OCR Interpretation

The Daytona gazette=news. (Daytona, Fla.) 1901-1922, February 10, 1906, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93059208/1906-02-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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< t
r Early in 111 the wrik tck we will havu a anev ancw anew
new uptotheminute u 1 t4 theMinute line of Balk BaekComls BalkCom BackCotnb
Comls Com h > Let us ajn quote ote you you 011 prieps priepsAll prices pricesIll
All Hnls enyraved clIgratc a ctvrd free freeL fn fnI
L I H How I1 IwEk Cn CnJ o oI l lJ1v
J J1v I W Y Williams lliatllo of Sari is i out outagain I1l1tIIgain putlignin
again after au illne illness of several days daysHev dayrev ays aysIh
rev Ih I D F Aman of Jacksonville Ialk IIIIiII IIIIiIIC N NC NI
I C is isatIaytunalirlrh at I Daytona Blah the tI guet lIst of ofhis IIfhi 1 111i
his hi c on Judge JIII W 111 A anon AmanO anonfnrlutrly lIall lIallo
O I Ikobinon Hllhill II funnelly a l 1R lesident Ili11t of ofDaytona IIfaJllllla 1
1 Daytona aJllllla Iii u t xviitefriendhete writ ni fri iriIIb n41s ht that he I i iat iIt i iat
at preent reidim r idill at 11 Spokane iH kul Wnsh ICahllrtul WnshMrand sh shIrllld
Mrand llr Mrliaxiiondxxho whll have be I n nat IIIt nat
at Huloxv for ome time I ill pat pa l arrived anixedhere aninIure arrivedlitre
here Monday II tdy afternoon uta rn on in to Ili tluji I it hoiie hoiieboat h hIItat 11111 11111Isoat
boat Isoat11rs1
11rs1 Mr Irs T 1 K l rit FltIdlllld z craldand raI1 11111 Hiss Mi Mayme Maymelitgcrald MtyrlirIilzgrdd IaYIIIIFill
litgcrald Fill rald spent last Sunday at it the theHotel II IIIIl1td theIlptel
Hotel Irmond gI guests lIlsl t of f Irof Pi of and allt Mis MisO 11
O 1 More MariCeurge MoreCeorge 1111 1111ellrg
Ceorge ellrg W 11Iho Tebo left ft Monday to the theregtet I I Itgrelllf hr hrregret
regret tgrelllf of hi many IIlall fiicnds fl IIb on 11 the t I tetiirn tetiirntrip rtt ccturnIrip 1111I 1111Itrill
trip to his home hi jilt in Dover Del after afteipending aftclsJlclIclill afterspending
pending a couple of weeks in Uay Daytona DaytonaM tuna
M 1 Aultman H has ha opened ollllIl cI a branch branchhtore hrmdhturc lruichetorl
htore near the tI Orinond Uriiii Hotel I1 el where be beeairies I Iuri hreiaris
eairies uri a very ry nice IIi Hm of gents tlits furnish furnishings fllmislaill furnislings ¬
ings ill P 1 Iod IGdgers ers rs is in charge dltr t of f the thebranch II IIhrlIl1h thebran
branch branchWork hrlIl1hWork bran h
11 Work ark has ha started larcllIlI on the nexv W dock fill foiDoyle fillP fari
P i J J Doyle on Bad Street A 1 large largeipiantity laq laqIullliity large9I
9I ipiantity 1Illlty of palmetto altllllill piling ilill has been beenplaced IIttlIplacc Ilt it itptaeed
placed placc 1 on the ground xvhieh will be beUsed htused
Used in its eunstrun construction constructionH IIIIo lnltti lnlttiW i nli nlilv
W U H I ardiner C the tl photographer photographerhas
has let the t h contract 011 t rat for the t I construction constructionof rlltl iult iultIIf
of f a 1 brik addition to the II rear of hishtiilding his hisbuilding hi hiImildill
building Imildill on n Bah Street Ireet Work on o n tin tinaddition tilliddili theIIIIitlall
addition iddili hi Iitstlrrslt aheidy commenced commencedMrs
Mrs 11 Onon c t i1II Sxxett 11 Maiden wife ifc ol olOtison IIIlriOIl litOlt1II
Otison Sxxitt d t Maiilcn editor ami allllillall allllillall11r man manasi IIIIIaim
aim 11r r of the II iiimainc Success Sur n with wil h her hermother Irrnissther
mother Mr 11 I 1 1 f 1 ftuu I A an hot both Is of ofolk Nexx Nrttl Nexxoik
l nth it Citx ily are topping al theliailand theliailandCoitige 111I1allllllllC Ile nlund nlundflit
Coitige CoitigeAiiuilitT C flit 1 ta tag tag11nlhr
AiiuilitT iuxoiir I of f Sbirtxvaist SbirtxvaistSnil hiriwaisllIib
Snil lIib > just rniixcil It 1 id d al Tin la Lalis LalisFllnrilrill < lics licsKurnibiuo 11nJIurnishin
Kurnibiuo Store Stll I Lnxhy xh liuildino liuildinoTin I tiildiltLthe
11 Tin Home Society ilt of sf f tin tinM 1111lill lIel
l lill j It4 > I ssn M 1 M I Church I South ill II I II will give givia in ina
a biitlulax party at the residence Il i41nr of ofMr 1fIIr11nl
Mr IIr11nl 1 r ami Mr 11 C C M 1 Chiity C 111 ity coiner Fiat Firtard Fir1It Fiatae41
ard It I ICidgxxuoil It ii I nuatllunu Axi inn on the theyet1ng theyet1ngof evening eveningof
of f theJnd IIII III mi instThe miTheoxxnil
Theoxxnil The 1111 uttnrt 1111 ot f a i dangerous lall Irllll bulldog hull d Ig Igarraitted xxa xxaarraim a aarrailll >
arraim arraitted d 1 before Mayor Ia r Smith islith1hur4Iay islith1hur4Iaynurnillg Tliiir 11I11rlIa 11I11rlIafr > day dayinoriiing
inoriiing for alloxvin his hi pet 1 to run II IIInIIo the thestreets lu lust ¬
streets st reels willllllli xx it bout a I mule After having havingreceived haillfII hlviugreeive
received fII cd I inlrmtioiis 1I1t illll to I tuceurU seemi 111 one ihtsa4 the theeie I III IIIa
eie a xxa tr diiui4d diiui4dlion
lion 11 Nicholas Miiller rxougrrssIlan exCongress exCongressman tX 01l 1I 1IIllall ¬
man of Nexk N w Yoik Y IIrk City Cj I nuts 1111 Tax Com Commiiitier our ourr 11I 11Iilia
miiitier r n pit preUlint enlinu ilia the Hiirotigh Ihl rull h of ofKichniond ofleidllllllllil f fItiehuisiul
Kichniond whirr I he I ii ieide iii is in the thecity tillI tI r rcity
city I I y having ha ill come 111111 South 1 II principally for fortlie fillIIII forth
tlie th benefit of nl his hi health
I F C C C iardner ha has a fore fllft of men put putting 111Ilill putling ¬
ting lill doxxn a xxcll on the property he hereeently litnIIIIII hrreeenlh
reeently nIIIIII purehae 1 l from f 11111I < i n o I 11 V Tebo Teboon Tt 1eb1I hll
I on South 11111 h liid HitlpII exxood II I Mr 1 r C iardner in intends illItIIdo inteUds ¬
