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The Kenna record. (Kenna, Roosevelt County, N.M.) 190?-1924, July 20, 1917, Image 1

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VOL. li.
Xetlre for rcWIrntlon.
Department of the Interior, U. S
tjind Office t P.oswell. N. M.. June S3. 1917.
Not'ee is hereby given that Van Vate.of
Holland. N. M., who on Feb. 17. 1915, made
HD. K.. Serial N. 03007H. for KM. Sec. flt
Township 7 S.. Runite to E.. K.. N. M. P. Merl
(Hud has filed nolle, of 'Intention to moke
Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim
to the 1ko4 above described before C. E.
Cloebel. U. 8. Commissioner, In his oftlce at
K.i sjtvtilll. N. M.. on July 30. 1117.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Ram Hoecrs. Howard Rogers, these of Red
land. N. M.. Elon Yountr. of Mlllinsand, K M.,
Charier C. Smith, of Need, N. M.
Kmmctt Patton, Register.
June SO-July 17.
1 1
Department of the Interior. If. P. I.ni.l
Olllec rit ttosvveil, N. M.. Ju'v 11, l.'l .".
Notice Is hereby clven lint Krivnn Askinq
of Itliiit, N. M who on July . lull, made HI).
B. Serial. No. Oil', U. for l.oU 3, 3; SIJaWC
and the sV'. See. 4, Township X S.. K. 8 I'...
N. M. P. Merlrtiun. hns IHert notion of intention
to malte Final Three Year i.roof, to esluMili
claim to tho hind nbovc uVM'nW.-'!, before
Dan C. Snvupe, IT. S. Commissioner. In his of-
(le.e, at Keiinu, N- M , oil Am. 21. 1"17
Claimant names ns witnesses:
Joseph K. Alrxnnder. Hubert 1- Klnlev.
John G. Cox. James W. silvers, nil of licdhin.l.
N. M.
Kinmett Patton. liejiister
July 20 Auir. 17
KMre for Publication.
Department of the Interior. U.
rnd Qffloe at Roswell. N. M.. -"itne J, lOlT.
Notice is hereby Riven that Bessie Howard,
of Kaglehlll. N. M who on Marrh til. I1",
made HD. K.. Serial No. WHW, for MH. Sec
tlonM. Township 7 S., Hanire 34, B.. N. M. P.
Meridian, bas tiled notice of Intention u make
Hnal three year proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before C. E. Ooebe'.'
U. 8. Comnilaaioner, in his offllce, at Eaule
bill. N. M., on July 30, 1817.
Notice for Fu!ii!cuUon.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Lanri
Office, at Roswell. N M.. Juno 33, r7.
Notice 13 hereby Riven that Haiti I.. Holers
of nichlanil, N. M, nho. on Pub. 17. :'.
made HP. R. Serial No. 03 -Wt, for the N
Sees'). W!,RW, See. git; VMK'i. So;!. 27.
Township 7 S., Rann IIO E., N. M. P. Meridian,
has Hied noliec of inienti"n to intiUc Hen;
three-year proof to establish claim lo the
and above described, before C E. (Socbcl,
U. S. Commissioner, in his onlcc at Kuifle
hill. N. M.. n Julr 3, ltur.
Claimant names as witnensej:
Elon Yotine, of MillliiKiind, N M ! Charley C.
Claimant names as witnesses:
JohnUirves.K. Lankford Sample, these Smith, of Nned.N. M.: Ho ward Uoitflis, Vita
f KairlHliill. N. M.. Eirbert Sikea.' Cot-eland Pate, these of iioninKii. X. M
Pate, these of Jenkins. N. M.
Emmett Palton, Ttpflnf.
June ll-July 7
l'.mmett l'Mton. Register.
Jllne SO July 87
DeDartment of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office, at Roswell, N. M..
June 3. l"n7.
Notice is hereby given that Monroe C.
Notice for rulilIC'ltlOD.
Department of the Interior, U. S
f,and OITIee at Roswell, M. M., June I'l, l')17.
, Nolloo Is hereby iflven that Ccortte J. Rose
of Judson. N. M., who on May I, hill, m'.ldo
11D. E., Serial Nil. PjSiYh. for Lots 3 i 4 See.
