I I I . pi , . iii.fi ... i.);.--,......:,.... aggf L I 01 B8 THE Urn. Garrett I ' ' K 1 1 through JAH Vilio Colony, ipapei i would a.ia a t,i. ljmm CRESSET. FOWL Ell P0ST0FH Bev. I. iiani;li, l.illlor. ITION NO, and Ed. of tin: Cr?.' tin: Col HID A of you: like to ask the win oie thai is able lo 'it 1 1 - PDPATTnw and WYPMAfTfl Or The Jew And The Gentile I'Ijhw hw the lit t, olive tree", and the 'iMilk'itlckn tauiHii( liffurn the tin.! ,,f l! ( I UIH i'iit Ifi,'' (Key. 11-4 swci a ijuesf ion . In sad Timothy md ch, and tvct 1 1 find a positive command wh): AOCK Or LIGHT AND BBK1 KB DAKKNi; :ad8tbi Studv tO hl'W thy! Ctihlilltiej 1 1 9tU hut : ipprc untft God. i workirian that NowGyd aaya two olive trees and two candle-stick, and not only t wo trees hut also t wo candle stioka standing before the God of the enrtb. Now we beliVe thus) two '.olive trees to ho jiiHt what. able, to understand in regard to God said UieytfVe ;uil jnat who Column, pr year, . . . . Icu 00 i . . " I And when thiagoapt hasaenroh. oaiievniH. mm in out ana new jj,. say thy are. . . i s oo " Lea out wafer. Hook mi oonm of Ttu nti-eingthe two witrts .,, , . , ,,.,.'. i he won. lot truth' . i 1 1. ,i .1. t ' '" i-tmiw law . . I v t ii mui'k recc in ti ' nod t h c word of truth to be the , , ... . ., . . looo' . .every creature has heard tho Houndr""1" , , . , .1 i in, oivi(i.-!(! we t lie pupils ior woimiiudm . '.i,..,,! : 1-rofoKHional cards, l$in. . d 00. . ' 1 pi pi then none will say know owi i ., lllll IS .."UOOitoucll l" U oh; , . II . 11 I I , ,. iv , ,, ,f ....,. I yTjie jOiu, ior mi snail i.now .. it . imjiih ummi inR' i lfim froiu th iot of thim wMtWWMttMtbf. UipoiieUtip .:pl'- Now, please tell mc what to use,, ... , ... ! ..... ,,,,,,1;,,, ,. teal advertisetimts will be nwtm-; (r a v dr an, how ihou d the i ,, , ... , ... I,, , , ,. , .,,,,, 1 1 wi In. Bcratnblitttf lor mp I s-nit- viJBl 11 in: LitKtuujeiiix luv in . 1 j . .. 1 1 ....1 1 1. . 1 ry 1 uea until oracrea out. 'iiioiicni k wiuo.u. , . . ,; dfiu AtxriiairtM fn f ' 1 . , (.. A. Simons. , wonit( q . dwMg that time, they wer Of no 2 " 1 rut t li int; t hat we itro not , mid t hat t In 'm ! itii" of Hack tin-,' luy iii tin: , lnl' if W0 nti- Loeils per lino. 1st. inaertion, 08 " lubaequent ioaertfopfl. 02 WASHINGTON LETTP.R iwr Social (outriuh nto4t on l4 wis: A ho an hofttT that -fi r,iK ni tMtttfi Queition No. 88, We wish thftt oar correBpondonta would write, nnd Bk others to write, espeoiftlly MlniBtera, and tell u who the "boast was, uud in not, and yet in?" Kov. IV8.) ... -Maudy Dftwaon, VVc wish tin- following Quos tionti to be answered by any one: (Question No. ;i7. BxpUia pleaae, if Obiatios and b.uimu ia tlie tame, who "the , uni'in"."- ------ (bfiist was atld is not and yet IP Ko. 17-K) last clause. Queition No 88, And who those two witnesses of God are; spoken of in (Uev I I -'!.? Queetion No. 89, roi,i Our Regular Correspondent) NOTICK. Private Detective : 1 1 i Auction Habhli'OJ! over deud laottttftA W'o have learned in our last J benefit to any tnie ; they were article that the enrth lied no form j doud to all livixifi And we are 111, til mi Hut tMinl ti.v iifiof it init i t0lil9 to sue ftllV (KJWi ( tin-' had . 