Newspaper Page Text
i I I i KIT MIMA TIM QHHP ' ?: I l I g ! Well Casing, ALL KINDS OF GALVANIZED IRON AND TIN WOhK. LL REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMTLY. F. M. Crawford, Mgr. I South of the Kimmons Lbr. Yard. iot-.WE&TEER Has gone south, and thwienvuni for "'Cold Drinks" is no lunger in evuieiico Wo'li make 'em '"hot" if you prefer "TOM arid JERRY" IV ill be with us this winter. Also some other ''Warm Numbers." "Drap in" . occasionally and sample our "Mellowizers " - J. F BROGDON. Phone . I Look for the I The J ersey Cow $ Jersey Cream Whiskey. Pabst and S Budwciser Beer, Wine ....... and Cigars. - i D J. ANDERSON, I Ayers Bldg., N, of Harness Shop, Kenna, N. M. WVVVVVA'VWVWVVWVVWVVVV C. H. PUTNAM the si S Estate MAN WHO DOES THINGS. I i i i i If you want your land sold, exchanged, or traded call or write to me. If you want free land, I can show it to you. Town lots and City property. If you want a relinquishment or deeded land call on C. H. PUTNAM, KENNA, NEW MEXICO. $ - - """ Tanks. 5 No. 25. 4 i big Sign WVWWWWWWVWVWVV w 1 Local. Miss. Beatrice Cooper, who is staying at her brother's and attending the Kenua school, goes home today visit her par ents until Monday. The crowd of pcopK' wi.o art in Kenna today, indicates there is fconieih'i;;- di g. Judge Vvuill. Pup- i VM.i: us today, conducting an invt sti gation. You will probably learn results before this issue of the paper i3 out. Wednesday was Ground llo d:iy and the chances are, wi will have another six weeks of winter. , Subscribe for the Kenna Rexord, 1.00 per year. Peach Pits. I have a few selected Peach Pits for sale If you desire any for planting you should cull at once as they are likely to oon be gone. J. A. Kimmons. at Lumber yard Wanted, House Keeper. Will pay Si 00 per week", board and room for woman or girl to do cookiug wash ing und honing and general house work .Family of five No sick one lit t. d apply. Cad. or address,; Dr. C. M. Yater. Koswc. 1, New Mexico. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that . ie partnership existing lc tween us in the Livery busines? was, by mutual consent dis solved on the loth, of January, 1910. All actounts due the firn should be paid to either W. P Ldttlcficld or to J. F. Brogdon, xnd all outstanding accounts art lue. ltespt , W. P. Littlefield, 2 4 J. M. Keller. CO.VTKST NOTICE. Deparlincnt of the. Interior. V omce at Boswell. . M. Dec 8. 9M. A HUftluieut contest arttdavit having tiei'i .lied In this Charles J. Firestone filidn.N.M., contestant, aeairst Homesteai F,ntr no. 101OH, made Nov. 11. 190T, fotSV !-. section I. Ton nshi 7 South. Hnnge 33 10., M.Cirant Paris. Oontestee, In which it l u'. let'Pd undcrdote of October20, H09, thut auli M, Grunt Paris has wholly abandoned snl iraet, ha snot resided upon, improved or euUi v a '.i-d said land or any part thereof formm 'Iihu sis mouths next prior to date of an tlai ndthat said iilletcd alisenco from sa'dhri was not due to lis dmployment In the Army. Snvyor Marine Corps of the Cnlled Siaiesi' time of War: kald parlies are hereby not IiKm to a ppaar. respond and oiler evidence ton iuu said nlleiratlon at 10 o'clock a. in. on ,'un. rt; 1910. before W. T. Cow Kill. U. 8. Commlssloniv sthlsofllco in Kenna. .M. and that tint hearing wlllbe held at 9o'loek it. in., on Kcl. 10, '10 before the Fteglsterand Reeelverat the United States Land ODIce in HohwoII. N. M The said contestaii'. haliigln a proiier nfh davit Hlrd Dec, tH. 1009. set forth fuels wl.icl ihow thut after due diligence, personal service of thisnotice cannot be made. It Is hereby or. dcred and directed thut such notice be Blven by due und propar publlention. T.C. Tlllot-on. Degister. Jan. 7 i8, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, V, S. Land