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k Am ft '(. vtis RECORD HE KE Vol. 4. Kenna, Chaves County, New Mexico, Friday, January 28, 1910. Number 2 T NNA t J. P. SrONK, President G. T. 1.1 X TI.EFIELD, Vice-President W. Ii. SCOT T, a.sliier -The Kenna Bank &Trust Co. OF KENNA, N. M. The depositors in this Bank are secured by the laws of this Territory to the extent of $30,000.00. Our officers are bonded and we carry burglary Insurance. Every safeguard of modern Hanking pro tects you. Come in and see us. i The Kenna Bank & Trust Co. DO YOU READ YOUR AD In this paper? If you have none, do you read the OTHER FELLOWS AD? Will you read this one? It is a new old one, telling you where you can get neat job work done. We have new job type that is up-to-the-minute. Try us for LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS CIRCULAR LETTERS ENVELOPES SALE BILLS CARDS Of all kinds. In fact anything you want printed, you can get at the RECORD OFFICE. Out of Town Work Solicited. Record. Ft K. mi WE WAUNT YOUR ORDERS FOR SEEDs. And will give them our promp attention. Send for catalog. Feb. Price List of Field Seed now ready. Roswsll Seed Co., Rowell, - New Mexico Are You A Mule? Certainty no . But, you the p .tssosor of a mule or horse Tuh. to LOCKART. makes HARNESS. are Wanted. To borrow $'-i50 on 8 month's .time, and have more than SI.Oqq ecollateral w. h wl ieh to secu iame .t. (.'all at Recohd office M.for name and address, Minutes of Church Organization. Rev. C. D. Snhlman, mission ary for 1 1 iG Portales association, mot with and organized the Baptist people in part of the Judson community at 11 o'clock a. m. Sunday Jr. uiary 23rd, 1910, Iho n- w .-ch ol riull.-.e 2 or 3 nil es SOillll Ots! tf Judson known as Prc;s chapel, being assis'ed by ll.iv. II. T. S ivnge of Elida, wh'i has spent the p. hue of his lif-,'iu the service nf (iod, and is nonored by those wl o know him ii a faithful old soldier of the cross, and we believe him to he the hero of the ocasion where ever lie has been associated. May God in his 'mercy ever crown his brefeot success, will ever be our prayer to God Time being limited wo had no .-ei mon, but by common consent the articles of ait ii. and church oviuant reai. and discussed, with Kev. 0. D. Spillman. modirator protein and A: J. Snropshire as clerk pro. The list of subject discussed were as follows. 1st of the hcriptnres. 2nd of the true man. 3rd of the fall of man 4th of Uitf ways of salva tion. 5th of Justification Oth the freshness of .-.aiva'ion. 7th of grace ia regeneration. 8th of repentance aijdidil.h. 9th God's purpose of Grace or God's eleve tion. 10kh Stiu ::ifli;ation. 11th of the final u.'se atiou ef the saints 12th Tiie harmony of the law of God. 13tli of the gospel church, ami church ordinances. 14th baptism, and the,L id's sup per. 15iji of the cliristain sahath. loth civ.l government. 17 of the world to come. 18th church covenant. Motion by clerk for the adop tin of articals as read, carried. Being in order the name for the church, with motion by clerk to the new born babe, Grace carried The membership enrolled. Kev. E Keisey having his let'er from his home church in Mauitou O .iahoina read and ndption. T . II . Dcotherage and wife Mnggie and Mrs. li. E. Will- nil.- A. J. Shtopshir and wifu ora, m. ' ii. i- ravage with a lev., but well ditected remarks, g ive unto the church the tinul clu. !go. Motion b T. II. Deatherage oimpower modirator to appoint pulpit coniiiiity ciried. appoint ment A. J. Shropshire 1. Ii. Deatheragt Rev. E Kersey. After soi e discussion motion by T, II. D-atherage for the first Sunday in each mounth as a regular appointment for the church an I Saturday 11 a m. before the first Sunday for con fern cec. tu ried, Motion by Rev. E. Kersey that A. J. Shropshire be elected perninant clerk carried. The clei k being instructed to prepare n inute- of theorginiza tion and present them at night service She She She She She She She She MAY NOT BE VERY BIG She may not have red hair But when sho says she wants a new house, or a new porch, or anything in the hardware line, yu had belter get busy and avoid trouble. And when she tells you that the bkst puck tf mv all the nnterial is at the KENNA LUMBER CO., d m't argue be cause fi!;e knows mid wo arf ready to help her prove it We handle everything in the line. Kenna Lumber Co. She She SJie She She She She Sh She She She She She She She the She She She IL S. Department Of Agriculture Weather Bureau. COOPERATIVE OBSERVERS' METEOROLOGICAL RECORD: Month of Jan. 1900; State, New Mexico; Station, Boaz; County, Chaves, Hour of Observat ion, 5. 30 P. M. Temperature i'recipi- Prevailing Character Date Maxi I Mini- Set tation. Wind of innm mum Mav Amount Direction. Day. 1 7G 31 55 none S V clear 2 70 43 ()C " W 3 t)(5 23 25 " E P O 4 52 30 31 ' NV cloudy 5 40 24 18 03 NE 0 31 14 22 none N clear 7 28 -9 34 " NE 8 48 1G 31 ' NE 9 49 23 4i " ' N " 10 54 21 43 " NV PC 11 50 34 44 " NW 12 53 40 51 t!8 X cloady 13 51 29 40 enon E Pu 14 45 3, 41 " SE cloudy 15 57 30 45 " S PC 1G (7 3G 59 SV ,, 17 G7 47 57 " SV cloudy 18 57 18 39 ., NE clear 19 CG 19 57 ,, NE 20 51 21 37 ' E 21 54 14 15 ' N 22 05 23 55 23 72 30 (54 " SW PC 24 52 19 42 " SW clear 25 72 35 15 " N 2G 58 28 AH " N " 27 49 20 39 " " 28 5G 12 lti .. SW 29 54 20 15 . .. S " 30 fia 18 52 " W " 31 G2 27 5: " W Sum. 1730 7159 IHGH Mean. 50 25 11 .11 Benediction by bro. Savage at 1 55 o'clock p in Night session having no preacher present the clerk was called on to attend to the matters which was to come before the night confernco and after a short song and prayer service. read fiom the 12th chapter of Paul's letter to the 1 om".iif- an commented veiy brief! v from the 12th verses. Confernce. Bro- Deatiierage acting as moderator minutes read and adjauinment ingin , , , Sitrned. T II. Death orlor. notion by 1 . II- Deutho m(jJ - j. shl, rago to adjourn until 11 o clock Benediction, a. ni.on Saturday before thel fust Suu.iay in February carried. Nolen I.anchester, of Pu rc3 Oklahoma, anived j Kdnnv Thursdav night to visit hih stop father, John Keller. T. W. Carmichael has movtd to town and will occupy the mc Carmichael residence. W H. II Cloppert and wife dof Olive, were Kenna visitor Thursday night. V. II. Harris nd family have gone to Acme where Mr. Ha a rris mploynv nt. Crest on Cowgil! arrived home las i Vi i clay from Jon s..i'o Iud. where ho has been insciiool for tin? past 7 years,