II atltl the J WW; VVjMI;'4. (us amended'. See
Hawes.oruioniana.n.M..wnooo junc in ,. ,. . s it s-t V. m m l. M..rl.1hin.
made Hp. E.. Serial No.0i7S7. for E!4, Sec. 33 hog lcd notlc(J of intun.,n , n,.e n, ,hrce
T.8 8..R.ME.. N. M. P. Meridian has tiled . ,;.,. ,. to ,.,nl
notice of intention to make Final Three Year aDove described, before Dan C. Shvnirc. 17, rt,
Proof to establish claim to tne lana aoove (.omm,s8ione, , h,.i.)ce. !u Renna. N. M. en
described before C. E. Ooebel, U. 8. Com
mlssloner. In his onice at EaKlehlU. N, M. o"
July 30.-PH7, ... ....
Claimant names as witnesses
Tony C. Jewell. Thomas A.. Knight. Jessie
K. Bates. John H. Stroud, all of Richland. N
Emmett Pattern
June J lily 57
Auift h l"it.
Claimant nnmcs a3 wltnessen:
-Jnuon H. Hcnditx'Thomas ;.T. DiUbcd:,
Edwin Cimvers, James J. Ruse, nil of 'lulson
JUI.BIX-Jhlj-St iteiriaier.
Woman Gives Tip
On Three Alleged
White Slavers
Sinta Fe,
and county
July 1G. Federal
anthoi itio.s llave
been put tijion the track of three
allied white slavers, iu el utiittfi
Notice .for rnbllentlon.
Department of the Interior. D. 8. Land
Offlee at Roswelh N. M., June IT, 1917.
Notice U hei ebv Bivtn that Gertie 1. Taylor,
-formerly Gertie L.Dupuy, of New Hope, N.
M., who on September 8. :4, made HD. E.
Serial No.057411. for SWX. Sec.S:t; and S WWf
Section 6, Township. 6-S., Ranite 3I-R N. M.
P. Meridian, has Hied notice of Intention to a wonialli wlO 111 l!:G their lu'll-
make nnat nwjw prom, m bsuuiou uiuh .
tc the land above desoribed. before Dan o. quarters at Clovia andaiecharK
Sarare. U. 8. Commissioner, In hla odlco. at ,-, with onticiny. hiilh ScllOdl
V ennt. N. M.. on Auvust 4. 1017. 1 ... ....
iln,- names as witnesses: HlKl otlier gil ls into a lltO t)
Edwin J. trawn. Edwin v. caiman, James shame by promising ,bi:; money
C. Hicks. Henry W. Miller, all of New Hope ,.eU.s aj ;l ifc tf ejls0 wit,
N. M..
Bmmett Pattom
June 19-July 17
Department of the Interior, U.
fine Clothes a ml plenty of god
things to eat. An atioiiy n.ous
letter wniten ly a Clt.vis wom
an save the clue to the opera
tions of the ti io
Sheriff Moye (if Curry count
hns also raided .sjieak easit s in
Taod Office at Roswell. N M.. June 11. 101
- . . . . 1 . . . . T () Villi
NOltCe IS nereoy Kivcii mm. jniii fc'" I , , ,. .
ore.ofEaitlehill.N.M..whoonMoh.t,l915. Te.XlCO lllO JKlKt teW (lilS, Ol -
made HD.K.. Serial No. 03I3H6. for W. See. tainillg tWellt y qiCll tS (if W.llis
SiTOWnsulP 7 o. rtaDK c. m r . iu 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 r 1
i.n,h..fllednotloeof intention to make Final key, Wllioaiid al.'Sellol from two
three year Proof, to establish olalm to the place?, while thirteen qiiaits
land above desoribed. befote C. E. Ooebel. ,, . , . ,
land above desoribed. befote
V. 8. Commissioner, in his of lice at Kniilelill!
N, M., on July I'l. 1917.
Claimant names as wiuiesses
Horace Howard, R. Lunkford Sample.
James L. Graves, Vayn W. Metculf. all of
Eaglehlll. N. M.
