Newspaper Page Text
u Q rmt r- lilllG ICENNA RECORD. VOL. 10. KENNA, CHAVES COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1916. NO. 32. lii'fii' ii.uii .k'i'J .ii.tiiM, 1; i. Lcbartment of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Rowel1, N. M Auk. ih. IDIS: Notice Is hrrflliy Hin that WHIIfm II. Alt' Combs, of Kannit, Jf. M., who on lec. 30, 1'n.o made HD. K.. Serial, No. 031271. for SK!. Se. KlSWX8ec.3S.Tp. 7-K.. Kn'iife 32 II. N. M. r. Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to make tlnal five-year proof, to establish claltri to, the land above, descried, befpre Dan, Q, Savage, IT. p. Cjmiyilsslonsr, (lti Ills oftlce, n Fnfl! ri. M.; oh Spt . iin'. blKlrllalU m& as wiUft: William U Sears, T. Dexter Gouty. Samuel F. Southard, Harry W. Southard, nil of Kenna, N. M. Emmett Pat ton, Refrlster. Au. S5-3ept. M. 1 Sottce (or Publication. iJeparinieiil of tile Interior. U.S. I.and Office at Hoswell, N. M., Aug. II. 101(1. Not're l. hereby given that Jess If, II nl ford, of Richland, N. M who on June Id. 1913, made HD. E., Serial No. 037371.-. for KM. See. 35. Township S , llanire BE..NJI. P. Meridian has Hied notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish J.i'ilin tf. Sjndjijn,wde(iSribfidtor C. ft 1jlinb-, TJ.. P. C"m,ni's9knerl,n his oftlce, at N lioit, N,M.,n oMl.tif'ta. Claimant names as witnesses: Beniamin F. Hlnsler, WIllinmK. Hums, James I. Hetts, these of New Hope, N. M.. John W. Stiialf of Richland. N, M. Emmett Patlon.lleifister. Se pt. l-SO. Ticfe foil PtJBllCATlON. Urrul . lIBpttrtmeHt of the Interior, U. S BftlHW II ttUW-tfl.,: jH.:;Ah,iH; l-Mfi Notice Is hereby given that William C. Crosby, ofElliins, N. M., who on Sept. 15. 1913, made HD. K, Serial No. 0711. for WH, Sec. 9, Twp.8 S.,Ranife30 K N. M.P. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three yeur proof, to establish claim to the land above desclbed. before J. V. Carroll, U. S, Commissioner, in bis Office at Eiliina, N. M on sem.M, 1M0. fimintrint tlBtnei! as witnesses: . tlliM-leS. k te&MM Li Hhitor.. thse of iiois, N. M., John D. ketnar. Charles C. Cros by, these of filkins, N. M. Emmett Pat ton. Register. Auit tVScpt. Tt. Xotlcv for Publication. 0SH108 Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud Office at Iloswelli New Mexico. Sfpt. T, lUS. r'otlce Is hereby itlven that Jnmes A: Keller, of tt-dland, N Mi. Who on Jan. 3, I'll! made , serial no-. 02&108. for kwneWi Sec, 0. W&flE'f: t!16 NW!. feclldn.Hl. Township 7 s;. Ramie 3H E N. M. P Meridiir". has filed notice of Intention to make final three year Proof to establish claim to the land above described before Will A. Palmer. U. 8. Commissioner, in his office at Redlnnd N.. M..on Oot. 16. :9I6. Claimant names as witnesses: twl H. Propps. James 3. Keller, James W, Slivers. Robert L. Flnley. allof Kedland, N. M. Emmett Patton. Renlster, Sept,15-0ct, 13. V... . v. Node for Pablleatlua. 017973 Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land Ortlce at Itoswell, N. W AUB, 4. 191(1, ffoHff Is llrbi (tlvh that Arthur M. Cur foil; ol fcew H'cibe; N. M., who on June 16. 1013, inaile HD. E:, Seriul No. (IS7373. for SEK; KHSWW. and KHNWX. teo. 6. Twp.6 S., liant-e 3S K N. M. P. Meridian, has filed nmlce of inti'ntlon to make final three year Pr.Kf to etHll'ili oluiin to the In n't above described WioreC Ji, U. S. Commislnrr. In his office, at New Hope. N. M.. on Oct. 7, 1'HB. Claimant names at witnesses: Rosoot J. Fulton, Itenjumin V. Hinsley, John ft. 1. VHiiam E. Burns, all of New Hope, N. M. '"- -. "Otnn Pctristerj Sep. 1-W JT-- KOTK'E FOR PCBI ICATION. 3I. Department of tha Interior. U. 8. Land Ofltce at Ros e'.l, N. M., Auir. W. 1916. Notice is hereby iriven that Clem H. Kath nian. New t(o. N- M.. who on Apl. 19. 11.", mndo HI). fS.. Serial No (OI35, for N'a, See. 5, Township, S..Kanite3 E.. N. M. P. Meridian, has nied notice of intention to make Final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before (!. E. Toombs, II. S. Oomniuwloner. In his office, at New Hope. N. M. on Oct. T. 1V16, Claimant names as witnesses: Louis 11. lirosst James it. Miller, Alffefl V; Messlek, ChuHesC: DmiSi all of New Hope, N. M. Emmett Pal ton; Itejflster: Sept. 1- Si!: K'OIl SALE 'two hundred rmlive (iows, ail cows and calves. Write Jesse Heard or John Heard; Ve.c63 Tfciaa, sotirft roil pt HMtMito. . ... ...: W .... , Deimrtment cf th? Intrdr, Ur. S Land Oftlcfe at HbsKell, N M.. S'hH.S. I'.ia. Notice Is hereby iven Hint LydlH H DHdlyi of Valley View, N. M., who on August 18, 1013. made HD.E., Serial So. 02TA0O. for EHSE'; the SEjij: & Lots 3. 