OCR Interpretation

The Kenna record. (Kenna, Roosevelt County, N.M.) 190?-1924, November 24, 1916, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93061371/1916-11-24/ed-1/seq-3/

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Reduce Your
ire Hazard
A new flue now may save you
from a disastrious loss by fire. Our tin
shop Is at your service. Use it.
soot: !lmt: In the clr In grim '..'.'iiquci.'.
of death. Then It was (hut one morn
Ing the girl enmo to hint with a let
ter In her hand and tours flooding her
blue ryes.
"They have destroyed my homo, and
iny old father end mother uro outcasts.
I must go to them, (lood hy, IHlly,"
she nobbed. He kissed li-r.
"Hut of course I ahull go with you."
She oidy tuishcd hint nwny, polntiu;; to
The Kenna Lumber Co.
X k I J;.i r-.HA j; . i., .1 ' 0 ' .
v Xlllll llllSI11!11!!1''
Kenna Record
will contian full proceeding each
Week df the Joirit Railroad Investi
gation Commission, which will be
in session in Chicago throughout Dec
ember. This is of vital importance
to the public. It will also keep you
posted as to the action of Congress
on the 640 Acre Homestead Bill now
.Subscribe To-day
and keep posted
$1.00 the Year.
46 4rx
Irvnuj A gb-m
GreeiW XS
AY after day liilly Me-
Ylekers sat In his fctu- 1
dlo just off the tluy
park and painted away
at Charmette. Togeth
er they had decided
tha the picture must
iiuu iu nit? kihuu nu-
lou, therefore It must
bo wonderfully done
Indeed. With herself
ns the subject, Rllly
hud assured her that
the thing was as good as accomplished,
only of course it would tuke time and
she must be very, very quiet. "For,"
he explained, "you have as many dif
ferent expressions as have the clouds
themselves, and of course I cannot
paint them all. So you must fix your
pyes und mind upon one thing, that
your expression may always remain
the name." Whereat Charmette, being
very much In love with Hilly, fastened
both upon him and her expression was
a luippy one tndtid. ' Then when ho
would lay his brush aside with a Iit
'tlo weary sigh and tell her that they
were, through for the sitting, she Would
came hopping o.i' her pillowed divan
and running behind him rest her chin
upon the top of his head as she puck
ered her lips and solemnly criticised
herself upon the canvas.
"And do I really look like that,
Billy?" she would half whisper while
he was slipping an arm around her
slim waist. Whereat he would say :
"Yes, dear only of course much
prettier. But I will bring that fact
out as I go along." So Charmet to would
tidy things up a bit ns lie washed his
hands, then away they would go chat
tering like sparrows about the won
derful time so soon to come when Hilly
would be of ago and receive his heri
tage in America, for when that day
came they were to be married and ho
was to take her back to his own land.
"And It happens to be next Thanks
giving," he told her; then explained
what the term meant to those born In
his country across the sea. For Char
mette, being a Belgian, girl, had never
heard of It until the coming of Billy.
And then came the dark time when
1'itrls stilled and grew pule and the
very ground seemed to quiver beneath
I he tread of the advancing legions.
Through Belgium they came pounding
In the vastest machine ever built by
umn us they furnished her great
fortresses like anthills beneath a jug
gernaut anil swept over her in a
great title, rolling the defenders be
fore them as a wave rolls before the
prow of a ship. And In those terri
ble hours the hand of Billy left his
brush and sought that of Charmette
as they satwlHl faces tinned east
ward searching the sky for the rings
of I'lii ll piinoke which they kuety must
Her Exprecatcn Wat a Happy One
il regiment of red-trousered foldiers
(hat was hurrying to (lie frohti
"No. For two years you received
a military training In your own coun
)r'; Tomorrow you must Join theanuy
of France."
"But you" lie pleaded, and hffctft?
down. She returned his kiss.
"If we are both alive we will find
each other upon your great day of
Thanksgiving ten weeks away' And
until then " But there is no need
of going Into their parting, for the last
W'ords of love uro piiered. However,
three days laier she was In Belgium
a lid he vras marching and count r
(ilai'ctiihg In that wonderful unknown
army which even the eagle eyes of the
enemy's spies had not discovered ; the
army of minute men which lay hlddeu
behind Paris.
