Newspaper Page Text
) "7 TniuTTr? M -Ml. i iHfrj JUL FTTrkTKM A RECORD VOL. 11. KENNA, ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JULY IB, 1917. NO. 22. Notice for Publication. canon Department of the Interior, U. 8. ' t.nod onice nt r.osvrell. N. M., June SX lBl? Not'ce U hereby given thnt Van P.te. of HeilUnd, N. M., who on Fen. 17. 1015, mn1e HD. K., Serial N. 030078. for KM. Sec. 84 Towimlilp 7 S., KanifC 36 E K.. N. M. P. Merl' illan haa died, notice of "intention to moke Final Three Year Proof, to establish cuilm to the land above described before C. E. Ooebel. U. S. Commissioner. In his office at liaKlchlll. S. M.. on July 30. 1H7. Claimant names as witnesses: Sam Rogers. Howard (loners, these of Red land. N. M Elon Yonnif. of Millinsand, N. M.. Charley C. Smith, of Need. N. M. Kmmett Pntton, RcniNler. June 29 Jul) ST. Notice for Publication. 031408 Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Ome at Roiwell. N. M.. ''line J?. 1917. . Notioe is hereby ttiven that nessie Howard, of Kairlehlll, N. M.. who on March 85. 1015. made HD. E., Serial No. 031488. for KM. Sec tionM. Township 7 8., Itanire 31, K.. N. M. P. Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. E. Ooebel, U. S. Commissioner, in his offfice. at Enirle hill. N. M.. on July 30. 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: John L. Graves. It. Lnnliford Sample, these of KukIoIiM. N. M., Eirbert SiliesO.M add Pate, these of Jenkins, N. M. . Emmett Patton, Icetrlslcr. June r July 17 1 NOTICE FOR NJBLICATIOS. 0i737S Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office, at Roswell, N. M.. June S3. 1)17. ' Notice is hereby given that Monroe C. Hawea. of Richland. N. M., who on June 16. 1013, madeHD. E.. Serial No.0i737. for E54, See. 33 T. 8 S.. B. 38 E , N. M. P. Meridian has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to the land above described before C. K. G'oebel. IT, S. Com missloner, in his ofhce at EaKlehlll, N. M. o" July 30. 1017. - ."" Claimant' names as witfiessesT l" "Vony C. Jewell, Thomas A. KDlirht, Jewrle K. Bates. John H. Stroud, all of Richland, N. M. Emmett Patton, Register. June jo-July 7 Notice for Publication. 037411 Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roswell, N. M.. June (7, 1917. Notice la heiebv (tlvcn that Gertie Tj. Taylor, . formerly Gertie L. Duuuy, of New Hone, N. M., who on September 8, 1":4. made Up. K. Serial No.037411. forSWM. Sec.M: and NWV Section S. Township. 6 S., Kunire 34 E.- N. M. P, Meridian, has tiled notice 'of intention to make llnal five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Dan O. Savage. U. 8. Commissioner, in his office, at Kenna, N. M., on Auirust 4, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Edwin J. Strawn. Edwin F. Gllman, James C. Hicks. Henry Vf. Miller, all of New Hope N. M.. , - Emmett Patton, June I9-July !7 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. 031388 Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Onine t Roswell. N M.. June It. 1917. Notioe la hereby given' that Jusper B. Kill gore, of EM'ehlll, N. M.r who on Mch. SS. 1915. made HD.E..'serlal No. MI.W6. for See. i Trntiin 1 H. Itnnire'34 t-. N. M P. Merid ian, has (lied notioe of intention to make Final three year Proof.- to es'abluh claim to the land above described, befuie C.K. tloebel, U. . Commissioner, In bis of rice at Emilehlll, N. M..on July tH. 1917. Claimant names aa iiuessea: Horace Howard. R. Lunkford Sample. James L. Graves. Wayne W. Metcalf. all of Eaiflehlll. N. M, 7,000 Men Waiting For Artificial Limbs London, July. 7. It is official ly announced that 8.805 rrtific ial limbs liave been made for soldiers by private firms at a cost of $030,000 and that more than 7,000 additional men who havolost limbs are waiting to b"! supplied, Village Can't Tax Taxi. A village has not the au'hor ty'to impos? occupation tax on driving of motors as service cars atoond the village accord ing to an opinion of Attorney General Harry L. Patton, His opinion is addressed to Powha tan E Cartel. June St July so. Emmett Patton, Iteirlstnr Notice for Fubllciitlon. 