4. Sec. 31. Twp. 6 8.. Iliinc 31, E..N. M. P. Morldliin. has filed notice of intention tontnlte Final tlirte lenr Proof, to cs'alilish claim to the Innd above described, befoio Dan Cv. Sniife, y. H, ,Co,mmlslorier, It, Sl (pr at. Kennn, N, M on Oft, 10, I9IB. Ciaimanl rliik's U wKiksStS: James M. Proffer, Iiuis G. Orcss, thesfl of Valley v:cw, N. M., Rose Duvis. .liimes W. Taylor, these of New Hope, N. M. Emnielt Put ton, Peuister Sept. K-Oct. 6. Kotlce tot Publication. . . Department of tj'o Jflltfdf;. tj., S. Land Offlce. at Roswoll, N. M.. Se'it. ll, I'jin. Notice Is hereby given thst Charll? Walker of A Hie. M. M., who, on Nov. H. Ills, made HD. E. Serial No. 02t0!0, for WKNWM. Sec , Township 6 S.. Ranif 37 E., N. M. P. Mcr' dlan, has IHcd notice of intention to make llnai threo year proof to establish claim to I ho land above described, before Will A. Palmer, U. S, Coinmlsslvner! In his oftlce at lledlmd. N. M.; on out, 10. ftfii Claimant names as witngs9eS: Ufabrv O. Danforth. Henry C Hoteler. Jos eph A. Stlrman, these of a Hie. N. M., Fred O. Henry, of Redland. N. M. Emmett Pstton. Roglster. Sept. I.l-Oet. 13 Notice foi; Publication. Departthfent of thfe Interior, V. S. Land Oillcent ltswelli N. At.. Sept. 11; ilfe: Notice Is hereby (tlvfc'H til it t. Ai.ll;tin L. Creamer, of New Hope, N. M.. who, on Jan. 1". I'M3, made HD. li.. Serial No. 01&t-Ha, for WH Section 3). Tp. 6 S . Range 35 E.; N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before O. E. Toombs V. S. Commissioner, in his office. INiw Hone, N. M on Oot, si, 0ie. Claimant haiiiUs. 89 witnesses: Jde t. Sttlllhek. ilmijsitiin tf: Hinse.r; Shlitlr M. Carroll, J.frf (fi. ltdrnf', sli i(( Nii Hofle, N." M. . . , Emmett Patton, Sent. l.VOct. i:l Register. In consideration of the state ments made liy E. P. liipley. President of the Santa Fe 11. It. contained In h'.s double column six Inch ad, which appears in Ll i is paper; we fWl at liberty to take issue with jiim; hi the first place he says that "con gress hastily acted under a threat of four leaders.'' When the facts in the case are; that matter was entirely out of the reach of "the four leaders" at the time it was submitted to Congress; that 400,000 trainmen had spoken, had acted. The day und the hour was set for the general strike unless their demands were met. It vV,.s no tin eat. ' Again he says the trainmen are tha hest paid men in i ail way service. Another statement that is mi.-leading. While we frankly that the trainmen are wrci.i, paid are paid perhaps all tilt y should liu,pHi.l, yet they are not the ufcsT" paru. 1 lie of ficers of the lfailroadd are the best paid in the service, of which Mr. Ripley is the lushest. Life Certificates Issued. Santa Fh, Sept. 19. Life cer tificates were issued today by the department of education lo Byron J. Head, Silver City; li. L. Kriegbaum, Clayton; Etlie Anderson, Portales; Clara Esch elman, Westaburg, Mich ; J. Pearl Hutchison, Las Vegas; May houie Buell, Mesila Park: Florence Sitko, Dawson; Myrtle ElinoSkagg, liiverton, VVyo.; J. W. Thompson, Clayton; Sister Mathiaa, Las Vejjas. AktliGcUNot Deed; The more signal the service, lendered the people by any act of President Wilson? the mo e bitter the attacks on him by Republican paperrj. Ho kefit the country out of war. How they abuse his method of doing it; lie fx'ttletf the 'riKJe situation by the firm ar.herance to the simple right, How Republican editors ra'e over his method of doing it. Heretofore their 'slo gan of pntit ism has been "words not deeds" bUt noSY when his wolds are few and his action prompt they are even more vo cifeious in their abuse, Unhappy is the lot of Reput .icau editors under the Wilson ad i inistration; in every case, to ayoid palpable folly, they are forced to the tact admission