Newspaper Page Text
THB CAIRO BULLETIN, THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 28, 1905. . a ... vi p " a-- 1 " " ' " " I ' w OFFICE OF CITY COMPTROLLER. Proposal for Removal of Garbage for Yen 1906. 0 Culm, III., Ike. Slut, L06. 8aMl pvoposuls spldresjted to the It council irf 111. ril Of CtfrO, 111.. win be rent fjr a at i office up to r. o'cluci. i. in. of Tuesday, January 2nd, I1M.J, tor th" removal of all gur-hagi- of 'tiu clt. during the year 1900. 1 ho gflrt.a'-. --ii -irljt of till flecgyeii Mat. vi L-. latJi?- ami h-iteheu offal irom tliti iron! ..f afl restyi not-; ami streets of i he ( !f of fcafib. as many t directed by tin' city council aud rJ of health. The Contractor will In- reuuired to I iTitiim all garbage .during tbo months borcat'ler. nanma W Kftrtri viz: Krom Ik-comber lo March, twice each week. Horn March 1st. to May ist, three times oaoji week, from .May fat i" December 1st, sit times each wee!;. Hv removal of the garbage lo be to the sat isfaclion of the board of n;s, Scot .special otS henlth and l''posttf d not lei s than poelahil tbi story never mile from any inhabited portion of the j city. A bond in the, sum of (t.'iOO.oo) j l-jv,. llUjidred dollars with approved eiirity mus! ftceoinnany each bid. tlic city council rcerves the right :. reit'i-t ;.tiv and all bid. K. S. DEWHY, . , t'ity Comptroller. OFFICE OF CITY COMPTROLLER. Proposals For City Printing. Cf.iro, ill,. Deo. 21 si. 1905. proposal add'res. wl to lUe ' c. I StaleJ , 1 1 j cotnlcll of tho city of. Cairo. wJU ! ing bras he used to year ago wner ri'i-etccd til Ibis office up to 5 j ,n'.ti dtspat' hV. lie brbhe lit on hif 'clocli p ni. or Tuesday, .January 2nd. ,. .,v to eVplaia 1' appeared thai 1901. for do list the city printing fpHftja operator at Daggett. Ariz., hao the 'year? 1900. i ailed up KeudrickV chief elerk. know All hit must iucluile the publish-! i thai tbe latier had a transconii 1UK hi tome daily newspaper ol ait i ho prdijo4lnB of the city coaneri, all orditiatict s governing the oi-f of film, all official uotices of whatever kind ici) to be piiblislied by tbe laws and ordinances of the city of ( vro awl all other official notices ;cflulre4')y the city ooiincll or coon i v conrr,; - The. type lo be used Je to be what it i.oowit ft, S-poiut type. A, bpnd In the (iB of i$i00.O'M Two Hundfed dollars with appro ved security must accom pany each bid. the city council reserves the right to reject any and all bid. K. a. MffWKY. City Comptroller. OFFICE OF CITY COMPTROLLER. Proposals for Supplying the City of Cairo With Lumber for Year 1906. " Cairo 111 Dec. -1st Sealed pcp'als addressed to the . :- couuc 1 of the city yf Cairo, will lie received gt this office up to 5 o-otock p. to irf,Ttji";rrv -nit ,, .jLrr-r rrrc city of Cairo all lumber, iie' ij.-d for public use during i lie year 9i0. All bids must state tie price of each kiud of. lumber, viz: White oalt, cy prttss iiDd JfellpW pine, and to be tlel'v red tojug part of tUti city ga ordered. A bonij" iu tfa sum of ( jOP.OO) Five Hundred dollars with approved sxnr iTy must accompany each bid. "l!he city council1 r serves the right to reject any and bids. K S. DBWET, t'ity Comptroller The new train .service via the troB Alountain routo from Cairo enables passengsjrs to make the rouad trip from Cairo to Tape Oirnrdfau. Dexter, t'oplar Rluff Charleston. Plkcsom