Of. yyry y . '-a 1 iiJQ KENNA RECORD. VOL. 10. KENNA, CHAVES COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1916. NO. 36. A V. 1 I J v . k k:4 f 3 J j E. C. de BACA. Democratic Candidate for Governor of New Mexico. FA 111, IMPAHTIAI. AMI ItKi- Mru:i). (Extract from "Soniil Pro reediiiKH" In lh AUmllUcniiic Moriilntf Joul'iial of Suiulav, June 9, 1913. At the MiKKcstloii of riciiator Ifolt, Hl'iulillcan floor leiuh-r, 1'1'eHiilent pro tempore Mifru took the rhulr, iuhI ill'. Holt paid a Blowing trllute to. Lieu tenant Governor lie lliuu, pre senting him, on lieliHlf of the Heimte, with n silver srrvln) nil irny. Mr. Hol.t hi'Ho ivpnllulv tf MP, tie burn's falinpsB, luipur tlullty and dignity as u prmidiiiH: officer. E. C. de Baca, present lieutenant governor and Democratic nominee for governor of the state, is one of New Mexico's foremost citizens an able, houest, fearless American..' He has Ueen In public life for many eut;s, and throughout His entile Career lias bnen a libwet1 for good citizenship and good government. Ills record is nn open book, and one of which the en tire state is proud. An ardent and faithful defender of the principles of right and justice, he has won the re spect and esteem of all who stand for them, and has become a terror to those who would disregard them. He has been loyal and unswerving ill His upport Of the Bplendlil administra tion ol Governor William C. McDon tld, and his counsels in matters of tate Invariably have been sound and valuable. As preuident of the Sen ate through three sessions of the Btate Legislature he handled u bitter ly partisan and thoroughly antagon istic body with rare ability, 'imparti ality and firmness, and his work tained for him the admiration and praise of all who witnessed it. llu used every influence at his cdmninnd to prevent the unseating 6f duly elected lppislutivp' member:, and the determination with which he fought the Republican majority's unscrupu lous procedure of jamming- through desil-ell legislilUUri fiftei' the expira tion of the legal period of the la:tt session is a matter of slate history. No mrn in New Mexico has been tested more thoroughly than R. C. do Bacat ho one has givn greater evi dence1 of personal worth, broad-mindedness and capacity for public service and public leadership; no one is bet ter fitted by training, experience and character to handle the affairs of the p.tate. Mr. de Baca is a son of New Mexi co. He was born in Lnfi Vegas No vember 1, 18(M, and received his edu cation lil the public snhools (if that city Hflli in the widely Unown Las Vegas College, from which he gradu ated with high honors. Soon after leaving college he became Identified with the public lii'e of his community, and with signal efficiency served the people of San Miguel county in sev eral county positions. For a number of years he has been engaged in im portant newspaper work in Las Vegas, and Ills journalistic achievement havb brought him renown. In 1911 he was the unanimous choice of the Dem ocratic party for lieutenant governor, and was elected by a splendid major ity. He was appointed a member of the board of directors of the New Mexico asylum for the Insane early in 1912, and Was at once elected presi dent of that board, a position he has since held, and which he has filled with Int'stiuiuhle value to the instill! tion. ; NOTICE FOB l'UULICATIOX. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Omue lit Hoswe:i, N. M., Sept. H. 1910. Notloe Is hereby (riven Unit Zudit U. Itich ardson, of Garrison. N. M.. who on Oct. 2T, I'M 3, muile 11 U. Seriiil No. 27913, for Lot. 4, See. ; Lois !