Newspaper Page Text
1 he Kenna Record1 W 'i , COWGILL, Editor and Pub'i MRS. COVGiLL Local Editor. PUBLISHLD WEEKLY. Eatercd February Itli, 1907, at the Keu ta, New Mciiio, Post Office, ai icond tlast Mail Matter. liaraij Ufa ca BaBtvfcaBa fcaiiLvj u mi ami ' n,a,tpm(iit of iiio interior u T.jSS aample Lttii Model "Rnn-irr" hiryclK I,imi-:ho.l I. tin. Our azrnts evcrr .-.-hers are lVpaiiemcm Olllie muiioi U br i ju iiutf. t&iu'!''!' until you rercivcanrt approve ol your b.cyc". wesnn ( )VV 11 lYOSWlM. A'. anyone, anywhere in the V . S. without a rent deiuii in 6rrii.iv frrieht. and allow TKN DAYS ft'HKIC Tit I A I. dining htt h tinv yon may ride t!ie Im yxle and t t . i tQHI rui k 10 any lesi you y.-itn, it you are then not ptriccuy a.iii' Ii'.d or tl not vasn W i'iii; keep the bicycte shin it b.t k 10 us at our expense ?nil yru iviti not bt cnt crnU . to anyone, anywhere in the V . S. without it cent dcfcuii m advance, rrfiy freight and now r,,w r i it i ,11. annus wiikm tmv you may rule ut it to any test you v.-iiK. If you are then not ptrlccjy a.iii-.fii.d or Vm tt STOrJY We rn.ab tl.fl Iv"h1iM irft.le hUvclrs it U i'iosm-Mb to' matt , Notice H WViAtV tflVOn tllftt tllOl'C i'l'.l ti Vhind your bicycle. ! jNOX I; I' V a Li-vc !e or a i;irif tires froM atiyvti llHK l;cm lOI'W 111 OCU Ml 11118 OlUCt Vr and rtmnrkalit ,:c;.i e.fcrt In ruii r njrtmti. . )V llin SlU'VeVO'f llCnCinl 1 110 rjEI I P" BT"''J5' 'i.'tl ",hc" ' K'ive our boau'iful ciiilnitie ard ' - flvmlUll mm.1v our ki i.-rl nio:k-U :it the vwmierfuth , 1 we can mal:? you tii s We c!l tin l.iirl'tater.i.Kiiirvrlrsfor less money TOI IOW I 41 H1MU ( I'll I Mil 10 u I BUIll.l than any oticr lartory. tic me ffim' vt:t jir-mt ntne l.tilrif Oiit. A mCYfjUU !I)KAl;K.!:, Vf:i cm r-tl our bio'dca uau-r oui own name plate at 1 7 1Q 9. ftl SOlltll TftnTc Hi hKJONI 1IANI liiOYCLMS. e do not re"v1arl7 hr.if'.le eocor.d Iir.nJ biryr.lcr,, hu4 xt x f if 1 . in if 1 URtiallv have a number on haml t.ihcn in lradt liv our C'!nrnr-o n-vrtit rin--i. I'lt.-c w dear out l. l . A I . I . LJ - 11. I . 1 ) lht I J prompity at prices r.i:ig.irf irom u to or tiu. jJexnnti Ua"' nsts muled tree. Subscription $1.00 Per Year. C0A5TE3-B8AKES, 'JMy LiilV'1 raru' r';u'" and -'0, s:mth of an?o 8 E. N. M. P. in Advance. !ni, 1: t 1 a Km i. on I I: a f1D50 OEDCeBSBB FBESSTEGE-PBG9IF m C. Ij. 1'VIOIl liml his 15 K. ullyouaMmpUpairlori4.SJbaskuiniiorderii.X.. -. ,.- i- r',i ' -""TT 1 A 1.., 1 ..,.1 'I 1,. .1. . ailr out. Sixty thottsnnd piin aolj Hst yeaf. V. V"--.V iijW''VJ.".! ' ," f ; JlOI'O etllKMll.IV .111(1 I lllIIMla . overuvo hundred tbousaud tait o la ) .S.-.vV. ji. j.t iiiu 111 I I ii" andeasyndinff,vcryduta!!ecndl'.n:Jinci'.leT7u.t V"r .- - -- ?5 rt ., . . a special quality of rubber, w'.iirh nevtr becorir-s -JYA'"-UJj' lOOK IKICK II K'iltl II U'l.U' IIOSI porous punctures t7ii.Kn:i n. n-r- i ft .,,..,,1 ,0 tMrfc MihrMT trpad 1 ing the air to escape. We havclium!rcdsof letterjfror.t si U 1 S. . .ih.. ftS llPV iinil lift, IlI'lC ill lilt' willltV. fiedcustomcra stating that tneir tirci haveonly bec.t pnn;.. 1 .J V JJ. p'-,"",r,n Vtrfu l"1 1 IK y II. Ill Hit in it 111 tut "Mini up once or twice in a whole season. They wcin rtoTiore t'ir. 1 1, ? ' ' ' ."L" .!Ptt?..LP 'i.ti : l anoruinan tire, the pii:icturercD,st:ti'TOttalitiCsbcitr'ivc:i I J, J. ...... .. 