Newspaper Page Text
u.y i, TMHflR ii 11 i ii 11 11 11 SENNA CORB VOL. 10. KENMA, CHAVES COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1916. - NO. 33. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office t Konwell. N, M., Au, 51, liilft. Hot'ce la hemby given Ihht .IobS It. lltt font, of Richland. N. M., who on June 18. 1913, mad HD. K., Serinl No, tot Sec. 3S, Townalilp 0 S . Itnnue fW hi., M. P. Meridian ha filed notice of Inti'ntidd Id make Klnal Three Yenr Proof, to establish Him to the land above described before C. B. Ttmmti. tl, H. CnmmtMloner In ills offlcei nt f ttoJIM; N; W.'.Hn t)H. T. !!. fclajiiiant names Us witnesses: Beni-miln F. Hlnsloy, WIllmniE. llurna.Jamea I. Betm, these of New Hope, N. M John W. Stlirall of Richliu.d. li. M. Kinmett Potion, Rclsler. fpt. l-O. Notice for Publication. 03108 Department of the Interior, U. S. Lat.i) OITioe at RimwoIIi New Mexico, Rfit, mm. Notice Is hereby itiven that jhnies Ai bljr. o( It Ulhri. X. M..wlinon Jnn. 3i I'll I fi(iVt l)O.EtScr!li,.ra;.OS:!inH. for f,'nem! Sec. to: WNP'V: the NVV. SeoUon,i, Township 7 S.. RanueW E N. M. P Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make llnftl three year Proof to establish claim to the land above described before Will A. Palmer. U. 9. Commissioner. In his office at Redland N.. M.. on Oct. 16. :)16. Claimant names as witnesses: Lewis H. Propps, James J. Keller, James W, Silvers, Robert L. Klnler. all of Kcdland, N". M. Kmmelt Pnttoo, Renlster. SIk. liOct: 13! Notice for Publication. 027373 v Department ot the Interior, U. S. iid Office at Roswell, NT. M., Auir. 3S, 1910. Notice la hereby given that Arthur M. Car roll, of New Hope, N. M.. who on June 19. 1013, anade HD. E.. Serial No. o737, for SISWi EMSWW. and EWNWX, fee, S. TWD.8 S., Ranue & E N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice tit Intention to make final three year proof td fcstUblUlt claim tb the lntici above tiesclbcd before fc; E. Tpbriihsi tl, 8. Commissioner; In his othoS; at New Hope, Ni M. on Oct. 7! 101t: Claimant names at witnesses: Roscoe J. Fulton, Kcnjamln F. Ulnsley, John E. Hums. William E, Burns, oil of New Hope: N.M. 1 minett Patton, lleiriste'r. Sep. 1- 0 K0TJCE for rcm iCAttox HjilWi t)pftrlH1cHt ot the lrttteHrtr. V. 0. Land Offlbfe l HbsWeili V. M.i Alia-. K Wi6. Notice is hereby (riven that Olem it. nam v n..,i v. M . who on Apl. IS, H'lS. made HD. E.. Serial No .081J54, for N!, Sec. 8. Townbip7S..lthen N. M. P. Meridian, baa 11WI notice of iiue:itlon lo make Final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before O. E. Toombs. IT. S. Commissioner, in his ofnc-. at New Hope. N. M. on Oct. 7. 1016. Claimant names as witnesses: LbmsrJ.UroSSi Jamea It. Miller; Alfred W: feesslck, Charles ('. Davis, all of New Hope. N. M. , Emmett Patton, register. ept. 1-S. Netlce for Publication. nsfliM) Department of the Interior, U. S. tand Office at Roiwell. N. M... Aug. SR 10161 Notice la hereby given lhat Andrew J. De , iitbland. N. M.. Who, on Sept. II, pI, made D. E-, Serial No. 0564M, for KHNWMiand WHNEX Section r. i P- o.i . i. v m i UerMtsn. hna tiled notice of intention to make final three-year Vroof .....n.v.,n the Unil above descrlhed. before U.K. Toomha, U. S Commissioner, in kis office, at New Hope. N. M-. oa tci. i. i"io Claimant names as fitnesses; Lorenzo D. Young, Francis M. Reeman, T. LeeBaeman, LewlsH. Faw, nil of Richland. N. M EMMETT PATTON, gept 1-M Reslster, A0TICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Lhnd nrri"! m Unstwii, n m., m.J. ioig. Ndtlce Is HereHy given- liiRl f;hl!,l l:i DllptiV: of Vafley View. N: M.. Who on August 18, I'M?, made HD.K.. Serial Xo. 0S7rB. for E'4NE'; the REU: ft l.ts 3, f Sec. si, Twp. o S.. Range llli E.iN. Mi P: MerMiilrli hig filed notice of Intention to make t'inal tlil-ea' ietit Prooti IM es'ablish claim lo the land sboVe descrlbetli before Dan C-. Satagif! U. s. OummUslonerj it, Ulsomce at KennH. N. W;.dtiOHt. lo. Il0: .Claimant . riatiieB Ai wltiicoeS: lames M. Proffer, Ixniii Q. Gross, these of Valley Vriew. N. M., Rose Davis. James W. Taylor, these of New