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1 hG Kenna Record W T, COWOILL, Editor and Pub'r MRS. COWOILL Local Editor. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Kntered February fth, 1907, at the Ken n, New Mexico, Post Office, as second Class fnil Matter. - Subscription $1.00 Per Year, In Advamoe. Using Rate Made Known on Application A Printer' Prayer. "O, let this d;i.y hefilled with the good things of life, deliver us from the hell box and fill every de linquent subscriber's heart with a dollar's worth of remorse; guard over J he office devil and deliver him from wiping his hands on the office towel; give us many periods of rest; keep our stomachs justified to run up against Monday's meal. Deliver us from getting out of sorts, and give us the patience of Job who wasn't a job printer; help us to our busines, it may be picking up and no case be found waiting. Keep our circulation Up to a heal thy standard and one that will need no padding Give us our daily bread, but deliver us from pi, at any price deliver us from throwing mud at the opposing candidate, but help us to pass them. And her our forms are locked up for the hereafter, let them be put to press in such a manner as to leave a clean and lasting impression upon man kind. Amen." SAL Begining With SaturflQu, Jan. 29, 10, mm rxenna will have regular Weeklu Sales Daus Under the management of W. H. Cooper Everythiug sold for everyboay- Come in and list your stuff, and arrange to attend all these sales. Sell what you don't want and buy what you do want, and also have a good social time with each other. Every Saturday, begining the 29th. Don't forget. W. H. COOPER, Kenna, The Clovis Supply Co. of Clovis, N. M. Who,esa,e and Retail Dealers in Groceries, General Merchandise and Country Produce. We pay HIGHEST MARKET CASH PRICE ?m flHTfltfFNS RTTTTER nnrl Ff,r,S Sftnrl lie vnnr PrnrliiPA. Items from Township 6, Range, 33. blighly disfigured, but still in the ring . Auxious to hear from some one elpe through the Record. Can hardly wait for mail day to get a new paper. Still for the occasion of the last night at the chapel, where all The youngsters of the neigh, boh rood met in prefect enjoy ment, and got to eat. a pie with the other fellow. Even some of the old men seemed to make quite a to do over the affair, for instance: Grandpa Price, J. Luster A. J. Shropshire T. II. Deathrage, and even Mr, Dice, from north of Elida, was in the throng, and aw busy with the affair as a girl of sixteen. Your humble servent made a canvas of several townships in the easteren part of Chaves county this week, and found preparations every-where for a big crop acrage the coming seas, on, and the people generally looking fo.i an abundant harvest in 1910, and the soil conditions at this time wrould seem to justify their hopes. Sorry to learn that Mr M. C. Baker, of 0-34, is .suffering with a "set-fast, 2 better known as a bono felon. Keep a stiff upper lip, brother, and you will live through it. We have suffered with this sort of thing ourself, and know what your are up against. "We've been thar." On our rounds we called on Mr. McUee, of Sterling Co., Tex., and learned that he has entered the battle with the U S, Govern- DAY New MexJco. Wepay express charges at this end of line. men for a home for himself and family. Success to you, brother. The young people of this vic:n ity will learn with grief that flurliert Luster has gono for an indefinite time to Hale Center, Texas. He has accepted a posi tion there on a stock farm, J. Luster, Carl Case and some others went to Elida Saturday, on a shooping tour., and other business. A. J. Shropshire had his boys, with teams,doing duble duty Saturday, on Roots. Veterans of the Civil War will understand what it is to be put on "roots" and it needs no explanation : they will know the rest. Oh yes. I had overlooked the fact that Master F, Staggered io tho sunny side of the daugh ter of Mr. W., and stumbled along very succesefully to the home of the meek-eyed maiden, whur he taried awhile before tak ing his departure on his favoritt saddler, ''Jackie", i Tho spelling match at the chapel Friday night, in connoc ion with the pie supper, was irery interesting, and caused many a blush and many a laugh. The sides were by 1st and 2nd choosers, Gladys Shropshire 1st, and Gaylen Price 2nd. Score 11 o 17, in favor of 1st. I Rev.E Kersey will fill the place of a pastor for the Grace Baptist church on Sunday at 11 a. m. before, and the fir st Sun day in each month, until the church calls a Shepherd for the flock. Bro. Murray, of the Baptist church at Kenna, will preach for us at 11 a. m. Fourth Sun day in February. Come one and all, and help us to build ul God's Cause and Kingdom, and gain the salvation of souls. A. J. Shropshire, being a membei of the pulpit committee, asks others denominations to take the un- occupied time. We very much regret the de parte of ourgenial neighbor Mr. Smith, who left Friday forthei range, and may go on to the Capitans before he finds land, wattr and grass for the nice little bunch of doggies he has collected S II. S nith, of the Highland vacinity, has been contemplatat ing putting in a stock of goods at hi3 place, for the convenience of