Newspaper Page Text
s THE KENNA oip CORD VOL. ii. KENNA, ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1017, NO. 25. -.I-W v y NOTICE FOR ri'BLICATlOS. O207 . Department, oj the Interior, U,; S. I rip' ,0!mp; m rnstreii. it m. .i;iiy sa- i'ht: Notice is hereby itivcn that joe Klslier. of Onrrlsnn. N. M.. who on Oot. 2K Kill, mnde HO.K.. Serial No. 03".V7. for Lots 3 & 4, Sen. 1; ths M .V': N VCV Se Hlon 1 Township S. Itnnire 30 E.. N. M T. Mcridinn. hns lllcil noti-e of intention to mnke Finn! three yenr I'ronf, to i' nblWi cln'.in to te Innintmve desisiiu )'n;,bftfot8 WillA.r-.ilmcr, U. 8 Commissioner IK alsohlce nt Iteillnnd, N. M., on Aw. i, 1I7. Claimant names as witnesses: Wl'lliim .1. Fisher, Decree L. SwcnHnsror, Hnnce A toM, Henry M. Willinm?, nil of Garrison. N. M. Kmmett Vtit ton. I'cKisler July 17 Auk. '.'4. Notice for l' Will bel'ai'UndHt c't the Interior. U. S La-id Office, at i 08ve!l, N. M. JiilyM. ion. Nollse Is hereby irlVen thnt John W. Wil ilnnuof RicliliiMt, N. M..who on .Inn. 5, 1MJ. made HD.E. Seriil No, 02'."iiq, fur SH. See. 3. Township's.. Hnnife'30 E..N. M. 1. M"riiilin, hns tiled notice of Intention to inal;e Mnsl three your r'of, to establish claim to the land b"Ye dowlbPd. before Will A. palmer, u s. bdiHiHlsSicihl'r, in Ills' onicd! at Ueillimt; N. M., on Auir. '!7. 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Joe Fisher, Henry M. Williams, these ol Garrison. N M . Tlionins A. Knlirht, J, Albert Vlck. thereof Richland, N. M. Emmett Tatton. Itet'l'-'ter. July t7-Auic.3l. GREAT DAM IN ANTIPODES New South Wales Structure Catchment Area of 5,000 Bdufrra Mil'.' Ha NOTICE F01t I'lJIlMCA'flOJI. 87ii : UUpftrttiiBiit of the Iritfirior. U. S. Land onicS at Itoswell, X. M.. July ll. I0I7. fiotlce is hHren'J- ct villi tllat Euimn A skins t,f itlllit, N. fit., who 0I1 .lliiy s lilll, made HD. E. Serial, No. IW71I. for Lot s, 3; SVsNWk; nd the SWK. Sec. 4, Township 8 S.. It. 88 E , N. M. P, Meridian, has Hied notkie of intention to make Final Three Year proof, to establish elaim to the land above described, before Dan C. Suvane, U. S'. Commissioner, ill his of. Bee. at Ketma. N- M.. on Auk. SO, 1117. Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph K. Alexander. Robert I-. Flnlev, John a. Con, James W. Sllvo' s, all of lleillhhdj N. M. Knimett INuton. Register. July 20-Aur- 17 Road Is Designated The line that t.he Odark Trails Will foliow from Amarillo to El Peso lias been designated by tho local association at, a meet ing held in Clovis this week. The road from Clovis will follow the railroad all the way to this city. This means that a new road frorh rtenna here will have to be constructed as the road now in use swings many miles to the east. From here it will pass over the Southern Nation al Ilighwav to El Tasn. J. E. Clayton Jr., C. C. Cagle, W. L Radney, C. N Moore, W. O. Head and G. A Richardson of this city attended the meeting. Sunday Star. The above clipping from the Sunday Star is of special inter est I o those owning property along the line of the tanta IV R. R. It means a great deal to everyone living wi'hin eigh or ten miles of the railroad from Clovis to Koswell and is a mat ter that every individual along the line should take a personal interest in and put their shoul der to I he win el n iil push for all your strength. It is going to take the united effort of every one along tin line to m ke this the acceptable route for th gieit Oisirk Trail. The importunity is now pre sented ami now is the time to do soinei hing. If this promi nent highway is finally located right along by the railway line it. will enhance, the vulrp of every dry clainl (and wet one too) from 23 to 100 per cent. Boost the rdadi JDo your part. , "The first large scheme for water conservation purposes in New South Wales is now nonring completion," says a Canadian department of com merce report, i "Burrlnjuck Pnm, ns it; Is iiahieil. l.s belli" const ructed of cc- tjieni, df which fio.000 foil pmnqfatv turoii in New riouttl IVille tii tirfr usetl up to dnte. The dam is belns placed In n narrow, rock gorge be tween bills 2.000 feet high. It will hold up the Murrumbldgee river foe 41 miles and the Goodradlgbee and ns8 rivers for 15 and 23 