Newspaper Page Text
3TES3 2KSjSE32 I'. L. ROBERSON, Th e Barber -NOliTII SIDE Afent the Par.tirtnille Stfam I.anntiry, of Amarillo, Texas. Tho, No, n If -V 1 1 i! t i ii ft I SLAUGHTER SALE STILL ON If you want to buy your goods this is your golden opportunity Our Sale will not last long. Just now we are selling best flour at $3.00. Better stock up : : KNNA MERCANTILE COMPANY, KENNA, . - . NEW MEXICO. Department of Commerce and Labor BUREAU OF THE CENSUS. Washington ENUMERATORS' HAULS OF PAY. Census directors Durand establishes a classification of the compensation of census takers. Washington, D.C., Janurary 22, 1910 The varying scales in different parts of the country and the d fferences in tho nature and extent of the local difficulties confronting the enumerators in the largest grographical divis ions of the United States have influenced and guided United States Census Director Durand in the adoption of a classification of enumerators' rates of com pensation, within the limits prescribed by the United States Census law enacted by Congress The different classes of rates will brf so applied that in general the average enumerator will earn substantially the same actual amount one distric as in another, even though the population may be much sparser in one Minn in the otln r, with other conditions also different. Regards h paid to the fact that prevailing wages and s-alaries an higher in some parts of the country than in others, but. asidet frmthi-, the Director's aim is 1 ajusr t he rates so as to mi Ice the earnngsof enumcra r.itors subitantially uniform Where the per cipita rates would not gixe sufficient pay, the per dim rates are prescribed. The rates in general will be so ajusted as to give a slightly higher average amount to the enumerators than they receverl in 1910. Per dem rates of pay will be paid to the census enume rators in the sparsely settled rural districts of Arizona. Cal ifornia, Colorado, Idaho, Mon tana, Texas. Utah' Washington and Wyoming The rates will range from f 5 to $6 per day for the enumera tion of the rural areas outside of cities and towns Six dollars is tho highest rate aulhorized by law. The Director realizes that in many .Ustnets of the far We;t it will be impossible to secure competent men to act as e unie rators 'at a rate of compensation less than that being paid for ordinary classes of work in the same area. VVoro enumerators in such districts paid only on the per capita basis, their com -ligation would be unreason ably low. The enumerators in the thinly inhabited country sections of North akota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas, also will be compenstend on a per diem basis. Certain difficult ui sparsley so tied enumeration districts in other slates will be included among to which the per diem rates will apply, as i ho conditions of the enumera tion will be such that an enu inerator could not make fair earnings at any of the per capita rates establishe. This announ cement was made by Census Director Durand to day, in order to counteract, the deterrent effect upon applications foremi merators' places in the far Wst and Southwest states of the widely circulated and erroneous st atement that per capita rates of pay wore lobe given in the par ley populated regions named. T1IK CLASSIFICATION' OF RATES Iii this connection the Director was issut il to h censim super vi.-wr a .ii't ;.le.l st.a emeur. of I In oiissiheat ion ot rates adopted for the compensation ef enumer ators in the Thirteenth Census commencing April 15 next There are the general rates the per capita, the mixed, and the per diem. The riist and second general rales liav tivt subdivision each" The per diem rates range from $3 to $3,50, $4. $1.50, 15, 15.50, and $G, and are to be paid for a day of eight hours' work. .tor enumerators on the per capita basis, which will be that most widly used, tho pay of each inhabitant is. Class A.2 cents; class B, 2i cents; class C, 3 cents; class D. 3 cents; and class E, i cents, Such enutne.1 ators will also bo paid for each fai -m as follows class A, 20 cents class B, 22$ cents; class O, 25 cents; class D, 27A cents; and class E, 30 cents; These rates are m each cane 5 cents or more higher than those paid in 1900, when tho range was from 15 to 20 cents For each establish ment of productive industry the rates for eac class is 30 cents; For each barn and inclosipo containing live stock, on farms the pay is 10 ceMts for each clas s Under the m red rate, which is a co ibination