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lJJ ll 4. ?. jM- 7 r i f 7 CORi) Vol. 3. Kenna, Chaves County, New Mexico, Friday, January 14, 1910. Number 02 KENNA JL JL 1 1 J ; f . .. .. J. P. 5TONK, Preiident U. T. LITTLEFIELD, Vice-Freaident W. B. SCOTT, cashier -The- KennaBank&TrustCo, OF KENNA, N. M. i The depositors in this Bank are secured by the laws of this Territory to the extent of $30,000 00. Our officers are bonded and we carry burglary Insurance. Every safeguard of modern Banking pro tects you. Come in and see us. The Kenna Bank & Trust Co. DO YOU READ YOUR AD In tils paper? If you have none, do you read the OTHER FELLOWS AD? Will you read this one? It is a new old one, telling you where you can get neat job work done. We have new job type that Is up-to-the-minute. Try us for LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS CIRCULAR LETTERS ENVELOPES SALE BILLS CARDS Of all kinds. In fact anything you want printed, you can get at the RECORD OFFICE. Out of Town Work Solicited. i Record, r5j J F. Br don returned last Tuesday from the East w litre h" had been visiting Ids rela tive since I he lioli 'ays. He biiniglitliia children home wi'h him, also his sister. M'ss Lam a B'OktImn, who wiil keep notice for him and assist in caring for Tiim and Jesse. W. A Fry, wife and baby arrived home Monday from their vi t wiih friends at their old home in Arkansas. Migfi Minnie Barlow has re turned from a protracted visit E tat Texas, and is now holding d wn her claim in the Little field Vall-y. Fa in ii Smith bus gone to Itoawwll for amiigeflnite stay ' Mrs M. O Ovt-rt-tn cr has retired from the lio'el business and has gone to her farm. Mis Mary Ld is in from Roswell vibitiog the home folks. Local. Dock Seai H wan in town lasi Monday purchasing a load of corn. Mrs. H- B. Bryan and daugh ter. Edna are visiiint? friends at Koswr !l this week. Johny Beale and son of Ran ger I ake, were in town last week after a load of corn. P. J Williamson wife and sou Bdiiford, were callers at the West hots! last Sunday. W. H. Stapp left Kenna Sun day for Dowe, Okla., where he has leased a twelve room hotel. It A Beaman, jf Spencer, Indiana, is holding down Mie foremuuship of the Kenna Record C- 0. Moss, of near Oai io, Ills., accompanied J. II. Hooper to Rcgsr Lake, where he has filed on a claim. Joo Lovelady and wife loft last Friday for Dowe, Okla, where they intend to make thei future home. J M Williard and wife of Topeka, Kanss, are the guests of tho West hotel. He is look ing for a good farm. W. A Dick, of Gainsville, Texas, came in last, wt-ek, to visit his daughter, Mrs. Claude J. Marbut, of this city. Gorgf Morris and frieni lef Friday fore Hereford Geoige h i 8 been killing -rabbits on his farm for tho past month Frank G raw ford and J. F. llobins ta ie in from Clandell, New Mexico, Tuesday. Frank is rgain at work in the shop. Fred Bressey and crow of train No 83 South and Ed. M Daniels and crew of 81 North took din ur Monday at the West hotel. Henry 0. Cox of Amarillo, Texis, representing the Ama ru lo Sash & Door Co , was call ing on tho trade Wednesday. C J. Rull, of St. Louis, was casing on the merchants ai this place Wednesday He iepre sents a gents furnishing houtte Mrs Geer and Kon, of Ami rilio. Texas, wr- gue-ts of the West hotel Wednesday, enroute io visit hi r father, who lives 12 tnihs Southwes of Kenna. Don't be Misledl at lam still ding busines the old stand an 1 Have Not Resigned. W. T. Cowoill, U. S Coinmissiuiier, Kenna, N M. .Mrs. J. G. Northcuit left last Monday fo- Galveston. Texis, to spend sometime for the bene fit of her health. Miss Edna Bryan went to K swell Wednesday to attend the Teache.s Examination that is !eing held there this we.k. Mrs. Mattie Jones who lias a cla m 25 mi'e-i Northwest of Kenna, is in town to make 5 veir proef on her homestead J. P Vickery. of Boaz, is here this wt ek assisting W.N. Lock art in his harness shop. She She She She She She Sht She MAY NOT BE VERY BIQ She m if mt have red hair But when she says she wants a new house, or a new porch, or anything in the hardware line, you had bettor get busy ajid avoid trouble. And when she tells y..u that the best place tt Buy all the material i? at tho KENNA LUMBER CO., don't argue be cause she knows and we are ready to help her prove it We handle everything in the line. Kenna Lumber Co. the She She She She She She She She She She She he She She She N THE JEWELER When you want to buy a Watch or Cl ek; when you want a Waicli or Clock ro paired; win n you want a Wedding King, an Engage me ut