i s J t 21 THE II IMYTO DAYTONA DAYTONAVol J NAGAZ QAZE QAZEII ETT E EVol = = 1 1Vol Vol 14 No NO4l Day Daytonn ton a Florida March t8 8 1903 Edw Fit j Si TERS TERSBIIT BUTTnK BUT Tn TIIF TIIFAll All Allis Is Not Gold GoldThat I IThat AGKST AGI S1 < > Rggr tfTff r > f fAGKST V VWHO > S SSAVKS > That Glitters GlittetsIS j WHO RilRfiAU RilRfiAUF l SAVKS SAVKSYOU 51 F tt t i iJ 1I 1IIs YOU YOUMONKY 0 J ct uI 1 1IS t IS AR UOOI AK S fSOU J f MONKY MONKYAnd JI0111IM1 Q I bi biAnd + And f ull not to employ mich aJi Agent bllIt is not nntiOOn notIiOD IM1 iOOn 001 HUSINKSS BUSI ES POLICY 1OMCYry POLICYMaeu iOLICIii ii Maeu aeutt > < < ry V > Pit < have I au t long I 0111 since tollle paft pnttItcl pnttItclthe nNst ed edtASOl d dthe the exiK vxwriinintHtngv rinnnt + shlgt tuultts and tit no idle claim claimthat rhiin1that JlliultllI 141 that tllI t there is no paint its i sit suiH 1 terror ri or r for dura durability dlllllIl1ht t lnnnkiln bility kiln on the Coast COli oast If I f you U intend intelullu to paint paintand pailltft Imfutand and nncl1e jmve any n regard rcl for forUollnll Dollars and Last Lasting Lutltt Last1w ft r ing IIK l lleauty twit5 r we H invite hni i1t i tr yourattention yourattentionWALL ollralntiuliMASqN t M 4 L MASON tASOl lil WALL ALL CO COn + W n KDMONDSON IONDSON MnnngT MnnnwrNurth r 1111 11 North lkiuh Btnvt BtI1ttj I Phone PhoneSee t Inllt 1 1pVIM i iJr iJ pVIM L0 L0Barnes B r OOQOOOOO OOQOOOOOSee See C C Barnes Barnesat i at the e Novelty Store Storefor ore oretor for anything nlltll lI in the LI following fulhlu ing linen lil viz vizStationery 7 7t a af ar 0 0nuuk t f r Stationery StationeryHooks 8tath1u ry 1rn s Inl UL xl Jln Magazines MagazinesArtists 11l nZllIlI nZllIlItl nztnrs nztnrsHuOI 0 ° Hooks HooksConfectionery s Musical ioods ioodsFruit Artists I Supplies SuppliesNuts Su11husConhcthn4n IIJlpli Confectionery ConfectioneryJewelry 0 = tl nJltr Fruit FruitClocks Nuts NutsWafcl lotsJewelr I l lJ Jewelry JewelryPurm J wlr Clocks ClocksToilet Wafcl lvatrlis lvatrlisr IL Iii 11t 11tPll h hLi s sPocket ° r Purm PurmFkhing Pll I i ristt Toilet I A nicies niciesSporting Pocket I Knives Knivesinnies KlliNr knft tss tssr r 1irbin r Fkhing Li t I f DUO Tackle TackleKodukH I nc c S Sporting IIlIIUIIJ 1 ntt tiii > lands SoodsPird i IIIIC I III innies 011111Ku inniesilass 0 II hlittk4K hlittk4Kt k elf t Pird Cages rll 11ms and andSupplies ilass ihtssr ilassS4hool illl illlQ r KodukH KodukHHike Ku Q Ii Supplies SuppliesWindow lu I I S4hool do I hunt 11111 I Supplies SuppliesMasks 11111 I IUik 111 rs 0 0D or r Hike HupplieH HupplieHDoll tits 1 Ifus Window 11I1 I II Similes SimilesTovs 1 111 I ro Masks MasksXc t tIII r Doll D 11 toys III Xllt Xc Utiu it ions ionsLowilcyN illllsJ is isI J LowilcyN I Waeys anil Wlleyn Willi Chocolates hIIIIIIII nlwny iii wilys fresh ti Sewing Hwill + wing macliinen 11I11III JIj for Mile Milefor saleue 1111 1111I 1111fur 1 fur rent und repaire rl < l All 11 ports rurs IIII of tools ami machinery 11uu Iliuti y rcpaiicd promptly promptlyPicture ue ttly I Picture IYnmcri I rnu z Made to to Onlcr OnlcrK clad clade OstlerI t > e fre fr frIf If I Wtat what YUII Yuu Cunllot wont K Find Findwhat Whyl Wh y 1 Call C a 11 on BARNES BARNESf BAR NES NESo f irr rrh + to o < + ro 0 C6Ofr OO 606 + o + o r tr DO aoAeaaoaalaa 0 0OO9000 oo OOQO OOQOFE a a atURN1TURE < H HIB I pURNITURE FE I 3 TALK T TALKa 1S 1SWi 1 1tXSAgXS o1 L 1 1YOUR tXSAgXS ilt9X4iS4iAA > < Al5 < Is S a ISAi L J JN N Wi q GALL L YOUR ATTENTION ATTENTIONTO TO OUR CARLOAD CAR LOAn OF OFNllW 01NEW OFA A NEW FURNITURE FURNITUREAND r n AND IN PARTICULAR TO TOTHE TOf TOTilE TOTHE THE SPLENDID LINE OF OFBEDROOM OFal I IBEDROOM al f BEDROOM SETS SETSThe SETSrtt IB 1 The IM 3est E ht t to he 1 J had in a number o of ofstyles ufstyles f a n styles y and furnishes I ll I 11 Ill ti othind hand handsomer hdl Ile 1t H1 H1sO ¬ for thlI thlhon1C the thehome th thr sO somer ller or more t appropriate dppropl J JeriirtC d tc r home We l invite itl1 it you tll t to inspect it itA it11lV iit t A new nc t1 t1ic1SlIlllt shipment shl lJnlt iit of Uuickxcal UuickxcalGasoline luilkldlGasoline Zuiti1 tetl I Gasoline Stoves S St 1 t1 rJusl Jus L Received ReceivedI I lT l < L Lt t 1 1 I We 1 1e e sell the t hc IVst l I tst s 1 Paint 11 Ill t 131 brushes l r uh uht uhlr sl1l Nade Nadeff ddl ddlj Y j t y f Bi Bingham ff fF gi I aul lr Maley Maleyr laleyThings Y Yy i i it iAA i iSYhole AA LL gjjjii t > yy > yy yyThiugs > Things Fresh Jreslit FlCS h Whole1 Whole1some SYhole r hol e er I r r i some someM and t 1 Jetizing I IJt that he 1 > careful ill inselecting i iseleeting Ill I important iFtallt you It I t is very 1 tlJ lml M ti selecting set eE + t1116 r suitable suital > > ll things to t eat There Th1 I is i no plncr plncrin plit plitin I 1 1ti S I Itl St stock t k is f4 kept k 1 P t and all d where wheregoods w 11I It l l n ngoods I to in the city e 1t ity where 11 h tic t 1 n a larger It l lh g trt 1 lll11 I and lld renewed wl faster Then 1 1 1 ll this thismust t Iti Itimust goods are sold out 1 1must I 11111 I1 < i iipprs must be the place to go goCipars S Cipars Ci1 s and Tobaccos i b lc lcCi1 COti in variety 1 i1111 1y duality jl 111111S r flavor flavorING i 1 list ISIIEJ ING TACKLl TACKLlE lClLlI I CKL CKLy y t x I E T CONRAD CO Till i iThe 1fttIWW t tN 4 4 4r N N tN NN f 4 r The l1ENCheroKee new twin hi 11 screw boat boatCherokee iloatCherokee Oat 1 Cherokee Cherokeeleaving I Il1l11lnr WICIIlIIII and FoI FoI1tfIiK I tda tdato tlll t1t 1011I011 laver Oil to e Will run t k1V111 k1V111ttoiug IOII m nillill HI all allhrht allr tutkl lit a IHitt ItlII r leaving ttoiugrun Conrad ConradlirMgvH out ud udt1 s 1uek lId Is II1t IllyIhutrdlty Thll clnY and datum n 1 II reI II oy I IOIlC h htlPhtl3eM fall 11I1 r Oil 1111 t1 tl t