'J lieV a IV C-OIIMll CI t.I !.V V l nttl by KVcralJlaycra of thin, spocinlly P:-c-ared fabric oi the WiiS t-r" Asiro " " J trcad- The regular price ohhee tires is; 3.50 rerP't-.b'vtr f EvImmvG tiiioiii; i"" aSSEL i;,,)., Vcthit(..n. o CR. HALE A FRIEND IN NEED . F il... ... null' ..u il I,. 1 1 approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined ami found tlicnt striol'y tva represented. . tl I III, t oillll t , .im 11. il..." i.i 11 on 1. , ,v U now ,.arf, ,1isoount of n rcr cent C'.iercbv mn! int? the Drico B4.ftft tier coirlif vod .. . l'L'LL. CA.4U Wli'll UUDIili and enclose I'i'i navcriifleme-it. . toil rim no lisk irt Prcof That He Lived Up to th Pflnel- 0 n I. Hi, 17, 18, 10, 20, nil pouth ol " " .1 t 1 f i'.r i .J'.) r;. in. ai- i . i. r.ncn 01 lh"eilnts of siiiVoy will lie filed in lliij fftc it nino o'clock a. 111. on tli - firMdi.vof SoptPmlxM', 1 1 1 0 .ind on and after that d.ito implica tions for entry Innca in each of ihe-c town hips will he receive-'. T. C. T lo ;son liegistr. Harold Hurd Receiver. end I i sena i liiu niiu uiki euc:ose 1.1:3 nr,vcr.:r.enieTii. kou run no iisk m tlOllt! I)' l It'll I Slll'VtM Ol S, Willi, aeudin i:s an order as the t.tes may. be returned r.t 'j:j c-pettsa If for any reason they nr ' not satisfactory on eramination. We are pcrfcsL'.v reiiaV.o nu.l inoniy Kent to us is as tafeas In 4 I Itov .t ! O HOW loforni ll 1 nil I lit' bank. If you order a pair of these tires, you vi!l f.nd that they vill tide easier, run faste: J 1 wenr better, last lonrrer and look finer than any t-.rc yon have ever U:) ' win rule easier, run lasteri led or E?en nt any price. We pics of "Lend-a-Hand' 6cletieS He Founded. Ttie late Dr. Edward Everett Hale. , I 1; ,. ,j ...liiti ,n know that you will be so wci; pleased that vhe:t you want a bicycle you tvill Rive us your order! 1 11C initio t).l .1 WIO. w .11 ion, we want vou to s-nd ua a trial order at once. 1ipuc tliis remarkable tire o:Ter. i.tul from no ehtahluhed comer. IF YOU NEED TIRES iSffiSS S?3 KfS! Ui founder of the "Lend-a-Hand" eocl- the special introductory price qrtoled alwve; or write for our big Tire end Sundry Catalogue which elles, practised What he preached. He "ii foi'r fl nv il i t t fiiwl 'inv describes and quote all Makes and kinds of tires at about half the usunl prfces. t i i . , a .. . . .kil lact II 0V tlJ ltt 111.(1 .my nenv XAfArr but write uo postal today, do Not Ti':?ik of ncTiNQ a bicycle !cnt hlsown hand time and time i i i- t 1 . ,..,.. W 4fU VtrfiS i or a pair of tires from anyone until '.;it5-.y the neiv uj wouderfi'l 3"aln. Once, says the Woman's Home stahllKht'tl COI 1UMF, Or .Iliy CVI- oners wc are making. It only cost. postal to lean. WC" Vriteit i:01Y. I R.ran;on h,8 ravel8 brought him to nencu that Iho (lovcililiicnl. ever 1 J 1 fipAII ftlfl!i F ftSIFIPAKV AHES!1.G ti & I a where a friend of hla was edit- iiact tl an . ai:u liic cue Z I N K rim JEWELER Vhen you want to buy a Watch or Clock; when you want a Watch or Clock lo I aired I whtli you Waul ti Woddiiur Iting, nn Engage inent Kinj' an th ng in I ho line of Jewelry; when ou need g'as-eft, irwant jour eyi sight tested 10 niemher Zink tho Jeweler j.iul Crptician :: :: .: a. W. 21NK, Roswell, - N. M. oven C3 ycaho b a j- n i l,h w ss. VMM 10 make iipplit etit n - for a re ,i urvey. Tliis Ihey can secure if they canbhow tliattlieie are no xisting corners fctonts, and thai less than 50 pei cent, of the lias been entered As the niat !er now stands I he tetihrs ol iliat nart of tlo county eunual icly uiKjn their lines i,t all, and ihey aio afraid to make any ermaneiit impi oveuients. A LCW DOWN TRICK An e:'it u oTa small Air.e.kan a er recently state;! that he I ad been k sn-tl bvtinoof the inr-e-t lieautit'iil mar ietl wtinen in ibe town lie pri mmed to tell her inrac in the rir.