Ring anth ng in the line of Jewelry; when you ned g'aae1, rwant vour ey sight tested re member Zink the Jeweler and Optician :: :: .: Q. W. ZINK, Roswell, N. M. Mart Sherman is building a new residence i his 320 acre claim Northwest of town. Dr. Hamilton who mm a in last wet k has been on the sick list at. the home of his mother, 1 . . cut is rej oi n n ueu r H B Bryan has bought out 1 he Keller interest in the livery bvwness, and wi 1 lun the barn ih connection with his realestale business Mrs. W T. Evans and child ren who have hen sick with ineasels fo' smt;me, are re ported convalescent Notlea For Publication. Department of the Interior. U S. Land Of Bee kt Roswell, N. M., January. 11th. 1010. Notice Is hereby given that Charlie P Moore of Boai, New Mexico, who. eu Ootofter 18th. 1 SOT, made bomei'ead entry No. 13891. Serial No, 0'SIM, forS.E. M. Section 4. Township 7 South, Range W Em. N. M. P. Meridian, haa filed notice of Intension to inlte Flal Com mutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above (inscribed, before II. P. Lively. U. S Commlsilonor in his office, at E'ktus. N. M,. on the 8th day of February, lOtO. Claimant names as witnesses: Lee R. Robertnon, William A Strnsell, George VT. Moore. Mrrlon O. Mills, all of Boaz. New Mexico. T. C. Tillotson, Jan. I. Feb. 18. Register. Notlott Fop Publication. Non Coal tatjd. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at Roswell, N. M., Jan. ltflO. Notice Is hereby given that John F. Bynum of Bynum, N. M., who, on January S3. 1907, made homestead entry No. lew, Serial No. 0118011. forlotsg&s&EH S' X. Section 30. Township 4 South, kanere 28 East. N, M P. Meridian, has Qled notlot'lof IntentioD to make Final commutation Proof, to establish elalm to the land above dcsorlbed, before W, T. Cow pill. 17. 8. OmraWsloner In his ofl'.i-e at Kenna. N. M.. on the Sfh day of Feb ruary. 110. Claimant names as wltncsso: Henry T. Jonas. John Rirlo and Mody B. Oandy of Bynum. N. M., and Jeff D. White of Elida. N. M. T. C. TIELOTSOK. Jan. 14-Fcb. 18 Register Contest Xotic;?, esoi. Doparthient cf tho Interior, Unite.! Staton Ijind Ofico, Roswell Xew Mex ico. Dec 17, 1909. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by John V. Bony c LiLtcn, X. M contostcut. against Momeatcad ontty. Ko. &S34 raauo October 22, 1306, for SEVi Sec tion 6 Township 4 S. Haiigo 23 E. ty Oscar u Wclverton, coctostec;, in which It Is filleted that enfd Oscar E. Wolvcrton ha3 v.liolly abandoned ca!il tract for moro than six montlm last rast, and haa changed hla resi dence therefrom for mcia than Blx months siuce making hb rccideneo thereon, and han not cultivated nor Improved said elnlm for moro than rlx months since maklusj uaid entry. That said alleged absence from n..i.'. land was not duo to liU employment in the army, navy or marine corpn of the United States in any capacity In tlmo of war, and this tho raid contes tant is ready to prove at eueh time and place as may be namoi by tho Register and Receiver for a hearing in ald ca",e. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, rcapond and offer evidenca touching said allegation nt 10 o'clock a. m., on January 31, 1010 before C. E. Hall, U. S. Commissioner, at his office In Llida, X. M., and that final hearing will bo hold at 0 o'clock a. m., ou Feb. 10th, 1310, before tho Register and Receiver at tho United State Land Office in Roswell. Nirw Mexlco. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit filed Dec. 17, If. Off, set forth facta which sshow that fter due diligence personal cervlce of thii . notice cannot be made, It la hereby ordered and directed that auch notice bo given by duo and proper publica tion. T. C. TILLOT30X, Dec. 31 Jan 21 Register. Netloo For Publication. Department of the Interior, U S. Land Office at Roswell, Nev- Mexico, Dec , 29, .1909. No'icrt is hereby given tliat l he Territory of New rexico, :nis filed, under the provisions of t lie act of Con?;erer, cf June 21, 1893, and tho act? snppl?. nentary and amendatory thore to, in thia uifi'jo, selection list of Mie fillowmg land . L'st Vo. 753. Serial No. 019, 469; Ei, Sec. 2i, T 11 9., E. 30 E , X H. P. M.- S20 acre' Protests or contfta against said selection may be filed in this office during the period of publication hereof, or at any .ime thereafter, and before final approval and certificate. T. C. Tillotsos, Register D C- Marbut, who hn3 boon at Sweetwater, Texan, for com-'-time, returned to his homo la?t week. Ho has n fine claim, well improved, Soetlieast of Kenna. Subscricij for Tin: Kennw PvECORP. (