OrIlIO1I1 lirMgvH hrht tt 11 aiv aivtonee t 1 > h 111 lid lidC 1lIillslIln ruin uliu Br fdFm tI ut II tlouci tlouciLurl tonee OIlC Inr InrCqnrudH ullil 111111lick 11 N Nrw Stu3 WIII1 r ull Iln ItslviII lI I Ir1l N vSIItyruaitt 1I1y1I1H nt to U pIf pIfC1111alls Ittmllill l UOO III n CqnrudH C < nrwtt I lick ul n en Math tit l Pi l li ldt Ihl ki nSI1 Uwrs UwrsIhonl 1lk 1lki 1lkMath i Ihonl I a rillg rillgFJtlckILHI i t K FJtlckILHI Fot ticleG + u 1IC1 d pnrtillIlnr pa s IIJlpl hlsI hlsInradd dt to It It I FIlItII h1 Hllal HllalCoQradtt Itottt CoQradtt nradd Dock phone H 4 44LLAAA 4LLAAA LALLhAA 4 1 1r 15 r 5 5 5 S I THE PRESS CONVENTION CONVENTIONThe I I The Ih1 Jlth IIi Annual Convention ofFlutilu of the thei i Florida livw 1s socation I t iatiou was u n in session ftsiolltill sessionthne 1 till thne edas cia s his wwk 111 k in III Wilmans oj upt Plm Plmhlllll > era erahouse ru rulit lit house u e at S 4ubl abnvze lzt The first session sessionn iilll iilllWit Wit n n as held h4111nsluy Tuesday night ni ht at lt 8MO 8 oclock oclockJ J 1 MCaldwell 11nl1 rtsll 111 j1 president idrrltoftltaassocitt idrrltoftltaassocittlI of the t he associu t iocin iocint 1 tJmilNiiig t in1INill lI absent 1L ithst lIt itI1nIntrtingwits the t hIII1tt meeting illg was ruled ruledt < alledto I t to order 01111 < bv1otu by II Tom F Mcltenth editor ofthe of ofthe ofth the th Florida School Kxpnnentand Expouent FxponeatN and Poet PoetLaunte PoetLnuntl 11x1Ia1nte Launte of Florida FloridaThe FIOIitlnIh hloriduThe The Ih operahouse as IL brilliantly lightexi lightexiand and the t h stage stn t1Z V hercoti were assembled assembledthe nli IlIIhd IlIIhdI the I h ollioeii + and executive eXIIut cxtr utivt h committee + ofIht of ofthe nfI the I h association 1I rilttiuu and the local reception receptioncommittee ItptiotOlllllliU n41ptrour0ltunittte committee OlllllliU Willi wad IA elaborately dlr dtvorated dtvoratedith + uratt d dtlflh tlflh ith palms eeigie ns nslilt and a beautiful beautifulassortmentof ltelLulifllli beautifulIlssurtnantof i assortmentof of subtropical llowers tlOW J1I Inthe In Inthe IIIll the ll parquet pa rlpttst and dress circle fn lts of the t ht honsinlingl4Iwith house housemingled hnll hnlllIIill nlingl4Iwith mingled lIIill Id with the visiting riitill t journalists and andtheir nlilltl andt1 their tl t1 it I wives a lees and sb sisters r ttsrs was n an audieiuv audieiuvI I i of probably three tllll hundred hllluh tl ladies and andgentlemen UllciPlltlllIIllI andgrutlenan gentlemen of f St abreexe and Daytonn DaytonnColCC Iaytullanutyor ColCC 111 1 lo Iost > t mayor IIIn1I1 of Seabreeze unni tear wntillt i introduced illt III and delivered a felicitous 4 and andpleasing milli anal11lrnsillg i pleasing address UtIli 11111 of welcome t t tl > the t I asso association assnrttttin INOintillil ¬ ciation llcsnidthnt Ih li1 i4 t that the press II of Florida Floridahas FtOl cln has lii s IMVII 114 tll the leading Ilc1ill factor fn tOi in thedevel thedevelMjpment tlw devel1Tmm11 denl denlI1l1tl Mjpment 1Tmm11 t and upbuilding II ph eliding of the th States Statesgreat Statesgrtsltt lIIh lIIht lIIhTIIII t great TIIII natural 1111 III ml icsomvcs If I the II1 II1evtsr press pressever Pi PiI ever t1 loesits 11I lul its high lIi h position itillil as n the most mustpntunt mostpotent 1II0t l I potent factor in forming fOllIIill public opinion opinionas oI l1iun l1iun1s as II well 111 as 1 the organ OI ln i through thloll II 1I which pub public Pllhiii ¬ lic opinion IIpiniollllllls finds most ready ICIU1Iuululitrum ICIU1IuululitrumIIhI roadyaud and untram untramnieled untrunlnuItd nieled IIhI cI expivstion rxlrts iun it will only be when whenthe wh11till uhrhthe the press fails to r1r recognize nlII Itg11U4 lIiw ami defend defendthe chfllIclthl defrhdthe the right of every ut 1Iy 11 citien I to freedom rr hint t tsptrttl of ofsvccch IIf11IIch svccch and action in all matter IIInl tr not nottreasonable 1101tlll1olllllll treasonable trclt uutthl to the commonuealth rululilt uwraltIi nor norJ iutrdr UOIcls J destructive cls dr + rlwlil of public morals moralsIn Illornli 1 1l i In l it conclusion Col ill Iosl made a rlussil rlussiliIIII I illustration illlltH1 iIIII illll of f our 1111 sense IISt of laol liopitulit liopitulittoward It JlitalitJ JlitalitJI toward our guests lie II told them t that thatin thanl t I in nl the t ht bygone hy olll halfbarbaric hillf 1nrblu i days nn of u11ud u11udtthsnl feud flllIlI 1 I uHsni when hen I Itll the I thenttiuns hlnal nation iOlls of If the t hi world 11111 were werej I IliS j iomjHled IIliltIh 1 as a 1 measure of II 1II protection protectionI tort iOIl iOIlIII 1111 11111itgaiust ajjaiiist I III HIIIt PHill ea It t oilier hot to tI encompass PIII1lIz their IhciFriots theirchics 111cirics riots ics with ith gieat 1HI falls tIlls there had lxcn a aictiiom nIItOIll ai ictiiom i r1tsU III among nlIun kings Jill iI and rulers to I sym symbolide sy nl nlhulizt bolide the spirit l of hospitality hlll lilnlil l lrulnrhr titttlity and wel welcome come rulnrhr 1111 In deliveiing III o their I11111 di liniuislicil > liniuislicilvisitors tilCuiihtljillll d dt visitors t jillll i itnlt + the t hi ke kln > to the I III antes of the l iii city cityHappily dl dlrtll rityIInppily Happily for mankind 1I1I1I1i lul walls and gates gatesme gat s sii < me ii I no I longer 11I11 + alt1 11 uinessary itlrr s nlY Ill1 adjuncts + to the theilies tl tlil tlltiti ilies il iti i pulwtliplltrutolniltiuna of enlightened IIIi httIHlllIlIliIlIlS nations Seabreeze Seabreezeind S + athlrnuIntl lLblII lLblIIa a ind IhlylnnoI1vts11tlyalls Iayloiiii IIII t ulla haveno h nlIo alts no gates n tI and andnn nn keys that I can nll deliver to 3011 1111 but in inthe illtl inthe the tl imnic and lid on behalf B1 lutlf of all 11110111 