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/w/ v ( rn ly t r ~ The Way to Build up Wrangell: W ' B > M M A Money Spent Here is Used Here; Patronize Wrangell Merchants ^ M M 1 M M Send it East, and It is Gone VOL. 7. NO. 12 WRANGELL, ALASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1009 $2.00 PER YEAR Department Store Jewelry Watch Repairs Kodaks When in the market for a gas engine, get our prices. We can give you a GRAY MARINE MOTOR, 10 horsepower for $173 f. o. b. at factory; ora MONARCH, 10 to 15 horsepower, for $400. The Monarch is a very fine en gine, which the makers claim is superior tq and cost less than the Union or Standard. The IQ to 15 horsepower machine weighs 115Q pounds. Special Prices This Week in Men’s Mackinaw Clothing, Men’s Sweaters and Winter Caps Ice Creepers, Winter Footvye^, Radies’ Sweater C&ats, German Socks and Heavy Underwear in Various Weights and Prices Gasoline, Naphtha, Distillate, Keystone Grease, Vaeuum Oil and other Gas Boat Supplies carried in Large Quantities. We also carry n full stock of Chandlery, Galvanized Boat Nails, Etc. Always in the Lead on Groceries F. MATHESON General Merchant and Forwarding Agent CHURCH DERECTORY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interpreted Service, 10JO AM. Sunday. Sunday School, 2 00 P. M Sunday. Christian Endeavor. 3J0 P. M.. Sunday. Bnglish Service. 7 JO P. M., Sunday. Midweek Interpreted Service. 7:30 P. M.. Wednei. Midweek English Service. 7 JO P. M.' Friday, (jbrary Association meeting in library rooms the first Tuesday in each month at 7 JO P. M. J. S. CLARK. Pastor. iJT.1’PHILIP’S—EPISCOPAL Holy Communion, first Sunday in each month, at 10 JO A. M. Morning Prayer (Other Sundays) interpreted for Natives. 10:30 A. M. Junior Christian Endeavor, 11:30 A. M. Bible School. 2:00 P. M Vespers—Native service. 3J0 P. M. Service in Norwegian about every fourth Sunday at 4 JO P. M. Evening Prayer and service. 7:30 P. M. Ladies’ Aid every second Tuesday evening. Native prayer meeting eacn Wednesday evening. 8«rvice of Song. Friday evening, 7 JO. Native Choir, Saturday evening. free Night School every evening, eseept Sat. HARRY P. CORSE?.. Rector. SALVATION ARMY Regular Meetings Tuesday and Friday, 7 JO P. M. Knee Drill, Sunday morning. 7:30. Service at Jail, Sunday. 10:00 A. M. Sunday School. 2:00 P. M. Regular service Sunday evening. 7:00 EMMA MILLER. Corps Commander. THOS. TAMAREE, Sergeant-Major ROBT. SMITH. Adjutant. FEBRUARYJDE TABLE li : New Moon; f4 ; First Quarter; —: Full Moon ; \ : Third Quarter Alt hours less than 12 are in the forenoon ; all greater are in the afternoon, and when diminished by 12 gives the time afternoon The time used is Sitka standard. To get the correct time of high water at Wrangell add 12 minutes, and foe low water add 9 minutes § Day of Week and Time and Height of High 2? Month and Low Water II i Thur. 4 0.55 6.17 . 12/jO 16.46 i Fri . 5 1.27 6.65 12.41 19.19 ; Sat . 6 1.57 7.29 13.17 19.4 Sun ....... 7 2.21 6.92 13.52 20.15 Mon. 8 2.45 =.36 14.25 2U.42 Tue .19 3.11 9.11 15JU 21.14 i Wei . 10 3.36 9.4.5 15.40 21.4 ; Thur. 11 4.04 10.27 16.24 22.5 i Fri . 12 4.40 11.20 17.17 22.62 *» Sat 13 5.25 12.25 le.37 23.48 ; Sun 14 6.21 13.43 20.27 . . Mon 15 1.07 7.30 : 14.56 2’.'2 • Tie . . 16 2.3= 8.42 ' 15.56 22.49 W el. 17 3.53 9.4S • 16.50 23.34 i Thur . 16 4.52 10.48 17.37 i Fri. Is 0.03 5.J3 11.40 18.19 = 'Sat - 20 0.51 6.29 12.30 19.00 Sun . 21 1.26 7.15 13.19 19.41 Mon 22 2.01 8.01 11.96 29,21 Tile '23 2.10 8.49 14. it 21.07 Wei. .1 1.20 9.31 15.45 21.50 ! Thur. 23 4.08 10.2= 16.43 22 36 « | Fri. 2- 4.49 11.34 17.67 23.2i Sat .. . 27 5.42 12.50 19.36 Sun .: 28 0.41 6.49 14.15 21.16 A party of laborers arrived on tbe Cottage City for the Mulliu marble <iaarries at Fox Island. Tin- Cottage City, with five days' mail arrived Tuesday evening from Seattle, remaining here till Wednesday noon. The Wrangell Shingle Co. left out for Whale r,sv yesterday morning. I-ook out for fire. This dry weather is bad business. OUR WEEKLY PEER AMID Items of Interest Gathered From Here and There 81. Valentine's Day Is next Wednce- [ day, February 17, Mrs. Pucey is reported ooBflned to her bed with measles. H. D Campbell came in from Lake Bay last week for a brief stay. The steamer Tampico, northbound, called at Wrangell one night during the past week. Attorney Boyce came down on the! Jefferson from Jnnesu, and returned on the Cottage City. While the water in the wells is low, it should be boiled before using, to