his neighbors as wel us for his personal benefit. Of course we deem Kenna the proper place for him to procure his stock' and thereby help to build up our own county village, and we have given him the names of tho Kenna business men with whome wo have been associated to- wit: Kenna Lumber Co., Coal, JIardwne and Impl'ts; Carmichael Lbr. Co., Coal Hard ware and Grocer ies; G, J Frick Groceries, Fruits and Fresh Meats; G. J. Korthcutt, Dry goods, Kenna Mercantile Co., General Merchandise; Dr. II. R. Thomas, Physician and Drug gist. OLD TEXAS. Subscribe for tho Record. per year. , Why He handles DELECTABLES. Table finishes Such things as Celery, Oysters, and a variety of tropical fruits are constantly in stock. DHONE FRICK The number is twenty iZ'T N K THE JEWELE R When you want to buy a Watch or Clock; when you want a Watch or Clock re- ' paired; when you want a Wedding Ring, an Engage ment Ring anything in the line of Jewelry; when you need glasses, or want your eyesight tested re- j member Zink the Jeweler and Optician :: :: .: i Q. W. ZINK, Roswell, - N. M. Advertised. List of letters remaining in in tiie Post office at Kenna. N M., over .TO days on Jan. 31 1910. If not called for on or bcfoie March 1st 1910 will be sent to the dead letter office, Washing ton, D. C. Mrs. Lou Obon. Mr. Shorty Hayens. When calling for any of tin above please say ADVERTISED Claude J. Mahbut, Postmaster. Boaz News , The weather contains favor- abeand plowing is still the main pass time for the homesteader J. C. Pattillo' half mile west of town brought in a fine well of water on his place this week. This well is only 60 ft deep and promises to be equal to the Gaither well in every respect. Xolen Oliver with Joyce Pruit Co. of Roswell was in town this week calling on the merchants. Pres Smith has arived from Texas with his Emegrant car loaded with farm implements, mules, horses, etc. This look like Pies " means Inisiih nr. midi will farm as farming should be! done. J.E Bowyer with Earickson and Sabau of Alhumirrque was in town this week calling on I he merchants. Mr.W. F. Kainoy of EllaviDe, (la. is wiln Mr. Crowson this week and has filed on 820 acres of land west of town. Some of his friends are expected to follow soon and take up land in this vicinity. Mr. G. A. Griffes with the Shaw Advirtising Co was in town this week exibitlng a nice line of 1911 calendars and other attractive advertising matter. Mr. Goerge Osbon section foer man at this place come in this week with his household goods. Ho is excepting his crew of working men at any time when he will begin wmjc atFricks Contest Notice Department of the interior. V. S. at Iloswcl). N. M Jan. II, 1910. A sufficient content affidavit having been" Med In this ofllee by .Tames T, Teague.Kcnna. New Mexico, contestpnt, against Homestead Kntry No, lento, made lice, r, l!'co. for V'H NE 'innd y sK'i, Section Township S.. Mange SO F... by Newton F. Saaely comes'ee. In which it Is alleged under date of January 4, Ifllu. that sold Newton F. Sagely has w holly abandoned said tract, has not resided upon, Imp'oved or initiated mild In ml or any pari thereon for more than six months neit prior loilateof affidavit, and that sold aliened ab sence from the said land w as not due to hi employment in the Army, Navy or Marina Corps of the United States, in lime of War: Said parties are hereby tistitled to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching snid allega tionflt lOo'elock a. m. on March 4th, .910. be' fore W. T, Con-gill, V. S, CommiHslouer, at his ofllee in Kenna. C haves County, New Mexico, (and that rinal hearing will be held at 0 o'clock a.m., on March 10. 1910, before the ltegister and Receiver at the United States Land ofllee In Hoswell, New Mexico. The said contestant having. In a proper affi davit, filed January 14, HMO. set forth fact which show that after due dllligence personal service of this notice can not be mads, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Jan. 8 Feb. 18. T. C. Tillotson. ltegister. Notice Fop Publication. Department of the Interior, II. S. Land Office at Roswell, N,M., Jan. 23. 1910. Notice Is hereby given that John M. Mtms of Kenna. New .Mexioo, who on Nov. W, i0T, made Homestead Kntry No. t"";h. Serial No. OI340H, forstt. SWM. Section S Township South, and N. . N W X. Section 5. Township 3 South, allinltanire 30 E., N. M. I. Merdian, has Ulcd notice of intention to make final eon-,' mutation proof to establish claim to the land ubove described, before W, T. CowtUl, U. S,. Commissioner in his office at Kenna, Chares county, New .Mexico, on the &th day of March. 1010, Claimant names as witnesses. Harvey W.l-ry, John G. Keller, William P. f.ittleheld and Mniion K, Lorelady all'bf Ken na, New Mexico, Jn. 2n-Man h 4. T. C. Tlllotson. Register. wmm wmmi Kenna Ltnlge No. 35 1. O. O. F. Met.-ts every ThuiMiay night. Visiting nicinht is cordially in vited, P. L. Clvb. N. G. G. J. Fbick, Sec We will pay 3 1-2 cents cash for Mexican Beans, f. o. b your nearest rail road station. Write U5 what you have. CLOV1S SUPPLY CO. Wholesale and Retail General Merchants, Clovis, N. M. JOTICE CORRESPONDENT- Please write on white papar and be careful to make plain names and initials and oblige.