our I II > eoplc eoplcI II III I hid l > id Viil Vi l1 a hitrt welcome 1101111 The rlll httihtriott latch latchtiinu In tlh tlhhllll tiinu han hutgsuutsitlruf S outside 111 icll of every IIY door pull pulln n and enter + lor ue welcome yttII ou fnilv fnilvloom 1 ly lyto loom to 11111 hearthstones lHulhl It tllllth and out hearts heartsapt htUrtsIapt Iapt apt 1 W White hit of Jacksonville the thinditor thelilorof thelilullIf ditor < lilorof ut the Ih Florida Fraternal Itccord Itccordmi Itrettrtlrilttthlt mi II lirlitjf of the associiiiiiin l1rtlllull icsjiondcd icsjiondcdIn r rI rilttthlt 1i11 1 In I it Col 01 Posts s welcoifie 1st 1ruiAr His IIi snirli vas wastlntlu vasfloiiieiil a floiiieiil tlntlu + ut ttittytltl u illy ill and full of gaud ood cheer cheerHI 11 11II rhttIIii HI II look a roey It 01 I view of Floridas lluridasfutIlVts lluridasfutIlVtshnald futuiv futuivheaid fill 1m heaid the thit tnimpof trnalll o 11f cominu olllitl thousands thousandsand tholllllLlld1111I1 and 4iv N thestnam till tnall of u immigration illllll ralillll n roll rollmv 11I11illo intlIII mv III on enlaiging nrn at n it l llovvcd Uuring Uuringthe I the II lit next few f years vt I P declared d + Inled l the th ht speaker speakerthis six 1 ukur ukurIlia nI nII this I lis sect stti11u ion of country tun11U 1111 II t I y will b U > the I lie then thewit thenicr it icr r of many IlInll vnt of I public enterpriMf Ior Iortuiier FHlIIlWr I11rttuurs lIIlWr tuiier v will ill IKmade lit lIIad in everv 11 nook and nil andurot 01 111111 Her and in ioty4ry ever industry illtlllt Thousands Thousandsnow now 1111 living will acipiiie and II d enjoy oats tlitIuniii the theluxuries 1111hlId luxuries of wealth while hil cities yet vet tin tinInn uol Inn horn n will gist and llourish lIulll lit urisl llla l where S lit it now 110 aI ue u uiirin yil 2 2a1111 + iIi Hiiests We have had hadour I our a1111 Flaglcrs Flad rs our 1111 Plants and our Stet StetHOIIS ttt ttsotsloco sotsloco HOIIS 1 1I1I men of great rnat tt wealth nlth ad 8114 ciiter ciiterjuise loll lollpert 111 111Iri pert Iri who I lttvt itf rutty cutncrtctl Aril its il I t8 wate wateplaces flLt flLthlrns places hlrns into in lilt to unrivaled Ullrinl gardens anllII of health healthind I ind 1 III pUutsiuv plt III Itcltcd lw Itetl its it fertile plains plllillsHIIiI plllillsHIIiIiraill and andv v n iraill uin forests w with itli railways milwll s and nil oned onedit ol uix11tIits 4 4It its it marlriwith IIInll with steamships bnilded Illilol great greatiustitUtiutts gicatinstitutions nnl nnlilloltilittitlll institutions of luarninu and 8111111111 put her peo il0lilt people 10I ¬ lilt I in the vnntruard yaii iiitrt of prognsj PIIIgI said slidthe saidthespeakcl lIi1II thespeakcl II the s xakt r PIU without the poweiful poweifulaidof H miff miffHill aidof Hill of Floridas enlightened progressive progressiveniWspnjn prugrrssiyts1 p = i niWspnjn 111 It t 1 r > j the t hcfflltl lit tfirt < of if I these he auttttldil men menwould 11I111hI would hI have 1111 fallen far short a but t of their t hi r plied pliedlint prcscut cut lIt umtid stint jichietmeiits urliitst ° 4lue11ts 4lue11ts1hael 1 Charles I r ltrrniai BI I lIInll chiiirmiui tl1 1I1I11 of the theii II IItioll ii < cplioii tioll lomniiltce ti brielly I II addicssed addicssedtin M MII tin II editotv 1ilol telling hl II them that if any 1111 of oft ofIIm I hem had ever IMMII IH eIl frugal fllI HIIIIIII and fortunate fortunatenoiiult sort tlltllllHt1lUdl silia t noiiult 111 11gtt to ti i make I UI mone they ti vvoultl have havemi hi t tII mi II I nce 111411 l to t sjHnd it here Ikt e as a cvervthiiiir cvervthiiiirvxas 1 4I t II ill illn vxas n inv iI to h + tlhtu tlh ofeven even the toll bridsie bridsieTbLs hl 1 i11gts i11gtsIsis 1I I ITlail Isis announcement tit made cditoj 1i ni > Whil 1l kitsanl kits lnteand and Applcvurd Al1kr 1i thyurti r4 smiK serenely serenelyTlH su1r114tyrIs TlH uu meeting ttlug then t adjourned until Hilt II Ill il lit4irlutk in inoclock I II IIhilJo oclock Wednesday hilJo tlnv morning morningThe IIIlJ Ill i IIg IIgIlli The Illi second lOllti dnj day s wshion St NiIl1l was a buy buyone 1111 1111II Busylint one II I Il The 1111 nmH n isrls rl of the th utfit ollicers ulliItIlIIul rrs and the thir1tlllully thevarious tit titnlriol various standing committee lIlIIlIIi tctJk were t l5t made madej lII ull ulli i aril disciisHd I Cls d 1 approve appr11vtrj or i lyJevred fttrtdls fttrtdlsi as asi U Ui i the t I rattan tif their conteiils deman elllllll icd icdNew d dNtN 1 1t New t memltfiv Were ekftid tsl r trd Its a > 5 followi follow f1luwhi11ltc OlII OlIII > i I W W Jones IUII Chipley < < hill Manner 1I1l1I1l11I I II i E i P BIlIIltt iinettrTallahasce Ii lnllnhll llthassrt Home HomeII IloiirIIl II IIl A 11 McKenzie Pnlnlkn Palnt Ialatklliuus IalatklliuusE1 Times Times1C Tit Ill 11 1C 1 Fitzgerald Dttx umatiazitteNrws umatiazitteNrwsC JOlla ruuullia tiH7dtw tiH7dtwI ttr rws rwst C I I F tarroll Iarm Moattcello Iollt iCllio News lt4 lt4i 1 I E S Matthew Int thl Sturki tllktlk + TeVuntph TeVuntphMr 1 > rt11 + I1 I Mr Ir i r lleUn Ihh n Wilmans laUII Post IsI Freedom FreedomI FretlutltIintrrn I t Jonrnor o I SIlO irfumtitusand I Jennings > and l r a FrilTalia FrilTaliai Fi 1 Talia TaliaI It I i tciro were tn elected honorary hllllllrn rr menders mendersOIIirl UUllllwrf rs rsi = f OIIirl I l flh era > were IIl elected of the t11 tRsllittg tH mj mjvear vear 1 tu a 1 as fokjs fokjsIlisidelit rll 1nihtWsIrrsilt h8 > Ilisidelit litI Tiilu Ott F I FlrI Mcltetlll ii S SIHH SIHHKxpotieiit hlllli ln lnIy 1 I Iy Kxpotieiit I ln nt Tnlmhnsce Tnlmhnscef IHnnhn 1l 1lr 4 f Prnhnt iet > W WilsonTiiinn WilsonTiiinnI il lIlI Till TillI 1inr11 1inr11u I mini iii iii iii1na Ind la konvilk konvilkI u I I I TnMlliel 1na nr rId1y