reduce the chance of contagion. Administrator T. C. McHugh came up on the Jefferson last week to attend to matters relating to the Willson-Sylvester estate. Launch Zarernbo male two trips to St. John's Harbor last week, bringing in two cargoes of mineral water for ship ment to Seattle. Little Ruth Tucker has been having a siege of typhoid fever fur the past week or two, which is attributed to using the water from the Crittenden well. Only nine days remain l>efore the i town treasurer's sale of real property ; hr 1908 taxes. I One week from tonight, Feb. 18, is ; toe time for the regular meeting of the | Chamber of Commerce. The mail, freight and passengers for the west coast left out last Thursday evening in the Gussie L. Oscar Nicholson and May Sbadestv were married in this town, Sunday even ing, February 7, 1909, Commissioner I Snyder officiating. There was some wind over by Kadin j Island last week. K. .1. Johansen left F'riday for his ranch on Dry Island, but when he reached the north side of Ka din Island lie encountered a wind w hich rendered navigation impossible, the air being tilled with sand and dust from the i Stikine River. DELINQUENT TAX SALE Notice is hereby given that in parsa* ance of Section 20 of Ordinance No. 12 of the Town of Wrangell, Alaska, duly passed and approved on the 4th day of August, 19o4, providing for the sale of property to satisfy assessments against the earns in said town, where the taxes have become delinxuent, I will, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. m., an SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1909 in front of the Patenaude barber shop in said town, offer for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, or bidders, for cash in hand on day of sale, the following described lots, parts of lots, buildings and other prop* erty described in this notice to satisfy the unpaid taxes on same for the vear of 1908: Engstrom, Adolph, one house and lot...$ 2 00 Stock and fixtures_ 2 00 Kahote, Tom, one house and lot.. 1 00 Kuiu Charley, one bouse and lot. 75 Lott, Dan, one house and lot. 1 50 McCauley, Dan, one house and lot .. 1 00 Moore, Mrs. Harry, one bouse and lot__ 1 00 Tamaree, William, one house and lot... 5 00 Thwing, Clarence, one house and lot.. 50 Yakaiuuek, one house and lot_ 75 Dated at Wrangell, Alaska, this 19th day of January, 1909. L..C. PATENAUDE, Treasurer and ex-officio Tax Collector of the Town of Wrangell, Alaska. Jau21Febl8. The appointment of V. S. Commis sioners has been placed in the hands of the governor, instead of those of the district judges, as has heretofore been the case. After having been absent for several months, fishing along the coast, the schooner Plymouth Hock, captain Otto Hofstad, reached the home port again one day lust week. Don’t forget the Firemen's Ball on February 22, and when you are asked to buy a ticket, dig down willingly to help along this most worthy cause. The tickets are $1 each. Geo. Card and Claud Blackington an chored in the lee of Station Island for several days last week, being unable to travel in either direction on account of strong north wind. PROGRAM Of the exercise* which will be held at Red Men’s Hall at 2:30 o’clock p. m. on Friday, February 12, 1909, in commem oration of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809: Bugle Call • • Adjutant Smith Call to Order Mayor McCormack Song: “New Star Spangled Banner,” by the School. Prayer - - • Adjutant Smith Scripture Reading - Rev. j. S. Clark Song: “Lincoln.” “Gettysburg Speech” • Leonard Campbell Recitation: “My Captain,” - Harry Coulter Recitation, selected, - Marguerite Uhler Stofy: “Boyhood of Lincoln,” • Willie Stedman. Recitation, selected - Loui* Wigg Recitation: “Hitting Hard,” - Carl Carlson Song, selected, Frank Churchill, Will Tay lor, Kapierir.^ Bronson, Marguerite Uhler, Aurora Lemieux, Christine Lemieux. Address, - . Leo McCormack Address, • - - A. V. R. Snyder Song: “America,” - - Assembly Benediction, - gjv. U £. Corser AN OLD^ANCHOR Laat August Georgs Card anchored • the little steamer Gleason in the harbor of Ktqlin Bay, and f,hen lie attempted, a fe«f day s later, to raise the anchor, it eonld not be lifte<}. ftytiking that the anchor had become engaged with a mass of heavy slabs, Mr. Card tried every ! conceivable way of extricating |t, bnt to i no avail. Sq he cast off from the bitt : on his boat, leaving the ancho'chain fast to a buoy. A few days ago, at low water. Mr. Card road, two boat* fait to the anchor chain, and -.’