OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1???-1928, December 09, 1908, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93055779/1908-12-09/ed-1/seq-7/

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The Want CoitijAn el the Bulletin are consulted by
hundreds or people every tnornlag la search of real
es.are bargain, articled tot sale, lost or found, rlt
( nations wanted and vacant.
RATES One insertion, per word .01.
Thrfec Insertions, per word . .02 f
One Week, per word 03
One Month, per word .... .15
No advertisement Inserted for less than 23c.
Stocks Bonds Cereals
And Narrow Movement In Stock Mar
ket Yesterday Portrayed Grow
ing Professionalism.
Mates for Classified NaUaae
One Inaertlan, per ward....... .1
(Three Inactions, Nr want iOT'S
On week, per word. ..-..... .01
On ma nth, pa wo.-d... ........ .1
' Na advertisement Inserted far
thaw twenty-five eents.
female, ' Pormanenl. Renewals,
dress (Pi. wire Bulletin.
TOR RENT-'-Furnlabed frot room
In new modern cottage, suitable for
two gentlemen or man and wife 824
Twenty-aecond atreet
FOR RENT House at 217 Third
street, sit rooms, bath and basement
Apply to Mrs. McCann, 206 Fourth
WANTED Salesmen of ability ami
neat appearance to call on all mer
chants in ilieir territory; elegant side,
line, convenient to carry; good com
mission; prompt rem it tance, IJelmonl
.Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O.
WANTED Girl. Apply at 521
Tenth street, after G p. in.4
TO LET Room and board for hus
band and wife. 310 Seventh street.
No children.
FOR REhrT Oood business place
a-. 1311 Washington avenue Is for
rent, possession In CO days. Store
room 25x80. Apply to John Bourgois.
FOIt RENT Furnished rooms
Biiitable for light housekeeping. Ap
ply 21" Seventh street.
ROOMS For light housekeeping,
$2.50 per week. 1505 Poplar.
HAVE the greatest bargain ever of
ferod in the city. Down town prop
erty. Good investment. Desirable
property and in good repair. No as
sessments. J. B. WALL.
Furnished room. GO I
FOR KENT Nicely furnished room I
electric lights, hot and rf'old bath,
first-class locatiou. 915 Commercial
Seventh street.
room house on
FOR SALE Ash stove wood. Bell
Phone 088.
WANTED Seven room house with
modern Improvements. Not above
Twenty-eighth. II., this office.
Advertisements of not exceeding
three lines will be accepted free lor
one week's time from any reader of
The Bulletin to be filed by advertiser
In person, on regular form, at the of
fice of The Bulletin Company, 701
Ohio street The Bulletin Company
assumes no responsibility for any ad
vertisement or statement made there
in and will accept under this
beading the notice of amy paraon
known to be employed.
WANTED Experienced bookkeep-
Address Bookkeeper this office.
New York, Dec. 8. The diminish
ing volume of business and the nar
rowing range of price fluctuations are
evidences of the growing profession
alism of the stock market. The pre
sentation of the president's message
to congress being the principal event
of the day, was seized upon for at
tempted use as a motive force for the
price movement. Stocks were bid up
on the assumption that the effect of
the recommendations of the message
would be favorable to values. The
substance of the document was accur
ately known beforehand in many
brokers' offices. lis effectiveness as
a stimulant to new operations in
stocks proved to have been over es
timated, as shown by the decrease in
activity of dealings after, its appear
ance and the drooping tendency ol
In view ot the extent of the reiter
ation of the views in the message, la
many instances covered by the cita
tion of precedent, It was not surpris
ing that lack of material for a new
speculative decision should be found.
The fact of its being the last annual
message of the outgoing executive al
so militated against, its effectiveness
as an instrument for speculative uses.
Satisfaction was caused, however, by
the denunciation of the folly of the ef
fort to prohibit all combinations con
tained in the anti trust lflw. but this
satisfaction was modified by ad vie
to give to some agency of the gov
eminent full power of control and
pervision of such combinations
nngtii lie permitted. The recomnien
dation to place t he telegraph and tei
ephone companies under the jurisdie
tion of the Interstate Commerce Coin
mission conduced to weakness in
Western 1'nion. although loss by i
fire and expressed doubts over recen
reports of the intention to advanc
tne dividend rate hud an effect os
that stock. Its movements was in di
red contrast with other so-ralh
Gould slocks, but which were classed
Started Fairly Firm But Relapsed On
Heavy Setting Based On Gov.
eminent Renort.
