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'm* Ir •f4/ r. Vol. XXI—No- 23 g'.. .. •j'-w. C-S): -OF STAPLE and FANCY .4 WE L_L_S MASTIFF SHOES, BEST UNE ON EARTH £25 MEN. BOY5AN9\OUTHS WOMEN. MISSES CHILDREN "NEXT TO the ?. |£r'T THE CHICAGO AND NORnHKESTERV 10:30 9:35 1105 9 58 1125 1008 1157 10 Itr.pmlO86 45 1 15 1105 1 55 1125 2 50 "11 53 3 40 v: m. A. LvRedfield Ar ..Zell.. Kockham 0:30 5 57 5 47 530 510 450 430 400 9:00 8 23 808 7 39 7 10 (5 45 (i 20 5 41 5 10 Miranda Faulkton liurkmere ..Seneca.." Lebanon 1215am. Ar Gettvsb'jr Lv 3 40 Freight connects at Red Held with pas tor Huron. For further information inquire of W. B. Knlakern Gen. Pass. Agt. Chicago A.-G. Johrnoa Wen. Agt.. Winona II. Marrl«tt«, Afeat Gettysburg. S. D. Sr. J. R. HcHUGH PHYSICIAN-AND-SURGEON Chronic Diseases and Diseases of Women ft specialty. Calls answered day or night. OFFICE in Maas building, Commercial Avenue GETTYSBURG S Dr. C. H. DWIGHT DENTIST (Successor to 0 N Boardman) -Odd Fellows' Building GETTYBBTTBO ^Qlvenjea call. All work guaranteed. Cohaultatlon and examination free. Oali last four days of each week until w*L*u"r notice. WnXlAH SCHQOF GETTYSBURG, 8. i. of Deedt, Potter County 4'" DMler In REAL ESTATE JftNMy Mflc «4 CsfccfiM Afart'* JjFirp Insaragce Agent for 'Towp and Fute Property r'AVeTloi tss :mh Owmtr JMtkm Store •M ite t6m eries DRY GOODS, TINWARE,: GLASSWARE, BOOTSAHPSHOES, In fact everything Tcopt in "a First Class Store H. J. Eidam, BRIDGE" PIERRE, 8. D. FOR The Riyervie^: Hotel, NEW in Construction NEAT in Furnishings CLEMNinApartrnents ~:-A TTRA RAILWAYS TIME-TABLE: Gettysburg Station PMS.| When yon wish good accommodation at a Hotel ia Pierre go to the Station Paaa. I Fr'T EST CITY RATE—$2.00 CTIYE in Svrnwuting* MEALs GET YOUR POPULAR GATES-:-HOCJ8E Forest City, S. D. Meals at All Hours, —LODGINGS FOR TRAVELERS— Charges Reasonable Herreflhments, Confectionery Etc T. F. M17RTHA 1). J. o'KKKFE MURTHA& O'KEEFE Lawyers GETTYSBURG. .80. DAKOTA Practice in all the Courts and before the Departments. (Special attention given to real estate law Buy and sell real estate Rent lands and pay taxes for non-resi dents Andrew J. Brower, A W E Beat Estate law specialty. Careful attention giren to Hoa-Berident client*. Practice In alt Bute Courts and all United State* and Departmnta. BftOWRR ft BROWRR General Real Estate Dealers. We buy, aoll and trade REAL ESTATE. Wild and improved land* for rent. Cam for ana pay taxea on real estate for a specialty—Iniuranco Written— Not*rv l-ubli® In oflcc. -LIST TOU1I WITH '0rest |3rc9 .... .' St/ 'r & E. P. THORN E, Pun. & Communications and items «r'.«eltcl I'rc.r.- readers, wlilelt roust reacfi ut bj Tuesday -'jiit to Insure (iro'upt pubifrrfttoitt. Bout local xlvvrtlkiiiK luciliumr- a uliar of your paticnugu solicited. AIfo publisher ol'"ANPAO KIN," monVVly. the only paper in the Sioux language (ex-'Mit one) In tlie United States. Entered as tocond class matter at the PoatoiHce at Forest City, S. D. O I I A A E LOCAL INTELLIGENCE The Press is in receipt of.-a pleasant letter from Neighbor G-o Shepardson of Elrod S. D. wl still keeps up his membership (s eial) in the Forest City camp, quote from it as follows: "I am working on a. farm wru It is the first farm work hn done for along time. The \v!u runs from 11 to 19bu to the aci oats from 47 to 62, barley 35 to -V, there is no .lax the machine started up—that Wi the iirst of September—and I Mr* T- Bm'n's US „^BUT YOtnt LAND OF US BENT YOUK LAND OP l/s -DO BUSINESS WITH US OM«yatartf, iMtot C*.. 