tends to liein the eteetioti of If a neat neatdxxelhm 11111Iwlllilu MIIdwrll11
dxxelhm at It an n early arl date datetDont clatetUOU1 tlattttaut
tDont forget the tll place t to < i buy buyyntir IH hoyour
yntir your 11111 is at larks here xx you 111 will xvillliiid willlillcl willtitul
liiid a lar lark c asorltncnt to jiick fnmi fnmiCha fWIIIIha fromhas
Cha has 1 1C Crillith and xvife an in Day layi Daytona Da DaIlIlIa ¬
tuna xxhete they Ihc have spent the month monthif
of if f I lehruary FIrllar for several veto cII pat MrIrihlith Mr Mrtirillith Ir IrI
tirillith I is i proident of tht Port ICirh ICirhmond Iinhnoituh
mond National Nat al illllal Hank in the Intruubll llur llurou BllrIIlIgh
ou IIlIgh h of Hirhuiotid Nexx 1 York City Citylame ity ityall itylame
lame all II Lam Ia II and daughter all httr of ofSouth ofi1utIi f fIIIIIh
South Norxxalk Conn shin wh have ha hurl IHTIIreidinn hl11rlilill hurlresiding
residing rlilill at the Cro rs s r reidinee on onKiduexvnod 1111HitilIlId IllIidgwus11
Kiduexvnod Avenue 1cluurtvill IIIIW will leave h a Friday Frilla on onan 1111Itll
an extended trip to Ialm Beach and andMiami andIiuui tI1t1lia
Miami lia III i They epeet 1 to return ftt ru mil here he hefore hefIl hefore
fore the I eloe of the thepastel M MThe 1 > 1111 1111TIlt
> 1 t The launch h Jut So 11 of f Port Orange Orangetool C IrUlgttllol range rangetool
tool a party of f people I s j1t up u i the river a afar r rfa 1 1far
far fa a e the II Tomoka Cabin a IIi II Monday I a The Theboat TIltal fhepunt
boat al st stiucka t IIwk a rock and in j lot her when whenilly xvheelShe wlltclihe
She could Iullldllllt not get et axvay awa atvuystd and it xvas nec necessary IItCtary ncesstrv ¬
essary for apt Unity Johnoii in hisr his hislaunch hisIUlIIIh
r L launch to toxv her back to Port Orange OrangeStationery Ora I raus II gt e e1Stationery
1 1L
L Stationery by the Box found or orTablet orTallltt orr
r Tablet l form Ii tin at Clarks ClarksCaptain l Iark larksLP so sot
t LP i i Captain plain Loss Ho I Xuber of f this I hi city has hasbeen ha haill htsa
a been placed in command of f the launch launchtola lallllhIa InMrhIola
tola Ia belonginu to i lame ttnl = O C Winn illll the theAtlanta thct
t 1 Atlanta 1 insurance man The TI txxo ttym Suedes Suedesxxho iwedeslN iwIdl iwIdlf
f lN who arrived irrivc I oil Daytona and came cameashore ranif 111 111f 111ashun
f <
ashore haxe Ia n returned Id II 11 Itd to their respective respectivehomes n pt1 in inhUIIIIS
homes in Nexv w York having been dis discharged IIbI ¬
I charged by y Mr lr Whin WhinOur ilill ilillI
1 I ° Our hiI stork of Jewelry is the larg largest largI ¬
I est and alii I most III list St complete in town townMain totvuMany
r Main lan uexv things just received receivedi rll ciell ciellEll
i Ell i H CixKk 1 11 Jeweler JewelerThe Icwclcru
The 11 frinluI fticndof f of Mr Irs Louis C rifling of ofNorth IIfXcrtla ofNorth
North Hloomlicld I N Y 1 formerly Mi MiFlorencc Iljss IljssF Ii IiFlllnIIII
Florencc F reuse Nast aL whsipnt xxho h spent last at xxinter m mDaytona ill InIaytoms I II
tf I Daytona will iII grieved I h to learn of f her herdeath
11 lot death d Ita t h in the II t he aboxe 11 1 uss place 111 1 1 on Januaix Isa uu v Js S j jfrom I i
i from tuberciiloi 1 Mt 11 irillin had a alarge aof a
of large I ar l numner r ot I acquaintances heir heteThe I heirfhtvnlpilliySt 11
The 11 fhtvnlpilliySt sympathy Ylllpat by ol III the loinmunity lIlIIllit i itlIclt1 nte ex extended
e tended to her Yllla > ouni husband xho I is isalo i iit
t upon 10 xxell HI knoxxn Ii IIIIWII in Dtylona DtylonaIot I IavInl IavInlLotfor11eit1111f ay
Iot Lotfor11eit1111f for sale al lOxltMl i mt xxith arte artestan arteaatt Irt Irtiall
stan will for SIiO Ii C J 1 l ande Yoid tf tfK
K 1 K l Old C Illb II of f latisinu I au alloill iu Mich presi president pres1blue ni niIhlIt
dent of the leo 1 l4 Motor Company IIIaIlY has haspurchased 1m 1mlunhaId hiltspurehisrdt
purchased a 1 lot t on II alley 1I hley Street il ntI at atSeabreee atcanc atieabreeze
Seabreee canc from Mr 11 Mallory II Mr MrOlds II IIlid r rIlds
Olds lid ha has let the contract runt rant for a euurf comfort comfortable lIIfrlall srt srtaWc
11 able sixroom r4 residence to L I 7 Bur Hurdick j jIIIk
dick xvho twill commence work Irk on iii thisrtrurtureIt the thestructure thttrut1Irc
structure at t an early elrl date Mr 11 I r Olds Oldswith oldswith 1 1with
with his hi interesting family will spend spendtheir p1ut1their
their uinters illtcr here in ill the future futuici futllnrisit
i Visit the he electric light plant and andaee amilC andthe
aee lC the finest baths iu thu South
Yilliuni Forsyth a pr prominent nuinent resi resident
dent of New w Smyrna spent Monday Monda in
Daytona DaytonaAssistant UaytuuaAssisttilt
Assistant Cusliier C hir F X Ciuuad Con nul of th thMerchants this thltItrdlmt thisMerrhults
Merchants Hank was a I DeLand visitorTuesday visitor visitorTuesday bittrTueday
Tuesday and Wednesday WednesdayArthur W 11edncsdayArthur dnlday dnldayArlhur
Arthur Smith son of Mayor C L LSmith I IlIIith LSuiithl
Smith has h accepted ac a portion as engi engineer
neer on the launch lola lolaI
I Mr Ir 11 and Mrs Ir C Il V Simpon and 11I < 1 their theirdaughter tlllirdl1I theirdaughter
daughter dl1I hllr Miss lio Edna of Kvanston EIII ton 111 111have 11Ihae 111hat
have hat c arrived and have ha taken a cottage cottageat Iolta Ioltaat
at Daytona Beach for the balance of ofthe oft oflhltCI1tl
the t lhltCI1tl lhltCI1tlButald ht eaMtn IaIIIIHtliluid
Ronald and Fike of Cocoa Itoa han haxeplaced han1111 haveillacctl
placed on order xxith C M 1 McDonald McDonaldfor i dIIIII1fill 1unald 1unaldfor
