OCR Interpretation

The Kenna record. (Kenna, Roosevelt County, N.M.) 190?-1924, August 24, 1917, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93061371/1917-08-24/ed-1/seq-2/

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The Kenna Record
D. C SAVAGE Editor and Pub'r
Entered Febuary tth HO? tt the Kenna,
New Mexico, IV st Office, at erond Clait
Mail Mattel.
Suhr'ptln S1.00 Par Yr In
AdTrtlelnc rates mi)nown on aptUcatloo
Crop Outlook.
The first of the week a Record
representative made a trip
through the country east of
Kenna for about 20 miles and
found the crop outlook very en
couraging, considering the
lateness of ihe rains. While
most of the crops are late, ther
are a number of crops well ad
vanced, which promise an
abundance of feed for theii
Tho rains have been general
over tine section and the grass
is coming fast. Cattle are fat
ajd thrifty, though there is con
siderable blackleg reported
throughout the countiy.
The first crop of any import
a ice was on tho C. D. Spilhnaii
farm, which promises a fairly
good yield.
The Slack boys have a good
crop, and say that iheir maize
is the. best that they have
grQ,wn in several year.
J. V. Davis reports a go'i
crop on his place, and fiom tht
looks of Thos. Dillbeek's croj
he wiil be able to burn gasolir.e
for several years yet.
Chas, Glover and J. II. Hen
drix both have good dry yeai
crops and will make some corn.
On the J. H. Loe farm is a:
fine a field of kaffir as one need
wish to see.
E. L. Small will harvest an
abundance of kaffir and cane,
and L. M Carmichael has as
line a field of k&ffir as any
man's wife need wish to grow.
The Toothsome Jackrab-
blt and How to Eat
(Kort Sumner Review.)
Uncle S im has recently issued
a bulletin advising the people t
raise lubbits to help solve the
meat supply. What the people
of tho short-grass country need
is an appetite for rabbits no
need to raise them for they are
here already. Regarding eating
rabbits the following furnished
by a Texas man for the prepa
ration of rabbits for the table it
about as good as we know of:
'Teel the jackrabbit carefully
and remove all interior blub-
bings; put on to boil over a slow
fire; replenish water whenever
necessary until cistern is empt
ied. As soon as the cistern is
full again repeat the process;
select a clean, nmooth pine
plank; place the rabbit on it:
6alt and pepper to taste and
take five hours; then bury the
rabbit and eat the plank."
Orr Pleaded Quilty.
Walter Orr who lives in
Rock Valley near Kenna, ap
peared before Jirdge Parsons
this morning atl entered a plea
of guilty to the charge of assault
and battel v. lie' was given a
fine of 15 and tM cot. Roa
vtll Record.
T TlIOSE who are interested in the subjects treated, we
now have on hand at the Kenna Record office, the following
Farmers' Bulletins in limited numbers, which are free for the
asking. Call and get such as you are interested in.
Canned Fruits, Preserves and Jellies.
Home Vegetable Garden.
Preparation of Vegetables for the "fable.
Poultry Management.
Sand-Clay and Burnt-Clay Roads.
Some Common Disinfectants
Canning Vegetables in the Home-.
Home Production of Pnidtt 3eed and Sets-.
Capons and Caponizing.
Sanitary Ptivy.
Shipping Eggs by Parcel Post.
Natural and Artificial Brooding of Chickens.
Community Egg Cirelei
Simple Trap Nest for Poultry.
Duck Raising.
Turkey Raising-.
Standard Varieties of Chickens,
Suggestions for Parcel Post Marketing.
Grain Farming in the Middle vVest With Live Stock Raising
as a Side Line.
Cooperative Liv? Stock Shipping Association.
House Ants: Kinds and Methods of Control.
A Simple Steam Sterilizer for Farm Dairy Utensils.
Rosen for the Home.
The Bedbug.
Dwarf Broomcoins.
Homemade Fireless Cooker and Their Use-,
Contagious Abortion of Cattle.
List of Free Bulletins.
If being drafted makes you
angry you .will doubtless have
plenty of opportunity to vent
your wrath on the Germans
who are really responsible for
your being called upon to fight.
El Phfo Times.
A West Dallas widow says
the reason she hates to near
slippeis with her short skirt is
because at every step they seem
to say: ''Low and behold."
Dallas News.
Miss Helen Elrod treated her
Sunday School class to a picnic
at the cottonwoods Thursday.
In some sections the jack rab
bits are reported as almost
wholly destroying the crops.
Bear grass is being hauled in
to Kenna for shipment to St.
Louis. .
Prof. Frost of Tiaban, N. M
was in towu Tuesday. He has
been employed us principal of
the Kenna High School.
Carpenters are at work this
week cutting off another room
in the school building for the
high school work.
President Wilson has fixed
the price that the New Mexico
mines may charge for coal at
run of mine VI AO, prepared siz
es 2.o& and slack at $2.15 a ton