Chicago, Dec. 8. WHEAT. Fol
lowing a moderately linn npenin ; due
to covering by shorts and buying by
bull operators, the market develope i
decided weakness towards the end
of the first hour owing to renewed
belting based on the bearish showing
of the government report. H"ic!
the decline was checked prices drop
ped 1H2 cents from the high point
of the day. Sidling was apparently
overdone and when leading holders
began to buy again prices readily m
boi'ii.led almost to the former posi
tion The upturn was aided by the
small receipts In the northweast and
an increase of l,i52,ooi in the
world's visible supply. Cables were
weak, weather in Argentina favor
able for harvesting.. The close was
k(ii4 higher to lower. No. 2 -red
Hdii.HMiii; No. i! red :;.J.f,t
105; tYo. 2 hard 1'Gf HMi ; No. :5
hard 1021if'-ll"1i: Ma.v opened 10Sli
(rr 1it;t r highest 10!)'; " lowest
closing 1 )S m(i lO'l; December K:!;'4.
CORN Liquidation of Decelub' r,
which carried the price of that option
down more than a cent and weakened
the market in general, was the fea
ture of the trading. , Increased re-
and continued favorable
for marketing' the grain
1 chief reasons for the selling
December and .May
from 2 cents yesterday to
today. All the loss was i -
ni io nil.
Our Special Correspond
ent Writes Entertain
ingly to Women.
Wonderful Creations In All Conceiv
able Shapes and Styles Frocks el
Butchers Linen -lints of Vn;iinl
Design Fetching Eloasc ant1
Wraps Coat a of Odd Design.
- , , : , , t; . , .; ,' : 'M . v ' ;"
.rrnnrnnolr Tlilnk.. It Sronrlus Het
Help Tbi-.t the Cure Ilnarlr'nff.
lennty worn fin Unn aw erroneoos Idee
:' rcoiirin-r tfii ttlilrh r.
tip ilirulrM(T FCDlex, rh h ciirlne
Mia ruiv wa!i it nontn
". IV-
!m (iamlrufr
ry d:., n
i o inrT. ("roift'vinl) l h - frtttlna -;i
"rt. He oii.y wny in th wiri.l to cut
i.lr:T l.i to k;r! Hi danflruT crrm
' ! Iia frfUB.tln Hit u,;i
"' J.awbro'ii I!-i-nti-lrtB TTnt.
Lining me (lanurulT irorm
Hi irnr rron ttrow ti-,l.lliy
Dewirov ttio !!
th rttn.
Snl.l hy
' Ihit
ilf h
tfl V !
lature nitind.-d
"in rmo''i -th effort. Ulil
Irnf ifpt-m wits Iferrrfrtiloi.
'.ifl.tie rtrii(rirt!t Bfnii me. tn .lnmp.
troft, 'MIcTi. ' ' .
Two" Bliee 60 'eenii and "ll.H,
Pant O. gchuh A Sona, Special Ajeat
Plainly cut and ' fitted scowls ol
butchei's linen beautiful' with h-avy
liand embrdldories are conspicuoniF
among the season's . choice fashions
A suggestion of the, elevated waist-j
line Is given In tiilA dressy model
whicti tan be carried out In a number
of of tier materials than linen. It i
fitted to the figure -tth tucks run
ning several inches ,aJ)ove iiid below
the waistline. The 'trout prtnef i,
niaie or heavy eyelet" enitiroiftry and
it thtt hem an edging of "alencienne
lace is worked' in with che emhroid
These two trimmings are combined
A I'.'-or III u if.
The prodial sou rote the old
man as follows:
;i got religion at camp-meet lug
the other day. Send m ten dollars
Hut' I he old nmn replied:
KHlgioM if fren. Vo:i got th
rtttif tri'ic't :
WANTED Position
ply 1110 C:edar strtet.
as nurse. Ap
WANTED-I'ositions for two young
lady stenographers, experienced, beat
references. Inquire 220 Twentieth
f tieet.
Proposals For the Removal of Gar
bage For the Year 1909.
Cairo, III.. December 5th, LmS.