for the conlruction of a motoihoat to tolie towilh toIleiiluippcdwithia
Ileiiluippcdwithia lie equipped xxith a 7 Jhoiepoxxer De DeMooy p pIot IrrMosiy
Mooy Iot engine engineHenfoid tlI engineIiruford illt illtHlIft
Henfoid Deai Ikanlll on and allt John Y 1 Col Coleloiigh I oJ oJIIIIIh silrlsiugh
eloiigh IIIIIh left Tucsday TUI ay 111 in the t I liiunch liiunchKmgli hlUlidltll Iannrhhiughsher
Kmgli hiughsher lier on a hunting and alia li lihill lihilltrip hihiug hihiugtrip hing hingliip
trip up u the liver They The cxpcct It t to 1011 1011um re return retutu ¬
turn um Sunday U1Iaay morning IIIIImiligIIrk morningYoikiprogreing
114r Yoikiprogreing IIrk k io t5 p jlCagrIllg noill ratifnctorily on allthe onthe Oiltill
the reidence r and tore for lark Clarkinith larkitith larklIIilh
inith the Daytona Heach photogra photograilier phlllo phulugraphtr rt rtplltr
plltr ilier A coat of f cement ph plater ter ha has > re reently rttlltly reerntly
ently been applied to the exterior exteriorC
C l J IterkitiMiive krkllIshi l of Cleveland 1 is in inthe illthc inthe
the city and is is pleasantly located at the theUidgexvood theBitl lie lieRtIgewoutl
Uidgexvood Bitl l wtlHI where he expects to br for forome furI forsome
some I time lie is a brother of Mr ylrsIlenry MrHenry rs rsIIcnr
Henry IIcnr C Craig Crai rtig of Daytuim lt t1ita Brach HeachThe BrachThe 1olhTIlt
The chicken pie upper < give lat Fri Friday Friday Iri4layveniug ¬
4layveniug day evening at h the Kpxvorth Hall was wasa xxaa W1La >
a MICCCS both socially and financially financiallyThe lillml Llly LllyTilt
The ilo occaion IIICl1Si usisu netted nett ttI 110 I II The money moneywas
was raJMd for the benefit of FpxxorthHall Fpxxorth h hIiali
hallI Hall
K I M 1 Honian has Im begun 11111 the I ht election electionof tUIt iOIl iOIlIIf
of a neat residence n idIIIC on Fairviexv Faini v avenue avenueThe acIIIIIThe attunelhn
The house hu is a onVstory oll ti stury cottage tttl and nullwhn andxxInii aUt I IwllllI
xxInii completed it will be h very attrite attractive altmt attriteIiv ¬
tive t Iiv It I t will be rquippcd r iilull I with ithcvery ithcverymodiMii every everyInsllcltt CWf CWf11I11
modiMii 11I11 kill convenience conveniencetVo C 1 iii II V11111l V11111ltllo 11 ilIII ilIIItWu
tVo have home very er handhome handhomemliuiui hallllsptue1tlllllle
mliuiui 1 1tlllllle nllilll fink Coral Neck lck bains bainsdho
dho oilier hanilhoinu thin tlaillLh h 5 > ill Neck XecktMiains Neckhaius llk llkhaills
tMiains lust drop II lWI rop iu ill and look lookCllo hokUII hookiL
Cllo iL s II Ulutk lexxelcr lexxelcrMr
Mr 11 and Mr 11 M 1 T Schaabof it Dayton DaytonOhio Ilayt IlaytI 1tytonlhio1111
Ohio I lhio1111 hio are the t h gnl giietol ut ts III s ticor C George e K 1 Shep Shepherd i ip iphrrdhi ¬
herd hrrdhi Mi Ts hs Potter of u theami IIII salll place 11 is isalo i ialo isaL
aL alo s xiiting them Her huband Di DiPol IIIa IrrIorter
Pol Iorter ter a hell tll knoxxn phyician phyil all of Day Dayton IlaylOll Il IlI ¬
ton I Ii is 1x expected trd hurl heieon t 4t Fiiday FiidayDr
Dr and Mrs Mi Ir J JP P I Kch E entertained rntertainrdtcumber a anumber a1111I111111
number of their fiiend la lat > t Friday FritlltyifternuHinhonorsif Fridayafternoon FrillaylflcIIIOIIII
afternoon ifternuHinhonorsif in honor of the II IhrlIth11ulivrr IhrlIth11ulivrrslry I 111 Ith h anniver anniverary allllitriary
ary of their marriage Quite cite a number numberof
of their friend xxere pteent and the theafternoon theaftru1u11
afternoon 1 ft 1111011 was > delightfully dlli h Hully pent pentHet t tHtt
Het 11 t teal etate ttte baigain ha fill in Daytona DaytonaNexx IlaIuaw
Nexx w evciiiimin houe IIIU = I cement IIIIlIt tllcco StlllI1Ilillbh sUlrcohl11ish tllccolinih
linih oiitidi ulna be h old at It once 1111I 1111IJ C
1 laud alII Ie ford 0111 YohiMu Avenue ell Ut and andSecond 0111I1ic aidenllll
Second ic IIlIcl Street IO 10it 10itMr 3 3Mrs
Mr 11 > < Adam Schantx IaUlt Sr and a lit I MIM MIMHerthaand iliresBi
Bi Herthaand Hltlal rtht mel France > SchanU of Dayton IaytouIhio DaytonOhioaccompaniad I alulI alulIC
Uaiu Ohioaccompaniad C urcuulpuliad 113Mis II by Iliss Ii s Helen I Mock Mockxvalt 1Ikwliit Iluekwait
wait and allt Mr l1ruld 11 and 11rs Mr Irs Walter Dclmar Dclmarof
of the same 11111 city tit arrived a few days ago agoand U agoand II
and will spend the balance of the CUMUI SIIIIIIIat seusulat CUMUIat
at the t hl Ludwig residence on Kidgcxxood KidgcxxoodAvenue Hid II idge l woot wootA t id idAteiltn
Avenue A CIIUt
Try l1 3 Miixlixvihurs Butter Uttttcrtiio I I ICet I
tiio W 1v1eb V Tebo of Dover Delxxhoha Delxxhohabeen Del whll vhishas ha haheclI > l
been in the city Iil on buines bnnuhis ha pas old oldhis oldhis III I
his property on South Itidgcxvood Hiel cwlIId d A Aenue Av Avelllln 1 1Clllle
enue near the canal to Frank C C Ciaidi Ciaidiner rar1iner anliIwr ¬
ner of Fargo N D I The purchaer purchaercontemplate purllla pureleerrcsiutenlplatrs = Ir
contemplate making improvement to tothe IIIthe I Ithe
the property propertyMr
Mr 11 and 31rs1 Mr Irs Harry Clayton Iatoll Shep Shepherd ihrpheril ¬
herd of 11 Wilkc ilkea Barn Ia accompanied accompaniedby
by their daughter arrived in the IllItil city afew a afexv Ii Iifl
few fl w day ago a 10 CI and are pleasantly plc amtl located IIIatctlilt lurat j jon
on Second Avenue I1Ut They 111 will leave leavehere It It1111 In11vr111 1
here r111 r rbut on the Mt I t just on 11 a trip to Cuba 111m j jbut iut
but ut will return to Daytona Utoll t and teluuu teluuuuntil lemam wlllaillulltil f funtil
until Aprilfillefore April Apriltlfefore Apriltlldule
tlfefore you 011 leave the city cit dont d41ttfail dontfail I
fail to call at t Wallaces alla es Curio urio Store StoreHe Storeilt
I Ilie
He has everything the tourist wants wantsin wan wantssit1 Is Isin