The railroads should b able to
deliver it at Ktnna for $12(?) a
I havo mado arrangements
with a Roswell Fruit Grower
to deliver apples at Kenna this
season. Shipments will begin
about Sepr. 1st. Platfo your
orders now, and save money
by bringing your own Backs.
Prices will be as low as the
market will permit.
i. G. Grea Ve8k
To All Receivers of Coal
Within the State of
New Mexico
This h to advise that during
the month of July following the
action of the Interstate Com
merce Commission, all railroads
in this ttate participating in
coal traffic, filed supplements to
their traffics,, increasing Jthe
rates on coal from and to points
within this state 15 cents per
toneffective August 20, 11)17.
The commission on the 8th
instant, issued a call for a hear
ing of. representatives of all in
terested carriers, to be held at
Santa Fe on the 18th instant, to
show cause why the present
rates on coal from and to points
within this state should not be
disturbed until otheiwise fixed
or determined by this Commis
sion. The hearing was had as
scheduled, and the earners de
clined to suspend it he supple
ments showintr the increased
rates, which become effective
today, and thu Commission will
therefore transfer the cause to
the Supreme Court of the Stale
of JNew Mexico during this
week for adjudication; and,
pending the decision of that
tribunal, it is requested that all
freight bills paid by receivers of
coal in this state, covering ship
ments from Nevy Mexico mines,
based on the increased rate.3, be
retained bo that they may be
readily acessible in the event
that the action of this Commis
sion is sustained by the Supreme
Court, so that arrangements
may be made for refund to the
old rats. Pl?ase be governed
Very respectfully,
State Corporation Commisson
Uy Hugh H. Williams,
. for our health, but
to make money just
like you expect to make n'ney
out of you business; BUT, if
monev making Was' oiir dnly af.
p'ratiOn we would bo unworthy
of your patronage. Along with
our personal prosperity we are
here to help our people and tho.
community at large to prosper,
and while we may book small
for Main Street, we are the big
gest littlle bank yoj ever saw.
We do not wish any
. one to get the impression that
wtJ ale loaning Money for all
kinds of FAR FETCHED ideas
and WILD-CAT schemes but
we are able to take care of
your cattle loans large or small.
Giveus a trial t-nd watch Us
Your Patronage
General Merchandise
Surcessor to W. B. Jenes & Company.
SSS2S 'WaaMBa!uBsyuLMwir.
On Duty Elsewhere
An Irish soldier had lost an
eye in battle, but was allowed
to continue in the service on
consenting to have a glass eye
in its place, says an English
paper, One day, however, he
appeared on parade without his
artificial eye.
"Nolan," said the officer,
"you are not properly dressed.
Why is your artificial eye not
in its place?"
"Sure, sir," replied Nolan,
I left it in me box to keep an
eye on me kit while I'm on parade."
Miss Florence Clark and nep
hew, Fred Colby left Saturday
morning for Roswell. Miss
Clai-k expects to be in Roswell
for about six weekc, and Fred
will return to his home at Des
Moins, la., in a few days.
J. II. Boatman from Okla
homa City, was in town on bus
iness last week.
Henry Murdock spent Sunday
with the home folks.
Mir. Henry Netz of Kansas
returned to her home l ist week
after a six week vi-it with her
son, Chas., in Rock Valley.
2 Eclipse Pumper, Fairbanks
& Morse Engine, piacticaly new.
Engine can be seen at my ranch
18 miles south-east of Kenna.
J. G. G leaves,
, Kenna, N. M.
Mr. Ifewatt of Texaco, is vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
D. L. Maupin is drilling a
Mr. Deerir-g made a business
trip to Elida this week.
Mr. Wilson and children call
ed on Mrs. Jennings Wednes
day. H. T Jone9 motored over to
Elida Thursday.
C. G. Stroud made a business
trip to Kenna, Thursday.
Mr. and Mis Noles are spend
ing this week at the Harvey
Lucas ranch north east of Olive.
Olive vicinity was visited by a
fine rain Friday night which
was badly needed.
11. T. Jones mado a business
trip to Ft. Sumner Friday.
Albert Bechler who was
off to Ft. Worth on a business
trip is expected home this week.
J. W. Jennings is some better
at this writing. He can be up
part of the time only.
The government needs Farm
ers as well as Fighters. Two
million three hundred thousand
Acres of Oregon & California
Riilroad Co. Grant Lands. Title
revested in United States. To
bo opened for homesteads and
sale. Containing some of the
best land left in United States.
Large Copy lighted Map, show
ing land by sections and descrip
tion of soil, climate, rainfall, ele
vations, temperature etc. Post
paid One Dollar. Grant Lands
Locating Co., Portland, Oregon.

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