-t is-no of his pi ¬ per next month In two weeks the circulation of 1m nt'Wspapci loubK;tU but when he gave t li name of bis wife he had to leave town. Tucumcari S n n . HENRY JAMES ON RACE SUICIDE. Hem v James does not agree with Col. HooHevelt o:i the ques lion of large families ir-'mall Jamilies such as prevail in France, indicate t Mr. James' mi. d, intelligence and pvogies, vhile large families indicate the j everse. 'Largo families are ho em harassing, too," said Mr. on his last Anieiiein visit. .nceknew a man named Thoinp on who had 14 children. Thorn p on agreed one spriug holi.lay to lake bis children to the seashore l or the week end. "They set eff, reached t!ie i tation, got there tickets and were about to board the tram when Thompson was roughly rollarcd by a policeman. '-Here, wot 'a' vou bin a doin' of?' the )ol iceman growled fiercely "M nothing. Why?' stammer- d Thompson. The policeman waved his 1 rurcheon toward the Thompson family. "Then wot tho bloody blazes,' lie hissed, 'is this crowd a-fol Jerin' ve furJ" J. O. Hill, who lives South east of Kenna. cane in Wednes day from Iioswel1, and remain ed over night to attend the io TCRR1 1'ORIAL LAND ULl-CIION Spi-IkI No. 022S:H) 1 Dai'.vsT.M3Nr oFT.n: Isrs'tioit United States LandOffick. Koswcll, ew ? exico. June 13. 1010. Notice, is hciel .v fciven lliat the Territory .f New Mexico l.rvs filed in t'ii"i office, v.n cr tho'provisions of the Act cf Conyreos of June 21, 1893 and the Acts si:n' and anienduttiry thereto, seleciion list of the ft llowirj; litiul: 1. 1st No. 1250, Serial No.0228'Ji N'W i NE i, S i NE i, NVv i, NW i SW 1, Sec. 32; and N i Sec. 3:j, T. 10-S., H. 31-E., N. M. V. M.- (MO acres. List No. 124'.), Senilis N0.0228)l: SE I NE i-, SE t Sec. 30; E i 5; f f t V 1 CopvnicnTa Lc OKlcKiy U!crttti our opinion froo t. iioi .u r invniitibn Is prohnhly p uci'Tnbla. Con-vn:' tlonsithcil?o(tm,ioNHul. HAHDBOOX 01 V oc'it f rue. Oldest nircney for poratinj? pu- TntotHS tnkpti tliroUL'h lunn A (. BptciaiiiotieCt without cfanrgj, iutlie ScieiUiffc Mmcrfc&;, A hanrtgomely lllnntrnlo'1 w(pl:tT. lrtwiA '" cnlntlon of uny pHcntilio jouriiL.1, 'J rn;i . re in font months, L bold Lynil nowbi,,fiior4. MUKN & Co.88"" New Yr " Branch Offlco. Ci6 F BU VashlaiTtor ' Kei i:a Loi'ge Ni ! 3" I. 0. 0. F. "i-i-ls every Thursday night. her hiifcband. and he was pining for Vj.jtj,, members COldiall V in her, but he had no assistant, so If he ' tcck a vacation the paper must stpp. v tel. 1 . L. Cl.UBIJ. N. It. Dr. Hale listened and returning to q j F lbR fr his hotel, sat down at his desK. , ! Before ht gbt uH he hart w'rltteii 1 " 1 1 ' with that ready pen of his enough H-.ive you Carpentering to clo? luticlcs on topics of contemporaneous . , , Interest to fill his friend's editorial col- I a a mechanic, and can do your umns for a week. Returning to the Jthbin of all kinds. Am cam-turn, he threw his copy on the edl- torial desk, with the remark: Ms.) a Cabinet Maker. If in need There, now you can go and visit ' - .lll.i.n.,in .rivo mf n. rrinl. utli nue, Ing a daily newspaper. When he called on him, this, fHcrid unfolded n tain ht wBe. His wife ft tct-idusiy ill. She had gone Into the country, believing that a change of air would do her good. She was pining for publican primary. He went to. See. 31; and NE NE'LSec. 32, Roswell l.v team, lust for tlm T. 10-S., R. 31-E., X. u P. M. pleasure(?) of the tiip lie got all t'.io pleasure he needed on the down trip and left lis partner to return by himself wi'h the team, and Mr. 11 ill came havk on the train. REPUBLICAN PRIMA RY The republicans met Wn! nesday evening in this city as per call, and elected (itlega es and alternates lo attend thee n vention at R swell, A'l-, t:. '.5.