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f -nip Automobile Tires Hercules and Other-Brands to At your FORD Non Skid $8.75 and up. nenna Lumoer uo, i N. 0T! Nit V S CARTER-ROBINSON 8 8 I o Abstract Co. (Incorporated) We welcome you to Roosevelt County, and will 8 8 ft appreciate your oiders for Abstracts. Our work is ti done promptly. . j LEE CARTER, Manager. TVT AT I Good Life Insurance lj Is a mighty good thing. The intelligent man pat- p ronizes a reliable company and in addition when he is i lS sick gets the best doctor an'd brings his prescription to McCain Drug Company It Roswcil, N. M. The long: looked for car of corn has arrived, and we are selling it for less than it can be bought today in car lots. LThe supply will only last a few days. We can still supply you with first-class cedar posts at money saving prices. The Kenna Supply Co. 4 -mm? WIDCMAHR'S ?5 Pure UNSWEETFNED EVAPOHA1 ED Goat Milk TL fnrnnmariible Baby Food fur Invalids ' -'j 1r Work, woollen, in mlormrl bmiiu 10 in .ullermg WHO inicrciiiiJ. iroi.i.le. lViiavilynolvcHlie problem 1 I of iuUalile uuiluulriiiuu. AT LIAOING DRUGGISTS V'H Put up in ll o.. Tin. WISEMAN U C3AT Ml LK CD. Ingenious tphjar W. Bidders bave a number of tngealoat ways of alluring and catchlaf tbclr prey. A writer describes an American spider which baunts evergreen trees, and snares Its dinner by means of a kind of Ibhboo. The web of the spider Is triangular In form. Two corners it the triangle are attached to twigs, but the other corner, which ends la a single thread. Is held by the spider, uerched on a neighboring twig. Whe a fly strikes the web the spider loos vii3 his bold and the elastic threads instantly entangle the victim. SNEEZING ONCE FATAL SIGN Superstition Wa3 the Origin of Phrase, "Cod BIcso You!" Still Heard In Europe. Rnprzlng from very remote times has been regarded with superstition. Our forefather went to bed again If they sneezed While putting on their slines. A sneeze to the right was deemed lueky; to the left, (if evil pur tiMiti To sneeze near n burial place Was tery tin! TK-ky, says the London Telegraph, , Tradition lias It that sneezing Mas at first n fatal sign every human be ing sneezed but once and then died but Jucob petitioned the Creator to remove the sneezing ban nnd succeed ed. Thence arose the once universal custom of saluting a sneezer with "God bless you !" or "May you live long !" The custom still obtains in 8omo parts of Europe. In England not only was n sneezer blessed, but friends raised their hats to hlin as well. In an old book, "Tim Code of Conduct," it Is directed that "If his lofdsblp uneeises ye are not t. bawl out 'God bless you!' but bow to him liaudsomely." Alt over the world the sneeze was recognized. Whole nations were under orders to make ex clamations when their king sneezed. Sneezing was believed to be u sure cure for hiccups and was also looked upon ns a sign of sanity. If ancient mid universal belief goes for anything it la good to sneeze. PUTTING ONE OVER ON COW Japanese Solve Problem by Extensive Use of Artificial Milk Derived From Soy Bean. The milk problem is by way of be ing solved in Japan, where cows are scarce, by an extensive use of arti ficial milk derived from the soy bean. First, the Jupanese soak the beans, then boll them until the liquid turns white, when they add sugar and phos phate of potash. The boiling is re sumed until u fluid results very similar in consistency and appearance to ordi nary condensed milk. When water Is added soy milk Is hardly to tie dis tinguished from fresh cow's milk. In composition also the artificial iiiilk is almost like genuine milk. Its proteins, fats nnd sugars are In. very nearly the same proportion, although, of course, they are wholly vegetable In origin. Whether the substitute is equal to real cow's milk as a form of nourish ment Is not quite clear, for much of the value of milk as a food comes from the enzymes or vitaniines it con tains. The Japanese, however, declare that it serves all the purposes of cow's milk, and that it has the advan tage of being less liable to infection when properly and carefully manufac tured. Youth's Companion. First of Printed Books. Although neither Cnxton nor other of early printers included any part of the holy scriptures among their produc tions, it is a noteworthy fact that the Bible was the first printed book in the world, being, moreover, the master piece of the illustrious inventor of the art of printing, Joliaim Gensllelsch vbu Sulzebach, surnamed Zum Gutenberg, having associated himself with Johunn Faust of Mentis, produced with his as sistance, in' 1 -150-55 (the book is un dated) the famous folio Latin Bible commonly known as the Mazarin Bible, the first copy having been discovered in the library of Cardinal Mazarin. The expense of this production was so great that Gutenberg was unable to re pay his partner the money that he had advanced, and was obliged to resign to him the whole of his printing estab lishment and plant, with which Faust, in partnership wtth l'eter SchoeiTer, printed the equally famous Meutz I'sal ter lnf 1457. By the testimony of aucr tion prices