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The Kenna Record D. C. SAVAGE- Editor and Pub'r PUBLISHED WEEKLY Entered Febuary tth 1907 at the Kenna New Mexico, Post Office, ai econd Clas Mail Mattei. ... auDterptlon S1.00 Per Year In Advance AdTCrtisclnr rates made known on app!foton Henry Assiter made a busi ness trip to Roswell this week. It is reported that Saturday night's storm destroyed wind. mill oil the Beaver ranch and a barn on the C. C. Dav is ranch 22 miles south-east of here. A. G. Pirtle left thursday for i, Ark., to visit his mother , "eeks and while there Meii. gome squirrels, a few v expect3 to ent to Kansas Ambrose Fry v' City this week. ' ' two Nat Marshall shippeu cars of steers to Kansas Ci this week. The big drawing under the selective draft is scheduled to take place today at 7:30 a. m, ft WK PnliPrsnn has sold Ilia land, horses, cattb, lock, stock and barrel to W. A. Fry. W. A. Fiy has sold his Ford to K. L. Reberson, the Rubber lire man. The i. otracled meeting at thisp'aco held by the two churches, Methodist and Bap tist, closed Sunday night with B jveral accessions to each church. In yr.ur conversations speak only of the good traits of your neighbors. Try this for thirty or sixty days and see if a differ ent feeling does not exist around you. Rev. Edwards has resigned as pastor of this chartre. his reg- inat'on taking eftect August 1 He has accepted a call to s charge in the north-west part of t 6tate- w Wooden and Bon, fc.aaco througn Tuea- L i'.aiia,- ; v to Boaz from day on their wt. Elmer, Mo. W. A H rrvhill wa3 0 a buci e . i Wednesday. a T firacaand T. T. Brook moved their cattle from Elida to their place about 10 miles Bouth of Kenna. They recently brought in a H gallon well on their claim. John M. Minis made a busi ness trip to Elida Tuesday. When in Kenna, Stop at the HIGHWAY COTTAGE Concrete Building Next Door to Record Office Rates S2.00 Per Day Situated-midway between Clovis and Roswell, at an elevation of 4300 feet, on the proposed Ozark Trail, it is an ideal place for the tourist to stop and rest Tell your friends to inquire for the Highway Cottage a place to eat that's different. FREE--- u town TO THOSE who now have on hand at the Kenna Record office, the following Farmers' Rnllpfinu in ,.,.l u:,.u r i..' -i . ... ..wiivu iiumufia, wmuii are iieo ior- ij)g asking. Call and get such as you are interested in. 1 ' Canned ruits, Preserves and Jellies., Jlome Vegetable Garden. Preparation of Vegetables for the Table. Poultry Management. - Beans. ! Sand-Clay and Burnt-Clay Roads. Some Common Disinfectants. Canning Vegetables in the Home. Home Production of Onion Seed and Set?. iis and Caponizing. Capi. Jrivy. Sanitary- , by Parcel Post. Shipping Eg. ,a, B oeo.Ki, Natural and Arlit. Community ESS CivcK -t5ii-MlTra,.TestfolTouU.'y. Ducki' Turkey Ktfajr- Standard VaTletieBof Ohioke,,. . -. ' Parcel Post M.arKQtiug- he Middle West Wi th Live Stock Raising TTT7 Vv E AUK NOT HEKB for one health, but to make money iU3t like you expect to mak money out of you business; BUT, if money making was our only as-, piration we would bo unworthy uf your patronage. Along with our personal prosperity we are here to help our people and the community at large to prosper, and while we may loook smali for Main Street, we are the big gest iitttle bank you ever saw, and we do not wish any one to get tho impression that we are loaning money for all kinds of FAR FETCHED ideas and WILD-CAT schemes but but we are able to take care of your cattle loans large or small. Give us a trial and watch us grow. THE KENNA BANK & TRUST CO 22 S3 .hods of Ooi 'trol. "aim Dairy Utensils. Suggestions for Grain Farming in i as a Side Line. Cooperative Live Stock S 1 v . ) , House Ants: Kinds and Mt A Simple Steam Sterilizer for Roses for the Home. The Bedbug. Dwarf Broomcorns. Homemade Fireless Cooker and Their Use, Contagious Abortion of Cattle. List of Free Bulletins. Your Patronage Solicited. W. H. COOPER General Merchandise Successor to W. B, Jenes & Company. NOTICE Beginning this date we will sell gasoline and auto supplies for cash only. John M. Mims. MrK ren a who have weeks at the near xvemio, Aav.a well today Tues. v Swat the traitor with a vim; Make it plain you'ie after him The war department has re- icprl its instructions to ucruit ing stations in the interest -of II mn. the "sawed-off and tin mniftf ed down" BOi t. lleigl regulation has been clipped to five feet one inch, while former tvoio-ht leotilremenlN is reduced an even ten pounds. And thus the small man g8 his inning along with hig soldiers and mighty tiaffic tquaci policemen. The email mn has arrived. He is ready for the big j b Ft. Worth Star Telegiam. jiome From Littlefield Ranch. Geo. E. French and chil- td Mrs. Ross Malone, Seen ppending several Littleheld ranch turned to Itos Two-Headed Calf Hereford Blood; Is Short Lived The yap who rocks the boat Should havo no right to vote. niovif. N.M-.July 12.