and Moreliuuse in one day. Train 'eaves Cairo' dally ut 8:30 a m. returning train arrives Cairo at :Q0 p. tn. " tnglisM House Oardtri ' gmeMdn ' riTildi en leajra '6a l-on iof if a eaaler of ri(e rh dcae noguraiion. and tbe grow up wiih the idea taar It is a mart perpetually oei huag sri'b tog sue -moke, sajs the trao Telegraph. To have a private 'tsidea'" la Xsr Vork city is a lu 'irj; pnssib v 6s to he , ich. acd none but a mii'tiaurtHonaire could live in a House with a garden. WhB the A as ericas girl, tharefoie want to have tea itr ome friends in moderate rireumtanci?. she waji as roaished, to had them livjag 'a large bonse enth aaiden In frog I and s sga-(o'p8 iue in the rear Tea was sorted if 'be sanlen Hej miiui rerened o suborbas MOae s' home that had abotjt at south land x this Kpgilah one The liack ut ' a Used a a dtjing place He i.vtl -s Tn from ,iard na1 -lili' h?i .pi'( flow e bf tided ' hep: tin iiink. open lo Ho - re Mil In t a)ai of no u'j to Hie li .f i. ; ' .:,' c;iic if rvere;; tale; i i: v. .. in rcTon lad r p n "'.. tirit r Ca ru .8CKiatt!.-h sliarc i :i, he had noH. Duildlug and loao in M ( second i ' - b Mctzgcr. 8c:. ..p. . ,j erjiint i-,n ash 11..? rgt,. iloid. sgent Hiz I lfornia CUT FLOWERS ' P ' Ckfitfroi. DAVIDSON. 1ST DRV GOODS Af YOUR OWk PRICE t "e:peet Lme Vo gkfar Sa Orocerie apd Met Marked (fosi i ' f r 4r THK BCOTT SPECIAL. At one of the reoaut impromptu luncheons wbb b have become sUnosl a daily babji with Chicago railroad f,rsl'nts several of the magnaies fell la wist-msing last rune. The conversa tion naturally drifted onto the subject of ih Walter tWt Special, with which tf anta FY biWde such reJkaW (ranseontinenta I time ' One of tUC bjresMeuts joked li. P. hftdej rsVifliii? tl: matter. Insisting that the spec si! was a cleverly devised advert Mill; Schema. 'Ton are emireiv wrong there, re piled the Santa IV preside "Tb .., iVia loirt.1 and W i k?..i,i. own' mi .- n - imi - .v. -i I t,m fri,- it in real money, V don i tbini mat Scotty was frying to j advertise snypne "hen be took lust wjtoptbjie ride in -bleb be pearly j lost hia life, do you That felow sim j &t ha a era' for going fast. It you : ton ( Hind I t! tll you the story of the the sauta re, rot into the pa pers " ,,,, lis bave It," cboritsotj the othei railway presidents who I han"?il to B Mr. Hlplty's auostn thai aitrtlcnl' nr on tidnr. ' "Ope "day about a mouth before the SoU special ws ruii to Cbb-ago. Vice PrecideiK Ken d nek 'phoned down lo my office and a.-.. - d me if 1 cotlli ' onie up to his room, where he said he was receivip? a lot of funny messages. Irom ibe coast end of b: oftt e wire ,t.,t Hial be did no! know what to j aailP 0f ,hi I went up and iber ; he t at' hi chief elerWs ite'k pound nenia' w re t his eioow. ami mu . . . . . a r. j de it!ared thai there ws" a maniac in sffice who demanded a special train fl him in Rarstow. 23 roile ' 1 10 ha'irMi'i imt iiaek aaaiu. He sa till: i?!low was tall and gaunt as a eoyote sad looked a though he had been 101 In' ihe Red desert fo- weeks. Although ii was an eiiremely hot day he wa1 Anuitaa In a blue flannel shirt, heavy slothes aad n enorujmis ulfter MrtTfd up collar The fellow wit!, had had we't found tha' 'he regular nassed through Daggett train for the nd that he could not get to Baratow for another -4 hours " Haren't you got anything thai' hi wheels and caa run me to Barlow and back?' Scott had demanded of the astonished agent. "Cpon tbe agents replying thai there ta nothing Scott demanded Whai s the matter with that Wfaeas) old card engine out there aud thai pld red caboose There's a special for y.ui Husfl W 'ogether for m.' 