miles, ro speetlvely. All these rivers were sub ject fi floods timt rtinnlng dry brcvl hliMly, btit mv tt Cottfifiiftt Shipjil 14 hsiitireu. . ."The catchment nrea Is 5,000 sqtuire hi 11 es In extent, and some of the potiks In the mountain ranges nre 5.0XX) feet bij;h and nre covered with dio' lrt tbe winter. The overage rainfall Is 60 to 70 inches. "The dam wlH be 2-10 feet high and ICS feet thick at the base, tapering to IS feet tlticls nt the top. The length f'rrnss nt the;, erest (will lie1 ff) feet. The water wiil be aliowctl to fetich top storage level of 232 feet against the dam, and it will be possible to sloro ai,3S0,000,000 gallons of water. Although tho ilti.n Is not yet finished, the water bus been "used extensively for some tlm at the mnin nrea for which It Wart principally lntetldett and Which Is known as the Yniiko HfeU, This nrea is situated 200 inilert ttitaj' il:oin the (laiilt rlilit the water finds its Way there by the old lied tit tile ituf ruinbldgee river. Many of tlie faftlirf lire how occupied, and it Is estlinated that when the nrons are fully settled there will be about 7.000 farms anil the population will be about lOO.OOd. tlcif eninient assistance to settlers Is being very liberally given. Almost any kind of fruit may be grown on the farms. Dairying, mixed farming and ostrich raisinjr are1 truccessfully carried on ut preaent." PEAT AS COAL SUBSTITUTE Corning Much Into Favor In European Countries Where Fuel Supply It Limited. fcuropotthsi paying unusually high irtces for coal, iire turillhg td beat as a substitute. Germany hiis beerl Sweden's principal source of supply, and that source being cut off the state railways In that country have been forced to curtail their' schedules. Peat Is notoriously oue of the cheap est as It is one of the most abundant hf fuels. Lnck of suitable furnaces for its i'lthsuniptioti has harttbered ltfl use as It did for a long time thnt of the crude oil from the American pe troleum fields. Recent experiments In Sweden have proved that peat can be made Into cakes and used with econ omy In a proper burner. A Maine man a few years ago se cured patents for turning peat Into briquettes which would produce a heat us Intense an that of charcoal and elitild be produced iis chenpty il bl" tuiiiinous con', while the by-products' of manufacture would further reduce the cost. The great advantage of the fuel thus produced Is that It burns with little ash or smoke, that it Is clean to handle and can be used In a stove or furnace about as wood Is. Therfc nre extensive pent beds all over New England, and if this process were put In operation the saving in freight rates would make the peat briquettes an economical form of fueL A Home and Fdt iHg Free to Dependents Of Enlisted Men Carrzozo. N. M... Juiy 2H. first rn iu in Lincoln county lo conieforwatd with nn offer lo care for depend nt famines cf sol liei w ho go to war is T. J. Mar in. of Corona Jn a letter ad;:es!id to Shuiff Valkr Hyde and the C iirizoza O illook this wrk, Mr. Maitiu sayp.. "lTou will please notify tl.e relief committee for dependent of soldiers who are cal'ed to the colors that J. am' prepared to turiush a number of houses with plenty of 'water, milk cows in sufficient number, ami will give to eacli family a large. fat pit; "for iext winter's meat supply and furnish them with all the land they can cultivate free of charge." ; Mr. Martin's land is located about three miles frorrr Cfalliflas railway station and is now planted to crops, but may lie taken possession of just as soon as the harvest is made. A school house Is located three quarters of a mile front the land. Mr. Mat tin aJsO States that he will care for. either English or SparuVh-t'ieakiiig people. It is expected that several other ex tensive Ian Iholders will adopt th'3 ph n advanced by Mr. Martin. Stumping the Agent. "I tell you," said the real estnta tgenf, "there isn't a finer residence de- relopinent on earth than this. Just look at the wonderful scenery." "The scenery Is all right," replied the man who was looking for a home. "The only trouble is there's too much of it between here and the city." My Friend. My friend is constant, like that hlrjh star, and though distance and dfys