4 PA N'S Tabnles Doctors fiftd A good prescription For mankind Iter IMI oSeda' eratalaa a to no a The fkttly bottle (M htmumf MldNMMi The Saloon is the Enemy of the I! jne: May America Protect Her Homes. where FOREST CITY, POTTER CO., S. Di, THURSDAY, OCT. 1, 1903 •'V iV threshed yet that.. know of. We are having very dis agreeable weather, to say the lea?' I hnvff been threshing ever sine? ha\ only got in 14 days. The rest was rain. I never in mv life saw sudi a wet time as we have had sirn# August 17." He also renewed his subscriptio to this great and renowned "Lib erty Enlightenor." Ye Editor was absent for three days assisting Brother Kiplingei: of the Gettysburg Herald, to se up the annual delinquent tax lisfc and our "angel" type-setter wa off to Mitchell attending the Corf Palace in the capacity of reporter so our "devil" had to do most the work on this week's Pres^ Wo think he uiu first rate. We offered to "set 'em up" for him, but he declined to take anything stronger than salted peanuts. OVERLAND TO MITCHELL, FOREST CITY PRESS: We are having a very fine time. Reached Mr. Wm. Neyhart's Thursday night, Sept. 17, where we spent a very pleasant evening. The next day we went to Copp, by the way of Gettysburg, where we had an other nice time. There we held a meeting and were entertained by Mr. Russell and family. The next day we drove 15 miles south to we spent a day and a half and had a light royal visit. Held two temperance meetings at this place, which is called Sedgwick. :V Monday morning wef started on our way again, reaching Highmore at noon, and took dinner with Airs* Johnston, president of the W. C. T. U. of that district, who is a great worker for the White Ribbon band. After dinner we proceeded to Ree Heights, where we called on friends, and then went to Miller, X- .1 where wo syent the ni^lit with Mr. Stratum tind f:tmily. Mr. Strat um is PRO M: editor of the Miller SUM. Next morning 1 called on old friends and had a right jolly time. About 10 o'clock started on our way again, passing thru St. Law n-nee and Wessington, and reach ed Wolsev at 4: o'clock. We ate supper with Mr. and Mrs. Slioultz and daughter, and in the evening held a temperance meeting in the Presbyterian church. The next day we passed thru Virgil and Alpena, on the Milwau kee and reached Woonsocket about 2 o'clock. At this place we had the pleasure of hearing the noted Mr. Reagan, the great tem perance chalk-talker. While in Woonsocket we visited at the home of Dr. Templelon. Next day we passed thru Mt. Vernon and took dinner six miles from that place, at Mr. (irivie's. The night before their daughter was married, so we were 'n time to have some of the wedding cake. We next reached Mitchell, where we had a tine time and were right royally treated by the Press Club. The executive com mittee at the Club Rooms were Messrs. Marry L. Bras, N. L. Da vison and Thos. Fullerton. Corn Palace otlicials were L. O. Gale. President, 11. K. Hitchcock, secre tary, Robert I5urns, advertising agent, and W. E. Turner, treas urer. The Italian Banda Rossa, which played in the Corn Palace, alone will repay anyone who at tended the Exposition. But we are having too good a time for me to write more about the Corn Pal ace this time. While in Mitchell we were en tertained by Mr. J. Sike Wilson and daughter. M. C. BONSEY. "Mavericks'' The next Ration day comes on October 12th, "'f Ben Kempf is buying lumber for anew granary. Carson Williams is reported to be on the sick list at the Agency. If you don't believe we want some WOOD, just come in and see!! Johnston arrived from Evarts Wednesday evening to tran sact some business at Fairbank Mrs Patterson of Geth« burg was the guest of Mr-and Mrs Caywood from Friday to Monday. Bert Green intends giving up ranch life at Cale Rosa's next Monday in order to attend ye 'vil age skool.' Mrs Green is making some extra photographic views of this vicinity for Dr Michael to take east with him. Jacob Kluth is making some ex tensive improvements to the foun dation under his residence, en larging the cellar &c. Comes the Time, to RENEW Your SUBSCRIPTION and get the Printer Man's BARGAINS! We have following to offer: To those who wiJi pay up arrearages and also one year's sub scription in advance, we will send the CHICAGO WEEKLY INTER-OCEAN one year for the small sum of FIVE CENTS Or—We will pay ONE DOLLAR CASH for each annual subscription sent us by any of our subscribers. Said subscriptions to be accom panied by Si.00 each, and the sender to have his own subscription pkWt »n advance before payment of said commission is made to him. \L B.» If yon wwt