Kdw W Ienlnidv I + tll Ifillh + tdv1 Tit TjtVe TjtVeI I nlin 1t a kniiv k u111 ill iI tiltS1tttl t tSiitii t1 Siitii 5 I I1111pltylril J 1 Appleyard Lake Citv CitvIndex ity ityIn Index Indexi 11101 11101II In I II i I II l niti g1 ttus to to toll It IH next 1It t onventionof 011 Vill t iUII of tilt tluNational tiltat tlaiti National at iti i lIill IMitorml Editurtallssutiatiultlhih1 Editurtallssutiatiultlhih1Isutt Association oint iOIl Phihj PhihjIsuais Ihila IhilaIaa Isuais Iaa < 1 s F 1C I t I laiIIttsr11 Piiutei W r It Carter urttr1111 J 1 W Wlnt Whll 1 lnt hilt d i W Wjlon and Zulu I L I Uittimrer Uittimreri Bittillglr11IIbollilll ItittingtrInrksuoyill i Jm Inrksuoyill ksoimlle was 11 clioyn a ILl the next nextplace HCXtplncl ncx ncxplace place of meeting and a resolution wai waiadopted wuntlophIIx vu vund0ptt414xpnssi1i nd0ptt414xpnssi1i adopted expressing the II sense 1111 of If the t IIC asso assoi uoIl fl flnilltiult Il nilltiult i latloli that the next convention IK > hell hellat hullni at a I a 1 later I date t than March MarchIt lulIhIt tan I IIt II It was a divided tltt itlttl that t lall t the t lit usst ILI Itill eialionfoi eialionfoithe iutiunfothu11ultuul tioll fll flllllo the thu11ultuul mutual lIIutuallklwlitof iKfiieiitof its it itsmeutcripublfa members lIIelllb 4 publish pu li l 0 X Xf f a nionthlv 1IIJilt hb bulletin on tn the onlcrff onlt Jf pf Ihid Ihidstre BhHIt stre t nttjoj nr > t ts so ius n to kf 1fP < > such other 1 postwi postwiiu Mtt tt tt1u iu to tilt the h tvlhibility linllili l of foreign foreignadvirtirersi foreignadvirtirersisnlh adverthers advertherssu nchrt illrtl illrtllindl su lindl > h as n patent pH telit uIIdidllllI1en uu medicine + dicinn men and tht > ex exptoiters lXpltiit rxpllfttN ptoiters pltiit of o the t hi many IIIUll glossy J ghi III ssy schemes si t tl tltt tojet < i iget get something for nothing through thf thfmedium tluIIIIcHIIIII t1uttdfuul medium of seductive cllIl1 inHI advertisements erti lIh nt etc etcA tc tcCOIl1I11 A commit COIl1I11 1 t + > was Il appointed 1 to present presentthe Prew + nl nlthe the grievances of the th Florida u newspn 1Itpnpetl4fon ± tvxtapere tvxtapereIt errl errllKfnn lKfnn It fort thn th Stjitrt M u ute teN legislature I + gisbttunwhich iLitUn > which t mfet mfetApril mf mfpril InretJApril April pril 7th Thut nltbod bo < l ly will IM askpd Il < kpcl 1 to toeilact totlllld toellttrt eilact the th bib1 lIIUnlntillg relating n to criminal libeltlutt libel libelthat IiLdthlit that vus WU introduced d two years ago and andkilled nndkillcl andkilld killed in committee It will also al CI be asked askedto at + ked kedto to utneiidtlie all1cud tlat law In relating 1tlatill to thepublica thepublicationof the Iublicn Iublicntillll publicatiuuUf tionof tillll < legal advertisementsso nlhcrtiSt tu L OIL as to prerent pre prevent ¬ vent 111 t divvuV di divyla i It Itetweeii bet ill + 11 lawyers b wr or otti ottiialft oftidul oftlaitlts dul ialft and ullc1lH1lJ1iihll ullc1lH1lJ1iihllThe pnblishcis pnblishcisThe The latter subjvt t and the general lI rfil atti attitude uttitutle attitulle ¬ tulle of the l hI press PIC toward to wurlloli politiciannxvas politiciannxvasdiscussed politieians til unl48 unl48frolll vas vasdiuttssd discussed from KTverarp lyn raf points ints of view viewMr e et 11 Mr t r Humphreys Illul Jlhny1I thought tholl h I he h said that thatthe thnttill thattht the press I NII did cHllllnt not have as U much influence influenceus us I it ought to commandand thiv hick of ofinfluence ofinlhIlUIt ofintlueur influence was llS mainly lIU1ill luitinlythu due to the policy in invariably innninhly inyuriahlvfulluwtd ¬ variably yuriahlvfulluwtd followed by It Ute Uwcditoiv rtlitolz We are aretop nntop aretoo top ready Jilld n + t ty bethought h tloll hlto to to uive praise Jlrni tow toour to toour toour w our public Hervant ofteu pftt lh u regardless HH nv nvto uwto lirato to whether they tl are Hj l11tCilll1 cially deserving deservingof of commendation lom luenIu tiun When W IIIIt newspoper lIeWelll per men mengo 11I11go nleugo go to the capital to uw ur l legislation I hdutioll in intheir inthir iii iiitheir their favor whatever influence they tn may mayhnvrt yhavt3 J JIIno hnvrt in ntftitily If uly nullitld by f y tlw lawyers lawyerswhopreilominatt lawl lawlwho lawyerttvhn whopreilominatt who pntlolllinut in nnllll all legislativuliodies legislativuliodiesHe iItLthAloclieto iItLthAloclietoI He I said that whenever a committee eoluiuitofshnnl of ofHililiwliinK IIfIlIhli pnblpfriends IlIhli HililiwliinK llllnt s > hnnlphnnl a 1 plnr pur nt TnlluhuKMH their theirfriends t friends fl elldl the III lawyers wp veers n pass a word of ofwnniinc lIf1U11illl ofwnl1till wnniinc wnl1till 1U11illl r around aWIIIH the tll circle to tin farmer farmerclijncnt fnllIIlr100001IInt far111relmeat clijncnt in the legislature Look out outfor Olltfo outflit for fo those nett neWspaj II slHt1 lIal > er men lnt u they have IIn got gotwale K Ol t tHTWII HTWII wale 11111 i jcbcnie hfI to work cHk And 111 those thl u wiTol wiTolhat 01 01hat ulbut hat fell fllIl1 ftlltws o us immediately iUlnlllinttI grow suspicious sUKpicioiisand and give ie us the worst urllt of it he added addedMr neldeclh Mr h Humphries llImpbIf It no doubt speaks with withauthority withuuthoitoll withuathorityon authority on this subject inasmuch as hehuff he liehas hehuti has served in the legislature legislatureSeveral It legislatureS i 11I tnrc tnrcIIII Several S + etiill IIII xpcnkers urged that the press pressassociation pl pressit St St1Isl association 1Isl it + u4 ntiuli eiid l its it energies tote toward tuwunllile tuwunllilehliou trd theeltr the theelection election eltr tiuu of newspaj r men to the legislatultt legisla legislature 1 isllI isllItlln ¬ ture and