Newspaper Page Text
THE RECOR l) Vol 4. Keiinaj Chaves County, New Mexico, Friday, February' 25, '1910. Number 6 1 !" J. P. STON1?, President O. T. LITTLEFIELD, Vice-President V. I!. SCOTT, Cashier -Thc- l t KsnnaSank&TrustCo, OF KENNA, N. M. The depositors In this Bank are secured by the laws of this Territory to the extent of $30,000 CO. Our officers are bonded and we carry burglary Insurance. Every, safeguard of modern Banking pro tects you. Come in and see us. J The Kenna Bank & Trust Co. I i , - t IT IS TIME TO PLANT Onion Sets, Onion Seed, Potatoes and early Garden Seeds. We have them, send for catalog. Roswell Sesd Co., (1o .well, - - New Mexico. Contest Notice Department of the Interior, tT. S. Land Office at Noswell. N. , Jim. 14. !!)''.. . - miMelen, conte-t a " davit having been tiled in Ihiso.'lli'e by Janus T. Tent uo, Kenna New Mexico. contestant, spainst Homestead lT.iry No. tfSht. matin iec. 7. i' if tor VK KB Ia and vi';s S--'M. section . Ton1.ij i s Range ME,, by Newton F. Sauely cotuesiee, in whichit is alleged under date of Januniy 4 1910, that laid Newton F. Sagely has wholly abandoned anld tract, has not resided upon, ImpJoved or -cultivated Raid land or any part i hereon for more than six nionibs next prior tortufoi aflidaOt. and Unit said aileied ub etce from the shHI land was not due to hta uiployment In the Army. Navy or Marine C'orps 'f he United States, in time of Wart Said lames are hereby "o inert to a; pe:tr, re spond and offer evidence lonohing'SHid allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on March lib, -010. be foie W. T, Cwgill. I'. S. Commissioner, at his office in Kenna. t havet. County, New Mexico, (and that final hearing win be held lit o'clock . to . on 'arch 10, 1010. before the I egister and Receiver at the United states Land otllce In Ko well. New Mexico- The aaid contestant having. In n proper affi davit, filed -lanuair 14, I'm, set forth facts which show that after du diligence personal servlco of this notice can not be made. It is hereby ordered and directed H at such notice b given by due and proper publication. Jan. 8 Feb. 18. T. C. Tilut-)oh, Ketistcr. r Contest Notioe nmrir ent nf the Interior, U.P.Lnnd Ofllce at KobwcII, N, ;i., Jan. IT, tv 0. A sufficient corneal affidavit having been tiled In this oflce by Zellle A. Smith, conteitntit. .gainst Homestead Entry. No. uert. made Oct. . IVuf. for SEK Section '0, Township 4 S. ' Range 40 K., ty Waller B. conies' ee, in which I- is all ged under date of arch it'., tt'tiW, that laid Walter;, Mci'aul has wholly abando ned aaid tract, has n t resided upon, lmprod or cultivated mil land or any pari thereof for mora than six months next prior to da' of said aU'davlt. and hat sid alleged ab aenoa from the said land was not due to his employment In tra Army, ' avy or Marine Corp of tb United States in time of V' Sal I parti s are hereby nntiue-l to appear, re Pond and ntler eviden a loucli 'ng snld nllek' tlon at 10 a clock a' m., o' Fc! . i-t, 191' , before W. T. Cowgil1. U. S. i oani.ikiiiner, at hlso'ce . In Kenna, chares County, New Mexico, and '. that final hairing will he-held at So'clecV. - m , aiarch 4. 