in the eu curio riu line at prices pril 8 that an1 an1bound an anhonnel areboniid
bound to ti please pleaseSunsnine P1 P1uns i iSun8h
Sun8h Sunsnine uns ne in n your yourHome yourI i iHome
Home HorneFiftytwo i ififtytwo I iI iF1tt7two I
fiftytwo times a year is ueured asauredto ueuredtoy i ito
to toy you ou if you youREAD I II I IREAD ie
READ Ik 2 Ilae e SUN SUNi SUNThat
I IThat
i II
That illustrated weekly paperprinted paper paperprinted i j jprinted
printed in Jacksonville Jac and andpublished j jpublished ipublished
published everywhere everywhereTaylor re reA j jA I j
A K Taylor TaylorMakes
Makes the cartoons and all theother the theother I Iother
other pictures picturesClaude i iClaude
Claude LEngle LEnglei n a aIn i iIn i 1 i
In pungent editorial paragraphs paragraphslooks
looks after the things that thatneed thatneed thatneed
need attentionWAuM attention j I jI jWARM i iWARM
That the Sun SunIf
If you pay to read this paper you youcan youcan youcan
Ask us or writ us and andWV11 andll
WV11 s ll tc tell you Low ow >
James I P Vining a wellknown w ell knntyn citien citienof uiz11of
of Urnioiid spent lllIt Thursday in Daytona DaytonaA nyt1I
A11 A W Xcxvlin has rent rented e < l the F C CKitten eFiltl1I1ultagc CFitten
Kitten Filtl1I1ultagc cottage on 1ridgewoud Kidg Hid Wood Avenue Avenuethrough AnIoIIthnough tvesurthrough
through Smith it Tlnniia TlnniiaMr
Mr 11 and Ul Mr 11 H L D Cuchrane and andMis 1111piss tllalIb
Mis Ib piss Maine A Coehrane C of New t Yoik YoikCity YOI 1 p1 k kCity kCity
City popular visitors iilor to Daytona aytolla h haxe haxereturned lIa a C Crctumld ereturned
returned for another eaon They ate atelocated 11Ilocutld Irrlocated
located at Schmidts Shllli ts Villa VillaThe VillaThe illa illaTh
The funeral of the lalll lat ylr1 Mr Ir 1 W WSkilton Wkiltun 11Skilton
Skilton was held yeurday at ° 2M 2Moclock 3t 3t1cl1ek JI JIdock
dock from the family reidcnce on Oilort
North ort h Beach Street t rttt Interment 1111 trtlH1I t in Pine Pinewood PillltIlcuwltr Iincwuud
wood tIlcuwltr Cemeterv rnlttrrv at Divtona 1 > a IIllIa Brach HeachI Brachllr HeachMr
I i
Mr Ir 1 l C Hoxxaid enterlamrd tin tinplot II IIIIcI thisgtlrts
plot IIcI of f her ln h hisstelry111141 > teliy and a nil tiber tlf tlfriI1 oflriluds > f fIricinl
Iricinl riI1 Thmday night uitli a aenehie atIIIIIII auhu
enehie partx Iar Pne xxeie t s 11 rr auaidid al l l lthe II < >
the I III mot ctlicicnt plaxci IslaY rruul and al the thrlr111hlllall thecom IIIIttllIhli
com ttllIhli lilion icliehtncnt xxt weir tI M txed txedA 1
A 1 coloted l uoman ratite sit allll to 4 the Maxot MaxotI Maxotolli
olli ullier 1 II 111 e ye Yltnlay > tctday tits Wit II a 1 talent tale I d how howa 1 IIIW IIIWa
a white man aaultid aall II I his h hr < r hilt 11s a teaaIIrgd the thealleged II IIull
alleged ull orrurruiet ocelli i ance took jiI place i at tl King I itlg itlgst II IIst
1 st ton u the Mayor rehired her to t tin Ju Jutice 111t Juts Jutstine
tine t lt of the Peace PeaceMr c c31rwd
31rwd Mr 11 and Mi lltss Ir A Iuddam Mi li Kuth KuthInddam IIIlbIlIlIdalll l11thlt11danl
Inddam and Kaljih lnddam foi f srui Ill in I a apleasant aJllta aplea
plea pleasant + allt family fUllliI party from rams Brooklyn Hrooklynwho BrookllIwhu
who are enjoying the attnut attraction iOIl of Sca Scabreeze ta tat a aI
I breeze They have accoinodation at atThe
The Colonnades ColonnadesTlie
thin next IIX t meeting IIIIctill nlcetiuI ot the 1almetto 1almettoj Ia I 1IIlt tll tllt
i Club huh bVI Ft > litlixvill lath willi will l he v the formal opcn opcnin ltlII
I in ing of their new club room it being lHill I the thefirst tl tlt thetirst
first < t meeting held theie The attrrtluui attrrtluuiwill afternoon afternoonwill aIII1I aIII1Iwill
will lie m charge har c of the lhilanthrupieUej 1hilanthiopie 1hilanthiopieDepartment IhilaulhwpiDlIlrtulIul
Department Uej irlnreut and then will tll be a pccial spreitlprogru11 < pccialJ
J ptogram for the occasiont occaion occaionThe IIcasillllThe
t The drill of the Halifax lIalif Kitle It illt lat latTuesday lastlurs41ay
Tuesday evening was a 1 xeiy nI sat atifaetoiy atifaetoiyone al ifacIIIIYtill islaetut y ysue
I one till and it exidenced that the th boy ate atetaking aI aItakill alttaking
taking takill much 11uu h more intciet m iu militarymatters military militarymatter IllililanIIIIIthr
matter than hcictoforc Thoe 11 l who xxhofail wh whfail whofail
fail to attend alllllIllh the drills will be nought Isussuglitlx noughtbcfoic lIl lIla
bcfoic lx tVrl a ummaiy lIlIIluar IIIt Illlly couit and lilt linedt lined
I I t It is i pioliadle that a piogram pr ralll of laces lacesi rantwill at atwill
i will l 11 e anaiiKcd arrall 1I1 for f Ccoie nsirg 1 Yiltmg Yiltmgton ahill ahillI
I ton Kiithday Fcbiuaiy JJnd IIII by the thej thuIlllifax
j + Halifax liver Vaelit Mill as a the thej tl tlt
j t II matter I i is n s u I being Iwill iltg 1t agitated itate11 Thcic Thcici
i art omte a number ol f wilt cratl I1l in tln tlnvicinity IIIiidllity I Iii
vicinity 1 lnIlltt and no d doubt 11ht cxcial ral lIt Intel Inteljog > t ting
I jog ill event can be pulled oaf olfThe oafThe
The chicken upper sixen itrn by the Ia Iadie laI
I die Aid id Society ol the II Itiptlt ItlptttIjulrrhl ItlptttIjulrrhlf11urduv Chinch ChinchThurday thIIth1llIlrIIay
I Thurday xxas a t decided line urnrs and andthe 11111I 11141the
I the affair tnttn netted l a neat Mini In con connection rrllUeetipU ¬
nection with the upper they tl had a afa IIGuunil 1 1falllV
fa falllV Guunil i ic v wtrk oik tk and candy tIIIII table that wIn xxeieliberally wIntlly t l lliberally
liberally tlly patronicd During 1Ilirill II Ihr he even evening eveujug ¬