show Mhu less ttjoI zeal for lawyers In tI and andprofessional mHIIIIO tunlpro3essiunol professional IIIO c politician politicianMr Plinth iiIUlI iais iaistIr i iIr Mr Ir NMiite l t said that every successful successfuljournalist sultessfuljunrnltlist I journalist jou rlllili t ought IIU ht at n t least Itll t to IMISSCSS 10 pxsw St1 ss in inIliieitce illIhWllct Ill IllIhleuee Iliieitce enough lIolI h at home to command 111L in in1i illL 1i L measure the sin Inic rviee of his representa representative Iepl rseuta rseutalive ¬ live in theleuisluture 16eket t Ill 1t1d ishtt latllll u e The lh main trouble troublehe he thought thuII h lies Ii in the lack ht k of thur thorough thoroughorganization High Highutgiuli7ntiuu i iUIgUlli7lLt organization iUIi and It IIcl concert rinks I of f action on onpart Oilpart nilport part of the pios Look around coulieesrluimed you youhe ou I IhIduillllcl he exclaimed and sec the handful that thatiliciv thlL1is iliciv is here Not II more than thanlsalf half of thtediturs thteditursIti the th editors editorsof of the I hi State tll tc are nuul members tt rs of this nssocia nssocialion UIItotilltioll usOciututu lion and ulIIIIO not half of the mcmlicis arc in inattendance illaltcIIIIIIIIII inuttenduun attendance IM I AI us 11 et together hht togetherorgan togetherorganize herolgall herolgalli1 organ organize ¬ ize i1 and I1 thru 1 ii we can 1111 accomplish salUtettiitil some something 11011I1lhiu ¬ thing lhiu The TI bankers the tl h lawvers law vvt rs the thedoctors theilnrtur doctors st iii the tl incchanu nl + the merchants merchantsthe the t IIi rnilttlvsin tailways 11I iI HYS in fact every 1 commercial commercialinterest enmulelrialinterest OIlIlWIiulill interest in Floiida i is H organized III nlli7Acl d except exceptthe exc xct ytt yttthe the 11 ncwspniers Ihspnl I They 1111 let their etty 1xttyj > ettyjealous j jealous nloll alnusiPs f and It nd IniineKS hlllIII rivalries koepthem keep keepthem tI tItllllII them apart and Ullt Instead of pulling to toKethtirfor tothcdor tOgether gether Kethtirfor thcdor fur inutuul udviintaHes uut4L e J they nag nagat at each other ot utlerI Other 11111 business lII lhI organiza organizations ¬ tions I dmw tl n no political pollt iul lines and humor humorno b 1111I01 no px Hisonul ollul gntdges nu1 when tlit 11111 ri their thtfrrotu common commonmtcicsts 011I11I011I otnl otnliutt I iutt mtcicsts rest ts aie at stake stokeUI stakeOne Iotll I 011 One nicinlkif 1II lIh < said snilllIut that he had heard of ofinstances oflust If Ifill instances ill lust UUClJoI where hc lt publishers in order to tosccur tulIhlrtijjtlllII toaeu sccur rQ legal ndveitiHfinents had divided dividedthe c1 idcl idclI the th pro protJcI eeds with lawyers InwYt rli who controll t ¬ ed 1 the ndvertiHeincntN nil Ir i ellclI t He thought t t such michprnctVH such11iuit prnctVH 11iuit I 4atlot r not only reptehensible but bad badbusiness hulItIlilleJotI4 bailBusiness business t1lt1thc methodsIons methods methodsI methodsTom IIlIl IIlIl1011I I Tom F 11tath elknth Florida s most this distinguished tlilitill thistinghidhed ¬ tinguished till uhl1aec1 poet I t rend his annual Press PressAssociation Prt less less1swuInttOh 11 11sclflntloll Association poem poem at the night lIi ht session sessionentitled 81ssiolllItit1l1 sessiont11titltsd entitled Carmen urtnen S Savulatv + r ulan Novum NovumllconUiiiin Sovu111Ib OIIII OIIII1L 1L llconUiiiin uaLUiill about a MINI < tl illlilllI lines and its rare rareliterary runlittral rareliterary literary littral merit nut and wide w l1 scope in the field fieldof tilelof itllof of advanced thought thlll hl stamps Mr 11 II r rIteath Me MeHeath lt ltInt Heath Int h as IL man of nniisiil brilliance lIi IIU n and andfoircfnl 1111I1r foircfnl r It II I nd Vful III intellectuality intellectualityMihH ill hit It1 cllretualityHiss hd In I i ty tyli Hiss li Neva lL Child editress edit ress of flh the thtlreadia thtlreadia1hunlpinu tvadia tvadiaChampion nIHILhllllllillll Champion lead a inthcr uniipK though thoughveiy very 1 appmpriate and entertainingessay entertainingessayon on III Woman as 11111 a PrinterFditor PrinterFditorM It iiittrF tlitur tliturI M I O Painter the th farmer was ILI thetrlnoy the thetunny thefllllll tunny fllllll man of the t h convention He gay gavian gayan an illustrated Uvtuiv 1 tuia on III The Printers PrintersDcvd lIilltIIItwl s sIevt Dcvd I and the tl I Ollice flirt Cat Ill Ill illustia illustiatmns iI1l1 ilustintiuns < tm tmt tmns t illll uMil 11 < 1 weft 11 tl i mallei a 1 clawhammer clawhammera In hUIIIIIIr hUIIIIIIrII a houliiiii > ttck Il u planer lulUl a dirty tirl towel toweland towdIII1IH tutycland and III1IH a ivuLlivc tuuu tomcat at It I t wax H enjoyable enjoyablePhilip lIjIlJulllIhili njuvahlePhilip Philip Ihili Isaac gave ul an interesting dii diicoiire clisIullr disruurst coiire Iullr on The Count i Iy Publisher No Nonimlver Sont o nt nimlver slll41 of the ti lie ar its roenition + illtlnll 1k vrhups r liLt Is is isInttei i IsIs Inttei Is 4im1itinl tu IMU hHIlllt IK4 this subjtvt subjtvtthan subjc subjcI suhjtrtthan than I 11 r I tsattrs 1 jac iL1 Me l publishes the Fort FortMeyers FortMeyers Meyers leJl 11o Plv > s away aWIL don on the tll western westernconfines u tsttu n neuntlnPs confines 01111111 of the Ih Uvcrglndc r lncl mi mile and andmilcg alltlfluUI uudnlllus milcg from a rnllwall rnllwallTh rail read readThe The practical PIlL irulHlloI anil politic poli Iii ides l of f The TheKditorial ThlElitol 1 he heEJituriul Kditorial Elitol al Page 111 age t of the Country Weekly Weeklywas klr was 111 very ably discussed b t Lv riditor Itl tiir Hum Humphries 111111Ihrits Iluniof ¬ phries hrits of the ItrIittetttotlIt1uurnal ItrIittetttotlIt1uurnalrltt Krauletitown Brailh1 wn Juurual JuurualTe Te 111 