come between us, as do clouds between it and me, I know my friend Is still there, shining with tho same clear, steady light, and when the distance and days are melted away, I shall find It So. Leigh Mitchell Dodges: Bear Clra8 Brooms Industrially speaking Texas is learning to get out of a cbrner instead of waiting for relief from the provinces. Anyway, a Texas broom manufacturer in Andrews county is putting out a new proJuct. Because of the scarcity and nlrnost piohihitive price of brooni corn this manu facturer is now making brooms from bear gra... Here is a wate product commercialized with every promise of Hii"ce A new idea and a new broom team woik of the clean bweep sort Heretofore hear grass has been employed to hang moat in the smokehouse b cause tie grass h tough and du ate and vll ho d a middling of meat !ig as a box car iloor until the meat b. comes t-txoiig enough lo lift a mm -gaga B -ar grit s is t b bad for ihe asking. Tim bear gia-s hioon; n ti-t neces sarily bi a cheap broom to the consumer Which is for Texas iudu-ifry and reduced liv ing cost. Texas is learning to get i ut of a corner Pi, Worth Star-relet, ram. i 8 a i mm protests!"! I By LOUIS OLIVER. j "A youngster like thai rM fVi busi ness to be teaching school," Mr. Mer win, known familiarly to the mystic circle of his underlings as "lSllly," looked after Margaret linker who was on bet' way to her classroom humming H .iffle tune. Jingling; her keys and thinking, ' W'tVa" a pi IF; lie's the kind that thinks that Uie ii"'st; scrawni est, stupidest man lu the wonif f? bet ter than the finest woman ever made." "She looks pale," Billy continued to himself. "Not enough sleep. Her Idea of living Is to work for enuugh money to buy satin mid slippers so she cau go to dance every nluht weekdays ffd spend Saturdays lu a beauty par lor". N.t iiini she needs It," he added grudgingly. "Shtf the prettiest girl X ever saw. "I wish," growled Billy that f.'f2 be uulocked his own door nud switched On tl) light, "that the people upstairs would keep qnlt tonight ami let me sleep. That baby fiU9 iTled for Evans Resigns as Land Office Register Fort Sumner, N. M., July 30. Dr. A. J. Evans has tendered his resignation as register of tie U. S. L ind office at For t Sum ner, subject to his call to fervit e in the medical 'corps of thf army. If excellent recommen dations cotlnt for anything srys th'j Review, P. K. -Smith will be appointed his successor. Supreme Court Opinion. The follovviig opinion was handed down this af ernoon by the supreme court: State vs. Will Crosby, Chaves county. Crosby wr.s convicted of larceny of cattle from Ihe S ufh Springs Ranch & Cattle Co , and sentenced to the peni tentiary. The judgment of the lower court isafliirnied. Opin ion by JIanna. Santa Fe New Mexican, Monday, July DO. All Slackers Will Get Theirs Washington. July 30. The very prompt apprehension of the "thousands of draftable men who have escaped detec tion ar.d their prosecution for failure to register," was- ordei ed today by the departni'Mit of justice in a fornial notice sent out to all United States attorneys. 6lg Pretit In Onion. Roman SkivUki of Silnilef land con' tlnues to be favored of fortune" at tijC his own foresight. U held on to his onions when 'all his wise Yankee friends sail 's(f!l," and has got the highest price ion record, $7 a bag of 100 pounds. When the price got up to $3 his Yankee friends dropped In and told Komnn that It was dangerous to hold on any longer, and they repeated lli warnings at f, and $0, but still itohiall kept some of them till the last, if there Is any last when crops are girtng up on a crop failure, llomau made a net profit of $7,000 on his on-' Ions In 1901, and he must huve done much better than that this year. Northampton Gazette. When Courage Failed. The family was having guests to dinner, and six-year-old Edward hud , his supper alone and was sent to bed somewhat earlier than usual. The ap- t petlzlng aroma of roast turkey, In which he had not shared, readied him ns he lay awak. pondering over hi hurd fate, and he decided to descend to the dining room and claim hi rights. I But when father, beholding the small 1 figure at tho door, demanded sternly: "Well, sir, what do you want?" Kd