jug those musically IIIII Ially inclined tendered tenderedelection rnndrrndcelertions llIlln llIllndtcl
election dtcl iOIl on the lll piano that xvciegteatly xvciegteatlyappreciated wn tveregnatIvappreciated In lly llyI
appreciatedMr appreciated
I Mr I 1 Hentoid I Deacon 11011 entei ettrrlaillell 11 ttrailll tamed uith uithcaids tit i I h hi hipurls
i purls > Thursday Tllllr la aftei a aftnrnosit lIIIII1I1I1 noon in honor lit litJlrs > t tI tI
I Mrs Ir tuy uy Hioxxn wIll xl o is i visiting Mr Mrand Mrautl 11 11I
and Mrs Ir hrs lieo 1 F Itioxxn on Northfudge North NorthUidgexvood rth rthHidbl
Uidgexvood fudge wu1 vu l Avenue A VtlIlIl The loom wIn xxcicprettily wInJtltttily tvtieprettily
prettily tlecorated with ilh fi fein rts rums 1 and andyellow allliydlllw a11dyellow
yellow jeainine Fivehundied live huntlred w xxa xxathe walh 1ts
1 the lh game played theie I being four f tables tablesAfter talIIplayillg tahlnelfter
After playing shout live Ii I piiited spiritedgams piiitedgamo irittI irittIt
t gamo tlcliciou = refreshment wart xvctcdaintily wartdaintily Tn Tndailltily
daintily served and 11114I the guet gunstnjayed UI cnjoxed 1 1lively tlively
lively IhI and ociakle unia l alt Ie hour A they I II bid bidtheir Iidthcir hidtheir
their hotc In tt s adieu all agreed art they tl hadhet had hadI
been delightfully Itli hlfulh entei 1lIttrlt euterttiued tained
Several uptodate II 111 + t4 date furnished fillll isllltI u rut Iotagls rutagis t taoe
agls aoe limited direetly di on the lieaeh lieaehat
at Seabreue with bath toilet etc eteThe etcThis t tTill
The Ihefokee e eBefore tahnI tahnIBefore rahrrrze rahrrrzeBefore
Before Justice Cox CoxII ox oxC
II + 5 n nAlniio II II K K1lo11zt
Alniio White aha Iong Lan Kid xxa xxaarraigned waoarraiIIt IIarraigned
arraigned arraiIIt before Jttstiee J U tic CoV 111 tic Friday Fridayon F 1 rillayIhe ru1ysill
on the eharge e of f earrying eu ryinl a deadlywrapIII deadly deadlyxxeapon dullywal
xxeapon wal and xxaaequilted Wa UllIiUtl1 The hr alhur alhurxas tthtirtits
> tits a the oiiteome of I a diturbanee in inMidxxay illIiway in311dway
Midxxay lat night in xxhieh it i is < alleged allegedthat alllgedth allrgndthat
that th t the negro thieatened I to do ome soussh1ntlog omehooting 111 111sholllilig
hooting OHieertiad 1IIir tad 1 Taylor 1tyl r al rented aITth aITth111t11IL1I artrtt11tit rentedthe
the 111t11IL1I man Attorney UUrllI T I E Fiugerald Fiugeraldlepreented FitzgrldItd I itzrraldrrpr
lepreented rrpr ratted Itd the ll deteiidant deteiidantSUNDAY litI ds f lIdalll usdultSUNDAY lIdalllSUND
r r III IIISerkes IrServices
Services Will lake Place Tomorrow Tomorrowin
in the Various Places of Worship WorshipTime WorshipTime
Time of the Services ServicesSeixues Ser ServicesSt tc tcill
Seixues St rvires will ill be I held in ill tin xariolls triourlnurhrs xariollsfhuiehe tiu tiuchu
fhuiehe chu 11111 on Sunday SundayCatholii iuudtytthull lIlulayI
Catholii I Maat Jla Ia at 10 100 > 0 a nt Sni Sniday 11I 11Ida
day da during Iurill the xxeek k at 7 a in He 1 1J lry
J J F 1 OHoyle t H I pator patorSt
St 1 MaryV Iary EpkrupatMunritigst Kpieopal Morning serxiee serxieeat tri triat rtine rtinelit
at 1 II 1111 1 a m at xxhich time tilt thanwill he patot patotxxill palrwillprlI1
will willprlI1 preaeh Sunday lIIll1a Srhool S nhls 1 10 1Ot a in inCongtegational IIIt fnIo11grngatittsnalSundae
Io11grngatittsnalSundae Congtegational t re Sunday iitorninj ser setyin serviee Srit
yin it at 11 I I a In Jnt meeting etilhf of tie Juniors Juniorsat luu tr trat t
at JUI 0 p 1 m MisMonary Mttttn lltr tiie at Itp
7 p in IIIFirt inFir
lirst Fir Haptit Hapl Sunday utusy morning 11n rtit4 er otfvin
ricelt vue at 1 II 1 a m exening rtdtrrcryirt tju serxiie al 1 7mW 7mWoMot 730oclurh m mIdtd I
oMot k Haptit YtII l otitm oun IV Icpll Ptl i plt ka I Iuiois Iuioismeeting tli hltstt hltstt1Mrlisg l llIuttill
meeting lIuttill at t tiIi > i p III
Ftrt Firt1 M Ccudv K Minday inormiig Z settle otni otniII
t 1 II 1 a m Sunday Sthool t at It 10 11n n in inKpxvorth ti tiljIwort1e r
Kpxvorth League at I tt t t > 15 l p m vwi5i tytIUg tytIUgsrvicr g r
serx lnin iie at u t 7 730 0 p in The t tpil pH t ut f the themorning thttuoruirlg
morning crimni will be Lttlliuht Uvtiung UvtiungLight Ell I1
Light LightM I ht I I llt It
M 1 E Churrii South S outhfundiv Sunday Utda ttiorn uarUf11gtrinc ttiorningsirxiie
ingsirxiie III tnIt at 1 II 1 am a III Suntlay tUltll Stho St ls4 i iat 1
at IU a t in prearhiim at at 7 p 1 1J p n tit t lest ItxJ Ih IhJ
J 1 E Mukler pator patorChristian
Christian llri liall Stiimi SuicnrtServine Strviei every Sun Sunday Susday UII UIIday ¬
day at 1 11 a t m ttrtlatilal tetun i 11I11 nja ial ineetmu ineetmurxeiy 1I1ItilllQ 11iertttlevery
every lQ Wednesday hIIl day at 7 7311 M p in All 11 an anxxeltomc arlw arttvdcutuc
xxeltomc w kllUt Hall II all over C C Barney Bartl it itNu More MoreNo ttlrtU
Nu U 40 South Hcalii Sttcct ttvrt
St Marys s Bazaar BazaarSt BazaarI
I = J
r rSt
St 1 M I H I I II xsa t a xery tI ry pretty prettysight IJrlttyidll prettyight
sight idll uhna xx hen tindoors I thr lac dtr were opened Up ICed ICeduae ed t tI1ldI
uae nedav day at it the ai point p jnt d hour for 11bazaar tl IIbazaar e ebazaar
bazaar The Ili ciiot thunat oiate and alllll1Id ludIndyhtith ludIndyhtithlull andx booth boothxi 0 = = >
xi 1 iy y and at allralli allrallii attrartltrSi t met ix e ei <
Si i I t it 1 the tleend td of f the II hall htlloppusitc htlloppusitcthroate oppoite oppo = itc itcItlr
I the throate nti 1 e I i al I17tlinn 11 ntitie 1IIi booth on onthe 011I It
the I tht hI nir 11 i t I il t ntered IItI xxmot xxmotfacina w ii 11I1It tssdfarina 00 00fadna <
farina c t i young i1llI e tOH pe < itll I1 xxith xxithall iIthall itll
all the heat t ii the decoratitii Ii u tin tinIIii < n ntil nIh
