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Page 2. THE WORLDS CRESSET, FREMONT, MO. OCT. Htb. 1918 THE CRSSSKT- FREMONT MO. Rev. L, S. Garrett Editor PUBLISHERS. N.G. Garrett and M. M. Bowers Column per year S50.00 2 " " " $80.00 J " " " $25.00. i " ' . ' $14.00. Professional Cards $1.25 a mon. Locals per "inelst. insertion 5ct ' ' Subsequent insersion Sets Local advertisements will r. coutimed until ordered out. ESSpecial contracts made larger Adds. . V-.. t .... ! m 4TION COLUMN? EVERLASTING GOSPEL Continued from page 1. them from the countries and will bring them to their own land and feed them upon the mount- And I will make them and the places' round about my hill s Mpsinr: and I will cause the on QUESTION NO 7. Please tell us why the Church loday lias not the' seven men spoken of in ActSi 0-;3 to admin !stcr on the same purpose if it n Apostolic? QUESTION NO. 8, What is '.he abomination of Desolation pokeu of by Daniel the Prophet spoken of in the gospels sunding in the Holy Place? WILL KEEP BOND TAB. Pastor will Card index His Parish on Bond Buying. In order that the Liberty Loan business tuight be run on a bus basis and that it might be known bo the parisn stood in the purchase of bonds, as wpII as to s Li am late buyingin St Teresa's Catholic Church, St. Louis members who buy bonds are to bfr listed in approved card-index style. Toe pastor.Rt Rev-Mgr, Connolly. P.R ,V G, will know" to a dot" just what his people are doing for the Forth Liberty Loa.n. Thi lan wa? formulated at a Liberty Bond meeting held in response to a letter from the committee of priests appointed by Archbishop Glennnn to had in Ci'lvi'ic. Churches in the Kiiiiiu' of bond huvhg Cards will he distributed to each worshiper as the congregation enters the church . Sunday mornings, oa which will be noted the individual's record in bond bvying and card returned at the cliiS2 nf the service. In Ibia way Liberty bond feed the flock. For this reason God said woo unto the idle Shepherds that feed themselves and feed not the flock they shall soon be cut down 1 1 Ice the grass, and wither as the green herbs, picas read. ''A voice of the cry of the shep herds, and a howling of the principal of the floes, sua!l be beard; for the Lord hath spoiled their pasture, And the peaceable habitations ate cut down because oi trie fierce finger of the L rd. (.lermiah- 25-86-37 ) Also. ''And the word of the LorJ came unto me saying, Son of man prophesy cgainst the shepherds of Israel prophesy and Kay unto them Thus saitb the Lord God unto the shepherds Woe be to the shepherds of Is rael, that do feed . thetnselve should not the shepherds feed the flocks? ' , Ye eat the fatsnd ye clothe you with the wool ye kill them that are fed but ye feed not the flock. The diseased have ye not strengthened neither have ye healed that which was &ick nei tber have they bouDd up that which was broken neither have ye brought again thai which was driven away neither have ye sought that which was lost but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them. And they were scattered because there is no shepherd and they became meat to all the beasts of the field when they w ere scat tered-1 My sheep wandered through all the mountains and upon every high bill yea my flockwas scattf red upen all the face of tLe earth and none did search or seek after them. Therefore ye shepherds hear the word of the Lord: As I live saitta the Lord God surely because my flock became a prey and my flock became meat to every beast of tne tiel because there was no ahephe rd neither d:d my shepherds search for my flock but the shepherd fed themselves and fed not my flock. ToercforeO ye shepherds hear the word of th6 Lird. Tbou saith th e Lord God- Be hold I am against the shepherds and I will require my flock at their hand and cause them to cease from feeding the flock neit her shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; For I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may.not be meat for them. ains of Israel by the rivers, and 9Q0wer lo corae down in his sea- anall he showers of in all the inhabited places of the country. I will leed thsm in a good oaHt'ire. and upon the high mouutai ng of Israel shall their fold be; there shall tncy lie in a goo-1 f old, and in a fat pasture shall thf y feed upon trie mount ains of lil-Hfil. I will feed my dockland I will cause them to lie down h the Loidaod. I will sc k that which was lost ana oncg igaiu tnat whicn was riven away, ana win emu up that which was broken, and will trengthen that which was tick; but I will destroy the fat and the strong-1 will feed them with udgment. And as for you; 0 my flock- thus saitb the Lord, God : behold wid judge between cattle and cattle, between the rams and the be goats. Seemetb it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture.but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures? ind to bav'e drunk of the deep waters, 'iut ye must foul the residue with your feet.? And as for ray flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and thsy drink that which ye have fouled with your feet The rcfore thus saith the Lord Gcd unto them; Behold, I, ' even I, will judge between the cattle and between the lean cattle. Because ye have tLrust with side and with shou Mer and pushed all the diseased with your horns till ye have scattered them abroad; Therefore will I save my flock and they shall no more be a pre v and I will judge between cattle and cattle: And I wilTsetupane Shepherd over them, and be shall feed them, even my senant David: he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd. And I the Lord will be their God, and inj re.