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RECORD Vol. 4. Kenridj Chaves County j New Mexico, Friday, March 18, 1910. Number 9 v VV Q J. P. STONE, President O. T. LtTTLEFIELD, Vice-President w: TA. fiCOTT, Cashier The Kenna Bank&TrustCo. t)P KENNA, N. M; ttie defositoh5 in this Bank are secured by the laws of this Tefritofy to the extent of $30,000.00. Our officers are bonded and we carry, burglary Insurance. Every zifeguiJrti bf rriddem Banking pro tects you. Come in and see Mi. The Kenna Bank k f fitet Cd. contents and begnn pouring water on the roof. Tliey did it very skilfully, and in fifteen minute the blaze In the roof was cut. Then the old man thanked the neigh bors,' nd the fire department rolled up its hORe and flcrwr'ed, and the old man was left with bis hands I't nh pockets, looking at the damaged house. "Good work, that," said a stranger. "Why, they saved everything." "mats riffnt it tn old man gloomily. "Loss wont be over $23, will it?'' asked the stranger. The old man sighed. "About $15, I should say," he said bitterly, "aild I rtffl I'll spend that having this furniture and trufk Battled away." f t have a Complete and New Slock of Millinery that, will arrive m a few days, ami will be rcaly for your i pt ction at my residence, on Main Street in Kenna New Mexico. -v.', You are cordially invited o call and see what I have t. show" you ill tills line", htlfoi'e going elsewhere. Easter Hats a Specialty! th, thf- jL if) ' Cbi s v pt art si Qi sjruuri. BUSY MANS HM ButTON. Al business man told this story to Vbe London Tlmes't ''i wnnt to see ft very busy man in the i in and bi-inrj much Interested In my business, I Uilked rather at length and perhaps consumed a little lo4 Much Hints. 'The telephone in Mr. Busymnn's desk rang, and he picked up the receiver. . "'In a minute;' he said; 'I will be there iimncdiatelyi t am busy with a gentleman now, but ws are about through." "I started to hurry my last words 8b as hot to detain him, but I forgot Vuyscir and talked longer than I in tended to. Againthe telephone rang. " 'All right,' answered the man; then turning to me, continued: . w 4t hfcvts fen appointment on the floor above that will require me to excuse myself - for a few minutes.' Ke left his desk and disappeared through the door. "I was anxious to say a few words more, so I waited. Several times I thought I heard sbm one approach h door through which he had gone, but tn minutes passed without his returning. I walked up and down the floor, and In my Journeying noticed a button at the end of his desk where his hand had rested, and through a meddlesome spirit, touched It. I was surprised to hear the telephone bell ring. "I mad an examination, found the telephone connected with nothing but that button, and realized that he had rung It Just to get rid of me. "I concluded to wait no longer and sneaked out as quick as possible." Ex. FOR SHAME! Joe was a delicate little fellow who had never had any associates of his own age. Then, too, he was very modeBt. Missing him one day his mother went out Into the back yard, and this Is what she saw: The tur key gobbler was strutting around with every feather stretched to its limit, nnd little Joe was trotting behind, slapping him gently once in a while and saying softly, "Put down your clothes! Put down your clothes!" The Delineator. By (he President of the l ulled Stale of America. -A Proclamation. Whereas by th? Act of Congress ap proved July 2, 1900, the Thirteenth Decennial Census of the United States is to be taken, beginning on the fif teenth day of April, nineteen hundred and le; And Whereas a correct ehutHeratlon of the population every ten years Is re quired by the Constitution of the Untied States for the purpose of de termining the representation of the several states in the house of repre sentatives, and Whereas it Is of the utmost Import ance to the Interests of all the people of the United States that this census should be a complete and accurate report of the population and resources of the country; Now, therefore,' I, William Howard Taft, president of the United States of Amerlcfli d8 he-eny declare and make known tnat.. un.;r the act aforesaid, it Is the duty of very person to answer ail !nesMnr!3 on the census