101 it. before the KegMer and Re ceiver at the t'nlted Mates Land Ofllce iu Koswall. vew Meiitn, T'io aaid .icute tai: having, in a :roier duvit..1.efl Inn. 17. Ititi), set foah facts whloo ah-'w thai after due diligence personal service of hJa iiu'ioe can not be made. Ills hereby ordered ai 1 directed thai aucli nptice be given bv due and proper puMicailon. Jan' fc Feb, 18 T. C. Till (son, ftcgistai Content (Notice. Department of the Interior. U. S, Land Ofllce at liosnelt. N. M Jan. v-i. 1i0. A suftlctcnt contest amdavlt having been filed in this rfl'.ce by Charles C. Wheeler, o Qtiannnb. Tcxiis. conteftunt. against Homer s'end I'mrv vn. 14730. mnde piil 4.190. for S'U Seo. M. I'p. 7 S . Honire S'1 by Cleorgc W. ( lsna contestee, in Whih is al leged that Knid Ge.trge W. ( lssna ha wholly abandoned BMd tract, has not resided upon,' improved or cultivated aaid land or any part thereon fur nvrc "han lx month' n'xt prior to lute of afllilavl. and that anld alleged ah sence fn'tn tho snld Mild was not due to hif empl' im nt In the Army. Navy or Marine corps of the United Mates, In time of Vat s'1 id parties are hereby notified to appear, re stioitd and offer evidence touching said a'lega lion at 10 o'clock a.m on March 7, 1910, be fore YV. T. Cowglll, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office In Kenna. Chaves County, New Mexico, und that flnol hearins will be hold at 0 o'clock a. m., on Mnrch 14. 1010. before the lfe'ister and Ue-jelver at the Utill'd Stales I and ofllce in Unswel', New Mexico. 'I he said contestant having, in a proper ultlilavtt, filed Jan. 1. 1910. set forth facts which show that after due dilllgence persona) service of this notice enn not be made, Ills hrcbv ordered and directed that s'.icli notice be given by due and proper publication,, T. C. Tlllotson. '1 ! M . ?r. Bcu'ist Wanted. To hoi iow $250 on 8 nn'iitli' tiiiu. a. d have nioi-il ;'n SKOi c t'l .tei- d vb I' l.idi t8''cnc pa . ni-i tv Ciill at Kfccoiin office for name and addles. Confest Notice. Department of thelnterlor, U.S. LandOfflce ut Hohwell. N. M.. Januarv S, 1010. - A sub'ient contest aftldavii huvlng been bled In this office by John M. Parlier of Clovti. N.f'. contestant, against Homestead entry No. iVJI. Cct. IS. ip. fi. fur P.K. H- i-ce tlon 1. Township" S, Ranire 20 K by David V Fljnt t'ontetee. In whhh ll is alleged that David K. Flmt hs wholly abandoned said triict lifls not resided upon. Improved or cultl- vn t eil said land, or any pnrt thereof for mote than six tnnqihs next prior to date of said am duvlt. and th'it suiJ alKued absence from the said bind was not due to his employment In th Army. Navy or Murine Corps of the Cnid-d States dininii lime of war. suld parties nre hereby tiotilli'd to appear, respond and offer evidence touching suld aU 'gation at 10 o'clock a. m". nh Fclir tarv IT, 1910, before Vt'-.T, row g'tl. u. N. rom nhd iner at his office In Kenra. t.'hnvcs County, N M., and that tlnnl hearing will be held at 0 o'clock a. m. on Feb. 54. VH). before (ha Itegister and Deceiver at the I'riit-d states I.and in Hoawell. N. M The snld com eat tint having. In n proper affidavit, filed January 5. I'llO, et forth facts which show that after due dilligance personal. S3, vl.'e of this notice can not be made, it I hereby mdci ed and diiccted that su' h noli' be ven by due and proper publication, '". C. Tilliitson, Jnn. 21-Feh, II Kegislor What Things Can not Be "one? The Texieo Trumpet tells tho wonderful f:t iy of two f irnicrs near Tex co who ovcl'C(me a littli obf.tii. 