Emmett Patton, Register
June M-JuLv SO,
were cor.li-.;ealed
Dea'Z bar
e (i (
Pood Products Meld In
Cold 5tornge July 1
The monthly report of tiie
Biiitau of Maikt ts, Deparlment
of Agriculture, issued July 1),
shows s'oin!! holdinji;-! if
(;"ea!nery lititter, Auier
t'ri'Z 'it and cute 1 meats and la; d
Hi July 1, 1!)17, as follows:
Frozen beef. H) slo-ages r -port
' u total of lt)r),171,2C4
pound.-. 171 storages report 88.
078,001 poundi"., as compjred
wi; !'. ,F):),li)0,0i:) lonnds on July
I, 11)10, an increase of 4,0-12,301
noun. is, or 4.0 per cent, during
J u;H' 11)17. 130 storages rep rt
a d. cre ise of 1M. 47.3, 422 oounds,
or 21 '4 or cent, during June,
Cu.t d bo if "203 storages re
iioit. a total of 31,500, 203 pounds,
20'.' stotoges report 31,312,07S
pound.-!, a's compared with 1S,
01,1J05 pounds on July 1,1010,
an increase, of 01.7 per cent.
230 storage report an increase
of 2,090,.u t3 poui.ds, or 8.7 per
cent, fining Juuo, 1)17. 171
sLoift:;.'S tvpoi t all increase ol
0,157 pounds, or 0.1 pel cent.
hiring June, 1910.
Fi'i z -n pork. 234 storage ; i e-
port a total of 89.993,709 pound
153 storages report 7S,40"2,02o
p muds, as compared with 82,
p0,707 poiui'1- on July 1 1910,
ad. crease of 4.9.' per cont. 20!:
stoingcB lei'Oitan iiiciease ol
4.0 pir cent. 200 stoKig-s re-
)ort an increase of 12,001.505
pound., or 10.8 per cent, during
June 1917. 130 stoiMKCH repo t
u decrease of 1,003,118 pounds,
or 2 per cent during Juii3 1910
Dry salt pork. 347 347 -sfor
ages rejiort a total of 211,820,
000 poMnds. 211 storages l eport
204,038,400 pounds, as compar
ed with 202,037,903 pounds on
July 1, 191(5, a a increase of
ner cent. 3,'0 storages report
an increase of 14, 045, 411 pound
or 7.1 per cctitj din ing June
1910, 213 . torages report a de
c.e.u-e of 10,497,802 p mads. t
5 per cent, during June 1910.
S .veet pickled pork. lotl
srora'ges report a total 14' 308,-:)30,0-i2
pounds. U3 r-torageH
i eport 370,002,021 pounds, as
corn .-am! 'i;h 350,300, 18(5
poends on July 1. 1010, an in
crease of 3.2 per cent. 408 stor
ages report at increase of 14,
414,022 pounds, or 3 8 per cent,
Notice lor Publication.
Department of the Interior, U
Land Office, at Roswell. N.
June 19. ton.
Notlee is hereby nlven that John H. Taylor,
-fD. 1 VU1., XI Kf tvlu, ..n .litn H 1.111
man Hn.E.'serui No. oswx. for nwm. VYriirht and
, s
Rounding Up Slackers.
Deputy U. S. Marshal it-mry
Russell ar.d Jim W. Johnsoii
r turned 1.-st n'ght from a' tn'i'
in the Sacramento mountains.
having visited Pinon, Que 1 ,
Orange and other points in
ssarch ot ''Slackers." The
niade two
i tm rrt inri! nr Tr"ri im.'.
Jimmy, lilinklne; ntxl liliniled by (he
fhowcr, rciiclicd for n biilh towol. I lis .
Iliici'S, t'tiiti'liiiirt tlie lirst one with ;
which they ciuiio In Culituct, gsivtf It a
erk off thu ruck, hut the towel eanjrht
on u fiiticet el' t he linlhtuli, taiil tinit
hud .lininiy known It, HetlletUhis fale
forever, for his Aunt lliewsler lnul
given hlni the towel tmil Aunt Iirew- I
Klcr wns his chief hope for the future. I
D n It!" snld Jimmy. Suddenly i
(lie towel, or rather the luce of thu
lolvel, let go, und Jimmy didn't. Out
lie went over the end of the tub.