'Wait ere von In such bun.' for' demsuded 'be agent, suspi iouslv. - . r siaOd 'be cij.ssed whlsk in this junipin' off place of creation be raplled Yon know Daggett i ome pretty near beiug lielow sea levej." ex plained Hie president, "aud it gets pret ty l il there in summer 'ime "The Dftggcti agfnt taiaat b-:.- ' from :'critiy ''ppeai n- ilia,! he Bad a ien. but as the fellow insisted Ibai Im dud out what it would cost to rut special lo Bar siow and back he un derlouk to ascertain. By the time ' got up io Kendrick office the vin preident , wa 0' to lei acptty the special fur nothing. Just i the life of th Daggeit agent seemed la think his last da. save whe bad ! ome ' 'Tel! the agent to tall tbe fellow, I SggggeteNsl thai be can have the ole yard engine and red calo.ise for Jir,u and we'll run the wloeU off pf IkiiI of 'am io boot "Kendibk tried tlu' ou the agen1 and the agen' cvideutl tried it or Fcotty, for in abut. a iifTv tle atinwei came ha. k 'Hoit lammed $hV) it &old down op the counter Itefore I goi the words nut of my mouth and said 'There' yoe.i inonev. and tell the higl i srd that it's cheap, too." The red rickety rick special's bing made ur now .' concluded the Daggett agen' "Well. sirs, tha' fellow jumped ont' tbt yard engine, hen tbe Da;spt tpeclal Was completed, aud helped flri sad run it all tbe way io Bar.-tow He never once got ipto his Pulloiat caboose, and from all I can bear tha' was the flenest Zt-tpfla run on rec rd. The firl thing ue did was tft promise tb fireman and ensineer eacl a I-'" gold p-.e'e if they made Bar-inn under niiau'" s. They gol there It IT. which sa- an average of SO mile- sn llOU' ror Hie wnole Ul-unce rm engineer told me sfierwjrd thai th aaenl iaionufd hliu tbe president bai Bald be. . enld run the wheels off ann that he' IrUd io do so. That old yard iaetne and lb Jln! aid red eaboo-o jed lnk and forth ami left th rails no and then, and i' -nmetinien -eemed they aould never e,i,le down on th-ni again Throngli ii all ibl fe'low gcotty grinned like a fiend piled tbe eoal into tbe firebox and urged 'he engin'ir to tvt her up. "gcott stacd in Rar low two bojrs wh'reupon be h')'d up r-'rferil; jiober ,a' the yards snd oeJred hifi Lifrctal nacK to nag" rb nd. back si; almort duplieation of thf west run aad tbe men both got -h"ii gold" "sst in tauaaer otfl scott nnt to go to Birftow for s-ked one 0f the presidents .u. t.. u , i.. I mart latilles of sthisky b MoiifHt ion. in Mm t n-1 cu-i iim nn er $i.mi j i i - I, n i,, ...... the eagtaaer that i bey were nut cheap if lie would, have strangled to dealt one n..-4 drln' of taagfeu polaa.' - Q.bgo Ttacfr1lirgld Walter lay." pui ivoTba player low n 'here a' the other end qf if oucier i kicking about bis steak. fy-eteirif Lt Wifn liJel fpal wfJBtl t$ is bats '! t tJrga ! " --:v, H kadi Uttcgfto Ir.tit Friend of the People and Counsellor of the Czar The Man Who Hold, the Gravest .nd Opportunities Gift. Be.towed rare ii '88 physka! ii ivci- uiisht call i, rohimonptace per f ylducb) carriage, or BlMD) borcd-loohlne Bon. a bit man dinury features i eyes, but in sum- "i mmiolipnu enei-s after all appear ii n caldc That ailed force ha n. w bercvoi- he of KAMarance, t hi ma individual. atrfKlBg. noth uiiujistaliabic gtUltfty rail marked hinfor ils own. jioes be fctand.