Sealed propsals addressed to the
City Council of the City of Cairo.
Illinois, will be received at the office
of the City Comptroller up to 5
o'clock, p. ni. Thursday, Dec. 31st,
ISM'S, tor the removal or all garbage
of the city during the year IfnO.
"The garbage, consisting of all de
cayed fruits, vegetables and kitchen
offals and dead animals, from the
frcitt of all residences and streets of
t lie City of Cairo as may be directed
by the City Cornell and Board of
The contractor will bo required to
remove all garbage during the months
hereafter named as follows:
For hte months of January, Feb
ruary and December, two times each
wt k ; March and April, three times
each week: May, June, July, August.
September, October and November,
tlx times each week. I
The removal of the
to Hie sat isfaeilon of
I li alth and ib ixited
(hu Mile away from
pc rtion of tl-e city.
A bend in the sum of Five Hun
dud (.",('.( Dollars with
lurity must accompany
Proposals For Furnishing Lumber to
the City For the Year 1909.
Cairo, III.. Dec. 5th. 19()8.
Sealed proposals addressed to tie!
City Council of the City of Cairo, 1111
nois, will be received at the office ol
the City Comptroller up to 5 o'clock
p. in. Thursday, December 21st. 19d8
for supplying to the City -of Cairo
Illinois all lumber needed for public
use during tin; year 1!m9.
Bids must stale the juice for eaei
kind of lumber, white oak. cypres
white or yellow pine, and are to !
delivered io any pari oi ine city as
may be ordered.
A bond in the sum v.t five hundrei
(50o) dollars with approved security
must accompany each bid.
Th city Council reserves the rigl
to reject any and all bids.
City Comptroller.
f: r market purposes today wit h tfn
I . "I'il :i:;s on the assumption of tin
!'ii : : s. d I!:irr!maii influence in tli.
i.rtrp by rearnn of the financial aid
ix.-:.dd. The Harriman slocks weie
ihe .si.'-l.ilni:ig feature of the market
and Erie was include,; in the group of
the same manner as was the Gould
New York, Dec. S. Money on call
2W2i per cent, closing bid Vt
Time loans a shade firmer; e,'i days 2
Gi 3 per cent ; Sin days 3 to 314 ; six
months .T. Prime mercantile pap' r
to I '2 per cent. Sterling ex
change firm, demand $ISG.i;u; sixtv
days $ LSI. lufi, 5a. Bar silver ISV
New York, Dee.
I State of Illinois. Alexander County
ks. County Court Alexander County
! ccihImt term. i:oS.
In the matter of tne probate of tin
last will and testament of Alda U
( Smith. tbTeaio d. In Prnbat
To all persons whom this may con
approved tie- c- in -Greeting:
each bid. I Notice j hTcbv given that on the
garbage to be
the Board of
not less Cian
any inhabited
council reserves the rigLt to
any an I all bids.
City Comptroller.
Proposals For Cty Printing.
Cairo. 111.. Dec. 5th. 1!o8.
Sealed proosals addressed to tie
City Council of th City of Cairo
will be received at the (ffice of th"
Ciiv Comptroller up o'clock p. m
Thnrv.Uy, Ifc ccrut'cr f"r!
!oi:ii; Hie i py riming tor the Jearl
1H"S. '
All bids nnisl include the i,ubli-h-!
lug io F'noi' lHi!y nesp;i r of all the'
MCMfdins cf the City Council, all!
ordinances, governing li e ity of j
Cairo, all oricial imiices ef whatever j
Vind reqnirHl 10 le puldihed by the!
laws and ordinances or t!.e City ef
Cairo and all other official notice re
quired by th City Council or County
The tje to Ic nse.1 i to le l,at
I known a S int tvH.
A bond in the sum of two hmdred
2t( Dollars with approved aocurlty
Uiust accompwjy each bid.
The Citr Council reserves the rU;'ot
to reject any nd a'l bids.
an day or TVconibT A. IV II'OK. a
tltion was filed in the cornty court
ef Alexander count.". Illinois, asking
tl at the Ja,t will and testament ot
Aid R. Smith, lie, cured, be adndtted
to prolate. The same ititlon fur
tee" states that the following named
persons are all the heirs at law and
lessees: t harle A. Smith. Saiah
lb box ay. .Apia R. 3-nith.
