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P. A. STARCK FRCSIOENT No Money in Advnuco Setinfac (iou Gunr a n ( e e 1 Lowes! Net Factory Pticci lUtieii Terms A Saving ol SlOO to S 2 O O From Vuc lory Direct Plants - c. IN YOUR OWN HOWE 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL We will snip you a beautiful Stank I'ljno fi.r iys' fn o trlr.l. In y;ur home. No cash TKyniunt required. All we i:sl la time yuu will play upon, usu onu test this piano lor :t t'liys. If. :tt the end ol that time, yuu ch not llml U the highest grade, sweetrst toned un.l linosl piano In every w:iy, that you have ever ("en for the money, you ore at ptrtVct I.Vifity to ntnd it bar!;, ami w will, In that event, ray tlx- fn irhl b ith ways. 'Ihia fctarck 1'ialio riusl make good with you, or there Is no sale. Save $150.00 cr Mora Vc Fliip dirt tt to oii from our fartovv, at price tlut Kieuii i!m:inl.i of $i;0.m) iu tlie co-t of .tour piano. einiratttt-o to furnish you a lrtl-r pijii.j f'r Hip money than you v.iti tffiiip rl'.'whrTO. You mv ititivil of r.'t'f ivinjr a aatisfj try awe t tonl durjlde high Kr:"'' piiino. 25-Year Guarsntea I Ivory S;;irck Putin it pnnrnntof'il tr 2 x mr. This pun rn nice 1;.-; 1 li;irk f it our U A years of pbuo 1 rrHTii'ncp, and tlte r pu liation of nn t-ld-p'tublii.hed, rr-ponsiblu pi;tno )iou.e. 50 Free Masio Lessons To evry purcli;vr of Slurck iMuhoa, wo give U iKii5ii' 1i"4-on, hi w:e of ttio hrst l.nowu school in ihit Jiro. T'h!l' li you ran t.ip In your own liome, by mail. This r pivttitH one your'a free imtrrctinn. P. A. STAKCK PIANO CO., Easy Payments 2n1-Hand Bargains Wo luive ron; 0,1 h::r. 1 a Virpe numtur ol li;'litly usi. nni Focono'-li.tnU pianos of all MuiHiard ni:ike t;il.on In cv rli-infrf for new St:irok l'ianos nnd Plnycr-lManofl. TI10 fitJlow arc a few sample liaj;Kaina: Weber $110.00 Stcinway 92.00 Chiclcerins 9003 Kimball . 05.00 Starck 195.00 Son1 for onr latest complete accond-hand baritin lint. Ton pay no vj U ilwn, but aflor 30 Hay of trhil, you can biin p.iyniont on the low-r-t., r-:iifst tornn ever ButrirofJtr I by a piano nn .iDtiioiiut-r. TIh'j'o terms uru urmnpcil to Miit ur o in von i( iht, and It ii pwsitle for ymi i.) bey a pi:um fur your home, without 1 Sfarck Player-Pianos Rtarok iiaycr-l'iiinos nro lh.3 best ami most beauti ful I'keyor I'Uiioa on the market. You will be iv lighted , with the innny ex-. cliiKivt! featim'S of the wonderful Intnimentfl, ami Will be pleased with the very low prions lit which llicy can be fit cured. Piano Book Free SuM today for otir now bejutitully itlustratcd piano ltk which (fives you a larpe amount of Informa tion roiyaniiiiir pianos. Thi book will Interest and please you. Write today. l'lL'O Starck Iildg., CHICAGO Prairie Dog Poison Always in Stock. Send us your order. McCain Drug: Co., Roswell, N. M. Al Furstnow Saddlery H Originator'of the Saddle that made Miles City No. 88 Saddle Price S60.00 J I T fe mm if 'NE1H0ME 77 i X ifr my wife 7T iPif NO OTHER LIKE IT. NO OTHER A8 GOOD. Purchase Ihe "NEW HOME" and you will have a life asset nt the price you pay. The elimination of repair ep-ne ly mperior work innship and bvst i"tdity (f material insures life-long service at minimum cost WARRANTEDFOR ALL TIME. Insist on having the "NEW HOME". It i known the world over for htiprrior Fewing quuli bci. 'Nut sold tinder any other name. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., ORANGC, MASSACHUSETTS, ron sale .v Dealer Waiit.ed. Th e New Home Sewing Machine Co., Chicago, 111. WJUTK FOR FIIEE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 9 WMJ-C08 Main St., Miles City, Montana. FARMERS! Serul 25c for a copy of The Farmer'H Rapid Figurer and Ciilctilator; t lie handiest book j on ever saw; money back if wanted. K. C. Foster, Assump tion, III. R. L. R0BERS0N THE BARBER : north side -:-KENN A, t : NEW MEXICO ! ! EXCURSIONS Account. State Livestock nnd Products Exposition Roswell, N. M. Sept 18, 10, 20, 21, 22, 101G. Round Trip Fare from Kenna, to Roswell, 2.25. Dales of Sale, Sept. 1G, 17, 18, it), 20, 21,1916. , Final Return Limit, Sept. 24, 1916. For further information see T. O. EIrod, Agent KENNA. NEW MEXICO Kemp Lumber Company, ELIDA, N. M. Wire, -Posts, Cement, Lumber and Building Material, Sash Doors and Hardware. CHARLES J. MACKEY, Manager. Every Intelligent Person Should Learn How to Write. More than a million people are employed in the publishing business In the United States, and all of them "had to begin," They are dropping out eery day, and some one must lake their place. There must be writers for The Newspapers Magazines Movjng Pictures They pay more for the same class ot service than most of the