1 .... 1 i .... 1 i r. I 1 I . I . . tiiirine ilini iwtriod of I i,a 01 u KeluetBDt ban been the Poat raaater Genera' lo inaugurate an in- d We alao Mam that I l" propi after the third day's earth Inn become vet ..I. .1 II ; nn.'l'ii i,'.,,i,li,.-.- t, " l MIU ' I I I e.ftr with Thirty your.- oxperasce Uirt)t has) I Ternii raaonable, Satlsfoetioo lierb conn: forth, the fmit tr guarranlod, Address. yielding fruit with th- ..01 wit. T, ft McCali. 1 in itself Showiit 119 tliuf it w'i ydwlor Mo, 1 longer void, like it wn wjion j was created 6n the Hrat day. Thoae erand elucidations of il ak MtiCOqd and Third Assistant Pot- , i. - . . i , whothoril be in u known or in. lutl"""'1. Oejiov i. town tongue il is to pi k, u u ,hul 1,0 wi" bu u,,lttl,l" ,0 MtlW ,. the 1 1 may hear wliothurii inukea r- aroo vory uT,ri"'K fcti have .... . . . ! lust. Iinrii riiv,..!,.,! in ......! UIOllOI) li; i0 11 1 Hi Of lOt """" VVHUOWHOW with too impression or duplication ,,,,, . , au(i . tl) paper used extonsively by tho pronhesv and thai n',.1 ;,,Ml,,ff'"! "" pfdmldy by otbera NOTARY PUBLIC; V. . script in'"- certainly cannot hl j but drive from tin-dark ooutinent of th" mind, tho eh, mis ( f auner And IIkai. Kstatk: Aokst 1 st lttoii. And that the beautiftl ready to do all kinds of legal eed 1,11,1 wWjjptn mo; , . . take root in the brain., and si?ti iiiisiui iis iiiai ' '.iii' 111 me of his work them twiwer in the executive department, It an ppaaru . tti, it ,1,(1 I.', rut itw.,,1 lu oroMiosv to Hint ' iiaieBu.",-. ii that ii mined not Br. Im.!:"'",I,! '''turHl only by'tbe Oeoeral Maun foot tiring (.'"uipany of Pranklln, Pa. Jt t,unher ap. FOR SALE. 1 out. ifj uratichea of iov and 1 noai) into every fiber of n I Which will rftiae I be soul over the lofty llioilljtttill pen nroind iceuei I , ri I Miyat "II" did not mean it men a literal drouth for 1200 ." He auya; "Jolm menl thai while th,. Word uf the ing in its dark dreaa, tin- peon tlint x Re.pe.(teri,ttit Load, then cbolrman of tha com miltee on Poatoffieoand Pot Road firat brought the duplicating paper I Un a moaUI'e. t he mrtli was . Jin tli i barren famine that!10 ttntlon ol the Deparihhl " 1 ,t I... 1.:... and It waa immediatelv ado n tad bar ,p,'ii,,ii'.'ie., 'iit'i I.,,,.,. 1 1 1 , 1 1 , . . . 1 . V i ., ,, I hi,', A ...1. i,,t '.ol.,. .. M LiOlt'fl ilD'ili 0 I'll 1 lied I . uk. mi UV1101 al BieOUOn. r iii thoi' invuvtiati.n V ever in 1 be aweot -uuiiiier and. d Any ooo wiabtog to buy any of ' aweet by und by. world that would have been if th the following named Medicine call 1 1 ane call Soulier we have been taught Witne.iH Ittd not heei, ,'(1,t Also who are the two characters opoken of In (Zeeh. 1 !7?) you: Japonose oil 60 eta a hottl Dr. Swan liv er ami kidndy cure 60 ets. a bottle. Herberts Oolory R. ex, Harso par! I la 60, cts a bottle, discloses the fact that Cultural Charley Miller, president of the company, is a brotbar-IO'law 0! Repretontive Joseph Siblvy of of Pennsylvania and that Mr. Mil. n David Skoggs who will sell to ho plain by the Word ol God that 1 ... .... ... ...i Now we do not look at it in thii i- IIU1 " IIWI l " 11 will in: in 1 .1 1 ';i 1 ni 11 ;, ,, , a ,1 1 , , 1 . .iignt bo the nest thing for us t ins brother I erUtni would have it do, is to t-n how ne do look a) it r ' appear; 1.111 novo one srenwon una wny wo ionic at it in I in- man- Ut, a son -in-law of Siblav. I the tne eiirin unn aitorwarq.a, a l1"" . aim ior wiif reason, 1 ,.f f ,,. 