Newspaper Page Text
r "PIT1 Voh 4. Kennar Chaves County, Ntw I loxico, Friday, March 25, 1910. Number 10 J. P. STONE, President G. T. LITTLEFIELD, Vice-President W. XI. SCOTT, Cashier lhc . KennaBank&TrustCo. OF KENNA, N. M. The depositors in this Bank are secured by the laws of this Territory' to the extent of $30,000.00. Gut officers rife bonded a!nd we carry burglary insurance, Every safeguard of modern Banking pro tects you. Come in and see us. "Befor i starling to towff intU uptheloal newspaper and see who it is ' hat wants your ttado,' says' an ;:ehange. It is- the iner. chantvvl.o advertises that wanh IcW.txaL.'o atYd yon should in all fairness recognise ids hititntion and rail on him firsr,. If ho ha?, n't in sto' lc what von want I hen go ouf. and hire a hoy to show you wheie tho other stores in towti rtre located. is na Bank $z Trust Go. I wV llitlineru St 'ore 1 have a Complete ami .New Mock of Millinery that, J) will arrive m a few days, and will he ready for yoiu- bT inspection at my residence, on Main Street in Kenna h New Mexico. ' v You are cordially invited kfcall and see what I ha6 h to shdw ydu in thisliuK before coiner elsewhere. Farpr v.l , .... iriats a hpeciauy. esp., Mrs. X. . Qntan. A Good Suggestion. "Why, I declare!" exclaims the trusting wife. "I won't have to buy ary new dresses; o:' hats at all tills sirring!" "You won't?" asks, the crafty husband "Surely you will need something" "Not a thing. I've been look j j in or thronsli this month'-; f aside:'-, magnziiu- , that veil brought home for me, and I find that jthcie i. ; t ' ihe slightest change i And cuti'i v husband wauiiy gi 'iimg v ei- thefciiccess of his fcch'iiie to paste a this years rovrr on a last, year's magazine, leans hack in his chair and smokes and smokes and smok, Judge's Lihrar . 4$ Bch't go "Numbering" along ; f Slkc an "Wei Wagon!" (it "Lumbering," nnd RUY LUMBER. You need a Snugger House, or, if .von have n good iloiiKC, you nrod a l?arn. Shod or Chicken House. WeVo got. the Material -Vou've got tiie M O N E Y, or 8,1 least we hope you have. Lot's SWAP! We'll make you tW hVii tiade -Dollar for Dollar in value, nnd Nobody Harmed. $ Come and see us and talk it ever. I enna XumberXc, Pienna.Wew tMexlee.. PlMsite Bank. . Godc) Advice To Young Men. How much do you know about Or do you know bunin' THE (OriSTlr EKJHTH Clt.VDE I'KU.MOTKtN KXAMI.V AUON. Aiinoniiof mcnt by the County Superintendent ( the Time and Places far Holding Same. Sometlilnir New in Eilucailonnl Work lu Xew Mexico. Out Of The Ginger Jar. the crow sticks steadfastly to his caws. The chewing-gum girl lives from hand to mouth. The night-key is not usually the key to success. Even tho wise men are occasion ally otherwise. " A mortagage on the house will not prevent the roof from leakingi There are some men so lazy that they will not even file their liensi It isn't worth while to cull in a veterinarian for a had case of eggs. The business of a promoter is to per suade your money into his pocket. A little vanity keeps a man keyed up to his best, while, too much reders him obnoxious to his fellows. There is many a stump speak er who would much better be at home pulling the stumps from his own clearing. Hob: "I see Smith in town; what motive brought him ? Bub:" I don't know for sure, but I think ii .vus a locomotive." ooino ul the R-ul farmers coui- ..,;a i hat the average city agrieul-i..i:i- .hn'sn'i. kbovv a corn oi tho L.t.i.1 !!;ii corn iu the ear. " A ,. ., I... !.?! out in life's race O.ip,' ;, ' '"'- . t ' ! like!;.- lo !-e r i'i .:v li, i'.i.i: he j. ! ."! ' i a - 'ij'nii his The i i i 1 1 "Li:h ' cocij a multitude of things we know nothing about and assures us that j when ignorance is bliss'tis folly to Ik wise. 1ittle Johnny watching a hen cackling furiously, said: "I know what is the matter with that chick en. She dropped an egg around here somewhere and has forgotten where she laid it;" Farm Jon rnah A CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK The inquisitive stranger stop psd in front of a cottage by the road side. "Who lives here?' he asked "Mr. and Mrs. Stone, respond ed the children. "Indeed, and who are you?" "Oh, we are the litte pebbles, Sir" Everyday life. The Wiet'otn of Soleman. Two men were arging a bout the nationality of a man of their acpuaintance, not being able to decide, they refered the question to an Irshnian who was passing. "Says Pat,'! one asked, if Eng lish parents had a son born in France, would he be a b reneh nian. "Ai rab, now," said Pat. "If a cat should have kittens in the oven, would they he buscuits?"' Every day life. .'Litt'e boy" asked the v II inoamiiiag reformer "is tl:;:t your mamma t'tr yonder with I; ,!!' ';;' ft. .-f fmr" lY--, -ir," iUiswcrs i.-- br-.