. hen the tide came in and lifted the boats they were towed as far inshore as the anchor would permit. At the next low water ; it was found that t^e anchor had come ; afoul of another anchor—one with a shank fully ten feet tong and weighing perhaps live tons. This giant anchor is I in a good state of preservation, and has attached to it eoma of ita original cable, vyhich is e|ao vpyy large. The oldest inhabitant knows nothing of the origin of the anchor, neither can anybody determine how a vessel large enough to require such an anchor eonld have reached the point where it was found, gs at |ow fide the water is but a few feet in dspti IAD1ES TAKE NOTICE The department has approved of the ! recommendation of Commissioner Mc Bride, and the ladies' auxiliary, and also the white school presenting the best exhibit at the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition will be allowed to designate one delegate each, who will go to the exposition for the period of one month each during its progress at the expense of the appropriation for the Alaska ex hibit, not to exctsd the sum of $150 in each instance. The special juries which will be se lected to psss upon tbe exhibits of both the auxiliaries and the schools will be absolotely impartial, and their instruc tions will be to consider quality, rather than quantity, thus giving the smaller schools and towns an squal opportunity with the larger ones. This fact will probably incite easb auxiliary and school to redoubled effort in collecting and preparing tbeir ex hibits, as each of tbe towns will be anxious to secure this billet. PREDICTS POOR SEASON Mr. A II. Sonsthagen. of Cape Fan Bhaw, who is probably tbe best posted man ill Southeastern Alaska on the Gab business, was recently Interviewed by a Seattle Times reporter, and gives out as bis opinion that tbe market for mild cured salmon will not be so good this season as heretofore. He says: “From what I can learn the outlook for mild cured Alaska Salmon is not of the brightest, and the prices for 1909 may be as much as from 11 .j to 2 cents per pound less than a year ago. The only way I can account for this condi tion is that the salmon industry seems to suffer from the depression of a year ago, and if conditions do not improve tbe mild cured pack of Alaska fish will be small tbis year.” PROPERTY FOR SALE I wish to sell all my real property in Wrangell, Alaska, Easy terms. F11M4 MRS. L. J. COLE. Ex: “Tenderly she laid the silent white form beside those that had gone before. She made no outcry, she did not weep. Sutb a moment was too precious to be spent in idle tears. But soon there carne a time when it seemed nature must give way. She lifted her voice and cried long and loud. Her cry was taken up by otl.irs and echoed and re-ecdioed over the grounds. Then sud denly all was still. What was the use of it all? She would lay another to morrow. ■’ • Is a Nickel worth Anything ? If you are an economical person, or if you believe a Nickel is as valuable to you as it is to the storekeeper, come to this store for BUTTER AND EGGS Our prices on groceries are a little lower than elsewhere. And when you came in for groceries, examine our big assortment of Buckingham & Hecht Shoes Inquire our Prices on Dry Goods and Furnishings pur stock is new and up tp date, and the prices are right. THLINGET TRADING CO. WORSE THAN WOLVES Ketchikan Miner, Jan 30: ‘‘A report I came to the Miner office today that a : party o( something in the guise of men but none even than cannibals went over on one of the islands and killed about forty deer the other day. The animals fere slaughtered not for their meat, hut for no other reason than that they were helpless and could not g t away through the deep snow. Sports men, what do you think of Buoh men as these? Can you clasa them even as men? We say they have no class. Not even the skulking wolf will kill what he can not eat. It is true the wolves kill the deer, but when he does kill one l e feasts on the carcass. When he has had his fill he bides himself away and sleeps until hunger again drives him forth. I Not eo with the beasts of prey in the guise of men. They slaughter because the deer are there helpless. Alaska has what is an encase for a game law, but bo iar as the deer are concerned we could he just as well off with no law, as little or no attention is paid to the apology we now have. Does are killed. Fawns are killed and brought right into town and carried openly along