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.. '•,•:( •'v-' .•• --v-.'V- «k 1 VOL. XXXI- ^o. crrcst »t Forest City, S. DC 1 4o -o* n^^'v^r _"ttli6rZ3S fjj itg fir PROPOSED AMENDMENT PROPOSED AMENDMENT Congress for and during time of war only. Doiit be caught in the rut. Lazy people drive there. The farm on a bad roadxdoee not appeal to boys and girls as a place to live. Talk does not build roads, but lots of the right kind of talk will push this great movement so hard that legislative bodies will find way to get the money to build the roads.".-- If you get your ""name in the paper'*—the Forest City Press for instance—we will tell you how to do it, towil 1. Come around to the office and tell us all about it. 2. Or drop us a postal card giving a few particulars. 3. Or give the information to Miss Amy Ellis, who will see that your name gets "in the paper" properly. A "one-man shop" whose editor prints a monthly magazine in the Sioux language, does a lot of- job V, work 'all by hisself,' manages two """fraternal lodges, has to go over the river every so often, to see that 'Poor Lo' gets a 'square deal' &c etc hasn't got much time left to run after locals of a personal na ture. !»'. I" :1 Head the Platform of O, Richards, for Governor, It explains Taxation. SWEET CLOVER One* Considered Weed—But New Valuable Plant—Good Sell Build er—'White Variety Beet. By J. G. HANEY, Grand Forks, N. D. There are two varieties of sweet clover that are gaining tavor as hay ,_andr pssture crops, the white and the yellow flowered, These plants ate cloiely..related to alfalfa, but they are, biennials, that is, a slngle 'plant lives only two years. However, the sweet' clovers are such persistent seed pro ducers, ,the seed^ot such high vitality,1 ."<p></p>FOREST &. i"' C98 V- A E P. TIIORNE, EDITOR &PROP'R SUBSCRIPTION Pricc $1.50 per annum fJnminunlcatlotis and items solicited from onr readers, wlttch must reach us by Tuesday night (. Innnrn prompt publication. Entered kk second clans matter at the PoatotHce (18th) To the Constitution of the United States of Aracricu: No state or territory shall pass any law licensing or authorizing the sale of intox icating liquors or narcotic drugs, for bev erage purposes, or'habitual use and the sale and manufacture of all intoxicants and narcotics intended for such use, in the, insular and other possessions of the United States, shall be forever prohibited. (19th) To the Constitution of the United States of America: vAThe light of the Congress to construct, own or maintain interstate and interna tional railways shall not be denied or abridged but the United States shall not become a common •carrier by the owner ship or operation of any "rolling stock" on such, or other, railways except that this provision may be suspended by the ')v, :v-y r, ...«•• I, ••. .'-'i •!V.- '... t, 1 ind the young plants ro vigorous, that when once established, it appeara to live from year to year. The ordinary methods of mowing it at random along the roadsides or on abandoned or un occupied lots or fields, has little ap parent e£fcct. Sweet clover is considered by most farmers as a bafa weed. It, however, has long had friends who have .learn ed its value, and recently, especially in the drier sections and on poor soil, It is gaining much favor as a pasture and hay crop. The fact, that it. has a rather repulsive odor and taste, and that stcok do not eat. it to any great extent are the faults usually placed against it. However when stock are confined to sweet clover pasture, they soon learn to like it and fatten very rapidly, and there seems to be no* trouble from animal bloating on clover as there often is with alfalfa. In Colorado, along the railroads, there are many plants of sweet clover that have been eaten oft by range cattle. In feeding value, alfalfa and sweet clover are very nearly equal. The white sweet clover seems to give best satisfaction for both hay and pasture. For hay, the plants must je cut early—about the time the first blooms appear. At this time the re pulsive odor and taste are not so no ticeable n? at later stages of growth. Early cutting is best, because a sec ond growth will come immediately and produce a second cutting or a seed crop. The yield of hay iB re ported to be equal to or greater than alfalfa. The handling of a seed crop is somewhat more difficult than alfal fa, as it shatters very badly. It is also essential that sweet clover be cut high—about four inches—the first time or there is danger of killing many of the plants. The requirements of sweet clow as to preparation of seed bed, method of seeding, amount of seed per acre, etc., are practically the same as formal falfa. It' is not probable that sweet clover will be found better than al falfa, where the latter can be grown successfully, but in the drier sections or on land that does not grow alfalfa readily, It certainly Is worth while making a trial Of sweet clover. The agricultural papers lately have pub lished many instancas of shccessful trials of sweet clover. Fbr lack of space these are not reproduced here. A Winter Cough. A stubborn, annoying, depress ing cough bangs