Job 1 hi Punting lilltil Lt Depirtment of a aNewspapjr IIWH otu Newspapjr tu s11aix r was di liklh ciucd cl from a prsic prsiccjil priud mI mIul cjil ul d vita 5ewpoiiu puilu KV 10 H K I TUmupAon of the theSi th tht Si t IH1It illl let Uvovdaud irtllutl some valuable hinu ami suggestions 1H lillls 1lle iiv 1 advancwl advancwlC C 1 1 L HllteUKoroI Hlttl1 ittttenur ur the thtllcnln tkula k ala Star tnr gave gavepractical gatndillal gustprltttitlit practical ndillal talk tHI on How n Vt to Make Iak Press PressTWiveiitions 111 1 TWiveiitions a Sviccc IIt f He It till emphasiz lulsiz ill1 ill1t > ni nitlieSjiecessity tlieSjiecessity t tht l n + r essity for a more thorough t laorllll h t organ organza organztttion ¬ za ztttion t ion of t1 the t h pupltshcrs pupltshcrsThe lIplishrThl The f ht nutting III liltetinglhu till Thuvwia4 Thuft frxItty UJ usconfined a 1u lIlIlith ttinrd to toroutine touutitll tOroutiut routine piuttt j Hllc nd c et trutlyebusiness trutlyebusinesstltusualoauuihus ntive busuus busuusheusualumnibns hlllinIrh heusualumnibns rh u unllllllllillls ivsolntioiiof of thankslor thanks IhUllkiUIOIlIWil lor iUIOIlIWil courtesies was ILS a aetlttth extended to every r one oneentitled 1IIItllIlit entitled llIlit d to the t h same ILIII after w hit high h the tit con convention ru11srutiun 1111 1111vntilll ¬ vention adjourned + l itnout date dateAT I IMEAT I MEAT AT LIVING l lIf PRICES PRICESIS E IS you iiml IWttlanrthilig mr any thing in tlifluif t I lin of ham ham1iuon hallllI1WOII hateLIU 1iuon LIU Un butttr 1111 11 1 lard la nl corn Inrf cult r < ul t porkIcelrry pork porkct 1 Icelrry ct IIT pickled pk kkd pigs i s Get trijx t buiulf buiulfpig blllh pig fe fet t pn 1J prest4l > 8wHl t1 luiai all kinds high hiylgrade hi h grade rutll duutuip ttnUKn It chlpj hlppl > eil t < I Utf or runny runnygtller man manuUior nUUlJQ uUior Q lJtjI thlugri we tt e cant mention in this thisui thispace ui pace > ae it will le I mom than worth your yourtiue yourtitLe yourtmc titLe to call nll on lIJ 1 I Odum for he handks hand handled Iullds led s bit the tit tlnest grades cheaj chrufxr T thai thaican can bo bought at any nil other place iu the thecity city ti 1 a i l F I If1 f1 M AUTOMOBILE AurOMOBILE RACES RACES RACES1h i iTli I Tli The lta DaytouaOrtuoiid tutltt Orill11III automobile U tOlllohil nice nicemeet nLemeet racemeet meet was a great sueeeH though thtJ h l by y no nomean nolUeUlli nomenus mean that it would hale been bc lI hind all allthe allthe n ntlat the contestant cnt tunb come who were w exist existIt es1a xptec1 xptec1It tell tellItryasanAulerican It ItryasanAulerican was atiAinerieun 1L1ImericUlIl1lonl record breaker rtakerhow rtakerhowen how howevert liotreyerand evert en eyerand r and demonstrates c1emon tmtt that t lu t our beach la lafche i ihe idthe the finest autorncetraek nutontt truck on this conti continent lootilIent continent ¬ nent The rtrst tt flr st t days d ys program Irugr pro ritni lli was IU hullell pull pulled 1111 1111leI ed off at the th Onnond end of the bench btitehturd benchand llIchlallel and the 8ecoudday sttonf du day lit u t tin Daytona end endThe enclThe endThe The weather was tine both b th days and andgreat nOl nOlrtLt andgreat great rtLt throngs of euthusiup enthuMii + tie sjxirtators sjxirtatorslined slxr 1Ctntorslined tnturs tnturslined lined the beach and hotel vrnmhu vtriuumdnsThursday vrnmhuThursday Thursday Thu du four records i Were ere 11 broken brokenAlexander brokenIlexander rokLIIIexnuder Alexander ll Wiutou iutuu of Cleveland Cle C ItLllcJ Ohio Ohioon hi11 hi11on on hit Bullet machine lImdli made ma l a mile in insecomln insConi jj jj4tColld > > secomln Itest previo > s nfcord IOJJ l024Oscar IOJJOttcar 101O Oscar O nr lledstrom lI fIItrom of Q > r riingHeld Mass Masson fu fuuu on hi hiH Indian motorcycle made ankle n mill in inbeating ill10n i 10n 11 > beating all previousi l1 records t tvurdsIi II T r Thomas of iVtroft Jtro I tro t Mich Iih on nn nnOldsmobile 1111OItIluo anOlds Olds Oldsmobile OItIluo tuubfle ill broke all previous pn ious records recordsor for or machines under 1000 pounds 10111I11 10111I11Inkiug by bymaking bymaking making a UIHiI mile in LOG LOGJ J J P F Hathaway of Somerville Mass Masson IILCun on a Stanley steam t HIII carriage el1rIil I made IIIU P a milt miltin 1IIi1In Milein in 128WilitOIl 128 128WJuton WJuton and IuldThotnayhoth Thomas Tholl1 s both hot h made madesteo11d madesteo11dtrials mvond mvondtrials l11l1 l11l1trialli trials but could not reach their fii first tilitrtCllnls firstnconls > t trecords records owning to te the fit fn t that the tide tidewas tile1lM titlea was a 1lM rising i illg and drove 1 rot them l lliIUNItI nearer thin thfsoft thfsoftnshore th sc soft softinshore Ifl Iflill inshore ill hI1 sand sandYcMerdny jojUlleIYIrtnloJ sited1esttrrdny YcMerdny on the Duytyrui DaJt lIm bench ron ronlitions rollditions 011 011clitiulIS litions wen I much better The wind was wasighter vaslighter HI HIlight lighter light t the tide was low totsr r and the deetrical dee elccrical cbtncal rical apparatus for seorilib woringthe KOI ng r till time was tentsin wasn wusiu iu n i ltrfltl > erfect order orderThe urdtr1h The 1h he first event was a motorcycle motor dl ex xhi exhibition xhihitiou hi hiition ition by b Oscar O Cnr Hedstrom Hech trolll who made a anile Ilmil amile nile mil record of 108 1 lowering lowerill g his Ormond Ormondrecord Orniouul1eveord record 10 rJ 1 second secondSecond IIrtO secondSecond II t I I01lc1 Second 01lc1 clmtBxhihitioll event Exhibition on gasoline gasolinenachine gaolilhtnndliou git uliue uliuernuchine nachine under 1000 pounds lIIeI by h 1I II T TFhomas TTholtlno I IThou11ls Fhomas 1 mile 1U iI Time Ti IIII 1 Olin OSfcThird OHo OHoThinl Olin1hird Third event nlItII4 One lie mile