'o lilo fiu.iiH'ial cni harasMm ni by boring 0 wclisoii their farm witli $5 woilh of nnteiial wlpch coiisistt d of six boards, a two irons a little water and i great, amount fif nluscle and untiring (.iForf. J T W tt. i d Mi. Reeves 0 mi'es southwist of Texico were 1 1 ir men who ; vt: to 1 li . w ir'd r.ln's unique x unpl of Hkil.fuie find economic i.ianigement wiiich ought lo make every poor grumbleri'gainst the destiny of ffUe vvhiclt gave to him l ard kick and poverty how to the earth in organized nloriific ition No more -et i' bes iid 1 1 1 it- in dustry i f nud 'd upon capital! This incident proves the reverse. During the 'eisure days of NvinitrMi- Wva'tand hi-ineigli lior Mr. Tfeeves laid t i e plans of. the haT. y sheine to dig a we1' on tlni;' pjivilll) fcfct deepaiid without (; st. Accordingly they took i "' e of iron cylinder rb mi.lS m .h -s long.unl 6 inches mi dia'intei'j li.iiici c(l it at Ihe b "tto:n, fpiit t down one sido ind fa'.t!iti'l il- to an S ft.ot two by-four vith'siiip jion Th derrick consisted of 3 10-foot two-by-fours and a common well pullv and leees.-aiy ainouni of rope compk fced Ihe drill- Then liegnn t '-e !t il ing u-ing physical power of wiiic i there wa an abundant supply. The cylinder was wotked up an1 down in ihe I mle wli cli vn- slushed with water until n was full of dirt w ien" it, was pulled up and em Whriviock wasreaihed they changed 1 heir tactics using instead t heavy fi incli iron weiLe fastt ne I between 2 two by-foiiis, jniling up il.e lock with the c hndfr after chojiping it with th wedge. Through li feet of roc'; they went making 5 feet a da striking tu- giavel bed and '.' feet of wa'er a a deiifh of lid Jtet. The entire feat was accomplished in 12 clays thus aval iing nearly 10 feet per day. i'lio time and nergy upon it were well wuith while and their xample might bo f !ovved v.:li niofit by others not o i:y .ii : ir( iua'.terof tli.g iug through earth to find waier without financial backing but in ovoi coming anv kind of a difficult wi ;.ou; the wished for facilities. These indu: tnou farmeis ,- and out a.( liwng inonuni' iil ? of t ho good old ad age; WIki'i there's a wid there' a way. llagerman Mesenger Sht She She .She Slie Stic She She She She She She She She She She She She She She :.UY NOT IiG VERY liiQ She may n t Have1 r.-d h.w: But when she says she wants a new house, or a new porch, or anything in the hardware line, you had better get busy and avoid t rouble. And when she tells you t hat the mcsr Pt.ACio to wjy all the miterial is at ihe KENNA LUMUE; CO.. d wi't argu bj c.iusH she knows and wt are ready to help her prove it We handle everything in the line. Kenna Lumber Co. She She she She She She She '-. She She She She She She , She the She Site She Joe E.-and John W. Rhe of Rowed haVo closed a deal ui'li J. P. Whit', maiiu' or of the Littlefield Cattle company, for the purchase of all the LEJ.) four and five-year-old steers on the company's ranges in New Mexico an i Texas for de'ivery in the eatb nan. t.f next. Apt it at Bovina and Kenna at per huad. It is believed ihere will be 3,200 head which will make the purchase up'r's?131,200. Most of tne cattle are extra line, large tive-'x oai ' i. o I t.1!'" li... a Full of le ni ig The .-vhoo! r a ;;(-, j, li Tom my -to v. U'o' a sente. c using the wprd .; .iissasslimle.'' Tommy .wtxdCiK. "Xate was a school tBtdwr: who didn't like to te sassedy so the bad boys got whipped for a sassin' Nate."