these are the two most vat uubla books in the world. Bleeding Useful at Times, For ages one of the customs of Chinese physicians has been to thrust line needles Into the body to let out pains and various maladies and it ap pears that bleeding in this way Is often really useful. After long ob servation in China Dr. James Cantlio reports himself so much impressed with the results that he has adopted the procedure himself for certain cases. Needling seems to lessen the tension in the Inflamed part and to re lieve neuralgic and rheumatic pains, swelling and stiffness from sprains and fractures, and especially the Indefinite hip pains usually called sciatica. Sulphur and Rheumatism. One of England's most distinguished physicians has Just reported u valuable piece of information that he learned from a gossipy old lady who was ad dicted to tho habit of clvlmr medlcuJ ,, .;. to iier ucqiiaininnces, says (be i.os Angeles Times, 'ilm gave some of Ihis advice to one of Hie learned physi cian's patients who was suffering froid rheumatism iu the hands, Miggestlng that the patient "rut sulphur in her stockings." The pntlent took the ad vice and the rheumatism in the hands disappeared ; also a silver ornament worn on the patient's wrist turned black. Within Hospitality's Limits. "Willie, you are going out to din ner. You may ask for a second piece of cake if you really want .It, but (here's one thing I wish you to fe Member." "Yep, ma." "Whatever you do, don't ask for a second helping of potatoes." Popularity of Snapdragon. Fashions change even In flowers. There was a time when the fuchsia was all the rage. Then the dahlia had ft time of immense popularity and hun dreds of new varieties were on the market. Then came the turn of the chrysanthemum, but, as It needed a bouse and a lot of attention, It was soon left to tho specialist, like the or chid. Then came the great sweet pea boom. Anybody who had n garden at all filled It with sweet peas and new varieties were called after every Im aginable person of note on earth. Now there is a new star the snapdragon. People used rather to ,despise this flower. - But, lo ! the expert had taken notice of it and it lias suddenly be come the rag.1. If the seed pods are nipped off 1liey j,-it out new shoots, which bear flowers until one imagines they are, like Tennyson's brook, going "on forever." AT THE HECEPTION i t : ' ft" m lip (31 'The girls declared they would rath ct nance than eat." "Well?" "Yet now they're kicking because we added two waltz numbers to the program and cut down the supper tnenu a little bit." v , I , , Best Trained of Guards Soon To Go To War Front Washington, Jul 23. The entire national gnanl of ih connhy, with the exception of troops fioin California and the southwestern state.", was in the federal, service lonighfc und-ir President Wilson's, call, The' remaining, units ' will l brought in Augusts, on which da' the whole force of prbab!y 300,000 men will bVdrafted into the arniv of the. United States aad will lose its status of mil itia. From that day on the state tioops can he used for an- duty the president may di rect nnd will be subject in no limitations that do not also Ap ply to the regular army. The first increment of tho gaard was calltd out ten day afjo. Tho.e called today in the second increment embrace New Eniami, middle western and north western states and several southern states. Piobahly more than ."0,oOO men went on the federal pay role. .New Yol k", Pennsylvania and Ohio troops and from several other states were in the litst incre ment. With federalization of the entire force complete after Aug ust ", the ranks of all regiments then wi 1 h filled up to full war strength with men from ihe selective draft lists. There have been many thing to indicate that guard regi ments which are not fairly well equipped and which had the lieiieiit of the bodor mobilization will not be held long at the di visional training . cainpn If transportation is available, the best.of the state troops may be hurried to France at once, "top ping only for final out-fitting before they sail. The intensive instruction to fit them for trench warfare will be given at American training camps in France, where General Persh ing's regulars already are at work. Look Around You and see what kind of wind mills werejthe first mills used in this or any country by the stock men when all they had depended on a good supply of water You will see they all used the Eclipse, Star and Sampson 20 years ago they were the BEST They are the BEST today. If you want a cheaper mill, 1 have thorn loo, hut cannot recommend them. When yon need repairs for your Eclipse, Star or Sampson, I have them. You don't have to wa?t and be out of water until you can order from Kan sas City, Ft. Worth or Beloit, ' Get prices on MilN, Pumps, Pipe, Farm Tools, Small or Shelf 1 .n id ware. Add the .freight, get my puces If I am not right theft I cannot hlamn you for buying somewhere else. Get my prices on hardware f. o. b. your sta tion. I want, part of your trade an! if lionet gmds and fair dealings will get it, then 1 will get it. E. L. McBryde Hdw. Co. Elida, New Mexico.