RECORD 1 Vol. 4. Kenna, Chaves County, New Mexico, Friday, July 28, 1910. Number 29 J. P. STONE, President ' G. T. I.tTTI.EFIELD, Vice President VV. U. SCOT7 , Cashier -The- KennaBank&TrustCo. OF KENNA, N. M. . The depositors in (his Bank are secured by the laws of this Territory to the extent of $30,000.00. Our officers are bonded and we carry burglary Insurance. Every safeguard of modern Banking pro tects you. Come in and see us. IIUUJ, The Kenna Bank & Trust Co. . -.J'Nflt JlfWKP "HlHf yifwif'c i'TJ,!i"1MrrTr'T!i! -"flJ"pwwfr"w FOR AUGUST. Copyright 1910 by C. II. Rieth. AUGUST. Last year ; Alack and alas! v Beverly, Mass.' And Bill on the flat Of his back in the grass Sounding the depths Of the opaline sky And watching the clouds Floating dreamily by. Last year, Alack and alas! Beverly, Mass. This year, Sagamore Hill,' Strenous still, And no one complaining For want of a thrill, Shindy and sass Just as certain as fate Beverly. Mass., Can ditam early or late, Snore as it pleases And snooze as it will This year, Sagamore Hill. Of August it may first be said, its name is from Augustus, whom men likened unto Ted, perhaps without injustice, lie made the world go round about as many times a niiunte, and the news was always dull with out the great Augustus in it. He had his Ananias Ciuh for liars and for fakers, and ho loved to sail his little tub among the Roman breakers. He cou :lcd peace a sort of pleague, and never did pursue it, but lit it rally at The Hague, and you couldn't beat him loit. He preached about the same old things that. Teddy has been preaching, and most of Rome't .t wakenings resulted from his teaching. He battled hotly foi i.he right, and vali.mtiy imbued it, and the h-tork could r.ot al lempt to light but what he up and shooed it. There was however, one affair lo tell which is to tattle, and that was where this Roman beai was coming in from battle, lie had, cf course, put everything opposing him to slumber, and Uome awaited him to sign some laudatory number. But here the parellel desists. Augustus said them, vNo, sir! and when he entered with his lists it might have been the grocer for all the greeting that he got from that admiring chor us, the which desire, of course, was not a bit like Theodorus. But howsoever, when he died the month tlut loves to grill us was being written far and wide the season of Sextilus. They wanted to commemorate the hot time he prestented the nation with, at any rate, so August was invented. The dog days will resume again, A lid the in? n who voted water Willi the whether down to eight or ten Below will grow the hotter With wishing thut he had foreseen The season hot and stewing, And nnthing but a choice between Pink lemonade and bluing. It will not strike him, we're afraid, as when the clod was stinging, and up and down the wind-swept street the icicles were clinging. There's nothing like a dry parade,' th shouts of Halleluliah and ti e children skillfully arnyed for what you want to fool you. It's eery ea-y lo forget there's such a thing as Summer, or such a quantity m sweat, what lime the busy drummer is rnb-a-dub-bing up (1)9 street a' million bumps a minute, and the line sweeps by with rhythmic feet and the little f havers in it. It somehow makes it seem thai booze is only fit for motors', and in the fcuffie that ersuts not very many voters bit hink them that in. chance remains that milk won't give (hem gristles to last when August b.-i's their braim and their cars begin to whioll-. A crafty temporance is thai contiiving its elections whim Boreas is at the'lnt in thes; dis puted Sictiou j. There is a time for everything, lo labor a. d to potter, and one to sit way back and sing inaudibly for water. At any rat, the wcrld will sdin With very small relens'ai, And the Fail election will begin To clamor for attention. I The next l)v weeks will fire the gust Repeatedly and oftly, Aod a let of folks begin to run For office very softly. - " The bold insurgent will have polled the principal c.hautauquas w will by that time have Told how far discreet his balk wan, cr if to follow bis nt'aek with full her demonstration, or quietly to lip-toe back upon the reservation. The hopeful Democrat will tool this way and that way training, and bone to have us as a rule have none of their explain ing. He'll carefully trim