Ton are further notifi. ,1. that the
lic;iriiig of rho oroof of said will las
Iw-cn t-et ,y t-aid c-ourt for the founh
ily cr January A. p. 8t the
her of 1" o'clm-k in the fore-won. at
the onit house in Cairo tn mi l -(nri
t'. hen and wlierv v(i rn aiMar.
i lo'i p.-e fit and show cans. If
ion haic. win raid will h,,uld not
Irt- admitted to . ni,ate.
County Clerk.
I'ateil t Cairo. Ill ..feciiilr Tt'.
Hearty Old Time Meal.
FVom Pepy'a Diary: My wife ked
got ready a very fine dinner. Tlx: A
isb of nifrrotr hone, a l-g "f nt it
ton. a loin of real, a difh of foI. tbre
pnl5t and te d'iza of lark ail la
a dish: a gr-a 11 t. I fa's u-'i'j-p
d!h rf atictov a di?b o' p'ant
Today Yesterday
Close Close
Amal. Copper S?,'M
Am. Sugar l.'!21 l !2
Atchison 'M'i.
it. Pfd mi' iui?
R. and O Ittk'.i 1"S
M. R. T 55 "ft 55 "i
C. and N. W lTI'i 1T:!'
C. M. ami St. P 151 15u
Colo. K. and I I"" in
D. and R. G t7"-4 ::5i
Do. prd X2-1; sii
Gt. Nor. Pfd 1 v; 1 i;i;
Illinois Central IIT ' 1 Pi "i
Inter. M.-ts I5i 11
lo. Pfd ;:i;t ::;
L and N '12:! 1.':'
Mo. Pac rtti'i ti.V.
M. K. ami T ::
S. Y. C. 117'i. 117
Nor. Par 1 12' 112
Pac. Mail ::';
Peiiu. ... 12S7B
People's ;as l'MI' 1mi
Reading lln-1, nft
RKk Island IC,
ik). pfd ;i'4 ;ii'4
Sou. pfd n'. 117T,
Sou. Ry 25'.
Pnion Pac 12T lxt
I', s. st.ti .-,:, :,4'4
Do. Pfd 1I2 112'j
Wabash 1 S . 17T.
l. Pfd 14',
We-tcin Ciiiuii ;7',2 ;:v2
wore tin
vv idened
:'. cents
gained late 111 the
December deliver)
!oV( r. The finish
58 rit : No. :t
day. except on the
, which closed :'i
was steady. No. :!
a a 'i -; -4
yellow 5,S',25H; May opeie'd
2!i: liighest. i;2V2; lowest
closing ri2'!i; Decemler
51' (f;5HT.
OATS The slump in wheat caused
moderate weakues sin oats early, but,
a sibstantial rally followed and the
eu-BC was strong 1 j. 'J Th higher. No.
2 white 52 Vi : No. 3 white 5fe?;52:
standard 52. 'May opened 52: higliest
,",; lowest 5t",tS'52; (dosing 527:
December 50 V, .
Chicago. Pec. 8. The following
ar loads represent the day's move
Flour 27 17
Wheat !'5 I'll
Corn 711 . 148
Oat; 2G!t ;',:;!
i.oitimuus. a many . and waycrona, In con-
nrvtlon with the Central of Georgia Ky. and
Ihe Atlantic Censt Lino. On and after Oct
ober ISlh from Chicago, a
will be run from
Chicago to Jacksonville
v ia the afxive route li avinu Chicago dally at
7 p. 111., on the sleeping car lectio (poach
flection coriHollriated with fleeptug car section
at ('arbonrinlc, leaving Chicago at 60 p. in.)
sf the Limited trsln ror the Kouth, arriving
at HtrmliighKm :):! p. tn. nest day -and a
Jacksonville at, 7:fjU the sucond morning.
niifl'et-I.lhrary t.'ar Out of Chicago and
Dining Cars Serving all Meals EnRoute
nirwtcoiiiicctlnni at Jacksonville for all
putntR tn l-'lorlda and fur Hteaibahlpt fur
Cuba and Nassau. , . , ,
Tickets, renervatlnm, Information, tralo
time and rates may be had of your local agent
. O. HATCH. O. P. A., Chicago, 111,
r A. H. HANSON, V. TM.,:hUrgo, IIJ.