When the fireworks in Jimmy's bead
had subsided and he hud cautiously !
tested every bono for breaks, lie swore
ugiiiu. "You blankety-liluiik fool tiling,
you, willi your silly blue roses find '
lace. Oct out of here!" And without ;
uny apologies to the donor, he hurled j
this Cause of His troubles through the I
window and reached for another towel. !
We'll leave Jimmy to dry und dress
Und rub his bruises, and follow the i
per cent. 1U st.or.igea ppori a
iecrease of 357.733, p ui ids, oi
15.8 per cent, duri 'gJu le, 1910.
Chaves County to
Furnish Only 52
Alen Por Draft
S uita F , July ll. F.-dera
lisburning odi :er li. V. K.-id t"
l.iy ann ainced I he apporl i. i.-
nient of New Mexico's iiation.'i.
I raft quota of 2202 among Ha
counties as follows. ...
BiM-nalillo .; 12!
Colfax 102
Curry 24
Dona Ana .03
Grant. 21f-
(juid-.iluptt 74
Lincoln , 03
McKinley 1
Mora .l::2
Otern -18
Quav '.' fcfl
Uio Arrih.i 179
Roosevelt 22
Saiidova1 71
San Juan , 0f
San Miguel 213
Santa Fe 47
Sierra 41
Socorro 108
Taos 89
'rcrrauce ::. 00
Union '107
Valencia HO
K.ldy and Luna ("unties h id
ing furnished more I Iran" ihe
pro I'at.o of men for the regular.
an. I national guard, Hum- pci
centagi! shou ing is appl -. td t.
the d aft appoi tioiiment, which
therefore makes no" call npoi
lhnse couiitie-i.
1 lollt V,
Section W. Township 6 S.. Ilsnue JSK..N. M.
P. Meridian, has tiled notioe of lotentlon to
make final Bve year iwoof, to emublish claim
' to the land above described, before Dan C.
Savage, U. S. ComtnlMlouer. In his office, at
Kenna, N. M., on July ft. 117,
Claimant names as witnesses
lite!. Collins. of Vallev View. N. M., John
iir n .I.f.a II M.l,lhn, tlian it
Rt3.Ellda.N. M.. John. Hoiters. of Kenna, have invaded the City of AIL'I-
N-M- oueioue, what will the Siii a
Kmmett Patton. Rei.'1-ler. ' '
June ts-jaiy so. Fe New Mexican have totay
V right gave bond and was le-
leased. llolley was placed in
the county jail at Cai Itsbad
Roswell News.
Now that the prairie do ;s
dm ing, 1917. 280 storages re
port an increase of 14 810,800
pounds, or 4.4 per cent, during
June, 1010.
Lard 434 st( rages report a
total of 85. 507, 5(58 pounds. 307
storages report 77,704 001 pounds
as compared with 87,127,375
p. minis on July 1. 1910, a de.
crease of 10 8 per cent 382 stor
ages' report an increase of 14,
9aO,S41 pound, or 21 5 p.;' ce0,
during june, 1017. 201 storages
ivpoi t a decrease of 507,308
DMuuds. or 0 7 net- ct nt. during
June, 1010.
Frozen lamb and mutton.
Ml . t .... n .-. m, .-...- .. t(.fal .!'
l-J. nun .1 Jit -a ir"'i " FOR Sl l"
3 095.833 nounds 81 sturagih " J '
.eport 3,113,741 pounds, as com-. Uroom Factory Machinery
nared w ith 1.930,175 pounds on I p'f'te and in good shapt-.
July 1, 1910, an increase, of (52.1 S2".0. Address this otiice.
Warrants for 5Iackers
A party who i in a p'itio.
U. know what he is talking
about,, but who-:o n.inm is will
held from pub!icatian,-infi.i im i
a News rep' ater tol iv tint wa r-
:antsfoi ii numlier df person;
charged with being ''.-dicker..''
have airivcd in Raswe I and an
in the hands of the p:op.'r of
fice I S. Jiosw ell N e w s .
t ! out of thelmiTirooin window on
Hie Kixlh'lloor of the aiurtinent hotel.