- apart a ia ed upon, a man noi to be ri to be count- iownod. When t lie fieam dan peace nuiiiiii- r licaiing the liuB iloner approaciieii our laud that day la newspupei men and i though there weve si summer and the iiii hoarded tier, ! e weve mat ; celebrities, tm board, ihe many distinguished n oblec! of chief it ire s the undis imoiiplace jger to our Vulevitch i, w ho ounht u i hey come tiumii.slied loolvinp. the .-ave lor the bigness - st sb.iro. ibe Ruasfan 9e W ide The tieti spaper n to know a nerBon'aiity w across it picked out Witte a In a most inlr-resting art i once. Die in i he New York Times under ihe interesting Kisc of Count Wine A R m of History." the writer say tuai: hi introduction- "When gerge Vule h Wine was born at Tifli r years he was blessed by two fairies who om combine iheir gift, ibe Kairy fcfc! vlin give Korcefnlness and tbe Fairy j woo confers Oppon unity. Very seldom, i'.ierbaps once in a single reuUiry j lo these two fairies take a child j under their protection, and when this (happens that hild. no matter what bis j restraints bis handicaps, his lack of those things tha' make to) sue e-s. ron- MAN 1'AH q ;ers ami pre u ean i-tanc , gaili-.i pift " W e like this explanation of lb glga'i majveloiit, htf ..jiIi obsc first statesman of Russia of I of Ihe ' entury we all carry alo advancing years a belief in tlio. fairies, a belief thai great men a be day, ng with e cradle re Porn. tot made And fill rifts of Heuiuh and jffta re ot i li Opportunt l wo doubi Interaatftig. We muct uoi exaggeiaic 'be picture, however, pui WlUa iu the list ol those that have risen from lowest origin. Hia father was au official, his mother connected w ith one of the oldest of Itius aian noble families. But it is true io tay i hey were obscure, the father but a minor official. And when W itte mar ned and chose as wife a Jewess, mem ber of ihe race so unpopular, so despised, we understand that he rather serioualy BBThflUapped hllfiseffsoetalry ' - In early days there seemed nothing to look forv.ard to leyond a small posi tion in a small loviu: it la probable when opng Wittr became a atudept at the i;?iiersit of Odessa he had in view soaic professorship as hit- place in Ufa, B'n be na' not destined to the teaching profeioion cot destined io the small town: was to deal vi'Ji large matters, have grasp of a wide empire. Wiue was born way down in Trans-Caucasia, and after graduation from the Univer sity of Odessa entered the service oi a railway in tbe south of Russia. The railway company was owned by t be Rus sian Steamship company, a com pan) that from the fii -t seemed to appreciate the abilities of 'bi particular young man in iu employ . fur he was advanced froafe post io post, at length became general BQperiatendeBt I'. ii all was not to be r.mooih sailing iierious accident mturredon the rail way the -upeiilitendeni wns held ac i i.n.iabb aliu summoned lo tt I'eiei bin 2 io gite evidence si an official in ir ligation. As happens occaaionally failure led to success. The oftirials ol t;i ministry of finance were impr ed hb were the new -paper men al Hofao Ven b the forcafglesM of the man Witte The; pre. -eri .if fp.i i in tti h him. tkejlf faith rot; he w. offered Bid ecpd p'l'l'l' P ..n ..rr ,,f (h ajos-crngMgf llr5. could gflord 'ohsrd In hr resignstion to 'ha other cam p- c j . Another disss er he pe-l V'i !eo hs helped him far oi. We rave refer- hetue to me tituso-1 urii. -u wai i ii , ,si. 