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THE m 4 5 tJU ftl! s 1 1 "Ponder the Path of thy Feet and let all thy Ways be Established." Prov. 4-26. V v FSSE'l II VOL 2. JAH-VILLE FOWLER. MO, JULY 16, 1803 NO 18. WORLD'S CRESSET; ANSWER Entered December 11, ItHM at Fowler Mo 4 a nee Mid-flutntmnttcr, unit y Act of Co no vettn 1 a rch H I 8 i 0 i . i ! ! Wlmiil that moo; 1" ""I undcistafid those byroglypbies ny better limn Imi jfc builJuti mnetbei j inn- light of hyroglypMcl or those ! Tin mi intbiution i f i 'ii ;iiiui!:.'ii tin-1 ,.uiH mid drawing, of (bote people, , , ,i ; H"r'' K,i" ' i0 yet Ihey were very perfect; we re- ti,v do. Pot we fiod there bun BSllUjI km , plainer than thj, that, t thot , lhu, ,,, ,h,.y were Ml. ,; - . - ... lhe dis. No 12, CbWst created tiff Gentiles anew skilled a drawing, tfoal w imag , . , . ,, i,, .i ;,, . ,,, ii,. ...,,. i ii coveryat Pithorn of bricks msa wttii in Jinn, end .11 Dili act lie gave N() ccsi'nt that penpic in ull! ' B6 111 conclusion of ( I nnw,r Ubcm salvation that whiasb Ibej their teair was taken. kepJ out straw, ami the na;oe t Arieses , I I... A ' .. i j 1 I... . . . . . . ... . . l .... IVkn an 'I qiltfljllOtl ft d 'A? , Ity lit) " " ill I"1 yl wuiifiinuiM',ireeiiii all(j h roll gilt OVvr LDO UOO'I, WOen lOUno stamped on llicw Ve i" t h" ! sraoj i the siu it ol tun- above teach us tnur up fill Lfig joni of Gbd came Otri0 Uojj,y whom tbey were made all ol I'Yliitr nmi. i ln.w i,r.j u-i) hunt f I , ,i) ! .. . i . r. j .1 .l Kev. L. S. Gabrbtt, Hwtoi PEu vBAi; 1 ... (W,6U centj -ix iioxTBV ,'2f ceotaj" MOUTHS .'... 16 ei'i I tttVtr$il!e 111 A4vtt' W V Kltftv wlmt we ! in- 1 1 , ri 1 'iu ereul tlsiij time i w:i ii 1 11 ' id in CnUmt in ui 11-vi rk, An.i ufti'rwiirihi they was used ,., , , ,,iuer ul M I'ndV and tor puterni to muke! ., , 1 j 1 Icomectuw with thetn. Bui on tnc "'n g0d' by This great preservation . if, fell into the hondaol Ubon. Abd hand taking the word ol (rod '' ! wan the Imagei, wbjeb Itaebd as the other theory whereby to trace W) stolen from her latb.i. Now ull .ien back to their origin . f have atfdfa refiStobinc ol time i nd tllfUll to Lemm For JAM- Villr 1'iiion Suuiloy Hohool For th jniy 10th. ims din Jin iMrrtiileH 11 art iieeti orniea on u! tin! duftt of thi- ground owd b hud aalvut ton. Now then in order that through Christ might tare do the middle wall tbft was t w- (dutrueterJ, Christ win) 1, .! the eyoa of the I sri; miriibieii. in this, ::iiv t!i"in the spirit i' rduiiiber, f J ... 1,1 ... OKI. . . ... tn?!i. so. viiuinvr, 1 i" ' . ,1 c ,v ivoti d not Know ii, n ftv Walter Ptttteraon. ia throttgh tbr igiibrttnee lint by WuSg bjiiidad ; tliey eon wp, bliuded. deonted Him to dt-ath ttiid rteiitre d him tip in t lie Qyiitte to rhock in .!. ret.-, and t- crucifv Jinn, Willie Stvi-rngiii so thai through lli deutli and I resurrectioii He iniglil create iii i llim Biiew th.e t3 entile um'lil ;i you will find that Ho did il) this ling found in our last issue. There language! is no rcuson why we mioiiI'! wonder l'l-i we nri tit worlnn'iimhlp, et'entedttnueh at men In the parly dny of Wm, and nex Hoffartb'n little In CbrlM Jn uui. m,(i wurlo wblcb time, that they wowbipod the sun lould moon and Htars. Seeing that ihey were auob rr.iijhtv rttlinir oowetii t)g ol tinit and keep-; ,1Cil no ll!)lt. ro,,ni for doubt, we see