til Iris XX ihle t Ihl V wh h the tl liamtkel hIIIUIiit t t tt tief
t ci iit ief ii 1 < i II it 1 nit next came 11111 the II thint
I < < c
t tncx uiev an I e dilt that set cmcd <
tolia 1 to > 1 Ii I < tit IId 1 i > slew 1I ln of f e eriu rr rld ntd < aiotind aiotindtinin tr uull uullline
line dl hl tin t + 7 ie Ih ld xxat eta a tl i tfully t
I Iflllly
fully decorated with pdtn 1111 fein md i
I Irail
tilt 111 l1 lloxxer owt Ice I team < and tiU al liol It Ithbl
hoi hbl olate le a 141141 in xxafet IfI w n rrt e 141 i in in it itthe 14
tlu attrru alteinoon ntuslrvrnitl and exeiitir tuill 11 i rNml rNmlit tn i iit < <
< c cI
I it eta 1 slot il a nrelmss u e luiancully tiuam iahly a at01 1 1I 1t
t01 I iilly ami tin luiie 1et reel 1 aril 011 Mpiii 11 rip 4 I IthrtlIrthilulls <
I for ro their thrtlIrthilulls ardiioii arolu laboi The Ihl pr r ralt
alt 11 foi a I piano c cPretty
Pretty Wedding WeddingX V e in inI I i iIt
I <
It It X II
< 2 2dllla
I edncday dllla afternoon aftrll at 3 i oclock atthrlutnaf at atthe altilt
the thrlutnaf home of Mr llranl lr and Mr 11 < Ceoiie r Ilill i
man all their eldest tautr laughler L Mi Ii Iary IL1yI IL1yIerest i i1na I 1 1all
Tetea was a < united in marriage lIItrriI to t ller llerman IIirItu11 i ilIIall
man Seluagg lIra a xxell tt 11 known and popular p t ttulltlg
yViiing II man lIIallf ot t tin ill rlh < itx i llev 1 I Fatho at atOHoyle r rIBuylrof
c cC
OHoyle C of St t Pauls Cathode alllli Chut Chuttied lIptrrh lIptrrhtied Illlrd IlllrdI j
tied I ilt the t h nuptial IIl1pl ial knot knotThe klilltThe e eIhln
The btule was becominglv attired allindlll I in a I Ihsldsonu i ii
i ti tihandome co co1IlIlt1III1W
handome ioxn g still II of f xxhitichinailk esprit Iliina t ilk and au 11111wn I Ihoer n nxxoieaveil
wn xxoieaveil it veil xxith wil h a wreath wrat h of f rin laime r G Ghless4111s j jbio
bio hi hless4111s onis She h carried I a boimuet t f fni i 1i 1 1maidenhair i iIIlalolIIIallr
ni maidenhair ternand 11111 G rn and enam r ioe ioeThe 1 r rIhr =
The 1 bride hh I maids IIlah wen Mi 1 I > l Ihh oa i iI 1 1Dittmaniter
Dittmaniter I illlilall jllr of the t 1I bride and Mi MiMa Ii IiLa e eltaIiskssi11IutilliIwh
ltaIiskssi11IutilliIwh Ma lackonboth ItIksII hlllia of I xxhom inwernattirrd xxeie attired al tlnd n nin 1 1ill
c <
in whit They TIll y i weird rc exijiniti hu1s1tl bou 1h411huts I I11Its t tUets
< huts Uets of pink dillche I1w < = P 1 r es s TI 1lie lloxxi Ilowcriris r 1 1uiil 1irl
uiil irl iris xxeie wt r little Katie Dittman 1111111111 1111111111Illruarl and Julia Julialidlwl i iMichael
Michael They xxeie c diied ill xxItiti hi < j jThe
The 11 bet man was a 1 Flak I Ditlinut Ditlinutblothel itlutott 1 1f
blothel of f the ll bride Ml iiis Ii Mailt Ma41hn Ma41hnIsi lad IIIP III i ilackon
lackon Isi k rt plaxed the II xx > ddini 0111I man II a 11 II j jThe 1 I ITh
The Th martiage II 111111 la 11 ia 1z xxa wIs 1 petfotme < l m iI Is tin II Ihper 1 1pieence I II Ij
pieence per nIIr1 of 1 j 1 a alar 1 lame i oncoint of t ineiiii Ii11 iii1 iii1uf 1 1of
of the II happy Iral young couple xlnii ulritrnih1 1 t ttended I 1
tended to them the II best hl t XUlie I tnl I tin It ItInline iifuture
I Ilit
Inline I lit III happin4Ihev happiness I a 11 1 0 i iThey
They 11 Iy wete teeipietitof 1 < of a Ia I 111r al u ur mini minibet litlnllieu 1 1Iltr 1
bet of handnine a as > xxi well 111 Jl a 1 ueiil a 411 pie prerats 3 3ent
rats xxhieh IIid i is a token of the tl eteim nrt11 in inxxhich illwhi11 jntthirh <
xxhich they tl ate held tj tjMi 1 1I
Ilruul Mi I r and a 111 Mr I 1 Schiagg lira will ill ieideat 1I id Ii al alllltir attheir 1 1their
their nexx 110 home nieiitlx WnU tly eoniil < ted tr t on 411Slnlth 1 1South
South l I I Ikidgexxood I I tWOIII uI uI111t I j jlat 1 I Ilal
lat night ui llt they IIH xxeie 10 ti klld tetderntl lull t ti a le 11 inend C Cceptlon
ceptlon end 1511 1511DEATH 5 5DEATH
I t It I IrsI
Ir > r tt
i j
MrsJ rsI NVSkilton Skilton a Iiouecrhesident IiouecrhesidentI Pioneer Resident ResidentDies Re itlent itlentI
I I Dies on North Beach Street StrcctI JM 1
j Rcinhart Passes Away Avayi AvayIloin AwayF1an1Iiurh HI
i I Iloin F1an1Iiurh I liuriii > i1 Dinv Dinvj nic nicIlrsL
j Mr IlrsL J W Skiltn okilt n died tin moniitig moniitigat wruiu wruiual
I i ilit
at 5 oYloi k at aliIII het nidetice on North i iKtaeh
I I Ktaeh ltt irh Sttei St trtd t from fr lll i rallluul oiiumption ti u afterMrs after afteran
an illneof ilIlII ex tll < n month monthMi 111011 I It ItIr I
Mrs Mi Ir Skill Skiho11 on wa tiftv liftyeisht I eight ltt xear of ofage ofI ofage
age a and alii I came to t Daytona I tV0ilia in INN I from fromAthens froullthnlls
Athens 111111 Ala Ia She 11 till married lIIarr t in 1VJU 1VJUto ISUUi ISUUito l 9O j jto
to 11 Mr Ir r kilton xxho uhsUrtiye 11 urxixt Uf tS her She Shealo H HI
I 111 Ili alo al e leaxea Ita I a son 11 L I F 1 Miifkey I fcy of C SeII1
bieee bieeeThe I rrz rrzfhe
II The Tlltdcta1 deccaed dryri xxa one lit n of the best bestknoxxn I Ikilt Iknwu
knoxxn kilt 1 II lesidentof le < lthnt 4f this city tit and she1 she1leaxe shit shitleave ltl
leave I htit larsie lal e t le lesion I illu of r frilud frieml who whow xxhoxxill h hI
xxill w ill regret to leani of f her deinieL1M1S demise demiseM
I Iun HIIV M l IIIXH lanILIT lanILITIatlll IT ITlames
lames s Mellciiiy 1t11tlIr Ueinliarl l age t til tilI
I year died lat night at the Ih lioini of f iiii iiiimister hi hilr hissiter
mister lr Mr II 1 u C C Mel Icllr r on Palmetto PalmettoAvenue lalutItIA h atiati tI tII
I Avenue AvenueMr A nllth nllthI
Mr 11 I Hi Hillhart mhart had hlIllill1 been here luratr nly three threexxitk IhnlWtlk threeweeks
weeks He I Ir teas in not t t vrrIv Tly r str trII Iroiig u and andj 11114 11114t