schedules applying to hi it! fitid the family to which he belongs, and to the farm Occupied by him or his family, and that any adult refusing to do so is subject to penally. The sciie purpose of the census is to si-ciire grtert statistical information regarding th? )(:l)uiatttiH afid resources of "the country, and replies are re quired from individuals only in order to permit the compilation of such gen 0riii fcthflElif'S! The census has noth ing to do with taxation, with aiiiiy 6r jury service, with the compulsion of school attendance, with the regulation bf immigration, or 'With the enforce ment of any haiKitifli, slfUfri fir local law or ordinance, nor can any por son be harmed in any way by fur nishing the Information required. There ned be nrt feitr that any dis closure will be made regarding atiy individual person or his affairs. For the due protection of tho rights and ttttaresta of thp nf rsona furnixhlnir ih- IS tYtRY DAY LIFE. 'formation every euinlovee of tho cen- The old man did not feel disturbed i sua bureau is prohibited under heavy THE TOWN OF AFTEIl TEN. By Carolyn Welis; I wlsht I was as big as men; To see the Ttjwii ef After Ten; I've heard It Is so bright and gay, it's almost like another day. '!ut to my bed I'm packed off straight When that old clock strikes half-past eight it's awful hard to be a boy And never know the sort of joy That grown-up people must have when They're In the Town of After Tert. I'm sure I don't know what they dd. For shops are closed, and churches, too. Perhaps with burglars they go round, And do not dare to make a sound! Well, soon I'll be a man, and then 1 11 see the Town of After Ten! Harper's Magazine. film She She She She She She She She She She Shi She She She She She She s he MAY NOT BE VERY BIG She may not have red hair But when she says she wants a now house, or a new porch, or anything in the hardware line, you had better get busy and avoid trouble. And when she tells you that the ri:sT place to but all the material is at the KENNA LU MBER CO., dan't argue be cause she knows and we are ready to help her prove it We handle everything in the line. Kenna Lumber Co. She She She She She She She She She She She Slur She She Sh She She She She my chair instead I'll bit ease and humbly bow my head. I've lab'oTO in thy vineyard thou dost know; I've sold ten tickets to the minstrel show; I've called on fifteen strangers In our town, their contributions to our church put down; I've baked a pot of beans for Saturday's spree; an old time sup per it is going to be. I've dressed three dlls, too, for our annual fair, and made a cake which we will raffle there. Now with thy boundless wis dom, so sublime, thou knowest that auirj on oa.t '.stun e" If soiinp osain to fight my spirit's foes. I have no time to mend my husband's clothes. My children roam the street from morn till night, I have no time to teach them what is right. But thou, O Lord, considering all my cares, iM count them righteous and will heed my prayers.- Bless the bean su-.iper and the minstrel show, and put it in the hearts of all to go. Induce t!i? visitor! to patronize the men who i;i our program advertise, because I've chased these merchants till they hi- whene'er they saw me coming yea, they did! Increase tho contributions, the c6nributions to our fair, and bless the people Who agsemble there. Dies thou tho grab-bag and the gipsy teat, tho flower table and the cake thaia sent. May our whist club be to thy service blest, our dancing party gaye-F than the rest. And when thou hast bestowed these blessings, then, w pray thee that ,hou wilt bless our souls. Amen." Sflocted by Kzra Flora, Sterling, 111. Varied Mental Diet. . Monotony of thought Is the destruc tion of the brain. Watch yourself and give yoiir mind a varied diet. Force yourself to put away ail thoughts of your life work for a few hours every day, and for a few weefc every year. Learn to be frivolous if you are engaged in serious wo: It and learn. to be serious if your work Is of a humorous or light character. The brain, like the body, needs more than one kind of food to keep in health. THE COUNTY EIGHTH GKADK I KOMOTFON EXAMINATION. Announcement by the (onnfj Superintendent ef the Time and PUce ftr Holding