- Kansas City Times. B.O-i. OXpi Cl. Ia Llij. UlU calll. iO their Kan.-as pastilles. No such price has been paid this season foi hiich a large, hunch of cattle and the a!o js' icgardud ;is Oiie ol the het,t ever made in tin Pecos vailt-v. Tribune Citizen, Are You A' Mule? Certainly no . Bui you uie l he posesoi. of a UiU.e or 'm -e Th 1: to : OKART: ' ' makes HA'.lNEaS. Kenna, . . N. M Two Irs iinea, Miki and Pa.., stood Iwoltiug at hncivlayers w lio i wero working on a building thai. was being ereciel vh-;i 111,: following con veroa lion Avasovcr heard: j Mike Pit. kin c t )! .me.j K'.ioui t. e ill .ii.!v U ',5.11 er? ' '. ',: l'at Sure, Mike.. It's" tl.c .mortar. , ',j At.: i y do-;. .&ig t 'Tliatkapej tiieiU apart ita.' jiui 's Weekly j '"Now, iittle,; Leys," said a j Sunday school teacher as he he lamed at the little faces before !him, "what lessen can we learn j from tho busy busy ' "1 know, "said Tommy. ' Yes Tommy, ' said the kin.ii.v faced man, "and what Hiff . Promptly s-tid Tommy : "No; to get Stung." . Attorney Ag'i:ecd Avith the court. A lawe'r "i ame into ourk drunk the j-j 'g( ..e-., '-0 i,;m: 'Mi '"i iin -i i - ,, -.1.1,111 asiniatioii which is a disgrace '.o yor.r ;(.!f and family ami the prj- ti'S- o'l til uhich ()H ilel.injr." ' T. is it-proof ehe-cd ihe follow. l- i.i, i ' it jil ; ' I) 'I..V .U.-.)l .lloi sp alitOUH-i' ,T did:-! satd sir, that, in icy opiidrtii, you disgraced yourself and f.nnily, . the court and-tho (eofes-i in hv your coarso of co i '," , "H;iy i i it please your lio'i or 1 have been an attorney in -in in. thk c court foy fifteen v ea' s', . and. iermit me to saf tr...- Iuiii'ii', h it. .his the fir.jt coi,"-ci, i.pini.m I ever knew you o g i V e-' ' 1 ) u.i 1 1 1 th (Advertiser. e li a " . A braflni' iivited friend to t'haiiksgivitigdinner, and as the colored servant entered the room he aecblt'iilhy dropped the plat er that held ih tin key Th host in a most impressive tone said: "My friends, never in all my Ic e have I witnessed aai event so fraught v . Hh disaster to the var ious n.! ioi.s of the globe In thi.-. c .lamitv , es. e Ihe dowifall of i iiikty, I, i.-pset'i'ig of (ireoc. , lha desiuci oil ol China and ti e humd uiou of Africa " A lif.lle fel'o'v -iHhetl b.eatli-les-lv j O-ii a drug tore. "Please, si.i'j some linimeat aial sunn; cement !"' "What" asked the puzzled (',,'r!Vi,.tti4ttl trouble," .',rhit-.-:4 op en tho head ' t: !i -t'i j-nitfi'v''' .lehn Gii'iter, originally ' f rom tTo.d (Jouuiy, Tex, who hiis.a fine claim aboir ten. miles -wessl of ht ie, was ip Kenna Saturday on business lio lias been work ing the alfalfa district, near LaW Arthur, for some time, but' , now on his claim, w ith four lij; mules and a Sulky plow tearing' up the soil aiid getting re-uly foi i spring crop. John .will, of c iii'-t Ifarm According to Gun ,er," vhicii Uitdonliteiliy spe'.I-- hUCCfcS. s:m ciai. nivKm ii totheJouitXAt, PcwACN, M-, F-h, 21. The Chaves c t nty court house at R )sweM,,ibujjte:ghteeu years ; go. at co-t .'t-V-hirtv-five thou i- Umd dollarst !tas sold at public an'Hion today,, to K. W. Smith for five thou'nd and eighty d( I lars. The'buy'or ;s re.uired to clear tlfc -r.oun ! by piil 15,U tijjiiakt way for the new one hundred hl thirty thousand dodiir cort house which i: to replace the old one. The buyer will utilize the old material in the building of tho now court house, which will be one of the finebt in tho southwest.