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I-:. lT OP c'U-Crf ( t T1HI1E 11 KENNA .RIE CORD VOL. 10. ; KENNA, CHAVES COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1916. . NO. 29. r KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 021271 Department of the Interior, U. S. I.linil Office lit Roswell. N. M., Auk. 1W. 1816. Notice Is hereby given that Willlnm H. M Combs, of Keniin, N. M., who on Dec. 30, 11 made HD, K.. Serial, No. 031571, for HEX, 8e. S!j(ee Tp. -S,, (lane 3t K., fl. y. : Picimiaiii :hn llleu notice of Intention to ninkelliial Hve-yenr proof, to establish claim t the land above described, before Dnn C. Saraire, U. S. Commissioner. In his office, at Kenna. N. M on Sept. SO. I'M6. Claimant names as witnesnes: William X.. Sears, T. Dexter Gouty. Samuel F. Southard, Harry W. Southard, all of Kenno, N. M. . !5-3ept.M. Emmett Patton, Reenter. Mkt hi tiiMicsiilah. OJ7S74 " Department of the Interior, U. S. I.andOfllce at Roswell. N. Ai Aug. 21. 1016. , Not'ce la hereby given that Joss II. Hal- (prill o,f RcSlup'd. N. M(l who on June Id, hii' Hti. .! Serial No. 07:174, for Nti. Sec. V, Township 8 s . lianife USE..N.M. P. Meridian has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Vear Proof, to establish claim to the lnnd above described before C. E. Toombs, U.S. Commissioner In bis onice, at New Hope, N. M.j on Oct. 7. Jlifl. r ,cia,in)iri nanjes Ks witnesses: ( enarln k. KlrWbr. Willlnm B. IlurnslJamea I. Belts, these of New Hope. N.- M., John W; Stltrul of Rlchlat.d. N. M. Emmett Patton, Register. Sept. I-!1). t; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. .", , . 027SU '' ' ' . tit)pjjiuen,t rit ho. Interior,.. U. S ll-d 6lt!(J ftt ttbsweU k. M.. SeW; Ifti i'Uoi Notice Is hereby Riven that William O. Crosby, of Klklng. N. M., who on Sept. 15, IBID, mad. J1 K, Serial No. 07811. for WH. Sec. P. Twp.8 S Ranire30 V... N. M.P. Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to make l lnal three year proof, to establish claim to the land above desclbed, before J. P. Carroll. U. S. . Commissioner. In his Office at Eikina. X. M., on Sept. 26, 1910. .... -. , . Claimant names bb witnesses: ti CHHriel JS; Net;. PHor Tj:'K)ur, these of lioaz. N. M.v John D. kether, CMarle ti. Clijii by, these of Elklns, N. M. vEuimctl Pattern. Reulater. Auk. SJ Sept. n. Notice for Pnriltcntlon. mm Department of the IhtoMnr, U. 8. iUhli prtlbe lit Rosiveil. N: M.. Aiir. 7. loii. Notice Is hereby Riven that John E. Hums, of New Hope, N. M., v. ho on Jan. 18. 131 3. made HD. E. Serial No, mm, for the mi. Sec. IT. Township S., Itanire 35 E.. N. M. P. Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to enabliRh claim to tlie land above dwncrlbed, be Hire C. H, Toombs, CJ. S. Commissioner, In his office, at New Hope, N. M on Sept, 15.1P16, Claimant names as witnesses: UenJamltiF. Hlntley. toareUs L, Creamer, Willlnm B. Burns. Koscot' J. t'ullon, nil of New Hope, N M. . Smitten I'd t ton. Register, AUg. il 8lH: 9. Nollre for Publication. 0S7373 Department of the Interior, U. S Lnnd Office at Hoswell. N. M Autr. H. 1918. Notice is hereby given that Arthur M. Car roll, of New Hop., N. M., who on Jun. IS. 1"13, made HD. K., Serial No. OWTS, for HEX! KKSWX; and EKKWM, fee. 28. TWp.T 9., IlBnue 35 E N. M, P. Mertdinn. has filed notice of Intention to make tlnal, three year proof to e.tnbllah cluim to the lun l above described before C. E. Tootnbn, V, S. Conimlnsloneri in - his ofllce, at New Hope. N. M.. on Oct. 7i 1916. Claimant names at witnesses: tlo'coe J. Fulton. Ilenjamln F. Hlnsley, John E. Burns. William E. Hums, all of New Hope, N. M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. MI364 Department of the Interior.' V. 8. Land Office at Hoswell. N. M., Aup. if. 1918. Notice Is hereby iriven that Clem H. Kath rnaD. New Hope. N- M., who on Apl. 19, 1915, made HD. K.. Serial No. 031354, for H'A. Sec. 5. Township 7 S..Itanite Si .. N M. P. Meridian, has Bled notice of Intention to make Final three year proof, to establish clnlin to the land above described, before ('. K. Toombs, U. S. Commissioner, in his oftloo-. at New flope. N. M.. on Oct. 7, 1H. Claimant names as wltnesgns: Louis O. Oross. James It. Miller, Alfred W. Messlok, Charles C. Davis, all of New Hope, N. M. Emuiett Patton, Register. Sep. i2fl. FOIl SALE Two hundred native cows, and cows and calven. Write Jesse Heard dr John Heard, A25 4t Tecoa, Texas. bticfe rort rcatiluf tax ' 027S1J Department of the Interior, U. S Land Office at Hoswell. N M.. JulJ7. liie. Notice In hereby Riven that .l"hn H. Stroud. of Richland, N. M., who on April SK. 5BU. made II O.K.. Serial No. 027212, for WW Sen 27. Twp. 8 8., Itanire So E..N. M. P. Meridian hria Hl.d notica of Int.ntlon ito make Fina.1 tnree year Proof, to e'aliTWi clit'rn to lh land above described, befot. C. E. Tooiub.. U. 8. Commissioner, In his o.ce at Richland, N. M on Sent. 9. loin. Claimant names as witnesses: John W. Jonea, Alwln II. Uoelzer, Samuel C Mi llentli. James A. Vick, all of Richland. N M. Emmett Patton. Reftlster Ailjr. 4-Scpt. I. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. wrrtf Department of tho l;lfeflf; tl 8. Land Office nt Roswell. N. M., July 31. 1018. Notice is hereby Ktven that Jessie E. Hates of Richland. N. M., who on July 2, 1013. mndc HD. E.. Serial No. 027543, for NIVX, Section 28: and NE!1 Section 27T Township 8 S.. R, 3tS E., N. M, P. MariuJan, h(s tiled notice of In tention to make' Filial 'i'l!K,' tfnr estut.Usti claim to the land above descriucu. before C. E. Toombs, U. S. (Commissioner. In his office, at Ilichland, N. M., on Sept. 9, 1018, Claimant names as witnesses: John W. Jones, Walter C. jtxcke. Cnybern Bishop, John II, Stroiid,' aii 0,f Richlnnd. N.I. Etfrttett Pfattm. HeKlMor; Auit. 4 Sept.,l Notice for Publication. 098.1O2 Department of the Interior, U. S. t.nt.d Office at Roswell, New Mexico. Aug. Notice Is hernby nlven that Moite Hill, of kenha, M., wlio on Oc: it i'Ul'i. mitrtu IID. E., Serial No. O26502 for S WM SCh! 30' Pttn on r''eb. 19, 1913, made odd'l HD. E., Serial No. 020973. for the SEX. Section 19. Township 8 S. ltunte32E., N. M.P. Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make llnnl three year Proof to establish claim to the land above describ ed before Dan C. f uvaife. U. S. Commissioner lu his otfoe at Kenna, N.. M on Sept. l- P16. Claimant names as wltunsses: Simon E. Itlclord, Robert HolllntfKWorlh. thereof 111. a. Mtida, it, John A. Kniter. Thomas V. Ketif, t.!t p Krinjli N: M. Eaunctlrallbfl; rfeelslO: Aug. ll-Sept.'.8. Notice for Publication. O2S8C0 Department of the Int.rlor, U. S. Land Office at KosWeiliK. M., AH;Til"ln. Ndtlce lis hereby glveh that Williuth fl. Brii-nS: of NBtv llofe, N. U.. who.- 00 Jafl. if. WIS, itintie Htt B:i Sl'rlrtl N. 026866. for i.h .... ,. j ws H. sec.S7i unu a, Sb.'i, rrctton 28, Tp. 6 S . RanKe 35 E.; N. M. P. Meridian! has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to estnbtlah claim to the land above described, before C. E. Toombs U. 8. Commissioner, in his office, at New Hope, N. M.i on Bept. 15. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: MarctlB L. Creamer; .fosctih W.Hallew, Ilos- doe J: FultOni joHn B: liHrnsj nil of New Hope, K. M. lOmiflett Pnlton, Aug. IPSept. 8 Register. Nollije tiir Publicatloiu (7179 037791 Department of the Interior, U. S. Land OfUce. at Roswell, N. M., Aug. 7, 19)8. Notice Is hereby given that Waller L. Hill, of Kenna. N. M who Apl, 15. W13, made HD. 11. Serial No. 027179, for lots3&4; and KHSWX. sec 19; afld (In Sept. U', 1913. made add') IID.E., serial No. or, rai. for l'ls 121 atirtEHNW. Section 30, Township 6 S., Range 32 E., N. M. P. Meridian, has tiled notice of intention lo make final three-year proof to establish claim to the lnnd above described, before Dto C. Savage, U. S. Couidils-rfoaefi Iri Ills office at ICenoa, N. M.. on Sept. 12, 1016. Claimant names as Itnessefl: Himon ii. Rlckard. Robert HollhiKsworlhi these of Rt. 8. Ellda, N. M., John A. Hoi"'!', Thomas V. Neely, these of Kenna, N. M. Emmolt Patton, R'glstcr. Aug. U-Sept, 8 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office, Fort Sumner, New Mexico, July 27, 1916. ' Notice is hereby given thut the State of New Mexico, by virtue of the Acts of Congress approved June 21, 1898, and June 20, 1910, and Acts sup plementary and amendatory thereto, has filed in this office selection lists for the following described lands: List 7405, serial 014213, Lots 3, 4, E 1-2 SW'.,', Sec. 7, T. 4 S., R. 30 K. N. M. P. M , 156 1 acre. Protests or contests against any or all of bucIi selections may be filtd in this office during the period of publication, or at any time thereafter before final approval and certification. A. J. EVANS, Itegister. Attg. 1K-Sepl. 15. ii. ii II mi- w i Hi I n ilfrj mm babor Day Proclamation. The spirit cf llli ae demands improved - conditions Tor tlTfc laborer. Only by patience, and care and serious thoiightfntness can this be acopiplisiied. Jn tlieo'ry we stand for equal lights while lt fuH wo have ex alted wealth and given uiidue eonsidenilion to its power. The vested rights of capital must be second to the rights of man and the welfare of the millions who struggle for a fair living for themselves and their families. It hn? been thought wise and just to1 ec't as!r? one day in each year out of con-uleratlort for all who labor. NOW THEREFORE, in pur suance of the law and custom, I wiLLiAit c. Mcdonald, Governor of the State of iNevt Mexico, do hereby proclaim. Monday; the 4th Day of Sep- tliber,lG,as LABOR fiAV and request that all public and private business bn suspended so far as practicable in order that this may be made a real holiday. t want to' urge all good and true citizens', p'aftfcMarfji those who labor to avoid ignb'tle things and thrive only for that which is good for themselves and those for whom thev are responsible. Done at the Executive Office this the Sfllh Day of Aueust. A. D lfJlt.- Witness my hand and the Great Seal of the State of New Mexico. Attested: Willi am C. McDonald, Antonio Luceko, Secretary of State. Notice for Pnbtlcntlon. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Offirp, at Roswell, N. M.. Netlee iaberffby rfitentiiRt Tairis A.Hteeie, of fclliifi. . W.j wflrt; Ml May 4. IHfl, tnidS HD. E. SerlHl Ko. OlKftfl; for HVTii. St?e, 3i Tp.7-S ' litftfce fr-K., N. M; Pt WeiMiftn. has filed notice bf intention to fnifiie flrJal flte1' Year Proof, to establish cluim to tbe land above described, before Regl'teror Receiver. L'. : Jina OIHoe, at Hoswell, N. M., n Sept. 19, laid. Claimant names as wltfiPfl'Tai I). W. Prondili. W. II. Prouilllt. W. D. nacl'i- ett, William I.. Snmpli's. nil of KiUIn. N. M. ) i 1 1 j i ii. ; j ; i i . Autr. 18 Sept. 15. Notice for Publication. OKI lf0 Department of the Interior, U. S. Land oniee at U"sctl. N. M... Aim. is int. Notice Is hereby mien llmt Andren J. De li ord, of Klchland. N. M., who. on 8ept. 13, 1015, made HO. K-, Serial No. (t'OJW. for K'iNW'iand WHNEK Section Twp. 6 8., H. 3S E.. N. M. V. Meridian, haa Hied notice of intention to make llnnl three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described. before C. K. Toombs, U. S Commissioner. In his offlce, at New Hope. N. M., oa Oct. 7, lilt. Claimant names as witnesses: firenzo D. Younir. Frflm.lfl M llppmun. T Lee Ueeman, Lewis H. Faw, all of Rluhlaud- N, M KMMIiTT PATTON. Sept 1 - ' Heaister. The Ladies Bible Class of Kenna will give an ice cream social at the church Friday night, Sept. 8 Proceeds will be used for the benefit of the church. Musical and other en tertainments givem Everyone invited to come dOmtnittee; Gael of Taakwood. Teakwortfl it being used in India for general purposes in house anil ship TOfiflin, for bridges, railway sleeper, tUfiiiW irit A.rVingle; It is also- used much for carVfiig, tKS nYrrrese carved teak being especially noted. Teak has in the past been used 1 some extent for gun carriages, but It is not at present considered well adapted for this purpose, as it has been found that It splits too readily to W Hvoroughly yaluable In artillery worlt. Teak is strongly &Z Characteris tically scented, is of oily textufff. iiif the surface feels greasy to the touch. Teak logs when first cut will not float. The wood darkens with age, and after a number of years becomes almost black. Russians Capture 358,000 Vettor&6. Aug. 10. Between June 4, when tho llussian offen sive was inaugurated, and Aug. 12, General Brusilolf a forces captured more than 358,000 men, the war" announced today. The Russians have Captured a .1 R(rfHH of limr)ifc tn t.ha moat. rf vo'rckh'to and Ardzemoy, in the Carpathian tf. JabtoTiilra was taken yesterday, 'a the Vor- chto and Delatyn regions the Austrians are retiring to the wesi. New Way to Ki! Rata. P. fi. CVtfih of Grav ham coun ty has a new method o( killing rats under his barn. He mixtfl gasoline with coal oil in the sup ply tank of his auto, attached a rubber hose to the exhaust and put one end in' the rat hole. The engine was started and hund reds of rats died under the barn. Many others rail out and died as soon as tlmy struck the fresh air. Cline gatheied up four bushels of dead rats. Lockney Beacon. Has Freak Pig. E. L. Rush, who lives seven miles southwest cf Ilohart, has a curiosity in the way of a six logged pig. The animal is a lit tle over two months old and has four well-formed hind legs and is perfectly healthy." The pig is of the Duroc breed and was one (jf a litter of eight. It weighs now about twenty- five pound. Two of tho hind legs are nor mal. The digits are somewhat smaller but nearly reach to the ground. The pig has no trouble in moving forward but when it attempts to back the Idigits act as a prop and retard the move ments. Ilobort (Okla ) Repub lican, . Mrs. Anna Beal Dead. Mrs. Anna Beal, wife of John T. Beal, of Elida, died at 8:00 a'clock this morning at Ranger Lake, where she is visiting with her sons. Mrs. Baal's age was 59 years and the cause of her death was acute indigestion. She leaves a husband and eight children. The body was taken in charge by the Muller-Dabbs undertaking establishment and removed to Elida where inter ment will be made withlservices on Wednesday. This family lost a son by being stricken with lightning some three weeks ago Ronwell Evening News. fish i:i the i.::ik 1 By FRANK A. HAY8. ; Spring approached, and I was out very early of mornings, when I be came interested in twd dairy wagons "Rivals, as sure as fate,-" I thought. One was Farmer Brown's wagou the other, Farmer Jones'. As the days passed J could notice that when Brown would make an Im provement In his milk cans, wagon or harness, Jones would, the very next morning, have as good or better. I saw here a contest to the finlsb. between Drown and Jones that ap pealed to me very much, being my Be It a farmer. Aiy sympathies were witta Brown, as he was the older man, and he furnished milk to the family where I roomed. Warm days having arrived, I con cluded to go fishing, and on a particu lar Saturday 1 started for the river. a few miles from town. On the way out I hear 4 wagon approaching fromv' the rear. Looking; back, 1 recognized the red top of Brown's milk wagon, and aa I stepped aside to let him pas was hailed with- these words: "Young feller, If you git lank under the Jacket, why jist sa'nter over thar W that white house an' I'll feed you.' About noon I concluded 1 would "sa'nter ovef fciwl share Brown's ex tended hospitality. "I knowed you'd come 'boat feedia time. Come in and have a cheer. Ketch anything?" "Not a thing." I replied, "and I con ClwJoil 1 would rather visit with, you than to After a jjoOd dinner, Brown said: "Young feller, now I want you to tell me how I can dowu Jones." "Well, Mr.- Browii, I haTe often thought,, when your wagon would rat He and your horse' hoofs would pound the paved street, that If a scheme could be devised by which, this noise would not waken your cus tomers at such an eavly hour it would be a winner." Bure enough, next morning but onet Brown drove down the stroet with liia horses shod with coffee sacks. A week later Jones appeared with, his horses all shod with rubber. Soon they both had equipped them selves pretty well with rubber appa ratus of various kinds. Brown having bought rubber tires for his wagon. It began to look as it Jones was down, when, one afternoon, Browa rushed into my room exclaiming: "This time I am beat. Jones has an automobile." After dinner I walked up to the "corner grocery," whose owner,ya Mr: Johnson, and I were good friends. I found Johnson back in the ware room changing the water on some minnows he had in a tank. I saw two milk cans, and learned they belonged to Farmer Jones. On Tuesday morning I told Brown to meet me at Johnson's store at tea o'clock. On arriving there I pointed out hie competitor's cans. "Now, listen," said I, "in those can will be found a little milk and we will pour In as much water. In yon der tank are some minnows; we will get some of them and drop in one of those cane, and then we'll have Jonea tell us how they got there." Jones came in and started back for his cans, when Johnson said: "Say, all you fellows, come baclc here with Jones and me. I want to show you something." Of course, we all went. Johnson said: "Now, Jones, you have alwaya worn to me, and to all your custom ers, that you never watered any milk. How did these minnows get into this can!" "Fur Lord's sake, men!" exclaimed Jones. "I'll confess. I was in a hurry this mornln' and didn't git all Vhe niilldu' done, and as I crossed the crick I reached down and scooped up a couple of huckctfuls uf water and and poured It into this can!" i Two of a Kind Boys. ' One came fo Mr and Mrs. John A. Jonorf last Friday night and one came' to Mr. and Mrs. DMTey Jowe Tuesday night.