Hope, N. M. Emmett Patton, Register Sept. 8-Oct. 6. Notice for Publication. Wrtid Department of the Interior, tl. 8. Land Office, nt Roswell, N. M.. Se9t. II. I1. rtotlce l hereby (r'vetl that Charlie Walker Of AlllS. NiM.i who. oli Nov, R. iHilJ, rHR,l HD. E. SnrlolNh. (Ht820. for WWNWW. See. ; Townshifi li Sy Ratis 87 E.. N. M. P. Meri dian, has llie,d n'lce o intentlxp t,o make una, three year proof to establish clitlirl to the land above described, before Will A. Palmer, U. S. CommisMioner. In his office at Redlind. N. M7. on Oct. 16. lOiC. Claimant names as witnesses: Kabry O. Danforth, Henry C. lloteler. Jos eph A. stlnnon. these of Allie. N. M.. Fred O. Henry, of Itedland. N. M. Emmett Patton. Register. Sept. l.voct. 1.1 Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Roawell, N. M.. Sept. 11. 1016. Notice Is hereby given that MAitln L. Creamer, of New Hope. N. M.. who. on Jan. 10. 1013, made HD. E.. Serial No. tH!. for WH Section 34. Tp.6S . Range 35 E.: N. M. p Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to m'ako Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above denoribed, before O. E. Toomba U. 8. Commissioner, In hia office. aiNew Hope, N. M..on Oot. II. 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Joe T. Smlthee, Heajamln F. Hlnsley, Arthur M, Carroll, John E. Hums, all of New Hope. N, M Emmett Patton. Bept.15-O0t.IJ Register. . ' Good for Busy Man. A letter opened, mail scale and I teh rule bare ben combined la a k-andy desk Implement. Snaj? Shot. The c.unpaign against Ifugli- ea aiul Fairbanks campaign is mostly a game of smoking or.t pussy feet. "A burned cliikl dreads the fire;" says the proverb) and sine? hia San Franci&co expels ientie Mr; Hughes has decided that he will attend no more tiampnigu luncheons iiecause it is "too great a strain. " The 8-hour day in typinod by Hughes as ' the surrender ot principle to phynical force," That is likewise the position of the general rilanager of the rail road propaganda) who receives A salary of $8tt.l0O a year. The Repubiican members of the United States Senate er c.Jpt the courageous La Follette mady stlre of their Campaign fund by Voting solidly against the 8-hour day. Thiity per cent of the minted gold of the world U now in the United States, and more isduily coining. Bethlehem Steel knocks the "temporary'' out of prosperity by announcing that ordern now booked- $300,000,000 worth will exhaust its Capacity for two yoar8 ahead. Who held up the country The 00 leading railroad coin pan ies who realized 45 per cent in creat?e ii net earnings for the first half of 191(3 and refused to give their men any share in the prosperity unless the President would guarantee the companies an increase in freight rates. The holdup was attempted by the buccaneers of Big Business, and Congress called their bluff. In a singlo week, the Wilson administration gave the country the child-labor law which set free 150,000 child laborers, and the 8-hour law affecting 400,000 trainmen directly, and ultimate ly the entire 2,000,000. Roosevelt attacking peace Hughes attacking prosperity Sherman attacking labor, and Penrose defying the people! Tatum Taxi To Haul 32 Urchins To School House Tatum, N. M.. Sept. 21,-Th peo;'le of Tatum have raised $l,00d to purchase a taxi truck to haul 3'J children to the school every morning and to their re- -pective honlea every evening. l'his car will get its load in from 4 to 8 miles of toAn, and will provide an unequalled com fort and a convenience. The ar will be on the line by the first of October. The money was raised by pubiic subscription, The majority of these 32 chil dren are now riding to school in buggies or on burrows or horses, but now the good old fashioned way will be discarded for the new and better and cheaper way. Homes for the Teachers One of the advance steps iii improving the rural schools by making the school the social and educational center of tlie Com munity wiil be to build the teachers a home and let them li ve comfortably near the school. riw teaoherage will enable the overworked teachers to get more rest attd