championship championshipest 1 hest > est r two in the heats to win ill Won by byWiutou hvWinton by11iuton Winton Time T S Kionds KiondsFourth tItollllllFourth sttoutlsFuurth Fourth cnmtOll event One mile niotoreyilc niotoreyilcrace lIIolllll tI tIrtll i irate race rtll for Championship of Florida Con ConestanU IIntestiuits UII UIII estanU 1 I1 I Mnill nill W V W Austin utillHinhlocl C CV 11 V Hitvhuood ltir iwuod Oscar Hedstrom Ued Uedtrom IledsllOIlt trom won 011 Austin tlist ill wcond Time 111 111Kith 111filh 11 I IFitll Kith eviiit tIutKx eventixhibitiOU Kxhtbition Stanley taul team oofctUIIcarriaLh teamarriage tramcarriage carriage one mile by h 1 F Hathaway HathawayTime Time li lal Hathaway Ilathiui ity wultsetlut sub < < nniitly nniitlynnde utly utlymuI nnde a halfmile scratch in 1 K HI t > xeconds setIldsSixth xecondsSixth < l oll4ls oll4lsSixth Sixth event evelitFiLlIIil even Fivemile handicap Iuulllilalopell Iuulllilalopellto olttu olttuto o en eno to o all ulllllotor motor steam etcamnrgusulint or I gasolinc 1Iiolill machine machineVon Von CIII by Ucdatrom IItth trout on motorcycle Olds Oldsccondou 01c11lSLlOIIlI1II lls llssttolld0111OHpuuud ccondou sttolld0111OHpuuud lOUpoundgaolinc gusuliue machine machineMine IlIuIhilIinll nlltrhi11t1ioie Mine 110 > Broke the world record nrordSeventii recordSeventh Seventh en t h event 1IUtUI1I Oue mile III ill sail for auto autot nutoachtH HltOrueht rueht t achtH Won by it K K1 1 Mills of Day tona tonaTime tuuarime Time rifiSH rifiSHArtists jiillQYrlilltto r i itY QYrlilltto tY Artists supplies at Bah ItarnesTHE BahTHE ItusesTHE THE TWHTIUB YACHT CLUB BALI BALIBy B Bht By n long odds tlio most brilliant event eventf Ilit Ilitor or f the Daytomi social StaSIIII M > en tsu > ou i vas as tIigrand tin tingrand tl tlmucl grand mucl ball and reception ii giveiiThm ginIIThllllulIidlL 6ive11ihursday 6ive11ihursdaynight > dny dnytight tight under the auspices ll + of the Halifax ttidilutXMiler Halifaxliver HalifllHi liver Hi tr Yacht Y Club at L KlUtill Keating o < Casino CasinoW I tsinuIv W H II IVtcrs > tlrs F I X Coiintd F F1 1 Niver Niverind Sivtranti anti Henry Schmidt llIlIitit who hll compose the theStHial th thlIl theStk Stk StHial lIl al Committee of the Club Iuh organizedind organized I IUli7c1 IUli7c1ullli ind c conducted the entire cnli function and Itr y its it IttrGrt > erfect snccess and its it gay U joyous joyousind juyuusuud ind brilliant feature these gentlemen gtutleole11erutvuell gentlemenrowned IllIltli IllIltliroIIIcl rowned themselves wll1 itli itla a halo haillof of glory gloryis gltllIl is Il social iodlllllItrtaiw iodlllllItrtaiwlht entertainers entertaineisTin Tin hits Casino was brilliantly lighted and andIf all1itj autlIts Its If walls wallstveteelaborutclruttoratcd were elaborately tlahma td decorated with witharicolorcd w vitItvuri l it itar vuri aricolorcd ar colored bunting flags and fctoim fctoimif ti tolls tollsof of if palm leavesevergreens and lulditl all manner mannerf of f subtropical sub 1I11t ropicnl lowers w t1llik hile hil red n d white whiteind whitea11d hill hillalld ind blue Chinese eh lLlII lanterns Innti rus su strung sllIIlI utg upon uponords IIplllllItI upullurds ords lItI swayed sn 11 aero s tho t hn canopy taut 111111 it of the thearge tiltIllr thinlarge Illr large arge hall il 11 room roomAbout roOIll1lullt rooalbout About iOO Oli coupler Coils alternately danced dancedor or promenaded prulilClUultllllOlIIlIl around tu omul the t lit broad vernn verandas vernnlos lralldlL los dlL u upon which cooling colill it drinks and andoothsome 1111lnllt antitot lnllt tot oothsome th501111 IIl UIIII refienhincntn t were rved to tohe t tothe II IIthl the he revelers Iv hrti on olllnl1 iii call loft and without stint stintMiss stilltIis stintHiss Miss Iis Mather and Mrs 11 Swanstrom wtllIstrolllf wtllIstrolllfw ulstrum of ofSew ti tiNt Nt Sew w York who wh air nl gin sts ts of < If the llid llidvood Hi Hiwood itih itihtuod wood gave gl an interesting ilhnstill intcr sting and amuxiii amuxiiiliverbiou ansttsiuig ansttsiuigt I Iinltiiul t h liverbiou fiom the dance dall MU Ii > Mather Matherrendered I Irtuden rendered d come delightful piano ti lIo recitals recitalsvhileMisSwajHtmm 1IcitnbW neitulsvoile W voile vhileMisSwajHtmm h iI Itrs h HWtlKtttI Swtul ottltitt g guy II e t negro Ih ro diuKvl diuKvlrecitation t dittltrtrtritutjuaM lial t tnitnliolll recitation in burnt cork corkThe rusklhefvstIvitIts I ITlu The festivities f t it t brukeupaboiit broke upabttut I unlink unlinkIriday k kliday i I Irrilla liday rrilla morning and thI the votnrie vi Iltllri tulits of II tin tinlauce t thrditlrte I i lauce I 11111 pronounce truuuuntt it IllIlII one of happiest I st t OlaI occu occuions I I11111 I ITIlt i ions tta < they the have enjoyed lIjo cti thi season seasond eauuThe I IridtlI The music IIIl1 il was furnishedfielders furnished d Lv v lrofe tro1isuti > r riehlers fielders Orchestra Ordh trn and It gins iroe c > without withoutaying I Iu Ihying aying u illg that it va 11 all that the dtuuer daoctreuuld I Iould ould ifttbonnltty tt bcUlhh desire d lirl irr I IDont II IHollt Ii11111 I Dont kitts your baby bl h if i it bus tin tingripay thtgrip tlsgrip gripay grip SH says Dr Cyrus yrus Kdson All rightJtour right rightdoctor ri ht i i4Joctor doctor but 111 t how 1111 hit W about I bOil t one nn s stet tonojrx i OIlCllrnphI ra 1 1pher iplys phI and typx ty t lw witer itI i f2 lraffSmokcd lIIl1kd tyegla < and andin 31 Itlndto Itlndtoill etttt lts 1 1iii in nil styles st I at Clarks tark jewelry store storeThe stomplit tOI tOITh I I t The lit MiLaughlinCoiirtney k I atlghtin unrtmt nos y party went wentto 11 t tto to the classic haunts of Tomoku river rherlast riverlast I Ilalt i last Suixlay o tensibly < to 1 bunt tat gators