Newspaper Page Text
7t. THE KENNA TTv Tl "A IT CORD. VOL. 10. KENNA, CHAVES COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1916. NO. 31. NOTICE FOR rCBLICATIOJf. OS1171 Department of the Interior, U. S. Lund Oltlce nt Roftwell. N. M.. Auk. 18. 1918. Notice Is hereby itlven Mint WlllUm II. Ma Comb., of Kennn, N. M., who on l)e. 30, lr7 mtide HD. K.. Serlnl.No. 051S71, for SEM. S. '.'; gV! See. S3, Tp. 7-8.. Knnire 3S K.. N. M. 1. Meriillan, ha. Hied notice of lntenilou lo muke flunl lire-year proof, to establish ol.lm t the land mhoTe deaorilieil, before Dna C. Savairc, U. S. CommUsloner. In his ofilce. t Kennii. N. M on Sept. 5, I'lifl. Claimant names as witnesses: Wllllum Scan, T. Dexter Oouly. Samuel r. SouUmril. Harry V. Southard, all of Kenna, N. M. Kmmett Pttn, Register. Kui: Notice for Fnbllriitloii. OS7374 Department of the Interior, U. 8. .ami nnice at Koswell. N. M., Aus. SI. 1IM6. Not'ce Id hereby given that Jess II. II ul ford, of Ktehlnndr N. M., who on June IS. 1013, mnde HD. K., Serlnl No. 027374, for NH. Sec. 35, Township 6 S , Itnnite 3SK., N.M. V. Meridian has Med notice of Intention to muke Final Three Yeur Proof, to establish olnlm to the land above described before C. K. T'jumba, U, S. Commissioner In his ofnee. at tit Hoiro, N,M.,OB OOt. Tt fl- Claimant names as witnesses: licniamin F. Hlnlcy. William E. liurns.Jame. I. Belts, these of New Hope, N. M.. John W. Stiirall of Itlelilni.c". N. M. Emmett Piitton, Register. Sf pt. !". NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. T 07HI1 Department dt the Interior, U. S Lnhil Office at hoswell. N. M.i Aiiir. 18. llfi Notice is hereby viventliki William C, Crosby, of Hiking. N. M., who on Sept. If. IB13, made ;m K. Serial No. 0J7HII. for WM. See. 0. Twp. 8 S Ilunxe 30 K., N. M.I'. Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make Final three yeur proof, to establish claim to the land aboVe descibed. before J. V. Carroll. U. S. tlHinttilMlunteri la lilB Onice Hi fclldnS. N. M oh nepi.2e..ti)!...... - .. -- Claimant names as witnesses: diaries E. Net., Trior L. Baker, these of llosz, N. M John D. Ketner, Charles C. Cros by, these of Elklns, N. M. Emunetl ration, Retflster. Aurf.M-Sept.S2. Notice for Publication. "Department of the Interior, U. S Land Oftlce at Roswell, New Mexico, Sept. 7, 1916. Notice Is hereby1 given that James A. Keller, of Kt'dliind.,N. M.. whoon Jan. 3. Wll made I1D.E., Serial No. nM0. ffr r'.NEX. See 0: WKNIItle NiVK. Section 11. Township 7 S.. 1aiiKe3R E N. M. P Meridian, ha. Hied notice of Intention to make final throe year Proof to establish claim to the land above described before Will A. Palmer, U. S. Commissioner. In hisoRlce at Kedlund N.. M.. on Oct. 16. !9I6. Claimant names as witnesses: Lewis H. Propps. James J. Keller. Jnines W. Slivers, Hubert L. Klnley. allot Kedlund. N. M. KihthcttPatton, Reitlster. Sept.l5-Oct. 13. Notice for PublteatloB. 0J7J73 , Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land'oiMce at Roswell. N. M., Auir. t8. 1916. Notice Is hereby given that Arthur M. Car roll, of New Hope. N. M.. who on June 16. l'13. made HD. E.. Serial No. 047373, for WM KKSWX; and EMNWM. ee. W. Twp.6 S Itantre 35 K N. M. P. Meridian, has (lied notice of Intention to make llnal three year proof to ealabllxh claim to the land above described .Wt're C. K. Toombs, U, 8. C"ininlslineri in "liia omce, at New Hope. N. M.. on Oct. 7i liet Clulmant nahles at witnesses: ttoscoe J. Kulton, Henjamln K. UJnsley, John E. Hums. V'llliam E. Hums, all of New Hope. N. M. Imiiielt Patton, Register, Sep. 1- 9 NOTICE FOR PCBMCATI0N. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Omce at Roswell. N. M-. Aur. w. ma. Notice U hereby given that Clem H. Kath ....n v Hime. N. M.. who on Apl. 10. IfMS, marie HD. K.. Serial NO.03IJS4, for N'4. Sec. 6. 'i ,,nhli7H..ltaniie34 K.. N. M. P. Meridian. has tiled notice of intention to make Final three year proof, to establish clulm to the land above described, before U. E. Toombs, O. S. Commissioner. In bis oftlce. at New Hope. N. M on Oct. 7, VrU. Claimant names as witnesses: Ij,iit (4. Gross. James K. Miller. Alfred W. Messlclt. Charles C. Davis, all of New Hope, N. M. Kmmett Patton, Kelsler. Sopt.1".-S. 't FOR SALE Two hundred nntive cows, and cows and calveB. Write Jesse Heard or John Heard, A25 it Pecos, Texas. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ol766 Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Roswell. N M.. Sept.! lite. Notice Is hereby given that Lydla E. Diipur, of Valley View, N, M., who on August 18, 1'I3 made HD.K., Serial No. W7066. for EMNEi the SK j; & Lots 3. 4, Seo. :tl. Twp. 6 8.. Range 31, K..N. M. P. Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, befot. Dan C. Savage, U. t. Commissioner, it. klsnptce nt Kenna, N. M..ori Oct. In, 191(1. Claimant names as wiuiesses: James M. Proffer, Louis O. dross, these of Valley View, N. M , Rose Davis, James W. Taylor, these of New Hope. N. M. Etnuiett Patton, Register Sept. 8-Oct. fl. Notice for PHbllcatloB. otr.eio Department o( the Interior, U. B. Land ORlce, at Roswell, N. M., Sept. II. 1010. Notice Is hereby given that Charlie Walker of Alllo. X. M who, on Nov. 8, 1 01 J, made HD. E, Serial No. (Wtilto. for WKNWW. Sec. 4, Township 6 S.. Rang 37 E.. N. M. P. Meri dian, has tiled notice of intention to make Una', three-year proof to establish clulm to the land above described, before Will A. Palmer, tJ. S, Commissioner. In his office at Kedlshd. N. M.. on Oct. 16, mt. Claimant names as witnesses: Mahrv O. Danfortii. liinry C. Uoteler. Jos enb A. Ktirman. these of Alllc, N. M.. Fred O. Henry, of Redland. N. M. Emmett Patton, Register. Sept. 15-Oct. 13 Notice for Publication. 0S6POT Department of th. Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Roswell. N. M., Sept. 11, 1016. Notice Is hereby given Hint Martin L. Creameri of Ne w Holm, N. M.. hoj on Jan. It', lots, made HD. E., Serial No. O38H09. for WK Section 34. Tp.flS . Range 35 E.; S. M: P. Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. E. Toomb. U. 8. Commissioner, Inbls office. at New Hope, N. M.. on Oct. tl, 1916. .. Claimant names as witnesses: Joe T- Smithee. iienjsmln F. HInsley, Arthur Mi Carroll, John E. Uurns, all of Nh Hope, N; M. Emmett Patton, Sept. 15 Oct. 13 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, Fort Sumner, New Mexico, July if, 191. Notice is hereby given that the State of New Mexico, by virtue of the Acts of Coneress approved June 21, 18!)8, and June 20, 1910, and Acts sup plementary and amendatory thereto, has filed in this office selection lists for the following described lands: List 740S, serial 014213, Lots J, 4, 'F, 1-2 SWt4', Sea. 7, T. 4 S., R. 30 K, N. M. P. M , 156.11 acres. Protests or contests against any or all of such selections may be filed in this office during the period of publication, or at any time thereafter before final approval and Certifica tion. A. J. EVANS, -Register. Aug. H5.lS.Sept. Notice for Publication. 01446 Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office, at Roswell, N. M. Aug.14 10)0. Notice as hereby given that Tames A. Steele, of Ml.lna. N. M., who. on May 4. IKK), made HD. K. Serial No. 01x149, for NWU. See, 33, Twp.t S., Range it-E N. Mi P. Meridian, has Hied notice of inlehtioh td make II mil ttve Vcar Proof, to establish claim lo the land above described, before Regiateror Receiver. IT. S. Land Office, at Roswell, N. M., on Sept. 10, I'JIft. Claimant names as witnesses: V. W. Proudtlt. W. II. Proudllt, W. D Hack ett, William L. Samples, all of Elklns, N. M. 4 i n in. I ; i Aug. 1H Sept. 15. The largest stalk of corn yet reported comes from Dexter, whicli measures full 1G ft. and 8 inches tall, well developed with a good ear of corn on it. The largest weed however is reported by Millard Clayton Baker, who lives in the sub urbs of Frog City. The weed is growing in his garden and measure at this writing 'Mi ft. in circumference and is et ill growing. Two New Precincts Established At the last meeting of the Board of County Commission ers two new Justice of the Pea'ce, Constable and voting precincts were established, one nt Valley View and one at Cap Kock. The beundrias of the Valley View precinct are as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Township G South o Range 33 East, thence West along the Township line to the Northwest corner of Twp. 0 South, llange fi2 East, thence South along the Township line to ihe Southeast corner of Twp. 7 South, Range 32 East, thence East along the Township line to the Southeast corner of Twp. 7 South, Range !)3 East, thence North alone; the Range line to the point of beginning; and it is further ordered that