1 f i.,. k ; i At ...ife ii. 1
' Winter Tourists Tickets.
Cairo to Aberdeen Mies., and
Minneapolis, Dec. 8. Wll EAT.
December 1f7: May liu1;; July
nOTiftlll. Cash No. 1 ' northern
llo'i; No. 2 northern Ins '2 'ii I0804.
No. 2
Valor: No. J red 112'
Options rli.sed sternly
Dec. 8. WHEAT- -Reexports
flii.noil; spot
red llOfl, Ti 112'i elc
i fob. afloat,
and m t
.igher. December 113.
CORN-Receipts let.tMMl; ' exports
,0'.iii: spot easy: No. 2 !!( elevator (
ami CI1-, f.o.n. atloat. uiuions cioseu .
f; IK t lower: De einber
OATS Receipts 51.0 1"; siot firm.
nixed 5l'..'55.i: white "i.l fff .V; ;
II pjicd White 5i;'if;r,2.
f lieago. I)ec. 8 -CATTLE.- R
ipls 7.oi.i; weak: steers 4i;ufi8oo;
'owf, ami lieiiers 2.i"Vi: nulls
27." 'it l'l : calves L'5offf,25; stockers
rild fi edels 25'" 4K.1.
IKiiiS itiK i ipts :::;.iii ; strong:
choice lii'iivy shipping 575'o 587,2 :
butchers 5ti5i58u; 1 it: lit mixed 5351
5' ; pin king 55el .",7:,; ,gs MK
SHEEP Km ipls 1
with lambs t-n higher
lambs 525ii'iS': vearlings
It a wide band ext?ndiiig around llu
skirt aud below It js a tlounce of
tucked linen with a deep hand-run
hem. Them Is a yo.e of Valen
ciennes bands to fill In the V'-shnped
: eck and revers of Va enclenneii,iif
feiied with linen em.broldery ci utinue
"over the shoulders like a turnover
collar. The .shoulder are embroid
ered and Ihe loose aruihole- triinnrd
wilbbdiid.s of linen and Valenidennps
I'nder iMiffa of thread lace with cuff
of vAilte ribbon are smart features
of the design.
Makers an! wearers of fasnionahle
garments are ceriainly in.ieitted to
the Jumper and sleeveless modes lot
no end of original garments Suf
I passing everything that has yecap
peared in novelty in this . French
lumper coat, which has been promi
nently featured at the smart Euro
pean inter resorts and continued
among the leading fashions. Not
only in design hut In development
ell U the garment tmliiue. It li
made of linen braid of the narrowest
possible width, so closely interwo'n
that it looks lika close fiiet net.
The hi u id la then Inset with lo rue
Cairo to McComb,
Cairo to Durant, Miss.,
turn ji.hj
Cairo to Jackson, Miss., and re
turn If ;ff
Miss., and re-
II. tl
Cairo to Hammond, La., and re
turn 20, (if
Cairo to New Orleans, La , and
return tl.W
Also to Tourist points In Florida,
Minaissippi, Louisiana, Texas and
New Mexico. Tickets sold dally un
til April 30th, good returning until
May 31st, ISM.
t. H. JONES,
Ticket Agent, Cairo, UL
Passenger Traffic Manager.
8. O. HATCH,
Oeneral Passenger Agent
4 . Japaai'a'Purp"' ioTM. '
' The impor.tant : Inquiry with .re
gard o Japfen In a .large way Is It
not? gv to the dlredlon In which
the nation la how moving. And Irt
answer to this JMulry J am able tn
give a niosL, uneqiilvofal andj fiult
satisfactory itiwrr. Never before
In the history ofvlhe country, and at
the present itjUoe irr-Jdie history of no
other country, do we-find the' aama
Intelligent. dellberateNaod widely
prevalent purpose to do" awsy with
the nation's reproach and to rise tn
the scale of national business moral
ity. In laying this I spea.k what I
know, to, be true.-i-Charles Vernon.
. .Mootenegro's 'Sex 'Capital, " -
Montenegro building a new cap
ital at Antlvari," Lhe p'rfA of ira pres
ent capital. The works, which are
In the bands of- Italian contractors,
were Inaugurated this mouth by the
ruling prince, who Insisted In his
speech; on the close ties of interest
binding, Montenegro to Italy on the
ene hand nd to Russia on the'otber,
while he Wt Austria out in the co!d.