ward's courage fell, and he answered, i apologetically: "I Just came to see If you would lend me a bone when you re through wltn It. Aopena State Journal. Impressionability. "Do you rend the war news regu larly?" "No," replle the excitable man. "When I read one day's war news I get so nervous J have to skip the nt three days, uud that woman . ed the Iloor over my head until I'm nearly t'faz-y. I'll go out and have cigur on tho back porch and look at Oe stars awhile. Maybe they will get settled before I turn In." He thought f a number of things am he smoked. How he had planned to- b an engineer lien he" wetit t college how he haif been compelled to postpftfl" r, ptan; how his chuni. Jack Kniery, had mt and finished, anil, of the time Jack's fister had visile him'. Margaret Bake" hHki smu tiling like her, he' thought, There was a sudden crash, A dish of china (it 2ss whizzed past head and smashed m the brivk befott', W'dt the content it, noraethlugr warm and giUt was clingibg like av besetting siu to Billy" coat, trouser and shoes. I "Well, 111 be darned!" sufd Billy1 furiously. "What on earth do they -leave their meals outside for to ruiu other people's clothes? That's the same bunch that walks the baby all night. I think this is a pretty good time to tell them what I think of them. I'll go Hv;ht up as I am and make them help me cfi'ftn It off." ..Dripping gelutifle, h knocked Im peratively on the door abof, through which lufuntile walls were coming, and almost instantly It opened. "I would like you to see the damagt your " He got no further. "Mar Miss Baker:" he exclaimed. "I didn't know you lived here. I came up tw tell you that something fell off your back porch and " t "My gelatine !" cried Margaret In dismay, shifting the crying baby fronv one shoulder to the other. "I made1 that gelatine myself and put It there to harden. And I'm not half as sorry about your clothes as I am for poor Sirs. Doogan. l?ut if you will com In,. I'll try to get It off." In a few minutesthe crying stopped, and Margure,caine in with a basin nt warm water and a cloth. He; 'might her hand. "Doyou'thlnlC" I'm actually fening to let you wash tue off?" Margaret was silent. "Kay, Miss Baker, whose baby la thatr "Mrs. Doogau's." ' K "Who Is Mrs. Doogan?" "Tommy Is in my room at school. He's staying here now while his moth er U sick. He's iu my bed asleep." "How did you find out about his mother?" "Don't you remember, the truant of Ilcer told us about Tommy couldn't come? 'Mother sick, father out of work' was the report." "Ves, I remember now. Never, thought of It again." "So I bring Tummy and the baby here after school and do what I cau for the others In the mornings." Billy was looking very queer. "Is that why you always have the highest percentage of attendance, be catlse you buy shoes for Lizzie, and get work for Mike's father, and nurse bubles for the Doogaus?" Something In the man's eyes made her drop her own quickly again. "Miss Baker, Marguret," he said, "I always think of you that way. It's my turn, to talk and I'm going to tell you some thing, and that Is, Just what a mean, contemptible fellow 1 am. Without any Justice I condemned you for a feather-brained butterlly because you are light-hearted and cheerful. Aud here yon've been losing sleep night after night Without a mumur while I've been pitying myself for several things. Look here, you go get that baby and give him to me. I'll take care of him. Aud you go to bed aud get some sleep.' Go on, now. Do as I tell you. No, don't go either. There's something morn I may as well tell you now as have It burn a hole In my brain. I love you,! Margaret ! I never knew It was In me' to adore anyone as I do you. That's all. I had to say It. Hesse forgive me; I know how you despise me. Now get the baby and I'll go." But outside the door with his squirm ing burden he heard his name called softly. "Billy!" came through the keyhole faintly. "Oh. Billy!" "Yes?" he turned as though to go back. "I love- you, Billy !" said the voice. And Mr. Merwin, woman hater, nearly dropped the baby. (Copyright, 19l, by thm McClure Newspa per Syndicate.) The Slum government savings bant has 1.380 depositors with fl3S.0TT td their credlC ... , ITT "2 u tM