of the per capita and the per dit m, there are five subclasses alphabetically arrran- ged, and the por diem is: class F 1;.G,1.25;H; 1.50; I, $1.75 , $2. For eac:i inhabitant t h pay is: Class F, 2 cents; G, 2 cents; II, 24 c nts;I, 2.conts; and J, 3 cents- for each farm Class F, 15 cents: O. 17$ cents; 11, 17$ cents; I and J, 20 cents each. For eat h establishmei.t of productive i ulustry tho rate is 20 cents for cell class. Tho month or Janurary went out as it came in, the first and i he lat being like ideal days in the month of May. Albert Cadei'head with his Mother ahd sister Lena left las Tuesday for Wills Point Txeas, where ihey epxect to remain permanently, He came in and orntred th3 Recor d to follow them and keep them posted on the local happenings of Kennal and vicinity. The Comet. The new comdt that made it's appearance in the south-west a week or so ago has disappeared from our sight to spend a little time loafing somewhere else This comet hav several discover ers by whose names it is known nnd b'.-ins? d scu.ssed by many long w hiskeit-d Savants one of whiimc liasjusl discoverod the stidcoutt haslvotai's which if true is a ph.-noiniu i. This comet came unannounced and is asuspiise totiiose whoso busi ness it is to be out with Conj"c lures concering these I uv nen ly bt)dit s. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac for 1910. Ready November 15th, 1909 a splendid year-book on astron omy and meteorology, the only one containing the original "Hicks Weather Forecasts." By mail, postpaid, 3 5c, on newstands, 30t . One copy free with a year's subscription to Word and Works, the Rev. Irl R. Hicks Monthly Magizine, the best 1 monthly in America. Discounts on Almanacs in quantities Agents wanted. Remember, th genuine 'Hicks Forecasts" a:'o not published anywhere else you get them only in his own publications WORD AND WORK PUBLISHING CO, 2201 Locust St . St. Louie. Mo Wednesday ws Ground Hog day and tho thnnces are, we will have anotl ersix weeks 'or winter. , ; Fresa, Reliable. Pur Cuarantead to Plcait Fv-rf Gardener ami Plentf-r should tcit the merit, of Our Northern Grown Seed. SPECIAL orrER .:fs?- FOn 10 CENTS we will lend postpaid our F'MOUS COLLECTION t pkff. fiODav TiiiNKtu , 0a 1 paf. Priam. Kidl.h . . . .10. 1 Ik fMI-droolii; Cilar , . . tn 1 pag. Karljr ( altfcax . 1 ha 1 pas K nllertan Uark Laliaca ... 10a Alio 11 f arlatlaa Chain Flo-ar Braaa . . tie Too Writ today I Fand 10 rtnta to liatp r poalafa and par.kinj and Ilia !.'. "".mm IMllaeikn," la gatti.T Willi m-r ar.l IttL-r.rtlr? i;ar lt,n Outdo. URIOAT KOItTllOaN SKJ-:i :t. MC9 ltiHo M, Koekford, Illinois NOTICE If you aie Proving up on yom claim be sure and read youi Publication Notice carefully when it appears in the paper, and if t lore are any errors noti fy this office promptly and thev will be corrected If you contemplate buildinc in concrete, block or stone, dron a A. J. Shropshire, Jnd son, New Mexico. I have ex perience in all lines of this work and can turn von nnU (satisfactory job, and I work un- ;der a strict guarantee. Confest Notice. Department of tlielnlerior. U.S. LnndOnice ttl Hoswell. M. M., Januory .1. 1010. A sumrilent contest nmrtavit Imvinu been filed in this office by John M. Purker of Clovls, S.M; contestant, nalnst IIomeHteod entry No. 9821. mnde Oct. IS. i(K8. for S. K. H, Sec. tionl. Township? S. Rnniie 29 E, by David K. Flynt Conlctee. In which It is alleged that David E. Flynt has wholly abandoned snirt tract has not resided upon, Improved or culti vated naid land, or nny part thereof for more than six months next pri"r to date of said affi davit, and ihit said allPued absence from tin aid land was not due to his employment In tha Army. Navy or Marine Corps of the I'mted States durinir lime of wnr, said panics are hereby notllled to appear, respond and olTer evidence touching Raid alk-mmUm at HI o'clock o. m., on February 17, 1910. before W. T. Cow. Bill, U. 8, Commisiioncr t his office in Kenna Chaves County, X M., and that final hcariiiL' will be licld n 1 0 o'clock a. m. .n Feb. S4. I'-'io. before the Hejrisier and I'eeeiver at the Cnlted Stales Land Omcfl in Koswell- N. M. Tho said contestant having-, in a pr"pei affidavit, tiled Innuary 5. I di). et forth fact" which show that after due. dillitrence personal ervl" e of ihls n-'iieecan i-ot t e made, it It hereby oidcied and diiecitd ilia! su1 h noil e be iren by due and proper publication, T. O. Tillotson. ItcRister Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. U.S. Land Office at tioswell, N. M., Jan. 1-'. 