1. ...1,.. we ion you mm we neneve thai when God said thai he would irivi company's representative in Wsab- Ington, Il is aiao found that under wor.! ol lornttiie it into a 11' ' 1. . 1 , - . . , VVf ,u,un anaii pass lino uio ,1J0 power to hie two witnesses, thet.!" "I'Ce.ial proyiaion i the Sundry ol Iftbor 111 which We live. And I IT mAIlt t.hnt I !,. 1, ,,l,l ,,,!, 1,..,., I ( !l nit hill ,,,,,,,.,.,'n.l l,.l.. in..o 1 1. ...I n.l 1 1...... . , .... .. . ....... ,,,, , v u,j m, 1 ,1, ' 1 ; iiiwopni.i ." hu m 18 jut) l.wti met! (, (Question No. fO. . . '...! Also who are me two anoinveu ones spoken of in (Zoch. 1-14 1 Queetion No 4 1 . Vas Moses a intinlerer? ftUKSTlONS No. 49, 1, What is tho bottomless pit that this beast) tho temporal power of the Catholic church conn out of? And is tho bottomless pit spoken ol hero the same aa spoken in (Uev. 20 li') ' 2. You say ''The two witnesses described in (Rev. II-!!) are the old and now testaments, ( lot bed in tho sackcloth of (loud languages for 12(50 years." How did tho old and new testa ments havo power over water to turn it into blood und to smite tho earth with plagued us often as they i would? And what wits thoir dead bodies that laid in the streets of Croat City where our T.ord 'crucified-' Mrs. Cinda Merritt Dr. Swans casoara pJIUJ25 eta. other words, Ab Package Sister Terwa'i tea 26 adttinifceB. And leory, or in power, not to laj d'ud in dad Ian- tho Public. Printer is InatracUd and tin - ets it.-. ast acroQffj s ! golden trooB ures, we pluck there from tin J wo Wir- K'.ins had Di Uunlop b ( !a csra I lompouuu Dr, ClarUe',i Ufa Balsam; in Ruulop f Kin.', of Paui. Bromb Nor vole ue. Dr. Dunlops Livet Pllln. Itugsiaii tt0B3 Batui. Dr. Bacbman'i VarmlfugaOonfocnons ouksskt's N,. feOartd 51 said that Dr DtiMlop s Quick lielil'f. LfcJ, httd feferel Cc to til- I2fl( f 8. Medieine Co's. "Quhiine riiii. years that the Bible lay clothed in Worm Vermifuge. the dead languages; and this idea For saw by John Voluer, Ai;rnt near Was saiict precious 1 rut hs ol M-.S'.ii s as recurood n uev. m th language i And I Will nivi' puwoi anto my two withoiisea. iitu! ihey shall propheay a thouniittl tvT'i liuudted and tliieesuerelahn six nionttia. day, ohitbed to sackcloth " (Uuv, ill Ad He praVecl arsja, nmt die heaven ., gn rain, and iht earth brought forth "Ci.oTiisn in Saokoioth. ' 1 liri Perkina in his article written i them power to shut heaven that ' ' 8 00raPBDy "ben it could not rain, if thov had need ever thoy are osltod for by the of doing so. JuhI the Hllllli aa head ol an executive iienartmcnt 11 thin Ian- or other Govoromont cstabliah- m out, There have been also made many charges against the admit letratioti of the ofll e of Second Assistant Postmaster Coixral Sballenhcrer, under whoso seper- liBrfrnif '. 