ofhut at Roswell. N M., Deo. SI. 1909. Notice is horeby given thut Oool D. Myers. of Kenna, N. M who, on August tilth., lOoS made homestead entry number 8783 serin numberOlObflJ. for N. W. X. seetlon 8. towr ship 6 south, ranee M east. N. H I. Meridian has filed notice of intention to make I'lna Comminution Proof, to establish claim to the hind above described, before W, T Cowglli, U.S Commissioner in his ofdee. ai Kenna, N M.. on the 1st day of February 1UI0. Clnimunt names as witnesses: Simon K. ItlcUuirt, James M. Anthony, Pleas CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior IT. 8. Land Of fice ot Roswell. N. M. D''c. 28, 1909. A mifflclent contest affidavit having been tiled In thisodioeby Ilonard ,f . V. Clott"ohalk, of Julcn, N. M. contestant, against homestead entry no, I two. made May 3. 1(W. forNWK Soc. S.I, Tp. e Rnnge 3 B.. by BnoyJ. Coombs, contestee. In which It is alleged nndcr date of December 14, 1909. that saldHuoyJ. Coorubs has wholly abandoned said tract, has not resided uikjii Improved orenltlvated Sold land or nny part thereof fo more limn a'x months next plor to ilnte of sn'.d affidavit and that snld alleged absence from said land vnt not due to his employment In the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States, in time jf war: said partiesare hereby notified to ap pear, respond and offer evidence touching said alienation at Id o'clock a.m." n Feb. 9. lolti. heforeW.T. Cowglli, U. S. commissioner, at his olllce In Kenna. N.M., and that final hear ing will be held at 9 o'clock a. m. on Feb. If). lulf). before theReKister and Recclyerat the Untied states Land O'lli e 1" Ro"wcll. N ,'. 'f lie mi id contestant havlnir In a proper a'- (lnvit. IliPd Dec. 28.1M9. wt forth facis which show thnt after due diligence personal sei vic of this notl-e cannot be made it Is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be givnu by due and proper Publication. Inn.T-'-'S. T. C, TiUotson, Register. NOTICK I'OU I'l TIUOATIO.V. Depart tnent of thelntcrior. U. S. Land Office :it Itoswell. N. SI., Dec. 21. ID09. . Notice Is horeby nien ihnt John P. Vlckery. of Honz. N, M.. who. on October It'.ih. 1907. made homestead entry no. I2;fl0, serin 1 no. 'il.1l for S. K. '(. Section 2. Township ;; South. Uanxc J' Kust. N'. M. I". Meridian, has Uied notice of Intention to make Final Com mutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. T. Cowgil, V. S Commissioner In his office, at Kenna, N, M.. on the 31st day of January. 1010. Claimant mimes as witnesses: John P. Shambmiph. Lee R. Robertson, Wil liam A. Stanscll. Charles P. Moore, all of IJoaz. N. M. T. C. Tillotson, Dec, 51-Jan. 2. Register. N'OTICK VOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office it Roswell. N. M Dec. SI. 10tO. Not lee Is hereby given that Hall Lane, of Kl tins, N. M., who, on April 14, luS, made home tead entry no. llij;i. serinl no. OHflftJ, for S. W. i. Section s, Township 7 Soutli, ltansn OS Eat, n. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice of intention o make Filial Commutation Proof, to establish laim to the land above described, before 11. P. Lively. I'. S Commissioner, In his office, at El ilns. X. M., on Hie 31st.. day of January, 1910. Claimant names as wltncssos; Karl L. Lore. C.eorjre C. Cooper. Ell.abetli Chatten, Eliza II. Peckerlll.nll ot Elklm. N. M. T. C. Tillotson, Pec. SM.iii, s. Register. CONTEST NOTIC E. Department of the Interior, U. S. Ltnd i 1 flee at Roswell, N. M, Deo. S". lo!t. A sufficient contest aftlduvlt having been tiled In this omce by BennrdJ. P. Got tschalk of Judson. N. M., contestant, against homestead entry No. 11710. made April ij, 1907. for W) section 14, township 6 8., range 33 E.. by James L.Jordnn, contestee, In which It is alleged under date of December 14. luoti, that snld Jas. L.Jordan has wholly abandoned shIiI tract, has not resided upon, improved orcu tivated said land or any part thereon for more than sU months next prior to date of affidavit and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the U. S. In time of War. said parties are hireby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touch lng said allegation at p o'clock a. m. on Feb 9. 