'and tbe in ompeier.i exhlbi ed In tbe beginning by the raiiwsv de pari nit ni: inomt an Coll BO' S li ps- .- ' I I aj ;. t.t ,; . ruaaei i opai t played b) the got u:-n: - whit h sic be!rt :tisls's recent d'a-! re It t.i In Bus Loncon "! '!'": in' Wille l-t-, j n 0 r n r .w s m u im m of Re.pon.ibikties ForceMiie.. Upon Srrge Yulev.txh Wttte. bwause of .lie pitilui lucapacit oi mo railway officials. The: did not know how to move the troop, no ona could tell where any particular regiment was, sol diers uere sent on long journeys with out food--everyt bins was in a siaie of chaos. The si Petarburg authorities were helpless. It seemed that they bud HQ one to wbnni bo turn who was capable of unraveling the tangle. At length somebody remarked that ibere was one. uia 11 section ol Ihe country in wuich l liinfif seenieu lie KoinK tfghl In- aulrv waR made aim I was found lhat. the lines n which Serge w me nan control were runnin that difnculiies BJW0 officials elsewhere wi with no hitches, on to Witte by beinj; straight i vgs obvious, a Si . Petersburg mea with greail.1 was .sia'ioncd a' time i "lings were -like precision." Wliai aummi W an en a in ned tp ' ed powen . and In & z with n ( n lie ic Odessa. runnipi Wit te n s now in 10 ibe foi Ions M' O iscure. Again i. An idly I1CI at minister was a.n ioister of IB ' LIA11ENT MEKT. coaai Witt thing mark Of M. sann Oi and i the Even i . II the i til ' I as i iff i pl.tiu. an ministry Tile S'.ll luit'ii' r . iu ret en: w asm. gpUatiaMBtf as been oft told world ktBOWl of leu ye.,- of the coun ry he 'f li Ami lor mou iroaderful tor peace eo liferent mouth and th': obtained for I lonous aliei watching the iremendously great leadt r friend of the ft i Ins It us lilt ubled e diftY le and I I tbe caar. It is weil it is erful figure in tl placed, what the mpf re has been I laike Tiibune calls the gravest responsibility thrust upon a man in recent limes, "The I difficulties Witte Baa to face are aj 4 most endless. He lias against turn the ! court, a powerful bureaucracy. I he iai'lii). the teat t binary party, and the anarchist-. Willi him ale the liberals and the iutelligeul c!ssm- uni a wty fickle, impatieut and su pitions pub lie" Tht- t-ar aud Couih Wi i siaud for civil libcny bin disi up'cil ltn. .j , finds it no' easy to agree on the mean ing of the word.. "Aaarchj is th ideal "f vote nihili m was long h watebword of manj : Hiciaiism i. the e-jal aimel a bj largt part p all the lcadt-. sed. perbap? ny : eric did!"il'y .if all, th- not font probanl; cntertarlted by ;h great map: Oi ignoi -ant follower of tbe tjjunj are of a vague nes . and rrudenes: i-ompoiiml ed as thev are of a sense af eeonomie r poliileai n Cartas i ights." md a deire CHRia rro-iiKl: In Training, e Will you pei Why e - tit aw i lerah uaily ' IB III 'cng -Judge. aecJdeal to tram earn led io the resignation of of ways and means W pointed to the po3t. At ways and means be at plans for ihe Trans-Sine and latei as miplster of ried om these plan. Bui how lie came to bold t"1 finance. When tin inciin . J 1 HIS KARLY- BREAKFAST. VOUKQ MRS. WIPPERDON MAKES BISCUITS. It waa not to be expected that the I sook would get up at 5:30 iu tbe moni i ju.i because ,pperdn tm, t : eauh an early iraiM'oui of town. .!..