S;imo. mi'tlilnit New in Educational Work li New Mexico. that his dwelling was on fire. Strange as It may genu, this did not cause him to lose his head and to rave about and otherwise slid extitenieiit; The reason was that the place was fully insured; it had been insured for a long, long while, and was growing old, and he needed the $1,200 badly. Let her burn. Tills bolng bo, it can be Imagined what he felt when his loyal neighbors assembled to help him. Two of them called the fire department. Others dived heroically Into the building and brought forth insured furniture, saved and intact. The old man gritted hit teeth. That $1,200 would come In mighty handy, and tho whole blooming she bang wasn't really worth much more than that. They brought out pictures and care fully laid them in the yard. They rolled out the p'ano and trundled it to a placo of safety, carefully covered with a blanket. With whoops of enthusiasm they plunged into the smoke and emerged bearing chairs and sofas and things, and placed them well out of reach of the fire. penalty, from disclosing any informa tion which may thus come to his knowledge, t therefore earflesti' illg?i upon ll persons to answer promptly, coiii1 pletely, and accurately all inquiries addressed to them by the enumerators or other employees of the census bu reau, and thereby to contribute their share toward making this great and necessary public undertaking a suc cess, In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this fifteenth day of March, A. D. one thou sand nine hundred and ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty fourth. WM. H. TAFT. By the president: P. C. KNOX, (Seal) Secretary of State. A PRAYER. , Lord, I como to thee once more; But pardou if 1 do not kneel before The fire department came about the Thy graclou presence for my knees time they had cleared the house of ltsare sore with so touch walking t' Pursuant tl? Inductions from i'ue Te rritorial Superintendent of Public Instruction, I have decided lo nme Friday-and Saturday, April-29th and 30th, 1910, as the time for holding the Eighth gVado promotion examinations for 'hve county and Roswell and Hagerman rj the places. I am convinced that these jicuht will iest accommodate all pupSa who have signified their In tentions of taking saint1. At Roswell the examination will be tflrtctly under the supervision of the CMin'r Superintendent, while at Hagermun, Prof. W.. F, Osborne will be in charge. Prof. Osbofilcl h no' puplis In his school that will 'apply for the cer tificate and I am sure will conduct the eM.mlaaUon in a fair and satisfactory manner. All applicants for the Elghlh Grade Promotion CetMfiVate muHt be examined in the following branches: 1st, ARITHMETIC, using Walsh's New Grammar School. Arithmetic Com plete. Tliiie, tnt and one-half hours. 2nd. GRAMMAR, U!ne Reed and Kellogg's Higher Le?sons In English. Time, one and one-half hours. 3rd. HISTORY, using Montgomery's Lefldinn Facts in American History. Time one and one-half hours. 4th. CIVIL GOVERNMENT, using Boynton'a Civics. Time, one nad one half hours. 5th. PHYSIOLOGY, using Conn's Elementary Physiology and Hygiene. Time, one hour. Cth. SPELLING, using Reed's Word Lessons Complete. Time, one-half hour. 7th. GEOGRAPHY, using Redway and Ilinman's Natural Geography Com plete, Time, one and one-halt' hours. !)th. READING, using selections from Webster's Elementary Composi tion. Time, one hour. . The examination will occupy about eleven hours and must be completed within two days. Full Instructions will be furnished the examiners, together with all questions which will come scaled and must be opened In the preset of the applicants. The papers will be graded by' the County Superintendent, assisted by a committee of teachers. They will then be sent to the Territorial Superintendent, who will supply the certificates to tho successful applicant', duly signed by that official and countersigned by the County Superintendent. All teachers who have pupils expecting to take th examination wl!l please report the number and names of all such pupils to the County Super intendent at their earliest convenience. The? Eighth Grude Promotion Exercises will be announced later. Respectfully, C. C. HILL, County Superintendent.