THE RECORD, KENNA, NEW MEXICO. TheB usmess rarmer The SAFE farm magazine prontablt reading ONLY SI A YEAR First, lnnt, and all the time (for the Southwestern farmer), rlean, elevating mid limtructivc No Impractical theorlea advanced. CMited by Harry I.. I.dxnnlx, wliofe entile lilt- haa lieeit ilevoted to the Southwest, and vhone Warm, pcr Konal friend in marly every aeetlon of Arizona, New Mexico, Went Texan nnd Southern California, co-operate with him In the making; of a most useful farm paper. Special departments, edited by nblo i apeeiallata on Seeit Selection, Poultry, i I.le Stork, Dairy, Inrrenncri I'rnilneiinn, .automobile and Kami F.nKlne Kenairluir, keep readers posted on the beHt methods of navlnx money nnd increasing- their prolita. n 7V - The Business and The Kenna Record Both one year for 1.40 9 v- - . -J -Sr " vjt Endorsed by Over 10,000 Farmers Edited solely to meet their needs. All Kinds of Job Work neatly done fit The Kenna Record Office. We carry a nice line of Writing papers, Envelopes, Cards, Statements, Invoices, etc. Your patronage solicited. B u Jr- t2v V Doyouknow The Youths Companion as it is to-day? Improved and broadened in ita scope. Enlarged by the addition of a Special Family Page. Boys Page, Girls Page and Chil dren a Page. Great serial stones, 250 short stories. A remarkable Editorial Page. Current Event8 and Science. A wealth of variety and quality, and all of it the best. Dhuttata) Announcement for 1914 free oo request. FREE TO JAN. 1914 Cut thi out and lend it with $2.00 for Tn Companion for 1914, and wa will fond FREE an tha iuuea for tha romainins weeks of 1913 and Tho Youth' Compan ion Practical Horn Calendar for 1914. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOSTON, MASS, Remember 52 Times a Year, Not 12 Great Family Combination Offer We do not know of any Family Weekly that we can more heartily recommend to our readers than The Youth's Companion. It gives us pleasure, therefore, to announce that we have arranged with the publishers to make the following offer. The Youth's Companion and The Kenna Record one year for $2.50. 0 te r. S" .' v W S t E C I A L O F r L i : W alaee to bntM Vew Maataew. A tr al B1 t'; 7 R&5Ji2!feJi?2t tltJJ: lb (titHi. t,M.tij v;i;fM.'h I.! ul H'rfi'a iodny; Metron this Pcpcr- L to rm TKniKsT riA packirf and rcir t!iln rnTnpl;lf live. ifaiutHui Proa una i-jani t tb.tut tb vcrlct'ta ot lit'lt, 1 lantr. 'took. r liMtrnetlv u ur Accuracy and Penetration 4iAtinfriiish rni.t. . ai aao . M mmri uig uame Kitie that a vKrra-' Makes Cocd- J SurcFiro Xn1.:i!lis Kn.Tnm J- V - rff Onk-r froni your Dt'ak'r. Send for II:indiHimely Ittustrulcd an a v am v j. aievfens Anns & oo tn . . . , p. O son. Chicopee Falls, Mass: j t-z'-n-! . High Power" Repeating RifEeNo.425 List Price $20.00 .23 .oO'-OO .32 and .05 c:ilibora Usti Kcniint,nun Auto-Ioudinir CuitrHltrc. Heredity. He stiirtcd out to claim tho earth, lie lulled by cloy nnd schemed nt night; He Rut a few thliiKS nt their worth And tool: for nothlni whnt he might. Wllhln Ita month his child at birth, They tell na, hnd a golden apbon; He RtHrted out to net the earth. His boy la crying for the moon. Waiting. "Hava you named your baby yet?" "No." "He'e getting pretty old to be with out a name, Isn't he?" "Yes; but my wjfe wishes to call him Percival, nnd we're waiting to find out whether he la going to have a lisp." . . Evidently. "It was too bad that Miss Buzzley was too hoarse to eing last night." "Evidently you have never met Misf Buzzley when she was not too hoarse to sing." . Her Age. . A woman may be k.3 old as Et !c:!i3, but It 13 seldom, possible tp gi hir to admit It. I 1 r-rit-C'in.,.'-...- . I .-. I' I. . .!i i vWi. s'f-tii.v;.:.- c- J t r. :. . ! 1 t.i.i.V,-.Urt.r..:: It.' V Ug !:.l m 'i 'U I - . o'ic 1 4C0 iU-AU ht. ?r r-r P rL,h, noMiliis, Pur v-&r.-i',?d U Hleaso r:v.ry Cnrdencr in'i .l;.i:it .sljciuldtrst tlie i.V( ri' r unr!isof Our . :i iliHTiiGvcwn Heeds, o Ci'NTS ! . viiiul l our -.. 0J.LECTION cx . 1I , l'ta ll iv '3 1 i.a to li'ilp ar vta Knti -urtivo Cnr'lcn O'.ii'ie ,f Km l li.n), lllinom Stare x mV k Wi rnesiDENT No Money iu Advn noo Sntinfnc (ion Gunr an t ee A IweKtNet i'aof ory Prices Baa ia Term A Saving of $ 1 O O io S 2 O O From Fcr tory Direct $ .rr.-v ;.. t ,v v,;.5-. 