0S559J Department of the interior. U. H. Land Office, at Roswell, N. M., June 19. 1917. Notlve is hereby Riven thnt John II. Taylor, of lit. 3. Elida, N. M w ho on Jan. IS, 1913 made HD.E. Serial No, BMI, f.r NWH, Section tx. Township 8 S.. Ifiintfe 32 E. N. M. P. Meridian, baa tiled notice of Intention to make final five year proof, to establish caini to the land above dt-Hcrlbed. before Dan C Savaxe, U. S. Commissioner, in his olllce, at Kenna. N. M , on July S3, 1917, Claimant names as witnesses: I,ee K. t'olllns. of Valliv View, N. M., John W. H. Ward. James H. Mc Arthur, tlifse of lit 3, Elida, N. M., Jolin A. Ilouers. of Kenna, N. M. iOiiiiiictt l'atlon. Uetci'ler. June CS July 50. Walker Brothers Give Barbecue On the Fourth, walker Bros. gave a big barbecue and dance at their ranch 4. miles west of Kenna on the Peco. Over 300 guests, drawn from a radius of fifty miles enjoyed the perfectly barbecued beef and mutton and other good dinner which Hi' Walker's provided. Thanks to an Hdiso'n and two sets of good musicians, the dancing was con tinuous ..throughout .the after noon and night until dawn. The famous old V never saw a better day from start to finis!'. The picnic was given for C. W. Walker's daughters, the Misseb Josephine and Maud Walker of Memphis, Tenn., and for a neice, Miss Klouise Bedford of 1 Paso, who ate spending the suitimer at the ranch. Notice for Publication. 030079 Department oC the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at Kosw ell, N. M.. June 13, 1917. Notice is hereby s?lvon that Sam I., lloirers of Richland. N. M., who. on Ken. 17. 19:5, made HD. E. Serial No. 030079, for the N Wk. Sec 35. WtfSWtf. Sec. gflj EKSEM. Sec, 27. Township 7 8.. RanircUB E., N. M. P. Meridian. has Hied notice of intention to mnke Una three-year proof to establish claim to the and above described, before C. E. Ooebel, U. S. Commissioner, in his office at Eaifle- hill, N. M.. on July 30, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Elon VomiK, of Milllnsand, N. M-: Charley C. Smith. ofNaed.N. M,: Howard lloirers, Van Pate, these of Iledland. N. M. Emmett Patton, R'Blster. Jiinettt-July ! Notice for PubilcntioB. OJ847H Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at iloswell, N. M., -lime 19, I'll 7. Notiue Is hereby itlven that Georire J. Hose of Judson. N. M., who on Mav 1, 1914, made HD. E., Serial No. 03178. for Tots3& 4: Sec. 1: and the NWX; WMNEM. (as amended). Sec tlon l.-Twp 6 S.-. It. 33 K..N. M. P. Meridian, has Hied notice of intention u njaketlnel thrte year roof, to establlnri alalm to the Hnd above described, before lan C Savaite, U. 9, Commiss'.aner, in hisofflce. at Kenna. N. M. on August I, T17. Claimant names as wltuescea: Jason H. Henrtrix, Thomas J. Dlllbeek. Edwin Chavers, James J. Rose, all of Judson N.M. EMMETT PATTON. Jur.eS9-Ju,y 17 lleirisicr. ft in nucruT iPTTrn t!:; UllUa.111 Saving Money by Taxi. It was an Ingenious tiuKbund who scut Ms wife shopping la a tuxl the other duy. A friend who happened to see him Buy good-by to her from the tui'b remarked on Ills apparent exi travngauce. "It's economy, really," said the lms Imud. "Whenever she's In a shop she'll bo worried to death because the taxi Is eatiii up money all the time, so she won't stuy long enough to spend , half us much us she would If she went ou foot or In a street cur." wf . . ............. .....v is By SUSAN E. CLAGETT. - Jim Cliapmnn storied as the front door fdninmod, then he nniltered In ex asperation : "To think I should have come tl this from a little touch of fever! Nerves! I thought I had no nervon." As a hintter of fact, It had been n nvere nttnclt of t.Vpllolit, With so lln frerlng n Convalescence that Ills physi cian ordered hltn to return to the empty old bouse In New England that lind been Ills boyhood home, If he Wished to regain his strength. To the Inst he had protested, but without nVall, uritl now he had been In the New Kngland village for a week, literally confined to the house, ns be had broken his ankle upon his own doorstep. fi 'ated In Ills silting room he looked helplessly around us doors and window blinds banged. "Where In the devil Is William? That fellow