-. I rVinperdon syas not ya I Iv b anxious ! to have her do so. She had a surprise In store tor bur husband. She was ai 1 was surprising hiui. The three mouths that they bad boeu married had not re vealed to hiw 1'?'r u'o"lU'''f"l 'l"1' ilie.s, lie often rt utaikc'i upon tliat tit' i. This particular toiorntug, when the alarm clock jerked Wlpperdon out Of bed he found a uoU'OU his shaving mir ror: V "Come down iulo ihe kitchen wheu jou are dressed ETHEL. ' Wippenlon looked, at the clock. It was half an hour earlier than the linn he had set. He oiH'ued the door. A fragrant odor of coffee smote bis nos trils. "Ha!" he said. "That means breakfast, bless her!" He made his foi lei and took h's suit case in hand and went downstairs. At the hat rack he slopped, smiling to him self, put on his hai and coat and took his umbrella from the rack. Thus equipped, he made his way to tbe kitch en, opened the door und started bacic with a splendidly executed air of sur prise. For the kitchen table was spread w ith a snowy c loth and set for break;' is! for OU. Tbe coffee po was on the range and a beefsteak was sputtering on the broiler, while Mr. Wipperdon, gin with a ti dngham npi Hushed and smiling. ned to him. "Well, if Cm ! pardon. "How I Uui you've got t "J will not." ! woman. "I'm )t in luck!" said Wip icd that coffee smells! at with me." contradicted the young just waitress. Now, let way, dear; I'd much I me have ru. rather." I When she spoke like that she gen erally had her way. Wipperdon sat j down and the steak and the potatoes ar.d ! coffee were set before him Then Mm, ' W ipperdon opened the oven door aud whisked out a small pan of smoking hot Wipperd. ' Wh do look "Thi said . I "They' jdon. t abi "Light a i "What li a biscuit and bit into it. he masticated and then !" be said in response to lank. "Yet. I'll take some When he remarked, "you wai j gome lessons in making j "I'm so glad you like WlpperdOB. "Have yo ready?" hem." said Mrs i eaten that al- he aisked for a "The are such "That's the only He finished the amed." he said, ti another cup of j tiny biscuits." h criticism i can I "but I simply tim-i coffee." His gratified wife turned away to get it "What are you doing under the table?" she miked. "Shoelace untied " he replied, reap I searing. "Waif, tkal wascenainlyaliout the best breakfast I ever ate. I'm a hog to have eaten all those go bd biscuits." "Oh. there's another panful." said i Mrs. Wipperdon. What!" ejaculated Wipperdon "Well." he said, hurriedly. "IU have to I I it'Oee He picked op bis hat coat, bag and Suddenly the b (Jul to run. "Hood by, deari not taking time I II clock strurk gaP- d Wippenlon. " He dashed ont. put or. bis coat, later liertha said: Half an hou What in the nam of -what did you put into these t -cull, ma'am?" She sniffed at it. Sody!" -he exclaimed, tragically "Sir. II of It " Mrs. Wippei'iori ane lied "Why. tl y ie awful!' he exclaimed. Hut 1 n't use soda They re baking pow- I gue the; "And Mr. Wippenlon a ix of them.' I wailed tka young matron "It's a womier It didn't pizen him" I paid the cook "I'd thought Ihe taste ' would have stopped him." "He didn't want to hurl my feeling- . ' of course " said Mrs Wipp' rd'.n. half : hysterically. "And so he at ihem. Ob , I know be II tie sick." "I'll bet you he will." said i he cook. As Mrs- Wippciilon passet! tbrougb the hail the saw , r husband. ,-uitcs:c j on ihe flow where, in hishi"- be h9 j l left it Sbe picked it up with a cry of dismay and stood wondering how tgc BOaiM gal it io him Hs!f mvhaniran.v she opened it. arm thru-. mii-d up ith roliar hair brtispes and other article.