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i e r m f L i 1 ry Our New Flour 4 i THE EMPRESS livery Sack Guaranteed. The Kenna Lumber Co. iff , y 4 .V ... -A Protection for the Home The etrongeat detire of huiband and wife it the welfare ol their children. The huiband worlu herd to provide lor them, end would be slid to know how bet! to tafeguarcl them. The wile works herd, too in the home and it e,elly Htwrotrd with her husband in round in. roiaace protection, nicb u that offered by the Postal Life Insurance Company fiwrtict li 0 font: Mort lata t(5.M0, NET COST LOW IN THE" POSTAL BECAUSE I. C.aaliii.a Dirl. irmfonitnf to tit. con pilMt.Hf i.llir ), UHt U mod.r.u MlTcitli Ipk rlt.rc. fu to foUkl folk,. U Irit jaw. 2nd. RanawaJ Commie aloe, DUid.ivd. u Office. EPbm STineniN b, u. Pi furatcd JtTidn.(.. u pwui Futicjltoldrt-a in -fMibfunt yuatfk. 3rd. Bfnw.n tit th rUaa of lha Mcnnd fr. tli vauaJ coiithf tw!ir-4ivi..tndt, hel uq the CotMpftu' awniing. atiM furtliar itlu Um ovtA ttvlt )a; kfui th Brat 1 1 frj 7' " ti It will pay you to tnd out jul what the POSTAL LIFE can and will do lor roll. The Company iuuei all the laadard legal-ieierve policy-lormr: it tuppliet lull poraorval information to all applicant. men, women and young people and diuance horn New York doea not hindei. Ju.l write and' lay i v "MmJI me llfe-lntsurance partkulart tor my age" ami be sure to mention ' this. Paper. U your iettet be ture to give . Your Full Name 2. Your Occupation . 3. The Exact Date of your Birth The requeat (or inloimauon placet you under M Wigariont and no agent will M teat to vitit you. The Poiul Life doet not employ agenlt but givei ilt oolicyholdert the benchl of agenlt commiaaions -th Aral year and orery other. Postal Life Lisnrance Company (TjunwwtuTNwpjiy Penalty f Flrmnctt. Tb comptroller of tb trenmry It n autocrat whose decision overriden van that of tha chief uiaglntrate of tho nation. Some years &eo tha then Incumbent of tha office refuaod to sign a warrant for money which (Jan. Graut thought It proper to expend. "That la jrht," tha president naiil; "I admlra ' your flrmnesi. Whre your conaclenca It concerned, neer pertuit youraolf to ba coerced. You may consildei your aelf clear In this affair, for I shall ap point a new comu'.iolU tomorrow." STiWO For Partridge, Wood cock, Squirrel or Rabbit Shooting the' 44 GAUGE SHOTGUN No. 101 IS A WONDER ' 2G Inch bnrr1, welchi 4 lb., take-down. Ocltcr tartridaTct. Llet Prlc Only $5.00 No other bore or faugc fun asemctcnt untlvrn a vamty of conditions. V Snl for detitlrd At. criirtion and "GUNS AND GUNNING." M ltt Mtn Uaik tTCVCNS age of slKit- SV V J; vrsogreat v.fli mm J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY P.O.Box 5005 CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS. COPYRIGHTS F. -ii I no M, drmvlnir or photo, witit o ocriiuiott. W.! a'ivise, il p.imnib'iir.nit. FREE. S,l f, i. SPiCIU OtC 10 IMVLSI ( IS Ii -inrj nniilyinir (or a pauuii. it it'ill fm y yoit. Ail brsiu'lie U. S. .i i'l 1'i.ri'iiru Paii-niH. ft" tnls laki-H tliruugh oar ajfite adVr ti,'t. ft" sale at our erfitnse. II AKilUOK an fiatcnls setiKMVL. WORMtLLF. & VAN MATER.' Managora, rolumbaCopyii(ht S Prt. Co. Inc., WASIIIVOION, D. C VALLfcY VIEW Ivlil McUown and family loft for Texas, Tuosflay, iSept. oth.. C. M. Stobb went to Clovis, Saturday , Sept. vv o are very, very glad to Bay thai Mrs. Guy 11. Miller Is up and gaining lier lioaltb after a long seigeof sickness. Jako McC'ibu was tbj buyer of several bead (f cattle from W, J. Stobb last week. Mi'8. Ira P. Assiter and little daughter Ollie, returned fro n l)exter, wliero they have been visiting their relatives for some time. Miss Anna E. Stobb returned from Koswell where bhe has been for the past month. . A nice rain fell in this com ni'inity Monday night, which will help tho late crops. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Stobb mac.o a business trip to E ida Tuesday; n Tin J 1 n Pi Jm in ai Vfeajr awaaam STOCK RAISING HOMESTEAD LL The 640 Acre Stock-Raising Homestead Bill, being House Bill 407, passed the senate with several amend ments, at 9 o'clock Friday morning, Sept. 8th, just about one hour before congress adjourned. This bill passed the House on January 18th and has been held up in the Senate by one or two senators till the last hour. The Senate having agreed to several amendments, made it necessary for the concurrance of the House be fore, it could become a law. We have before us at this thime a complete record of the proceedings of Congress on that date, and we fail to find where the House agreeded to these amendments. It cannot therefore become a law until the reconvening of the Sixty fourth Congress, on Dec. 1st of this year. The bill as passed by the Senate is practically the same as passed the House on Jan. 18th. The amendments bring about some slight changes in the wording, but in every instance the effects and purposes are the same. It does not seem to be a question of the two houses getting together, for as a rule they are already together in a sense, their differences being only technical. But it was a question of time for the House to complete the work. The Senate held the bill up until one hour before the house was to adjourn, which did not give it time for considering and agreeing to the amendments. We received the report of the .proceedings of the last days work of Con gress just as we were ready to go to press, and we gather from the same that it will be December 1st before it can become a law. Department of the Interior United States Land Office Fort Sumner, N. M. September 13, 1916. EDITOR KliNNA RECORD, Kenna, New Mexico. SIR: We have been advised by the General Land Office that the bill provid ing for 640 acre homesteads did not become a law. Very respectfully A. J. EVANS, Register. RAYMUNDO HARRISON, . Receiver. "1