the voting place and headquarters of said Precinct and they hereby are es tablished and located at Valley View School House in said Pre cinct and the Official namn and nuiriber of Said Precinct be and hereby i3 declared to be Luak Precinct No. IS. Board of Registration J. B. Spillman, W. W. Bracken, Henry McCown, The boundiiea of - the Cap Rock Precinct are as follows: Beguinirig for the boundry line of said precinct at the Northeast corner of Township 10 South Range 32 East, thence west along the Township line to the Northwest corner of Twp: 10 South, Range 30 East, thence south along Range line to the Southwest corner of said Twp. 10 South, Range 30 Eabt, thence West along the Township line to the Northwest corner of Twp. 11 South, Range 30 East, thence South along the Range line to 8outhwe?t corner of Section 7, Township 14 South, Range 30 East, thence East along the Section 12 Twp. 14 S, Range 33 East, thence North along the Range line to the Northeast cor ner of Twp. 11 S Range 33 East thence West along the Township line to the Southwest corner of Twp. lo South, Range 83 Eaet, thence North along the Range line to the place of be ginning. And it is further ordered that the Voting place and headquar ters for said Precinct bo and they hereby are established and located at Cap Rock in said Pre cinct. And the Official name and number of said Precinct be and hereby is declared to be Cap Rock, Precinct No. 19. Board of Registration At Crossland's Store C. E. Cross land, Hai'lry Foster. J. P. Henry. School Books and School Sup plies. Eiida Drug Store. Sept, l-4t. With tatter loads from the northern part of the valley U Roswell than ever before, with excellent train connections and with the largest live stock show ever held in the state. Ron well is expecting an enormous at tendance at thf State Live Siock and Products Exposition which MOLLY S FLANS By CATHERINE CRANMER. T "Good morning;, family!" was Moi- Sle's cheery greeting as she entered be breakfast room. "Mother o' mine, let's go away fox a month. You know it .will rain all through March, and rain makes me weep more than the clouds." "Mollle Alns worth! Of all the short sighted creatures; you are the most hopeless!" Her mother looked discon solately at the girl as she spoke. "With the most eligible man in town ready to drop at your f)et and with the two most attractive debutantes cancelffig trips to Palm Beach and Aiken for fear you'll capture him while they're gone, you want to go away to escape the March rains." "Now, mother, dear, you're a Jeal ous, painstaking mother for a debu tante, and you're on the Job every minute. But come on, family, let's all take A vacation from our several professions," begins next Tuesday. Each day has brought additional en couragement from every sec tion both as to. attendance ai.d exhibits. An enormous fcrco of men have been at work on the fair grounds all week gluing every thing in shape for the opening. A number of features have been added to the amusement pio- gram and there will be pome thing of interest going on f rom nine o'clock in the morning un til late in the evening. The ra'c'es-Wil) te especially good this year, more than twice as many horses being entered as have ever been on the Ros well fair grounds before, and the best stables in the southwest are represented-; Each night during tha week the Elks Hap py Land will arflu'se the people down town. With attractive electrical effects this is said to be the greatest collection of amusement features ever assem bled in New Mexico. The Eastern New Mexico Swine Growers Association will have a banquet Tuesday night and on Wednesday night the Houtheaetern New Mexico Cat tle Raisers Association will have a banquet. Excellent programs have been arranged for each of these events. The establishing of an infor mation bureau in the down town district assures every vis itor of receiving comfortable ac comodations at reasonable prices, even though Roswell is expecting twice as many people as she has ever euteitained at one lime before. Child Comes Near Drown ing. On Tuesday morning the t ao year old-child of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Davis 4f Judson, narrowly escaped death by drowning. When the children came in nt noon, Mrs. Davs missed the youngest, and immediately run to u large drinking tank where she found it