tvlll enable then) to reduce1 ttid fcct of living, which will save the district in increased salaries necessary t keep the teachers.' Where two or 'more districts are consolidated it will not be an expensive problem to build the teachers, a home and supply them with enough land for school gardens, poultry, Cows, hogs, etc., sditable for teaching agriculture. During vacation the teachers nlay i'eslde" at the school and assist iho county demonstration agent in conduct ing boys' and girls' club?. In this way, the regular school work tilay not sufier even In va ca I ion so Icing i3 tllere Are lec tines, demonstrations and prac tical work in canning, stock judging, etc. Our public schools in rural districts must exert a greater influence in coltlulUnity leader ship if we are to advance as we should With the superinten. dent and teachers as citizens in the community the people will get the benefit of their leader shin for the Mchool the chir ch and for rural society. The teacher's home might he built by volunteer subscriptions by those who are anxious to show their appreciation of the school and the teachers. The opening would afford an occa sion for the community to get together on social center work. Farm A Ranch. THE CHANGE By CATHERINE CRANMER. I m "But think what you're" nil (l! ting , yourself away from, Nell, remon trat"l hsr married sister, Mrs. Wll Ikln. "Mease don't dwell on that." Nel1' ViM Ihdtrtttert finality, "Meaning, of cfllirs marrlags with Perry Morton?" . .'.'Yes; I mean Juat that and i!tJ(hm More.'' "Yet If you arts rcslly absorbed in this work of decorating hou'J1, think what an opportunity that old Morio'if country place offers, and you could choose any sort of town house you'd want, with no limit to what you could Upend on furnishings." Mrs. W'ilklns kei aside her unfinished cup of tea with art impatient sigh. "Get tneo behind me Mammon," laughed Nell. ,''0b, have It your own way, tS nrt HiVrnf bave things," said her sister. "N21 there'll n' mh picturing Per- " Las Vegas Will Entertain State Federation of Womens Clubs. Santa Fe Earnings Show Big Increase New York, Sept. 20 Gross operating revenue of tlin Atchi son, Topeka and Santa re rail road for August showed an in crease of $2,334,4S5, and net op erating revenue increased $1, 632,515. For the year ended August 31, the company shows 0.28 per cent earned on its property in- Ve. tments compared with 5.09 per Cent in the preceding year Th? Womens Club and Soro sis, tvf tt'Offcena organizations of Las Vegas, are ClMd taining the state Federation of Wom'e'ns Club3 on October 3rd, 4th, oth, and Oth. Oreat preparations have been made for this meet ing of the federation. The Elks hdrO do'ftted their beautiful club house fof tile1 sessions, and arrangements have beoll made for extensive entertainment of the delegated. The program that has been offered by the women of the state. The Third is President's even ing when the state president Mrs. Rupert V, Aspltmd will give the key-note address for the women's work for the next vear. The Music and Art Society of Las Vegas will fur nish the music. On Wednes day evening, Dr. R. E. McBride of Las duces will address the women. Thumday evening at the fto-rflal there will be an en tertainment of folk games, songs, aim an exhibition of pic tures by the Santa Fe and laos artists and a reception. There will be automobile rides when ever convenient, but a spfcnl auton.obile picnic at Montezu ma on Thursday afternoon. For this occasion the Santa Fe liiilroad has generously granted an open rate of a fait and a third from September 30 to October 9. We urge you to give the wid est publicity that your papers will permit to the making of this meeting of the federation the greatest ever held in the state. Thanking you for any courtesy you can show the women of New Mexico, I am, Yours in high regard. Mrs. H. Raynolds, Chaiiman Com. Ai i ai gements FORD CAR in good repair, for t ale or trad1. Highway Oarage, TChda. 