the etreets. If there is uo one In authority to enforce the law, inch as we have, we h*d as well have none. Why can’t we have a law, a true sportsman'! law, something that wilj do some good and protect what little game is now left in the district, 10 that in time to come a hunter can go I out and be rewarded with at leastfind ! ing a sign of where a deer had crossed a trail less than a week previous. If we can’t have a law, let us pray that the ! fool killer will pay this vicinity a visit j and do his work well while here.” Saturday laat was the date set for the sale of the Wrangell saw mill; but ae no bidders were present, the matter was continued to Monday, the 8th, on which date Attorney Boyce, on behalf of the c .partnership estate, offered the prop erty for sale. But again there were no bidders, and the matter was again con tinued to August 1st neit, conditioned that the heretofore advertised upset prices may be received and a sale may be had at any time prior to August 1st | by giving thirty days’ notice. The mill will probably be started up before long [ and operated as heretofore. 60 YEARS* • EXPERIENCE Trade Marks I Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qtilcklv ascertain ©nr opinion free whether an invention is probaoly patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Muim St Co. receive tjHci U notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scieniUlc Journal. Terms. $3 a Mir months, |L Bold by all newsdealers. & Co.36.b~-.New York Branch Offloe. 636 F BU Washington. L>. C. The name Wrangell is given to three islands, two ports, one mountain, one range of mountains, one peak, one town, one strait, one Narrows and two flats In Alaska. The name is derived from the celebrated Russian explorer baron von W ranged. During tbs freese the speedy little launch bpray, which visited Wrangell list summer, was caught in the ice at lake Bay and carried out of the harbor. Up to the present w riting the little craft has not been located. Malamute dogs have been keeping the residents of Nome in a terrified state for •oina time, a number of persons having been bitten by them. Everybody who possesses pocket guns are catrying them for protection. J. R, Willie, who was recently ap pointed to succeed C. 1.. Hobart as the collector of customs for Alaska, qualified before Judge Gunnison, and assumed the duties of bis office February 1 Residents and business houses along Front Street have been paying a dollar a barrel for water during the past week or two. Most of this watsr is brought from the mill reservoir, Charley Yakook has a live beaver which he captured last summer near I.aks Bay. The little animal is in good condition and is quite a curiosity. Char ley would like to sell it. Yanco Terzicb, a member of the exec utive board of the Western Federation of Miners, was a passenger on the Jeffer ■on for his home at Douglas, having re turned from Denver Old Boreas is still holding the upper band, and some predict that he will coutiuue to do so until April 1st. Steam freighter Northland visited this port during the w eek. Judge Gunnison's reappointment ha., been heM up, and it is reported that Mr Taft has signified bis intention to aDpoint some other man. FRED C. MILES ASSAYER Gold, silver, copper or lead.... $1.50 Any two above metals. _ . 2.00 Any three “ “ _ 2.00 Any four ‘ “ .. 1.U0 Other metals, special prices. Office and Laboratory, Wrangell, Alaska VIEWS OF WRANGELL AND VIOI N I TV Printing and Developing Done at Kast man’s Prices. Post Cards, $1 per Dozen. F. D. CHENEY, . Wrangell, Alaska NOTICE OF HEARING ON ACCOUNT In tiie United State* Commissioner's Court Wrangell Precinct, First Divisor, Dis trict of Alaska, in Probate. In the matter of the estate of Andrew Husbv, deceased VVI1.1.1A M <» THOMAS, Administrator ~ of the above named estate, this day filed liis final account .is such administrator and asked to have day set fur hearing on same. The same will 'bej heard mi the 1st day of March, 1 *></>, .it 10 <»,clock a m , at tin Court room of said Court in said town and precim t of Wrangell All person', interested m said estate are notified, then and tin :•< appear and show rails.-, if unv they hav- why said account should nut be approved. Made and entered this 2f>th <lay of Janu ary, A. V l‘>* A V k SNYDKR, V. S. Commissioner and Judge in Probate JJfeF.o Imperial Candies Name Stamped on Every Piece Try the Chocolate “Crisps" Finest Confectionery to be Found in Wrangell I 1 The Shurick Drug Co. I