-!, See. 6; Nl:!t. See. 7; SWHSWH, Sections. Township S..UneS7 10., N. M. P. Merltliun, has tiled notice of Intention to make Final threo year proof, to establish claim to the land abore described, before Will A. Pal mer, U. S. Commissioner, in his office, at Kedland.N.M., on Nov. 6, i'MS. Claimant names as witnesses; Ezra K. Hauvh, George Swenrinirin. Juru'sS. Swearlntiln, John D. Fruit, all of Garrison. N, M, Uinmett J'aiton, llutflstcr. Oct. 6 Nov, 7. It's A Big Job. No president since Lincoln has Ipd to handle such complex problems as President Wilsrn has been confronted with. He has kept you out of war. He stopped the railroad strike. Notice for Publication. H37C) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land ODIce nt Itosw ell, N. M.,, Sept -H. line. Notice is hereby (riven Unit Wllltnm If. Carroll of liichland, N. M., who. on Aii(f. IS. Ilia, made HO. K., Soiinl No. 0:i7C.l ,!, for UK Section ih. Th ii. 0 S.,l(. y, 10., N. M, i. Meri dian, has lilud notice of Internum to u.abe tinal thrcc-yeur proof, lo establish claim to the hud above described, before C. li roonilis, U. S Commissioner. In his olllee, at Itiehland. X. M . on Nov 11, l'MB. Claimant names as witnesses: Arlhur M. ('orroll, lienj. F. llins'ey. these of New Hope, N J!., (bailcs . l'eeli, T.Lea llceumn, these of Iiicblnrd, N. M EMMKTT PATTO.V, Ocl.B-Nov. 3. Iteclster. Linr.ncial, ariculttu-ul ami la bor legislation of his adminis tration stands as a ureat monu ment to work wi-ll none. Do von want to make a change? LET HIM FINISH IT. Have you registered!1 NO TICE of CONTEST. rvpnrtmcnt of the Interior I'. S. Land Office at Koswull. N. M.. S"H. ;.", l-.tir.. , To John II. Wa-hninn, of lloaz, N. M..'(ltc"oid Address), Coatestce: Yot. are lit-rphy notified Unit Urnest T, Kuy Ucntlall, wllogiven Vullev Viow, New Mexico, :t hl uostofrice nihlrcys did on Srit. Ilih. HMO. Ille in tliis ofneuh;" duly eoroboiated application to eonlct and sceuro tho eaneellation of your limnestead entry. No, Cjioiri, made Fct). let It, for V"iSI!'i KHSW H: Sec. ; K'iN'M'fi and WHNKM. SccS'l, T.nVtlsbli) 7, n , Hnnce 111. U N. M. I'll Meiiilliin, and as (fronnil for 1 1 ) vi eontit l:d alleges that .ton InivC wholly aluintloncd snl trilet of bind for more tlmn six months l:it pist; that y"il b'v never c'Hiil) liMied resilience on the bind since llllnir. Ton are. tberiiforc, fu.lher nolifieil that the iiahl allegation will tu taken by this olllee as liavinu been coufc.-ed, by vou. and your said ctlll'ywni ! canceled thereunder without your further rl!llt lit lB llt'itl'd lltptelh, cllhrr betori! Ihlsorrieeoron nppeiil. if you fitll to fll'J III tliiK office within twenty days after the FOl'KTll pablieatioti of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically mceilntr and resptinillnff lo these allegations of contest, or if yiu fail within that t iin( l Illh III th1! olllee due jiroof that .,'ou have served a copy of your answer on the sn'd contestant cither HI person or by registered mill. If this service Is made by tile deliver of a copy of your answer to the contestant In pefton proof of tiiph service trust be dllher the said Cohlesinnl s wiiltch .it'knowkdcinenl of bH receipt i f lli copy showlhc the (1 ifc' of Its lit receipt, or the nltl davit of the person by . boili tiie 1-llte'-y ta innile statin;.' when and where the copy was delivered: if iunde by registered mnil. proof ot htieb service consist of the amdatit of the pers"ti hy whom copy was mailed staling wltcn and the post oittce to which it w as mailed, and this affidavit niiist be aecoiniuinied by the ioiiinter receipt for the letter. Ton !lotild stife in rottf answer th" name of post office io wltlell ttitl dlllc future llollefjlo be sent to yoli, Mmnietl P.utott, l!e(tUlcr. Dale of first publication "sei'itid " " third ' " " fourth " Slit. 2n. into rft; 6; I'.llll Ccl. 13; llilfl Oct SO. 1'lfl Notice ior Publication. Department of the Interior, U. 0. Land Office at Ifosivell) N. M., Oct. IS, t'lifl. Nutlce is heieby clven that Ovvle L. Fulton. tit New llotiSi Ni M.. frtrmerly Oi'vie Tucker,. Who. on Nov. 6. hits, made 111). 11., Serial No. OiiKiOi for N'.NW.U. sec. id ami sttsvi: SHSKJfi Lots 1 3. teclon 3. Township 0 S., RiinBfe 15.. N. M. t' Slciiiii.iii, Unci Mlridninice of Intention to malte tinal tilretf-year' llr'oif. to establish clnim lo lhi land above described, before 0. K. Toombs U. S. t'omtnissloner, In hisofllce. at New Hope, N. M.. on Nov.-S5, I91B. Claimant names as witnesses: llibblrd D. Fulton. John 10. llurns, T N. Tucker. M'bliam K Hums, "11 of New N. M. HmmeitPatton, Iteif'stcr. ibfll.'IS IIote, Oct. 2'1-Xov. 17. it" J. L. 0. SWINNEY Democratic Candidato for Supciln tendent of Public Instruction. J. L. O. iwinney, one of the fore most educators of New Mexico, ha; tho capacity, the training and the ideals to administer the school af fairs of the slato In a manner certain to bring the maximum of accompul.sli DiClit and progress. Mr. Swinncy't record aB .