1910. before VV. T. Cowglli. U. S. Commis sioner, nt his ofllce In Kenna, Chaves County New Mexico, (und that final heoring wlllbe held at 9 n. m on Fob. 18. 1910. before) the Re gister and Receiver at the IT. S. Land office In Roswell. New Mexico. The said contestant having, in a proper of fldavit filed Dec. S8 1909. set forth facts which show thnt after due dill'trence personal ser vice of this notice can not be made, is herobj ordered und directed that such notice Le given by due and proper publication. Jan, 7-3''. T. C- Tilixitson, Reulster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Mary H Hutchinson. I'Miniln.: InD'n. Coui i Vs. Nd. P'e!.. C. 11. Hutchinson. Defendant C)i c.-i r u. n.m NOTICKOPSLMT. T. the defendant. C. R. Hutchinson, in the above suit- You will take noiioe thut u suit hits been lied against you i the DUliiel Court for the fifth Judicial District. Tenlloi j of New Mrs ico. for the County of Chaves, in which Mar) U HuicliiDson I-' defendant and numbered MWon the docket of said court- , That the object of snld ult is as follows: Suit to dissolve the bonds of matrimony be tween plaintiff nnd defendant for the purpose of obtaining a dlvort e for plaintiff and also to pay the cost of suit including a reasonable amount for attorney's fes and for such other and further relief as to lue court may wem proper. You are further notified if you fail to appear ind answer or plead In this cause on or before he 1st day of Muroh, 1910. judgement by de fault will be rendered aguinst you lu this cause nnd the allegations In plhlntlfl'scompluint wili e taken as confessed. J.T. Evans Is attorney for plaintiff and hit lusiness address is Roswell. New Mexico. Witness my hand and seal of said court this Rthdny December, 1909. 8. 1. Robert. Clerk. Seal By Oeo. L. WrLLya. Deputy. See the Kenna Mercantile Co's Slaughter Sale ad in thi:; issue. Fiy & Cooper, the pro grietois, are ont for the plniiH, for The Kenna !L 1- -1 .J ' Lil' LL'J'g Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, U S. Land Of- Occ ot Roswoll, N. M., January, Uth. 1010. Notice Is hereby given tlit Charlie P. Moore of Boa, New Mexico, who, on October 18th, 1907, mnOo homestead entry No. 191. Serial No, 01319S. for S.E, M, Section 4, Township 7 South, Rnnge 2!Enst, N. M. P. Meridian, hm Hied notice of Intention to make Final Com mutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. P. Lively, V. S. Commislon"r In hlsoflloe. at Elkins. N. M on the SJMh tloy of rcbruary, H'10. Claimant names as witnesses: Lee R. Robertson, William A Sinnaell. George W. Moore, Marlon O. Mills, all of Hon. New Mexico. T. C. Tillotson. Jan. 14. Fob. 16. I'.cgister. Notice For Publication. Non Coal Land. Department of the Interior. XT S. Lond Of fice nt iioswell. V V . .'h i. 6 h. 19 r. Noll 's hTei'.v tiiven ibm John P. i.ynum of Ilvmnn. . M.. w'io. on .lum.arT ii. 'W. made iinriW' nl entry No. IW;". eilal No. 01 its"", for lots 3 & 4 A EH S' H- Seir'lon a Township 4 Souih. I'ange S8 East. N, M P. Merldinn. hos filed notice'of intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the lnnd nboe described, before W, T. Cow;i!i, I. S. i 'ininlsloner in his office at Kenna. N. M.. on the nh day of Feb ruary. 