- E. Lee wa selected precinct com mitteeman, and the n eetipg also selected H. W. Colvard as president of the republican club, and George Northcutt was elect ed secretary. C. J. Marbut act ed as i-fcretary of tho meeting, Ed Lee presiding. We have just heard of a ffhiol ma'am introdm ing a jew 'eat ure in her scln-il "Wl tn one of tho girls miss a wciil the boy wl o spells i jcts pcrmis-iou to kiss ln-i. 'Ibe result is the t'rls 1 ocoming oor ppellers wliil" 1 he boys are improving right along. .(() acies. List No. 1248, Serial No. 022892: NE E i N W , S i N W i, and S A Sec. 29, T. 10-S., R 31-E., N. M. P. M. (iOO aciw. List No. 124T, Serial No.022S93: .ill of .k:ec. Hi, T. 10-S., R. 31-E., N. M. P. . i40 acres. List No. 121(1 Sariul No. 0228!) 1 NW i NW 1, S 1 NW, SW i, N W i SE i, S i SE 1-4, Sec. 27; an l N 1-2 NW 1-4, Sec IK T. 10-S R. 31-E , N. M. P. M.-4S0 acres. Protest or contest . against any or all of said select ions may rc filed in this off-ico during the period of Publication hereof, or at any time i hereafter an.! before final approv al a id certificate. T. C. Tillots m. July 1-29 Regist c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U S Land Oni,: al Roswell N. M July 18ll. WIO. No-ice is heivby given that by icclion 0 of t!ie Enabling A tr'es ai" I'oi hid liti in s' t iion 2 no 3 ' w!i r.' I ho 'and was no q i i pr.:iiei! on June 30th, 1910 Why Kettle 8 Ing. Ttie reason a kettle "sings" Is a t-eiy simple one. As the water get lot little hublihiS fif k eahi are found it the bottom of the kettle. These In heir rush upward strike the sides of he kettle and set tht metal it Is of in vibration, thus causing the nurirlr.g sound we call singing. You i'l a copper kettle, which has hin sMes, will make a much loudc-r n.l irore musical note than a coui- oi lion kef J t i .1 O'S'ill. LOST ON THE It A NOB A two voir old heifer belong ing to the writer has slmytd away and we have bet n unable to fii tl Iier. Sh i is a nrxed breed. Jersey and White f,ue. ui'ilnm s:ze, biinolo in cl-r. ibe ciiiis red a'ul '-'a 1; i :iniii-ig in t tiva's; Whi" -f; ( i an 1 plnteil hoi'ii N ':, Is or 'frauds. If any i f our iculei-s r.:.:t-iiho. Atchison Globe. happen to see Ihm-an I ''.ll re I'ort to t hi-, olli-;;) t ho 1. iinln jts i'l 1:0 greatly ai(re i ited. W T. Cowyill. !S e Ho Makeup Necessary. 1 ;j real life the villaiQ can be, pretty without a sneer and a blnck Austria Executes Few Murderers Austria Is the country most lenien to murdt-rers. A very small rcTcentasj of those convicted arc executed VilSS THE LIGHT AND NOISE Recsons Why Some Townspeople Ate Unable to Live Comfortably in the Country. The necessity which some people feel for noisy surroundings was men tioned by a famous specialist in giv ing a medical explanation of the case of little Horace Collins, the henlc rr cprer.ger boy, says the London Daily Mall. The lad. although able to grati fy every wish as the guest of Lord Lcnsdowne at Bo wood house, has a mastering longing for the bustle and llfht of tho London