professions. With a table, a chair, paper and a typewriter you can begin now; and you do not need to give up yourpressut occupation or employ ment. Even if you dn not wish to take up journalism as a profession, there is no bet ter mental training than learningfto write. The man or woman who writes is auto matically thrown' in touih with the big peo pie who are shaping the destiny of the slatt and the nation, and the big thing.)' that, art taking place in the new development of the country. The fundamentals are carefully and simp, y arranged in our Correspondence Courst of Instruction. A Washington correspond ent who has written for every class of publi cations during the past twenty-five yean has arranged the work, and is in charge ol the course. Money back if you are not satisfied. Write today o, infotmation. V. S. PRKSS ASSOCIATION, Bond Ruilding, WASHINGTON, D. C. . BRAND DIRECTORY! ANN0UNCEMENTS X MISS FLORENCE B. CLARK Boaz, New Mexico. Roaz, C. C. LAYTON, N. M, ka--5 .T-- --y Sninc liinnd on left shnuklor of hois. J. a, GREAVES, Kenna, N. M, it f DAN C. SAVAGE, Kenna, - - N. M, W. J. Smith, M. D- Physician and Surg-eci Calls Answered Night !orJ Day. :EUDA. NKVV. MEXICO 1 ' Phones '.office .' m ') Resident: 98:. t CHAS. A. REYNOLDS ATTORNET-AT-LAW O. . ICE ALLISON BLDG., S. E. COR. SQUARE ROSWELL, NEW MEX1C0.J DAVID L. GEYER LAND OFFICE) PHACTICE ( A SPECIALTY. ROSWELI.j N- HAROLD HURD, j HOSWKIJi, N. M. s Attorney. Practising before all courts. Especial attention to United States Lund OHice proceed ing?. , Offioe First National Bank Bldg.i Gladstone's Memory. Gladstone's power of memory was always one ot bis greatest assets. In bis lust years he often lamented that It was not what H had been; but even so, It came triumphantly out of some remarkable tests. In his elghty-thlrd rear he sot himself to recall Afnnxnnl'. ode on the death of Napoleon, which, as a young mun, ne naa translated Into English. Ho had entirely forgot ten his own version, but by dint of hard "digging" or "fishing up," as he called it, he wrote down 104 of the 108 Italian lines. Two years later he essayed to write from memory a com plete list of all the men who had been his cabinet colleugjes, and enumer ated 60 of the 70. Democratic Nominee. As Expressed fty the Voters at thfi Prltnurles, May 9th, 1916. Treasurer BjfiN C. DAVISSON Sheriff C. A. RECTOR , County Cleric IS. P. BALLARD County Superintendent MRS. T. W.. HAYES DOCTOR D. D. SWEARINGIN SPECIALIST, ) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Will ho in Elida tho ,21st ? of each' month. ! Novelties Galore With Howe's Big London Circus The Great London Shows Con solidated, will appear in Ros-w-?ll, Wednesday, Sept. 20. W:hi!e the Glasgow WorKV:S Famous $25,000 Prize Winning Horses arc- the great feature, tiie regular line of circus acts is fully up to the standard set by the Howe Circus in the past. The Bartik Taribian Troupe are seen- for the first time in America, the original Zanfrettft Family are among the big acts; Marie Meet s, of the Meers bis ters, the Riding Lowandes; the brono troupe of acrobats have no peers. The Kentucky. High School Horses are seen only with this show. The clowns are fun- ny, the gymnasts clever, the elephants numerous and the menagerie is large. A free street parade will be given of great length and beau-r,v. Rabbit Drive Big Success ' The community rabbit drive which was conducted by " the citizens of Plainview, in this county, was i pronounced fiuc cess in the point of participa tion and number of rabbits slaughtered, some 800 jack rab bits being driven into the slaughter pens. County Agent E. H. Divelbiss and Herman Crib attended the drive from this city and incidentally at tended to publicity matters for the county .agricultural inter ests and the big district, fair. The farmers of the Plainview section were especially desirous to rid their farms of the rabbit nuisance in anticipation of sow ing their fields to small grain this fall. Roswell News. Notice for I'ubllcutlou. naejM) Department of the Interior, U. 8. Liuul Ofliuc at lto -oil. ,V. M... Auk. 28 118. Notice Is liereby Riven thnt Andrew J, De- llonl, of KleliliinO, N. M.. who, on Sept. It, l'(12. miulo I1D. E., Seilnl No. OWUM, for KHN VV'i: unit WKXKW Suction 10, Twp. 8., It. 38 K.. N. M, P. Meridian, hiis l.led ivnlee o( Intimilon 10 Uiiilte fl nit 1 three-year proof 10 rs'ithllKh cliilrato the land Above described, lie (uru (,'. K. Toombs, U. S C'0141'lilasloner. In his olllce, at Ken Hope, N. M , on Out. 7, I'll 8. Claimant names as witnesses: Lorenzo D. Younif, Francis M, Ileeman, T. leeiiian, Lewis H. Fun. all of Hlelilinrt, N. M . K.MMKTT PATTON, Sopt 1 ) KeKlster. V I