1910. A sufUcicnt contest affidavit havinir been tiled in this office by Charles O, Whceli.r. ol Quannnh, Texas, contestant, against Home stead Kmry No. 1I73B. made April i. 1908. for NW'ai Sec. S. Tp, 7 S.. Itaneo 30 K.. by Oeorue VV. Csna contestee. in which is al iened that said Georee W. tissna has wholly abandoned said tract, has not reside upon improved or cultivated said land or any part thereon for mure than six mom In next prior to (lute of affidavit, and that said alleged ab. sence from tho said land wus not due to his employment in the Army. Navy or Marine Corps of the United Slates. In time of War. said parties are hereby' not ihed to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching sa d allega tion at 10 o'cloeu n. m. on March 7, llo, be fore VV. T. Cowgill. U. S. Commissioner, at h's office In Kenna, Chaves l ounty, New Mexico, and that final hearing ill be held at 0 o'clock a. m,, on March H. 1910, before the Ite .'later and Iteceiver at the United States Land office In Itoswell, New Mexico. Th said contestant having, in a proper attl'iavir, tiled Jan. 13. 1910. set forth facts which show that after due dilligen e personal service of this notice enn not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that suah notice be given by due and proper publication. f Y. C. Tillotson. W -eh. r. Regit! r. K R. THOMAS, M. D. Pf-yslolen &. Surgeon, KCNrA. NEW MEXICO. Carls Promptly Answered. w. o. w. Meets every 2nd and 4th Sat urday evenings in each month, All members ore expected to come out. And all visiting Sovereigns are cordially invited I . L, (,lnbb, con. com. J A. Kiiiniions, clerk. David L. Geyer. All Kinds of Business Uefore V. S. Land Office Promptly Attended to. Filit.g Papers, Applications to A mend, Leaves of Absence, etc. etc. Carefully and Accurately in-ule out. 't -f4.4'f For More 'Mian Nine Years ( reiver U. S. Land Ollice. Office: VVcit 2nd Sreet. Roswell, N. M. BLACKSMITHING I wish to call the attention of the peftpleof this sect it -n of the ctniniry to the fact that I am blaelcpmithing at Kenna, that I guarantee my work, and that I charge only reasonable--' prices. Please call and see nie when you need work done. H. E. WHITE, Kenna, '. New Mexico. Contest Notice Department of the Interior. U.S.I.nnd Office at Koswell. N. M., Jan. 17. 1910. A Miftlulent contest affidavit havingbeen Hied in this oPicc byZellie A. Smith, contestant, against Homestead Entry, No. fors. made Oct. 19(6, for SK! hecthm fo, Township 4 S.. Range 30 B.. by Walter K. McCaul contestee, in which it is alleged under date of March It", 10i, that taid Walter E. McCaul has wholly abandoned said tract, has n"t resided upon. Improved or cultivated said lnnd or any pari thereof for more than six months next prior to date of said affidavit, and that said alleged ab sence from the saM land was not due to ills employment in the Army. Navy or Marine Corps of the l.'nited Stales In time of War Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re spond and offer evidence lunching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a' m.. on Feb. 24, 191". before W. T. Cowgill. U. S. Commitsiooer. a l his office tn Kenna, L'huves County, New Mexico, and lhat tiniil hern-lug will be held ut 9 o'clock a. m-. March i. 1910. before the ltegistcr and He celver at, the I'nlted States Land Office In itoswell, New Mexico, The said content ant liuvlnt?. in a proper nrtl- da it. tiled Jan. 17. 191' I. set forth facts widen show that after due diligence personul service ii f -his notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed ttiat such nptlce be gucn by due and proper publication. Ian' 8 Feb, 13. T. C. 'i'lU tson, Kegiiiei. EV& SPECIAL OFFER: W iVS tfi;. Will m: yttu i i-r. .:.i::i-ni .!. !J M ri: ''r ' ti; r't','"u ruf'mt,ul ur ut 11 ) u-. j '.-..HI. ui aollt: lra,i II Jacinth, rcLlka t ! 'tnlU, iluf r.i', 111. f)MQltl lri, kilHn, tir, l.uun, -j' j.'lv.l't"Ctip,t;iil. nulut. Anrin'na, 1'a.Ouji i'.nti't Iirn!l Tal.p, )Vfv 1 u.lp, Yfciit9trf 1 I .11 4 i-. tufc.i, riT.ra, v. tui vwti, til Mt WTLEU TO IT.EAriR WrI'oti'ftsy Mention thin Pxper JSf2;Nl 2 I'M .if bui lJo'ilJ. U ;'l r vi.h "-f 1 I'liinraMtl, IwrvnWa, . jtr.i-tla ff faff, i-ii 4 n rteura. UiW. UuH ri 1 Tu!!j; ll'ilb. T. cntvlfit ft'! wmUw "VJ olibtta T4iUiij-iiiJWtt,iJ'i. ' j alH. W. Buckbee ilS ii I House near achool hout Enquiteof J, A. Kii.nnont?, $Mm S38JB 'tt&M FJ$l Bit L'JLi.'S 6LLB3 Rui'ChEDi n 1 l . j. , J r: