. 1 ii JlL 11
JIN il 4
Department of the Interior tJ. 3,
Land Office at RosWoll. K. M.; Alm.W. 1916;
Notice Is hereby (riven Hint Williiim II. Mv
C'omti, of Ke'.uin, N. M., who 0:1 Pee. 3l. I'M"
iniide HD. !!.. Sminl, No. 021271. for HV'M. Sen.
3'.': SWk Sec. ffl.Tp. T-S., Kire 35 -K.. N. M.
R Merlillan. tins (ilea notice of intention to
make nnal Hve-ynnr proof, to entnlilsli elKlm
to the lnnd above described, before I)nn C.
Bavuife, U. S. Commissioner, in III oitlcc, ut
Kenna, N. M.. on Sept. S6, 1'16.
Clalmaut names as wltncsnes:
William I Rem., T. Dexter Uouiy. Samuel
V. Southard, Harry VV. Souilmrrt, nil of Kennn,
N. M.
F.itnictt ration, Itejrlsl'r.
AUk. Sjept.Sl
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
I.nrd Olllce at r.oswell. N. M., Aug. 21. lttlO.
Not'ce is hereby kW'H that Jess II. Hal
lord, of Ilichliind. N. M., who on June IB.
1913. made HD. K., Serl.il No. OS7.174, for
. NK, Sec. 36. Township S . llnni;e Sr. K, N.Si.
P. Meridian has flli'd notice of Intention to
make Final Three Year Proof, to establish
clalmto the land above Aesorllieil before C. K.
Toombs. Ui S. Commlssionor In his oillee, at
hn tloDe. N.6t.,Hn Oct. 7, i'Hto. N
Claimant names as witnesses:
Ileniamin F. Hinley, William K. llurns.Jnmes
I. Bella, these of New Hope,. N. M., John W.
StlKall of Richlui.d. N. M.
Knimett Palton, Relater.
Sept. 1 SO.
r - WfPtl
. jphrttiibht Of the Interior. U. 3
Uiwl office t hosWeii. n. m.; auk. if. l'uo:
Notice Is hereby given that William C. Crosby,
of Klltlns. N.M., who on Sept. 15, 1913, made
HD. K. Serial No. 0S7H11, for WH. See. 9,
T p.8 S..Rnnue30 K., N. M.P. Meridian, has
filed notice ot Intention to make Final three
yeur proof, to establish claim to the land
above desclbed. before J. P. Carroll. U. S,
Commissioner. In his Olllce at Klliins. N. M
on Sept. 2, P'lO.
Claimant names . as witnesses:
Charles K. Nelr, Prior L. Halter, these of
-Wo'i N. M.i John tl. Ketner, Charles C. Cros-
' by, these of KlkltiB, N. M.
EmoieO Patln, Reifister.
Aug..VSe'pt. 82.
Notice lor Publication.
Department ot the Interior. U. a
' imifl Office at Roswell, N. M.. Aur. 7. 1'nfl.
r Notice is hereby klveh that Joim K. mil'ns,of
New Hope, N. M., who on Jan. 16. 1913, made
Ht. R. Serial No. 020M3K, for the NI. See. 17.
TbRslilp 6 S.. Hanlie 35 K.. N. Mi P. Meridian.
- haa filed notice of Intention to make final
three year proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before C. E. Toombs, U. S.
Commissioner, in his ofliee, at New Hope, N.
M.. on Sept, 15, 1118.
- Claimant names as witnesses:
benjamin F. Hlnslcy, Marcus U Creamer,
.William B, Burns. Koacou J. Fultoni all of
Kaw Hope, N. M.
F.mmelt Patlon. Rt'itlster,
Aug. 11-Bepi. 8.
Nutlec fur fMlratu.
Department ot the Interior, U. S.
!Land Office at Roswell, N. M Aim. SM. TOO,
Kj.ol.teln herabv utvan that Arthur M. Car
mn of New Hone. N. M.. who on June 10. I'll!
. mado HD. E., Serial No. 037373, for
tuumii. r,a KtvtVU. Set, "6. Twii;B S.i
Itanue Sft K., N. M. P. Mert.Uaii, bn rtlu.l notice
i inM,inn m mull), iinul three year proof to
aUblUi claim to the land above described
before C. E. yoombs, U. S..c;iiiiinwii'ner. m
bis oftloe. at New Hope. N. M.. on uct. rn
Claimant names nt witnesses:
'' uoscot J. Fulton, l'eniauiln F Hinslcy. Jol.n
Pi. Burns, V'llllam K. Burns, all of New Hope.
N. M.
Eminett P.vtton, I!ei(lsler.
Sep. 1- ft)
department of the Interior. U. S. Land
r, n...'l N. M . Auir. 2H. 11116.
Notice is hereby (riven that Clem H. KatU-
man. New Hoi. N- M.. who on aii. i. i"i.-,
i v uKlal W, tMili. fi,r See .".
Ilin'ic n u. ... . ... . ..v...... .. -
..,.i..ro lt..n.r;u l.:. M M. P. Meridian.
l . ...
has filed notice of Intention to make Final
three yei r proof, to establish claim to me
land above described. Deiore u. n. roomos.
II. S. Commissioner, in his ofliee, at New
Hope. N. M.. on Ool. 7. i''io.
rt . i . . n .... o wtlimoaua 1
platinum nuiu o " . .
Louisl). Gross, James It. Miller, Alfred W.
Messlok, Chariest.'. Dnvla. all of New Hope,
N. M.
Kinmetl Patton, Register
Sept. lN.
' Two hundred native cows',
and cows and calves. Write
Jesse Heard or John Heard,
A25-41 Pecos, Texas
DcoarHtipht of tlio Interior, U. S
Lntiil on'.ce nt ttostrcMl. N M.. Sept. S. l"ll).
Notice Is hereby ulvcn Ihnt I.vdi.1 K. Diipnv,
of Valley View, N. M.,' who on Aumisl l, l'H3.
made III). H.. Serial .Vo. WMti for FX.N'i:';
the SK' i; & Lots 3. 4, See. Ml. Twp S., Kniijrc
SI, K..N, M. Pi Meiidinn, has filed notice of
Intemlnn to uinl;e Final llii'ee year Proof, to
es'ablbh clnlin to the land above described.
befote D;in C. Snvnire, V. H. Commissioner, ii.
his p.-'cc nt Kenna. N. M..on Cel. in. I'.nG.
Claliriunt namps wltiiesses:
lames M. Proffer, Louis O. Cross, these of
Valley View, N. M, Hose Davis, .lames W.
Taylor, these of Ne HtiiC. K. M.
tminett Patton. Reiristcr
Sept. X Oct. Ii.
l:37i)"ii .
Department of the Interior, U S. Land
Office at lloswell. N. M.. Auif.ai. 1'M6.
Notice Is hereby ijlven that Maiiervla M.
lluercklin, of Hlklns. N, M.. mother ot Charlie
H. lluercklin. deceased, whoon Nov. SI, 1H13.
made HD. K.. Serial No. (WI9',, for K'(, See.
50, Township 7 S.. II. 2S K.. N. M, P. Meridian,
has tiled notice of intention to make Fln.il
Three Year pi'dof, to- ti.stitl'lHh etnini to the
land above described, before J. F. Carroll. I'.
S. Commissioner, In his office, at Elkins, N.
M., on Oat. 0, 191ft. :
Claimant names a3 witnesses:
Albt'rt S. ltnlli Cl-Msr II. Mnrriion, William
D. Smith, Thomas A. Henderson, all ot fcikiiiV
N. M.
Knimett Patton. Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, tJ. S.
Land Office nt Rostfe'll, New Mexico. Aitir.
7, 1'lin.
Notice is hereby Klve'n that Mose Hill,
of Kenna, N. M., who on lOet. 1, V1i maile
HD. K Serial No. 020502 forSW!i See. 20: and
on feh. 19. 1913. made add'l HD. 10.. Serial No.
osera. fortj.e SEM. Section 1. Township 6 S.
HnnKe32E., N. M. P. Meiidinn, lias tiled notice
of intention to make final three year Proof
to establish claim to the land above describ
ed before D.in C, t-tivatre. U. 8. Commissioner,
in his office nt Kennn, N., M.i on SeMt. l-''iio.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Simon ii. Hlcknrd, Robert Holllnifswortli.
these of Rt.3, IillUta. N: M:. Jolitl . Rbu'ers.
Thomas V. Neely. tlieso of KehhK. N: M.
F.mmett Patton. Reifister.
Auk. II Sept. 8.
Notlco for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
Office at noswell, M. W.. Allu. t, l'MO.
Notice lis hcrFby kIvOH thitt WllliKfil E.
Bnins, of New Hope, N. M., whoi oh Jan. IP.
I'M!!, made HD. K.. Swtini Nt). OidfllS. for
WJ4SWX: Sec. 27: llnd BHtWifi SUM. Section
SH.Tli.eS i Ra'njre 35 Hi N. M. P. Meridian;
has Hied notice of iiileiltloli lo nntliC rtnal
three year Proof, to establish claim to the
bind above described, before () K. Toombs U.
S. Commissioner, in bis ofliee. at New Hope,
N. M., on Kept. is. 1'rtu..
Claimant -names as witnesses:
. MarcUft fj. CrCarilrTi'i Jtise'.'li W. Ilallew i Ros-
coe ?, Fulton, John K. Burns, all of New Hope,
N. M,
Hmmett Patton,
Auir. IPSeiil. 8 Roister.
Notice for rubllcntioit.
Department of the Interior, TJ. S. Land
Otlice, at Uoswell, N M., Atnr- 7. I''ln.
Notice is hereby tflven that Walter L. Hill,
of lietlna. N. M.i wiio Alii, 13. 113! nuiile HI).
F.. S-rlnl No. H27l7', for lots3& l and F.HsU",'
Sec uhd on Sept. nh 1I3. made add ! lilJ.li.,
Keriiil No:(l.';7Ml, for Ijots 1 ft 2: Had KMX W '4
Sr'-lion 30, Township 6 B.. Hank e 33 tl., N. 'SI. I'.
Meridian, has lilcd notice of iiuenit. n to Inake
Una; lliree yenrproof to estal'iish elnim to the
laud above described, before Dan C. Savatie.
17. S. Commissioner. In his olllce at Kenna.
N, K.. on Setit. 12. 101".
Claimant names as witnesses:
Mmon K. Hickard. Robert oliuir:worlli,
these of Ht SI. F.lida, N. M.. lolin A. Uoveis,
ThomuKF. Xeely, tUci-eof Ki'nns, N M.
I'.iiiinett Patton, lt"i;lMefi
A int. Jl-Sept, K
U, S. Dept. of Agriculture
)! enttet s.tttteau.
S tut ion, tnai,
Month of August
,vfinn 7.1
.ra.i:nuin 100
Total 10,00 in.
Greatest in 21 hours 3.03
Number of Days
Clear 20
Partly cloudy .... S
Cloudy 3
Cooper.it i vt' 0 bser ver.
In a Lighter Vein.
An Irishman when asked to
define a frog answored: ''A
fi'ooj in u vnry pecular bird.
Whf n it t-its it stanil.; and when
it stands it sits, and when it
walks it jumps."
A Dry Answer.
Dickens used to tell the
of an American
who, traveling on a river
was pestered try the attention of
live young men. She wiis uV
vi.-sed to test their professions of
love by jumping overboard and
to marry the one who jumped
in to rescue her, Next nuru
iug the you rig lady plunged in
to the river, followed by four of
hor devoted buitoiu. When all
were'safo on board again; the
young lady appealed to the
skioper, asking what siie had
better do now.
'Titke the dry one," was his
prompt reply i
' Mr. Jonen became the father
of twins. The minister stopped
him in the street to congratu
late him.
"Well, Joneo," he naid, I
hear the Lord has smiled On
"Smiled on me?" repeated
Jones, "lie laughed outlotld.'.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
Office, fort Sunnier, New Mexico,
July 27, 1916.
Notice la hereby given that the
Stale cf New Mexico, by 'Virtue of the
Acts of Congress approved Juno 21,
1SD8. and June 20, l'JIO, and Acts sup
plementary and amendatory thereto,
h;ts filed in this oft'ico selection lists
for the following described lands:
List 740S, semi 0B213,-
Lots 3, 4, KI-2SW4, Sec. 7, T. 4
S., R. 30 E. N. M. P. M , 156 81 ai res.
Protests or contests against any or
all of such (selections may be filed
In this office during the period of
publication, or at any time, thereafter
before final approval and certifica
tion. A. J. KVANS,
Aug. 18-Sept. IS. '
Xollte tor PiiUirutiou.
om t.i
Oeparhnent of the Interior, U. S
Land Oft'lrf, at t!o2l.l!, N, M.
Auu'.ii min..
Noliee IS lierfliy uirt'n t'.int Ittmei A . Steel"
of r.lMnii. H. M.. v,!uti till riti j- i. l'Ai'.i liMtde
1113. H. Serial No. (d-iiil. for .JvV!4. f't i
Tivp. " S Itaiu-'e 8T-F., N. M.P. Meridian, linS
tiled not lee of intention lo make llnal live
Year Proof, to establish claim lo the land
above descrihe I. before UiKsteror Itceeiver.
IT. S. I.und Offlee, at ltoswell, N. M., on
Seil. l'l, !HB.
Claimant nnmes as wltneseee:
V, W. I'lotiJllt. W. II, I'roiidlit. W. I). Mark
ett, William 1., Samples, nil of Klliin-, S, M.
J t 1 1 , ' , . i i, 1 1 : i i '.
An-, IK Supt.l.l.
Eusebla had lived In the little gam-brel-roof
house at the foot of the hill
ever since she wd3 born, for forty
eight years.
Gabriel always stopped when he
drove by on the way to town to call
out a cheery salute to the face at the
sitting-room window. He had gone to
school to Miss Gibbons, and really had
afi affection for the odd little old
"You know, Gabo," she would say,
with a certain tilt of her head, "I am
tlld las, of the Gibbonses."
Gabriel fGUlerobered the plaintive
note of loneliness the' 6&y ha carried
the load of hard wood ovef to tha
Bchoolhouse. The teacher stepped
out to show him where she wanted It
put, and she asked him if he knew a
nice, pleasant place to board. She
wits' lif ittft down near the station, and
didn't like It.
Notice for PulitU-iitltiu.
Pt'liftrtmcnt of the Interior. II. S.
r,.md Ofliee at Komvell, . M ., Auk S8 I'.Ufl.
Notice in hereby yiven that Andren J. De
ltoid, of Itlehlnnd, N. M, who, onSeit. l-f.
t'12. made III). 10.. Serial No. iKjtH.V, for
KHNWV; imdWKXHli Section 11, Two ON.,
Ii. 30 K.. N. M. P. Meridian, liaa liled itotlee
of intention to malie Until three year proof
to establish claim to the land above deaei ibed
before O.K. Toombs, U. S (.'oiniiiLsaloner. In
his otlice. at New Hope, N. M.. tin Oct.?. I'd 6.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Lorenzo D. Youofr, Kraneld M. Iteeman, '1'.
f.ee lleeinan,- Lewis H. Kaw. all of Kichland.
N. M
Sept l -i9 Hegister,
-There is to be a creditable dry
farming exhibit at the Slate
hive Stock and Products Expo
sition lo be held at lloswell Sep
tember 18, to 23. A number of
the communities in the dry
fanning districts have notified
the fair management that they
would bring exhibits to the fair.
The exhibits themselves while
valuable and interesting are not
so impoitant as the fact that all
the people are co-oj erating in
this fair to make it a credit to
all eaetf-rn New Mexico
The management has finally
completed arrangements with
Charles R, Gray of Fort Collins,
Colo., to judge the daiiy, Ixef
cattie, hog and sheep depart
ment. Mr. Gray comes highly
recommended both as a man
who knows live stock-and wl o
has had extensive experience in
judging Dr. John T. Wilkins
of Greenville, Texas, will judge
in the horse Wej-fiitmnt. The
management feels that this fair
will have an unusually strong
judging department and it-is
hoped that thes? men will also
be able to give some" valuab'e
instructions to spectators whi.e
they are Judging,
The amusement department
is inUiCafilng In tfar each day.
Captain Hardy, the champion
shot of tie world, will give ex
hibitions daily in front of the
grain! Maim. Iltv exiiiimion
will iloiin with tome daring
fchoothitf from an automobile,
and tile explosion of a bomb
three hundred feet in the air
displaying an American 11 g.
In addition to the work of Cap
lain Hardy and i inneroiH oilier
attractions there will be an
abundance of band music, eight
bauds now being on the list to
furnish music for the fair.
The racing program looks bet
tei every day, a number of got. d
liorses having entered the meet
during the past week. s
Knowledge without education
is but aimed injustice. Horace.
A man cannot leave a better
legacy to the world than a well
educated family. Tbomat? Scott
A proverb is Inuch light con
densed iu one flash. Simmons.
Gabriel told her he'd speak to Miss
Gibbons. She couldn't have been a
duy over eighteen, with big brown
eye and wavy brown hair nd the
deepest dimples.
"8he don't seem to have much sta
bility," said Miss Gibbons gently, aft
er she bad boarded Polly a week.
"She just seems to brighten up the
whole place. I'm even thinking some
of having i little party for her Wash
ington's birthday. i'n set out all my
colonial things, ask each one who
comes to bring along dmething
they've got tucked away, too. You
can come, can't you, Gabe?"
Gabe was sure he could. In fact,
he'd make a point of it- But when he
paid his usual call Sunday, Polly
seemed out of.umor.
"Oh, It Isn't anything, Gabe," she
said shortly. "It's JuBt everything all
at once. I think I'll give up the .
school and go back home. I heard
Mrs. Dwlggins say Friday they would
ask for my resignation if I didn't.
"First, they say the supervisor
drives over and stays too long In my
district. Well, tie does, too. He's an
old goose. Then they say I waved
my hand to the mall carrier." She
smiled dellclously.
The twilight had fallen. Miss Gib
bons was busy getting tea out In the
kitchen, and Gabe some way managed
to unburden bin mind to a large ex
tent in those few minutes. But the
next day, even Eusebla sensed some
thing wrong In the atmosphere at her
Washington tea.
All about the parlor and sitting:
room were Eusebia'a colonial treas
ures, her moss-rose tea set and the
silver glaze teapot. There were the
Capitol steps silk quilt made by GreatJ
grand-aunt Luclnda Allen, and the old
flintlock miifcfcet that had gone through
the Pequot Indian wars, with a Revo
lutionary powder born next It, and
homespun woolen blanket that old
Capt. Ethan Gibbons had wrapped
around hla weary limbs at Valley
Forge. There was a slender silver
cup the great general himself wa
said to havo drunk from and the very
split bottom chair he had sat In the
night of his sojourn at the Gibbous
home. ,
Polly had draped an old worn flag
over the picture of Washington be
hind the tea table where EuBebia sat,
fiuHhed and happy, and the rooms
really looked festive. But there wa
something wrong. Polly knew it right
away, when Mrs. Deacon Rlcketts
gave her a, hand that was like a dead
flounder. Then, when she passed tea,
several of the ladles said very primly.
"Much obliged. Miss Hall, I'm sure."
"Expect to go home before Easter,
do you, Miss liall?" Inquired old Miss
Chatterton, who was deaf as a post.
The qnestlon seemed to reverberate
through the low-celled rooms, and
Polly was pink to her ear tips. But
Eusebla heard It and answered for
her placidly:
"Well, faln't at all likely. We'll
need her here to sing in church, and
it would hardly pay to go way up to
Vermont and back again."
Mrs. Itlcketts coughed slightly,
stirred her tea and fired the next
"The deacon was saying there wai
some talk on the school board of get
ting a man teacher to look after those
big boys. I should think they'd be a
real burden to you. Miss Hall."
"I like them," said Polly earnestly.
"They all help me with the smaller
ones, and are good as can be."
"I don't believe that' supervisor will
get elected this year again," spoke up
Miss Chatterton, with startling clear
ness, and there came a dead silence.
It really was the psychological mo
ment In Eusebia's tea. Even the fa
mous mistress of the first administra
tion herself would have needed all
her tact and diplomacy In handling
the issue of the moment. Polly flashed
an imploring glance at her, and
Eusebla poured another cup of tea
with steady fingers.
"Do try another one. Miss Rlck
etts," she said. "It'll quiet your .
nerves. Well, I don't wonder they
talk of removing him. Silly old thing,
gallivanting around "stld of attending
to his duties. Polly, Isn't that Gabe
at the door?"
Polly stepped out Into the (ront hall,
and Eusebla smiled confidentially at
her company and sprang her final
shot of victory.
"You know they're engaged to be
married as soon as the school term
ends. I'm real thankful, too. Qabe'i
got a treasure."
(Copyright, 1910. by the McClurs Newspa
per wuaiei.i