Is never where he's want ed. I'll " "Will I nnswerV" it pleasant vole risked, nnd without waiting for n reply n blue-gowned figure crossed the room, hnstlly secured the blinds and closed the windows. "I saw William nhend of hie ns 1 was blown through your front doof. He hnd something In bis arms that was giving him trouble. Here he Is. Good gracious !" Jim turned his head ns his man came Into the room carrying a kicking, squirming bundle, which ho put hnstlly down. "Sure, Mr. Jim, I hopes you'll never scud me agnlii for such a little tiger cat." "I alu't no tiger cat," came with a suppressed sob from the -small telng on the hearth rug. .Tim" looked! tit the diild Willi i 'curl nurt resentment, but Miss Hill, who bad been listening In, undisguised nmagclitcnt, cattle forward. "Of course not, dear. 31m nnd William were Just trying to be funny." As she talked she hud removed the child's wraps. and now lifted her to her lap. "Oh ! I want my daddy. I want my daddy! He didn't call, me 'tiger cat.' " and the child burrowed her head In the lace at Miss Hill's throat. The two grown-ups looked nt each rtther In silence ns she sobbed herself Into n heavy sleep. Then only did Kate Hill speak. "What Is It all about, Jim?" ITe silently handed her n letter and she rend: "Dear Jim: When this reaches you t will have passed Into the unknown country. Because of the closeness of our friendship I am sending you the delight of my heart. Her mother Is dead, and she has not a relative In the world. I leave a little property that Is well Invested, sufficient for her needs. Am too tired now to write more. Yours, - TOM." "Poor little waif!" she said softly, "I would take her home with me, but I am going away this nfternoon. I can help you, however. My housekeep er's sister hns lost her child. She needs a home and will suit you. I will send her over." "Thank you. Did you say you are going away? The thought - that I should find you when this confounded ankle lets me get about has been Hie one comfort I have hnd throughout .this lonely week. We used to have some pleasant days together, and I hoped we might return to them. I will tie your neighbor for many months, and the sooner we forget the years (hut lie between now and then the letter." "We will talk about It when I come buck," she replied evasively. She stood beside him for an Instant laughing down Into his gloomy face. "Perhaps, Jim, I mny not stay as long as I had intended." she said, and with these words she left the room. To his surprise she returned wllliiu ten days;, returned In a storm that broke in torrents of rain us she nenretl Jim Chapman's gate. As on that first day. she ran up the walk and Into the house. Looking Into the sitting room, she saw Jim move slowly toward the. window. On tire floor the child was gathering up stray leaves of what looked like a manuscript, and lit her lap was n bundle of letters. Kate turned to Jim with a smile: "It Is to be hoped Mrs. Grundy has been driven trt the back of her house by (ho storm, else my reputation may StifTcr. To be blown twice within fortnight through your doorway, Jim, Is certainly food for gossip," "I want the pretty lady to rend to me," a small voice Interrupted, "Head this.' she said persuasively, holding nut n letter. I.'... . ti 41... ..1,11.1 ,,,, n,i1 tnnlr 1,11- t, Mil; . Him ....... I . . the letter from her. "Why, this Is ad- fl 111 each: dressed to me," she exclaimed. Jim gave a start and glanced toward the drawer of bis library table. He turned to Kate in explanation: "That letter was written years ago, nnd I have often wondered why I re ceived no reply. Why It. was not mailed I do not know, hut chattct has thrown It Into your bands. Head It, tind give me the answer to the ques tion I then nsked." He turned to the Window, looking with unseeing eye out Into the storm. She was silent eo long that he at last turned to her. Holding the child close, she tooked at him with shining eyes. "I have b") wishing I hnd received the letter when It was written, for we hove lost flv years of happiness." (Copyright. 1917. by the MYClnre Newspa per Syndicate.) lo n.'