Came the day when the hot breath
of advancing hosts was In the very
face of the great capital upon the
Seine. In companies, regiirents, bat
talions and divisions they came la an
endless martial sea, sweeping the le
gions of the trl-color before them miles
each day. And then It was that the
fci'Wlt French gi'tleral sprang his (rap.
iii curs, buses, iiuto'itioliilc? ulid by
every itieuns which Ingenuity could de
Vise, the secret army from behind the
city was rushed to the front. Billy,
In the midst of it, heard (lie rumble
and grumble of the battle from miles
away, and scenting It felt (he hair on
the back of his head bristle ns It
does upon a dog when he smells u
wolf. Then In a great surge there
swept over hint the thought of Char
mette, and tears blinded him as ho
Imagined her so slender and helpless
Wandering homelessly In her desolate
country i iu id with it a longing vast
iiiid unutterable to throw down his
gun and go rushing blindly itwuy in.
search of her that he might take her
In his arms and bear her away from
all this hell to the peace and happi
ness that had been theirs through the
long summer when the days had fallen
softly us thistledown. Clod! how he
hated it all this war and blood and
heurtbreaks. And then without know
ing why, he suddenly found himself
l ushing forward Into a gray murk with
thousands of his companions on either
i AhJJfi
I V" W
m J
A Fierce Yell Bursting From His Lips.
hand, a fierce yell bursting from Ids
Hps and the battle lust turning him
hot as a flame as lio realized that they
were charging.
IMinly ho was conscious of showers
bf invisible things that pasied him
in hurtling lllght. Hugo clouds of
dust aroso on ull sides and where there
had been ,, level ground suddenly
yawned great pits; (flmrderorrs explo
sions deafened him und he skgped
before the Impact of blows of com
pressed air. On every side men and
burses were going down In groups. In
heaps, In whole windrows like wheat
beiore hall. Before him In a clump
of trees was something that belched
and roared like a dragon, and before
his scattered senses told him that It
was a battery he found lllliixi'lf In a
wild bayonet conflict with it fiillp
hulred young man who wore n spiked
helmet, and almost at the mouth of the
belching monster of the brush. Then
ns they thrust and parried, suddenly
(lie full'. haired man went down and
Billy leaped on, not knowing what had
blade (he other fall, yet vaguely con
scious that his bayonet ran red. Then
a great darkness engulfed Will.
It was evening and he was lying
tipon the bank of a stream that ran
close by his old home. At his side
the brook was tinkling like bells and
the coolness of Its waters wto UfMin
his face. Lord, but he was thirsty, and
rolling over he buried his face In the
ripples und drank Interminably. Then
iin he turned upon his back again a
pitiii shot through his head, and some
one whoiii fie Cilild not fee, but who
was close by him, bc'g'itfl whltrperlng
like a hurt puppy. Endlessly the whim
perings continued, until, unable to en
dure them longer, he sat up and rough
ly bade the cnuiplalner cease his noise.
And as he did tills the fog was swept
from his brain and he found himself
lying in the debris of n battle-swept
wood with the noise of the conflict still
coming to him from afar. A fright
ful pain stabbed hlrt brain und from
his dry throat burst a weak moan, and
then It was that he realized that it had
hern his own voice which had been
whimperitti Tbcn all grew dark once
For what seemed an etef'ltfjr ha lis
tened to unseen persons whispering
about him, while slowly, very slowly
the darkness lifted. Came a day
when he opened his eyes. He was ly
ing in a clean hospital with rows of
oilier cots en every side. Once more
his head was cleur, but upon him was
the weakness of long Illness. A nurse
with a red cross upon her arm passed
lt!s way, stopped before him and
"And so your mind lifts awakened at
last," she. said softly, "it lm been
nutny weeks. For a long time we
feared you would die, but It seems that
you are to get well."
"And where am I?" he managed to
soy. ... . .
