OCR Interpretation

Hermanner Volksblatt. [volume] (Hermann, Mo.) 1875-1928, October 11, 1918, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93060116/1918-10-11/ed-1/seq-7/

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.SMläö!? Ms tsiewMw5rA ' ÄflFM r JwWS. sSsWlft Ar
' WIMOD ' '
MmP Sir : Ä
I MW rr N( po cix? w nUMM j$Ss&
V, iÄVLM i i ixxll V i vMIiÄf 'jvtivv Ms.
C. liv üilQ) 11 J CUJlvl o MvMEM
''l LViUw Q vftlV-
k: Z?M . (
Xi Mm vIhk:
iWMr -
vÄV i
M lettk !
K -"tl
T'm the fellnw von were insultincr. and iniurinff. and plottine against for nearly
thre vMrs. I'm a hrother of the men and womcn and children you murdered on
t 1 J I. W J w ' 1 C J
the Lusitania. Pm the man you said wouldn't fightj the man you said you'd gct
with your submarines if I tried to fightl
You forced me into this war; now Fm going to forcc you out of it!
"There are a million and a half of us here now, and millions more are getting ready in
America. We've met your 'invincibles,' and we've madc 'em run like scared rabbits! And
vve're going to keep thcm runningi
"We're going to make you bebave; and we're going to make that silly Crown Prince of
yours behave, too!
"The folks back home are with us in this. They're raising six billions right now, to keep
us in grub and fighting materials. And they're willing to raise as many more bilhons
as we need.
"After we get through with you, you'll know how to behave, Bill.
Bw Fouirtlhi Olbeirtty Bomidls
You can make your first payment from cash in the
bank, and take carc of the balancc out of your daily,
weekly or monthly savings.
The forced saving you do now will mean a nice nest
egg later, for the bonds you buy now and pay for as
you go along, will prove a splendid Investment that
will pay you a good interest every six months. After
the war, the bonds will be worth more than you p;J
for them. Don't hesitate to do your duty and do it
quickly. "Don't let the SON go down.
This advertisement contributed to the winning of the war by:

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