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rare n U2 y P. A. STARCK PRESIDENT Waits gnu "lit, in Adrnnr.o Sefisiho (ion Cmnar nntce d I.owrtNet Factory 1 r i c c h K a s i e h t IjT'uriiis A vi 4 V i uJ of no t,. ae ) Tv ' L IIS ''S 'VIKT ' & I Hi YGHS OWN HOME Wo will phlp fm o beautiful Slnrrl; Wmi ( f4 M i": y.;' frro tr'al. !n yniir home." No cash Yuymnnt required. All w tiSl; is that yi.u v.:il play upon, us and teCt this piano fur :SU ('ays. If, r.t Hi iml i f that, yi u do in.t i 1 n d It thn liitdiest grade, sweetest tnnod tin J -HUem piano In every way, that yuii have ever seen for the money, you are it perfect Hourly (o fid it line';, n: d iw will, in that event, pay the freie.iit htli v, uya . llilu Sturek I'iinio r.n:.;t i:..i!ie Rood with ou, or there is no sale. Easy Payments Ynti pay no n .ft HnVvil-, bvt after SO days of iiiiiii yml In ;jla .p:iy'nrnt on the low r.i tiit tonus rv( r sunied hy a piano 111: atltuuttircr. Tiirsp t mis uro ri-rariffcd to suit ynur convriiirnro. oiul it ii pos-iiMp for yon ij In y a pinno for yov.r limine, wit!'Oi:t lai : i: g l!l 1 iiioitv. rt i Starch PJayor-Picnos fiureiv l'luyi'i -I'innoi are Oi best uii'l most beauti ful Pljycr Phnn on tho market. Vcu will he i'p Ji;;ht(d With 'ie many c; elusive f-ah:n if tM1' wminVrfitl lnI.Y:Wriiis, and V.'fU V.lciscii with tho Wry 1 J w prt cc1? at which t'-'.cy c.n 1c srcinx'd. Piano Dock Free S:r I today f-r cur nr:v Ivawtifr.lly iihitrt":itrd piano lio k w': ic!i g i y txi t larpR nniount of ini'onna (ioii rcitrflir.gpianos. Thti l)cvk will intciTst ftnd 30 DAYS' F S. EE TRIAL Sava $150.00 or More We ship ilmct It yo-.i from our fnctnvy, ftt prices tlmt iwvc yon tipwanU of $l.r0.00 in the cost of your piuno. Vu puarmitco to furnish you a lKttT pin no for the niom'y than tmi Motnne elsewhrre. You urenssnnI ff 'rt'lvtlitr a tatisfuctory swet tonr l tluinlilij, !itg!i grad" piano. 25-Yiar Guarautso Kvpry 8(:rok Pian i ; friiurantccd for 2" yrar. This miarantro lia i b ic'; of it our 35 years of pi.nn rtperience, and the repu tation of an old -established, responsible piano liouie. 50 Free Musio Lesson3 To every pi:rchfTer fit Starek i'imios, we give fre" music lessom, in ore oL the best known schooh In t hirairo. TViiC lessoni you can talie iu your own lmme, by mail. ThN repre-tenli one year's free initn ction. P. A. STAIiCK PIANO CO., 2;rl'Hancl D?.rgalt;c Wo have ron;;:; n:i li.:;-. 1 a l.irc niiniber oi liprhily end second-hand pianos rt all rlnndard makes taken ;n c:; elnnirc for new Starrk l'ianoi it nd V layer-Piano The fnllnw ing are a few sample bargain?: Weber $ Steinway 03.00 Chickering 00.03 Kimball 95.00 Ktarck 195.00 Send for our latest i.omplete second-lurid bargain list. 1326 Starck ISMg, CllICAGO 1A I i an ic uug i uiouii Always in Stock. Send us your iff. order. McCain Drug: Co., M k1 PT M.MH.imumiiwii " Al Furstnow Saddlery Originator ef the Saddle that made Miles City . j Famous. No. 88 Saddle Price S60.00 '-'fSK I r I' . -sift ;i A ME1H0ME my wife' NO OTHER LIKE IT. NO OTHER AS GOOD. . Purchase the 44 NEW .HOME " on'd )-oii l:,ive &, c asset at the price ioit ImVi 'I Mirnin:itri rt ri-pttif 'leh by Superior Vwirk meMslmt hrtd bet imaliiy f material insures lt(iluii(r ser ice a' minimum cost. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. Insist nn hnvincMho " NEW HOME". It is known ihe wnrld over Jnr pupi-nnr ftcwini: quali ties. Not sold undt r any otlicr name. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., OFIANCE, MASSACHUSETTS, rtn VALC v Dealer Wauled. The New Home dewing Machine Co., Chicago, 111. BRAND DIRECTORY! T- EXCURSIONS Account Now Meyico State Fair Albuquerque,' N. M Sept. 2i5Lh to 30th, 1910. One fare for (lie round trip Tickets on sale Sept 23 to 30, inclusive. Final return limit, Oct. 2, 191(i. No stopovers allowed. One half of these fares apply to children of six and under 12 yearn of age. For further information see T. O, Elrod, Agent KENNA, NEW MEXICO Kemp Lumber Company, ELIDA, N. M. Wire, Posts, Cement, Lumber and Building Material, Sash Doors and Hardware. CHARLES J. MACKEY, Manager. WHITE FOIL FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. r0fi-C08 Main Sr., Miles City, Montana. FARMERS! Send 2w for a copy of The Farmer's Rapid Figurer and Calculator; the handiest hook you ever saw; money hack if want?d. K. C Foster, Assump tion, III. : J R. L. R0BERS0N f THE BARBER 5 ! t NOKTII SIDE I KENN , t i NEW A1EX1CO Every Intelligent Person Should Learn How to Write. More than a million people are employed in the publishing business in the United States, and all of them "had to begin." They are dropping out every