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Automobile Tires Hercules and Other Brands - to fit your FORD Non Skid $8.75 and up. Kenna Lumber Co. WHAT THE CITY GIVES BACK q: II II CARTER-ROBINSON Abstract Co. (Incorporated) ei j We welcome you to Roosevelt County, ami will 1 1 appreciate your orders for Abstracts. Uur work is done promptly. LEE CARTER, Manager. Portales, N. M. if Good Life Insurance " la a mighty good thing. Th intelligent man pat- k j$ ronizes a reliable company and in addition when he is jm ci I r It- nof d frlizi Koof slr f an1 hiin yj liiu rinfii nl fry McCain Drug Company Roswell, N. M. -. B K iSb m, VJ& ALH '"B. -SV1! , X, XfrJUK M Va 3 5 The long: looked for car of corn has arrived, and we are selling it for less than it can be bought today in car lots. The supply will only last a few days. We can still supply you with first-class cedar posts at money saving prices. The Kenna Supply Go. Os intnmiiuil '? Pure X UNSWEETENED tVAPOHATLU Goat Milk it t i . . rv J t 1 ! I he incomparuuio Lauy r wk j ! 7 fto Ferjevt looil Jor vhhiuu : i I...;, .n.mMrli Ail v Mineri tig who iuimiM ----- - V , iwu'b. r - f Ful up in l-oa. Tim t 'y'' W I C tM AN M r. CATi M l LK CD. Llfe'i Real Pliiaurai. Make yoirsc!vea neata of pleasant flioughta, bright (anclea, faithful say tegs; treasure houses of precious and restful thoughts, which care cannot disturb nor poverty take away from you honaea built without bands for your souls to live In. Ruskln. Not At way. The tongue is mightier than a good reputation. Manchester Union. Made Victim. We liave observed that the man wte la easy ! usually worked bird. Thosa Who Return home to Stay Arft Often Nothing but Empty Shells. ' We who knew liiru in the dn.vs be fore llu city swnllowed hhn up (thut was 40 yenrs ago) luul forgotten all iilmut hi in until the other day, vhtn the nuimlng train rolled In nnd we stood ready to help unload tht tnilln nnd then to follow It to th place oU liiu iilll iiivpart-d for tilin, 'I'mn )IimIIi writes In the I'nris (Mo.) Merctiry; Ev ery now nnd then someone like hl(U comes home to stay, and it Is the snuie story so far ns we who remain are con cerned. Not until the train comes to a standstill and the baggage- car door thrown open do we remember and sometimes it Is poignant. When the city took him he wns young, and, though bearing a grievous burden, be went hopefully. When the city gnve him back to us he was an old man broken by tunny griefs, nnd doaolutlott looked up from the dead face, Whereon tlio majesty of the final peace more often sits enthroned. What the city takes nnd what It gives back are nlwnys different. Seme times It steeps them In folly nnd i'e turns dead wrecks, whereon we look and rend nn ancient regret for things that might have been better and per haps in the end, happier. Again It swallows them up In the vorter of the gt'eat unceasing, pitiless economic struggle, fnd, having sapped bi'aiil, body and soul, returns to us the empty shell thnt once housed our friend. That Is what It did to him. Are 'not some fated to be bound to the wheel and others to walk in the glad places, nnd nt the end of the dolorosa way is not there heavenly conipcjisatl.iii? Perhaps, but somehow down deep In our hearts will continue tile bitterness of an ancient revolt lo calise of empty nnd Joyless lives, tho deep resentment because of that blind fatality, which even through love, wrecks human nsplrntions nnd Winked of life an unending tragedy. RELIQS OF FIRST CENTURY Portraits of Christ and the Apostle! Dug Up From the Ruins of Antioch. Portraits of Christ nnd the npostles which, it is believed, may be nutbentlc, nre on nn old chnllee dug up from the Hiihs of Antioch and now In the pos session of n Ann of art dealers in this city, It became known Inst night.- The chalice, according to the denl ers, came directly, to them from the hands of the excavators In 1910. It can be dated with certainty to the sec ond half of the first century A. D., says Dr. Gustavus A. Elsen, the nr eheologist, who Is now In this country, nnd who has made a preliminary re trt upon It In the American Journal of Archeology. It wns found by Arabs digging a well In Antioch, Syria. At the depth of many meters they enme upon un derground chambers, one of which con tnined the treasure. It Is probable, say experts, thnt the chalice is a replica of the cathedral erected in Antioch by Constnntlne the Great after bis reinovnl of the capital of bis empire to Constantinople. This Antioch church wns intended to be the center of Chrlstlnn worship In the East, nnd remained standing until the year f26, when, during nn assemblage of 250,000 Christians, the city wns leveled by nn enrthquake so disastrous that one building could not be distinguished from nnother among the ruins. New York Times. Saved by Bullet It Is better to be born lucky than rich, they say, nnd no doubt n certain policemnn of Acton, HU will snnctlon the sentiment. He was one of n squad sent recently to nrrest two desperate criminals who had been located hiding In n boarding house. When cornered, one of the men nt bnv Dressed the muzzle of his revolver against the policeman's nbdoinen und pulled the trigger twice. The first bullet rammed In the bnr rel nbout nn Inch from the cylinder. This effectually barred the pathway of Hie second shot, the force of which tore n strip from the barrel nn Inch lonar through which the bullet escaped thus destroying the usefulness of the weapon. Popular Science Monthly. An Dhiervlnn Male. The lndv lecturer had got her second wind. She was going strong. 