on, racks tbebody weakens the lungs and often leads to serious results. The first do»e of Dr. Kings New Discovery gives relief. Henry D. Sanders of Cav endish Vt was threatend with con sumption after having pneumonia. He writes: "Dr.Kings'New Discov ery ought to be in every faraily^t is certainly the best of all medi cines for coughs, colds or lung trouble." Good for childrens coughs. Money back if not satis fied. 50c and $1. All druggists or by mail. H. E. Buckley& Co, Phila delphia or St. Louis. Cool in Face of Death. One of the most extraordinary cases of sangfroid on the scaffold occurred some time ago, when Macdonald, who murdered a Miss Holt, paid the pen* alty of his crima in England. The hangman had forgotten the white cap to place over- the prisoner's eyes, and Macdonald, noticing what had hap pened, remarked to his executioner: "Put your hand in my breast pocket and you'll find a silk handkerchief. That will do to bind my eyes, won't it? We want to say to our patrons say tc there and custodiers, tbere never was a better medicine made than Bar ker's for coughs, Colds? Catarrh and Rheumatism. We can recom mend it every time. Fred La Plant. •. ••.y^ "The Injury oj one the Concern of alt." i' Hen Foliage. .1, A young Boston college woman' was following the suburbanite about his place and doing her best to show her full appreciation of the semi-rural beauty of the establishment. On visit ing the henyard she became enrap tured. One hen was unusually well marked. "Oh!" the yonng woman ex claimed, enthusiastically "what beau tiful foliage that hen has!" FOREST CITY, POTTER CO.| fc0. DAKOTA, MARCH 0, 19li i— COMING! P, E. C. ISSENHUTH SUND.-MONDAY. March 8 and 9th 1914 Ariangeradiiits Have been made with lion. E. C. Issen huth, of Redfteld, South Da kota, the efficient President of the "Red and Yellow Au tomobile Trail," to give us three addresses or talks on the subject Of (J 00(1 Roads on the following named dates: In Forest Gity—March 8th at 3:00 p. m., Sunday At Cheyenne Agency, S p. m. Sunday. Gettysburg, al Commercial Club rooms, at 8 p. m., Mon day These talks will all be ab solutely free, and you will miss a rare treat if you fail to attend, Mr. Issenhuth we under stand has also been iuvited to talk to the pupils of the In dian school on Monday fore noon, when l|ig subject will be 5? Possible Explanation. Some prophets are without honor In their own country for the reason that it is harder to fool people when they are well acquainted with you. Horrible Blotches of Eczema Quickly cured by Dr. Hobsons Eczema Ointment. C. P.Caldwell of NewOrleans states: "Mj* doctor ad vised me to try Dr. Hoi,sons Ecze ma Salye. I used three boxes of Ointment and three cakes of Dr Hobsons Darma Zema Soap. To day I have not a spot anywhere on my body and can say I am cured.'' Ityvill do the same for you. Its soothing, healing, antiseptic ac tion will rid j'oti of all skinhumors blackheads, pimples, eczema blot ches, red unsightly sores, and leaves your skin clean and healthy. Get a box today. Guar anteed. All druggists, 50c, or mail. Pfeiffer Chemical Co, Phil adelphia and St. Louis. Lowest Human Habitation. The lowest human habitation is said to be that of the coal miners in Bohemia, some of whom make their dwellings at a point over 2,000 feet be* low the level of the sea. $100 REWARD $100 The readers of N n- 9 Daves. J. F. by this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sci ence has been able to cure in all stages, and that is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Halls Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the pa tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprie tors have so much in its curatiye powers that they- offer $100 for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address F.J.Cheney & Co, Tole do, O. Sold by all drugists. 75cts Take Hal^s Family Pills for Constipation V.c--i, t. 1 -V» 4 1 GOTO KowIanl Jones & Co DRUGGISTS & STATIONERS GETTYSBURG, S. D. O Mail Orders Solicited. a a WHITLOCK, President M. J. HUGHES, Vice-Pros. s-ilicit, your business. Established 1884. THE mm NATIONAL Bffi Of Gettysburg, fc. D. 1 Surplus and Profits ADAM RICHARDSON, Pres't, S J. F. R. RICHARDSON, Cashier DIRECTORS, J. F. Weaver Ellis Tillotsou L. F. Michael B. Kuen A. Richardson Combines absolute safety with satisfactory service— Under direct supervision of the U. S. Government Pays liberal interest on time deposits— GETTYSBURG, So. Dak. VV' .f. t:Va'*,«5»VW' 1 $1.60 Kodaks, Books, Stationery, PRESCRIPTIONS, School Books & School Supplies Tablets, Papers, Magazines, Wall-Paper OILS: IVARNISHES All goods delivered by ^Parcel Post. PSR ANNUM PAINTS $ 25,000.00 15,000.00 40,000.00 WeIyER, Your account, large or small, is respectfully iuvited. Will nxtend any accommodation consistent with Safe Banking •y V- •. r... Interest allowed on time deposits HICKS'S ALMANAC, *.••• v: :V For 1814, Is what you want to give you an idea of what the season is going to be next summer. You ought to have one, for the reason that Brother Hicks predicts good crops in 1914. 4 For Sale at The Press office. a V. Pres't •-t/-. JOHN CAMPBELL Cathiar •mi