Ina 1, t' the lives of men are, lo:; "t.J yieWj and lor this rcuson, lig :t these two great nations from bcinuir.g of tbem both aide by disappeared, and men are looking I .jje untj ,j,c. present lime. ifter same ureal natural source oi , . k thj sane eviliccc we i:,,n see plainly, when, where, and the entire Bxodus of the children of Irael f rom I he land of Egypt. light, to help them out. ol the trou t in. reatii eyes of tin- Israel Ken I bio. l,,y if they bad Ann we may 1'1,'nt nere ana 11 lew 11 11 u na r'Uriai tbd thaa&htthiit will throw aome lisht (To He Continued.) H EST STORE. Subject Word, (Tree.) Schrliil Hil . . . . , . .. . , , i imtioH wi.iild have given pon tne aurK aiae oi inoew urr ves I afore t b'cV would liavn 1014s and seii.ntilii's 61 man and men I ri; m t,a kftvo been eruei Ithey were not in much to worship , . , 1 r jjjj cotoii then, they a w sop iimo ana no uDaersiano:i j For if lhu Masonic Hall and Oddfol- j foWflhip Lodges w to be hurried ' lr j.,.s M-Ciskili and Katie ith all then' turnltare tor a tiiou-. ar . .:i(lin, Mcn.hants . . 'II. .1 l,;,,,l .nurl. . . 1 oi rmnuuei vine, ui'- .oi. nn.u IlirUHllluy 100 WUKlliurg lUDlimaiiui Continued from last ' week moon. On some other emblem : so j ous and will treat you right give Prom the standpoint of reason. from thfi iaet we will learn why it is j them a trial I'S (FROM KGYI'T j an, I years, it. would be said at that ton, one year old passed this G"d hath belor lain that w .. mi a.,,. niU4 JwhU in taeni. 3 lilt! un IBBU iiiuiauaj "'IS ' ( f , . 1. : .1 1 vvuurvtiir ivuieniinii iiii re mvoik ii. i i uieeo u iee uiii:iii,'i. i' we twelfe oclock, and was l;ml to . r . , .. , ,1 ., 'l 1,, time pni UcuUtus 11, tiietiou wuoare j.oru tjoo bin se ; lor u ru e tin: teiifc oa Priday at three 0 clock; U, a i .,,.,,. t ,1 i . I called ' C neiretitaotsfoa ly ibat wnlr-li Is day una the itiffhf b?. Ij, s. Cirii rrctl preached fie1 : ,. , ... I- H.,ol I., t A I I ....... .,1 .. - . . , . r .. ' tin I ICO OIL l- 1 1 UlilM ifiH'ii 111 1111. hi. ,111 1 n , 1 1 1 1 ,n .v 1. 1 1 ii v 1 , iuj 1, 1 1 :i 11 nmni'ii . 111 110 ri'M' i'i' o, ; i LOOK HERE! him. goodly number o neigl iborfi and t bv Und tne moon nguroo tin; raotor, por Iriendr Tnxt. "Is it well with JllH" " ' m,e wel'e ' lm, ti,e created man itept tune ny tne then? Is it well with thy Ims- n'iis'- f""" eemi changes ol the moon, in that early hmdr Is it well with the child? weuUh oM8f"H "ml f"'H"!": """ 1 ,,:,y ; Bd flfterwttrls " 'ovotrted i,, , ctvenantsof . prnmlso, naviag Jno hope, une e.,sl titlli t.astdins oi the It is well! I , .!., ,1 , 1 1 1 1 biiu n lorined man. l-.verv new moon Ttle sweet littie roso uas gonorxj Ri. . . , . w, , T, , IK vol' want toput your lands into the bauds of a l-ANl) MAN h B. GAKRKTT, will treat you right 8q list wit h iH ,,, is Lr(,inc to make thie a part ol his business, and the Ozark's is the place t,. Imya home. And we advise the home seokors to come to iJAH-Vtllo, Fowler .Mo. oetow pur dsasiufi elsewhere. It is a beautiful Country stirrciinding the nowly started Vauais, ili(l the greatest natotal indiuru )UI,llH are offered at tins point both to the farmer and bu.-mese men. .nd to the Seeker after truth it has DO 1 1. cqURIfl OH eaitn. r ri'.