-ht !..d. ' YI!, d: .iu know wh ,L poor animal it was that had to tu filer in order that your inamnia might have the furs with which she adorns herself fo proudly? "Yes sir, my Papa," Chicago evening Post. one something fth'iiit, it (lo.i-n lines of business? The sooner you stick to one business through thick and thin, and learn everything there is to know about it, the sooner yon will reach the top. Don't I e one of the hundreds of young mt n who work trt a new job Mch mon h or so, and change their work lnsdy tims a year. Never 1 e tempted to seek anot her i - i. . . juii p hm;ji . s... (jn nin iuuko a nine more mo ey at it. This is the poorest p -ssible olicy. The most mohdy will coiito to you after you httve worked hard to master youf business not before. It is better id Volk t 'ur years at six dollars a week an- know all about your business t ian to work four years i'oftwelvo d'jli.'trs week and be master of nothing. Look yourself squarely in the face are you working to under stand the, business or draw your pn.V. The hlohey you earn when learning ii trtide Is a tilth' coin pared with the training. Training will earn dividends for you many years after your weekly pay i- spout You can't dig a well by making The youth who was Mii,;iitg a lot ot three foot holes in a do.- a ci.r;1icl te near a monkey's cage en places YWve gotto keepou (o() ni1otnt1. lv111 p.cke'. digging down, down, at one place . . -m.,,,. i. f , . , . " oiih it ofliiv barm, beank until yon strike water, and then, the well i , made forever. 'l "if ' '""''1 "''"'ev hu'i v r Coneeii' rate your energy on one these;'' "Not a-bil. ' responded business. Don't tire of it there the attendant "lb-w. uld net is i-o l.i..-ities en eailh .which iu-:ch i'. A iii"ii'v i not as ha.-n't a lot of drudgery in it. ! ,ig m fool as ho look's" Si i-k to one trade or business and j . you'll win. - Suceess Magazine, i THE OWL. Pursuant to ififSftOttons from the Territorial Superintendent of Pub to Instruction, I have decided to Friday and Saturday, April 2;th and SO &. 1010. as the time for holding the! Eijjihtli tcrade proiviotion examlnatiouB Chp.ves county and Roswell and HaKorman aa idares, I am convln'uA that these points will best accommodate all pupils who hav signified their ii tentions of taking same. At Roswell the examination will be directly under the Bupervlirton of t County Superintendent, while at Hafrermnn, Prof. W, F. Osborne wi!l be in i'hare. Prof. Osborne has no pupils in his school that will apply for the c r tlflfnte and I am sure will conduct the examination in a fair and satlsfarf.f.-y manner. All applicants ttjt th KiRhth Grade Promotion Certilcat" must examined in the following bfa'8flh 1st. ARITHMETIC, using Walsh's Nw Grammar School Arithmetic Com plete. Time, one and one-half hours. 2nd. GRAMMAR, using Reed ami Kellojtg's Higher Lessons in Knglt"k. Time, one and one-half hours. ?rd. HISTORY, using Montgomery's Leading Facts in American Hist'- f. Time one and one-half hours. ith. CIVIL GOVERNMENT, uslc? Boynton's Civics. Time, one nad o- half hours. .".t!i. PHYSIOLOGY, using Colin' Elementary Physiology and Hygle .. Time, oiie hour. Gtli. SPELLlXO, URlng Rced'u V.'ord Lessons Coniplete. Time, one-fcrlf hour. ' 7th. GEOGRAPHY, utdng Redcer :nd Hinman's Natural Geography C i pUto. Time, one and one-half hour; . !th, REAPING, using splectlons from Vebster' Elementary Compe.l tion. Time, one hour. The examination will occupy abr.ut eleven hours and must be compiei il within two dnys. Full instructions will be furnished the examiners, tog.r with all questions which will tome scaled and must be opened In the preucuc of the applicants. The papers will I i graded by the Couuty Superlntendi t. assisted by n commlitce of tcacbais. They will then be heat to the Territor ) SuperinteiHleiit, who will Bipily the certificates to the sucecssful applican I, duly signed by that officiul and count, rsigned by the County Superintendent All teachers who have pupils expecting to take the examination v .11 please report the number and names of all such pupils to the County Sup r intendent at their earliest convenience. The Eighth Grade Promotion Exercises will be announced later. Res , ctl'ully, . C. C. HILL, County Superintendent. J l'lir owl s:it mule in l!.f Imiinv trrc; 1 ;,i,)";'h ilic !,",' .lay i.ot a . und . , . , Whv, 1 1 : c i , i, ' uimi ii.'.rri'.-if! to thi' bird? Mr. nrown Aio you nianiedti . . , It IS I) ITf.U T 1 ) What lid he meaa. Mr. Walton. I am married and have a wife and three child ren, aed tin ip'xt Ju'y I iini go ing to celebrate the fourth' btcaiisf lit spraks nrvf r a word. TliP mrinl is p!.M!i, a'' :." rvtiy -ft : If . -. ivjidc-i... 'k iv : v.lotn I Ami Iicmo-st irnowncil nf men ainor.g, We must early It-ani tu huld the tongue Ways and Means. During what is called an b nervation" lesion, a mistre.s was j questioning a class of small 1. 'on certain points (,r things thoy I had observed in connection wiLh j the habits of animals in water. ''What do fifli swim with i I ho i lady j ''With Ihoirun.V 1 c-jdiotl one I scholar. "Right, anddog" I "Their paws," answered tho !ne.t. j ' Very good. And, now, t' e next boy. wliaT do . lirtle hojs jswim with?" "Bathing pants, uunn!"