-vant David a prince among them. I the Lord have b poke a it. ''And I will make with tbem a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beasts to ceas out of the land: end they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods. sonj there blessing; And tbo tree oflhc field snail yitld her fruit, and the eartn sbai! yield her increase, and they tihall'oe safe In their laoci; and shall kot.w th'.t I am iM?; Lord, when I have broken the j bands ;Mbir obc. and deliver j id tbem but of the hand ot those j that served themselves of tfcnn Ai.d they sh&l! lo more be a prey to the heathen, neither shall the beast of the land dev our them; but they sha.ll dwell safely and none tha!i make them afraid. And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed wilh hung tr in the land neilhgher oertr the shame of the he alt er, any more Thus shall they know that. I the Lord their God, am with them, and that they evn the bouse of Israel are my pent 'Is. saith the Lord G-jd. And ye my Hoe., the Sock of my prsture. sire tntn. and I am your God. hii'h the Lord Gcd. (Ezrk. 81 U-31) we win peai( on ttiis. later w- - The soul what is it buying will be made a part of Ez;-k. (34-1- 10.) the morning servicetho people encouraged to buy bends and none may hope to escape the ever watchful eye of the pastor. . t BEST INVESTMENT IN ' WORLD What is the soul? Has been a question that has come lo us more than once. And a question that has been argued by the many Some say it is ooe thing and sone say it is another. And the (Mereuce is so great, that there is no way of harmonizing the different beliefs. So we shall try to reason on this point, in such a bibical manner Ibat the Reader way be able to come to a conclusion; realizs the true facts of Lht quistion. "The soul." i3 the natural lifri' But a "living souc"means R email life: ' Wd stnlt quue you first, to prove the aspersion of the natural life, this scripture But flesh with the life thereof which is the blood thereof shall yj pot cut.,, Gen.0-4. The fle-sh spoken of here is the same forbidden tree, spoken of in the garden of Eden, which we arseet here was the cbarcter created on the sixth day, male acd female. Who the man that was formed acd placed in the garden was not to aaaociate wiih. As wo havo proven in subjects already passed over. After God had formed Utt man for the garden, He blew into " his nostrils the breath of life.and be then became a living stul. The point in this is that this man became a living soul after", he was a living natural man. We repeat as we have often done thatalivlqg soul mams eternal life, And we repeat again that A a living sout means Eterna lift S'ui inns the naturrllife. A.ud in to show this d.ff.-renue we shah ref r you to hat God has sai.l hi thu paint in regard to the ssi uniauis, the beasts and the fowls. II speaks and says, "one soul9 that, a -e in the sen"' 'Tne soul of the beast," and the soal of the, Turtle dove." God in refering ti those things in this m inner could only refer io the natcal life. Hence we say that whenever God speaks of everlastiing life. Ha speaks of it as a living soul. For Ho says "And this is the promise thit he hath promised as.eveu eternal life." - (1 John 2-25. God says this was a promise, and thro He says again: And this is the record that God hath given to as eternal life and this life is in his Son. 1 John, 5-11. Tnis gift Gol says was in his son. And then plainly tells us how it was given to U9, Plese read; Boo now in Christ Jesus ye who something were for off are made nigh by the blood of Christ Ephe ,213. So we belive that the reader by this explanation will com prehend what Soul is. The one is this life only, the other reaches beyond the dismal Tomb of death. "0' God! the giver of ali good, forsake me not I pray. For I want to know out of Thy word the truth that it dues say. . And when its glorious light does shine ,down deep Into my heart. I'll not longer languish or pine or with its light depart!1' Amen "It is no sacrifice to buy Liberty btLtls from the Governmeut," declared Mrs. Mary Harris Armor of Georgia national lecturer of the W.C.T.U. in u recent sppch in St.Loois. "Why it is the best investment in the world ami at 4i per dent' In ordinary '.i-.ces the people of means would be glal to nvest theic surplus funds at 4 percent. Why talk of sacrifice or unusual servuee when the duty we owe to our country and This time is allmost fulfilled For this prophesy comes in uonuection witb tne preacoiop of the Everlasting Gospel. For it is the son of man, who is to prophesy those things, as you willsecintha 2il. verse this all come in connection witb the prophesy that "e have set forth fix m Jeremi ah. And in the f u" fillujg of those scriptures above comes the proinUa of God. picas reud. Fortiiou soil!-, the' Lord God Behold I even I will both search my sheep, and seek them out. ! As a siicpherd saeketh out his flick in the day that he is among his sheep tbat are scattered" so will I seek o-jt ' my 'shv-ep, and w;il deliver tlioro out of all places where they have beeu scattered in tbo cloudy and dark day. And I will Bring tbem out Do You Want to Kead A Good Religious paper iitt) MJiiun oi'Wiucu m p Mirny tu Mo wer Any Question Religiously or Otherwise? : Ii Yon D0 , : ibb for the the real worth of the investment from the people-, and gathe are considered.