H llouled downward hardly flouted,,
eii her, for It wns as wide and heavy
(is. !l rii but it arrived, ut any rate,
at u certain point In the sireet over
which u roadster wus imssing at the
insi.'int, and havinc; a penchunt for
Ciilrliinfr on t hi mcs, it citUKht on a but
ton of the car's top.
All unconsciously beneath her gay
canopy of luce and blue roses nut Ei
leen Uranium. She saw people stare,
l.inuh and point, but there was noth
ing uioii;,' that she could see. But In
front of "Anna Knthcrlne's Shop" she
slopped to Investigate. What was at
tracting such attention? And then she
saw the towel spread shamelessly over
her liatly little car.
"Where did you get that towel so
l)!Tn? Out of the sky as you came
SSlii; turned quickly. "Oh, Charley,
Isn't It the limit I Where do you sup- .
pose it came from? Get It down, will
you, and I'll take It Into Anna Kath
arine. These things are in her line und
maybe she'll know something about It."
Hut Anna Kuthariue didn't except
that there were weeks of work on the
"Then keep It," offered Eileen. "May
be some nice old lady will buy It lor
her college grandson."
Is the meantime more things were
hiijipenitig to Jimmy.
The postman brought some letters,
and there was one from Aunt Brewster.
"I'm starting for Florida," she wrote,
"und I'm stopping to see you for a day
en route. I forgot to tuke off the pat
tent of the lace on that towel I guve
you for jour birthday. Besides there's
.something else I want to see you about
that I can't explain here. Until Fri
day then. Affectionately, Aunt B."
"For the love of Peter Jones!"
groaned Jimmy. "Can you beat itl
Where in this nickel-plated towu do
vou suppose that towel Is?"
Then someone rung the bell. It was
Charley Blogett, lie of Ihe tltulatlng
"llclio, Charley, come In. I Just
need u tonic like you after a bally hM'
day. Aunt Brewster's coining und ax
she curries jny prospects around lit
hep bunk book we'll have to concoct
some way to umuse, her' Proceed,
Charles lit a cigarette. "Poor Jimmy !
Well, I've got a story saved up for her
that oligltt to help some." And he told
of Eileen nnd the towel.
"Mine, by Jingoes! Where did you
say-jt isV"
"At u fancy-work shop' on Fifth ave
nue. Come along und I'll show you
tlie place.''
I Int w hen they reached the Fhop and
inquired for the bath towel they were
told I hat it had just been sold!
"Heavens!" cried Jimmy In dismay.
"Who bought It?"
Hut the girl didn't remember. A
J. lily, she thought.
"We'll get Eileen' suggested Charlie.
Maybe she can do something. Women
can always think of a way."
So they took a tuxl and went to her
house.- She had just come In and was
slill dressed for the street. Charley
slarted an Introduction, but to his sur
prise the two were shaking hands.
"You're Jimmy Toung, aren't you?"
smiled the girl, while Jimmy was say
ing: "If it isn't my little old pluy
niate, Dot Itrntinon !"
We used to play together at Aunt
Brewster's," they explained to Charley,
quite forgetting to let go hands aud
looking back at each other with inter-
t that had evidently been compound
ing rapidly for ten years.
Aunt Brewster is here!" went oa
Eileen. "I've just brought her from
Ihe station."
But she was to visit me !" excluluied
Jiniiiiy. "Funny, isn't It!"
"But he doesn't want her since lie
los1. the towel, so it's all right," put In
"it's all right," said a quiet voice In
Ihe doorway. There stood Miss Brew
ster smiling, the towel in her hand.
"Eileen told me of her find on the way
from the station. I wus Interested, so
ive drove around to the shop and
bought It- I recognized it Instantly.
But the mystery is cleared up now,'
und it's ull right. The towel has done
what I came to New York to do, to
briiijj you nnd Eileen together again."
"The comedy Is ended !" quoted
(CepyilKl't, lflfl. by the M.Clure Newspa
per Syndieute.)
, com
Joe Arnold of Weutherford, TexM '
:nisi d a wuter.nelon taut weighed lOtt
3o:mds. , . . , . i

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