Mytbitr better, pteaM Itt is mow wfiat it U,, i.. •iayjjf" We hear it said that the scholars all like their new teacher, and have already begun to make rapid pro gress in their studies, Roy Gates bagged eight fine ducks and in consequence thereof the guests of the Gates House had savory duck for dinner on Thurs day. Mrs Lizzie S Robinson and Penn Garfield went to Gettysburg a few days ago, the former on business for the Indian agent in connection with government freight. Mrs Hugh Wager and children of the vicinity of Gettysburg were the guests of Jacob Kluth and fam ily, who took them up the river to pick bulberries, grapes eto. Mr Wager is liying on Mr Kluth's farm. N Devin gave us a pleasant call yesterday, to get a copy of "Anpao kin" to send to his family at Sioux City. He informed us that they would commence ship ping cattle to market, on Saturday, if everything waB favorable. Cale Rosa gave a watermelon party last Saturday evening which was greatly enjoyed by a large number of friends and neighbors. I hose present from Forest City and the Agency were Green md family, Henry Eidam and Tamily, Reed and family, Kluth Jr., Hewitt Turner, Mr and Mrs Ziminer and daughter. Miss Allie, Dr Michael, Miss Lillie Wil liams, E Ludluw, Maupin. Get tysburg was represented by Mr and Mrs 1 Ellis. WANTED:--5-cords 5 CORDS OF WOOD at the Press Office —on subscription account, or oth erwise. L. L. Johnston I THE PIONEER STORE GSNERAL-:-MERCHANDISE, eto RA.XTCH SUFFICES ©to Hardware, Paints, Oils (J^^Give me a call and get my prices. A 1) Swearinger of Sioux Falls went over to 1 ho Agency last Fri day to transact some pension busi ness with the Indians. Forest City...... Potter Co.... .. 8 I):»k $1 00 p«R AN*1'* ,C. A, B. School Notes Tuesday, Sept. 2!(. The Baud boys have beguil practicing. Red Water is Uorkmsr for Mrs Wright. Miss Alice Da!v is staying with Mrs Caywood. Mrs Hurley visited the school Tuesday afternoon. Mr Crow Eagle brought his two sons to school on Monday. Mr and Mrs Percy Philips vis* ited the Agency last week. Mr Green is acting Superinten* dent while Mr Mossmau is away. Dr and Mrs Driesbach returned from White Horse on Tuesday. Charlie LaBeau went home be cause his brother Sylvester is sick. He returned Monday, his brother being somewhat better. We had assembly on Sunday evening Mr Rogers talked to the children, Mr Fuller read the Bible' a re an a Miss Cavalier and Rosa Clay* more visited the school on Monday afternoon. Miss Cavalier expects to leave with the children who arc to attend school at Flandrcau on Tuesday. JL -".Hi Ik I.IA PRETTY VOICE UH 1 •j -j m- EAGLK, Gettysburg Breezes Sept. 2!f. Grain Market: Wheat No 1 •Wc. No 2 60c. Macaroni 44c. Flax No 1 79c. Barley 29c to Oats 28c. Speltz 30c. '1 lie Atlas Elevator Company will buy flax this year, also Maca roni wheat and speltz. Rev. Arnold is improving slow ly. If he has no setback he will be out in a few days. Every day the suii shines helps to improve the wheat in drying and grading. About 75 per cent of the wheat coming in to market is dry. It will pay the farmer to keep his wet grain at borne till winter. Meiers Cfabtree, Barton and Sloat shipped eighteen Cais of cat tle last week. These cattle were bought in Gettysburg and fetcheJ the handsome sum of $14,000, Of $37.75 a head. That is only a bet ginning of what will be shipped this fall. Barkus Dunlsp rtnd family, fiom Wisconsin, arrived Monday with a car load of furniture and farming tools, to move in Snllv county, where he has bought a section of land. We hope that Mr. Dunlap will find this one of the best coun- tries in the world. WANTED* Several perioai oi characti'? and RIIO1 unveloiM'. Uiic»g0' reputation in -acH stilt.- (one in this efiufitv rcqninfl) to rep-" n-w-nt and advertis« old established weal thy business house of solid tinancia' stiiiKling. Sftlary $21.00 weekly with e" ••••uses additional, all payable in cash !i-' tcct each Wednesday from head -officer Horse and carriage fiirnislii'd when neces-* sary. Ri-ferepc' s. Gf/ciose ielf-addressctl Colonial, 33J Dearborn 1 ii v?