.irl' $100,000,000. Distribution in West Tho - tlisttitnitioi) of farm loan iMHiiifss in th west up to July 1 is indicated by tbe following tabulation of states and the amount of lo iim app',(,v- Farm Loan Banks Get Applications For 100 Million Washington $ 720,13o Oregon 330,750 Montana 495.440 Idaho :C.;.200 Colorado...-. 703,700 New- Mexico 572.000 Teras 1,248,473 California 056.725 Nevada '.. 63,200 Utah 111,531 Arizona 82.WX) Fly Preventatives Any odor pleasing to man is offensive to the ily and vice drive ihem versa-, and will Washington, Julv 8. Ap proximately $12,000,000 of tirst moitgage loans io farmers at 5 per cent are iPn'sented by charters to faim loan associa tions approved by farm loan haunt up to July 1. These loans ore now being made through the twelve feder al land banks which were estab lished tinder tho federal farm loan act. Tbe legislation creat ing these banks was enacted less than a year ago. The num ber of faun loan associations chartered up to July 1 was 230 and the exact total of money adudforby iheso associations was $ll,G51,y05. The average amount asked for by each asso ciation was slightly in excess of $.-)0,000. Tho average number of farmers in the 230 associa tions chartered was approxi mately eighteen, making the! average size loan thus fai made about $2,500 Most, of the loans thus far made run for thirty-six years and are retired on the amorti zation or partial payment plan by semi-annual payments amo unting tV 15 per cenl per annum Under the agreement provided by this legislation 0 per cent an nual payment made by the bor rower retires both the principal and interest Members of the federal farm loan board expressed gratifica tion over the qual dis-tribution of the business throughout the United (States, and special grati fication was fell over the fact that the states of high land val ues aie making good use of the federal farm loan i-ystem as in dicated by the large volume of loans in Indiana, Illinois, Ne braska, Kansas, Minnesota and Oklahoma Kven in th New England states where faun loan interest rates haTe been lowest the federal land banks are mak ing good headway, the loan ap plications, not yet acted upon at jthe Spnngfiold, Mass, bank, 'amounting to i:arly $4,000,000. i The twelve land bulk's have J pending, not yet approved, ap. plications for loans amounting awa Take five cents worth of oil of laVenditr, mix ii with the sameiuantity of water, put it in a common glass atomizer and spray ir. lavishly even on the table line't. The odor is very disagreeabb to (lies but refresh ing to most people. Geranium, mignonete, heli trope and white clover are of fend ve to lies. They especial diclike the odor of honeysuckle and hop blossoms. . According to a French scien tist Has have intense hatred, for the color blue. II oms decorat ed in blue will keep out the ties. Mix together one tablespoon full of cream, one of ground black pepper and one of brown sugar. This mixture is Hison otis to flies. Put in a saucer, darken the room except one window and in that set the saucer. To clear the house of fle9 burn pyrerhum powder. This htupe pes the flies, but they must be swept up and burned. Horax is especially valuable around farms and outdoors. One pound of borax to twelve bushels of manure will be found desirable as a poison without in juring its manurial qualities or farm stock. Scatter the borax over the manure, Gpriukle with water. Lye, Chloride of lime or cop peras (sulphate of iron) disolved in water, crude carbolic acrid or any kind of disinfectant may be used in vaults. FARM LANDS , The government needs Farm ers as well as Fighters. Two million three hundred thousand Acies of Oregon it California It -ill road Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in United States. To be opened for homesteads and sale. Containing some of the hcsMand left in United States. Large Copy lighted Map, show ing land by sections and descrip tion of soil, climate, rainfall, ele vations, temperature etc. Post paid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Portland, Oregon. J13G12 Btit of the Puis. The average pulse ol a bettltby UM fctj Mveuty t9 lUitM uUuU. .