It Is supposed that,-the new town la
to Le. the terminal of Russia's Bal
kan line, and the speech is regarded
as having considerable diplomatic
importance for that reason.
. - " ut for HnuirreN.
" ! The New York--Park' Department
asked that visitors feed to the squir
rels only hard-shelled nuts as the
eiUng of soft-shelled ones permits
the teeth of the p-is to grow long
and turn uader, o'- that they are
unable thereafter to ci?uk the hard '
nuts tfcey bury in thevground for
the winter's store. These hard nuta
consequently, rot and trae squirrels
die of starvation. Here Is .an excel
lent object lesson for the ; human
race in the care or teem. ,
Coal of New Zealand.
It Is estimated that New Zealand
has an available coal supply or 1-
2itu,oo(UMMt tons, of which bo more
than 211,111111. nun tons have been
Ctalera In Everything that la food t
Eat, Usf and Wear;' Excflualv AirU
for tLANKE't Celabrateaf Jofra.
County National
' Baiik
Cemmeralal Avanua anal Elf Mil trtot
.' t
urpftaa n. S0t,0M
ou ; stri.lig
sin ep 4nni
St lmis, Dec. 8. CATTLE. Re
ceipts J.5n0 1nT15 loer; Tt-xa
stiers steady at 27'ff ;:!"; : bee
ti cr ;:iiefi 7'io ; stockers and f ;h d
eri 2t,o4 4u; cows an. I tieifeis "hfrt
IilMj.S - lieceiptM 21.') "; 15 lower I
r:iged 4 25 Tt 170.
Refunding 2'k r ..lo::', lo.;i,
Refunding 2s cmt ..lot 1e4
Registered H 1"',r'- l""r'4
Cu;in ::' "';
N. jv r.-t 12"', I-"1,
N. m I s .ci,-, n ... 1:1 1j1
HI'TTEfl S'ea.lv and uncSa'ii: 1
f MLESE - It iii an-! unchanged.
EGGS 4-4i-iir: mi -rem t-ITC.
f OKFEE Oplions cli.se,! stea.lv
et unchang' -d 10 hve t'in's lemer
ie 2.'..'.- Ka. -c.-nit r 5 .,
m ! i'-t: No 7. Rio rnit-l .in!!:
1 or. 'ova i".!?'.
1TGAR Haw t-. ; fair n torne
:: c-rit!lfnl VI tt ne.Ja-
- clear nil: refini s'ea-lv
It Cairo Dearly
te BuLetXA.
everybody rf-ads
Earthquake Carpenters.
The term "t-at thquake rai pnter" at
Prst glance niiht give the fmpietaion
of a prison capablo of doing a Job
In fast time, rean'arl? shaking the
work together. To sunie terMn It
might convey the Idea of a man whose
work wa so ,oor that It was likely
to drop to pieces at' any moment
Actually it j a Jamaican term, anl
a oed a great d al In Kings-oi
after thp di.-.ater lhi. I rvV.r
means a man l m ok Is in wrek
ir.g. a man ho laiie n.t ih fali'-n
bo:; and nn- 01' h t:.n
Rich L4 Unttaed
la 'h nifniriian .'ginn of 'u!.a
there are many nil,--s and vai'en r,f
eirui"l fei;.; - isnd. nea;i a!' un
lourbed and H'siing fcactiiaPy as
tb-y did h-'..re ,,f
S;ania Js
Eecnt 011.
A Mi'D :st sa' tr-e ih'r.k N erid-r
wba' ih-T think ef ihe a - taca
tr::-t wpo r'- a3' aiid 1vs h's
rerr.e-f"- ti'mirf in he d:y wioda
Louver H pibli'an.
1 5t
Corrected to December 1st. 1901.
Train Leave Cairo:
1:05 a. m. Dally Chicago Vestibule
Limited, arriving Chicago 11:30 e."m
2:23 a. ms Dolly St. Lfluls Night
Limited, arriving St. Louis t:0S a. m.
Sleeping car open at I: SO p. ttL
5:00 1. Chicago Dally Rxpreas
exocpf Sunday.
6:00 a. m., St. Louis afonlg U-
i-ress. except Sunday.