-, vere tl" buttered fragmrnix of halt th en br.gbt gobicti biscuits Chicago Daily News , , A MhUH.Y. Youth, ah.i u.i w i .l hang ikli Loi aad found him wanting un eied him o ei w i'h a veil of Indifference, and turning b'-r pale face toward a new asorkt. set out alone.. eiboR she knew tun wliiiurr hrr : -c- ao-.jld lead t'-.r B '.l!- 3Zi Payne's FOR STOMACH, 'HOVELS, LIVE! AND KIDNEYS. 1 OO per bcktlia, tbrt'S for 93,00! Mix- for 46. OO. Payne's Quick Relief Oil, a5 cents, yiie's .'tedlcateif Soap, loc. Altsuldby Herman C. Schuh. 0O1 WASHINGTON A.O hranibies. Her heart, numb with Its secret sorrow, grew faint, her limbs In- came palsied and her step slow and un- certain. Weary and weak, Youth sat her down, aud with the hem of her gar- ment w iped the blood from her poor bruised feet and bleeding tlngors. and, as she looked aghast at tbe pcarlet splashes, she burst into passional e weeping, and all day and all night she sat sobbing. Again she started on her way, and again she stumbled and fell and was pierced by the thorns aud brambles Blinded by tears, stumbling, falling, catching her breath like a little child who had been forbidden to cry. she sobbed out lhat her pat was lost that s!ie had no strength to struggle fart her. Softly, as though blown by asunuuer's wind, she swayed, and lo! she felt her two cold bauds grasped firmly in the clutch of a big, warm palm. She looked up wonderlngly, and met the eyes of a Viking, who smiled upon her pityingly. "Who are you0" Youth asked, draw ing confidingly nearer him. "I am t-ympathy." be replied, press Ing her hands nrotcetingty and carry ing one, then the other to his mouth, "and I shall warm you and feed you and kiss you and carry you in my arms when von are tired you little And. stooping, be caught her up In his strong arms and kissed her madly I For a space she lay still within his jgirms. her pulses quickening- in the Ifconsi , lousncss of warmth and return tne strength Then, with a sudden On and In his tii he bad r where he together lpathy carried Youth j ns. nor stopped unfit i Ibe path o' Dreams 1 It of II prieea. Then Pride. Necetal le, alio ai udiiig Yo aft- tered the he would : at times to v.T.lspi st mud gad stone-i fstk haste' thrown upon froze Y'outh' blood, band across her eyt She pnsseil hat . palm outward. es one does who has received an un txperteil blow. One moment eh; 0 Stayed. Her hair became loosened by Its own weight ... and fell alsjut her hen she lifted her head. Sotlly-C.e niiiht (alt and softly the moon rows shove Qm brow of the hill outh saw her way cb'arly defined B i tie mllo radian" There were tht UBe piiu'b-. tka ami' reck am. I, riar aud albell Youth was weak ir limb ' be did not stumble, neither db sbe cry out lie bitternt w in her pooi heart, for Necessity lowered at her side and auou slopped to whisper in her ear. When she had come to tbe end of her Journey she saw Love waiting with outstretched arms. She could see his tigure plainly, albeit the moon had moved toward the zenith, until now. only a plendcr wire of amber lay upon Love did not speak, nut tie smtiei Youth did not speak. But lifting the heavy mass of hair she flung it across h .