"In Paris. This Is the hospital for
wounded Americans. And by the way,
it friend has been awaiting your awuk
eniiig for Pevftrnl days. I will bring
But she had no time to bring. Down
the aisle a girl came running to throw
herself upon her knees by his bedside,
"Oh, Billy! Billy 1" She Cried.
clasping his thin hands within her
own and raining kisses upon his
"Oh, Billy I Billy I" she cried. "And
I found you the first day. Listen,
dear. The enemy is defeated aud
Paris Is saved und you helped do It.
And you ure to fight no more, and we
can now go to that great country of
yours, where ull Is peace and happiness.
And the picture, Billy, the picture.
You will laugh when you see the care
with which I have safeguarded It."
He drew her to him until her cheek
rcfted against his own.
"Yes, dearest. And when we had
thought ull was over life was Just tie-
ginning. Isn't It wonderful?" He
paused, then spoke ugaiu.
"What day Is this, Churmetter She
laughed joyously,
"It Is ull (lays In one; the day of
your Inheritance ; the day of your
birth; tho day of our marriage your
marvelous Thunksglving."
He relaxed upon his pillows and a
smile came creeping over his face.
"Jolly old Thanksgiving," he whis
pered. iCViyrii;liti i01, TVoKerii Nwpar I'htoB.)
Kansas City, Nov, 20, WIG
Auothff week in cattle re
ceipts opened to1iy with 2fi00o
head, market mostly steady,
weak on medium and low gr,i(V
stocker?, pretty active on ull
kinds in spite, of excessive sup
plies at Chicago and St. Louis,
with lower reports from those
poin!. Hogs bold to 10 low
er enily, packer demanding i
greater dotlinfl Jut pales a com
promise, sheep and Jambs stea
Reef Cattle
White face, steers raised and
fed in Southwest Missouri set a
new high record pi ice I. ore to
day at ?ll.7.5, llts average.
Other good stceis sold artinul
11, tdiort fedilteei l $i to10.5O.
Summer grazed cattle fed thirty
or sixty days arc bringing 8.50
to 9.50, an agreeable sm prise to
owners in most cases. Wes e n
rass steers nell at $8 or better,
and plain little tdeers weighing
around i0D lbs bring (' 7-5 to7.2o.
Cow.s advanced 25 cents last
week, best cows up to $S, odd
head of C'olorad.) grass cows at
that juice, fair to good cows
G.l to 7.2.3, cannei-3 i.Suto 5.0O.
CanneiB are selling a good i0
cents higher here than at Chi
cago. Veals arft Jrglier, up to
Stock era and Feedeis.
(jocd kinds are selling about
iike Monday of last week. Ten
cars of choice Panhandle stock
calves, 4o0 Ibr. sold at ?S. and
forty or fifty cars of well bred
Panhandle: yearlings sold at
17.25 to 7.:)5, with 10 percent of
"he total weight tit $Ct Plain
stock steers sell at (5.25 to C.7..
:onimon I bin steers under ?6.
Five cars of Kansas feeders sold
it 7.50, 1150 lbs , and (5 cars of
steers a little fleshier, but or
dinarily classed as feeders, sold
at 7 90 to killeis. A few fleshy
feeders are going out up to 8.85,
plain thin feeders down to G.C0
Order buyers bought their
hog5 to 10 lower, paying 9.85
for heavy hogs, 9.80 for me
dium, 9 '.0 for lights. Packers
stood out. for prices 25 lower,
but bought hogs alter tho noon
hour 15 to 20 lower, bulk of
sale 9 30 to 9.75; receipts were
J. A. Rickait,
Market Correpondonr.
Fraud Order Out.
Poswell, N. M., Nov. 21
The local post office has received
i fraud order from the govern
ment directed against tli 3 Nat
ional Mail Ordsr Rrokeiago Ex
change of Minneapolis, ami is
returning to the senders all let
ters mailed at the local ollicff.
The public is thus advised of the
order to save them time and
trouble and loss.
Mrs. Howell's Brother
Mis. Dave Howell of tltis city
thi morning received a tele
gram liom Kingman, Arizona,
bringing the sad new. that her
brother, Abe Liles, was killed
and another brother Mike Li's
fatally injured lr.te yesterday
afternoon in a mine, explosion.
Bolhaie old timers hero and
are well known. Mrs. Howell
and sister, Mrs. Sherman Mil
ler leave tonight for Kingman.
I'oswoli Ttreonl,

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