- E. VV. McGuire, a rancher living sev m miles east of "Farwell, Tex., hrmiffht. to this city '1 uesday me i.n1v nf a calf that is one of tin- most perfectly formed physical fre-ik8 ever seer, in this region. The calf has a double head, all portions of the heads being per fectly formed, with the skulls joined at the front. 1 lie nine freak was dead when uruugm to Clovis, having lived three days under the extreme care ot Mr. McGuire, who used every means available to prolong it? life. The Devil Yt Say? The devil sat by" a kke of fire on a pile of sulphur gs; his head was bowed . ipoa his breast, his tail between 'his legs; a look of Shame was on his face thesDarks dripped fnyn.his eyes he had senr. his re igna- tion to the throne up it. me skies. "I'm down ana (in. the deviffcaid he said it with a sov,"there are others that Out class me and 1 warn to quit my job. Hell isn't in it with the land thatjies aloDg the Rhine; I'm a has-been ud a piker, and therefore I resign, one ammu nition maker, with his Dloody shot and shell, knows more about damnation than, all the irtiMof hell. Give my job to 'WJ :f"::,r,: ' 'ri.-toKs,,naSatu1c1ay. ler ha OLIVE ITEMS II. T. Jones made a business trip to Elida Monday. Mr. Molt accompanied Mr. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. L 1). Deering enterta'ined the following guests at dinner Monday. Mr. and Mrs.-Noel, Mrs. C. G. Stroud. It is undstod that Mr. Hewatt who was having a well drilled, struck water at a shallow depth. Another ' shower wedneiday was fine, only a good rain is needed &o much. Mr. Peters made a business trip to Kenna Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and two children motored up frn i Roswell this week, and are guests uf Mr. and Mrs. He watt. Mrs. Cunningham waa formerly Miss Le Hewatt, awd will be remembered here as sli'd taught the Olive school a f trt v years ago. FARM LANDS The government needs Farm ers as well as Fighters. Two million three hundred thousand Acres of Oregon & California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in United States. To be opened for homesteads and sale. Containing some of the best land left in United States. Large Copy lighted Map, show ing land by sections and descrip tion of soil, climate, rainfall, ele vations, temperature etc. Post paid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Portland, Oregon. J 13-012 C G. Stroud made a business . yvjiiillion time:; by far II Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Cloppert frt eave the old borne, the!;.,..dja0 jti Friday from Columbus. rfeiu. ... TfTh - .... ... . 'f T gO Well, l.UC Ifctl I aninotup-UVdUinthe art of running hell.--""- Don't boost the pre of grub. You too may feelt rub. Unci Ezra 8y nr men WcHl'd Ttt mucU energy Into the rest uv tb. Jam ote. they'd discover a rooaT lei more money In faruiinW and are visiting their son, C. C. Cloppert and wife. If you don't like the U. S. A. Just pack your grip and skip today. It is a part of the doctrine of the I. W. W.'s to denounce the government of the United States. The 1200 of them who were driven from Arizona are now yelling vociferously for the same government of the United States to ue as much of the United States army aT may be necessary to send them back to Arizona and to re-establish and maintain their rights. Their Anarchistic faith is quite as con sistent all the way through. The sluggard and the shirker Have always cursed tho worker. Boot Hint. When Boot blowa all over your bst oved rug or carpet, before moving (.round In the room throw cornmeal on the tlcor, shilling ou a spot where there Is no soot, and th corntneal being heavy, lifts the Boot and blows It ahead of the broom and can be nept off without leavlug a trace. Pen Point Material. Iridium Is a hard, brittle, alive vhlte metal)': element belonging to the platinum group, dleovered by Tennant In 1803. Sometimes found native an! nearly pure, but generally combined with osmium. It is, with the exception of omnium, the heaviest nietul known, and is used for pen points, contact points lu telegraphy and points o' scientific ItistrumenU liable to wear. Ita specllU? gravity In 22.