- eye to hide her fare In It shame In silence I,o.e Ft. I le.l Yomh to hi- j hrea.-t rind iu-t a- th" pn'e rim of the horizon was merging In the gray ol Dawn be -wept her face free of in I covering, ann an that were rte-st lo foi ggt disappeared on the wing of the Wii. hfui Moaarch T Fiurrrrr Kvang Hsu fresjwentl send bis attendant- oii'.idf. the ctt to purchase lb late u lejoks and news paper-. On learning of 'his ipe jtj ifii'i ii hsc warned llit "katalls to hteie Tht.uht k 1 think I un then a- well as you thiak yow do now. Pltiii-deiphta litHlger. An Exception. I ie un nephew, who has just coat into a formate; Yon fimsi rememl-er, rjiv Nv. that "A fool le t In oi .n , New Discovery J WAS OLD JOKE OK fHCCOAG' s Nothing New Ah:ui Boiling Cp-lr In tc.c Cceaa. J ' T! l ubbi Cftta!: .' i;; n-, gj ho J right j iuriu j iiev C j , yes ulmo J troTlii j garoil i lolo i we w sg th- aunch, when Che li bout the wondcKul not vers far from it cruised around aud wc passed over it 1 of water out of th .an that wt n-,.r hoi. It was one of wonderful experiences of lit have had in California, and 1 have missed it for a great di "Yes. 1 had that game p ,ne once," remarked Chief t Dermot:. rat her carelessly. "I don't understand jou," the Pouglikccpsip banker, "You were out In a launch." Intah bold the but I.' t befo I'll lSt. fff.t 9. f .t.t,.So ALWAYS UNIFORM. ALWAYS BEST. Rees I & j ; Nordman I (STEAM BAKERY.) 317-319 20th Street. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. 8! dp everywhere. Write us. 9 S rrm n Illinois Centra! Curt eel ,-l mi Ii. c Bitot 10, lOOa. ruB fa hi ttHi aoi'i Shorter. Qtilkaf lueit.v Nt. Louis & Chkavr' e-Trini leiff mot I s. in Da'ly fhirsgo V eslibtile Limit tm'.niv ii ' iiicki;.! ii ii..,-. . .... - nt with -if ernijou ttains for all points east ami Dorva. . m. I)all . !. ' rrlvtwg lnt. UnUH'-a ".. '-mo.'i' i St Union Htatlon for ill P"ll "l-ni -srsti- r. n . gtlOi. tTsteajro PataSt ; sicet ; '"uoiisy, xnhtr all topi hctween 0i 1 . ,. ... 1 ri.ln.,n tt V VI ... I'll S : i i . m'.. St. l.oals Morning Kinw l?lTm T.o.urM.1. las tn fst , Irill at i 'h p. n. I 111 5 . n, fhl' aro Mfrt-le- Mpeelal srrirlnj In Cb casro, ) Jlp. m. -' i' it.. Iily r.oaia Limlteo, at- rtikin"i Ixic aSB'Saa. u. faawaasswa rtLJS y.'.tt,.n InrKuM tits. Ot-ians '- e. n rVarclw " nrl tt notnta "' r. m Afutncn Ksj"s-s fbrr-'- i .c.-i.. um.r. -le i', 'hanstisr C I ... -rt..heft aer-ol73nn'llta. -..i .. n, ateajro at-a Kkst.ra K r.-. i . - - : . . , rfilmO a- . .10 A. m Itilll t ..lie T:tf -'roclonat. m.. BaBWIo. I:i o m. Nn Yor ;.4fl . u t5ietpias an t PtftMWMt 'iftshooM beat 'a mitt 'It n mil 'S- il". 't roti; Ir i i. 1 1 l ttr pit DIVISION rMJt :, ItlRKCrT tljttt TO WBatFHI WA-HVlLLB. f.PAITAWTHxrA. aT- l s VT 1 li'tnuli v tl I K. A V A N N A R VIi ntPHHO and JACKSONVtlXaV i. - Tha Dt1 Flyer." MaaipB 1 ,r . it i lie, Strap I and !tHrlN L'-n ! Ills. i-ilg la ateaspwl ai I 'ft.ltu-AO nel ouliTi'td. vIt. HecipMs and New Or)a aft Memphis at 1 i '. p. m. a s:Si a. a.. v . . : ek,.,r-t,, inptits an A stew Orleaas rit Sis at II -SB. ssl. 9m O-laS iu an nl lOn' rill rut" tet '-fns rr Sent ' a-.-t Wsttber t"-?i-str apply e-ts1 fawn sire, li fwa.-.-s'-t 1 1