11:19 a. m, 8L Louis Fast afalL
11:15 a. 'n Chicago Mid day 8pclal
2:35 p. .n., Daily EL Loula Limited.
2:35 p m., Afternoon Express tor
Odin, Effingham, Mattoon. Champtlgfi
6:10 p .m, Thebea Aecomroodat'.oti.
7:15 p. m, Chicago and Eastern Kt
' orriCEM "
. 1 -
E. A. ufer ....frtalaail
Chaa. Fanchtar Vlce-Prsltn1
J. H Galllgan ..Cashier
Frank Spencer ...Aastrtair1 CaahIM
Aceeunta ar aerparatlona anal lnlvfa
uala especially aellclttd. Exchan
furnishea" ta any part ef tha werltfw
Alexander County
r ;:M tC': 'a'
Savings. Pank,
Capital ,.. .tsOOOS
Surptiis $tQp00V
; .. orFicEns
E. A. Butfar .res!-rrl
C 0. fatter , ..Vlee-rrealdenl
J. H. Galflgan. ..".Caahler
Frank Spenear .....AaslaUM Caahla
nifJailior.a of embroidery and coarse
lace applique, these being outlined
with narrow ruffle t'f (rn;an Va
lencleons. ' The Jun-.rer ia eoaiplt
rsted It. efTa:t. but if one have kiH
and jati'tire. It ts r8!iy not so d:f
flcnjt to acronirlih.
' Ttie coat la cut dowt in squa-e ef
ffN;t at f he neck, b ith ham anj
front, ani the ride. are s.allopi4 O'H
tj match the re. . j h whole Is
tnea ouiliaed with fncy linen braid
dashes aitb the tnr?t suggtion of
pEk a--d laTendar. TP- jE'iimpc t
of plain i.iieti. of ry fine quality,
6 it rather Io-lv Woven aBd tbi
ki the lmi s .1 sc iiiei "t !s la'd ea
f.rety in in ti l le tcks.
2:30 a. m., Memphis and Nashville.
3:30 a. m, Memphis and New Qr
leans Limited.
1:00 a. m, Paducah and Louis vllle.
1:41 p. m. Dally Memphla aad New
i Orleans.
' 1M1 p. m. Dally NuhrUl, Chatta
Door a and Atlanta.
4!30 p. ni, rulton Aceommodatloa.
5:50 p. mM Paducah and Lou un lie.
. COO p. rn Memphis and New Or
leans Special.
, For through tlcketa, aleepmg ear
accommodations and further Informa
tion apply at Illinois Central Pasfeav
ger Station. Cair.o III
E. A. a'er J. H. aIHaa
iThos- Seyw . C 0. Fatlee
Mm. KIU ;, C.V.'Nft
Chat, Fewenrar N. SL TTtltIteaa4
0. S. Laaaa
aaff Faraaa
Maraef ?a!4M Time BepeTtaT
Cairo City Transfer Line
aeeeaaor ta Btoltg m waiter
J. H. KIERCE, Frep. "
All klna f Haullna Deea FrefrrPy,
Bath Fhanoe 1
1111 Washlnftew Avra, Catre, llllawla.
M River Transportation
Lee Line Steamers
MANION. aae, Traffla Mgr.
Corrected to December 1st.
Time af Traina at
Esprese dally,
Express daily, Iv.
..1:50 p-m-
,.1:J7 a.m.
Far Memphla aaa Way La a r eg
ftatier Lee wefl. Pec. i. p.m
e Lee V.a'ay. Dee. 11. $ p."t
Petera Le Satura-ay, Oee. 42. p-m
Far SU Lav e anal Way Le,a!et
Peters Lee ...Thwerday. Dec 10. a.m
Stat ker Lee e ay, JJec. 1J j.w
Fee Fre'iM anal Faeeaaa ' aapiy al
Hel!ay A Fltuttpe wwaeraaal, Ca'rw.
By th Lii'rt Within.
The am, 4 i l O'Sr ir in thn,,
tbiai A f--;-',,i' 10 'b"se hi. fi
lirm.f V ii.-o.u-
Express dally. I 1:50 pw.
Exp rets daily, 1w....t: 17 a.ea.
J. H. JONES, rxkat'Aaawt.
General Managee
'Oaneral Off4k Baartk
avp i
G. F. A F. ,V

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