822-tf. FOR SALE a "Neverfail", C-eye Bteel rang'i with reservoir. A splendid baker. J. O. Greaves, Kenna. ry HfoHflfJ as) a monster just because you don't happen to fancy him." "No, he isn't a mrmsfT at all. Sis; rtf's merely an easy-going, lfne-of-Ieasf-rrslatnnce sort, and his program for life could be filled out twenty yearsv in advance. Hut, look at the clock? It's time to pack the tools with which I'm to hew out my own little des tiny," And Nell took the nearest route up attiira by way of tha back, stairway. When she came down all ready for" the train, a maid handed her Perry" Morton's card, with this measagw Written on it: "Good-by, Nell. Luck t6' you. If I bob up now and then lease try to regard me as a good omen." When she arrived that nfglit nt her Uny one-room-nnd-kitchenette? apart ment! ne found a huge tx of plnlc and white fWea". A fev moment later, a telegram iVa delivered to her. It contained this message: "Omen number one. May the r0roloi-edl days outnumber the colorless on two to ono. Perry." ' Nell worked hard. During her first months she had occasional notes from1 Perry Morton, but since he had goner out tO a western ranch he had sent her but one ilot and It contafnect lit tle more than his address. One day, jfo after she had taken a contract for fiirfu'Shihg some apartments sbe was exploring aotft In a furniture shop when she was effusively greeted by a young bride from her home city. "Oh, Nell! What a lovely surprise!" exclaimed the bride. "No 'one" would suspect you were Involved in, a mys tery." "Mystery? Why, Adelaide, what an you moan?" asked Ne' " ".frut this," said the brldeV with ft teaoi'iijf fimiU, "everybody at home wonders about the mystery of yOVT going off to work atld Perry Morton's subsequent affair with Mrs. Mapes. widow of his college pal and, lastly, about Perry's sudden departure for the wild west. We can't. flgur oat where you got peeved at Perry's fond ness for the -widow or' whether he we.Tt to the wilds to forg you. op t forget the vridow." "I see nothfii'g mysterious It sounds just plain silly iO ne," laughed fY'l!. Rha noticed on her table it magazine addressed to her. . It was mailed at the publishers' in Ner York, and, looking through it, she found a blue pencil mark in the index at this item: "Subsequent Changes ot Program, A Story, by P. M. Ortcn." It was the story of a young man's" awakening to hit own unimportance by hearing the gfrl he loved speak lightly of him. While It told of no remarkable achievements attained by the mart, It showed how his mental attitude toward life had undergone such a change that life must hence forth mean something deep to' him. All the next day Nell had that, story in her mind, and a hundred! times she wondered whether the name! "P. M. Orton" was a contraction of Perry Morton's name, or merely a co- Incidence, but as often she put thei thought from her and tried to be ir-l different about It. When she reached homo that evening she found a tele gram from Perry with only this sen tence: "The last omen but one, and it will follow shortly.". Half an hour later, Perry appeared at her door. "Nell, dear," he began recklessly, as soon as their first greeting was over, "have I bungled things? But I want ed to know, and I couldn't tell you that day I overheard you tell your sister I was an easy-going, line-cf-least-reslstance product of my environment, whose life program had all beeu printed in advance, and so on." "Oh, Perry, please don't," began Nell. "Oh, yes, Nell, that was the making of me. Right that minute 1 saw my self In a new light that fairly hurt my eyes with its clearness, and I set about face to mend my ways and change my program. Of course, I didn't write that Btory, but I told Mrs. Mapes about it you know she makes her living writing stories and 1 had her rewrite it five times before it car ried the message I wanted it to. And, Nell," he continued, with less sure ness of tone, "the plans for my re modeled country house are In my pocket. Is there any message In your heart that corresponds to the one I tried to get to you through tht con founded magazine story?" She did not speak, but he read "sur render" in her telltale face. (Copyright, 1916, by M:Clure Nwip per Syjiikt.) i ft