1 y t IN YOUR own HOME 30 BAYS' FREE TBI Wo will ship you a beautiful Stnrek rinpo f;r CO day.?' free trail, in jour homo. No ciish f.ayment required. All wo usk Is thtit ytu will l'lny upon, use and test thin pluno for :io days. If, nt tho end cf that time, you do tu t find it the highest prade, aweetest toned nnd flneft )lnno In every way, that you have ever ween for tho money, you nro at perfect liberty to (send it bnc!c, and we will, In that event, pay the f-eight both wny. This Bturck l'iuno mu:3t r.iuke good with you, or there la no sale. Savs $133.00 cr F'orc We fili'p tii"cct In yrm from ot;r f.-mtory, fit prices that wvc you tpwuftU of IlftO.OO in the cost of your piano. We ;i;jratit.f to furnish you n licttrr piuno fif the money thun yon tun t'(un M'whcie. Yoit nrp nwurcil of rrcciviui? a satisfactory invert toned iktmhle hii grade pin no. 25-Year Guarcnfco Kvery Star el; rinr. ii Riiaruntrcd fr 2-" y.-:ir:. This liiirnntcc l::;i lv.t;k of it our 35 yenrs o( p'nno cxprriincc, and the ifpu tation of an old-eNtvltlU'-.t'ri. rc8ponsitle piano house. 50 Frae Music Lessons To r"ory purchaser of Starck Pianos, we give free mimic h8oii. in one of the best known pchoola iu Chicago. Thce li ssonn you ran take in your own home, by ini!. This represents one year a Tne .lnstnicunn. P. A. STARCK PIANO CO Wo uc ron.itun.! t.n 1 n l.irge liiniilx r t.f slightly uscl rnd socond-linnd pinmn of ull rtnmlurd makes taken in c:i t h i nice tor new Str.relc l'ianoi end lIaycr-I,i:'.no9. The follow ing are a fcV aample tjargaiiis: Weber $110.00 Steinway 92.00 Chickering 80 03 Kimball 05 00 Starck 195.00 Send for our latest complete sccond-liond bargain list. Eaay Paysr.onls Ytt pny no ra-h diwn, b:t after .10 dnys of trial, you cm lrin payment on the low est, eutiiift tcTHM ever eugjested by a piano iMitiuitaeiuicr. These tenna are' -arranged ti miit ytutr eonveniiner, and it is po9$fh1e for yt.u to In y a -pii-no ftr your home, without mi l-g t!:? niomy. t Glares PJayer-Planos St:iu;k riayer-l'ianos are the htt and most beauti ful Player Pianos on the market. You will be dc li'rhtid with the many ex elusive fenlurca of tiicw wrnderful imtniment, and Will be flensed with the very K:w price at which l!:ey can be secured. Piano Dook Free fiend (odny for jour new b arlifully illustrated piano book which (j'ivea you a larjtj amount of informa tion regarding pianos. Thi book will interest and please you. Write today. 132G Starck Bia.. CHICAGO Colorado is facing a state-wide strike in all trades. i Tho Czoiina of Russia con templates starting a trade school for the children of Russian laborers. Municipal ownership is gain ing rapidly in the state of Wis c nsin, thirteen privately owned public utility plans having been r,aken over by municipalities during the past four years. If the London postoffice cm loyese carry out their threats o strike, .-ver CO.CCO COO in a I ast. eight different, countries vill tie i.fftcttd in receivinf.' t.h'ir Christinas mail. . Kemp Lumber Company, ELIDA, N. M. ' v Wire, Posts, Cement, Lumber and Building Material, Sash Doors and Hardware. CHARLES J. MACKEY, Manager. EXCURSIONS Account Christmas and New Year Holidays 1913 and l9U. Tickets on Sale . Dec. 23-24-25 rind 3l, 1913, and Jan. 1, l9ll, to" points in Colorado, Texas and New Mexico, Return limit January 5th, 1914 Round trip, all year Tourist fares from all points between Ma laga and Texio to South Texas and Gulf points. Cheap round trip fares will bo sold by T. O. EIrod, Agent KHNNA, NEW MEXICO. We Avant the name of every young man wno Is ambitious to BE A LAWYER and we want to hear from ev ery business man who wishes that he knew BUSINESS LAW. Writ totay tad 1 tall j-o how w kwim mmim lawfa at at bfuidra4i af jaaaa t llkr yaa. Ma aaalpa4 kailaaM Biaa wlta a lagal tralalag that kaa baaa ! twaalll Unb. Thit Seal, loaaded reura ao, has traaaaUa wh am paaaad bar xaailaaUaa la awery atato la taaC.H. Cwara4rTb7lua,iir,aWBaala.B.M. Learn aboot (It ourOoropMCoUM Law Oourva which flu for practlea, and (i) our Complete, practical. Biulneai Law Oouraa for Bualaeat Hen. Find out ftbuut tha low ei, and ae how aawlr yon CII obtain B tboruaih knowledge ot lite Law whlla onUoa Itiff jour preeeut work. Kaay Tai ml bend tadaf lor kaadMBM aatalaf and Hal el aaeaeaatal a-radaataa all ver th U. H. who yratped their opoortualtf hy aaee aaewerieg aa ad. tike thUl tub araiui a corrkhpokdebci rKHOOL UV LAW 401 twarlaaa BalMlag, Uatratt. mihe Lumber, Hardware, 3 uilding Materia!,' Farm Implements, staple and Fancy GROCERIES Tanks, Well Casing, Water Troughs, . KENNA LUMBER COMPANY.