'Yes," she cried, waving her arms, "women have been wronged for nges. They have suffered In a thousand wnys." She paused n moment to let this mo mentous statement sink In. "There's one way which they have never suffered," breuthed a meek little mun. The lndv lecturer fixed him With a baleful eye. "And wlmt wny Is thnt?" nlic hiss."!. "The Imr tn.vrr fiiiffTrd In ii- lencc." Doutore Don't Know everything. ' t thiTt'ht yon told me t'mt your doctor had niiJ"rrd you to qnt drink ing?" snld Smith. " "Aw, these doctors don t k'nof wnal they ure talking nbout, repneu r.rown. a he stirred bis highball.' "1 quit drinking for two days and I dkl.i't feci n bit better.' full, (!r: v 1'n- end of thf lining over Iho t-i ''I'd fiisicn the ftrlngs i'riirel,v. Tln slot In 11n bottom of the box will rinil !.! you ! force tho bale out. News ITiHir; ivi 1 magazines need not bo bnlid .iVt tied into bundle. Clever tirnd I'lnln IVnlor. Operation and Operations. "After all, stleccss Is" mcrrly a mat ter of environment." "As for example?" "Well, the greatest surgeon mitfht be H dismal failure operating-on tho tock exchange." Why Fish Will Fall Upward. .The deep-sen llsh are subject to n pressure Internally, by gases, nnd ex ternally of over two tons to the square Inch, nnd under this pressure they uro quite solid. When these fish are in ought to the surface in nets their bodies become puffy, their bones loose and their eyes start out of their heads ; very often lliey burst. This Is because the pressure Is released. When these fish of the deep son chase their prey or rise for some reu son high nbove the ocenn bed, the gases of their swimming bladders cx pnnd nnd they become light. The llsh whose Inuscles nre not strong enough to take It down deeper Into the ocean expands niortf nnd more until It rises upwnrd to the surface and Is killed, no that it really "falls upward." SIMPLE PRESS FOR PAPERS Demand for Watte Paper Gives Eco nomical Housewife Chance to Make Extra Money. There Is a great demand Just now Cor materials from which to make pa per, nnd the housewife will do well to lave all waste paper. It is surprising liow much accumulates In n short time. A fair price Is paid for It, ond the eco nomical housewife should turn It Into Iritihey. Many burn their waste paper bo cause buyers demand that It be baled. The baling process Is simple. A hoillO mnde baling press may be easily con structed. Obtain n good-sized storebox, nnd tnnke a slot h fe' Inches wide length wise on the botMin." Lny in the box three or four stout pieces of twine, lengthwise of bottom nnd pnKillel to ench other n few Inches apart, leaving; ends extend over the ends of file box long enough to tie over bale after hoc la filled with paper. Having done this, provide a lining foi' the hox. This mny be an old piece of cloth, carpet, or tough wrapping pa per, which fit to sides of box over strings, leaving long ends extend over ends of box, as with strings. Each day deposit waste paper In the box as It accumulates, pounding It down to make It compact. When the box Is An Odd Collision. "Ono would Imagine It to be snfe. In preparing a lis! of Improbabilities, t Include such a thing HS fl collision be tween an airplane and a steam roller," s!iys the Popular Mechanics Mnirnzlne. "A rear-end ' rash of two so utterly dif ferent tnncMnes seems extremely In c.ogruous. And yet this Is precisely wjuit occurred not long ngo at nn avi ation field near BiTtTnlo, N. Y. The steam roller was being used on tb turf when nn airman Attempted to make n landing. In doing tills he either micnlcuhited the relative positions of his craft and the heavy roller, or be came 'object struck,' for the nose of the plane was plunged with consider able force against the rear of the other machine. Fortunately no one wns bad ly injured, but the propeller of the air craft was broken, the binding gear wrenched, nd the radiator sninshed."- VALLEY VIEW Tho rain which fell July Hth was hidly received by the farmers. J. Stohl) is sporting a Chevoht, car t-iiico Jujy Hth, which lie purchased from W. V. Bracken and Co., of Portales, N. M. ' 11. A . U 1'( i ts and son Leroy. ;k nt a pleasant nilit with J. A. S'obh at tho W. T5. McCombs ranch Thursday. .!. P. S.nith " purchased a Chevrolet car from VV. W. Blacken e': Co., of Portales, N. M. V. I. Stnhb has resigned . as dire . tcr of schools of District No '51 W. C. Bu-sey lias tak en his place. Mr and Mrs . Lilt Eastwood vis-it-, d th" families of Black ami Bud Waul Sum! ty. au Vinc ent and John Sexton o" I i !;i made ;i business call on V J. S'ohh Friday, July 13. Mr. Jen;'.-', W. J. Stobb, Miss Ella ytotih, John and Charles Siobh, l ft. for Uoswell on the 17th, all gomcc in W. J. Stobb's Mrs. Jesio McCown has re tuni'ul i'.om Oklahoma. Look Around You and see what kind of wind mills werethe first mills used in this or any country by tho stock men when all they had depended on a good supply of water You will sen they all used the Eclipse, Star and Sampson 20 years ago they were tlv; BEST They are ti e BEST today. If you want a c'u i; -r mil!, I have them too, but cannot rocouiinend them. When yon need iv pairs for your Eclipse, Star or Sampson, I have them. You don't have to wait and be out of water until you cm ord r t'r :n Kan sas City, Ft. Woith or Beloir. Cet prices on Mills, Piling, Pipe, Fain' Tools, Small or Shelf Hardware. Add the freight, get my p-ices-lf I am not right then I cannot blauo you for buying somewhere else. (Jet my prices on hard ware f. o. h. your sta tion. I want -jart of your trad i and if h :ie-t goods and fair dealings will get it, then I wid get it. E. L. McBryde Hdw. Co. Elida, New Mexico.