in almost the last stages of drowning. Colin Wilt-on was passing at the time and assisted Mrs, Davis in re suscitating the child. At last reports the child, though very weak, was recovering. I She' included her mother and father ' in a wheedlliiK glanca. J "As for that eligible man other- , wise known as Leslie Morehouse , he's already proposed and I've told him It's too sudden." I "And as sure as you live one of those other girls will catch Ix;slie j Morehouse on the rebound. Oh, I know men!" "They'll have to catch him on the run instead of on the rebound, I'm thinking," laughed Mollle, "as he is leaving today for parts unannounced on a hunting trip." "Would you mind telling me what you mean by turning down the catch of the season?" asked her mother, with mock calmness. "I mean Just what I told him, though I softened It a bit, for when I saw him. with his society manners off and his hourt manners on, he did seem pretty nice." Molly blushed a bit, but added: "But don't look so solemn, mother. I'm still 'one and twenty with bcaus a plenty.' And, daddy, throw down your paper and let's all plan out some nice trip for fun Instead of for form. Aiken' and Palm Beach are disqualified, for what we need is some secluded spot whore we can talk common sense with each other and with our souls and come back home better acquainted." . "That does sound like common sense, and I've got a suggestion to make about where to go."' lier father was suddenly enthusiustic. "One of my clients hus been after me for years tt go out and enjoy the big fireplaces and armchairs and first editions and mountain scenery of his ancestral homo that he occupies only about two months in the year." A few days later they made the pro posed trip. After their first, evening before a wood fire in a huge fireplace, where all Of the-family grew remlnla cent and sympathetic, and the eve ning ended with Mollle playing softly on the big pluno while all ot them joined in singing old folk song's. As for Mollis, she reveled in tha many delights of tha big house, the wonderful view from Ha broud win dows and the quaint caretakers. She did not even mind when a drizzly day carnG. In tlio afternoon, she put on a long corduroy coat and a Tuzzy yellow scarf and cap and v.ut out for a walk.' As she descended a hill toward the tumbling mountain stream she caught a glimpse, through an opening ifl th trees, of some wild ducks on the" water, Very cautiously she went down toward tha river bank, but the elusive ducks bud sailed around a brnd, and to widen her vision sha stepped Out on the edge of a wet and slippery rock. At sight of her, tha ducks first huddled and then rose in graceful flight, but suddenly aattored in confusion as shots cracked from a clump of shrubbery further up thu stream. Mollle gave a start of surprise at the first shot, lost her balance and, with a frightened scream, fell into the water, in her heavy long coat sha was unable to make a good stroke and promptly went under. She came up still more frightened as she felt tha strong force of the current. She loBt consciousness as she went under the second time without noticing that two men wore running toward her from where the rifle shots had been heard. When she regained consciousness she was being curried up the bill by a big, strong man, whoso face was not visible to her until, in response to her tired exclamation, ho bent over her and she recognized Leslie Morehouse. "Mollle, dear," he whispered, and Mollle replied with a long sigh of con tentment. A half hour later both of them were in dry clothes and sitting before the big fireplace. Mr. and Mrs. Aiiisworth left the room to give orders for au early supper uud a big tire lu the dining-room llreplace, and Morehouse got up and stood behind the high, wing-backed tapestry armchair in which Mollle But. Then he leaned ovgr and looked Into her fuce, speak ing very softly to her. "Hasn't this condensed our ac quaintance enough to put us nearer the time when you wRl give me the answer you withheld the other day!" "Ye-es," came Mollle's answer, "and I believe that whatever of our society veneer was not washed away by that cold water has been melted by this darling fire." (Copyright, 1816. by the MfPlure Newapfc per HymiU'ute.) Fuchsias received their name from Leonasd Fuchs, who dlscnvered this species of house plants ,