-'t, Riimettinu welt! 111 r oil 1116 iniido Ultdi hv JJo r lure pain to feel; v Uir blood of ciidst. Id numbered with the pure and j pir he Is nr peace, who hsili imuic, hotli eii''. Miwl leiiii broken down llie Us pure life sat; n cannol steal, middle wall of titioii beiween us; lliivhur BbalMmd in bin H -1 1 the enmity, eveii ibii law ol eniniBHiiiltneiiis I contained in ordinances; for n iiuikc in Utniself of tiiin one new man, so iniikin; peace. . The little daug!. er Ol i'o'r. and j And that b mlalii reconcile belli me Mn. Robert Cowley was taken " be cr,.s8 lwU t x I J I I f lit II III' ' II U'l 1 1 1 U"- I 1 " J fmm ,.nc mu st by the irnm OR TRADE. DEATH. CVVi. hnun nut III" limn to ,li,n! " 1 1 I here and tell the reader what kind j ... . of material the Talmnds consist of, XjAJM'! IQY OA.XjMU but we will in the future.) Time we say at that time was kept by moons tints, (. (.) .) Thirteen new moons at that time was counted a year with them. This undoubtly was o correct way of keeping tune. This way reckoning was kept np until the flood. At least men in thai period monster death on as fuosdny at 4 o'clock- liev. Parker of Mountain Grove preached fin Atid came aiidprewcbetl '.neacs w you which were afar off atui In t hem that were uit'ii I'Ve ilirongli liim we liotli have aceess No I 80 Acres laving near Kow- sr 65 acres in cultivation, partly ,gno fttrin. Oall at Huh OmCK it ral. One hundred and t. en- uy one spirit unto the Fstbe ty eiffbt saw the little .did . N,,w ,M.refor ye am no more sfsuji eis and (nreii'iieis. Inn fellow-cilizen good second bottom. 500 apple tri es some of them bearing fruit; of time was very skillful in draw- Quite a number oi peach aiideher- ing hvery thing was kept hj . u.wn and Other I rait. 4? on drawititfH. The works of their life! i ...i ,;u ,.,;ii, i ,, . taiwini iu vni.'4i ,.io ti" "it 'm to St. Stoop U'o babe, in the arms of ll,, T .ni l! . Resting -woctly as an angel of ob i '; Now in the Portals, of a sweet summer land, ' Pressed in lily white with the angel band. will, tbe saini', and of llie bousebold of (P..d. And ue built upon the foundation of the Hiolea aim prophet, Jesus Christ himself bwlng the chief corner stone, Iu whom all thu bulklluj tidy framed together groweth uiiter.a holy temple ill the Lord, us well as the time. The man that lived 100 years, hived 13,00(1 new moons. The record of their life was kept ny drawing. And for this reason there is a lack of knowledge on the pai't of the higher circles of the world today ill regard to tho history and oigiti of man. They are not able to comprehend iba if sold in time for it. CJood log bouse - rooms, .rood log barn and other out buildings, good spring water, All can be had at the low price 8525. For particular-, call at this Oi'FiOK or write un at Fowler Mo. No. -r'- 120 A. near Huggans P. O. good timber, pasture, between live and six bundled bearing apple trees considered one a mong the finest orchards in Texas Co. Good log boass 2 rooms good barn and other out buildings, in fuel it is a for particulars, No f. 19 acres, near Fowlo'r Mo, With a large percent in cul tivation. A fine young orchard, Good house: flood barn; and two good drilled wells; Ridge hind, but is as good as in this, part of Texas Co. For particulars call at this OrriCK. We have other property in the neighborhood of Fowler in our list for sali, call and get you a nice home tin ucrjs in cultivation 50 acre;) iu an good . lopatiop