( Iiool superintendent (A an Jib'ii county, and as a i.i.i ihct of tli Stato Hoard of Kducatlon, en titles hiia to lisa support of oeryoue who favors tiie continuance of the splendid educational achievement i of tho present Democratic adtnininlra tion, and who desires tQ nee the edti cational standard of New Mexico nee otul to none in tho United States. Kducation liaa claimed Mr. Swinnoy'i! entire attention for many yea, anJ the Democratic parly made an ideal selection in r.oiiiiiiatiiif? him for tha position of superintendent of puLlir instruction. Every democrat should attend the rally at tho City hall tonight (Friday), I' I- 1 1 XT It 'v I"1 .t-A A. A. JONES Democratic Candidate for United States Senator. A. A. Jones, of I.a Vegas, lawyer, stockman, banker, capitalist, empire b'liU'ier and statesman, has - justly fl.irneJ the sobriquet of "First Citizen Of New Mexico." As federal prosecu tor hs broufiht powerful corporations Id time; as businoss man ho hr.s been a strong fafctfir in tile progrega and developiiient of his community and state; as party loader his pro-eminence has long been recognized and 1;M ccunr-el has long been sought; as first assistant lo the secretary of the !nt 'or of t't'? PnHe.l Slates and ns acting secretary he has become a na tional figure, honored by President, lawmakers and cabinet officers; u has Insisted on fair, direct and pronip' dealings between government an. homesteader and miner; he was on of the strongest advocates of the GiU cere homestead bill, about to become law; the law bringing relief to thou sands of desert entrymen and ths fat allowing additional enlries under 1h enlarged homestead act. The entire West has recognized his signal serv ices to t lils section while at Washing ton. - l v ' Vi NEILL B. FIELD Democratic Candidate for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Neill B. Field, with thirty-six years' practice in the courts of New Mexico, and extended experience in cases be fore I lie U. S. Supreme Court, is bet ter known as an eminent lawyer in New Mexico than as an office-holder, having never held public office, save as mayor of Albuquerque for one term in 1803. While filling an unex pired term as member of the National Democratic Committee for New idex 1(0, Mr. Field accomplished the feat of securing from the committee recog nition of the right of Democrats in tho territories to representation in the convention equal to that of the small est state, the territories having previ ously had two delegates without votes. From that time until statehood they were given six delegates with votes. This resulted in forcing the Republi can national committee to do the same thing and In home ru'e for the terri tories during the subsequent Cleveland administration. Mr, Field has a nation wide reputation as a brilliant barris ter and the slato could ttirnlsli no abler timber for the r.uprcuie bench. t ANTONIO LUCERO Secretary Democratic Candidate for of State. Antonio Lucero, secretary of stat of New Mexico, eminent educator, in terpreter for the Fan-American Con tress, secretary of the New Mexico Stale Taxpayr:;' Association, and journalist, n.is had a ljng career of successful public service in his na tive statj. Among other position which he has successfully filled hava been that of interpreter for th Fourth District Court, and delegate I'tom the territory to the national Democratic convention in 1904. lie was for years editor of "La Voz del Pueblo" of Las Vejias. Mr. Lucero I was elected a s tate representative in I but a Republican majority, in line with the time honored Hepuhli- ?an practice, imseBtt"! him in lavor ot :h Republican candidate, lis is much in demand for addresses on ed ucational subjects and was for years' t'tively identified as teacher and jrolVstior with educational work in! he state, lie has made a splend!4 HM-retary of stole. - . I ' Don't forget to rogist-r In order to vote on Nov. 7th you must register. books at the Kenna 1'anlc.