5 (718) I""" """" "in ptiymeni 01 nm And the same power to turn wn-jrailr0tt(is ,or lho transporuttlon i ten to blood, as Moses and Aaron the mails, It, is claimed Cat the had, Aa you can read in this Ian- price charged by Mio railroad, this your upwards of 840, 000, 0U0 la oxccsslvo and thnt there la o his Kimire: "Kilns was m man suiijcct to like pin tiotm us we ate, and he wyod oariteiilv iliat i: iiii'.-lit 110I rslu ami ii mined not 01, the earth by the space of three tears Gravel Point. Mo. Texas Co. IMPROVED WA-HOO. ' " And the I,o rd spake onto M muv 1110. , A., 'I'.,!.,. .1... ....I itroteh ui ii.in.' i,a,i ul ,,. proper nmthod of ascortaininR the ftioned by Mrs. Oodper fer,-0f Kevin, unnii their airoani uuon weight of the mail carried Undor " . , KIlgMtJ- iu and others through the Orrsset. Now to b.'gin with, we wish to nsk our readers to remombef the art icld refered to above, so uh to J I learn the truths of this all ttnpbr- TI I C U K 'V I taut, subject. And the reason BLOO l AND N'KKVH TONIC i whv we ask them to do .-t their rivets, und upon ihelr ponds, and the present system the mails are I of li" ouestion. .'.id as We .shall A Positive cure for Rheumatism, lllrwwl .)Ua!a. I. 1.1 " ' ' "",nu"' iruuo, eiideayer. to prove up a ditVererit l.ivcr and kidney Complaint, Sick i;.,e ,,r tbousrllt 1 1 ... .1 .. ..I. M . .,....' T. Jt . ft ouauucMv; jiiuuiriii luuii'esiion upon all 'hi 11 poets of water, that ihey weighed dnrinir one wook. at ear. ;s W.di snd the. .bore may tain stated periods, and the aver- tie I1I1101I tin '.unl, out nil (.' luiu. of Kypt. both In rawh of wood, and In S !ll0.yoar comPuted fr0 vck.'icIh of stone. these woijjhinns. It is Wall known And Moses and Aaron did u, nn the that it la tho custom on many rotdl Urd commanded; and he lifted up the to solicit alt the extra mail nossi so, Pro. Perkiii'a art; lie, is as I J'01'1 "ote the w.,n, thai wee In b0 'during the weighing week and 11 1 . ,.; , ( Me 1 ivl'.i , 11 in' hi', 10 I'liarao ) mi ni . tbleascan be giver. 011 that Bide ., ......... 1 ..u. t is earned that maml. of flnn. ,ue hhjui ,ui ins him v mi, t , ,i,iii ail the I . wawM that were in ilm river wore 1111:1 VVM contribute to tho frand .by ed !n blond. ' (Kxodus 7 10 120 1 I sending through the mails at auob fvow those Bible facts prove to times nil tho public documenta 'llli: . 1 f in. .. . . ... .;...., t. . j.. . a : . V . . , , I i iieri'ior v e 1 1111; I 111 it i-j ine '. iiu t ie i c, 11 n i nr ( m, hv v;...i :,.,.i.. ... n t .' . ... . ' . . - 1 1. 1 1 1 v 1 1 00 iiviii mi 110. 1 Aiiinin tiaa. "TV; " TkZ ' absolutely ueeoary forth., road- J " " Kovolator can ho fulfill- tie, auditor for tho Postafflce Dent, 0J the stomach NsmusnoBS, 8k in U tu inVei(tig,t0 thoroughly both I , ! has on several instances called L diseases, halt rheum Scrofula 1 lience, we shall endeavor to 1 Neuralgia. Can be had at ia d; f . ! , . T" hoW ,0W,W w hi,! ,hu"1' two j lkUunl,t 0 W'ross to the Lad- FlCa With l.iuaranti know th,-truth. Now for, tho in-Jwitfrtos are, and afro (I ev are etjuuey of the present methods and -ligation. y.:.', God snvt C$ntinut4 t page 4.