day, and some one must take their place. There must be writers for The Newspapers Magazines Moving Pictures They pay more fol the same class of irrvicc titan most of the f rofrsnions, With a table, a chair, paper ami a typewriter you can begin now; and you do not need to give up your presjnt occupation or employ ment. Even if you do not wish to take up journalism as a profession, there is no bet ter mental training than learning7to write. The man or woman who wiites is auto matically thrown in touih with the big peo ple who are shaping the destiny of the 6late an-l the nation, anu die Dig tning that are taking place in the new development of the rountry. The fundamentals are carefully and simp y arranged in our Correspondence Course of 1 istruction . A Washington correspond ent who has written for every class of publi cations during the past twenty-five years has arranged the work, and is in charge ol the course. Money back if you are not 9 itisfied. Write today lo, infotination. U. S. PRESS ASSOCIATION, JJond Building, WAIWIN(JTONi I). C. MISS FLORENCE H, CLARK Boa. Now M?iV,d. Boaz. C. C. LAYTON, N. M, ,4 iBrJJ Same brand on left shoulder of hors. J. (J GREAVES-, . Kenna; : - - ft. M. ' DAN Ci SAVAGE, Kelinaj N. M W. J. Smith, M. D- Ph.ysicmn and Surgeon V: f'i.1l Ancwi-roil . Mi'olll rrtr"1 nn' VEUDA. EVV MEXICO 1 V- Phones .OiTice 18- :i Resident 98. CHAS. A. REYNOLDS ATTORNEY-ATXAW OPF1CC ALLISON BLDG., 8. fe. COR. SQUaKE KUWtLL, ntw ntMCU.J DAVID L. GEYER LAND OFFICE' PRACTICE A SPECIALTY. ROSWELI... N. . ANNOUNCEMENTS Democratic Nominees. As Expressed By the Voters at the Primaries, May 9th, 1916. freasllrer" nwN C. DAV1SSON ShHriif- . . . C. A. RECTOR . County Cleric R. F. BALLARD County Superintendent MRS. T; W. HAYES ,,,ll,l,,il,llli,lllil,l.,ltillllliillMl'uill'liilillu!'lA.V DOCTOR D. D. SWEARINGIN SPECIALIST, Eye,, Ear, Nose and THrfeat I Will he in Elida the 21st or eacn mourn. .l'tl'Hll.'l.l..MIl.'U'lM.M.MrfiM.IU(.Mrf.M.IMMHIklMif. 1 HAROLD HURD, ROSWELL, N. M. Attorney. X Practicing befor. all court.. Es)eciul ftttention to United 4- t States Land Office proceed I ings. Office First National Bank Bldg T w Where DanU May Ha v. $tudled. St. Edmund's ball, Oxford, 'ng., U bow the sole survivor of the original 'halls" from which university Ufa rose at Oxford. It bears the nam not of the martyred Saxoa monarch, but ot Archbishop Edmund Rich, who .Flbly about 1219 delivered near this sMit the firat Oxford lectures on Arfs otlo. Tbfs legend onco enabled tho , 'visent principal to retort that if Uauto really visited Oxford he might conceivably have studied at St Ed mund's bull, but not JU Queen's col itis, wbtch did not thoo exist. Think kihMKJHhhSaHi (St. Louis Post Dispatch) Mr. Jackson Johnson, St. Louis manufacturer, while ad mitting that a railroad strike would have cost his company $200,000 a month, asserts that he has bten unable to get any dne to explain to his eatisfac-. tion .'how President Wilsoii'iUX,.. course was right. Very well. ; If Mr. Johnson's factory ehould catch fire would he have the fire department stand around and argue how the building . laws should be revised or would he have them start immediately to extih'gniUlt the bla&ef If a surgeon is called upon to perform an operation to save a man's life, would he have him first prepare a ihesis on the wrong mode of living which made the operation necessary, or should he go ahead at once and operate? ' " If, to save a city from de slrnctiou by flood, it buCanle necessary to cut a dike and sub merge a farmer's wheat field, ' would it not be better to do than than argue over future iflethods of flood control ? In the emergency of the Pres ident and Congress obeyed the old Roman maxcm "Public welfaie is the supreme law.' A prolonged laihoad strike would have coot the people of the United States hundreds of mil'ions and inestimable suffer ing which no future legislation could have squared. The set- , tlement made hy Congress has prevented all that loss and mis ery and has done no injustice for which future laws cannot provide compensation. . t" 1 PromiiXIZ Kenna Cit izens Here. A number of worthy citizens of Kenna arrived on the noon day traiii and will be in atten dance at the big doings for the balance of the week. Among the number were D. C. Savage, editor and U. S. land commis sioner of that place, P. T. Bell, banker for the Kenn highness, L. C. Denton, a department store operator, If. L Roberson, tonsoral artist and "Dad" J, M Sherinan, a capitalist. The wives of theso gentlemen will ' he down tomorrow to join ihenu according to Mr. Savage, thAp never-prevaricating editbi'; ' Tuesday' Roswell NeWSi .