gatorsalit atoll atollHIII r rand and alit wildcats The larder of the theboat thinbunt boat vus laden t1 with ith the only anunnni n11t11l11nitin anunnnilion llllllllllUililIlIlI lion lilIlIlI Urnl Ilg as the th cat at and Ullt gators < viit IIIcl IIIcllh < l lthe Itht the lh danger IIIII II from afar and Uok t44 k to th thswamps thamps t ii iiswampy swamps amps The party comprized 1I1I1Ir 41 Mr 11 Ir r and andMrs atlllI andMr Mrs I sM iu Hugh rh Mclaughlin Mr 11 I r and lli lli1v Mrs MrsW I IW W C Courtney Courll Mr Ir < Hniswau Itrosri au Master MasterHugh 11astrIlclau Hugh II llodl Ilclau MoLaughlin 6 6Court hliu Courtney rlllrtll Th lhlllllU < Unas1 F FCourtney I ICourluy Courtney Court John Courtney J 111 II Newman Newmanuud ewlllnil ewlllnilawl ewmnaUlbd awl the th following young ladies ladiesMisses ladiesMissesCalferyCourtueyuddyMeigllnnt Misses MissesCttfferyCourtneyCuddy 1iNt i iCuRer CttfferyCourtneyCuddy CuRer CalferyCourtueyuddyMeigllnnt CourLne rudd Meigham 1l ghfill1 New Xewman Xe XetIInuOUritli Newloan man tIInuOUritli Ollrien K 511y i11 and Hock Hockgs HodEggli ItoekEggs Eggs gs for fiat hatchiug hatdiucHuff hiugtuff Buff Cochin lt cllill 5 cents per netting S MILLS MoltsS IIIL S i c 5 5s s c Dress DlessOUR 1 r sx b bs Spring 1 1OUR R RDRESS s OUR LINE OF SUMMER SUMMERand SUMMERDRffiS I DRESS and SHIRT SHIRTWAIST SHIRTa SHIRTWAIST a WAIST GOODS GOODSIS IS Tilt TI Ill It EINEST I 1I LST AND ND BEST Bt ST WE tip tipGtIT HAVEJ HAVEJEVER tl tIAVE VE VEEER 1 EVER rR BROUGHT 13ROU GtIT TO DAYTONA D UAl TON OUR OURPULL OURrULL Y 4 4DULL PULL LINE IS NOW READY RE Dr TOR 1 OR INSPEC INSPECTION INSPECrIO INSPECflON ¬ TION rIO AND WE E t INVITE r N rre YOU 1 OU TO CALL CALLAND CALLlND CALLANL AND SEE St E TOR YOURSELVES YOURSELVESpWE YoURStL OLn St L rS1tr S Se pWE e BOUGI IT Tl IlllS US SEASON Sl SON IN I SI SliGHT SliGHTLt 1ORT 1ORTLENGTHS 1T e1 e1r LtN LENGTHS Lt r Gl G I IIS TO GR GIVEYOU GIL l l OU t A DRESS L11I SS OR ORSHIRT ORSI1I1rr ORt SHIRT 1 WAIST 1Iti v AiS IS1 I ALL LL YOUR OWN OWNQjHaCREBBQS ONH O1tiN t s sy5 y5 N Ni Nw i t tBAKERY H t QjHaCREBBQS QjHaCREBBQSI w µ 1 i iANU y BAKERY ANU GROCERY GROCERYvc vc are now no opL onlnr U p pClass cr ratinij ttlnl t IlllJ a 1irst 1irstClass 1 I9rstCktss IrS t Class Bakery 1311X1 in connection connectionwith conncl tion tionv t tM with v th our ourGROCERY ourGROC1 tlI tlI tlIGROCl GROCERY GROCl H STORE srOI srOIc STOitt1Lrc 1 1We We c Handle Everything EverythingInuujinable l ivervthinIntel vLrythinJhna Inuujinable Intel finable in the Line Lineof Lineof Linec c of f Pastries 1 astl Ics and Bread BreadGrocerres I1rcadGrocerres Bread1I t Grocerres 1I UtII I is Tresh I l ca11 and Pure PureOur PureOur 1 ll l lOut Our Telephone I C Ic hone No 0 is 19 19Howard l lHoward 19Howard Howard florrison florrisonCor orrison orrisonCor Cor B Beach mcH St and Second Av AvLap Avee 8 8frttt1tJ ee eeJLap i frttt1tJ r > t1tJCj OQli t a o Lap fLap I m j Robes Robese f 1 1ti f fC j jS S ti e have 11111 just received t CCCit l I a anew at isis is ist s t t ft new ne line of Lap Li I Ia IIldih J Robes in inmany inrnan In a many rnan pretty v Patterns Patternsand I l attt t t l r l n ns nsilll1 s 7 7i and Licjht Li J Jt1ty ht Weights WeightsRemember li Jhts > c t1ty 7 1 1 i Remember we 11 c keep Inc IJ IJt v > t II 1II 1 Saddles bridles LI IIIes s soiI oiI f 5 1 11 larness Ltln dITCSS as lite 1 1tc1 1tc1t t c cIJ t r t IJ I 1R 5 ft S ftS R S MALEY MALEYr i t e e ee Geece e er n iLta + iL1LLlLPISI i i lJll a JA lJ1LS lJ1LSh r h r fe AMERICAN 4I11C41 I ll LINE LINETHE L 1 1 1TilE E i ir r rrjy rjy r1 THE 1 i lE rXCMK l t I E SAM til 11 I will dri l l run to the theToinoka theTumoka Toinoka 1 River Hi 1 ivt1 Ylr and llllivI Mirror jl i i 1101 Land Tues Tuesdays Tuesday l ueti uetiI ¬ I days I < lS Thursdays Th1l dHY and Saturdays leaving leavingSouth leavingouth leavingSouth South l Bridge lldlre Draw at 900 OOa a in inTo To 101 1 Inlet nl t Lighthouse a c Ponce PonteP Park all rk a and andNew nd I 5 > 6 New tW Smyrna 111 trna l Oil Mondays 11Ollda 1 rS rSd1 Wednes Wednesdays edlles ¬ i days d1 S and Friday I ri1U leaving leavingIJri1re North NorthBridge NorthBridgl J Bridge at 845 a m Boat 1 oat stops tol > s at all bridges bridgesgoing i 1 1goilg going L tr ll lr a both ways l The 1h Imle l Sam anl is is5 1S 65 Feet I t long longthe1 IOlgtIll t the1 tIll largest ° If fastest stest and most liiiet lUl t tl1Ct t rUll111ugstt running runningsteamer runningstcameron steamer stt uner on the river n r11eI yer McCOY 11c I cCO Y BROS BROS4xswi U I I 4xswi iws > i > iwiw o a < > s 5 x a aDry 7 111 1 Dry > IT Pine lliulnndOakYoolde1iver tin and Oak Wood l Doll deliver delivered ¬ S Sc1 i icd WOOD t 0 i ed promptly 1 rule 1 tl J on short notice All Allof Allof of u our ou 111 r 11 wood uuI was as cut last year yearJ car carut ODIM llX I ut North Irth rth HmiuliHI Itmul1 Htrcct Htrcctstr HtreefJ I 1 1 I 11 I J V I J I 1 > l L L 1I i > l l 1 Tolopbono TelvtB lino K7 r rSlOrcli t ty j a ta tic ticSatre y ticf f str SlOrcli r h ui Iukc City H anti Judultl1IcThe Jiuk Judultl1Ic ntvlll ntvlllThe < > The Big Beach Street Fruit Store StoreA tore S A 1 hill Hnt of confectionery rOllftlt iutlr at 11 t lowest i 11 price > ritr h Tin 11 bi biggest o l t tli display 11 phix < IIf ihuieu l fresh frcahfruits frelihfrlltlS freshfruits r fruits found IIlumlln in the tl > city It Ifvuu It you tU cant t1U l lied 1111tt hut you 111 want jint n > In this Big UijlUiu HIIi Bigi i lUiu Ik a h sweet Fruit Story tlllt > dot it uluiH tin liiin hulled < l Soiul IIl u lov lovto ho hotu soxoto i to our friciuls friciulsHotel ftillulHutel fritadHotel Hotel trndtf trl tdtt u specmlty ptC 11 ecialtS tilty IETKU CAUKLLASlIannger CHI rLPJlnnng r 4Miouo74 4Miouo74SO Phou i 71 t + tt1 A po It ItSq SO 173 t