streets. NOTICE. If you aie Troving up bii your claim be sure and read your Publication Notice carefully when it api ears in the paper, and if there are any errors noti fy this office promptly and they w ' be cored ed King Oanacy. the Crimea and the whole Black sea region, owing to the Bparse popu lation to consume it, had a great sur plus of wheat! For centuries It was coveted by al) hungry nations and exploited jiy the one with the strong est armies. For centuries after Athens had feasted upon the grain-raising lands beyond the Bosphorus, Mithrl dates, as a preparation for his life and death contest with Rome, fell upon tho corn fields of the Crimea. Because Sicily was yellow with wheat from earliest memory, through ages and ages she was raided by ail the powers of the world. It was because of " T t n -1 . .... t To il io a cij lumiPiuTOiiub..., i .. nl.tirl than onw. said the doctor. "A person suffering I"' , ' , ".rrv;:T.. like that has lost two everyday irlends. as It were noise and light. It Is en tirely due to the nerves. Our nervous system gets into a pronounced groove in accordance with the everyday con dition under which we live. A sud den change In living throws the nerv ous system out of gear. Both light and noise are nervous stimuli to peo ple who live amid noise and light Take away the comradeship of no' and light, and the nervous syp' loees two stimulants necessary to its wdl tc.'rt; and suffers inconsequence. "With Hie boy Collins the fact that he t'-Pj not see policemen troubles him, because policemen to him have become an Important part of the nat ural scheme of things. where else along the Mediterranean, that Caesar and Pompey wanted the lar.d of the Ptolemies. It was when Home held or controlled the granaries "ier drst and dearest conquests of Sicily. Sardinia, Spain and Egypt that she could become mistress of the world. Spot for Lady Godlva. "Talk about vaulty!" exclaimed the woman who keeps her eyes open. "I prised a big new building the other day big enough to be a school or a theater and what do you suppose It was lo be devoted of Hair halrf l'ufTs and braids and swirls and switches and curia and rats and things for women lo pin on their heads and "A very similar case occurred with ; ni.ike believe belong to them. A build a London housekeeper of mine. She jug full of hair:" was rent away to the country, and ' . elmply could not endure to live there. Slie missed the companionship of Stats op Ohio cm or Toledo, I noisu so much that alio had to be FlUNlc ""umies oath that he armor brought back to town again quickly, prmcr oi u.e arm oi f. j. i hkn. a eo.. u. n. . . . . biiKliiwa in the t'lty ol Tnlwlo, owily and Hiut. for her health was beginning to suf S(rraui, and thai sni.i arm win way the sum . f.,P ONB HCNIiltKI) DOI.I.AU.S lor Birh and every euiKi ol C'atahhh Unit auuiot he cured by the uw oC , Hall's Catakwh Cuua. . n. . Hulterated with Flint. i FRANK J. CllFNEY. Butter Adulterated wnn i- iiru. j u be(or9 m d ,uUacrUw(i , my prince, lillltcr Hint wits bum iu hid t-i'hi.... (j,), 4lh 0j uueecior. A. u., imw. A. W. OLEASOK. NoTAiir Public, tiiiira Catarrh Cure Is takes biternallr and arts riir,.iit ii, .,ii tin. tilcMiri and miiiuiua aurhkeut ol Ilia into a substance called "soluble sl-:..u.u. u tuMu. Ilea." I Holrl by all Dninitlsts. 7!x-. . x . 'luae linn , rauiuy I'tlla lur L-unatlatloa. working classes of the fifties was adulterated with ground flint. The flint stones were ground and manipulated BBAL