110. Claimant names ns witnesses Ifcnry T. Jones. John Rlrle ad Mody B. Handy of Dynum. N. M,, and Jc2 D. White of J'.lidii. N. M. T. C. Tii.i.othos, inn. H Feb. 18 Register- Notice for Publlcaf Ion. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Of fice nt Roswell, N. M., January Sa. 1910 Notice Isliereby given that Isaao R. Dowel!. of Kenna. N. M., who. on January 15, 1909, made hotnestend entry No. C70S5. for PEW, Section 23. Township 6 South. Range S! EBr, N.M.P, Meridian, has filed nolle of intention tomuke final commutation proof, to establish claim to the lund above descrlben. before W, T. Cowgill, LT. S, Commissioner. In his ofllce at Kenna, N. St., on theSth day of March. 1910. Clnlinnnt names as witnesses: Wniinm L. Morrison and Lee Black, of El!d. V. M.. John Whlttaker and Clifford Whlttaker. of Wooton. N. M. Jan, 2H-March 4. T.C Tillotson, Register. Notice for Publication. Dcparment of the Interior. U. S, Land Of fice at Roswell, N. M.. January S2. 1910. Notice Is h?reby given that Robert E. Muney of Elkins, N, M.. who. on April S-.'. 1908, made homestead entry No. U972, Serinl No. 014771. for.NWM. Section 6, Townships South. Range .'3 East. N.M.P. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to timke final commutation proof, to establish claim to the bind above described, before H. P. Lively, U. s. Commissioner in his ofUce at Elkins, N. M on the Gth day of Marck 1810. Claimant names as nHres.-es: lames O. Iilcks, William Ke ley, W. Fred Reinhart, Johi. W, Hamm. all of Elkins, N. M. Jan, '.'tt-Mnrcb 4 T. C. Tillotson. Register. Content ioiice. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Of fice. Roswell. N. M., January 17, 1910. A sufficient contest all. davit having been tiled in thli office uy Zellie A, Smith, contest ant, against homestead entry o. S&S, made October 5, 1900. for ShH. Section U. Town ship 4S Range DO E.,by Walter E. McCiul contestee. In w hich it is alleged under date of M irch 16, I'.OT. that said W alter E. McC'aul has wholly abandoned said tract, has not resided upon, improved or cultivated said land or any P"rt thereof for more th'in six months next prior to date of said aibdavlt, and that said al leged absence from the said land was not due to his employment lu the Army, Navy or Mh line ( oi t'S of the United Stales, in time of War: s.ud parties are hereby noMred to appear. respond and offer evidence touching said alle gation ut 10 o'clock a. m., on Feb. 21. I9ij, be fore W. T. f'o-g.'.l. U. S. Comuil-slonor at his office in Kenna, Chaves Count yt N. N., afd t'jut final hearing will be held at 9 o'clock a. in., on March 4. 11)10. before the Register and tt reiver at the United Sta'es Land Office in Roswell. .New Xcibo. Tii s.ii'l eontes'ant having, in a proper amuvu. lli-'it Jan. 17. 1910, set forth fot f liich sluiw that after due diligence personal suimoc o! th;s ii"l'cc:au nol be nade. it is crehj oideiti'. ai.rl ilirccted that tuch cotioe be nlven by due nnd i ioi n vu' llciu'er Jnn.2x-Feb. 18. T. C, Tillotson. Register. Notice For Publication. Department of thr-. Interior, U.S. Land- Office at Roswell, Xew Mexico, Deo , i9, 1909. Notice is horeby given that the Territory of New Mexico. as filed, under the provisions of the act. of Congress of June 21, 1898, and the acts supple inentary and amendatory there to, in this office, selection hV of the following land , List No 753, Sena No. 019, 4C9; F, Sec 24. T 11 S , R. 86 E., N. M. P. M.- 320 i.eres Piotests or contes's iig'iins' siid selection may be filed in ims uiuwtiur... iM' peri'Mi or nulilicitioii h r 'f, iiv at f ny Uine thereafter, 'lid l f'ne hi al approval and cei 'iticre T C. Tillotson, Register, Subscribe for the RucoRn, tat A, Hopkins. James L.Oravel allot Kenns N. M. T. C. Tillotson. Subscriae Kecord. v srvyvwwwvwyvryrvvsyvyv I Da-21-Jn. !?, Register. 1 i