Creaney. Company K. tth Infantry. Illinois National Guard, submitting to me an opinion of the following state of fact-: Company K of the 4th Infantry. I. X. (.. have secured the lea re upon the upper floor of a bu Iding now in course of eonstrucCon. to be used for the company headquarters; that it Wta contemplated in the rental con tract, at least to far as ihe officers ut i the te company were concerned t nui headquarters would be used for giving public entertainments and, hat they expected to derive there-1 from an income of from six to seven J hundred dollars per year: that the owner of the building now proposes to j rent the lower story to be used as a j saloon: and that the u-e of it as a saloon will greatly depreciate the val-1 ue of the portion ot tne untitling ma: they have rented as company head-1 quarters ; that the public will not at , tMt of C.jtond an public entertainment given there, and that they will not be able to derive the profits they coniemplat-j ad when the rental contract was made. The question he submits Is whether they are bound to occupy the premi-es under the circumstances and, prac'i tally, whether the use of the lower floor for saloon purposes will amount i to an eviction. It is the law that wh re the lessor Of property devotes a isirtion of a; reserve portion thereof to a use that I wholly inconsistent with that for j which the tenant rented his portion, that amounts to a constructive evic- 1 tion and the lessee may abandon the contra.t Halligan v. Wade. 21 Ul. I in.; IflnneasjoU & Co. r. William-1 MSB), 81 Amer. St. 488. la ortler to constitute an evicti.m : it is not nece-sary that there should be an actual expulsion. Acts of a: grate gad permanent character, which amount to a clear indicat on on the part of the landlord to deprive the tenant of the premises, will! amount to an eviction, and where property is devoted to a ue wholly In consistent with that for which a por tion of it has been rented ami there- by render! the enjoyment of the' laaM for the parpocS intended by ihe lassns as practically valueless, the losses may treat such conduct of the, lessor as amounting to an eviction Real ng v Springer. 144 IB. M; and I note 9 Amer. St. Hep. 184. If a tenant, however, remains in Dossi'ssion of promises after n con ! -tractive eviction by the landlord, he cannot dead th I eviction as a MatM la an action for the rents Keating ,v. Springer, 1 4C III. 481: Pa'tetsoii v. Crahani. 140 III fit j am therefore of the opinion mat if the renting of ihe lower story of; the building In quo-iion for saloon purposes w'll render the room rented as a company lieadqu?rters of far Io--value, and the lessor knew the pur-j Itiise for which it was rented at the nine the rental contract was matte, anil thai it was intended to be used a. lluu ul' mil, lie . in i 1 1 mil' ut I" which the public would not resort 11 located over a saloon. He n the rent 1 intr V such premises for -alooti pur I . . 11 I - tU... ...-!..,-i . jalMive c 'ted. amount to a constnictiv : . :t ron. Very t ruly yonr. W. II STRAP. Attorney General. ' DEATH FROM PARALYSIS , .... aa... - etycu mwuni w, - - - - 1 Dies Suddenly Wednesday Even ing To Be Interred at Lancaster. Ky. Though apparently In T"d health Mrs. Stisin Harri. mother of Mrs. lo-orirr B W. areti. suddenly dit 1 Wed - - - - asa nviivL ,,f . . . . - - . . t. ,.,., w . .... -- - - - l)ari,Tg!s ,f the heart i r.r-.iitlv rain, Io f'alro with her r'auelii. r and son in la i re B. V. ar " who is connected wfh th- i ' ' -ale erocery firm of r;.: taf and Wearen. She "as The tt Mi is simlvprl by a daush !t 'ear n and a - n Indianapolis. Ind id at thi resides' mductrd hv Rev T. 'alro rtap' church John Hand1 Serrie. last nenin ' Porter of reSBSiSw re tak n to Padneah , fro-n i': n- ihe will learam r Ky where Any old Heater will do in warm weather, but it takes an ESTATE OAK to do the work perfectly when the weather is cold. We are "sole agents. Woodward Hardware Co. A Handsome Diamond ng I" HFl! rEiffi Em ! To he Given away a day before Christ mas, December 24th at 3 p.m. For full I particulars call at our A COUPON WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF $1.00. 709 Commercial Avenue. RINfi IS DISPLAYED IN FOUGHT TO A WRAW. Cliyinnaii. Xov. :!u Gus BiSSnah of this city and Tommy Feltz of llrook lyn, N. Y fought fifteen rounds 10 a draw today. C.KUSENER ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Alexexander County National Bank Building. OTTO SCHUH DRUGGIST 3301 SYCAMORE STREET, l ull Line of Chiintm Toy! Beautiful Line of Dolla. BOTH I-HONES, Egyptian Pressing Club Soj Commercial Ave. teeesasar Hu.y i Clothes called fur and delivered prompt ly. Ijidii ' work a jpccialty. Price $1.00 per month. Hell Phone Jio. VICTOR D. HARDY, Prop. SEE NELLIS for Best Grades o COAL, Phones 324, 1507 Com 'I Bift Muddy Lump, "':, per ton; Washed Nut, 12.75; Lump, $2.75; Screened Xu'. $2 50. 10 cents off on 5 and 10 ton orders. SCHUH'S CI CAIRO GIVES TO THE SMOKER THE CLEANEST, SWEETEST AND MOST DELICIOUS IT IS POSSIBLE TO PRODUCE FOR 5 CENT8. TRY t MAIM Jit Ut f. UUt Ml fttltt ttt tttttt ttttttttttittt ftnM T.rnwna (?2kl Set of Teeth (New Rilwr Pillinna Six Years in Cairo. Positively White Practice Only. J BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS, 1 Bell phone 83w. Corner Ninth and Commercial Avenue, Cairo, III. D- C f JONES omct hours eunoave J T OB WL RUSSELL e a. m to e e at. i. e.TOt f s s mnmminninnwnmMimmmmmmm HEADyi'ARTKRS FOR GLASS AND . RUBBER WEATHERSTRIPS KELLY BROS. WHOLESALE 20th and Corameicial Ave, Store. 709 Commercial Avenue. ONE OF OUR WINDOWS. SAM CATANZAR0 803 Washington Ave. THE BEST OF CALIFORNIA FRUITS. Imported Spaghetti, Macaroni, Vermicella and Olive Oil. Ital ian and French Products. Free Delivery to all Parts of the city. CftlRO PHONE, NO. 411. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. ..COAL.. I guarantee best grades, and posi tively 2000 pounds for a ton. Try an order and see. B. R. THISTLEWOOD. Phones Cairo, 131; Bell, 78 DR. S. W. LINDSAY Veterinary Surpeon and Dentist. Gonsnttavtl n Free. Office 207 C:mmeroial Avenue with D F. McCarthy. O0re - Phone, Bell, - lWi Residence, 1 hone, Bell, - 261 K READ THIS. Porterhouse Steak, par lb 10c l.rderlolu Meak, per lb IQl Pork Chop- per b 10c Heat Hour, 24 lb. aack 70c BE NJAMIN COIN, (irocerlea and vealt. Cairo Phone 514- 2415 POPLAR St 11 THEM DON T ullai ; 4 00 Doudle Suction) 5.00 M .50 Bridge Work (per tooth) 4 00 J Metal-lined Set of Teeth Ml aj WRITTEN GUARANTEE FOR TEN YEARS. ' S LUMBER CO., AND RETAIL. Cairo, Ullinois. ia.e..a.aaaaa.a.ei