that eitlie'f i?id ctloif waa right while his method only Was wrong, or his method was right and his action wrong One can detect a wailing note, a minor chord of misery in all their objurations. Edison for Wilson. There is no Amei Jcdri in rhose integrity of opinion, strong sense and good judgment the people of t he United ttta'es have mote cMnfldenye than Thomas A. jjdisOllj Mr. Edisdil publicly announc es his his support of President Wilson. Bn'eftd, his reasons are: Faced with a succession of Irennndous problems, any one of which decided tho wrong way would have been disastrous, Wili-on has not got us hit') trouble nor i3 lie likely lo. He has given tis peaOa with honor. Talk about the United States being despised is non sense. Back of out neu'rality are international law, the rights of humanity and the future of civilization. With referenCo tu Mexico the president has acted wisely, justly and courageously. With refe'eftce to prepared ness he changed and It was the proper thing to (Id-. His attitdde on the" tariff shows equal openers of mind; A tariff commission will take the tariff out of politics. "They say that he has blund ered. Pei'lniys he has. But I notice that he usually blunders for ward J' ""In the "railroad controversy the President acted with his us ual courage and sanity Hughes' hindsight, we learn from his speeches, is highly de veloped, but as to his foresight we are not equally well inform ed. This is no time for Republi canism or Democracy. Rsal Americans must get down to fundamental principale. It is not now logical or seasi ble lo change to an inexperiene. ed and untried man. IMG JASPER CLAIRE riYchie. Jenifer slipped on a grape and t. The cream pitcher poised high In one hand and a plate ot hard golden but ter in the other, flew in opposite di rections. tta fAfr WrefiilTy,- then got up and wiggled bofu tk rWWfitf fW tirfrr. Jenifer returned to the intf looked around. "U'b just my luck tJ have to Btay home from the circus and cook while all the family enjoy them selves." Mil 8 glutted. "Nothing remarkable rtygf Iiappi to me. It I were to feed a charmttig pl'liifa, I could cook all day, but Just because father ran across a prosy old judge at thd I'Stf' irffia, flsponition, 1 have to Gracious! I believe" EWrJth!n burning." A few minutes la(i'f h beard violent commotion among the ehk en near the barn. She raised her" eyes. High In the air was a balloon tlMitoxd Chiefs Not GpVdseJ td Eight Hour Day School Rookd arid School Sup plies. Eiida DYur Store; Sept, l-4t. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept 18. "The railroad chiefs of the country were not opposed to the eight-hoilr day, contrary to the opinion that has prevailed failed thn uhout tire country," said Fresident F. D. Underwood, of the Erie railroad, at Milwau kee for the state fair, in an in terview iu the Milwaukee Jour nal today. "There id- a general feeling that the eight-hour day is corn ing a'iill fi" loubt it, will come and it ought tocoiiiT." "The eight hour day law will cost the Erie railroae "3,000,000 a'year. I do not believe an additional legislation id needed by congress on thisquestion." . "The Interstate Commeice commission can take care of the rai.4t lu rateH if any should be needed. G'oTigresu has set up the Inter.-ta'o Commerce 0m mis ion to take care of railroad natters. If the commission could take care cf both wages and rates there would be no ob jection, because the commission is unquestionably honest and capable. ''Mr. Wilson, however is not playing politics, fie was doing whai he Uelievrd was for the good df the" country, 'Noone coil Id associate with Mr. Wilson, as (he railro id men of the country diu during these negotiations, and charge -Mr. Wilton with playing 'politics in any way. Only some news papers charged the president working for political effect." FOI?D CAR in good repair, for sale or trail". Highway Uaragf. Elida. S'.'2-tf. Notice for Publication. nseiM) Department of the Interior, U. S. Lund Ollice at IlosMell. N. M... Am;. K ltml. Notice is lierehy uiven Hint Andrew J. lie Itotil. of Kiclilaml, N. M , who, on Sept. 13. I'llS. mnile 111). 