j 1 W tva i unfortunate 1111 f rlllllatt to t s U ii UI takint tot k u jt t severe severeattack revertattark er erattlIk
t attack of i pneumonia purutt aiit whirl wa the theiaiie thtj theerolrl
j iaiie all itt hill11tl hill11tlIon hi death thathI j jI
I Ion I or tI a I long IIIII term of i years he IILbeen htilstttipr4lrnlltUtt IILbeenI hLOoi ltnf1 ltnf1IrollltllllItly
I prominently connected wIth thetotk thetotkbiokerage du ttttk ttttkbklrae tsekhlrhrrage
biokerage buines hlliu uiitt of PUlburg liHohu and at atthe atthe t tIIII
the time of In his death was 11 pr pnidtut > ident 4 4the > f fthe rI
I the th 1 Hallltll inner Making ComjKtny ComjKtnyi
i Mr Ir ieinhart WI here at It the tl turnof turnofher tune of ofhrr A
her huba IIhalltl < r s death and will iJI artvttn artvttnpany rll
I i
pany the t I tneijI remain tit t Ilu 1ast > t Jjhfrt Idb rty Pt Ptth latl Pathe
th the < place of interment intermentA
r > t tr r rTheodore
I i
Theodore Sengstak Sen stak Bought Bou ht Flats in ini inJacksonville inIaksonille inlacksonville
Jacksonville at a Cost of ShSOOO arll11Brings I IIOO i ii
i Brings Brin s a Handsome Revenue RevenueTht levcnuelhi eenue
Tht lhi d I r < Sr mtak 11 i IlI tak1 a t XX H 1 KtiXIi h wn l rr1 rr1d 1 1dent
dent d st of f Daxtona i ha 10 ltxetid IIHHI IIHHIill lllkHin IKH IKHin >
in Jat Jack kotx stlilt lilt ill r t Id t tat 1 l a t the 1 ll llloxxing 11hrwiut 1 1frII
loxxing lioiu the Ia < k tixdie Metij 1tlIlttJli Iletr4jw11will 1tlIlttJlim hI hIxxill
will m t htih tifx tifxThe
The apittmi ljsuttuent lit Ic II 1 al t N 1P 1PNcxxiuati 1 I Ie 19 19Ntwnu11l
Ncxxiuati e Itt1II Street knotxn I a th i oiom FIwnat n nIhits
Hat hanen 111 hKtn 1101 sold tl by t y 1 B CatnpJ11 CatnpJ11t t11 plu ll llo
t o Theodore Thr I1t d Irt re Sellg in > tak he lilt 11uehae 11uehaeprier put d1 d1pri hac hacpri
prier pri < e lx hth l 4 ing u 7 J hllllll x > The proj nlmy tt I > r re i ie ItrII
e ntrally trII l4 l ttf ttrd J and allo etuitaiti i 11 niml nimlerli d dr i iru
erli r ru lat > f tine 11 rI1 r < lti tad eachIttl4 i iu
i itllt
tllt > u Ittl4 account nnt of the i < ttiti t it 1 i al always I IY
ways Y KfUptfti at att tt u t 1 Mital Iital e f > i JHT IK r ritt4nth j jmouth i iII1nth
mouth for each of tf C th the ix I tfit T Thi1 Thi1builditig l1li l1lihtliii fhlIu11dUlZ
builditig htliii teas 4144 n < of f t L h jnt tut t t eon eontrui f ftraItnd I IotrUlt1
otrUlt1 trui ted ill the bmiit fIrlll iitrn t ift dtnr t tin tinsrcat ttltreal thnZeeit
real here t f May IUI IiiIIT IIII IIIIT
Associated with withLAMIS withLDIS withLAMUhS
DeLand FloridaSpt Florida Floridaspecial Floridapdl
Spt special pdl tirtj 1 illilli tai ilitie fur rcuwjujui xuniimngliindutN xuniimngliindutNUilitc llIlillill liLlI1 till tillUilkc a ltl ltlOllite
Uilitc iuShank iu lmub li k I Ph lhu u > 1 LI 1
T g
oo ooo ooy
1 1 = N i
1 t 111 I 111I
= 4 I f J y yr
< 1 1
w I a < < tC
i i il
= r fr h k A A Ili Ilitgn
i tgn The e Patterns are the theBest e l I a a i i1 11 x 1I 1Il r
l f + q
Ca 1
Best Ever EverThe l 4
t tQ
I i Y I I II The Styles Cannot be beImproved beI beImproved < > t
i k
I Improved Upon UponWe 11 1 f 1 1w1f11 y yy
I jlfJ1f
y 1 w1f11 Q
We Have Them em Cuffs CuffsAttached JH JHA +
1 + 4 <
I r rrs 1 i + t Attached A ac a or Detached DetachedAlso 5
LI 1 tc I IAlso
Also a Full u Assortment of o Coat style styleLook styleLook f fI fr
r Look Them Over OverANTHONYS
F d
f 3
1 1Look
911 I u I I
Port Orange OrangeIII
the 1 11 he Cliiin hureh un i Tea T lat xxcek f whuh whuhMr wh1rhMrs hi
Mr 1 IC4rk < ek k a Ittd lted by Ml Ii Ctoj I Inil ryr ryru1t e ewa
wa ht h tr s eta 1 xeiy v ry r hugely alt allwl1 > tided tidedDr tIrd1rlhllt1j
1rlhllt1j Dr Dulii I hd i itcoinpaiiied bx I lii sls slsi4r i it i
t i4r < r 1 ML Miss i I DuPoi nei > 111 BIOi iwent xxent 11 t oxer 0 t Deland Delandlat I 1tIusllust I Ialld IalldliIt
lat Sunday to t xtit i iit l friends friendsA flilJlIblur
A 1 party of t tourit lur ts left hen lat In Inla Frida l ri riday
day da < la for f sr a 1 cruise t Kcy Wet t in Mr MrI II IItiue
1 ht > tine tt i 31114t11111
orrances rtn4r s le yacht yachtIJidgexx I II
IJidgexx I itl n11 MiI Hall was rro eroxvded lOwd vtIe 1 Friday Kndaynight Frida Fridahidal Fridaytaiht
night if f lat xveek tt flk ek to t xxitiies luc the tit tete sirnh4nv teteopticatt tt tth
opticatt Imxx ImxxMr h i iIAs
Mr 11 V 1 C Savage 1lgI arrived tl from Palm P11111Beach PalmI i iIItldl
I Beach kai h Saturday of r let la t week ek and is isvisiluig i ijil isciitith
visiluig jil JI friend hen henMr h I I II
Mr 31 11 r Morfonl ha liar his nex n houe IIu u i on onlJid 1l 1latnltll i iIU
lJid xv H > d atnltll xeitin IU iiielotd iiielotdMi
I Ii
Miss Mi i Toinpkiii of e New t 1 York srk i i t xiit xiitui iil iilill iitis
ui ill Mr Ilrs1114 110 and Isis Mi i EuHoi ults IIi is at tt tin Milt it xxm xxmter wjp wjpter ill illl
l ter r hattlean home on 11 the Halifax Halifaxl
l Iou n Morris of The Gruh riibetM r11 1 < iiti iitillardxxare 11 11IlsrQaare
llardxxare 1 C inpan Daytona I yttla xxc w 0 III intoxxn iiitsV I ItWII
toxxn tsV li Sunday SIIl lt altcm < sn M ii with witht a l lillY f ffriend 1 1ftjntdr i ifrilI
friend in ht his < aut autMr autIr
Mr Ir Hikviiutu left Sunday ulllla for Cimm Cimmnati lirrln11at1 IllililItt I
nati lItt to take charge d1ar of a t < lov yerlu 4ttItUI iiiii cnt t l ltii f flits I I II Itat
tat lits
Jotejih White hit i r expecting x11 rtIng gt a nephexx nephexxand
and nisei niw Mr r and lilt I Mr Ir W r II llamil llamilt
t tu ton n and ntl tlwir thn jr link daughter I u hh1 thi wn xvvkt xvvktfrom kfrwn k kfNm
from tcean ir rove N J Mr ir Hamilton Hamiltoni
i i p potiiiat + < ttuaU r at 1t H eeu aii ir rove e and ha haheld haII iuhrlI