up hi wicks and gel his pump pulsat ing, and pass the grand stai'd every six or seven S2C0iuls wait ing. There'll be some dust put up, it seems, when this exent gels going, and some things staiting and the seams that wanted prop er sewing. No wonder Roose velt came back, and nowadays his gun is rusting in the shoot ing rack, when here is where the fun is. The time of green and growing things will near its termination, and the song the thrashers sweetly sing will come with moderation. We'll sorto' think of autumn time, the hunter and and (be nutter, and the fishing hole will wear a slime thick as apple butter . And then September will return In good aulunnal fashion, Ahd the poet fall upon his harp In something of a passion. 7, t I ft, Ml IS, mi M - lb t:-f n ,v, . v in rti n ltitf nnt-- Y ',, liJIII , H U 111 the way of Groceries, Dry Goods, Farm Machinery, Posts, Wire, Nails, Lumber and nil kinds of Hardware. If you buy your Building Mutcrinl, Farm Machinery Etc. of the . (3o. uinioer you will greatly reduce the hijrh rout of living, grow rich, tret fat, and be a good fellow and enjoy life. Your girls will grow up to be music teachers, and most of your boys will be twins. -Thousands have tried our business meth ods and are satisfied customers. COME AND SEE US. jf jJV yM f r-. t iW Pi. XI' -r I fa" If Let. Avo:)(le:ful WAS II WAX do your family washing; saves rubbing and saves (he clothes; make-) tlnm cleani sweet and snowy while. WASIIWAXis a new stiHiilific compound that washes in hot or cold water without the 'use -of soap. It is entirely harmless and different from anything you have ever u-o !. Send ten cents stamps to day for regular size' -by- mail. You will be glad youtii" ! it. Agents wanted to intro luce WAS11WAX even where. Address Wnslnvax Co., St. Louis, Tlo IMPORTANT NOTICE. Dkiwutmukt ok thk Intkiuoh, United States Land Ofifice, Roswell, N. M., July 1, 1910. Refering to notice given June 23. 1910, with reference to plats fi'o.d in (bis office of Twp. 9-S. Range 37-E., Twp. 9-S , Range 3G-E., and Twp. 10-S., Range 37-E , N. M. T. M , in which it was announced that applications to eutr lands in said townships would be leceivcd on and after August 10, 1910, said notice is hereby rescinded and declared void. T. C. Tim.otson, Register, IIauoi.d Iluun. Receiver. IT SERVED THE TURPOSE. The Uniontown Ciceroe is re sponsible for this; A prominent young doctor to k his best girl to the opera house not long since The curtain was late in rising and the young lady complained of feeling faint. The doctorsmil ed sweetly upon her, look some thing out of his vest pocket and whispered to her to keep the "(ablet" in her mouth but not to swallow it. She thyly placed it on her tongue and rolled it over and over, but it would not dis- so ve: she felt better however When the show was over s ho slipped the tablet in her glove, be'ng quite curious to examine at home ibis tasteless i i id isp.o! ti lde little substance which bad given her so much relief in (la' opera house. When alone in h r room she pulled off ).er glove and out came a pants button. - -MAN LESS PANTS. "What makes a horse act naughty when he sees an autor" one little girl asked. "It's (bis way" replied the other. "Horses is used to seeiu' other horses pul 1 in' rigs' and they don't know what to think 'em goiu' along without a I guess if you was (o see pant-j walkin' down the street without a man in 'em you'd he scared too " Ex., THE NEW MEXICO FAIR. The 301 h Annual New Mexico Fuii', which is also the Fiist Slate Exposition, is now expect ed In take tht form of a great big Statehood celebration, (bo first to be participated in by the people of the wholo state. The people realize the importance of making the State Fair a splend id exhibition of the new state's resources, for the country will be watching the show t his year, and there will be hundreds of eastern men. here to see what we have. On (he success and completeness of this fair largely rtepends (be development of Nw Mexico's resources in tbj coming year. Governor Mills shows an en thusiastic interest in the Fair, and in order to open the diow, and see most of it, he will tem poiarily move the State Capital to Albuquerque during the Fair week. Everything is moving rapidly and smoothly t award the greatest exposition the Southwest ever had.