14., Serial No. OjflCiO. for KSSSW 'i: and WKNKV( Section 10, Twp. 6 8., It. JO K.. N. M. I'. Meridian, lias tiled notice of intention to Oiake 11 mi I three-year proof to establish claim to the Mud above described, before O.K. Toombs, U. S Commissioner, in lilsonlee. at Now Hope. N. M., on Oct. 7, I'M. Claimant names us witnesses: Lorenzo 1). Vonniri tYnncls M, lleeinan, T. Lee Beeiiian. LewisH. Kaw, till of Kiclilaml. n. il F.MMKTT VATtOX, Kept !-' ReUle, I wltH 8ome0iing LangfTlg to It. I "A parachute man of all tilings!" , h cried. "He must be from the clr CU." The man showed some signs of ani mation as he neared terra Hrrna. H landed on the bartf. I "VVaft minute I'll get & fauMerf" I she cried1. I "rtevef mind?' lie ehavted. "rher' a straw- fjtck. I'll jump." V-'hWii her i did before she Cfnld protest. "Will you tell me-, jlas, whera t 1 am?" " "Our name Is Jordan. My flitter 1 1 Abner Jordan and that Is our lions oVer there'!1" "Wfil f&H preas exese my get-up,. Miss Jordan? Vv"fH yon pleag UU me. how far it is back to UwaT "About four miles!" ' "Great Caesar! Did I come to far? And I must get back right away. I there a rig or horse I could' borrow?" "I don't think you could scare up so much as a donkey for miles around. The wllOftf ountry has gone to sea you." "Except you! Why?" "I had to stay home and oak din." ner. There's at judge coming.? "That's too bad, really!" "Thanks, but not M bad' as it wasv It was kind of you to -to what d you call it? float over tbfc way and Iarrd 6h our barn like who tt? All Baba 6r Slndbad of somebody lfka ha," He iagte4. "the man wltb the fly ing trunk. Llh toe, be had no name."' "Like you?" wide- yeI. "I'm Incognito for the present known only to (ho world HS Jasper the Jumper." "You can have a rig when the fam ily returns, of course." "Thank you! It's a Httlo UAr but He glanced t her sideways1, "Can 1 help you If I waltf "Well you aren't ureed exactly like a chef, I should say boi I can tend you a big apron and a cap'. I've a pink one that would look cute." "You are making fun of me. I've" a good notion to eo out fey that straw stack and sulk for the remainder of th afteruon." "I splllc4 all the cream," Irrelevant ly, "for the lefl cream. Now we can't have it. I don't know what to do?" "I'll bet the judge hate H anyway. I have fl hunch he'd like &VpUt tapioca -Instead." "I don't know how to make It" "Oh, don't you? Well, I do. Trot out the tapioca and milk and apples and stuff. I told you I knew how to cook!" The preparations In the kitchen progressed wonderfully, and when the Jordans returned the bouse was full of delicious odors. "It's the queerest thing we couldn't find the judge," Abner was exclaiming steutoricusly on the front veranda while his spouse rustled kitchen-ward to reconnoiter. "Good gracious!" she gasped, stop ping In the doorway. For there was an apparition In green tights, only partially covered by a gingham apron, trying to spread white icing on a chocolate cake. "It's going to run " he was say ing when Mrs. Jordan's exclamation cut him short. "Oh, mother, are you home? This Is Mr. Jusper the Jumper, didn't you say? He came in a balloon and he's helping me with dinner." - Hut Mrs. Jordan had fled. Her face was enough to make Abner himself fly to the kitchen to investigate the trouble. "What's wrong what's wrong?" He stood for an Instant as had hia wife speechless. Then, "Whoo ee! If tt ain't the judge! What's happened and what In time are you doing?" "Helping to get my own dinner. You see plague take this icing. It won't stick! I came unexpectedly. The parachute man got sick and, my room being next to his in the hotel, I did what I could for him and offered to All his contract today. He needed the money and it's a cinch to do It. I came of a family ot athletes, you know. If you'll be so kind as to lend me a horse I'll get to town and change to company clothes, and perhaps when I return I'll get a chance to show Miss Jenifer that I'm not all buffoon. I really do know that Homer past was a poet and llotner present la a grand opera singer, Miss Jofddil." "Well, keep it to yourself If ybii dd.' she laughed. "I'm goiilg to Have yod show ma tha best way to make fudge.' (Copyright, l!t, by tha MoCltirt Mwp pr 8mlictt,) V