held II flat t II at plies iii er e r siia l ee t Clexelaml1 Clexelaml1idiiunistratton t lIurhllu l il411115a
a idiiunistratton hllu tlali Ii Ttwy Th y antiot h Irlp lp en rtjaying enjoving 411juyill
joving thi tlwltl niselve ly s o at t Mr 11 Ir11hitrs W hit faauti faautiIul
Iul i U1 uititer aanti r horn IUf in tin < > iitiniii part of ofoijr f4r f
oijr 1 toxxn tytntear toxxntit
tit I tear orge r a II Lark tLukr of d Daytona xxa at a in int jnS
t wn S 7 Tlilay 1 i t1 i day ealijsg ilimg ern < u 411I1 some > + v 4t < > t hi lnTill hifrl hitn
frl iit iitiIlli d dTtiE
C iinunal Court Ilrt will mn II < otix 11 till tilllad < tie tield
lad ld be t ttlllg ettitg dXIi sic wlt to t Lus bl blmebody 111IIIIdy
s mebody iMimd to I fn fist rd t th I ItlllI
11 h tlllI nth till xxh ti Ii i Ib J LL in mAre Lz LzAft v vAn
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Ivml Hail I It Ittuty i k k1Lurv X 2
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Call all it See 1l = ll and I Itt lt what whatV whatyou 1C lilt liltyou
you V u want illlt of ofFANCY ofFANCY OfFANCY
Iiue St t layUma l > aytoua Bi Jjeacli tt1J
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I We can Sell Your Farm or Business BusinessCut t + r I
Cut out Coupon upou bolow and mail at once Do not O pat this thisFARMS i olF o t
DyalUpchurch Building Jacksonville Ra Aaliudly HaKindly I E EKindly
Kindly end me III by return mail Ltting II < lillg Blank is Lo I xvih to I take up uplIIalttr uinett t tmatter
= matter nett tr of placing g my III Farm in your our hands handsName huHIE s sa111
E Name alllt i iE i1dd
Add d1 re reFAST 11 ress n nIWIWIW
I I111f17LIt1
111f17LIt1 IWIWIW a e1 a1all IMNINNNNNNm1mwwlmmlmNmmI IMNINNNNNNm1mwwlmmlmNmmIfAST 111 1111111r r rray1 + r1ul Mlt1rllrkri Mlt1rllrkriYartltwestDixie
For the West and the tlieNorthxvest theX theFlyer
FAST IKtill TRAINS TRAINSDIXIE Northxvest X YartltwestDixie orth wcstDixie wcstDixieFIJcr Dixie DixieKlycr
Flyer Route and Chi Chieaou Chieagu Chicagu
eaou and Florida FloridaLimited F FloridaT lor i d a aD
L Isar axelarkonville hlrkStnlvjllr aeksllil ill daily nt t 9lit I 00 pm pmxia Limited Lillli ted via Nashville NashvilleChattanotga Nashvilleia T
xia ia Atlantit IIlIIli Coat t1t utot t lane Lill Solid train to toAtlanta Chattanotga and St Sti StF StitLuL1
Atlanta through eoaehes t a s to Nashville Nashvillefi i HaihvRv
FLYER FLYERROUTE F I LYE I4 I I4 R L fi IennCeeI lenneee I > IIIICI l Koiite IK A MU tiuIiftun Ia hfton i r Muon IL t inssuAt inssuAt11111t1 At Atlanta t tlall ¬ l Louis i iL liailway
lanta lall ta Chattanooga Nashville ashjIJ Through Throughleeper ThroughIenhiers
ROUTE R 0 UTE leeper Jaekonville L to it Louis via la Cairo and tII the Illinois Cen Cential LclllIal Central11111
tial tral11111 anil alllllhwlIgh through sleepers t > Clueigo hia o via ia Evansville Ulsvillc and the th C VL
L 1 I Iulxxax aiming at St t louifc 70N O a t m Chicago ltiragu93Uanlseeuudulurning ltiragu93UanlseeuudulurningChicago ihJOam second morning morningChicago
Chicago and Florida Limited LimitedSolid
Solid Pullman Vestibuled Dniuiii Drawillg I 100111 MHH Observation IbservatioltIrain Train The ONLY ONLYtrain O ON L Ltrain LI LItrain
train ninnino run ltiltg St ulll LIl frmn fr ii St t Au lugustinc II ustine huksoiiville to Chicago Dining Diningear
ear Ir service nin all the way eta a la iartc plan Leave St t Augustine daily at atSilo atI atO
Silo I O a m laiksonville II < > a III Arrive rrit in Atlanta 0iL p in ChutUi ChutUiniRjoi ChattItl
niRjoi 11 Klga ga l it IIT < Ii r 7 j p m Naslivillc a 1t illt 1 Kvansville E vahi lie SlM a in Chicago 510 510p
p III Tln noli lI h slivper on i u this train for St Louis via ia Nashville and the theI
L I V N 1 Iailrad Jail tilrs n > ad a l arrive in St Louis 1 HI p in inKII IIIFr 1 1l
KII l r tKkit and otliei inlorniatioii call on ticket agent or r address addressV a drcss drcssE
V I I IUD Honda la > aen IIIr er Agent A Agentl Jll
J WALNCIX Jl I at t 1 J lti Hay l 11y > Street JACKSONVILLE JAKUS LLE FLA
I tr e tr trUues I IDues
Dues Raised ednesday bv h a Lnani Lnanimous I tIIIOUS Imous
mous Note 1 ole Iwo New ew Members MembersI lcmhcrsWere lemhersWere
I Were hlectcd ElecleaJI
1 I
r l t ti f sin tl m nleul > mU r ol I Tin Htl Htli 11 111ju I
u i I Ii i i r l l I i lit huh 1jb wa a lii heist Id V 11rd 11rdL d dlix I
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i MitttHi VI lip n t iii of r the theby thery thet
t ry l dJ li < by ht 1 T I iijjniij ot tt < > from fromlhvii fruruI
r t d411Ir d411Irar4us I j I
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t f o A i it 1nnl rlrly iriV < d I tts tl ut i anti tJ d 1 Upoli Ill fax fatlll faxId 11 11T
T Id Club tlu Iuf HOUI at t f tLf tl pr prc prt04ut iit tsar tw twI tsari
11 I j i tin ti rend nldnIj x u ttr t taiye lar tiumlier IJlullrif ot f fnltvtxrs
1 lt niemtHTs wl wh4 h s1 Iii i i tti their fir ir tame T m ventpl vent xeiyusantly IY IYj
j pl usantly Uttly Ltyitig Jtl tih fnol P i t ol ard < and lid I tht thtj h IirrLtr r rIli
I Ijlar Ltr uw oursql4
ql4 1 Ili lte v our nlu l orders for Uoat Uoatl Uoslllu UosllluIJwwu ilustuttbrown
l brown > ntxn JrlCJ i > rci l and baked beans withtilt with withthe withtli
the tli c iunliu U Ltkvti b1y
Opera House HouseONE
Tuesday Feb 13 13I
The I IC 1 UII uug I English ug I I I Aitist AitistALICE z tit i iLICE
ttil lint splrly tiv tf f Eshvr byr in herI her herNot
dlUIl l l dIt
Not N 1 ot Like i e Other t er Girls Girlswith i rs
v r rtt
1 i 1i
with tt ith sue ca cat t and an effect as used usedin i iin
in in lh lar e 1 cities citiesPriers fttieiPrices iti itiP
Prices P rile 25c Oeohc 5Uc and 75c 75cSul 15es
s Sul l II f seats opens vpcu5Ftb Feb Fe 1 111

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